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Let's play some tunes.
Post your requests for whatever it is you're looking for. Request media, pictures, songs, hard to find internet relics, etc. If you're looking for something, this is where we'll help each other find it.
I'll start
Post Ashley look alikes
You filled up thread #2 so much, it was totally full, uh-huh. So filled up. Here's thread #3 so you can fill it up to the brim again and again, baby. If you're a cute girl, you're allowed to derail this thread with selfies and/or call Ashley.
This is a lot like me and Ashley
Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
Tubsisters, I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously. I am now the head writer of the Tubgurl Monthly Column.

In this thread your posts may be addressed in future Tubgurl Monthly Columns.

Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
Ask for opinions on any topic (personal or opinions on anything)
Ask for advice on any situation or topic
Ask for feedback on something you've done or created

You are welcome to request certain characters to answer your questions or provide their opinion, advice, etc. For example, you can specify that a certain question is for Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, etc. and they will answer accordingly. Example: "Hey Ashley, what do you think about grapefruits? I'd also like to hear Barry's take on this."

New monthly columns will be linked in this thread when published on my website: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
THis iS thE oFFICIAL!!!! META for ASHLEY JONES> . Board.?! question mark ??

I could upload all these images directly onto my server, but I'm very lazy and this is just easier at my current mental state. I can SSH into my server in the terminal, I don't have to prove ANYTHING TO YOU!!111!!!!!111122133WCEWVDFVFDVFDBVB so dont YOU come for ME calling ME STUPID. I'm sorry baby... I wuv you ^_^' I get cranky since I'm malnourished since I'm vegan <3 EEEEEEEDVGAERBVREBE cum  yum yum

That being SAID... I will do as I PLEASE and UPLOAD IMAGES HERE SINCE IT'S TEEEECHNICALLLLALY MYYYY SERVER. Btw I only eat ethical protein sources like ethically sourced cum. In case you're curious, unethical sourced cum is cum from rape. Rape cum.
ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
Whether you're an artist with talent or a mere shartist, you don't have to have talent to post your art in this thread. As long as it's creative, you're welcome to post it here. It can be fan art or general art, as long as you tried.

Requests are also good.
It's time you fags learned how to dress.
Post Ashley clips or OC new or old
Has anyone here actually had sex? Getting molested or having sex with the family dog doesn't count.
Challenge mode: Visit a news website without your browser freezing and CPU starting a house fire.

Post news stories, discuss happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
Showing my recently acquired items from thrift stores. Also showcasing my highly recommended items from the Dollar (twenty five) Tree -- of course with a million tangents between talking about each item I show. Then I answer questions people asked me, and also talk about weird things I do.

Watch the video: https://videos.icum.to/w/4ZzwU5K2LBnU3eJ9tFHKJ6

Also I'm working on updating my website.
Ashley does asmr
Tubbies, it's time to confess your sins. Get it off your chest. You don't have to carry all that weight and responsibility behind you all by yourself. Where did you bury the body?
Third in a series of EROTIC TALES starring  the alluring and captivating world renowned comedienne, Ashley Jones.

Disclaimer: EROTIC TALES is a seperate entity and is not associated with JONES TOWN PRODUCTIONS or its affiliates.

                     --------- A FRUITFUL EXPERIENCE -----------

I arrived home, my partner and I have been working on finishing a basement. Customer wants a man cave. He said that it will be a good place to escape from his wife. He has some cool pin ball machines and neon bar memorabilia. As I was pulling into my driveway I glanced at the house next door to see if she was home but I couldn't tell for sure. Maybe she was at a garage sale or second hand store.

I put the coffee on and jumped in the shower. After the shower I was about to pour myself a cup of fresh made coffee when I heard a gentle unobtrusive knock on the door. I could tell by the polite knock that it was her. I opened the door and it was. Why does my heart BPM go from 45 to 90 whenever I first see her?  She stood there with a CO2 tank in one hand and a regulator and a clear plastic bag of fruit in the other hand. She said "HI" and I invited her in.

