/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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We all knew the day would come, but none of us were ready for it. Seabee is dead. ITT we're at his funeral, tubsisters. Press F to pay respects.
RIP. I always enjoyed his erotic fanfictions where he wrote in detail about Ashley's "tiny pink nipples" and his surprising knowledge of vintage automobiles. TYFYS.
I will miss his hilarious photo edits of Ashley and pugs he found on Google images.

F in peace "Heh, heh"
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Thank You For Your Funeral Service
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Don't make Seabee's mistake kids. 
Don't follow orders your whole life, think for yourself.

Replies: >>32458
Damn I really thought this thread would get him to post :'(

goodnight sweet prince
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Antz was one of the first movies I saw in theaters as a kid.

Anyways, I'm curious about Seabee's sudden absence from this board. I would imagine Ashley has his contact info, perhaps she can do some digging and confirm whether or not he's actually dead. It just seems pretty sus that somebody who posted on /ashleyj/ for so many years, even during Ashley's hiatus, would drop out suddenly with no explanation.
Replies: >>32463
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yes. Seabee was the most fanatical of this chan. perhaps he is on the front lines fighting heroically (with a computer) and that is why he cannot be here. I hope something bad doesn't happen to him. How long has he been missing from this place? I didn't get here for some time....
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I'm not dead heh heh. The ash doesn't appeal to me anymore. I visit /ashleyj/ once a month but it's not the same. Ash doesn't look young enough anymore and I decided to take the plunge into something I like more. Flatter chests, shorter hair, long slender legs... real little 12 year old boys. I can't stop thinking about all those years I spent in catholic school. The locker room is my most treasured memory, even more treasured than my purple heart badge. Count this as a so long. I'm a gay pedophile now. Goodbye and thank you for all the years ash and gang. HOORAH!
Replies: >>32470 >>32598
Your post was believable until you said this.
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That's not me. Sorry I have been away without leave (AWOL). I've just been very busy with work is all. Thank you, everyone for your concern. I attempted to visit the other day but for some reason my browser couldn't seem to find the webpage.
I spent all that time searching through obituaries and sex offender registries of former Seabees for nothing...
This guy isn't Seabee. This guy is Seabee >>32468
How many acronyms must you know in the military? I knew a guy who served in the service and he would tell me stories with 20-something different acronyms and I wouldn't know what the hell he was talking about. I sometimes wonder if there are any vets who look like a total badass and have cool looking scars and tattoos on their body but all they ever did was lounge around at base cooking meals or filing papers at their desk.
Replies: >>32628
That’s because the ones who saw actual combat, are either dead, disabled or have gone wacko or don’t talk about the shit they saw. Who you’ve spoken to were pencil pushers who were miles away from combat zones and are basically bullshit artists with tall tales.
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Jim = Seabee

Replies: >>32947
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