/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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They're making new distractions every day. Left wing, right wing, sex swing. It's all gay.

Post news stories, happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
Replies: >>21518 >>26524
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Replies: >>6640
Send them to china!
Replies: >>6641
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>china bad :(
>america good :)
Replies: >>6674
here let me fix that link for you: https://nitter.dark.fail/NYPDTips/status/1643490081531912194
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you would have to be actually retarded to drive one of these
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Replies: >>7046
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do discord fags really? literally dozens of options for encrypted communications.
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A drug dealer from Nizhny Tagil hid drugs in cat clothes. Or rather, she dressed her cat under the baby and pretended to be walking with a child. In the fur bundle, where the cat was lying, there was a large batch of mephedrone, which she tried to take home for subsequent packaging.
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>The talkshow host Jerry Springer, a former mayor of Cincinnati whose work was vastly influential in daytime TV worldwide, has died. He was 79.

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Graphic af video of the Brownsville SUV ramming that killed a bunch of Venezuelans in Texas...

(EXCLUSIVE ASHLEY EDIT: Pls spoiler gore and mention in your post that the spoiler is gore (which you did), because most people here visit /ashleyj/ on their mom's computers or sister's school laptops which they're using solely to install spyware on.)
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Replies: >>8088 >>8098
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Spoirer that shit desu!!! thisu notto /por/!!! (◣_◢)

Escape the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SCANDAL - Harukaze
<Rink: https://invidious.sethforprivacy.com/watch?v=id7O6MGqT2I 🎵🕺
>Location: Long Island, Bahamas 🌏✈️
What were Venezuelans doing in Texas?
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"There once was a man from Nantucket."
Channel 69 will be bringing you more details from this story as it develops.
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New Indiana Jones game in the making. And apparently it's for the XBOX.
Replies: >>17471 >>17474
Derrick why did you bump an old thread? We have a gaming thread already, Derrick. Mommy knew she made a retard.
Replies: >>17472
Get off the internet!
It's enough that kids at school keep showing me the vids you do on Onlyfans. Like I don't have enough of your shit at home!
Im fat, gay and a stupid retard
I'm excited for it.
Law banning plastic bags in blue state backfires as plastic consumption skyrockets

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United States Capital Police say they will not charge anyone in the sex video incident in a Senate hearing room.

Why would they charge anyone? It's longstanding policy for members of the government to f*** Americans.

Captcha: lv4lv5
Replies: >>18171 >>18179
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>It's longstanding policy for members of the government to f*** Americans
Replies: >>18179
I also thought this joke was hilarious when Ashley made it in her awards show video a month ago
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Replies: >>18584
Huh how weird, almost like there's nothing to read... Any other guys feel the weird urge to have sex with their sisters?
Replies: >>18585
Here it is my little hobbit. :)
Replies: >>18586
Replies: >>18587
Happy now? Ash the Fash?

No message or files.

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The Daily Tub news format for anyone interest to post tub news, satire or world news.
Replies: >>18733
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nobody cares fag
Replies: >>18679
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I prefer my version
Replies: >>18733 >>18680
Heh. I'm clearly pissed about it.
Why don't you fuck my ass, please sir?
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Replies: >>18686
I forgot to add gay porn enthusiast. Sorry for the sloppy job. Next time I'll do you dirtier.
I was following the confessions thread and I'm pretty sure she just edited posts that were originally telling the guy who claimed he was going to have sex with his sister to be a good christian boy and that he would regret it. I take it you're one of those moralfags. Anyway she made the posts appear to be in favor of the guy banging his sister instead. Pretty funny desu.

I think you're just butthurt because you don't know how to have fun on the internet. If you actually think ashley censors on here you're wrong (as can be confirmed by the mod log). For gods sake when the board gets spammed she makes a joke about it (see horselovers). Tbh Ashley is a pretty based image board admin because on a lot of other smaller boards like this they act like complete rules nazis for the 4 people that use their gay site.

tl;dr you're a boring normie moralfag
Replies: >>18688
KEK just noticed this. based ashley abusing her power
She's abusing her admin privileges.
And censoring speech.
That ain't cool.
That guy wanting to bang his sister could've ruined his own life and his sister's.
Replies: >>18689 >>18693
Replies: >>18690
Why don't you go fuck your sister, coolfag?
Replies: >>18691
Great idea
Replies: >>18692
Go get some sleep, shorty.
You're gonna need it.
>She's abusing her admin privileges.
Not really as I already explained...
>And censoring speech.
You melodramatic woman, in context it's obviously a joke. You say "please oh no don't have sex with your sister, that's not good :( :(" and she changes it to sound positive. Sorry but to anyone with a sense of humor that shit's funny
>That ain't cool.
go back to reddit
>That guy wanting to bang his sister could've ruined his own life and his sister's.
God I hate you people. if someone on the internet is like "hey I want to bang my sister" the natural reaction should be to encourage them because it's FUCKING FUNNY. it was all a larp anyways so don't worry no sins were committed OK cupcake?
Replies: >>18694
Nah, I just found that shit funny and thought I could troll along the way. Hence the news. I really enjoyed this schtick.
Replies: >>18695
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>backpedaling now that everyone's shitting on you for being a humorless crybaby
wew lad
Replies: >>18697
I admit I wasn't eager about the incest. But when I saw how my message had been altered I thought I'd fuck about with it.
i dont have anything interesting to say but I think this is really funny and a fun idea.
good shit
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Replies: >>18785 >>18788
I appreciate the commitment and dedication to the bit but maybe you should stop before you truly humiliate yourself.
Replies: >>18794
is that a tuxedo you put on that penis?

I refuse to believe the photo of anons sister is that YouTuber
Replies: >>18794
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If you think so this will be the last issue, anon.
>is that a tuxedo you put on that penis?
On the other matter, they all look the same to me.


Don't forget to show a little gratitude for what Ashley does here you niggardly SOBs.
Buy her a giftcard or send her some dinero through monero.
Replies: >>18795 >>18797
OR you could quit bein a lil bitch ass hoe and ignore the no fun allowed shitposter and continue to make these for those of us, like me who enjoy reading them but may not drop a reply.

Did the board really go down (again)?
was Ashley in a cheese coma and forget to pay the bill (again)?
will I ever have sex?
Replies: >>18799
This board is like one of 3 non porn sites that gives me pleasure and I don't want to see it go down. I also don't want to give money to people "especially women" online as this would me come off as a simp and would make me a hypocrite as I laugh at simps. I'll have to to think about it...
Replies: >>18799 >>18801
>Did the board really go down (again)?
Well it was after midnight (ET) when I checked and realized it was a host error. It came back about 5 hrs ago.
>was Ashley in a cheese coma and forget to pay the bill (again)?
I think she might’ve passed out from jilling off too much to the thought of the Duke nuking her in her Bikini Atoll 
>will I ever have sex?
Have hope, anon. I’m not a virgin anymore.

Showing appreciation to a cool cat like Ashley who makes edgy content to amuse us isn’t simping. It’s simping if you overthink it obsessively.
Replies: >>18800
giving attention to female is simping
Replies: >>18801
Good thing Ashley is actually a man
Replies: >>18802
Well...if that's the case then I'll do it.
Replies: >>18803
That's what I said when I found out she was a man as well!!!
Replies: >>18804
I want her to rub that girl dick on my lips and then put it up my boy pussy or as some people call it “bussy”.
Replies: >>18805
that's kinda gay derrick
Replies: >>18806
What? No!
I’m like super straight, dude.
I play Doom and I French kiss my mom all the time.
So it’s totally not gay.
Replies: >>18807 >>18810
Replies: >>18809
That’s it!
I’m calling CPS!
Oh wait, who’s gonna pay for the groceries?
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>implying ashley would have paid it anyway
It's crazy how when you stop caring and stop complying, these things just don't affect you anymore
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Heres how ashley plays with her pugs
Replies: >>18929 >>18947
Is that one of the ones that makes sound? requesting that webm of the girl with the bicycle horn in her ass that gets honked as she's being banged by multiple dudes
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Replies: >>18981
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>tell me again why you need that

I'll tell it to the guy who's coming at me with a machete
And after he's on the ground I'll remind him to never bring a knife to a gunfight.
Replies: >>18939
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based seabee (tyfys)
I didn't know she liked to play Angry Birds?
Breakfast at Tyffany’s?
More like Breakfast in your Fanny.
Has anyone ever put her feet on those foot rating sites. I'm just curious what legitimate foot fags think of them.
All we have are candid feet shots, not a purposeful foot pic. The candids look as good as a candid can, her rating wont be high. If she can provide us with a nice foot pic and paired with my GIMP skills, we can probably get her to at least a -3.
kek do it. I was unaware sites like that existed. Are they like hot or not, but for feet? Like hot or sock? That doesn't really rhyme, someone come up with a better pun
Replies: >>18987
sexy or textile
Forget about feet ratings. We need to stick her toilet snake on ratemypoo.
Replies: >>19060
Can you also submit a picture of yourself? Because what makes it so impressive is that it came out of such a tiny little body
Replies: >>19066
I like to imagine the Ash was poop pregnant.
you know how women grow babies inside them after the man pees inside the woman and the womans stomach inflates and then later on the baby cums out and the womans stomach deflates 
well its a bit like that but replace the baby with poo

its not a inflation or a scat fetish thing either just to be clear
There's women who sell their literal shit online and it seems to be quite lucrative for them. Perhaps Ashley should consider doing this to keep the site running. It doesn't even to come from her she could just collect some from a public toilet or the street and say it is and people would eat it up. Literally.
Replies: >>19072
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>Burgerking fast food deal
>Baby those farts are made of steeeel

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Twomad has passed away.

