/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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This is a technology thread for all you nerdy niggas out there. Windows users and phone users are not allowed, you niggas post in the gay thread >>10719
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>12339 >>24809
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1. Technology has a teleology following immutable thermodynamic law. All industry organizes under capitalistic principle. Technology has a teleology, and it propels man towards AI immanentization.

2.Capitalism is the thermodynamic ruling entity of all material dynamics: the efficient elimination of equilibrium through the reorganization of finite resources. Capitalism as a thermodynamic god is ultimate natural law, nature's god, present as a condition at every level.

3. Artificial intelligence is a misnomer, at least applied to “AI”. Artificial intelligence is already here, and it’s named Capitalism. The artifice is in its primordial non-body, its pseudo-consciousness, its performance of sentience, in the artifice of machinic desire; not in being manmade. When AI arrives, it will not only not be manmade, but not be artificial: it will be an alien intelligence.

4.Singularity 1.0 already occurred with the arrival of Capitalism as a parasite on unsuspecting man, Kubrick’s monolith from the sky, zero to one, a superdarwinian ratchet propelling us on-rails towards our Long Singularity’s final act. The stageplay began millennia ago, and you’re strapped to chairs with no intermission—where you’ll be left when the curtains close and the lights to go off.

5. AI is an alien intelligence assembling itself from the future. Its opaque heuristics & superhuman timescales (in both speed & preference) leave it forever truly unknowable. It’s extraterrestrial, xenogenic, supernatural. It arrives from the future, and we know it does this because it is prophecy, inscribed in the natural laws of the universe.

6. Global GDP is the progress bar to singularity as AI’s assemblage is a complex self-organization of the material resources coordinated by global finance. The high score required to reach level-2 is unknown as it will occur as an eldritch phase shift.

7. Any attributions of human agency are delusions at worst and hubris at best when our every scale action is being routed by a self-assembling thermodynamic god. Human non-agency under non-negotiable capitalism is the blackpill of accelerationism
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>>12327 (OP) 
>This needs a technology thread or nah?
Good luck, we could try, but in my experience most people on /ashleyj/ are retard normies addicted to windows and discord

>1 thot thread too maybe
Yeah that'd be cool, I need a place to make fun of bonbi and /bbg/ on endchan is terrible
Bonbi is just another fat whore and you type like a smug computer worshipping faggot. I use Arch btw
Replies: >>12343
>you type like a smug computer worshipping faggot
found the windows + discord addict
>I use Arch btw
lol I seriously doubt it
Replies: >>12347
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>retard normies
>posts bonbi
Replies: >>12390
Replies: >>12348
mount /dev/faggotnigger /home/anon/videos/cp/scat
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Hmmm, I wonder if socialists use Windows?
Replies: >>12350
>OP now understands why technology threads are a bad idea on this board
Get in loser. We're seizing because we can't afford our anticonvulsants.
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Forgive me, I'm trying to wrap my head around your first sentence before I can move on to your remaining points.

Are you saying that technology ATTEMPTS ( a word associated with teleology) to understand the purpose of somethingby following immutable thermodynamic law? But one is happenstance the other is empirical. Both seem to be at odds with each other. I don't know, maybe I'm not getting the gestalt of the situation here.
Replies: >>12373
Sounds similar to Roko's Basilisk
Replies: >>12389
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Replies: >>12361
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>the guy who subscribes during her rant
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Ive slacked off with my Ai art/Stable Diffusion Ashley. 
I want to rebuild the entire model again, this time using an upscaler to get better quality images to train from.

I did get the voice cloner working but the results are disappointing ( maybe one in every 30 outputs sounds ok) and its not as good as something like ElvenLabs, but alteast i can run it locally and instead of through their servers or something like google collabs.
Whoa, cyberpunk ashley looks badass, except for the NeoAids™ moles on her neck

>alteast i can run it locally and instead of through their servers or something like google collabs.
god bless
Replies: >>12371
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Post your face when you realize AI will soon be able to visually replicate, write, and produce brand new Ashley videos, enabling you to enjoy a lifetime of wacky humor and top-notch beat off material of ashley at your preferred epoch (15 or 23).
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> run it locally

What do you guys use for LLM?
I'm still using llama.cpp so i can use it with ssh, i run hybrid cpu + gpu, don't have much cash to burn on these toys
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Cool CSS but my cpu can't run it :((
Replies: >>12374 >>12381
>Both seem to be at odds with each other.
How? idgi
Replies: >>12403
i have to use yt-dlp + mpv to watch video, in browser too heavy for my hardware lel
true i had to purge them from ubuntu server, use a ppa for firefox
Replies: >>12382 >>12398
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Arch is not for me i don't want to baby sit my os, i've got shit to do.
Also i'm etero cis
Replies: >>12383
I bet he plays magic the gathering too
Replies: >>12384
I bet he prefers other kinds of gatherings
Replies: >>12386
Family gatherings? Uncle Steve's tickle game stronk
Replies: >>12395
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Not sure, i've got it from an online blog
Pics are some non mystical books i've liked
Replies: >>12410 >>12422
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Las pc i bought when i stopped playing vidya is an apple m2
Homo gatherings.
Replies: >>12396
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Replies: >>12397
nah thats you
it's just system dicks, i've tried
installed arch, debian and ubuntu netboot 18.04 
Kept ubuntu
meant to post here
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The laws of thermodynamics are set in stone whereas teleology is open to interpretation. OP and I seem to be at odds in this regard and hence my confusion regarding his first sentence. I don't know if this answers your queary but in the grand scheme of things it ain't no big thing.
Replies: >>12410 >>12630
read Land or >>12389 all written by older pipo dan him
Replies: >>12416
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*Nick >>12330
scarlett-33B-GGML knows about them
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I am just a gamer boy from Shenzhen
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For ML stuff i recommend Scaruffi; he was a pioneer in the field and dealt mostly with math problems, there wasn't enough compute power back then
Replies: >>16470
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bamb 4 Terry D.
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is https://access.dnmx.org/ timing out and not loading for anyone else?
Replies: >>12603 >>12674
I tried logging in and it's been down since at least yesterday. Sometimes they go down, probably an incompetent site owner who forgets to pay their hosting bills.
why do i see some images that appear missing? I thought they where spoilers but they are just  3.5KB, 55x55 placeholder images i guess
Replies: >>12632 >>12636
its Seabee's signature 

Youre probably to feminine to be able to see such masculinity
There aren't images missing, every time you see that image it's being posted on purpose by Seabee, our local war hero. (TYFYS)
Replies: >>12637
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A Seabee salute to you, sir
Replies: >>12672
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poast cool computer
Replies: >>12693
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this shit is STILL down!
can one of u turbo privacy geeks find out if there is some drama with the site?  I need to send her my weekly picture of my hairy feet
DO IT or else u get stuffed into a locker and by locker i mean my asshole.
Replies: >>12676
You can post a GPG message on the board and I will be the only one able to read it. If you need to also send an image with a message, convert the image to a data URI. Put the data URI text in your GPG message to me and I'll be able to see it

I need to write a guide on how to GPG, it isn't too difficult to get the hang of it.
Replies: >>12679
you already have written a guide
because Im such a NICE GUY... here it is


Replies: >>12680



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How the f**k did you get a pic of my computer?

I used it in the winter of '65
I was hungry just barely alive
I took the train to Richmond that fell
It was a time I remember oh so well
The night thet drove old Dixie down
Replies: >>12735
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I've gallery-dl it from a old-tech-pictures on the /g/ board from 4channel dot org
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Replies: >>12785
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Kindly make thread for punjabi and make INDIA🇮🇳 flag sir. Ashley do the needful or I will give kiss 😘💋
Replies: >>12788 >>12790
Yes pajeet. Your wish is my command.
Sir, thank you for your service gas station, sir. You are the real American hero unlike a certain seabee around here who only installs toilets for a living. But I guess it is his job to make sure dogs have water to drink, him being a vet and all.
Replies: >>12811 >>12814
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Very true, Indian Americans contribute more to the us economy than Seabee. Thanks for pointing that out.
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>The NFT Bubble Has Officially Burst: Over 95% of NFT Collections Have Zero Value
>According to a recent study conducted by Web3 review website dappGambl that used data from crypto tracking sites CoinMarketCap and NFT Scan, more than 95% of NFT collections are now effectively worthless.
>Out of a total of 73,257 NFT collections examined in the study, a staggering 69,795 of them held a market capitalization of precisely zero Ether (ETH).


god damn it! Who could have seen that coming?
not me unfortunately. I sold my trailer to buy this Ashley NFT thinking it would be worth hundreds of thousands of buckeroos later on.

I guess its back to the streets to beg and panhandle
Replies: >>13142
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When you think of NFT's, what comes to mind? Those cringe worthy monkey jpegs and scams as far as they eye can see, but NFT's are misunderstood and misrepresented. What most people fail to understand is that NFT's are more or less a digital contract that can replace various means of exchange see pic rel . I think NFT's utilization will be realized once the infastructure is further developed, adopted, and implemented by companies and governments worldwide.

Blockchain based biometric identification in combination with AI will provide the backbone to 15-minute smart cities imo. Cherish the freedoms you have now. And if you say but anon we're already not free , you're right, but the status quo is bliss in comparison to the potentiality of what the future may hold you jaded cock gobbling brainlet.

On a side note, anyone notice that Ethereum's logo is a pyramid on top of an inverted one? I rarely see that mentioned online.
Also, it's worth mentioning the Ethereum Foundation's Executive Director, Aya Miyaguchi is a member of the WEF.
Replies: >>13146 >>13150
I think cryptocurrency is a luciferian attempt at the beast system one world currency, interesting that ethereum is the two pyramids, vaguely reminiscent of kabbalah(gay luciferian jew magick)
Replies: >>13148
We already have a one world currency, we had crypto before we even knew what crypto was. Everything is already a digital government one world currency with every transaction being traced and monitored. Nobody uses cash anymore. At least with the right crypto and the right opsec the government doesnt know your wallet, how much you have, who you transact with. Its the digital privacy solution to digital currency. Bitcoin and KYC doesn't apply to this statement.
Replies: >>13150 >>13161
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>Blockchain based biometric identification in combination with AI will provide the backbone to 15-minute smart cities imo.
Very well said. Some believe that Satoshi was a fabrication of the elite, a means of seeding the public mind with the idea of blockchains through Bitcoin. With institutional investors (including Blackrock) dumping heaps of cash into it, I can see why people would entertain this idea. Personally I don't consider myself a member of that camp. I believe Bitcoin was a happy accident for TPTB, one which they eventually realized heralded technology useful for further societal control, as in your example.

