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my parents are forcing me to get a job, anyone knows any small disability that's good enough to never work again ? the matrix is attacking me i just wanna watch movies :(
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Run to the woods, I am currently in the process of doing that. I wish you good luck, people shouldn't suffer like you do.
Replies: >>31230 >>31270
Interesting writeup, drummy. I assume a lot of your "how to avoid work" tips are jokes or just fun hypotheticals though. For example, begging is not as easy as you make it seem. In 3rd world countries, you will never be successful as a beggar. In western countries it is not like it used to be. The united states has a "homeless crisis" and people aren't nearly as charitable as they used to be. Or your idea of laying down in front of a hospital if you're sick - in many places you will simply die. Or asking a millionaire to give you some money just because they like you, that's silly. They didn't become millionaires by being generous to others.

There is no way to truly avoid any work in this realm. You have to either play the game and be good enough at it (or lucky enough) to have enough money to quit working forever, or cut your expenses to the bone and be content with living in poverty.

While I generally agree with the overall sentiment of your link, I found it depressing that none of the solutions/ideas you presented have any real-world merit - they're fun to think about but aren't actual solutions. It confirms what I already said - work cannot be avoided entirely
Replies: >>31233
>>31224 (OP) 
Utilize the system to leverage what sheckels you obtain wageslaving to put yourself in a position where you'll never have to work again.
Sad to hear it doesn't work as well in your country, here I think it still does although it's getting worse and worse, it's still very possible to do it here, and no one will let you die in front of a hospital, but it's probably only thanks to being a post socialist country, soon it may be over. I imagine in Mexico for example they will gladly ignore you if you're dying on a sidewalk. It really makes me sad.
I think there is one way to avoid work that should be relatively easy to execute and should always work (well, again maybe not in some shitholes), but obviously I can't recommend it officially so that no one can sue me, it comes with irreversible health risks like losing fertility. Starving to anorexia levels should HYPOTHETICALLY get you to hospital and possibly get you a disability if you persist, or at least give you maybe two years off every time.
>>31224 (OP) 
If youre a girl then walk outside and marry the first man that looks decent
If youre a guy who just wants gobmnt bux, then stop working and apply for literally anything you can. I dont think neetbux pay as much as youd think they do though, and you have to provide proof to the government ever so often that youre job searching. Im pretty sure you can only get neetbux for a small period of time, like 18 months. People who try to live off the government have to apply to a bunch of different shit to survive off of neetbux since they dont pay that much, so count paperwork as your new "job". At that point you might as well work some easy going online gigs to earn you enough money to skate by. If youre too lazy and stupid to figure out how to make a few hundred dollars a month online, then you might actually be mentally disabled already.

Alternatively you could just start shitting your pants. Nobody will hire a pants shitter and only retards shit themselves. Thats a lot easier than starving yourself to disability plus shitting yourself is comfy ngl
Replies: >>31235 >>31236
>shit your pants
Genius lol, best solutions are the simplest. Maybe you could just stop talking, like absolutely don't say a word to anyone, they must come to a conclusion you must be assburger or something and you don't even have to explain anything or try to act in any way.
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pant shitting will also work for avoiding the upcoming draft for WW3
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>>31224 (OP) 
there is no escaping from wageslaving.unless u highiq or goodlooking or be born in a wealthy well connected family..grow up anon
Replies: >>31240
don't listen to the naysayer anon, you can do it, we trust in you
>crab bucket mentallity
I'll take a numba 9 xtra dip.
Replies: >>31246
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>telling someone that hes not genetically gifted or lucky enough to be born in wealth nor special 
>get someself respect n dignity n move on with it there is no comfy neet life 
>hurr durr thats crabs in a bucket mentality just lay down and rot like me.
Replies: >>31253
I remember applying at a convenience store when I was 12 because I wanted to make my own money and buy things instead of relying on my parents. I didn't get the job but I remember the store clerk telling me to enjoy my youth while I can before stepping into the working world.
>  anyone knows any small disability that's good enough to never work again ?

there are many ways to organize your life in order to access resources you require. Best is if you can find things you enjoy, that is an activity that is also supportive to others and access resources you need by doing so. 