Police suspect he died of an overdose.
How typical.
I’ve never heard of them die of old age or suicide due to depression. It’s always F-d up death or violent death.
I’ll write him a nice obituary today.
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literally who?
Replies: >>19394
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I know what FDA stands for: Fucking Dumbasses
Never heard of him. He shouldn't have been resisting.
When I first saw that I got confused and thought for a moment it was Mad Thad who Ashley recently collaborated with and I was like holy shit wtf!
took me a minute to realize that it was a different guy

I got confused because they both have the word Mad in their names 
Thats all, nothing more.
I found his content to be funny sometimes, until I saw a clip of him genuinely raging over a guy not wearing a mask in public and making it go viral. That's the moment I lost all respect for this faggot. Death cums for all and all cum for death. Goodbye sometimes funny internet person.
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stuck on 7 down and 12 across...
Replies: >>19670 >>19673
wait wait nvm I fucked up
Replies: >>19672 >>19673
now i just need 7 down, any clues from anyone?
Replies: >>19673
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Replies: >>19704
Teens tossed from Boston Sephora after being accused of using makeup for blackface

Replies: >>19677
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I'd like to toss teens onto my black face
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firstly, an ashleyj based crossword is a great idea
secondly, I have the IQ of a 12 year old as this is what I got to before i got stuck (ᅲ﹏ᅲ )
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i dont care about her, but ive been thinking a lot recently about the porn star that committed suicide by blowing her head off with a shotgun.
Ive been thinking about what it would be like to be in that state of mind, to be soo fucked in the head, so down that you not only want to end your life, you do it in an such an incredibility violent manner.
what it must take to be able to pull that trigger and follow thru on those thoughts
That's not the first shot she's taken in her mouth.

I think it's because the hatred they feel for themselves is greater than the constant pain they feel.
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It’s a demanding job and harsh. Men do all the work and get half the pay. And women get fucked physically and mentally.
Did she mistake the gun for a penis?
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Reminded me of Phil Spector who shot a woman in the mouth in his mansion who wouldn’t sleep with him. Phil claimed she wanted to commit suicide but no one bought his bullshit.
weird that there's no blood on that white chair or really anywhere else but her. Shooting someone in the mouth is messy. Did he move her body to the chair or something?
Replies: >>19910
damn the photographer really had to go for the subtle underskirt view on the second shot huh

did he want to shoot a photo or did he want to shoot a load? there's a lot of shootinmg going on here, it's getting confusing
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It was a .38 so I assume the bullet wasn’t powerful enough for an exit wound and apparently the bullet made contact with the teeth as well.
This wasn’t the first time Spector had forced women to sleep with him while being intimidating them with a gun.
This makes more sense since females never kill themselves.
Replies: >>19912
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That’s where you’re wrong
I will miss this retarded nigga  :(
Replies: >>19920
I don't want to see it as I'm not an edgelord looking for gore, but I do find myself curious to know if the footage exists anywhere. It should if it was being broadcast live, although VCRs weren't really common in the average home until like the 80s though I think, so maybe not?
Replies: >>19922 >>19924
That's what my parents said the first time I ever ran away from home. I was 23
It is lost media, will never be released. But the audio is on youtube.
Weird, I was going to post this story.
Replies: >>19924
There are no copies available. I’ve asked older friends who used to visit video black markets for these sorts of things.
Great minds think alike, eh?
If you both A. work in media in front of the camera and B. have suicidal tendencies, the temptation to blow your brains out on live television would be pretty tempting ngl
Replies: >>19937
>14 hours
Imagine the regret. Fuck
Replies: >>19937
you are now unfortunately aware that Michael C. Hall has a band

was she even conscious?
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who else remembers him, i wonder how many kids got traumatized.
This dude was only 47 years old. That's a rough 47.
Replies: >>19952
The footage is not destroyed, there's a copy being held in a law firm and another copy floating around somewhere, because a few years ago a "private collector" released audio of this news cast.

who is that?
Replies: >>19953 >>19954
Forgot his name but he worked as the head president of the US plumbing association, a government agency that regulates the plumbing industry. He was caught doing a lot of shady shit, like passing cruel laws that resulted in people's toilets/pipes unrepairable for months at a time - basically over regulating. After he faced a number of lawsuits people had died from constipation and families were suing him he killed himself at a proceeding hearing live on C-SPAN.
Budd Dwyer
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                                          ------ THE SCIENCE TIMES-------

                                               Do short people live longer
                                           The impact of height on lifespan    
                                                                              Caleb White Aug 10 2023

Your height has an impact on your lifespan. Some claim that short people live longer and it seems to be the case.
  A 2003 study published in Elsevier discovered a negative link between increased height and longevity based on data from millions of deaths.
  The lifespan of shorter people appears to be longer than their taller counterparts according to the study's findings which also revealed that shorter bodies have lower death rates and fewer diet related chronic diseases especially past middle age.

  According to expert demographer Jean-Marie Roline shorter people live longer due to the biological fact that taller people require more cell replications to fill their bodies which can cause them to become more physically exhausted more quickly.
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Replies: >>20266 >>20267
Really gay and insensitive, youtube niggas need to be put into labor camps, they wont need to worry about muh heckin ads muh demonetization muh censorship, youtube is gay and retarded. Also whos life was ruined bc they didnt get their 5 cents from ads? This nigga is a retard. the smugness masked as "its just karma bro" is fag behavior. She might be a lizard but i really dont like when people are like this fag.
I can't feel too bad for a rich lizard who's spoiled college kid liked partying with drugs too much and accidentally killed himself. I wouldn't call it karma but I do see the irony. Susan is kind of hot in an untraditional butch lesbian way.
Funny how nobody mentioned the guy that set himself on fire for palestine (eh it is old news now anyways) i cant wait to see the jokes ashley will make about it on tosh hoe 2024
Replies: >>20657 >>20659
If it’d been some lama priest it’d been a tragedy.
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may xe Rest in Power
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Imagine setting yourself on fire cause you think people aren't talking about the war that everyone is talking about.

Also imagine being on the side that is supported by the UN.
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Racial miscegenation is vigorously promoted.
Replies: >>20662 >>20667
Awww imagine all the beautiful mixed bipoc babies they will have, warms my heart
I love racial miscegenation. White people are finally showing where they stand. The cards are being dealt for a very exciting demographic playing field. I know for many years people on the internet have been bullish on BMWF because of porn, but I think that now is the age of the Chicano. White-Latino and Black-Latino mixtures will comprise a significant chunk of the lower and upper sections of the lower classes in days to come - significantly more than Mulattoes, I might add. Blacks finally have another impoverished minority that is in plenitude within urban areas and has the same level of sociosexuality and promiscuity. I'm very bullish on the up and up of Black-Latino mixtures as a result. White-Asians will enjoy their current status of being generally wealthy and very stable, meanwhile most normalfag white girls go for hicks or sportbro white guys.
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Replies: >>20775 >>20949
More like Pooper Jewsday.
Anyways. I voted for my man Dean Philips. I bet trump and biden are gonna shit themselves when they lose to him.
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idk what a super Tuesday is but what I do know is that im the dumbest person on this board
Replies: >>20950
spelling is important, especially with crossword puzzles
Replies: >>20952
what did i misspell?
Social media demographics 

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praying for you nigga
Didn't the rothchild lizardman die? How come non of you posted about it? I thought you guys would be all over it here
Replies: >>21471
yes >>20345, i posted about it but everyone is too busy talking about cock
I hope it happens
Replies: >>21490 >>21531
This is retarded because anyone with half a brain could download an apk, use a vpn, etc. This would only stop the absolute tards which I guess is 99% of the population, so it would work sadly.
>>19948 (OP) 
I just saw that porn hub is now banned in Texas. Lmfao. What are those literal retards going to do now. They're not smart enough for vpns.
Replies: >>21617
If you support this you should kill yourself. It's not the governments responsibility to protect me from the evil chinaman. If people are so concerned about their kids privacy using tiktok, why don't they go onto their routers and implement their own parental controls? It takes like an hour to do, tops, and only then because I am accounting for boomers being tech-illiterate retards. All the US congressmen supporting this are in the pocket of China, and so you have to wonder if it is about anything other than MORE government control and regulation.
Replies: >>21532
>why don't they go onto their routers and implement their own parental controls?
Because they are retarded.
They are probably not gonna ban it anyways, and if they do people will find their way to access it. Honestly, life would suck without the tiktok brainwashed zoomer retards to make fun of.
The US government is going after our first amendment, they want to tell us what websites we should and should not visit. The United States government needs to be stopped they have too much power and are becoming authoritarian. Some state governments are also becoming authoritarian this needs to be stopped. We the American people will rise up against them if they don’t stop violating our rights.
Replies: >>21619 >>21627
The government of that state says that it is taking measures to protect minors from harmful content to minors but porn is inappropriate for minors not harmful huge difference. It is not up to the government to decide what websites we visit or weather we need some sort of verification.
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>We the American people will rise up against them if they don't stop violating our rights.