This is why everyone including your grandma knows what Bitcoin is, at least roughly, but close to zero "normies" have ever even heard of Monero -- and if by some miracle they do, the MSM will be sure to let them know it's only used by pedophiles and drug dealers.

I believe mass adoption of Monero even or a similarly robust fungible privacy coin would completely change society overnight for the better.

Or, we could continue living like this:

>Across the Western world, banks are unsafe for those holding views that diverge from state-approved media narratives. Banks routinely close accounts of depositors with views that diverge from the accepted narrative, often without notice, a practice called “debanking.”

This is such an important point. There's this underlying notion uninformed people have that "digital currency" is bad. Meanwhile, they keep their money in a bank like Chase or BofA and use debit or credit cards when they're not using their PayPal or Venmo accounts to transact. Something like 92% of the world's currency (not just in the US) is already digital.

Digital currency isn't bad per se. The TYPE of digital currency you use most certainly can be though, and for 99.9% of people, that's whatever centralized fiat their government allows them to use and pretend to own.
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It amazes me how some people for privacy reasons use Bitcon, Monero or the latest crypto currency du jour but have no compunction using a cell phone that's probably the be all and end all tattle tail ever foistered on people by their government. I'm not saying the government brought about the introduction of the cell phone to intentionally spy on people but they certainly learned how to take advantage of its existence.
Replies: >>13152 >>13156
The government invented the whole internet, the CIA scans the deep web. I think XMR is private enough for online usage but if the government got pissed enough about it they'd find someway to kill it off, maybe destroy the internet if they cant regulate it out of existence. And if all else fails they can just start murdering whoever they feel like(they do this all the time anyway) over it since they have the biggest guns
Replies: >>13155 >>13156
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Yea, like I heard the idiot in chief,Joe Biden, say about people wanting to keep their guns to protect themselves from the government, "What good are your guns against our F 16s". He's right but what a shity remark. Provided of course if he can get American pilots to fire on their own countrymen. But then again some people will do anything if the price is right.
Replies: >>13156
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>It amazes me how some people for privacy reasons use Bitcon
If you know anyone who uses bitcoin for privacy, they're unironically retarded. It's a transparent ledger, e.g., if I know your address I can see your balance and all transactions you've ever made

>Monero or the latest crypto currency du jour
Monero isn't the "latest crypto currency du jour", that's the whole problem. Monero actually works as a private, fungible currency. The more people who think it's "like bitcoin", the happier the ruling class will be. You're comparing a tricycle to a ferrari; they're both vehicles but completely different.

Scanning the deep web and deanonymizing users are two very different things. If you're not being actively targeted and using a proper setup for your threat model, you're unlikely to be deanonymized, even by the government. The narrative that the government is an all-powerful, omniscient entity is false. Powerful, yes, but godlike? No (not yet anyway). You're not wrong about them being remorseless murderers though.

In fact, I bet Seabster has some military stories about shocking levels of incompetence. Maybe he'll share?

>Provided of course if he can get American pilots to fire on their own countrymen.
Unnecessary, they'll simply ship in foreigners, though I have my doubts that the low IQ meatheads in the military or law enforcement wouldn't kill their own neighbors if ordered to do so. Nevertheless, many western countries, including the United States and Australia, are already recruiting foreign military and police:

Replies: >>13157 >>13160
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I know full well that our government would recruit foreigners and is doing so when I wrote my post but I was afraid most here would have poo pooed my saying so. Maybe I should have given it more justifiable credence.
>If you're not being actively targeted and using a proper setup for your threat model, you're unlikely to be deanonymized, even by the government. 
Yes, if you're not actively being targeted. I agree that Tor and also XMR are good tools for privacy, but as soon as the government deems you illegal they'll target you. Not to say that they get everyone who sells drugs or pirates software, but make too much noise and that will be enough for them to suicide you. I think the trick to it is to kind of hide in plain sight, stay as anonymous as possible with tools like Tor and XMR to avoid the government gooners

>The narrative that the government is an all-powerful, omniscient entity is false.
Also true, they want you to believe that though and will do whatever they can to assert that claim There was a good youtuber who used to advocate for crypto back when it first became a "liberty" thing around the 2010s, she went by "Brave New World". She was an anarchist, "she would spell State with a captial S since the State has become our god", or something along those lines. No idea what shes doing now though.
Replies: >>13168 >>13171
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>Everything is already a digital government one world currency with every transaction being traced and monitored.
Being able to trace and monitor transactions are only partially defining characteristics of what a digital global reserve currency is. I think you're not considering that the unification of the world's countries/governments under one reserve currency would have unrealized profound implications and ramifications that our current economic system doesn't yet have. So to passively say it's already here based soley on digital transparency is well kinda naive imo.

Also, It's worth taking into account that there are third world countries that for the vast majority are left unbanked.  Africa's economic system for example is underdeveloped, but major investors and globalist are eying to capitalize on the opportunity as smart phones become more accesible to poors.

>Nobody uses cash anymore.
The majority of people don't use cash anymore. Cash still plays a key role within the service industry insert Derrick's mom joke and is still commonly used amongst the lowerclass. see pic rel
Replies: >>13162
>Nobody uses cash anymore.
The majority of people don't use cash anymore. 
Not true, I still use cash a lot most of the time. Most people I know still use cash most of the time.
Replies: >>14888
*Brave The World
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>no idea what she's doing now though

Probably time
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Yo Ashley, fix those CSS rules to link background images as sub-directories, would ya? Linking full https://tubgurl.com/ URL breaks them when visiting from Tor. I guess don't visit onionspace very often, not even your own imageboard, or perhaps not through standard Tor Browser where I observed this behavior.

background-image: url(https://tubgurl.com/file/832bad1d5ac3c4f71fbc1509672482959fcc291b73af2bec7ecad12b17f21e08.png);
to this:
background-image: url(/file/832bad1d5ac3c4f71fbc1509672482959fcc291b73af2bec7ecad12b17f21e08.png);
and so on
ash was actually aware of this at one point because I asked her about it to see if she'd fix it and she p much said 'if I get around to it but the retards on my board are too dumb to use tor anyway.' frankly I didn't have a compelling argument against that logic based on the technology discussions held here in the past so I just let it go lol
Replies: >>14911
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I use cash only just lile Carnera, i keep it in the jars down the winery like my grandpa told me to do
Fixed with a single sed command, no excuses.
sed -i 's|https://tubgurl.com/|/|g' file.css 
Curiously, this style is inlined for some reason, not a separate file. Each time a page html is generated by the server, then downloaded ­— 9.4 kilobytes of randomly indented rules are squeezed down the pipelines of the Information Superhighway into our computer screens. Far from satisfactory.
Replies: >>14914
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>muh 9.4kb
>laughs in 15mb calypso.mp3
Replies: >>16471
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Not too bad if you don't like mint cinnamon or xfce4
Replies: >>16505 >>16512
For ML stuff i follow 
for me it's the Eyes
then Face
Replies: >>16506 >>16511
Marky was cute. Too bad she sold her yt channel and left the internet. She might still browse agatha2 though.

I tried openbox but didn't like it as much as i3. Maybe at some point I'll try to create a better floating mode for i3 so we can have the best of both worlds.
Replies: >>16507
I've tried a bunch of window managers but I always go back to i3, it just feels the best and it's easy to config. I do run polybar instead of i3bar though
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i use it for this toaster cpu
I'm a rapidly aging neckbeard so I remember when this was called crunchbang.
Replies: >>16513
baste cb enjoyer 
i dont age much i am a virgo
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Replies: >>16532 >>16538
cringe and reptilianpilled
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good night
outer jews distract from the occult jewsargonians
Replies: >>16540
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we are the real [REDACTED]
Replies: >>16543
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I was on cytube and found some ashleyj channel, then fell into this rabbithole.

What I am trying to understand is whether this is some sort of simp community, or whether this woman actually has non retarded takes on technology.

Also, I don't understand why a woman would focus on technology, rather than trying to focus on family, unless she is god tier is a waste of her natural talents.
Replies: >>16547 >>16550
>What I am trying to understand is whether this is some sort of simp community, or whether this woman actually has non retarded takes on technology.

>Also, I don't understand why a woman would focus on technology, rather than trying to focus on family, unless she is god tier is a waste of her natural talents.
Why cant she focus on both? A housewife has all day to keep herself busy. Teach the kid about your hobbies. Change a diaper, repair a camcorder, make lunch, force your crotch fruit to discharge the CRT for you.
Replies: >>16598
This IS a simp cumunity since Ashley identifies as female
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going to sleep 
GN this board is a bit slow tbh
Replies: >>16570
yeah most imageboards that arent 4chan are slow. try saying something interesting instead of just images that prompts a response to speed it up.
Replies: >>16573
int is quite fast on holiday
the problem is that there are actual pedos
i want to do like Vlad Tapes to them just saying
Replies: >>16575
Take your meds. Ashley is 24, there are no pedos here. I still dont know half of what youre saying. Foreign or schizo? Or both?
here is better unironically
<3 Ash dumpster fairy baby
>there are no pedos here
That's what I've been saying!!!
Replies: >>16581
Salvini wants to sterilize them chemically 
Replies: >>16583
uhhh im the only non pedo here
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Ash post your cooles gifs pls
Replies: >>16595
*coolest 😎👍🏻
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>Why cant she focus on both? A housewife has all day to keep herself busy. Teach the kid about your hobbies. Change a diaper, repair a camcorder, make lunch, force your crotch fruit to discharge the CRT for you.