If you enjoy stealing, and sharing those resources with others, there's that. lol 

What kept me out of work for a long time, is building and joining mutual aid networks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_aid
Replies: >>31250
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Mutual aid networks sound like a nice thing, thanks for linking that. I have been thinking about joining some kind of community, even a religious one for example, in which people just help each other. I am not afraid of "work" as in helping others or building things, getting my hands dirty, I just despise bosses, duties, restriction of freedom, contracts, workplace toxicity and such, I just want to live free, knowing I can go wherever I want without being chained to a place of work or doing something I know is absolute bullshit, that is probably what disgusts most people about work nowadays, it quite literally has become slavery. Work can be fun if it's stress free and in reasonable amount, you can see it on all the work simulator games, people actually love doing those things if they're not being raped while doing it. With that said though I also think it's completely fine to just be lazy and want to do nothing at all.
Replies: >>31277
>doesn't know how to use the search button
a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Replies: >>31263
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>he has a whole article simping on ashley and calling her based for being anti-feminist
Replies: >>31280
>that is probably what disgusts most people about work nowadays, it quite literally has become slavery
I don't know how normalfags do it. When I turned 18 I started working. It only took 6 months until I became heavily depressed and I knew if I had to do this for the next 45 years I would probably kill myself in 2 years. I made changes to get out of the system as much as possible. It's not natural to spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week in a cubical. It's even more insane when you realize some people commute an hour one-way to their job every day. The people who tolerate that lifestyle might actually be NPCs or some sort of non human.
Replies: >>31278
Same but we're not alone, you will probably figure it with time like everything, I'm thinking as this bullshit goes on maybe more people will start joining in, perhaps more mutual help networks will emerge and it'll get easier. The system is now set up so that a lazy NPC can't immediately find an easy way to stay in the bed in the morning so he just gives in, but few things are truly impossible for the determined, someone very persistent will sooner or later find a way, or at least partial peace in living so that you can for example take every other year off, then just "work" irregularly some simple shit like distributing leaflets or sitting in a booth and reading books or whatever.
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being anti-feminist IS based though, Moishe.
Replies: >>31281
About the threads topic: literally just get a job. Since your parents are "forcing" you to get one, they might help you out.
Don't like it? Make sure to spend your free time doing what makes you happy and gives your life purpose. (i.e., hobbies, studying) Still don't like it? Try another. There's no "escape" from working simply because there's no life without it. There's also no escape from drinking, peeing, showering, sleeping, etc. How will you grow old, marry, buy a house, and have children without working at least a little? Drop the blackpill. I assume when you guys talk about 'wageslavery' you mean the horrible job conditions of the big cities, well, that sucks, but you still can save money to move the rural zone or to a small town, or just get a reasonable job that doesn't make you depressed.
Shalom! Simping over it is rather pathetic, though, isn't it? And I don't think ashley is all that anti-feminist, is she? I mean, not in pratix. She larps as anti-feminist but does a lot of "guy things" and all and doesn't even shave ffs. It reminds me of the guys who simp over whores who larp as "based" nazis and so on when they are just regular girls who reflect their ideals.
>And I don't think ashley is all that anti-feminist, is she? I mean, not in pratix
>and all and doesn't even shave ffs
A natural bodily function doesn't belong to a political movement. That's like holding in your shit because you think you're gay if you allow anything to pass your anus.
Replies: >>31283
False equivalency with the gay stuff and not the main point. Before modern feminism seldom did women ever engange in creative/intelectual ares as Ashley does. Specially the technology stuff, women in tech is a feminist idea, a very modern one in fact.
>muh natural bodily function
It's pretty unhygienical. I guess we might as well stop cutting our hair or trimming our nails, right? I get the logic you're going for, but I also don't see the purpose it could serve other than looking umkempt. There's a term for this "Appeal to nature" So what if it's "natural" if it's useless and looks disgusting? Did she ever adress any argumenr for it?
Replies: >>31285 >>31296
>Simping over it is rather pathetic, though, isn't it?
It's normal to uplift those who espouse ideals we agree with. Drummy also has a page on RMS, but I doubt you would say he's "simping" for him. https://www.tastyfish.cz/lrs/rms.html
Replies: >>31288
>It's pretty unhygienical.
Do you shave your legs, pits, and pubes? Post your smooth bussy right now otherwise you're gross and unhygienic
Replies: >>31288
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Guys let's just settle this argument once and for all. There are two things I think we can all agree on:

1. Hair is gross
2. The most important (and accurate!) page on drummyfish's site is obviously https://www.tastyfish.cz/lrs/pedophilia.html
Replies: >>31288 >>31292
I hope he gets more suicide messages!
I hope you get suicide messages as well.
I wouldn't, because he's a man. If you're anti-feminist, why do you imply there should be no difference between treatment of different sexes? That aside, I mean, just look at the way he treats Ashley and the way he treats RMS. It's clearly a very different treatment. And I don't think it's anti-feminist either to treat women with the same intellect for 'ideals' as men either. All of Ashley's ideas were influenced by men's ideals, RMS, on the other hand were much more original. There was no FOSS before RMS. About the RMS page, I also see no problem in creating 'heroes' either, men who fought for great things deserve glory and honor, not only for their own merits but to also to be a role model for other men, next generations and such. To me, drummyfish comes out as a fool rationalizing silly ideas in his head with little to no grounding in empirical reality or studies.
Replies: >>31289
>I hope he gets more suicide messages!
>I hope you get suicide messages as well.
get a load of this faggot who doesn't like cunny LMAO

By the way, why haven't you posted your smooth bussy yet? Don't you shave your body hair for hygiene and the other men you sleep with?
>literally just get a job
This. Work towards a job you actually enjoy, however. Find a hobby you can profit from if you can and live within your means, but if you cant find a job you can stand forever then exit or try to reform the system.
Replies: >>31291
sadly my hobbies are video games and jacking off
Replies: >>31293 >>31306
Pedophilia is based
You're in control of your hobbies. Stop jerking off and play video-games less.
Replies: >>31295
Kek at people getting politically triggered, anyway OP stay cool: people telling you to get a job have no clue what's going on. There are these trolllolo kids baiting because I shitted on zoomers on peertube and they are now chasing me around lol, feel free to safely ignore them :D As I've found often there's no malice behind the "get a job" argument, it mostly comes from a normie who may kinda dislike work in theory but eventually "mans up" and overcomes the slight discomfort it presents to him as in the end he actually enjoys pointless smalltalk and wearing Tesco uniform and getting pattent on the back for doing whatever meaningless bullshit he gets assigned as long as gets an employee of the month badge from time to time, he's like a dog who only expects treats for fetching sticks and wants nothing more from life, maybe stick a penis somewhere and coom and then just go work and produce goods and he's happy. NPC can't even begin to comprehend how non-NPC feels. It is certain you can NOT overcome the pain and it's not your fault, you are part of advanced species who wasn't born with a preprogrammed robotic chip in your brain. It is a curse but do not lose hope, I am certain you can escape slavery but it won't be easy and it won't come for free, you'll probably be alone and misunderstood and won't have sex or family, but I think it's a life that's in a way priviledged over that of simple NPC. Wish you luck.
Replies: >>31297 >>31299
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>Make your hobby your career! It's easy and FUN!
Ok here are my hobbies
t-thanks for the advice...
Replies: >>31299
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>Before modern feminism seldom did women ever engange in creative/intelectual ares as Ashley does.
This is a very stupid statement. Were women doing the same thing as men? No, but to state that women did nothing creative is wrong.

>Specially the technology stuff.
Obviously. Restoring vintage radios wasn't a reality in 1880. Of course in history women haven't traditionally repaired vintage radios or took an interest in technology. Technology as we know it is a fairly recent development. Feminism is at an all time high and there are no women into technology as an interest other than men pretending to be women. Feminism hasn't affected anything one way or another in that regard.

>women in tech is a feminist idea, a very modern one in fact.
Never have I advocated nor uttered the phrase "women in tech". I don't care if a tranny, black, or a woman has an interest in technology. "Women in technology" is a phrase you hear strictly when talking about STEM in college or in the workforce. Outside of that, people interested in technology as a hobby focus on the technology itself rather than politics or gender. I never hear "women in technology" when researching technology topics or reading discussion about a certain type of technology. This is a projection of what you hear on the outside as someone not interested in it, it's a political statement not related to anyone actually interested in it. College is a scam and most of the time women shouldn't work, be it in technology or entry level jobs such as being a secretary. Having an interest in something does not mean I automatically align with a certain group's ideals. Simply being a woman and having an interest in technology does not mean that I want more women to enroll in STEM college courses. That's retarded, especially when I think college is a scam. To be clear, the difference here is the word "interest". Most of the "women in tech" that you hear about are not interested in technology. That's why they suck at it. There was no push for getting more men into STEM, because men are already doing it and interested in it.

>It's pretty unhygienical.
>I also don't see the purpose it could serve other than looking unkempt. 
Unhygenical isn't a word you ESL subhuman. Shaving pubes actually disrupts the natural flora and fauna of the vagina, which results in infections being much more common among women who shave. Pubes serve a purpose.