That's a nice thought but as that dumb fuck Joe Biden said, "what good are their AR15s against our F16s". It was a pretty sarcastic statement, shows what a piece of shit he really is.
I agree but
>We the American people will rise up against them if they don’t stop violating our rights.
There's nothing you can do to rise up against them, the agenda rolls on regardless of what we want. The best you can do is just use a VPN or tor. It takes less effort than organizing some political party or protest that will go nowhere. It's not like the government has ever listened to the people.

This is all just a precursor to "ban" regular websites. People are cheering for it now but they won't be in 5 years when this is normalized and results in the banning of websites that don't comply with the government's rule set. I guess normies only visit Facebook and Twitter though so it's not like they'd know any different. This idea of banning websites is a way to introduce digital IDs. You wont be able to interact with websites without this digital ID.
Replies: >>21634
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This government has already surpassed George Orwell's 1984.
Both democrats and republicans want to take away our first amendment rights now. They also like to fear monger by saying that Some situations are much worse than what they actually are, which is a way to control and gain more power over the American people. I’m starting to think that These politicians are a bunch of lizards and snakes. They are all evil and corrupt and we should not abide by them.
Replies: >>21675 >>21679
This idea of reptilians is just hokum pokum born out of political illiteracy and social isolation. What you should consider is big corporate and political lobbies pay off American senators to grant them powers and perks. There is nothing extraordinary about their sinister actions. It’s just greedy politicians and capitalism holding their leash.
That's EXACTLY what a reptilian would say...you're one of them aren't you, AREN'T YOU...GET OFF THIS BOARD!
Yeah, but only if there is a way to cut funding. Their excuse in Texas to censor websites is that it is “harmful to minors” even though it is actually not harmful at all it’s just inappropriate for minors to visit porn sites. what are they going to start doing next? Are they going to ban R rated movies next? Are they going to ban rated M games? They should ban illegal drugs from the streets instead because those are actually extremely harmful. Also there is a growing homeless issue in Texas, how about they actually fix real issues in my state instead of wasting time trying to ban entertainment. The US government also wants to censor websites, why don’t they focus more on fixing real issues instead.
Serious question, and please be honest: have you EVER given the reptilian idea a fair shake? What I mean, is have you ever set aside a few hours and researched the topic from the perspective of the people that believe in it?

That last bit is pretty key. If you just watch some half-assed normie basic overview on a youtube channel, odds are they'll just mock the whole thing and you'll walk away feeling like you "researched" it and had all of your biases confirmed.

If I had to wager a guess, I'd say you haven't (please correct me if I'm wrong). It's actually far more plausible than you'd think.

They are cut from the same cloth, and both are heavily invested in miring the general population with divide and conquer tactics. Team-based thinking (i.e., "I'm a republican", "I'm a democrat") is so incredibly valuable for them. It's like WWE. The fights are all pretend. They'll put on a good show for you, but all that matters is that you're still buying tickets to see it, and rooting for your favorite wrestlers.

Coming to this realization is the first step on the path to undoing the brainwashing and recognizing your true enemies.
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>This idea of reptilians is just hokum pokum born out of political illiteracy and social isolation.
Almost like all the occult symbology in government buildings, planning, and transacting are all just because the people in power think it's cool or something. Nothing to see here, don't research the meaning or origins of the symbology they use, you crazies. I wonder why people in government positions participate in occult sacrifices (Bohemian grove, Jeffery Epstein child sex/sacrifice, Marina Abramović blood rituals, spirit cooking, and cannibalism, Comet Ping Pong's James Alefantis child rape and sacrifices, Skull and Bones). Weird how these politicians on both sides are proven to pal around and go to these occult functions. I guess we should just stop digging there and leave it at that, right? It hurts my brain if I'm not spoonfed my information through Youtubers and Twitter, so I'm not going to research for myself.
Replies: >>22225
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Always beware when the government says , "But it's for the children". And the citizenry won't object for fear of being told that they don't care for the children. 

Our government, I think, uses the novel 1984 by George Orwell as their bible. In the novel 1984 an example of government double speak or semantics is "ignorance is strength". Now look what our government calls illegal aliens, the government is now calling them "Newcomers" It's all semantics to achieve the goal of putting the citizenry off balance. Biden even back tracked and apologized for calling the illegal alien who murdered Laken Riley an illegal.
Replies: >>21702
The government and even pharmaceutical companies, use propaganda to control people. I have noticed that they often exaggerate very minor issues into something very major to the point where people often start to panic. For example, the government often claims that illegals are pouring into the US border and rapeing and killing people. But the vast majority of immigrants are legal and both legal and illegal immigrants commit far less violent crimes than native born citizens. Pharmaceutical companies used a similar tactic, They told people to get the Covid-19 vaccine even though it wasn’t an actual cure yet but rather an experiment. Also Covid-19 is actually less dangerous than the common cold or flu.
“What a surprise”

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>bang a bunch of guys at work
>get caught
>say you were groomed
>get half a million dollars
seems reasonable

Replies: >>22287
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America is the all devouring GOLEM 
Prove me wrong, take your time, i'll be waiting
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idk thats actually pretty funny tbh tbh especially since it was posted all the way back in the 2023 cuckies nominees thread

anyways, wait hold on BREAKING NEWS............
Holy Shit!
A container ship hits Baltimore Bridge causing it to collapse

apparently some sort of engine failure occurred and it went off course but they werent able to slow the container ship down enough before it hit the bridge.
RIP though it was too early morning to rack up a High Score. 
Still visually impressive though, especially for it to occur in the United States of America
Replies: >>22288
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ok this website if FUCKING GAY so heres an alt upload of the vid
Reminds me of the movie 'The Mothman Prophecies'. But yeah, that's pretty crazy. This could've been avoided if they dropped their anchors, no?
Alot of strange things happening preparing for the eclipse, not suspicious at all.
Replies: >>22342
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fucken saved
pluto in aquariums is going to be fun
>pluto in Aquarius is going to be fun

>Pluto's transit through Aquarius in 2024 will have a significant impact on the Moon in Aquarius. This combination of planetary energies will bring about a period of intense transformation and evolution in the emotional and intuitive realms
>a period of intense transformation and evolution in the emotional realms

hmmm maybe that explains why my wife has been crying after sex recently
>pluto in aquariums is going to be fun
You're supposed to charge the crystals not smoke them
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Can someone post the porno they did? I can't find it and I really need to bust.
>conjoined twin Abby of Abby and Brittany is now married
did they get split in half or did he only marry the one head?
holy shit how insulting is that to the other.... head... thats kinda like being a cuck for the rest of your life. Imagine the being the other head while their are having sex. is the cuck head also attracted to the guy but hes not into her?
Abby is the head on the left right?, you can just tell due to the angle of the head, the right head was an extra head growth

Also what happens when one head dies, does the other die too?
Replies: >>22413
I'm sure the sex is awkward as fuck for all of them. Also, that guy is probably some psychopath who raped and murdered people when served in the service. I bet he keeps them chained up naked in the basement and makes fucked up videos of them to sell online to people who get off to deformity. Also, her sister Brittany looks very miserable and probably thinks about death on a daily basis. I'm sure the husband will come up with the great idea of taking them to a shooting range somewhere to show off his badass gun shooting skills he learned from the military and his sister-in-law will turn the gun on herself and blow her brains out while her sister freaks out having a lifeless head right next to her face.
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NYC and tri-state rocked by biggest area earthquake since 1884, sending terrified residents into the streets



I'm so sorry you had to live through this nightmare.... I hope nobody got woken up from a nap or had to stop what they were doing for a moment to say, "What the hell was that?"
Wait until the elites do the whole flooding new york thing. HOPE YOU FAGGOTS KNOW HOW TO SWIM.
Replies: >>22612
yeah they've been signaling that one for a while
imma dick you down on some gangsta shit
Replies: >>22615
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cum say that to my face not online
Replies: >>22618
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I'm gonna be rich. I'm making tee shirts that say, "I Survived The 2024 East Coast Earthquake"
Replies: >>22619 >>22628
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That's actually pretty funny. Or it would be, if this was a time for joking. Which it isn't. Natural disasters are nothing to laugh at. Just don't do it. It's called being a decent fucking human being, okay?? Jeesh. We will survive this. We're all in it together. Stay strong.
Replies: >>22620
Anyone who finds natural disasters funny is a groomer. Stay safe y'all.
Replies: >>22621
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So much this. When hurricane Katrina hit (🙏) I swear to goddess all the groomers and pedos came out. I saw a 30 year old guy swimming across the parking lot to "help" an underage 25 year old. Big ick.
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Rich and Gay
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You guys wanna take bets on whether or not this bitch will actually kill herself? I'm willing to put in 0.076 XMR (equivalent $10 USD) that she doesn't go through with it.