She said that she couldn't attach her tank to the regulator. I took a look and saw the problem. She needed a threaded reducer fitting. We went into the garage and rooted through my hardware drawer and found exactly what she needed. I sealed the threads with some teflon tape, installed the fitting and it was good to go. She thanked me and we went back into the house.

I asked her that as long as she was here would she like to stay for dinner. She said, "Seabee, you know I'm a vegan." I replied in the affirmative and told her that I downloaded a vegan recipe that I thought she might like and on the way home from work I stopped at the market and picked up the necessary ingredients. She seemed impressed with my thoughtfulness and asked about the recipe. I told her that it was vegan lasagna. She licked her sweet lips and asked if I would be eating the same. I told her that I had made a big pot of chilli. It would have been vegan except for the chop meat that I added.

I gave the Ash the downloaded recipe and got the ingredients from the fridge. She spread the ingredients on the kitchen counter and set the oven to pre heat it and I took some chill out of the big pot to heat up a little later. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat in the dining room to keep her company while she was prepping her lasagna in the kitchen.

She had her back to me. She was wearing black form fitting yoga pants, you know the kind. Ashley's cute round little butt looked incredible in those pants. She must have a 6th sense because she yelled out, "Seabee, are you looking at my butt?" Did she say it as if she wanted me to look at her butt or did she mean I was perving?  Whatever, I being the honest man that I am answered, "Why wouldn't I be looking at that butt?"

Ashley then asked me to put on some music. Both Ashley and I share an interest in 70s and 80s stuff and I knew exactly what to play. I slipped a CD into my 1989 Aiwa CD/Cassette player/recorder that I picked up cheap at a garage sale along with the speakers. Tavares started singing "Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel." once it started playing she started moving her hips and butt to the music. I wasn't sure if it was consciously a form of seduction on her part or an innocent appreciation of the music. Either way her moves were quite an improvement over her awkward though cute dance moves back in the day. She certainly has improved her moves judging by my sudden arousal.

She placed the prepped ingredients into a tin foil tray and put it in the pre heated oven. She made herself a carbonated drink with the juice of half a grapefruit. She asked if she could make me one  but I declined and told her that for whatever reason I just wasn't a fan of carbonation so I poured myself another cup of coffee. We enjoyed each other's company with small talk like the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, capitalism vs communism, Reptilians and Fallen Angels, stuff like that. We bantered back and forth disagreeing on some points, agreeing on others until the timer on the oven dinged notifying her that the vegan lasagna was ready.

I enjoyed watching her eat her meal, she really seemed to be enjoying it and it was kind of sensuous watching her eat.

After dinner we did the dishes and she asked me if I was ready for a fun evening. I told her that I would make the popcorn and she could select the movie. Ashley looked at me with incrudulity and just shook her head saying, "You're a cool guy, Seabee, but sometimes you can be so naive." She grabbed my hand and walked me to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom we began kissing, her warm probing tongue and saliva fulfilling my wildest expectations. She removed her South Park tee shirt revealing her small perfect breasts and little pink nipples and quarter size pink areolas. My penis began to tell me that this is starting to get serious real quick.

Ashley sat on the bed and removed her sexy ankle length boots and then stood up to remove her yoga pants. It was a case of cognitive dissonance on my part. She ws alluring in her black yoga pants and yet those sensuous white slender legs and thighs certainly were a treat beyond belief. The white legs and thighs won out in my mind and she removed the pants revealing panties with Garfield and Odie dancing around her breathtaking camel toe. One can only imagine what would be going on around that camel toe if she was wearing Top Cat panties. She removed her panties with complete abandon. Her cute little round butt cried out for adoration and I was there to oblige. I couldn't remove my jeans, shirt and boxer briefs fast enough denying her the pleasure of slowly disrobing me to her disappointment.