>I guess we might as well stop cutting our hair or trimming our nails, right? 
Yes. Cutting hair is unnecessary and men look much better with hair than without it. I understand trimming hair, but to feel insecure and like you're unhygienic with hair is lil bitch shit. You've let your corporate overlords convince you that your body in its natural state is incorrect, that nature is wrong, and you need to buy multiple products to fix this mistake. It's similar logic to a much more damaging and permanent procedure, circumcision. It isn't "feministy" to reject funding billionaire corporations over a non-issue. If I were a man, I would have a beard, armpit hair, chest hair, pubes, leg hair, and arm hair. Also "appealing to nature" does have its time. In nature our nails would naturally be short because we endured much more labor-intensive work than we do now, along with rooting in dirt for food which would naturally wear down nail length.

You'll notice that the advertising in the early days of shaving (~1910's, which initially was aimed for armpits) solely either shames women for natural body hair or focuses on the texture of a smooth surface,  rather than offering the supposed hygienic advantages of shaving. Meanwhile, advertisements for something like soap or toothpaste will focus of the hygienic benefits of the product. You've probably never shaved your armpits (even though it's supposedly unhygienic to have armpit hair), but, if you have, then you would notice that your sweat is constantly leaking down your body. You need deodorant to solve this problem. Now you've been sold two unnecessary products that solve two non-issues. However, when you have body hair, it retains moisture at a much better rate than having no hair. Thus, your body is cleaner and you have less sweat dripping on your body.
>inb4 ew you must be smelly
Not really. A slight musk if you dig into my armpit. This is also natural, our scent is meant to be there and carries pheromones, which make us more sexually attractive to the people smelling our bodies. I never find bodily sweat to be unattractive, whether it's on a man or a woman. Once again, that's lil bitch shit to be grossed out by natural scents. Your great great grandfather would be ashamed at how repulsed you are by women in their natural state. Similarly, to require a man to be smooth is gay. I want a masculine man. Obscuring signs of puberty/sexual maturity is strange.

Also, if you're against pedophilia then it's strange you're seemingly in favor of shaved pussy. Shaved vaginas were only recently heavily popularized by pornography because it was an attempt to make women look more prepubescent and youthful, it was "naughty". It was never about hygiene. If it was, then men would shave just as much as women. It started solely for sexual reasons that has in the past ~20 years become the norm. Women who grow pubes and shave them are attempting to relive their youth, when in reality, bare vaginas should be reserved for those who naturally have bare vaginas (little girls).
>inb4 ancient Egyptian tweezers are proof that all women were plucking their pussies years ago
Women had a lot more to focus on than plucking 500 hair follicles out of their vaginas. It's incredibly time consuming and painful to do that, especially when you have much more important matters at hand.
Replies: >>31298 >>31301
Best post in the thread. You can survive off of fairly little if you're determined. Throwing your hands up and being ok with being a little 8-hour-a-day slave is weak and reserved only for stupid braindead NPCs. You are right that NPCs cannot relate or understand a real person's opinion on this matter. The NPC never even thinks about alternatives or options, they simply do as they're told. Go to school, get a job, work until you're 60 years old. For someone who is a real person, we are more likely to have interests and hobbies we want to pursue that a job would get in the way of. So, we have the thought to figure out how to lessen our engagement in the "system". NPCs turn their head and cannot relate to this, it's like talking to a brick wall. Their job is their hobby. They have little to nothing going for them and this is why they're ok being a literal slave. They learn to cope and eventually even like it. A lifestyle opposing theirs is viewed as impossible and "weak". You're not a "real man" if you don't want to be a slave to the faceless corporate system. Talk about brainwashing.
Replies: >>31299 >>31300
>Unhygenical isn't a word you ESL subhuman. Shaving pubes actually disrupts the natural flora and fauna of the vagina, which results in infections being much more common among women who shave. Pubes serve a purpose.