>female getting as much attention as possible for her supposed suicide
Typical, why not go out with a bang? Kek. I've been massively depressed before and never talked about it to anyone. Only attention whores do shit like this.
Controversial opinion, I don't think it's selfish to kill yourself if you don't have anyone relying on you, such as kids. It's your life, do what you want with it.
Replies: >>22686
I'd euthanize her for the drawn on eyebrows alone.
Replies: >>22679
Over coming depression isn’t that hard. She just wants attention and fame. She lives in the Netherlands and seems like she’s got a very good life if you ask me. I think she’s spoiled and wants attention.
>suicide baiting
>media attention
That's immediately where my eyes first went to. Maybe she would be less depressed if she had a better set of eyebrows.
>Controversial opinion, I don't think it's selfish to kill yourself if you don't have anyone relying on you, such as kids. It's your life, do what you want with it.
what about family/friends? even if they arent relying on you
Anyone going to see the solar eclipse today or is that only for gay ass normie homo nigger faggots?
Replies: >>22713 >>22715
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>is that only for gay ass normie homo nigger faggots?
No only because it sounds a lot more fun to be by myself and eat pizza. I can just look up pictures of the eclipse online, sorta how I feel about "wonders" like the grand canyo.
I need to add onto this. Things like fireworks dont amaze me anymore. I usually forget it's 4th of july, then I'm stuck in traffic and trying to dodge running 3 year olds and families in the street, hearing loud bomb-like sounds in the air, and slightly freaking out until I realize what day it is.
Replies: >>22717
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Pictured is Chichén Itzá, one of the so-called Seven Wonders of the World. Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine that you're one of the tourists in this image. Feel the sweat running down your asscrack. Imagine the sensation of buying a 12oz bottle of warm water for $4 from a smiling 50 year old Mexican woman. Experience, in your mind's eye, the budding sunburn on your arms. Deeply consider the other ways you could have spent the thousands of dollars it cost you to get to this ancient marvel, many of which could have been enjoyed in an air conditioned setting.
I have today off while everyone else is working so I'm going alone to another town to witness the eclipse in all its glory. Afterwards I'm going to eat pizza and grab a milkshake for the drive home. There's a good pizzeria there so I'm looking more forward to that than the eclipse itself.
Replies: >>22719
Don't let the cynics on the board (I'm one of them) prevent you from enjoying yourself. I'm sure it'll be badass to see in person, and I hope you enjoy your pizza and milkshake. You should post an update tonight and let us know how it was.
Replies: >>22720
Thanks! The next solar eclipse won't happen again for another 20 years so I encourage others to go outside and check it out if the opportunity exists.
Replies: >>22726
>The next solar eclipse won't happen again for another 20 years
They always say this and yet it seems like every other year I hear "the big eclipse is coming!!! Last one for 500 years!!"
Replies: >>22727
They are probably referring to last one in X years because they are a few solar eclipses each year but you can only see them depending on where you live in the world
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I'm staying home today doing paper work. I won't venture outside. Half the "people" outside will be disguised reptilians admiring their solar handiwork. If you do venture out you'll know the reptilians from humans by looking at them by wearing a double pair of solar eclipse approved glasses.

Cooked foods are influenced by negative energy during eclipses so one should opt for raw or lightly cooked food that is easy to digest.

 Stay safe out there.
Got back from seeing the solar eclipse and nearly went blind it was that beautiful.
That' cool, sounds like a fun day. I wasn't able to see it where I lived but I saw one a few years ago.
So, the end of the world didn't come. Black hole sun, won't you come, take away the pain.
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its pretty amazing to think that the sun is something like 400 times bigger then the moon, and the sun is also about 400 times farther than earth making them appear nearly the same size as seen from earth, which makes the cool visual effect of the eclipse possible.
like what are the chances that we happen to live on a planet that because of the dimensions and the distances of the sun and the moon, they look almost exactly the same size from our perspective.
🤓 🤓 🤓
Replies: >>22740
well that was fucking boring
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Yes, coincidences are amazing. It brought to my mind that 2 former presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who both signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, both died on the same day in 1826 and that day was July 4.
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So I just learned about this a few days that a comic book artist named Ed Piskor had committed suicide last week over sexual allegations against him made by a 17 year-old girl he chatted with on Instagram back in 2020.

>2020, Piskor contacts 17 year-old girl online after liking his artwork
>says a few creepy things in conversation but nothing illegal and mostly friendly 
>March 2024, same girl uploads snippets of their chat with captions calling him a creep and accuses him of grooming her
>Second woman comes forward alleging Piskor offered her industry contacts in exchange for sexual favors
>online journalists spread articles about it, internet goes after him
>Piskor deletes all social media and goes into hiding
>Piskor's upcoming art exhibition gets cancelled after they hear of the allegations
>news reporter tries interviewing Piskor and his family regarding to the allegations, both of their home addresses shown on TV
>Piskor loses $75,000 deal, professional partnership with YouTube co-host, exiled from the industry and community
>April 1st, Piskor uploads his suicide note online denying the allegations and claims to be a victim of online bullying before taking his own life

Suicide Note: 