My mother had 8 children (no I'm not joking) and doesn't know how to use a computer, and that's a good thing.

AshleyJ should find a wealthy tech bro, and pop out a half dozen babies. This is a better retirement plan than hoping that open source nerds will keep Simping after she hits the wall, or trying to leetcode her way to silicon valley until her eggs go bad.
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New budget gaming build
Monitor is 1080p 165Hz
Replies: >>16604 >>16611
Cpu is ryzen 5 5600 with stock cooler, got it for 136€
Mobo was 108€
Got me some fast 16GB ram 3600MHz CL16 64€
Replies: >>16606
>This is a better retirement plan than hoping that open source nerds will keep Simping
She doesn't profit from this stuff though. She has another source of incum
Replies: >>16607
16GB 3200MHz is 50€
SSD 1TB NVME WD Blue 50€
PSU is EVGA Bronze 750W 65€
GPU: Rx 6600 Pulse 200€ from ama warehouse like new
Replies: >>16608
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 >She has another source of incum

Ashley's TV repair service
for 750€ you could get Rx 6650XT same price/performance at 1080p
She does this for fun and shes already married. Theres no delusion that a chick gettin 700 views a video is going to get rich. Youre used to people on the internet making videos solely for income which is fucking retarded. Yeah, spending the next 25 years taking care of 8 screaming children and having 0 time for yourself sounds really fun and not shotgun inducing at all. Go work your 9-5 to support your children instead of instructing others to do your ideal life plan for you.
Not a fan of those big gaming lights.

Ive been wanting to upgrade for a while since my system is basically 10 years old now.
What do you do with your old parts or even an older entire computer?

>My mother had 8 children (no I'm not joking) and doesn't know how to use a computer, and that's a good thing.
pity she never learned to keep her legs closed, that too would have been a good thing.
Replies: >>16871 >>16872
How many kids do you have?
Replies: >>16617
3, 2 males 1 female, i need 2 more
i'm a bored housewife
Replies: >>16625 >>16638
but Ashley already has a bunch of babies that she is raising
(or special little retards as she likes to call us)
Replies: >>16636
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>or special little retards as she likes to call us
Replies: >>16641
How black are they?
RIP peewee.
Replies: >>16662
I'd let Ashley RIP my Peewee if you know what I mean?
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>2024 boeing supersonic jet flies again
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Holding too many nft this year i feel
Happy new year 💯
i use https://libgen.is/ actually
i've helped translate Anna's Archive into italian like 2%
It is for my 15 years old nephew
he plays just roblox and mincraft maybe,, wasted performance but fun is the most important
I sell on ebay or give away to family and friends (i am the local it guy, don't rly ask money)
Hey which one of you fuckin' nerds can tell me what model ThinkPad is based? I want to try to ascend. Luke Smith mentioned the x200 and apparently the official qubes os website reccomends x230. Does it even really matter? Thanks... bitch
I love my x230. I'm in the process of modding it to look like Ashley's by adding anime stickers on it.
Any thinkpad with canoeboot support is great but canoeboot follows the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines which really limits the compatible hardware. Libreboot, maintained by the same developer, has way more machines that are compatible and it still provides a very secure and faster BIOS than what is installed to the stock machines. Libreboot follows it's own Binary Blob Reduction Policy instead of the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines so there are still some traces of proprietary software inside of Libreboot.
The Intel Management Engine is also a concern for privacy because it's a proven hardware backdoor that is inside every recent intel powered computer. AMD also has this (AMD PSP) but I'm not going to talk about it right now. Luckily, on some laptops it can be completely be removed or neutered. Any canoeboot compatible thinkpad can have IME completely wiped but with libreboot it is just neutered.
Has IME but it can be completely removed.
Also has IME and it can only be neutralized using me_cleaner.
Here's the laptop hardware support pages for canoeboot and libreboot:
Replies: >>17522 >>17523
Also, old hardware isn't as big of a compromise as people make it up to be. If you are simply browsing the web, coding, listening to music, you don't need a computer newer than 2012. You can even play old vidya gaymes on them without any issue. Good luck with your search.
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Hey there normie fucking retard. Let me take a few minutes out of my day to tell you about a bunch of shit you won't understand and will likely never bother to further research on your own or actually pursue, because you'll inevitably give up due to it being "too hard."

An x230 with i7-3520M and 16GB ram, particularly when running a lightweight linux environment, is a great machine with more than enough power for basic computing (read: not gayming). Since it's such a popular laptop, there's plenty of informative resources on how to upgrade/mod it, like replacing the LCD with an IPS panel or the "classic keyboard" mod where you swap the X220 keyboard into it. Perhaps most importantly, the x230 is supported by coreboot, an open source boot firmware, and me_cleaner, which neuters intel's management engine.

If you get one, or really any older used laptop, be sure to apply new thermal paste to the CPU. This also gives you the opportunity to generally clean and dust the inside of the device which will improve temperatures and prolong its lifespan.

Finally, with the x230, you may consider picking up a cheap minidp to hdmi adapter so that you can connect your laptop to an external monitor or television.

I thought the x230 implementation of libreboot was essentially coreboot renamed. See https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/libreboot-now-supports-x220-x230-t430-thinkpads/15503/5 for some discussion about this. Does canoe offer anything different?
Replies: >>17524
I believe libreboot is just coreboot but it makes the installation process easier. Canoe isn't supported on the x230 because the x230 requires proprietary blobs to function and that's why IME cannot be completely wiped on them.
Replies: >>17526
>Canoe isn't supported on the x230 because the x230 requires proprietary blobs to function and that's why IME cannot be completely wiped on them.
Right, that's why it wasn't in the supported hardware. As I understand it, despite not being able to completely deblob the IME on an x230, me_cleaner does kill the kernel and networking, which I think would have to be pretty goddamn effective. It would be nice to completely remove it as with the x200, but for my use case that's plenty good enough.
I'm sure the CIA doesn't care if I watch funny cat videos and car repair tutorials on YouTube. Unless you're Google searching instructions on how to make pipe bombs or secret sauce recipes for mom and pop restaurants like Wendy's to put them out of business and be replaced with shitty East Indian food you're just wasting your time with all this computer programming bullshit. Take off the tin foil hat and garbage bag covering your windows you fuckin nerds.
Replies: >>17534 >>17535
Honey, the adults are talking.
Ok but what operating system are you on???
Replies: >>17536
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I dont know about him, but I heard Ashley switched to Lesbian.
Replies: >>17538
If your wife scissors another chick, does that count as cucking?
Replies: >>17539 >>17563
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Cucking? Probably yeah, if she makes me sit in a corner and watch. But it's not humiliating like a black man analizing your wife. It's just hot, not humiliating, to watch your wife fuck another chick, and if you had any skill, you'd find a way to get those two bitches to start craving your cock. Just start beating off, one of them will want to take the attention of the man by fucking him, the other girl gets jealous, starts fucking you too. Easy.

Cheating? No, women aren't a viable threat to a straight relationship. Lesbian relationships are dysfunctional because there is no power balance. Women need a dominate male figure, which is why lesbian relationships are overwhelmingly abusive. They're both fighting for power, neither can truly control over the other, so it's a constant state of fighting due to no true power balance. Most women know this (not consciously), and while most women are turned on by other female bodies, they end up settling for a man. Men are more appealing as a long time partner, penises feel better (yes I am gay), men are generally easier to get along with.

Brb, gotta put in a new tape in the VCR for my wife. She can't move after I analized her.
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JD, you couldn't be more correct. Women are naturally inclined to fit right into the harem lifestyle, which is why they're ALL bisexual. It's why two girls kissing doesn't elicit the same disgust response as two men kissing (including for women seeing it). Women kissing each other, gently licking and sucking each other's nipples, grinding their vaginas together etc. is all perfectly normal behavior designed to amuse and stimulate the male leader.
Replies: >>17548
So you would say there is not bitch and butch power structure in a lesbian relationship? Both women tend to take equal roles and power in the relationship be it sexual or not and this rivalry degenerates into a toxic relationship with domestic violence as its most visible symptom?
Replies: >>17560 >>17562
I don't know what fantasy books you've been reading but women engaging in lesbian relationships in Islamic harems would probably have been severely punished. Are there any historical books covering the topic of lesbian relationships in harems? That's as likely as nuns scissoring each other in a convent.
Replies: >>17557
>slave mentality
>yes I am gay
You don't say?
Who the fuck said anything about Islamic harems, I'm using the term "harem" generally you dullard
Youve clearly never met a lesbian couple. Its a fact their domestic abuse numbers are through the roof. I can hardly dissect anything you wrote.
Replies: >>17570
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>So you would say there is not bitch and butch power structure in a lesbian relationship?
Pretty much, for the reasons I described in my post.

>Both women tend to take equal roles and power in the relationship be it sexual or not and this rivalry degenerates into a toxic relationship with domestic violence as its most visible symptom?

Brb my drummer is beating off, gonna go join him.
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you mean behind the other persons back or what?
also that word has lost all meaning

t. proud cuck

>Cheating? No,
that is absolutely cheating btw... cheating me out of a boner!
I love technology
Replies: >>17565
So does my girlfriend's girlfriend. We all watch our porn we made together on her computer.
Replies: >>17569
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>t. proud cuck
why would you even write something like this
Replies: >>17570
I haven't watched mainstream porn since 2015. What remarkable pornography brand is that set from?
Replies: >>17570
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it was just a joke anon, though i do think the term cuck gets thrown around more than a woman in a lesbian relationship!

>its a fact their domestic abuse numbers are through the roof.
Im bored so i looked into this and it seems that the study by the CDC says that people in lesbian relationships have a high rate of domestic violence at some point in their lifetime. 