I stopped shaving my dick hairs, but that was more because I heard you could get ingrown hairs when they grow out
Replies: >>31299
If you’re not Ashley, I have no idea who you are. All I know is that you’re arrogant and defensive, acting like everything revolves around you. Other than that, no clue.
>You’re either unemployed or working 8 hours a day.
Why do you all think like this? Not all jobs are like that. You can have a job and hobbies without letting work take over your life. That aside, what you said fits with what I told OP at 31281—you can work without making it your whole personality.
Again, not every job makes you a mindless drone.
I’m not the one who told you to make money off your hobbies, but what you’re calling "hobbies" sound self-destructive. Jerking off isn’t a hobby; it’s a bad habit. Playing video games all day without limits isn’t much better.
I haven’t read her post yet, but that’s a dumb argument. Who cares if a word is “real” as long as people know what it means? “Unself-aware” isn’t a word either, but it still makes sense. Ashley herself states in her website:
>fair warning that I don't use any form of spell check and I do not care to correct any typos or misspellings. I'm not writing an essay that has to be graded by my high school teacher.
Another problem is Ashley thinking that natural always means healthy. That’s not true. We’re far from natural now—our society, our way of life, our genetics, all of it is unnatural. We’re as far from nature’s plan as Ashley’s inbred pugs. Also, she twisted what I said about women and creativity. I said “seldom,” not “never.” Of course some women did creative shit, but those were a minority. I’ll get to her long ass post eventually.
So you wouldn't fix tech for someone, on your own time, for pay? That's retarded
Replies: >>31301 >>31313
>women shouldn't be secretaries
I disagree, that's one of the few jobs women can do properly. Why would a man be a secretary? That would be gay and stupid.
>Shaving pubes actually disrupts the natural flora and fauna of the vagina
Jesus, Ashley, I was talking about armpits, not your vagina. Interesting information, though.
>and you need to buy multiple products to fix this mistake.
Or how about getting a haircut every now and then, so you don’t end up looking like the love child of Bob Marley and a heavy metal guitarist?
>You've probably never shaved your armpits
What makes you think so?
>if you have, then you would notice that your sweat is constantly leaking down your body. You need deodorant to solve this problem
Great point, actually. Hairy armpits and pussies still look ugly, though, so I'll "drink the kool-aid" on this one. And no, that doesn't make me a freaking pedo.
You seem to believe that shaving makes men effete, so shouldn't not shaving make women less effeminate?
You also seem interested in nature, so why own pugs instead of chad german shepards or something?
Ashley is a cluster B freak.
Replies: >>31313
>Jerking off isn’t a hobby; it’s a bad habit.
>Playing video games all day without limits isn’t much better.
Sounds pretty based to me.
>“Unself-aware” isn’t a word either, but it still makes sense.
No it doesnt. A typo and making up a brand new word are two different things.
Replies: >>31303 >>31309
You know, if you have nothing worth being said, you could just not say anything. And yes, unself-aware does make sense. You and I both know what it's supposed to mean.
>brand new word
Is this the sequel to Brave new world?
Replies: >>31304 >>31307
We both also know what kpop fanfaggot means and that's what you are.
Replies: >>31309
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This guy tryharding to derail the thread reminds me of those kids who used to connect to quake servers spamming the nword, then crying that no one got mad lol.
Replies: >>31309
That's fine I guess. Do you have a job you can stand doing? If not you should quit. Find a better job, try to reform the system, or take advantage of gibs.
Replies: >>31308
genuine question, and I don't mean this in a passive aggressive way, or in a way that suggests you should leave. It seems to me that you:
- don't like ashley (she's a "cluster B freak" as you put it)
- think that the people who do like her and applaud her efforts to be based instead of an NPC are, by default, simps
- disagree with many of her ideas (e.g., anti-consumerism, pedo hysteria, pugs, etc)
... then I find myself wondering why you're here at all? Again, this is a genuine question. Personally I welcome all forms of discussion on the board and enjoy arguing with my fellow tubsissies.
Replies: >>31309 >>31312
I'm actually doing fine and despite not being in love with my work, I quite enjoy my life. I just think it's silly when people give the advice of "do what you love" or "make your hobby your business" because literally none of the hobbies I have could ever be profitable. (batin' and gamin')
>discussing is derailing
I suppose >>31302 >>31304 are the expected civil and productive behavior around here. Also, no one is "mad"? Then why are you here? Why was the thread so active? Are you living in some alternative universe where no one is here in this thread "getting mad" as you say? If anything, I think that the reason you remember that is because you now relate to those kids, you're the one "crying" over what I'm doing.
>she's a "cluster B freak"
I can't like her without putting her on a pedestal? That was a tongue-in-cheek comment anyway, and suddenly it was some sort of anti-Ashley iconoclastic sin.
Is Ashley unironically "pro-pedophilia" or something?
And I'm anti-consumerist too. Just because I shave doesn't make me an MacOS Funko Pop owner. A common trend here is that you guys seem to lack sense of nuance.
Dude, you have much deeper passions aside from rubbing your penis and playing video games, you just can't see them. Isn't there anything else in the world that peaks your interest? Think about your family, your ancestors, your nation's blood and soil. Many died and others sacrificed their entire lives busting their asses of just so you could be alive, safe and sound here today. If all you’re doing with your free time is gaming and jerking off, you really should try to step away from it, even just a little. Try lifting, reading, researching, or practicing math, painting, or handwriting. If you like games with guns, try researching guns, for example.
Replies: >>31313 >>31316
people make money playing video games AND batin'. It's clear you're not trying hard enough. "doing what you love", is in fact cliche advice, but the consequence of not doing what you love is the result of waking up when you're 40 and realize you haven't even tried jacking off while live streaming
Replies: >>31311
jacking off while live streaming video games sorry
Some people just like to trollolo for fun in random places, I have nothing against that and think it's cool, just saying this is not a good pond to fish, it's mean to be done in normiespaces where people get actually angry when someone assigns them non-nice adjectives. 
>make your hobby your business
Also I don't get this advice, when you start doing this you'll just start hating what you used to love, never do that.
My advice for when you absolutely have to get a job is to get something that you actually don't like that much but know you should do, like physical work, then you'll be basically working out and getting paid for it. I specifically avoid anything with computers because then I'd be sitting at a computer in work then come home and continue to sit at a computer for fun, would be a disaster.
>You’re either unemployed or working 8 hours a day.
>Why do you all think like this?
I don't. The second sentence in my post says, "You can survive off of fairly little if you're determined." Most people in the workforce are mindless drones. Hobbies skyrocketed in 2020 when people stayed at home during the fake pandemic. It goes to show you that work directly collides with a normie's ability to have hobbies or interests. When you're busy spending your entire day being a slave, you simply want to veg out the moment you're home rather than think and build upon an interest/hobby. For example, you might have discovered your hobby of inventing new words during 2020.