I discovered his YouTube channel 'Cartoonist Kayfabe' about a month prior to his death so I was quite surprised how suddenly he died. It's a cool channel of just two comic book artists going over the works of other cartoonists page by page in great detail. They also supported indie artists by showing their work and promoting them on their channel. Ed Piskor's art is also impressive so its a shame such a talented artist is now gone forever because of some online bullshit. Then again, he could have settled things in court and clear his name but I guess the damage was already done. It's crazy how someone's life can change in a week because of an online conversation from 4 years ago.
Replies: >>22743 >>22744
Lol! ♥️
>not writing the suicide letter in a comic font
Missed opportunity. On a real note that's really depressing and makes me feel like it's dangerous to talk to women, even if you're a decent person. You never know which woman gets a wild hair to suddenly start trying to ruin the lives of her exes. How slimy to take the texts out of context to look worse than they actually were. I wonder why she did it. Did she want 15 minutes of fame? Or did she truly believe she was victimized because someone sent her a heart emoji?
Replies: >>22751
Depressing indeed. He had other projects lined up for the future and now we will never see them besides some stuff he kept under wraps that will be released posthumously.  
>makes me feel like it's dangerous to talk to women
I feel the same way about Ashley now that she has my personal information. I'm worried that my dream of becoming a professional rollerblader will be destroyed when she releases chatlogs of me wanting to be her toilet.
Replies: >>22755
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>I feel the same way about Ashley now that she has my personal information.
>I'm worried that my dream of becoming a professional rollerblader will be destroyed when she releases chatlogs of me wanting to be her toilet.
I'll be nice and not say your full name and location but I will show everyone this message you sent me.
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Are your eyes boiling?
Replies: >>22781
Kek the fucking headlines they write are always extreme and melodramatic.
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Wow they really do eat da poo poo
>It's an AI image 
That's all he had to say.
Replies: >>22916
I too thought that, but then I realized there's no way I could convince millions of people on the internet that it was fake considering I filmed it on a flip phone from 2008
He'll either off himself or go into hiding by changing his identity and join some small community of denegerates who also eat shit and get pissed on. Further proof that faggots shouldn't be allowed in politics.
Replies: >>22929
You know every time this man takes a shit he's thinking about how he's ruined his life
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based zoomers
You are a gorilla nigger
Mr. Rogers shaped my generation. Facialabuse.com has shaped the new generation.
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Replies: >>22963
Then they wonder why they can’t get any.
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Gay sex is probably more rough. Gay guys have larger cox than straight men. Just imagine what it’s like, there in there just killing each other.
Replies: >>22966
Holy shit this explains why I have a massive cock. I must be gay.
Replies: >>22969
I have a massive cock too. How do I know if I'm gay?
Replies: >>22971
You don't have to guess. It's fact that anyone with a big cock is gay. Congratulations on coming out!
Replies: >>22972
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Thanks for pointing that out.
My testosterone is too high to tolerate females
Replies: >>22975 >>22977
What do you mean?
Replies: >>22977
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>Low t levels means you find females attractive
>Medium t levels means you find twinks attractive
>High t levels means you find actual men attractive
I dont know about you guys but I have high t levels and a massive cock. The manlier you are the gayer you are.
Replies: >>22978
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Gay guys also have low t levels. Gay guys have low t but large cox.
Replies: >>22979 >>22989
Yeah the gay guys who have low t love women. If you have low t I would recommend asking your doctor for testosterone infusions so you can be gay. It's impossible to have low t and have a big cock at the same time. You might be confused for low b which means low balls. Plenty of gay guys have low b.
Replies: >>22981
I already explained to you. Are you a women? Because clearly you don’t understand what I’m talking about.
Replies: >>22982
I have heard that those with extremely high t levels do turn into women, so yes, I just might be one eventually.
Replies: >>22985 >>22987
T makes you masculine. It doesn’t make your penis larger.
Replies: >>22986
Yes, T makes you more masculine. When you have too much T is converts into estrogen in large amounts and you can turn into a woman. If you're trying to just turn gay be careful to not take too much T or else you could turn into a woman. When you turn gay you will have a very large penis.
Replies: >>22991 >>23009
High t can also lower your sperm count and even make you infertile. Estrogen helps you get an erection and produce more sperm.
Replies: >>22988
Yes, lower spem count and infertility isn't a concern when you're gay and perhaps is the body's response to keep you gay when you have high t. 
>Estrogen helps you get an erection and produce more sperm.
You know what else helps you get an erection? MEN.
>That muscle definition
Dude has massive T and D
Replies: >>22990
I only see a massive A ;(
Too much t lowers sex drive in men it decreases estrogen it can’t convert into e unless you increase e and decrease t.
Replies: >>22992
Nope that's misinformation, high t makes you have a big penis, gay, sexier. But the risk is you can get too much t and every t cell turns into an e cell and eventually you can turn into a woman.
Replies: >>22993 >>22997
No, I’m a man I know exactly how it works. Are you a woman?
Replies: >>22994
You are a man? Can you prove it to us? I am not a woman yet but at the rate my high t levels are going I may turn into a woman soon.
Replies: >>23003
If your fat your metabolism will be too low to convert you T cells into E cells and you'll get cock and ball cancer
Replies: >>22999
I'm pretty sure my doctor told me that having lots of homosexual sex cures specifically cock and ball type cancers. It's important to have gay sex to keep raising your t levels and to prevent cancer
Replies: >>23002
tip: for some reason specifically watching The Brady Bunch lowers T levels. If you have very high t levels but dont want to turn into a woman, watch The Brady Bunch.
semen is excess T
T can not turn you into a woman, but it can make you masculine. The point that I’m trying to make is that e comes in handy for men during sex.
Replies: >>23004
Right T can't turn you into a woman, E does that. But when you have too much T in your body, then your body converts it to E. Be careful to not have too much T if you like being a gay man with a big cock.
Replies: >>23005
No, T can’t make E. You would have to take hormonal replacement.
Replies: >>23007
Too much T does turn into E. The women we see were once men who had a lot of T.
Replies: >>23008
No, they took hormonal replacement therapy. We call them trannies but in reality they are just cross dressers who behave like the opposite gender.
Replies: >>23010
> and you can turn into a woman
lol this is not how it works
Yes those were once men who had way too much T that it converted to E and now they're women who need to take artificial T to try and turn back into a man. Usually gay sex gives you more T but since theyre now a woman "gay sex" is now just straight sex and the body doesnt recognize gay sex as gay and thus you dont get a T infusion. I know its confusing but just try to not get too too too much T and watch the Brady Bunch if you think you have too much t.
Replies: >>23011
No, in order to become a so called trannie you have to take hormonal replacement. Take it come back and tell me what happened.
Replies: >>23012
You cant replace hormones theyre cells
Replies: >>23013
Cells and hormones are two completely different things.
Replies: >>23018
You all are homos and also have aids
Replies: >>23015
Nah you are
Nah you are
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It's not true that E and T are hormones or cells, that's just a massive oversimplification. E/T are wildly misunderstood by the lay person and most people don't know that even the best medical researchers and scientists aren't entirely sure what E and T *really* are. Words like "hormones" are intentionally vague because the reality is that the so-called "scientific community" has no clue what the things we call E and T even are or how they work. We just know that E makes you feminine and cute and T makes you masculine and gay. But too much "T" (whatever it is) can make you become ultra-feminine, which is why steroid users and guys who take T to be "more masculine" sometimes have "roid rage" or super freakouts, it's because they're acting more irrational and emotional (like a woman). The picture attached is a male monkey given an excess of T.

Read a book guys and stop believing everything you see on the Discovery channel or Pornhub
Replies: >>23031
No, that’s not true at all. You are making stuff up. You need to stop listening to conspiracy theory boomers.
Replies: >>23032
you're the kind of person that thinks aspirin is for headaches, LMAO
Replies: >>23033
lol, No, Aspirin isn’t just for headaches.
Replies: >>23034
That's right, it's also an effective aphrodisiac when mixed with enough water (like a gallon). If you can get a girl to drink a gallon of water AND take an aspirin, let me tell you... there will be waterworks (and not just piss)
>and not just piss
oh christ now you've done it. See you guys in a few days when this blows over.
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Replies: >>23099
Chris-chan lookin ass bloodsuckin mothafucka
Replies: >>23102
Before I read the title of the article I thought, "Oh god what did Chris Chan get himself into this time"
Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn


Replies: >>24412
Meanwhile British girl rants about price of ice cream.

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>click on the link
>realize the link says "child-porn"
Thank god for VPNs
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so sad 

much sorrow

Replies: >>24432 >>24434
Just saw this too, it seems like the lady who owned him really loved him and he had a good, long life
whats that going to mean for Dogecoin?
I invested all my savings into Dogecoin because reddit told me to, am I screwed?
Im a dog walker for a living so money is pretty tight.

I was thinking of also making funny and interesting videos and hosting them on my own Peertube, and at the end I could ask for donations, I think that might work for additional income.
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Michael Jackson used to disguise himself as a woman so he could sneak out and meet his lover at a grotty motel, his biographer once claimed.
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Happy Memorial Day everyone
Replies: >>24544 >>24552
Thanks to the brave men who died for open borders and no free healthcare.
Replies: >>24552 >>24605
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Amen, brothers
Replies: >>24553
Heh, Happy Memorial Day...FOR WHO?! The frickin' illegals comin' over the border? The MEN posing as WOMEN in sports? Pfffft. Yeah, no. America is deteriorating before our very eyes. It used to be that you could discriminate against any ethnic group, women, gays, the mentally challenged without any repercussions but NOW...oh, boy...and don't get me started on food prices...I was able to eat fast food 24 hours a day 7 days a week but do you think that's possible NOW?! Nope! Thanks to OBAMA and his GOONS we are now paying $78 for a packet of taco seasoning. If George Bush never invaded iraq we'd never be in this mess. I've lied about fighting for this country...If Ronald Reagan was president we'd be bettter off I'll tell you hwhat...I can't even drive my 1962 camaro down the street without encountering  a sexy transgender who wants to suck me off or an illegal who wants to sell me oranges...WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA!
Barry, you forgot your flag
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I have to agree with just about everything you say except and excuse me for being pedantic or a stickler so to speak but in reality if you have a 1962 Camaro you have the rarest car in automotive  history since Chevy Camaros first went on sale in 1967.
AMEN.. no son of mine is wearing heels  .. not in my country .
The vast majority of immigrants coming to the US are legal immigrants. The US is not deteriorating it is only facing some challenges but for the most it is progressing.
Replies: >>24612
When the US was being invaded?
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If these people were at your front door would you let them in your house. Be honest.
Replies: >>24613 >>24615
This looks like a Mr. Beast thumbnail. I would let them in my house. They make good food and could finish my kitchen renovations.
The United States is an open air prison, but the purchasing power our dollar has attracts 3rd worlders like a moth to a flame.

I'm fearful of how tight this prison will get as the curtain drops and Americans start to see how free we actually are. I have a uneasy feeling about staying in the United States because of the advent of AI, blockchain, biometrics, etc. And to the faggot that's gonna say but anon we're already experiencing that  I don't think the reality of it all is quite here, but slowly implimented over time.

Things are good now, but we don't realize it. Just like how we remember how good things were X amount of years ago is the same sentiment I fear we'll continue to have. I want it to all stop, but I only have control over myself. I can make an impact for a brighter future I know it, I just haven't figured it out yet.
You have to admit that you have it pretty good living in the US compared to most countries.
>I'm fearful of how tight this prison will get as the curtain drops and Americans start to see how free we actually are.
People are retarded and don't care. How many invasive scenarios do Americans have to go through until they finally realize that "Freedom" doesn't exist? Social security numbers? Nope, nobody cares. CIA? Nobody cares. Homeland security and the NSA? Nobody cares. Fake corona virus mask "mandates" and curfews? Nobody cares.