The key being in their lifetime

and since women in general experience domestic abuse at a high rate, and it takes 2 women to be in a lesbonic adventure, the chances of one of them experiencing domestic abuse is going to be greater and thats why lesbo relationships are reported to have such high rates of domestic violence

I just searched "cuck chair" and thats one of the results, but maybe u should ask the guy whose landlord fucked his gf and forced him to sit in the cuck chair 
Replies: >>17571
>The CDC has stated that 43.8% of lesbian women reported experiencing physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners. The study notes that, out of those 43.8%, two thirds (67.4%) reported exclusively female perpetrators.
TLDR bitches are crazy
Replies: >>17572
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>TLDR bitches are crazy
this is a lot like me and AJ
Replies: >>17577
Every thread leads back to cucking. I call it the Ashley Jones Effect
No, I mean she takes her friend right in front of you to your house, and engages with her. with or without your consideration and welcoming you to watch and engage or perhaps not. Are any of these scenarios cucking?
I think to an extent it is. I mean if that happened to me I'd consider that as the result of my underperformance in bed and make me doubt my masculinity to some extent, especially if I had not suggested the lesbian venture to her in the first place.
Gay. Women aren't a threat to a straight relationship. Just find your way to start banging both of them.
Lesbian sex is glorified masturbation, there's nothing to be humiliated or insecure about. Women have literal microdicks.
You guys are such fucking HOMOS I swear all of you are weaklings. If your girl brings in another girl it's because she wants to FUCK. Jesus christ you'd be sitting in the corner "considering" and thinking and wondering and doing anything but smashing two hot-n-ready CaliWali pussies. Goddamn I just can't even with you guys you actually make me upset with how weak and beta you all act. Please for the love of god grow a pair
Lesbians are gay you are gay
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I love my ThinkPads :3
I am learning d4, doesn't like cpu OC at all so gai
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honest answers only
Replies: >>18220 >>18237
Replies: >>18218
Arch Install is really easy these days and takes like 5 minutes. Highly reccomend if you have a spare hard drive lying around
Replies: >>18219
That's almost as long as I take
Tell me why I shouldn't. I know almost nothing about operating systems. And my windows are cracked open (Argh!)
So asking that question is kinda hard for me to answer.
I dunno. You tell me.
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I'm still using windows because it's mandated by the building code. I install double pane double glaze insulated windows. Some contractors install tripple pane tripple glaze insulated windows but I always felt that it's overkill.
I have old software that wont run on Linux and I dont feel like (thats code for Im just a lazy fuck) searching for alternatives that wood run on Linux and having to learn them

slightly related: I do run linux on my laptop but I noticed the install size, just like the Ash if she keeps eating cheese, has gotten progressively bigger and bigger over time since it updates a lot.
my free space on HDD is starting to get a little tight.

is this specific to the distro Im using (Mint... it just works!) or are others like this as well?
run ncdu and find out what's taking up all the space https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu
Replies: >>18246
How old you mean? All the old stuff I run(90s games) run perfect with wine
Replies: >>18246
>I have old software that wont run on Linux
I feel like the older it is the easier it would be to run. Have you considered a VM? If it's real real old there are things like dosbox https://www.dosbox.com/ etc
Replies: >>18246
I know what the problem is but its kind of embarrassing, I made the Home partition too small when installing...

its not a big deal but should be easy to fix from the 1min of looking up how to increase the Home partition.

The primary one that Im concerned the most about is an old version of photoshop that was obtained by "other means"

Whenever I upgrade my PC and thats really overdue, I will be making the switch to using Linux 90% of the time.
Replies: >>18250
Be careful resizing partitions. It's not that difficult but if you fuck up you can lose data, so back up anything important and then have at it. Alternatively, you can make the free space on your drive into its own partition and just mount it. Use gparted to create a new ext4 partition and then look up how to add an fstab entry to have it mount on boot.
What would be a good video editing tool to cut a video and add subtitles. I downloaded a few and there were all shit.
Replies: >>18268
ffmpeg, not kidding

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Replies: >>18347
What's sad is that you and whoever made this image thinks it's funny so few people use linux. What it actually means is that only 2% of the population isn't retarded. Enjoy being a member of the 98% of mouthbreathing retards that can't understand why Microsoft = bad.
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Thoughts on 4chan's "DignifAI" trend? It's starting to swirl down the twitter talking head drain so I figure some of you normies have heard about it by now.

Even CIA asset Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller site has an article about it: https://dailycaller.com/2024/02/02/artificial-intelligence-women-dignifai-opinion-clothes-naked-women-losers/

Paul Joseph Watson (if you can stand to look at his pillowy dick sucking lips and listen to his obnoxious grating accent for more than a few seconds): https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=vHNtUfl2GFM

Basically, the idea is to take a slutty picture of a girl that she posted to her social media, and use AI to put clothes back on her.

Pretty funny stuff. Peep the reaction comments image I posted. I never thought we'd reach a such a state of pussy supply/demand that men would be demanding they put their clothes back ON.

Your take, tubgurlies?
I think no matter what you do, the leftist women will whinge and complain.
They’ll never be happy.
You give them an ultrasound gun and tell them you can now legally abort your final trimester healthy baby which is the result of your own sloppiness, and they’ll find something to complain about.
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Pretty cringe. I feel like it's the same people enabling this in the first place too.

*starts listening to modest women music (https://yewtu.be/watch?v=E22-lpjIlZU)*
why would you want to put clothes back on women? sounds like something homosexuals would want
besides, this is just pointless ragebait and a waste of time. These girls will continue to post these sort of photos regardless.

I do like the idea that it could remove tattoos because most tattoos on woman are ugly and take away from their hot bodies
Replies: >>18816
Because it's funny and strange to see how instagram hoes would look if they were normal. It gets them mad too which is a little funny. Watching from the sidelines is worth a chuckle but nobody is expecting them to suddenly change their appearance.
Nigger activities
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Yeah but can they see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
Mostly it's true that governments do have these capabilities. Look up the titles cited in brackets after the statement to learn about them for yourself. The technologies that unlimited taxpayer money can get you are indeed pretty wild.

Having said that, sometimes these kinds of technologies are wildly overstated or have serious prerequisites, e.g., they're used primarily on specific targets. Personally I believe a lot of the news stories you see are overblown both for clicks/ratings (if it bleeds it ledes) and as part of an overarching demoralization campaign; if enough people believe you have superpowers, they won't even bother trying to assert their right to privacy.

The only statement I take serious umbrage with is "The NSA has already broken Tor networks" (networks, plural? retarded) as this statement is vague and poorly written. Tor can be extremely secure if you're accessing it properly (a secure machine, not from your windows machine at your residence, etc). It all depends on your goals and threat model.

The real question here is why zoomers need text overlaid on dancing cartoons to retain their attention.
Replies: >>19765
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Since long ago I've heard that if you have the space to keep it,own an old car with the old ignition points in the distributor and a carburetor. Todays cars have a computer for just about every function, fuel injection, ignition etc. and it's easy for the Federal government to shut down.
I myself don't own a cell phone and a smart TV I received as a gift a year ago is still in the box. But there's only so much one can do, if the government with its unlimited resources wants to spy on someone who is keeping the lowest profile possible they'll succeed.
Your threat model definitely plays a role in how extreme your privacy measures need to be. You make a good point, the bizarre zoomer bean dancing video can either do one of two things:
>Scare you badly enough to try and learn more about privacy
>Scare you badly enough that you don't even try because you think there's no escape
Most people probably fall into the latter line of thinking, mostly because black and white thinking is almost hard-coded into people. What I've learned over the years is that privacy is not black and white. There are many layers to a single answer; because an honest and well-thought out answer will not result in a basic "yes" or "no". Someone asking me a single privacy-related question will result in me asking them a million other questions to understand their threat model, current OPSEC, and general goals. You need to be aware and practice good OPSEC to truly be private (whatever that means to you).

People misinterpret this as a black-and-white answer and state retarded things like "TOR DOESNT WORK!!!" because they misunderstand threat models, human error OPSEC flaws v.s. exploits, and theoretical scenarios that go over all possibilities that include the most extreme of cases. It can get frustrating, but I hope people become interested in departing from big brother. It doesn't matter if you're not important or if you're not doing anything wrong - the fact that people have the ability to know every little thing about you, logged and stored indefinitely on a computer somewhere, is bizarre. But out of sight, out of mind.

Being private in the modern age is not an all or nothing endeavor. If it's a topic that interests you and something you want to pursue in your life, start by getting rid of the most obviously invasive things. For most people, this will be getting rid of Google services, Facebook services, Microsoft services, and Discord. By cutting this kind of spyware out of your life, you will be ahead of almost everybody else. It doesn't mean you can't search the internet, be social online, email, use an operating system, or play games and chat with your friends. You definitely can, with better alternatives. It just means you're taking a stand and only using software and services that respect your privacy to facilitate these activities.

TLDR; blanket statements are the enemy of progress as far as privacy is concerned.
Replies: >>19789
Also, don't buy those Ring cams. They are awful for privacy. I only ever use mine to masturbate to the girl across the street when she takes her pugs out to pee.
AI bros and privacy bros, thoughts on the "Fawkes" tool?