I laid on the bed and she laid on top of me, the warmth of her petite, soft, nude body was like the warmth of the sun on my chest. She had brought in the plastic bag of fruit like she had something already planned. She reached for the bag and removed a strawberry put it in her mouth and began chewing it. She opened my mouth witth one of her long slender fingers. Our faces were no more than a foot apart. She dribbled her cocktail of strawberry juice and saliva into my mouth. I felt the warmth of that Ashley cocktail coat my tongue and slide down my throat, it was so erotic. Honestly, if it was any other girl I would have been turned off but because it was Ashley I was hopelessly and completely turned on. She smiled at my acceptance of her cocktail as did I.

I couldn't resist and my hand slid between her round little butt cheeks passing her tight little pink butt hole on the way to and ending the journey at her hot little vulva which by now was soaking wet.

I rolled over so that Ashley was now on the bottom. I reached in her bag of fruit andd pulled out another strawberry. I rubbed it on her pink little nipple. I squeezed the juice of the strawberry onto that pink and perfect waiting nipple and then began to slowly lick it, strawberry juice never tasted better. The more I licked the more she moaned and the more her little nipple began to rise from her pink aeriola. I begn to suck her pink perfection and flick it with my tongue. Ashley's nipple was now turgid and as hard as a 16 penny nail. She continued moaning uncontrollably while all the time I was massaging her other nipple with my thumb so as not to create envy between her two nipples.

I had a desire to continue my journey southward and traversed her soft flat little tummy and finding her little innie I began to lick it, Ashley giggled and said that it tickled. I continued my journey following what she once called her "Happy Trail" and ended at her perfect clitoris, not too big, not too small, just right. I began licking and loving it and my tongue could feel it pulsate as she continued her soft melodic moans. I inserted my tongue into her now hot wet snug void and her moans became louder. I began to realize that little void would soon be demanding something a bit larger than my tongue and I began a northward journey.

I again began pleasuring that still turgid pink nipple. Her entire body started to tense and became as hard as a steel rod. She wrapped her long slender legs around me almost squeezing the breath out of me. I was astonished how much strength that petite body could muster. Her fingers began digging into my back and shoulder blades and her eyes began rolling back into her head. Her hot and heavy breathing told me she was ready and I certainly was.

She was so wet that it was an easy chore to enter her snug void. I can only analogize entering her as a religious experience. At that moment she was my Joan of Arc and I was her Gilles de Rais. She continued with her sighs and murmurs and her petite body began to undulate to my motions and we became one. She emitted a gutteral tone and raised her little butt slightly off the bed which allowed me a bit more penetration. That was it, game, set, match. It was a mutual orgasmic explosion with my seed filling that snug little void housed between those amazing slender thighs. 


After we caught our breath we sat up in bed looking adoringly at each other. Her cute face was so flushed from her experience as I guess mine was also. I asked if she had to go home now. She tilted her head sideways and slightly upward and raising her eyes upward also (one of the many mannerisms that always seemed to captivate me) and seemed to think for a few seconds. She turned back to me kissing me gently on the cheek and looking at me with those hazel green eyes that seemed to speak a language all their own yet able to be undestood, those eyes that were able to peer into one's very soul and said, "But I am home, Seabee, I am home.
Discuss anything out of this world - paranormal, spooky, conspiracy, alternative. Do you have any spooky stories?
A thread dedicated to those who enjoy any literary works ranging from various genres and categories can be posted and discussed here.
Ashley should go on fishtanklive
This is the technology discussion thread. Talk about anything tech here. You are also welcome to ask questions or request advice and some of the nerdy niggas on the board will surely arrive to help you. Possible topics: general computing, linux, digital privacy, technology repair, AI, revenge porn, programming, web development, and so on.

If you are one of the several normies on this board who unironically love Facebook and Discord, this thread isn't for you. You have your own thread here >>30052.
Here is the void. The void is lacking any intelligent thought, life, or creativity. It waits now, at the corner of the sidewalk for the bus. Except the bus came and left without it. Now here it stands, alone, on this very board, in this very thread, staring at you and me, but never truly seeing anything.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
Post your favorite nature being, plants, animals, bugs, dinos, anything. Its pretty dead here.
Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
Poas horses
This board is very interesting to me.