No. I've fixed multiple items for people for free. Turning a hobby into a job will quickly ruin any fun, passive aspect about the hobby because it's now an obligation and time constraint. People who say, "do what you love as your job" have never actually done so.

The advice they should really give is "do what you're good at that requires the least amount of time commitment for the most amount of profit". You can't turn batin' and gamin' into a profitable business unless you're a female. Time is really the valuable thing here, not the contents of your work. Make your work something that requires the least amount of time commitment for a good amount of profit.

>I disagree, that's one of the few jobs women can do properly. Why would a man be a secretary?
That is not at all my experience. You would want a man to be a secretary because you wouldn't be told, "that question confuses me", as I was told on the phone literally last week by a woman when asking a very basic question. Men are much more efficient and competent, and this is confirmed every time I interact with entry level employees.
>You've probably never shaved your armpits
>What makes you think so?
I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt you weren't a fag.
>Hairy armpits and pussies still look ugly
>And no, that doesn't make me a freaking pedo.
Homo pedo.
>You seem to believe that shaving makes men effete, so shouldn't not shaving make women less effeminate?
One is purposefully altering the body while the other is leaving it in its natural state. A man who removes his signs of masculinity and development is a weak, effeminate, twink. Why are you trying to look like a smooth little boy? Young men ages ~12-13 are excited to get their first chest or chin hair, only to shave it off. A woman (or man) who lets their natural bodily functions take place are not acting feminine or masculine.
>You also seem interested in nature, so why own pugs instead of chad german shepards or something?
Because the temptation would be too strong.