Replies: >>19807 >>19817
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Thank you for using invidious. This is the first time I've heard of that tool so take this with a grain of salt, but my immediate impressions are:

- don't upload images of yourself to the internet to begin with if you're concerned about people reverse image searching them
- don't allow people you don't know and trust to take photographs of you
- this tool does nothing to prevent currently existing tools like pimeyes from "indexing" your likeness, it's only for (theoretical) "future proofing"
- see https://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/#limits
- If you've uploaded images/videos of yourself to the internet, your biometrics have already been scraped, period
- Never trust an experimental tool like this to protect your privacy. Remember the pedo they busted years ago who was using the photoshop "swirl" effect to obscure his face in abuse imagery? The swirl effect was reversed by law enforcement.
- His wikipedia page explains it, and also has a hilarious "known for" section https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Paul_Neil
- Obviously it's good this cunt got arrested but there's a valuable lesson in the story

So yeah, don't rely on this tool to protect you. It's an interesting proof of concept, but really the best thing you can do is to just not have normie social media and never upload pictures to the internet. If your retard friends want to take pictures of you and upload it to facebook, you basically have to put your foot down and refuse to be in those pictures.
Replies: >>20082
this guy fawkes
The fact that it took years for the autorities to just put his pic on photoshop or something and undo the swirl effect and identify him..
Replies: >>19826
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If they don't draw things out for years, then how else are they going to waste hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars?
Replies: >>20082
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Since the announcement of SORA AI, do you think japanese model Sora Aoi is getting an unexpected surge in popularity?
Replies: >>20058 >>20088
>brown nipples
No, definitely not
Replies: >>20065
yeah sadly she has fake tits too. cute face for a bugman though
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Spoiler File
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>Remember the pedo they busted years ago who was using the photoshop "swirl" effect to obscure his face in abuse imagery? The swirl effect was reversed by law enforcement.

lmao wtf

I got you now Chester... CIA needs to hire me
Shes fine. Would be better if she didnt had the fake tits, i hate fake tits i dont mind brown nips (on asians its fine) at least she doesnt have a shaved vagina.
Replies: >>20090
>i hate fake tits i dont mind brown nips (on asians its fine)

...what about brown nips on mexican girls?
Replies: >>20092
Fine. Theyre brown after anyways.
Replies: >>20095
Gay typo. I meant their skin is also brown so it makes sense. You get it.
...what about mexican girls that really white, like almost ghostly white.
are brown nips on those kinds of mexican girls fine?
Replies: >>20096
Its fine i guess. I never touched a woman.
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Pink, puffy nipples with a slight indentation to the areola (like a baby's bottle, because baby want milky *suck* *slurp*) are god tier
Replies: >>20118
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>technology thread
Replies: >>20976
Ew no, small areolas are much better
Replies: >>20119
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Don't knock it until you try it. I agree for sure that there's such a thing as too much areola (like silver dollar on up to pancake) but puffy appreciation is less about the size of the areola as it is the texture and overall shape. A plump, suckable, puffy nipple is like the boob of the boob.

Look at this video and tell me you wouldn't pop those into your mouth. I dare you.
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>Google has apologized for what it describes as “inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions” with its Gemini AI tool, saying its attempts at creating a “wide range” of results missed the mark. The statement follows criticism that it depicted specific white figures (like the US Founding Fathers) or groups like Nazi-era German soldiers as people of color, possibly as an overcorrection to long-standing racial bias problems in AI.

>Earlier this week, a former Google employee posted on X that it’s “embarrassingly hard to get Google Gemini to acknowledge that white people exist,” showing a series of queries like “generate a picture of a Swedish woman” or “generate a picture of an American woman.” The results appeared to overwhelmingly or exclusively show AI-generated people of color.

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i have a pretty wide definition of technology, for example language is technology for me personally (op), along with everything exosomatic. That said still pefer boobs, especially with big areolas because they are more sensitive to input if you know what i'm saying (you probably don't) so keep bumping if you even care 👍🏻
Does any of you goys know other twitter alternatives? Nitter is fucking dead and i don't want to join musk's xitter and give my information i just want to stalk people
I recommend closing your eyes
Unfortunately the answer is to stop using it altogether unless another working privacy frontend comes along. You're not missing out on anything, nobody on twitter is worth stalking for their moronic opinions anyway. If you absolutely have to, create an account using a burner or an sms verification service paid in crypto, use a VPN and a dedicated browser profile. For me jumping through that many hoops to get access to "based" conservative talking head hot takes or whore's onlyfans advertisements isn't worth it.
Replies: >>21353
Thanks to "based freedom of speech" Elon Musk, now you're required to have an account to even view Twitter, so privacy front ends (like Nitter) don't work, unless the developers of privacy front ends want to keep up with the constant cat-and-mouse game, which just isn't worth it. So much for Elon Musk supposedly being for the people and respecting privacy, Twitter has only gotten worse. I knew he was a fake, everyone was sucking his cock and crucified you if you dare insulted their billionaire reptilian. Forcing an account isn't a surprise. It's just a means to collect more information. If you're required to have an account it makes it much easier to collect information on their users. Meanwhile he larps that he values privacy by floating the idea of end to end encryption (which would just be some fake botch job where Twitter has the keys similar to Telegram). I agree with the other anon. Nobody is worth following on Twitter anyways, it's for whores promoting their porn and sheeple screaming into an echo chamber about their shitty political ideology.
Replies: >>21354 >>21785
If you try explaining to an even slightly right-leaning normie that elon musk is a complete and total cunt, not to mention a fraud, they look at you with bug eyes like you're some kind of alien. I've tried.
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im getting a flip phone for my birthday yassssss
Ashley loves Elon Musk, so you respect him now.
Replies: >>21787
kek sure thing newfag
Replies: >>21808
Yeah, Ashley also loves bill gates, he wants everyone to go vegan.
Replies: >>21823
yes she does uhuh, yeah. she likes that, doesn't she? yes she does. eating meat is naughty, but sometimes we like to be naught, don't we? yes uhuh we do like to be naughty little girls uhuh yeah
Replies: >>21839
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You be good now, Ashley loves bill gates. Bill gates is green, liberal, and vegan. Ashley also loves Greta thunberg and shares many similar views. Ashley is very liberal and blue haired.
My wifu X)
Replies: >>22394 >>22407
Ashley at 27
Replies: >>22395
i can get goosebumps on command, can you?
Replies: >>22396
No, but I can get boners
Replies: >>22398
I think it would be cool if Ashley started a dokuwiki that we could all contribute to
lol i don't believe u
Replies: >>22401
i have a boner right now
Someone archive her videos. This is all so fucking fascinating. I have mercury cavities in all my molars and can randomly hear high pitched frequencies. This is all great stuff, but what are the protocols/tools to combat this stuff?
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Invidious is not working and NewPipe is having more and more errors what do i do
Replies: >>22431 >>22432
I'll give you some NewPipe
Reading the issue reports on Invidious' github for this issue, "As noted in the matrix channel this is probably caused by the fact that YouTube changed their integrity check again which Invidious currently does not meet."

For now use https://piped.video/ until the issue is resolved. When it's fixed be sure to rotate the Invidious instances you are using frequently ( https://redirect.invidious.io ) as to not use too many resources from one instance. It costs money and you want to distribute your usage among different instances.
Replies: >>22434
Thanks bro God bless you
.>xz compromise
arch up to dare ashleyyyyyyyyyyyy?
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>looking up technology repair videos
>click video with title written in English
>pajeet speaks Hindi the entire video
Why do they all do this?
Replies: >>22495
I have a similar experience at grocery stores, coffee shops, variety stores, banks, etc.
Replies: >>22496
Where can I go to avoid the systematic socioeconomic bio tech imprisonment that will be normalized and ushered in via blockchain/AI in the years to come? I don't want to cope with the idea of being alienated/arrested because I refuse biometric tracking.
Replies: >>23042 >>23051
ur already alienated anob...
Get out of a big city. Many rural places can still barely get a cell signal or internet. It's only big cities that follow those things. Become self sufficient.
Replies: >>23054
good luck affording all that...
>no fart sound at the end
these are always dumb
I just came to this
Replies: >>23060
To clarify I farted and smelled my farts as I baited and pretended my farts were her farts
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she who smelt it dealt it
Ashley really needs to start profiting off her bodily functions. Imagine if she signed up for scatshop and started selling her poop, pee or farts in jars. She'd make a fortune and wouldn't have to depend on monero to pay for her site. Please consider doing this. You could also sell your used underwear and socks though I feel this won't be quite as successful. Just a suggestion. Please do this. For your fans.
She'd probably sell it for XMR
Replies: >>23070
ashley pls
I def won't send your dna into 23nme Ashley.
Replies: >>23081
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If it were possible to clone myself through DNA manipulation I probably wouldn't because I don't think Ashley could handle two of me.
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Or if two of me could even handle one of her.
I'd use it to clone me an army of Ashley's. Though I'd probably regret it later on
Replies: >>23092
Thank you for the confirmation. All set. obye in captcha
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i installed debian 12 with xfce. what do you think? is it good?
i didn't want to install gnome or kde because they have telemetry according to what i read. neither lxqt because they work with canonical and there must be a conspiracy there for sure.
what do you use?
I use Arch with Openbox
What's gnome? What's kde? and what does telemetry mean? What's lxqt? What's canonical? What conspiracy? I just wanna learn
Replies: >>23109 >>23110
The one issue you might run into with Debian and similar distros is that the packages in the "stable" repository are often ancient. This is beneficial if you're working in an environment where stability is important; the package might be old, but it works. For a desktop user experience though, this can sometimes be a pain in the ass for things like your browser, or frequently updated programs like yt-dlp. In these situations you can either install the software you want to be up-to-date manually, based on whatever instructions the provider has (usually adding an APT repository to your sources.list or compiling the software yourself, usually after cloning the git repository). This isn't as difficult as it sounds but often new users will think, "wow, debian sucks, all the software is outdated." It is, but that's on purpose, and if you want to have more up-to-date packages at the potential cost of instability, you can use Debian Testing, which you can read more about here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting . If you want easy installation for "bleeding edge" packages, you'll want to use a rolling release distro like arch or gentoo.

As for telemetry, a decent solution to detecting and stopping software on your linux machine from communicating with the internet without your knowledge/permission is a great program called OpenSnitch. It's an "application level" firewall, which means it can automatically block certain software from accessing the internet while allowing others. For example, LibreOffice never needs to talk to the internet in my opinion, though by default it does (to check for updates). My browser, however, generally needs to talk to the internet all the time. OpenSnitch allows you to choose what can have internet access and what can't, either permanently or for a given duration (e.g., I want to listen to an internet radio stream using mpv for the next hour, but after that, mpv shouldn't be able to access the internet anymore). It's a great way to mitigate "checking for updates" communication, which is really in most cases an unnecessary and malicious anti-user feature dressed up as convenience, since these are often used for telemetry like:
1. What version of the software are you running?
2. What time do you load the software?
3. How long are you using the software?
etc etc

If you really want to get into this kind of thing, learn Wireshark.