They happily abide to whatever the government tells them to. There will never be a revolution, there will never be a moment Americans suddenly see that we're cattle. They are mindless zombies on SSRIs that like being told what to do by the government. There will never be an uprising. The worst that's gonna happen is things will be more expensive and the dollar continues to buy you less. If it scares you that much then don't be in big cities that use biometrics or AI (Tesla cars, surveillance cameras, etc.) The solution is easy. Stop participating as much as you can in the society that's abusive of your human rights.
I recently found out that at the Amazon owned Wholefoods stores you can scan your palm as a way to pay. I heard that Amazon was using Wholefoods as a way to test it.
I wonder if that will take off
Are people that lazy they would rather give a mega corp like Amazon even more of their info just so dont to do something as simple as pulling out a card and use the tap n go payment method
Replies: >>24648
Dollar Tree is testing just letting customers shoplift. We got a notice from corporate stating that if you witness a customer shoplifting. By no means are you to confront them, attempt to apprehend them or call the police on them. All you are allowed to do is offer them a basket and ask them do they need help finding anything. If an employee does anything other than that, you can call corporate and report them and also file a lawsuit against the company. I would first make myself aware of laws regarding shoplifting in your municipality and maybe ask a Dollar Tree manager on what their unofficial policy of dealing with shoplifters at their store is first but according to corporate, anyone can just waltz into any Dollar Tree and pocket what they want. In my district, external theft is a major issue at our stores and we're told by corporate to just act like it doesn't exist and go about our business. I had a career in loss prevention and asset protection and shrink at our stores is insanely high and we are unable to do much about it. If we find opened packaging, unless the item is still in it, we can't damage it out. We can only toss it in the garbage. Dollar Tree only enforces internal theft which means they will only fire employees for stealing or in states with certain laws, can fire you for suspected theft with absolutely no evidence, like in my state. Like the old Japanese proverb states, don't touch your coronet under the plum tree... if you want to work at Dollar Tree. Im no longer employed with Dollar Tree. I'm no longer working there because I was the only man there and he only employee who actually did any work. All the women do is stand around on their phones and gossip and all the other managers are single moms with baby daddy issues who since you are the only man there, they like to take all their frustrations out on you. I was supposed to be promoted to store manager and then freight manager but each time, management disagreed with the decision because they would say they can't work with me because I wouldn't listen to them. I have no interest in her personal problems. I just wanted to be left alone and do my job. But that didn't stop them from doing things to spite me. There were a few homeless people that I would always cover and the manager started a rumor that I was allowing them to steal, stealing for them and allowing them to sleep in the store at night. The manager injured me by allowing an unstable shelf to fall on me that was improperly stored and refused to fill out an associate incident report and I'm considering calling a lawyer.
Replies: >>24681
Also, I'd like to add, check the laws regarding theft in your municipality. In my town, shoplifting an item with a value under $20 is not a crime and no, this has nothing to do with the policy at my store. My Dollar Tree is located on the outskirts in another municipality but I can literally walk into Walmart and steal and no one will apprehend you. I do not do this though. I just know because I used to be loss prevention asset protection for Sears/Kmart there.
Before us lies a brilliant future. Invasive identity authentication procedures exist alongside legalized theft. The corporations use fingerprints at the checkout because they want an identity label for their in-store data sources (cameras, eye tracking) and predictions corresponding to the customer profile.

The middle class can't steal and remain middle class because corporations don't want to employ thieves and stores will share the names of offenders with applicable employers. The underclass is allowed to exist in a permanent theft-sustained economic stasis with no hopes of advancement unless they get lucky with a corporate diversity program.

Sometimes a middle classer will get tired and drop out. Sometimes prosecutorial or corporate discretion will deny the dropout entrance to the subsidized underclass, making an arbitrary exception to theft tolerance to keep the middle class in their pen. These double-failures then become member of an even more stagnant homeless underclass.
>Im no longer employed with Dollar Tree
is this THE Dollar Tree stalker?
You quit? your now just a plain old stalker?
Well, sucks to hear all that shit happened. if youre going to get a lawyer involved, unless you can prove you got injured on the job its gonna be tough to get any compensation
Replies: >>24688
Tbh it does seem like more trouble than it's worth. I don't really care about the money.
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Based. This is how I want to die.
Joe Biden is at it again.
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They Live
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daaamn dat white boy double cheeked up
Mmm that boys got cake and its not even his birthday
Just how Ashley likes them
Replies: >>25873
okay faggot cumtribute time
Replies: >>25874
I was just kidding, in fact I wouldn't. But there is a known cummer on these boards who just might be crazy enough to do it.
Replies: >>25876
then do it to the femanon from a few weeks ago
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You know you want to talk about it
I actually have completely logged out of mainstream news and I don't want to talk about it
Replies: >>26512 >>26516
Me too. I realized this fear mongering bullshit never impacts me IRL so I stopped caring about reptilian-produced news. It's WWE but for politics, you can't do anything to change their plan, just disengage and it ceases to exist.
Replies: >>26516
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It's taken over a year, but this board is learning. The healing has begun.
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Imagine caring about politics. I haven't voted for a President since 2012 because I grew up and realized there's no point. Also all the candidates have sucked. I only vote in local erections, I mean elections focusing on hard hitting issue like whether they should build a Wendy's in town. Spoiler alert. They never did.. Screw politicians, Figuratively, no t literally.
That just sealed the election for Trump, what an iconic photo. 
Hes going to be able weaponize this so well as the unkillable, defiant and strong leader. he was already leading before this and now its a done deal.

Its so draining to be bombarded with American political drama and conspiracy theories in everything, everywhere, 24/7. This is going to amplify all of this by x1,000,000
Replies: >>26526
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>>19948 (OP) 
Richard Simmons RIP.
The real news of the day. Goodnight, sweet prince.
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Replies: >>26528
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Damn. He set was an honorable gay, struttin' his stuff without a care in the world. I can only hope there's more gays like him to bring that fun gay energy for gays.
Goodnight sweet prince.
I would vote for Trump if I were an American, because I love a good comeback story.
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So does that mean Pauly Shore gets to do the bio pic that wasnt approved by Richard Simmons?
Replies: >>26542
Pauly Shore has no right to sound this fucking narcissistic.
Replies: >>26543 >>26560
If narcissism upsets you I got some bad news for you mate. You're a narcissist yourself.
Replies: >>26560
Huh? Did you not understand the post or something? This post >>26542 is pointing out that Pauly Shore, of all people, really doesn't have the right to act like that.

Pauly's biggest claims to fame are a couple of marginally successful 90s comedies. Richard Simmons' claim to fame is a multi-decade career of inspiring people to get healthy and love themselves.

Shitting on a hyper-effeminate gay dude (whose life work was to help people) while your biggest achievement was providing a voice role for an intentionally-obnoxious supporting role in "A Goofy Movie" isn't a good look for Pauly.

Pointing this out isn't narcissistic. What gives, "mate"?
Replies: >>26561
Maybe you should spend more time watching cinematic masterpieces such as Bio-Dome, Encino Man, and Jury Duty instead of posting on reddit.
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Who is buying?
Somehow I knew there would be boomers at-the-ready to buy shirts with that photo on it. Conservatives are big time grifters.
Replies: >>26611
Grifting has the right word sound for what it is. It sounds like something you'd expect from a barnacle on the side of a ship. It sounds passive. The scope and magnitude of grift is not caused by the grifters, but by the grifted.
Alot of Biden voters with guns waiting for you. ;)
Replies: >>26636
biden? LOL!!!
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A heartwarming story
>bullet proof
>the bullet clearly hits him causing him to bleed

a quick blade job per chance?
looking into it!
Replies: >>26727
>bullet proof
>you will need more than bullet to kill him
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>"Politics in America today is identical to Pro Wrestling, and what I mean by that is, in front of the cameras and the public, we all hate each other. Now I'm gonna kick my opponent's butt, I'm gonna wail him from here to High Water and beat the crap out of him. Yet behind the scenes, we all are friends going out to dinner." - Jesse Ventura

I'm going to make them watch this video every time some fucking normie gives me flak for saying politics are fake and gay
Replies: >>27086 >>27095
It’s Hollywood, baby!
nah u are
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good luck Ashley, hopefully they dont find you...

But if you need a place to stay and lay low for a while, well dont ask me you fucking Mexican get the fuck out of MY FUCKING COUNTRY!!!
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Trump shooter used gaming site that features presidential assassination game
Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, also had a Discord account

>Trump shooter Thomas Crooks posted an ominous comment that appeared to foreshadow his attack on the former president on the gaming platform Steam – which features an assassination game.
>The Steam platform offers more than 100,000 games, including the assassination game Mr. President!, but there is no evidence Crooks played it. 
>Crooks had a very limited online footprint, but had an account on the encrypted social media platform Discord and on Steam, according to authorities.