Filth, degeneracy and completely unfiltered thoughts rallied around a 20-something internet mind-poisoned zillennial.

How did you find this place? What keeps you here? And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?

I am deeply curious, and after having to scroll through the entirety of this board to find the most relevant thread to post this due to new thread creation being locked, I am even more keenly aware of the inane nature of this place.

Please reply to this thread with your answers, thank you.
This thread is to discuss Ashley's website, https://icum.to/

As you're no doubt aware, you can spend hours reading and exploring her html/css rat's nest. Talk about your findings, discuss Ashley's written content, and share the bizarre easter eggs you've come across (there are several).
We all knew the day would come, but none of us were ready for it. Seabee is dead. ITT we're at his funeral, tubsisters. Press F to pay respects.
1. Go to https://r.sine.com/index
2. F5 until you find something good
3. Post it

Alternative random image sites:
Post, discuss hot males, your type
Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
Welcome to the /ashleyj/ hypotheticals and "Would You Rather" (WYR) game thread.

ITT we'll pose and answer hypothetical questions. You are welcome to pose a scenario and/or answer those posted by other Tubbies.

You know how these go: "If you HAD to choose, would you rather have 1 billion dollars or the ability to become invisible whenever you wanted?"

That's just an example. Scenarios do not have to posed in the "Would You Rather" format. You can simply describe a situation and ask what people would do. Your scenarios can be funny, serious, sexual, disgusting, or whatever you want.

The only "rule" is that, while answering, you must answer the hypothetical as posed. "I'd rather DIE than choose between sucking the dick of either William Shatner or Richard Simmons" is not an acceptable answer; it's just a game and answers like this only serve to spoil the fun. (Besides, in reality, most people would, in fact, rather suck the cock of an effeminate fitness guru than be slowly tortured to death.) You're also encouraged but not required to explain the logic behind your answers in detail.

In the following posts, I'll present a few starter scenarios. Enjoy!
ITT we gripe about regrets we have.

>I will never date a 12 year old Ashley
Picrel is my suggestion if she ever did a clothing try on video
Hey guys, I am the ##Board Owner. AMA (ask me anything) ITT (in this thread).
Lets play, my fwends. Whoever wins gets a big horse dildo as a prize.
Hoping to chat online with other gaymer men.

Discuss games you're playing, games that you want to try, ask for opinions on games, mods, etc.
Let us know and join in for a friendly discussion.
Ashley is aspiring to make an NES game in assembly (probably not soon but eventually):
What are your opinions and ideas? Is there anyone with NES programming experience?
Having spent an hour or two studying NES dev wiki it seems like a challenge, not really because of 6502 assembly but rather because of the PPU, having to manage the timings of vblanks, transferring the data to VRAM in peculiar formats and so on, even reading buttons is quite tricky. Assuming an extremely simple one screen minigame, do you guys think it's doable?
Sandwich angst. What more is there to say?

>Pic related is Mackenzie Phillips (left), daughter of John Phillips (right) from the band The Mamas & The Papas. She had a consensual incestuous relationship with her father in her adulthood. Her Papa was gonna make her a mama.
We couldn't decide which version you'd like best, so were posting both!


We mean it Ash, STAY OUT.
Hello Tubgurl. You are invited to watch movies on the annal Endchan Christmas cytube marathon. Sorry for bad english I am from Hungry. Ashley is so funny and talented and smart. https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
hello ashley jones, why are you such a cutie?
merry christmas horsefuckers
What happens when you call Ashley. Does she talk dirty? I don't want her to leave dirty messages on my answering machine.
So there are a lot of men in western culture who are having no fun, and through some fault of their own have become neurotic shut-ins when they have the talent to do great things. They are raised to pursue women as the grand prize, and everywhere like a carnival game they see people try and fail to keep the prize.