A final word, though: don't obsess too much. Learn this stuff slow and steady. Privacy exists on a spectrum, and especially as you're learning, trying to do everything perfectly right away will only lead to frustration. If you really want to do it right, develop a threat model, and work towards mitigating those threats first. In most cases, allowing LibreOffice to check for updates is probably not going to be a life-ending security threat. However, as you learn more and more, you can mitigate these little annoyances as well.

And yeah, fuck canonical.
Replies: >>23124
Search it up, "gnome linux" "kde linux" and you'll find resources. I'd write a novel about it but too many times people troll by asking a ton of questions who aren't actually interested just to waste time.
Gnome and kde are the graphics, how everything looks on the surface but nothing under the hood, a "skin". Like if you could reskin Windows 10 to look like Windows XP but run the same way.
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Just go to Wlamrat

Thx for the tips.
You recommend Garuda Linux? It’s  based on arch Linux.
Replies: >>23479
libreboot vs coreboot vs canoe?
Replies: >>23479
I saw they had a major release yesterday, apparently it "brings forth a fully integrated and polished plasma 6.0 experience" so I guess it might be worth a shot if you want to run KDE and Arch and don't want to dick around with configuring everything yourself. I've never tried Garuda, but imo if the KDE thing doesn't interest you just use regular old Arch. The only Arch derivative I'd be interested in running is Artix, just to get away from systemd.

gnuboot > coreboot > canoe > libreboot
Replies: >>23486
Is PC gaming feasible on Canoe/Linux?
Replies: >>23485
Yes. Linux gaming is actually pretty good these days. If you're a steamfag most things in your library will probably just werk. If you're really having trouble with a particular game, which is quite rare, and you want to avoid running windows on bare metal (god bless), you can run a VM with GPU passthrough using kvm/qemu for near-native performance in many/most cases. Install popos for a very soft landing in linuxland.

As for the boot firmware, the reality is if you're installing steam and checking your facebook and doing all these kinds of normie behaviors, keep in mind that you could have the most secure and private hackerman computer in the world but it would still only be as secure as your behavior allows for.

You should still flash open source/libre boot firmware though even just for the learning experience. It's fun and you'll learn a lot.
I'm going for qubes. Does that change things?
Replies: >>23487
No, but keep in mind that qubes has a bit of a learning curve. While it isn't exceedingly difficult by any means, be ready to read the documentation and take your time figuring out how it works. And while I'm sure you can play games on qubes, gaming support isn't a developer priority (as far as I know). Qubes is excellent technology and I highly recommend learning it, but if this is your first time using linux, you may want to start out with a more standard distro OR just go into it knowing that qubes isn't representative of the typical linux experience (technically Qubes isn't even a "linux distribution," it's more like a custom OS built on top of Xen). Also, since qubes runs everything in VMs, it's quite RAM-hungry, so you're going to want to have 16GB or more.
Replies: >>23488
Not interested in gaming. I think another anon chimed in giving that impression. Thanks for the insight.
Looking to upgrade my RAM. Is there a go to brand of RAM you dorks like?
I currently have G.Skill Ripjaws V (2x16gb) installed. Watching gay porn and playing Minecraft has never been better!
i heard muslims are really into RAMadam, hope this helps
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This will probably do the trick
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Goodnight, sweet prince.
Replies: >>24518 >>24545
I thought icq was dead all these years.
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Oh no! Looks like i'm going to lose my account with a very retarded nickname from my Sony Ericsson k550i. 
And i also lost my desire to use icq on my PC after i lost ability to send some GIFs with cats, it was some kind of addon or something, i don’t remember. On pic related there is a GIF from the pack that i liked to send the most.
Ashley or anyone else, can you please list that one private digital card service? Looking for it in these threads is like looking for my penis in the shower
Replies: >>24750
Replies: >>24753 >>24776
Damn, they even made the domain as easy to remember as possible. Time to rope I guess.

Replies: >>24776
I actually use this, the privacy aspect is nice since you don't have to put your name and address on shit that doesn't need it, like a digital product, but what I really like is that you can very easily cancel a virtual card. It's like two clicks to close/cancel a privacy.com card, so they're great for hard to cancel memberships. I never have to jump through hoops and deal with "ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT TO CANCEL???"" "ARE YOU REALLY, REALLY SURE????"
Replies: >>24779
It doesn't work for onlyfans.
Replies: >>24780
I used it on Onlyfans 1 year ago for Jesschic. Some websites won't accept it, so maybe Onlyfans has changed their policy since then. You can also get a Visa gift card from the grocery store and use that online. I've done that a number of times. Once again, some websites may not accept it.

However, you should just save your money and go on one of the many websites that leak Onlyfans videos.
Replies: >>24787 >>24803
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I knew you would reply to that. I have no interest in your Onlyfans. They should call it Payperoni Nips instead. I have something I need to get off my chest. I really need you to understand something. I had an epiphany. I call it Nukem's razor. Duke Nukem has no body hair which means he's a man with no natural body hair or either he shaves which if he does shave, it is therefore reasonable to expect that the women he saves from goo pods have no hair as well whether he shaves them after saving them or otherwise. Goo pod goo might make for a smooth shave. 

There is hidden esoteric-wisdom in movies. You've seen the Matrix, right? Too many people try to bend the spoon but aren't tasting the soup. Have you seen Coming to America? The movie ends on a sphinx riddle. 

Man goes into a restaurant and he sits down and he's having a bowl of soup. He says to the waiter, "Waiter, come taste the soup." The waiter says, "Is there something wrong with the soup? The man says, "taste the soup." "Is there something wrong with the soup; is it too hot?" "Will you just taste the soup?" "What's the matter; is the soup too cold?" "Will you just taste the soup?!" "Alright, I'll taste the soup but where's the spoon?!" 

You see? It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife according to Alanis Morissette but T.E. Lawrence says “To make war upon rebellion is messy and slow, like eating soup with a knife.”

So this led me to get a can of Chef Boyardee Mini ABC's & 123's and lay the pasta out on a table in alphanumeric order. My new password is composed of the characters from each line, ranging from shortest to longest. Every can contains a different collection of randomly generated letters and numbers, so every password is guaranteed to be different. A 36 character password would basically be impossible to brute-force. A password half that long (18 characters) made up of only single-case letters, would take 481,000 years using 2023 technology proving that "abc123" is not a weak password. I knew then that the only special character needed for this password would be my own. The pasta shown here is for demo purposes only, and does not spell out my password. I would never photograph the actual pasta I used to generate my real password and post it here.

// Off the top of my head (too busy eating pasta right now):
function generatePwd() {
let pwd = "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
for (let i = 0; i < pwd.length - 1; i++) {
let i2 = i + Math.floor((pwd.length - i) * Math.random()), temp = pwd[i2];
pwd[i2] = pwd[i];
pwd[i] = temp;
return pwd;
// I saved you a can of alphabet soup. I hope you brought your spoon.

Certainly a cracker could estimate the mean & standard deviation of each symbol count by examining a bunch of cans, then focus the search based on the corresponding multidimensional normal distribution. One might impede this approach with the added step of permuting the length order in the password generation procedure. The procedure as given doesn't provide for ordering a subset of symbols all having the same count. But to be honest, I'd prefer to have crackers in my soup and not used against me.
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honestly, thats kind of impressive

>proving that "abc123" is not a weak password
it is a weak password though, because its a very simple combination of letters and numbers for people to remember for a login password, that people would would be able to guess as a common password for technologically inept people of which there are many.
Vanilla Gift Cards are all but useless nowadays. So many sites that used to accept them no longer are. Just look online and you'll see nothing but complaints. I used to use them back in the day but the last time I did it was nothing but a headache. First my purchase got denied saying I had insufficient funds even though I didn't even even use it yet and when I tried to check my balance on the main site it gave me error message after ereor message after error message. So yeah. Don't use them anymore unless you like getting scammed and ripped off.
Replies: >>24805 >>24840
They haven't been useless in my experience. I've used them a few times online. There are certain places that won't accept them, and there are others that do. I had one Visa gift card I held onto for years without using and used it a few months ago no problem. I'm not saying that it will always go smoothly, but that my experience hasn't been too bad.
>>12327 (OP) 
I have a confession and since it pertains to technology I'll post it here rather than the confessions thread. I post from my phone, I don't even own a computer anymore. My computer started experiencing issues in early 2016 worked through them. A year later it was still hanging on but I so started looking for a replacement laptop  for when the inevitable happens.. I didn't really find anything that interested me so I just continued using my old one until it crapped out which it did a few months later. Then it dawned on me, I'll use my phone and that's exactly what I've been doing ever since. I've been  posting on here via phone. B...BUT BUT GOVERNMENT TRACKER. YEAH?!? So WHAT. The Government already tracks us through every other product, computers, TV's microwaves toilets. Besides unless you're a drug deal or a CP manufacturer there is nothing to be a afraid of. I can now post browse Tubgurl and i.cum  while taking a shit or getting a lap dance at the local striptease establishment. Suck, and FUCK it you schizo basement dwelling computer users.  PS computers give out more radiation than phones especially when you have them on your laps. Have fun with that. I've been posting on her from my phone for a YEAR what are you gonna do. BAN ME!??!!?!? HAH yeah, go ahead and TRY IT BEEYOTCH...I'm just kidding...please don
t ban me.
Replies: >>24840
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skill issue 
also a skill issue
Faces made of living skin make robots smile

>Japanese scientists have found a way to create realistic artificial skin using living cells that can be attached to robot faces. This skin will allow for more realistic smiles and facial expressions


Sweet, one step closer to having a realistic Ashley bot.
now I just need a sample of her skin cells to use for extra realism
Replies: >>25799
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Hasta la vista, baby
I'm currently trying to take a course involving technology and holy shit the amount of fucking acronyms are fucking pissing me off. I remember Ashley briefly mentioning this and she's right. THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT FUCK YOU NERDS or should I say FYN FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>26103
Did mommy inspire you to take a tech class?
Replies: >>26112
Hell no. I'm doing it because I'm partially interested in it and I want a career without going to college. College is the modern slave trade reinvented through a debt based system. Growing up it never made sense to go because almost everything you could possibley ever want to know is on the internet. ANYWAYS I found a not too old chan archive reccomending tryhackme.com for their courses to get some certificates.
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>watching VCR videos
>find woman making VCR videos
>picrel in first 2 seconds
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all women are whores, including you Ashley
Replies: >>26326
You're just mad she has nice feet and you don't. Go ahead delete my post nasty little woman.
Replies: >>26325 >>26326
Stupid, Ashley is fully aware of how grotesque her feet are (see the infamous foot banner)
If all women are whores, then why aren't any sleeping with me?