>civil and productive behavior around here
>A common trend here is that you guys seem to lack sense of nuance.
I only got that impression with you, as you tend to lump one singular opinion to then adhere to a group with a whole other subset of opinions. E.g. disliking certain aspects of feminism equates to one being "anti-feminism", or making certain remarks about pedophilia makes one "pro" or "anti-pedophilia". A lot of people hold opinions that don't adhere to a group or political movement.
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>I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt you weren't a fag.
fucking savage kek
Replies: >>31317
>Try lifting, reading, researching, or practicing math, painting, or handwriting.
Nigga this isnt preschool
Replies: >>31317
>I don't. The second sentence in my post says, "You can survive off of fairly little if you're determined."
You see, that's what I'm talking about, you can get a job, like I and other said, and not be a mindless drone, I was disagreeing with the ones encouraging OP to be a NEET. A lot of people (city dwellers tbh) in 2020 noticed how much some of their jobs were BS jobs. But not all jobs are BS jobs.
The term 'derailing' implies that what I said wasn't civil or productive.
>certain remarks about pedophilia makes one "pro" or "anti-pedophilia"
drummyfish is very open about promoting and defending pedophilia. This is what I mean by "pro-pedophilia", simple.
About feminism, same thing, the guy (31280) was opposing it, it's just simpler to discuss it to break it down in those terms.
>literal nig reaction image
Speaks heights about this mindset
This is the brainwashing that institutionalized schooling does to you. Just because school isn't telling you to study or find excellence, virtue and mastering skills you won't do it? Also, you were lifting in fucking preschool? Kek, now that's based
>nig reaction image
"Friday" is a cult classic retard. Go back to /pol/ where feds and transgender mods can keep an eye on you while you talk with other do-nothings about how to save the huwhite race
Replies: >>31319
Another thing, I don't know where I stand in the hobbies as a job issue. It depends on the hobby, I think. But you should try to do something less esoteric and more "real work", like mastering a profitable skill, which is basically what Ashley said in her last reply
Cult classic by transgdender nig-loving white guilty letterboxd standards, you mean. I do wish /pol/ wasn't full of morons like you, though.
Replies: >>31329
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can we please just go back to talking about lolis
>The term 'derailing' implies that what I said wasn't civil or productive.
Nothing productive happens here hence tubgurl.com. Being a constant contrarian for the hell of it is derailing or baiting.
Replies: >>31324
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>A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us."
And I suppose being contrarian consists of stating unpopular opinions such as:
>pedophilia is bad (HUGE HOT TAKE)
>you don't need to be a NEET to not be an NPC
>hairy armpits are fugly
Funny how you guys fancy yourselves as free thinkers, make fun of normies for adapting to social imposed norms, but seem to just follow whatever Ashley or other "tubbies" say is the norm, or whatever seems more convenient/easier, like being a degenerate neet and rationalizing it as some kind of revolution against muh society.
Replies: >>31325
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Yes. Glad we're on the same page about the armpits and pedophilia.
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mfw this thread caused all the other pedos on tubgurl to come out of the woodwork
>Time is really the valuable thing here, not the contents of your work
You'd shovel shit for 200$ an hour? kek what a retarded kpop fancattle baby brain bitch
Replies: >>31330
nah ashit said she'd eat shit for 500¥ an hour
You hiring? Sure, I'll shovel shit for $200/hour. Let me know when you want me to show up.

OH WAIT, your example is FUCKING STUPID because nobody would pay that much
Replies: >>31332
>Guy things
So having hobbies other than doing your makeup, shopping and getting your back blown out as a woman make you a feminist according to you. That's truly exceptional. You'd think heterosexual men would want women to have some personality and inner life and wouldn't accuse them of being man-hating feminists for it but I guess my first mistake was assuming you weren't a faggot. 
>doesn't even shave
Not shaving is not a political action, it's not even an action at all.
Replies: >>31333 >>31336
>there's no such thing as well paying shitty jobs
Replies: >>31333
>So having hobbies other than doing your makeup, shopping and getting your back blown out as a woman make you a feminist according to you.
Whoa whoa whoa, bro. That's a gross generalization. Your average woman does more than just makeup, shopping, and sleeping around. They also really like
>binge watching netflix
>social media
>eating at restaurants