As a hypothetical, if there were more women per man would that push back the gender war to the least functional fringes of the population? Would young men revert to a healthy mindset when a below-average guy with a decent job can get a below-average girlfriend? Would they just become vindictive cum merchants? Would women adjust their behaviors to the new situation, or would lifestyle inflation fail to ratchet down? Would this soothe gender ideology, or just throw kindling on the fire in the form of female angst?
I need medical advice and some of you guys probably need advice too.

There are small black spots between some of my teeth. It almost looks like when you have a small piece of pepper stuck between your teeth. I've tried brushing a lot and flossing, nothing is happening. I thought it was something stuck to the teeth, but the more I mess with it I'm starting to think it's on the gums. No matter what I do it won't leave. I'm not going to the dentist because they're going to inject me with fluoride and probably circumcise me while they're at it. What do?
my parents are forcing me to get a job, anyone knows any small disability that's good enough to never work again ? the matrix is attacking me i just wanna watch movies :(
This is a technology thread for all you nerdy niggas out there. Windows users and phone users are not allowed, you niggas post in the gay thread >>10719
does anyone have that photo of ashley in the santa hat
I've been getting majorly prepared for livestreaming. The thing is, I don't necessarily look at it as a traditional modern livestream. I'm going to have my livestream be like a classic 90's public access show.

You guys will get to interact with me, the shows will involve a lot more than me just sitting and talking about the chat. I'm going to plan things out and execute them like it's an actual pubic access show. 

Soon I'm going to need help testing livestreaming to make sure it all works fine. I may do a few 5-10 minute tests in the near future, some of you guys can join me and let me know how the quality is.

That being said, I'll post my ideas and get your feedback in this thread.
I'm doing free Cameos to those who are worthy. Sometimes
Post what you're resentful or hateful about, friends. Also Thanksgiving food thread, which if we're being honest, is the only part that anyone gives a shit about.

I'm resentful that people still celebrate a dumb holiday based around grotesque lies. If the pilgrims and the injuns were such great pals, how come all those smelly Europeans ended up killing them all?

I'm also resentful about the last time I was at an Indian casino and got completely fucked. I wish the pilgrims could come back and finish the job starting with Chief Runs-With-My-Money at that neon hellhole.

I do look forward to making my signature homemade skin-on garlic mashed potatoes, though.
>Youtube "comedian"
>800,000 subscribers
>Ashley gets like 500 views per video
There's something wrong with this world
We're taking a look at the true crime story of Chester. How has one seemingly normal and caring man betrayed the trust of everyone, including the Minnetonka Police Department? Find out as I unravel Chester's lies.

Racism is bad. Sexism is bad. Homophobia is bad. I detest all forms of bigotry. I read Karl Popper and John Rawls, and I agree with them.

In all earnestness, if it's over then politeness becomes the only proper modus vivendi,
and the is manifested as the liberal values documented above. There is nothing left apart from stoic, cultured self-aufhebung. Life is a mistake and, as Schopenhauer said, a prison; to properly adjust one's expectations, one must treat it as such.
Fascinating that this exists again. How is everyone? Tell us a bit about what happened to you guys these past years.

I started reading the quran recently, great topic of conversation with taxi drivers. Also, I gained and lost a really great girlfriend, got a pretty cool job and am slowly turning into a workaholic.
Hello from 🇷🇺
FAGMAN lovers, unite!

Do you thank Mark Zuckerberg every day that he has listened to your conversation with your neighbor and is now serving you up personalized ads for diabetic socks? Thanks, Mark! Does the thought of privacy scare you? Is installing a new secure app on your touch phone difficult?

You're not alone. Most people on /ashleyj/ relate to exactly how you're feeling. In this thread we discuss our distaste for privacy and how corporate and government big brother spying overreach is actually really wholesome!
                    COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN

So what do you boys make of this latest bit of degeneracy that's been making the rounds?