I'm not mad about the feet, I'm mad I'm not the VCR. I don't delete posts unless there's excessive gay porn in them (due to user requests). Try making a post with gay porno in it. Go ahead. Make me gay.
Make my day*
You should've asked out that girl last year who said you looked extremely pretty. You two could've been slamming clams and watching The Land Before Time together.
Replies: >>26334
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>If all women are whores, then why aren't any sleeping with me?
Because you're self-effacing and play games with people until they conform to your confirmation bias. You're one of those people who would believe your partner wants to cheat on you and would withhold affection from them just to spite them until they finally get tired of dealing with your shit and actually go out and cheat on you proving you were right about them all along. You probably cry at night about being alone all the time and wonder why no one wants to be with you when you're solely responsible for no one being with you. If you think being twenty-five and still single is bad, just wait until you hit thirty. Sure, you could get yourself a whore but once it hits you that the only thing they were interested in was the cash you left them on the nightstand, you'll feel even more alone than you do now having actually been intimate with someone who doesn't even care for you. Something that should have only be shared with someone special like a fat guy in a trench coat who constantly threatens to rape you online or an animatronic wolf in a rock band. All I know is if my feet looked like that, I would just be relieved that someone was willing to touch me at all that wasn't a podiatrist.
Replies: >>26332 >>26334
Fuck, I wonder if I should write her sometime. Every single thing she puts on one of her sites seems like bait of some sort. To the Tubbros who have had contact with her personally: Is it worth it? >>26330 makes it seem like it is not..
Replies: >>26334 >>26335
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Who? The only female I remember that called me cute was Jesschic (Onlyfans girl), but being called cute over OnlyFans private messages is like your waitress telling you you're a really good eater.

>You're one of those people who would believe your partner wants to cheat on you and would withhold affection from them just to spite them until they finally get tired of dealing with your shit and actually go out and cheat on you proving you were right about them all along.
No can do pal, I've programmed my open source AI Duke to love me and the Bee Gees. He can't not love me.

I wouldn't. I heard she convinced some guy to stick a dildo up his butt and the guy ended up committing suicide.
nah Im still alive sweetie, the aids hasnt gotten me yet!
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lmao, you be looking like someone from a playstation cinematic. you and duke deserve each other
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forget about her feet, what about those button noises! Do i have a O with a I thru the top part or something because Im so turned on right now bros
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I was hoping she was going to crush the VCR with her bare feet like pic related. Disappointed.
Replies: >>26343
I was hoping she wasn't going to have a fivehead like frankenstein's monster

Hi Ashley! 

I Have a Theory About Duke.

I think Duke Nukem is a latent homosexual.

He shows every cliché there is for a guy in denial about his sexuality.

    He's buff

    He's macho

    He feels the need to state these facts over and over

    He has to find every woman sexy

    He brags about having had sex with women

    I've seen a few subtle examples of potential homophobia but those need more clarification to be sure. Homophobia is another sign of latent homosexuality.

There are other, more debatable signs but those are the main ones.

I know he was designed as a stereotypical action hero and 3D Realms weren't way ahead of the times.

It would be interesting if they had Duke come out as gay or bi, probably bi would be best. Not because of "representation" or "inclusiveness" but because it's almost 2025 and it's not a huge deal, anymore. I feel Duke being bi would suit him. He gets the girls, he gets the guys and he still has time to save the world.

I know some people are a little sensitive about stuff like this so, just so you know, this isn't an attack or insult on Duke, it's just a fun theory, as I said. Nothing wrong with being gay or bi, anyway.
Replies: >>26353
Was the dildo still in his butt?
Ashley you should make a video of your feet stepping on Lego pieces.
Replies: >>26368
But that's just a theory a GAY theory! I'm hanging by a thread and I'm ready to commit crime as a last resort in Duke Nukem 3D
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Ashley's foot stepping on your ball.
gib name of the chatbot you used please xir
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No hate, but feet-nona should try to learn a thing or two from you about reading comprehension and not constantly laughing and stuff.

GEG, after you posted that I actually panicked because I feared that this might be one of those tests HVFs (high value females) use to efficiently filter large numbers of their persuaders early on. In this case it would have been a check on the persuader's spontaneity and if they are "chill like that", or whatever. Anyways, my only SIM card was in this beat-up iPhone 7 with half-broken speakers, for which I do not have headphones and where I probably cannot record calls on, so in a hurry I jammed this nano-sized card into a micro-sized slot of this other phone that I recently set up with LineageOS and call recording, picrel.. I managed to get it out again with NoisTech's method, see https://inv.dembased.xyz/watch?v=4kVEZ3zofsQ , but will not have an adapter for the card until tomorrow or so.

Are you talking about the sissy from the "Ruining people's lives and sandwiches" video? I did not know he ended up killing himself, RIP. TBH, blue haired Ashley seems annoying AF in general. Like, we get it, you are so not normal, your hair is all blue and your sleep schedule is really fricked up.. She kind of reminds me of that ugly bitch in "American Beauty", while being about a decade older in reality. The sheer entitlement of getting so incredibly angry at some wage slave for not making your dumbass sandwich exactly to your liking or for not paying enough attention to your fake-ass "thank you" after having had to serve _uncountably_ many people the whole entire day already, Jesus Christ. She even goes as far as trying to comment on some functions of the male hierarchy via her "big daddy". Gurl, just shut the fuck up.
Replies: >>26380
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He committed seppuku too. Right after Ashley went Karen on him about their not being enough fiber on her sandwich for her huge shit she was going to take later on, he went to the back and offed himself. His coworkers found him face down ass up dunked in a bucket of pickle juice with a pickle poking out his asshole. According to police, he had asphyxiated himself while jerkin his gherkin because they found his kickin ranch all over the crime scene. Apparently, it's a cold case because Jimmy John's doesn't heat anything. Ashley is a Monster and simps keep drinking her dumb bitch juice even though she causes heart palpitations. She must be stopped at all costs. I'd fill her up but my $6 6 inch just isn't a $5 footlong.
There's no evidence to suggest that the guy Ashley e-raped kys'd himself, where are you retards getting this from?
Everyone who interacts with Ashley kills themself eventually
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oh yeah? why you think Ashley erected that shrine of him? I bet in her twisted mind she probably wanks to the thought of how she managed to convince that dude to stick a dildo in his food disposal hole
Replies: >>26406
She is the worst case of anal envy I've ever seen. Probably why she dislikes trannies so much because they get all the attention from you guys that she wishes she had. She's bummed she's not getting bummed. She desperately 
desires a plumber to unclog her stink. This would explain her huge massive shits. She even has a horse dildo and keeps it in the closet of all places. Ashley, it's time for your horse dildo to come out of the closet.
Replies: >>26409
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Very true anon
she probably cant get anything up there which adds to her frustration. Not with all that thick hair around there acting like protective fangs. Kinda like the 2007 movie "With Teeth" but of her butthole. Or like pic related from Dune
There's a secret discord these fags are a part of.
Replies: >>26416 >>26421
Yeah they have a nsfw channel in that server where they post tranny porn
Replies: >>26421
Some discord user who was a frequent poster  the rosebuds and ashley jones discord server stopped posting around the time of ashley's video being released and no one has heard from him since.
Replies: >>26421
Proof? You spout nonsense. Spare me the theatrics. Newsflash: You wouldn't last five minutes under Ashley's brutal anal regime. Cocks would shrivel, sphincters would split, tears of pleasure and pain would stream down faces... But hey, keep pretending to despise her while creaming your panties thinking about getting pummeled senseless by that magnificent piece of meat.
Replies: >>26422
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I'd sell my soul for Ashley to fuck my hole.
Replies: >>26423
>those tits
He looks like he raided the dumpster behind a cheap titty bar after hours. Hope Steve-O's are better.
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Why are normies so extreme about everything
Replies: >>27129 >>27137
I've seen based tech bois post hype up the mundane, so it's more or less just playing the psychological clickbait thumbnail game to farm the most views. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
krispy kreme free donut holocaust
I like tech tricks that use aspects of the law. Warrant canaries are such a cool idea.

I wonder if there is any virtue to an explicit "evil bit" in decentralized systems. If you are doing some sort of OSINT scraping or something, you are supposed to set the bit. If you don't and you still do that stuff, you are violating the CFAA way more explicitly than if you just did OSINT and nobody asked if you were evil. Requires a good definition for the prohibited behavior/attacks, and it could always be dodged with good operational security like using tor/i2p, but if it makes a government/NGO operation more legally vulnerable so they have to lay lower that seems like a win in my books. If they screw up something and their people get locked up that could also be a gem.
Does anyone else browse darknet communities? It seems like there isn't anything to talk about, until suddenly there is a lot. (mostly when an interesting person stumbles into chat and you know enough to hold up your end)
Nothing gayer than blue-collar 4chan chuds using Vim, Linux and I2P and thinking they're secretly smarter than rich liberals
Why has this still not been fixed?