This "game" MUST BE REMOVED FROM INTERNET and we must find out where it came from, ie. China, Russia, our enemies. What a DARK WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW...very sad.
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THIS...       is what is being offered online to our children. Indoctrination through Gaming... RUSSIAN gamers ---go figure Shouldn’t be able to have that game - steam should be cited
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It’s disturbing to know that people play “Games” like this. We used to play Spades, Backgammon, Monopoly and Yahtzee! Soccer, volleyball, and croquet too. And go camping, hiking, floating, and fishing.
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It's too soon for this. The emotional wounds are too fresh. Steam is out of line to create and market such a game less than a week after the event.
Replies: >>27192
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A lonely Trump hating incel that frequented a gaming site.
Wow!  Did not see that coming.  LOL!
The only other question is what was his Reddit user name.
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…So ..Basically..The Kid was “Groomed” by the liberal ideology
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I have always said these games harden and make people murderers. He had access to a stupid gaming platform Steam – which features a Trump assassination game. Why are these gaming platforms even allowed let alone shut down. They have affected so many of our lonely insecure bullied youth. Gives them the courage to act.
I want to make my own boomer memes to troll boomers on facebook. 

"Dear Parents, If you want to stop your kid from being bullied at school, simply, leave an assault weapon and a cartridge box lying next to the porn mags in your bedroom closet."
I own that game on steam but it makes me only want to shoot a load on Ashley's face.
Some say it was all set up. RKJR was in the crowd or something. And a girl filiming with her phone felt suspicious. All over twatter at the moment.
Biden is out!
Replies: >>27284
Just like the Simpsons predicted.
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Heh, heh
I hope he comes back fuck Donald Blumpf
Replies: >>27322
Spoiler File
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Replies: >>27307
Dang, I played that video in a crowded McDonald's restaurant...
Replies: >>27316 >>27372
Just tell them that it was Kamala Harris speaking
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Everyone is saying its Joever? Well i say its only just Kamencing!
my fellow Tubsisters, its time we put a sister in the oval office. 
We need to band together and show support for our black queent. This November go out and vote for Kamala "Karamel" Harris for president

#queers4kamala #yasss2024 #slaay
Ashley, don't be a stupid woman.
Replies: >>27333
I'm ready to have a MILF president. Magnificent, Intelligent, Lovely, Female.
kamala is a cunt.
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Replies: >>27331 >>27449
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I don't concern myself with the credentials a candidate runs on. I only concern myself with the candidate I can cum on. I don't care if Ashley dislikes Summer for being hot. I'm voting Summer Wheatley.

Also, imagine the female Secret Service agents having to stop some guy from shooting a load on Madam President and taking shots to the face themselves. Someone get Shädman on this.

Now imagine Ashley lezzing out with Madam President Summer Wheatley in the Oral Office. Now who has the most powerful pussy on the planet? That would be Ashley. She's Illuminaughty.
tbh KM makes more sense mentally than KH. KA MALA. KM. I'm with her (ashley)
YAAAS!!!! #Kumalavame
Replies: >>27336
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Just realized my Kamala Harris slogan may not make sense. It's supposed to be like "cum all ova me" = Kumalavame. Believe it or not I've hung out with Kamala.
Kamala is evil, please don't let her cum all ova you.
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I'm tired of pretending Ghislaine isn't cute AF. She has a pretty smile and big mommy hooters that I would love to suck on. Epstein was also a gigachad and based. Imagine having your hot mommy girlfriend bring you fresh loli meat every day while you make tens of millions of dollars blackmailing stupid american politicians.
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What we need in the White House are big brown saggy tits with big brown sand dollar nips to meet our diversity quota. The Democrats should change their name to the Demographs. Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Chameleon You cum and go, you cum and go
Replies: >>27395 >>27852
I know you're supposed to think this girl is beautiful or whatever but all I can see is what a pain in the ass she is. I also suspect that she's a kike. Just doesn't do it for me.
Out of all the A.I. Kamala pics out there you chose to post THIS one? Cum on man.
Replies: >>27395
Well, at least you got to experience the impact of a loud, chaotic, sexual, sound, being playing in a public place. Ha,ha!  Hope your fries were good at least.
>cum lava
It's getting hot in here. The floor is cum lava. If you touch it, you get AIDS.
She reminds me a bit of of an older looking Ashley. Its probably just the hair though 

oh and her being a pedofile
Do people like her face? I wouldn't not whip and spank her until she was a puddle of tears but she isn't that special looking
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Replies: >>27397 >>27411
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Replies: >>27411
After surviving an assassination attempt, I think Trump is going to be the only male US presidential candidate in history to face-off not one but TWO female US presidential candidates in SEPARATE elections.
Replies: >>27423
It's crazy how much Google, Bing, DDG etc are dropping the ball compared to Yandex
Replies: >>27412
Have you tried searching for images on any of those shitboxes? Yandex is literally the only SE that can produce something other than stock images of nogs. Qwant is somewhat OK too but imo not as good as Yandex
That's because he's a cunt destroyer.
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Kamala Harris, the 'diversity hire' ... "This woman, this disaster whose only qualification is having a vagina and the right skin colour…
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Kamala Harris is such a bimbo!
you're just jealous bc  u can't have her!
Replies: >>27857

You want a bimbo to be your POTUS? Be my guest!
Replies: >>27858
>You want a bimbo to be your POTUS? Be my guest!
No, I want Kamala to win so the GAE can collapse, Trump will unite the country and bring stability which will prolong the reign of our evil elites. The woke bullshit is divisive and gave us the competency crisis and no white boys signing up to join the army. Trump will get the white boys to sign up again and the regime will put away the woke. The Democrat party will completely change and become a normal party again with none of the woke stuff after the election.
kpop fans Harris
Kamala Harris Campaign Ad PARODY
lol kamala is a bum- donnie trump
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Who cares about Joe Camel. I don't even want to know what tops are saying about bottoms. I want to know what Ashley is doing. Get on it James O'Queef.
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>A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

>Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

>Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Replies: >>27980
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For airplane and car lovers:
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Only 15 out of 400 Olympic Athletes made it to Paris.
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Ashley is right about Trump
Replies: >>28019
Twitter is upset because of a fucking water bottle.
Replies: >>28016
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Are you referring to the faggots who make dildos from water bottles in their dishwashers?
Replies: >>28018
No, because of donald trump picking up a water bottle to drink it. Or they think he took the water from the lady interviewer.
Replies: >>28019
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And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. —Revelation 13:3

Donald Trump is the beast. He is deceiving the masses. To put it in terms you reddit fags will understand, I'll use a Star Wars analogy. Donald Trump is Darth Sidious playing both sides against one another, the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Watch the video >>28003
Replies: >>28023
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Orange man bad

>On the day of his triumph, Julias Caesar wore a crown of laurel and an all-purple, gold-embroidered triumphal toga picta ("painted" toga), regalia that identified him as near-divine or near-kingly. In some accounts, his face was painted red, perhaps in imitation of Rome's highest and most powerful god, Jupiter.
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If you believe that Donald Trump is the Antichrist then Kamala Harris is The Great Whore Of Babylon.
The world will end on the last day of 2024. IT'S OVER!!!
Replies: >>28028 >>28029
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If ELO says it's over then I guess it's over.
Replies: >>28044 >>28045
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Everything is going to reset in 2060. The heavens shall open unto the holy fire, burning the guilty in their own wickedness. So it is written in the Book of Rage.
Replies: >>28044
And so it's over.

I can't wait till 2060 or 2069. "Do not fear death, embrace it as you would a beautiful woman laying next to you."
Replies: >>28045
"And So It's Over (Remastered)"
"The End of the World"

"See You Again"
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Le Democracy Man has died

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Not sure if real but we did see the same thing being done with Hillary in 2016.
Replies: >>28470
Barack Obama Endorses Kamala PARODY:
This board is better when it's not spammed with boring predictable political shit. You're virgins in basements. You're not going to change the world. Shut up and stop shitting every corner of the internet with your meaningless political babble.
Replies: >>28432 >>28474
You're not going to change your chromosome. Stay mad, faggot.
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she's going to "win" isn't she bros?
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I will win
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Replies: >>28514
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Adiós amigos, you have to go back. Back to Juárez with you, Ashley. Better bleach your brown nipples before ICE arrives if you want to stay. Bleach your butthole too, the TSA check buttholes now.
Replies: >>28515
For the 1 other person here who knows about symbolism and the occult, notice how they fold the flags to be chevrons?
Replies: >>28518
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That's exactly why I never gas up at these stations.
Replies: >>28519
The company is called Chevron because the name of their flagship product is also called Chevron. That's why the signs say Chevron with Techron instead of just gasoline with Techron. Techron is also another product of theirs. It's like how Coca-cola's flagship product is Coca-cola. Chevron used to be called SoCal because it's headquartered in Southern California. I learned this from my grandpa who was a mechanic. Chevron used to be high quality gasoline and still is but I don't know how it compares to others. Seabee, the Navy has chevrons on their uniform????