Personally, I wish more people would follow rule #1 IRL.

>Photos and videos out of a Canadian High School are going viral as they show a male teacher wearing what appears to be large, prosthetic breasts in full view of young students.

>Shocking media first began to circulate on Twitter earlier this week, with multiple accounts sharing a mobile phone video and stills of a shop teacher demonstrating how to use a circular saw.

>The teacher is seen wearing an extremely prominent prosthetic bust, one which clearly outlines the nipples through his tight shirt. He is also donning a bright blonde wig and short-shorts.

Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
political ideology:
favorite slur:
looking for what/who:
where ur from:
any socials u want:
I interviewed Styx for real, but his original answers were totally unamusing to me. So I completely altered my questions afterwards and took his statements completely out of context. This is the result.

My name is coach sanjay and this is my first thread showing appreciate for judeo indian relation.

Only real females can post in this thread!
any other spacehey users?
cool privacy respecting myspace clone
In this thread we roleplay as the character in our flag.

All out of character discussion must be tagged with /OOC at the end of the post
NO OOC posts allowed in this thread.
Use of creativity via audio, images, drawings, etc. in your post encouraged but not strictly required.
Violence is permitted, but defensive items must be obtained in game.
Good evening folks, can any of y'all recommend a store to buy Ivermectin online without prescription? My poor horses are very ill God Bless Them
Welcome to /x/ - x-lax. This is not a thread for the faint of shart. We hope you enjoy your descent into the depths of madness. Whatever you do... don't shit your pants.
I've received multiple complaints about the board degrading in quality. The complaints all said for the past 3-4 months the board has suddenly changed and is gay. I completely agree. The complaints are about the following:

1. Posts being responded to with overt negativity, shutting down conversation. E.g. "I'm better than you, nobody cares about you, you're wrong and I'm better than you, etc."
It's fine to have a disagreement, but continually shutting down every post with machismo and statements about how you're better than everyone to the point where it's complained about by multiple people is too much, so those posts will be deleted. Discussion is fine, banter is fine, but constant meaningless ego stroking on an anonymous image board is retarded.

2. Porn/Simping
I've recently cleaned up the meaningless porn spam, generally don't post porn unless it's funny. Don't go overboard with this. This is a discussion board, not a porn board. Almost every other website has porn on it, go to those websites if you want it. Porn and simping have really ramped up here for some reason, and it's a very very small pool of people who care about it, everyone else thinks its SIMPly gay.

3. Excessive random links
If you're new here, understand that you must discuss something. Posting a bunch of links with little to no context isn't really how things are done. Post context/discussion with your link to allow for further discussion. The music thread is an exception.

I don't really like moderating but multiple people (including me) think the board is gay now and haven't really used it for a few months. The board has slowed down (even more) due to those above reasons. Therefore the above will be deleted to get the board back to how it used to be pre-aggressive simp era.

Reminder, this board can and should be used for all kinds of discussions, not just discussions about me. There are general threads for just about any topic you could want to discuss, so use them. Ultimately I would like to see this board become a fun place for people to have interesting, long-form discussions about the things things they find interesting, such as technology, entertainment, music, making confessions, discussing their dreams, and so on.
Rose and Ashley go together like peanut butter and jelly
On this day, the Day of the Dead, we pay tribute to all those who have died for his daughter's hand and honor the man, the myth and son of the Legend, Rey Mysterio! May Mary once again feel this scorpio's sting.

Press F to pay respects.
guys I think it's time we revaluated our strategy... maybe it's time we start negging ashely
We don't have to imagine what Ashley's legs look like, just see those beauties in Derricks Birthday video. But what about her breasts? Post a pic of what you imagine her breasts look like. Keep in mind that the Ash is no stranger to the occasional padding to achieve a dramatic effect. So post what you imagine her breasts to be au naturel. Here's my entry. And Ash, if you like you can select the winner.
Post your custom banners and I will upload them (if they are good enough) to this board. They must be this size: 466 width x 190 height
This is a spoonfeeding and containment thread for newfags who most likely post with a name and make a new thread asking
>zomg IS this A JOKE???!!!
>wtf is this even real
All good things must come to an end
They're making new distractions every day. Left wing, right wing, sex swing. It's all gay.