Please show me the $200/hour shit-shoveling stable boy job offers, I'll wait
Replies: >>31336 >>31346
Yes, many heterosexual chads rather fuck dyke Ashley because she has personality (you only have personality if you have autistic hobbies in this nerd's logic) instead of a 10/10 gigastacy. And not all women but Ashley are whores. If anything Ashley is a gigaslut, she kept talking about her vagina in this thread for internet stangers
I guess in this logic, a men would be a chad (with inner life and personality, duuude!) for doing "girl things" as well, which is funny considering you just called me a faggot. Have fun playing with your Barbies, man
>accuse them of being man-hating feminists
>ctrl+F man-hating
>not found
Literally didn't accuse ashley of hating men. Feminism doesn't equate to hating men, it equates to the erroneous modernist belief that women should be like men.
>it's not even an action at all.
It's still a conscious decision, that conscious decision in itself is an action. Not having babies or not getting married also are lack of actions but are conscious decisions and have political ramifications don't they? What is this fucking logic?
And the average man, as seen on this thread isn't exactly Nietzsche's Übermensch either. If anything, those normie things (netflix, social media, drinking, and promiscuity aside) are still preferable to just playing video-games and jerking off all day, something the coomers ITT will die to defend.
Replies: >>31339 >>31347
idk where you live but in a lot of places you can kinda live on welfare as long as you arent a total drug addict or a slop addict. I think one disability that is used comonly is "agoraphobia" but you gotta get TF out of your parents place to make any money on disability or welfare. lie and tell them you're homeless or something.
>>31224 (OP) 
i think one of the main things that makes working truly terrible like 99% of the problem with work is having to deal with other people. dealing with other peoples shit is what totally ruins it. i worked in a fish plant for a few years didnt have to talk to a soul and it was fine imo. it was shitty work but its 100 times better than having to talk to some other person or try to convince some other person to do something or not fire you constantly. if you can find a job where you don't have to talk to anyone (rare) you're golden. only if you have to work though.
Replies: >>31343 >>31345
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Replies: >>31341
Nice arguments, moron.
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>i worked in a fish plant
Conceptualize the aroma
Very good advice from anon here, can confirm also. Probably my best experience was delivering newspaper on a bicycle very early each morning when everyone was deep asleep, I never saw anyone except for night animals, though it wasn't a real "job", no real money to talk about. Then I worked as a cleaner in factory where there were people but I didn't have to talk to them, just cleaned the dressing room and bathroom as they were working and that was awesome too, they would let the radio play for me and I could even sit for a while if they didn't leave too much garbage behind, sometimes having saved time I would even just relax in the storage room, eat my snack, pretending to be cleaning my mop, was almost even a pleasant times (not always of course, if someone got sick you suddenly had to work two shifts at once). Also night shifts as a "guard" were similarly cool, was like going for a walk every night. Just avoid people like anon recommends.
>he doesn't know about the dubai porta potties
>"duuuhuurh i bet you play with barbies then you fucking faggot!!"
Don't project on me nigga
>heterosexual chads
>10/10 gigastacy
You have nothing to say that would be of value to me
Replies: >>31348
>Don't project on me nigga
This is your logic's rational conclusion. Why the fuck are you using quotes inside greentext? Greentext is for quoting.
>You have nothing to say that would be of value to me
And why would I care what you think is of value? Specially when you dismiss ideas over the terms being used to present them, doesn't know how to use greentext properly and called me a nigga, as if we're negros in "the hood"? In order to others to care about what is of "value" to you, you'd need to prove that you're of value of anything in the first place, something you're unable to, so you resort to picking terms you dislike.
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NTA but how he used greentext was perfectly fine. It's used for more than direct quotes. You just got implied, bro. You would know this if you didn't use Reddit your whole life, you nitpicky bitchy woman.
Replies: >>31351
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>called me a nigga, as if we're negros in "the hood"?
u mad nigga?
Interesting considering his whole argument was "you're projecting" and nitpicking on terms I used. Yes, greentext is used in various contexts but we can all agree the quotes were superfluous, the quoting wasn't direct either. And I don't use Reddit, but your webm was pretty Reddit-tier and unfunny.
Replies: >>31356
>bro you aren't 4channing right
>proceeds to write out post numbers instead of quoting them
Explain yourself, you naughty little boy:
>what you said fits with what I told OP at 31281
>same thing, the guy (31280) was opposing it
Replies: >>31353
I wasn't replying to them... Can I go now, judge?
Replies: >>31354
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If you're referencing another post you quote it so we can hover over it and see the post, newfag. You're welcome for the spoonfeeding.
Replies: >>31355
I'll write something in the only tongue you speak:  Yo! Stap makahng up shit, nigga. This is clearly not the same as quoting inside green-text. Sheeeiit.
>I'm a faggot and I horsecock suck cock DAILY
Replies: >>31359
I'm sure half of you pussies would have a nervous breakdown operating the cash register during rush hour at Wendy's.
Replies: >>31360 >>31378
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I'm Bacock Obama and I approve this message.
Unironically yes. Once during a job interview I asked if I could do anything but the cash register and the lady looked at me like I was crazy. I then proceeded to fail a math test they gave me.
Replies: >>31378
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Oooohhhh RIGHT, so when the robot does it, it's COOL and FUTURISTIC, but when I do it it's ILLEGAL and WRONG

fuck this gay earth
I strafed the insecure masculinity argument above me with posts imitating one poster or the other at varying times. Both of them have developed an image of the other that is slightly off because I MITM'd their bitching. They were arguing against a synthetic individual that they constructed in their heads because they are OBSESSED.

If you're reading this, go ahead an seethe in a reply. I will never see it. I closed the browser, jacked off into the sink and went on a Luigi vacation.

Cope, you will never one-up me in your argument and I think you are a proud gay man.
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Replies: >>31371 >>31372
I actually don't see any of the posters here as individuals aside from Ashley, the way I saw it was a each different post a different anon. You're also retarded for reveling your "epic troll" anyway.
Thank you for Malcom In the Middling our "bitching", retard
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>synthetic individual
my sides
bro had to ragequit but assured us his intellect far surpassed us, we have no option but to admit defeat
all bow to the synthetic individual guy
like I said: not a good pond to fish hombre, better luck next time
I also did this
Why does Ashley like long ass?
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