>Socal developed a wide range of new products, including Chevron and Chevron Supreme Gasoline, introduced in 1945; RPM motor oils in 1950; and Chevron Custom Supreme, the first three-grade gasoline in the West, in 1959.
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Replies: >>28523
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Susan Wojcicki died. How many likes can this get?
Former JewTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
Kamala Harris confirms that Tupac is still alive
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Replies: >>28531
wasn't nasim a man?
I heard she was taken out by an undercooked gefilte fish.
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Don't get me wrong. I don't really care about politics but I do enjoy laughing at people who do. When you see it.
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>Seabee, the Navy has chevrons on their uniform????

Yes it does. The white patch is a copy of what I had on my dress whites uniform. The 2 chevrons indicate my rate (rank) petty officer 2nd class, equivalent to Marine sergeant, and the plumb bob and square indicates my Navy Seabee rating, Builder The other 2 chevron insignia was worn on the collar of the camos.
Replies: >>28542
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>petty officer
>2nd class
>plumb bob

Replies: >>28543 >>28545
What about it?
Replies: >>28546
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Replies: >>28546 >>28603
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lmao dude... plumb bob

are you going to model the rest of her?
Replies: >>28547 >>28563
Plumb Bob Square Pants? That makes too much sense.
>are you going to model the rest of her?
can make a whole naked body model if Ash provides reference photos from all sides in high resolution
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Why do neighbors keep doing this?
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wtf I love the olympics now
Replies: >>28607
Looks legit
YAWN... wake me up when the boys division starts.
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Companies are now trying to use trial subscriptions to terminate your rights
>The reason it says Piccolo must be compelled to arbitrate? A clause in the terms and conditions he signed off on when he created a Disney+ account for a monthlong trial in 2019.
Replies: >>28712
My local zoomer let me know that they're trying to make video games completely subsription based as well. I forsee this happening with many things, but that pendulem sway will revive  a new age of piracy no doubt as a reaction.
Replies: >>28716
I'm currently filling my old external game drives I used for my seventh and eighth generation consoles with roms because I expect things to get worse. I've already had a difficult time finding certain Nintendo roms online.
>Vimm's Lair has been asked to remove many games from The Vault on behalf of Nintendo, Sega, Lego, and the ESA.
The Citra And Yuzu developers were sued by Nintendo for accessing the encryption in games which violated DRM protected by DMCA laws, so those emulators are no longer being developed. There is no other 3DS emulator other than Citra. I was told the federal gov't is considering breaking up Google and YouTube because they have a monopoly on certain markets and there has been talk of Valve having a monopoly for years because of their steam platform which other platforms just can't compete with which is why you've seen companies like EA and Ubisoft put their games back on steam after removing them to host them on their own platform. I still prefer to buy games on steam although I will only purchase them when they are discounted but I fully expect to lose my entire game library in the future just like I did when desura went down. You can pirate most gog games with ease because they rarely receive updates but steam games receive updates most of the time and these websites will only offer an older version of a game from months back that has issues. It's just more convenient to pay for the shit on steam. I was told that some company that stored information for the federal government was hacked and everyone's social security number is available on the dark web now. Someone go find Ashley's social security number and make it the new banner. Fisker went tits up and their cars were bricked and ElectraMeccanica had to scrap their entire Solo fleet. EV cars are just a rug pull.

Desura is back but only hosts shitty flash games, lol 
Replies: >>28728
>There is no other 3DS emulator other than Citra
Doesn't citra pretty much run everything, or most games? Like the latest version of Yuzu still runs even new games that come out. Not saying it's a good thing they got popped, but it's not that big of a deal so late in the development stages. Plus switch has Ryujinx which is under active development.
>I was told the federal gov't is considering breaking up Google and YouTube because they have a monopoly on certain markets
Will never happen
>I still prefer to buy games on steam
Why buy them at all though? At most, support indie devs outside of Steam. If they don't offer their game anywhere but steam, email them and tell them you want to make a donation.
>I fully expect to lose my entire game library
Someday, yes, you will. And you'll probably end up pirating the games you want to keep at that time. Why not just do that now and cut out the middle man?
>steam games receive updates most of the time and these websites will only offer an older version of a game from months back that has issues.
>It's just more convenient to pay for the shit on steam.
It's just as convenient to click the download button somewhere else in my experience
>I was told that some company that stored information for the federal government was hacked and everyone's social security number is available on the dark web now.
What does this have to do with the rest of your post?
>Someone go find Ashley's social security number and make it the new banner.
>Fisker went tits up and their cars were bricked and ElectraMeccanica had to scrap their entire Solo fleet. EV cars are just a rug pull.
Ok so you're just schizoposting, why did I waste my time
Replies: >>28732 >>28738
video GAYmes
>support indie devs
all they make is shitty 8-bit games
Replies: >>28737 >>28744
usually yeah. Some aren't though, and some of those are worth paying for or sending in a donation though, like Dwarf Fortress
>Will never happen
Same thing was said about Standard Oil and Bell System as well. Mergers are blocked all the time. You seem like a doomer with no real experience in the matter.

>If they don't offer their game anywhere but steam, email them and tell them you want to make a donation.
I ain't writing my congressman just to play some rinky-dink game that I can just pay a few bucks for.
>It's just as convenient to click the download button
Yeah, from steam because most of these pirate sites don't even have the game I'm looking for or they have very old versions missing content.
>schizo posting
No, all that shit really happened. It's headline news. Your social security number is on the deep web along with 2.7 billion other social security numbers, names, addresses and birth dates and those car companies are filing for bankruptcy and pretty much scraping their entire fleet and telling their customers there is nothing they can do for them other than recall their vehicle without offering them a replacement. No refunds.
Replies: >>28739
bro I meant you were schizo posting because your post started off about video games and then, mid-paragraph, you started going on about le dark web and electric vehicles and shit

also data breaches happen every day, you're not sharing earth shattering leet hacker info
Alright but have you guys heard about the worms ?  worms in the news..
Replies: >>28745
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And they are mostly pricks. Just follow a few on twitter and you'll quickly realize they are all entitled pieces of shit like pic related who will rage quit on you rather than admitting they are wrong. Remember Phil Fish, the now "co"- creator of Fez. I made him rage quit once by calling him a covetous Jew for trying to take all the credit for Fez and by the way he responded, he must be Jewish because no one gets that upset about being called Jew other than Jewish people.
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wake up.. worms are coming!!!!!!!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/over-8-million-people-living-175125250.html 
google the story this is the title


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"Parasitic Infection Is Common": This Doctor Is Sharing The "Brain Worm Warning Signs" You Should Know
dont see my worm post anymore what is this CHINA censorship paradise???
nevermind found  my worm post
Barry, you DON'T have worms.
linba I have a parasite and you know what type of parasite it is? you...........
My dumb husband thinks he has worms but I keep putting spaghetti in the toilet every time he goes and forgets to flush. Then when he goes back he sees the spaghaeti. this on line web site is anonymous so he'll never know the truth heehehehehehe!!!
Pleassssssssse sssstop talking about wormsssssss im getting hungry
You clearly fail to grasp the context and the gravity of the subject at hand. You may just see a post about video games but it's about corporations engaging in unethical practices. Garlic gets rid of worms, just don't feed any to your cat or dog. Garlic can cross the blood brain barrier and will even kill brain amoebas but doctors still prescribe drug cocktails that have repeatedly shown not to be effective against them. These are the same niggas that won't prescribe you invermectin and would rather watch you die.
Replies: >>28758
Doctors are taught to give drugs that infiltrate your body that make you the patient. I don't blame doctors as individuals, but rather the system that's put in place. It wouldn't surprise me if drug companies fund the education that our doctors recieve.
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You can't show me shit like this and tell me we're not living in a simulation
Replies: >>28821
Derrick's mom.
Replies: >>28823
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I wish.
"The wing of our ruling class that tried to kill Trump is working to install Harris, & spread global destabilization":
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Weekly World News is the only paper that keeps me informed.
Replies: >>29101
nice. i love conspiracy theories, false flags and psyop. moar pls.
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    >A Florida man is facing 20 counts of obscenity for allegedly creating and distributing AI-generated child pornography, highlighting the danger and ubiquity of generative AI being used for nefarious reasons.
    >The investigation kicked off after Indian River County Sheriff's Office received tips that McCorkle was prompting an AI image generator to make child sexual imagery and distributing it via the social media app Kik.
    >McCorkle’s arrest was part of a county operation taking down people possessing child pornography, but the generative AI wrinkle in this particular arrest shows how technology is generating new avenues for crime and child abuse.
    >The increasing tide of generated AI child sexual abuse imagery has prompted federal, state and local lawmakers to push legislation to make this type of porn illegal.
    >Last year, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children received 4,700 reports of generated AI child porn, with some criminals even using generative AI to make deepfakes of real children to extort them.
Replies: >>29123
If no real children is involved, then what is the problem?
Replies: >>29127
They claim that anyone in possession of such imagery will commit a sexual crime against a minor in the future, basically the guns kill people argument or the central plot of Minority Report.

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