Post news stories, happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
I sent my dad one of your videos because I thought it was funny and he told me he called you and you two talked about old TVs and making videos for an hour last night. 
Is my dad just trolling me?
Your post is unworthy of going in any other thread. Thus, it is now going into Derrick's tiny little mouth, where he will run his soft tongue over it before chewing it up and swallowing it. Your post will land in his dark, warm little tummy, before being extracted of its nutrients and turned into waste. Derrick will then shit out your post from his brown little butthole. This thread is where it lands.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
I show you how to make an old analog phone (and answering machine) work with no landline - just a VoIP.
Written tutorial: https://icum.to/how-to-make-vintage-analog-phone-work-with-voip-on-computer/

 Also, I added a number of things to my website: https://icum.to/horsecock/ 

If you have questions about setting up your analog VoIP phone, ask in this thread and I will answer.
Please also discuss my website changes, I worked two whole days on it.
Post Ashley look alikes
Discussions of movies and TV shows shall be posted here. Anyone hosting streams can share their link here also.
Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
Here's my cathode ray tube catheter gay dude. Filmed on an equipment older than almost everyone here. Nostalgia and vintage tech discussion can take place in this thread, too.

Here's my review of these Little Caesars cheese sticks that I became addicted to and keep making myself sick on. Also talking about being in the 9th grade.

We need to talk about incest. What happened to me is not okay.

I hate carpet so much it's unreal. It is the most repugnant style of interior flooring possibly imaginable.

Carpet is a cesspool of dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and other assorted filth. Spilled a drink once? Enjoy your mold colony. Fleas and other insects absolutely thrive in carpets. They're essentially impossible to ever get truly clean, and even if you could, it wouldn't matter because they'd be disgusting again in a matter of days.

If you have carpet in your living space, you're a fucking retard. I'm not talking about someone renting a place that happens to have carpet, you gotta live somewhere. I'm talking about the absolute brainlet mongoloid that chooses to put carpeting into their house. "Hey, let's walk around barefoot with the absorbent soles of our feet pressed against some synthetic plastic like nylon or polypropylene that has a bunch of our own skin flakes, dead insects, and dirt mashed into it! That sounds like a great idea, far superior to wood or tile!"

Fuck carpet and fuck you if you like it.
When Barry finds himself with no more income source, he has to find a solution – and fast. Luckily, he knows just the guy to help him make some quick cash. Will things go perfectly as planned?

While I am online, I like to take the chance to detox with some good internet radio. 

Do you know any good radio sites? To start the ball rolling, here is a station I enjoy: Speak Free Radio


You can go into e.g. VLC and put the following link there:

Media-->Open Network Stream-->Network:  https://stream.speakfreeradio.com/listen/sfr_stream/radio.aac48

There are some great shows on there. Here is one on right now, archived on LBRY. It is about South Africa and is fascinating:

Pour yourself a cold drink, sit in front of a fan, and relax. It's summertime. Discuss what you're doing this time of year, what you like, what you loathe, etc.
Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
I wonder what she does for money. What do you anons do to earn money?
mkY sson snt ,e this Website and it looks rellay funny, I dnt know who or what an Ashley Jones is but she looks Like one of those Tik ok stars that work for China. I donr like china because they spye on us through our telephones and coffee makers, fox news told me that. I dont undertand why Joe Byden doesnt stop them isnt he the president I bet he hates american FJB LETS GO BRAN BAN. anywas what is this site, it looks like something that will giv my computer laptop a virus? is it a wafe web site to be. tell me plz.  ok, well, the wife wants me to Watch jeff dunham with her...hes hilarious. ok...maybe ill be back

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