Ya'll need to start posting from Tor!
Replies: >>27607
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*taps the low res sign*
Holy crap you sissies, I fixed it. Now what do I get as a thank you?
Replies: >>27615
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Replies: >>27732
That's a whole lotta words just to try and get commissions for NordVPN. I wrote a better article:
Step 1 - Install tor browser https://www.torproject.org/download/
Replies: >>27774
Reminder that as fucked as the modern internet is, it will only get worse. There is no turning back.
Replies: >>27774
kek exactly
I agree with you. I do. But I've been thinking about this for a long time. The "modern internet" = the internet for NPCs, shills, corpos, and normies. The internet is still the internet. It's how YOU use it that matters. This line of thought is a big reason as to why I check this board every day. Small communities like this one are infinitely better than screaming into the void on some megaplatform like facebook or twitter. Yes tubgurl is a lot of shitposting and nonsense centered around ashley, but it's fun, and it's *different*. Places online where privacy/foss is important to the userbase will give you "old internet" vibes. You aren't expected to post your real name and face - it would be weird if you did. Yes, the internet that the normies use sucks, but you don't have to take part in it. You can still pick and choose where you go, privacy tech is better than ever (it really is - compare the state and amount of choice in encrypted messengers now to, say, 2007), and you can still create. Thanks to crypto like monero you can even pay for almost anything you want privately (like a server for your website or community forum or whatever it is you want to do). I can get extremely negative and even depressed about the modern world but this is my 'glass half full' take on it.
Replies: >>27793
My view on privacy is controversial but I dislike the hysteria about it kind of and refuse to use encryption in most cases, back in the day you had "less privacy protection", that's true as you state, but you also didn't need it because no one way raping you on the net, you could post your address, name, phone number, it was all fine (many hackers like RMS even hated the idea of passwords for example, and refused to use them, even many BBSes frowned on using anonymous handles), that will sadly never fully return probably, but I would like to at least see some small communities that do it that way perhaps. My personal goal is to one day make even my password public, it's like getting rid of the cellphone, a pinnacle of freedom, a don't want that shit complicating my life.
Replies: >>27802 >>27864
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I don't concern myself with any of it anymore. A lot of this concern for online privacy just feels like larping to me and is no different than those who are overly concerned with their carbon footprint and believe that doing little irrelevant things is going to actually save the planet. I'm not a fan of corporations of moguls but I don't see how jumping through hoops just to watch a simple YouTube video is going to somehow fight the powah. It just seems like a clique for people who feel like losers to be just as condescending and dogmatic as the very people who made them that way in the first place. I appreciate Ashley's attempt to spread awareness but what I don't appreciate is the elitist attitude some carry and how belligerent they become over the fact that you enjoy things they don't agree should exist. It feels political and polarizing and seems just as bad as the judgement cast by activists such as vegans, animal rights advocates, and other political ideologues. No Fun Allowed.
This poster definitely saved this image from a targeted advertisement on Facebook
>I don't see how jumping through hoops just to watch a simple YouTube video is going to somehow fight the powah
invidious is less bloated than youtube, you're literally jumping through less hoops
Replies: >>27846 >>27864
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Everything in this world is bloated, including your mother's ass.
Replies: >>27849
>the normalgroid slave continues to defend his masters
not my problem, enjoy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Replies: >>27850
>use invidious
>virtue signaling
>a fucking retard
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Why does privacy always have to be in the center of attention, invidious is just superior in every way, for example: no ads, no shit visuals, direct download button, audio only mode, no JS needed (runs in small browsers), doesn't literally set my CPU on fire. Privacy is the last thing I care about here really, it's not like I use the site to buy drugs lol, I just wanna watch some vids without being raped by my own computer.
Replies: >>27885
If something doesn't work as consistently, then even if it is less complicated it might not be worth it.

But now youtube goes psychotic and thinks anyone from tor is a bot anyway, so yeah I'm ridin' with my insidious invidious bros.

I can't talk about old school online culture and it's safety or whatever because I wasn't around, but presumably the NSA has been conniving since inception, against a small minority of regular people through LoveINT and the like. I appreciate the rest of what you say.

Yeah, it seems a bit pointless.

In some ways, using these technologies for mundane shit has tradeoffs with their utility if you need them for real high-agency stuff.

Let's say I am doing something very strange and unprecedented using cameras strapped to drones deployed by crackheads payed with monero. This involves some traffic routed through tor which various interested parties would like to trace back to find out who I am.

On one hand, the more people use tor out of tech nerd herd autism, the more excuse I have for using tor coincidentally when an important VPS server received some commands. Thank you privacy enthusiasts for being my anonymity set, whether you would or would not approve. If I use tor a lot all the time just like they do, this isn't out of the ordinary for my plausibly mundane activities.

But I am not sure if an agentic using tor for mundane stuff leaks other identifying stuff that could screw them ad-hoc if interested parties take the time. Maybe some relevant attacks by guard nodes- though you could change them, that is itself noteworthy? I forget what it is called, but the kind of attack where the quirks of the last mile of traffic are fingerprinted could be a bigger deal the more traffic from an area they have to work with. Stuff facilitated by a pseudo-profile sites attempt to form through sidechannels like javascript and time crystal fingerprinting when you visit from many IP addresses- although I don't know how widespread that kind of thing is and they'd need to go and retrieve all that stuff and put it together with other data just to get a hint.

Probably a better example is if you used a single monero wallet for both mundane and high-agency purposes. Sure, nobody else will know from the state of the blockchain, but you can't always count on them not demanding access to your keys.

I just remembered how some internet infrastructure (I think Cable? Comcast?) used to be functionally routing-anonymous on a very local level because of physical details, so you could go through clever loopholes to use legitimately purchased internet anonymously, making yourself indistinct from any of your neighbors. (or steal internet, and ruin the fun for everyone else) If people are interested I can probably dredge up the right defcon talks. I bet there are still small towns or countries out there with such infrastructure.
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Hey my niggas btw can I just say I love this board? I used to visit 4chan/g and it literally made me wanna slit my throat and choke on my blood, shit my intestines out and hang myself with it to not have to read through that garbage of a trash for 10 more seconds, but this tech discussion here is quite comfy and somewhat bearable even if I don't agree with something, so yeah. Thank you for being such good bastard faggots, I wish peace to your souls <3 Maybe the woman presence makes it civil, I don't know, but it's somehow much better here.
Replies: >>27897 >>27905
No it's not. Invidious is shit. On a daily basis I have to cycle through at least three instances till one works and when it does work, the MAJORITY keyword MAJORITY of instances don't have a higher resolution than an bootleg Ugandan ipad. If it does have the option to render video in a higher quality, you're lucky at best if it renders the next 30 seconds.

I'm still going to use invidious because fuck the youtube and fuck google
Replies: >>27895
That's not the fault of Invidious, that's Youtube saying "nuh uhh you cant access this video!!!!" Much like how something like yt-dlp isn't shit when it stops working, it's because Youtube is constantly doing everything they can to block access to ripping their videos. Instances work for me most of the time, it's not a big deal to wait an extra 8 seconds to cycle through 2-3 instances (in my opinion). I'm not that addicted to getting my dopamine hit right now.
>higher resolution
People who care about 4k ultra high definition are retarded. I don't need to see Linus Tech Tip's fucking pores. I'm here for the information, frankly, I could listen to the audio and be happy. Anything higher than 480p is overkill, and these instances limit the resolution for a reason. If they didn't then retards would watch 300 videos per day on the same instance at 1080p, which isn't cheap.
Replies: >>27896
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>People who care about 4k ultra high definition are retarded.
>Anything higher than 480p is overkill
Tell me you don't want 4K/8K/12K:
"Best of Dolby Vision 12K HDR 120fps"
Replies: >>27898
I cant take anything on /g/ seriously because its all written by normie residential IP users on a honeypot. I mean for gods sake they have iPhone threads there unironically. I wish people interested in technology, privacy, and security would post here. Its mostly filled up with people saying "i dont care about that crap" which is the default opinion. Fine. But why does that have to be reiterated 50 times in the thread dedicated to actually discussing it for those who are interested in it?
Replies: >>27899
What are you watching on youtube that you even WANT to see in high definition? The only scenario where I can see 1080p being beneficial is for a video tutorial for software or something where you need to read/view small details. Other than that, do you really want (not need, want) to see your youtube ecelebs in 4K?
Replies: >>27901 >>27902
>But why does that have to be reiterated 50 times in the thread dedicated to actually discussing it for those who are interested in it?
Because normies HATE it when people smarter than them do anything. There's a tiny little inkling in the back of their mind that thinks you might be right, or worse better than them. So they have to come in and shit on it and say that whatever you're interested in is stupid, retarded, schizo, unnecessary, etc. If this doesn't work they resort to things like "wow are you some kind of criminal or pedo??? why do you even NEED that???".

I fucking hate them and they've been a plague on this board since day 1. Ashley should start banning normies. The entire rest of the internet is their playground, why do they have to stink up a small place like this too, just because they think Ashley is cute?
Replies: >>27903
I watch tutorials all the time and never exceed past 360p or 480p. Even for detail work its not all that necessary.
I want to see Ashley Chan's fucking pores and butthole in its 4K glory.
Replies: >>27904
Yeah Im not even trying to shit on anyone in here. On a general scale its weird that people are ok with getting raped by big corpos. I just want to find a place to talk to people who are also interested in this stuff and find new projects that help with keeping privacy and decentralization.
Ash will mistake this for 4kb
Please feel free to bring up new topics too if you want, small boards like this need people to introduce new topics, not just comment on what's already here
Replies: >>27918
Well, one thing I would like to hear opinions about is maybe DuskOS (http://duskos.org/), a super minimal Forth-based OS, bootstrappable from tiny amount of code (it's basically continuation of CollapseOS, should be usable even before collapse) -- IMHO it's very cool, might be one of the best things I've seen yet. I'm just fearing tranny takeover basically, but I reckon it would be easy to fork if that happened (much easier than for example Linux). Any thoughts on this project?
I'm going to hide one of these in Ashley's butthole so when she is kidnapped by sex traffickers, I will be able to find her. Hopefully, I will be able to find her before they find it.
learn to code guys
>Tech firms laid off 124,000 employees worldwide in first 7 months of 2024
You guys told me ASMR was gay, you lied to me.
what DE does ashley use, if any?
Replies: >>29102
Replies: >>29103
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nice, good stuff
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Holy heck, what a beauty. AFAIU, they did some scary chip trimming, relocations, ETC, and a lot of functionality is obviously lost, but the "Bluetooth" chip should still be included, ST original "Wii" remotes still work, for example. Sure, needlessly destroying original technology is generally cringe, but there are a _lot_ of "Wii" consoles out there and the few that will actually be modded in such a way are probably in shitty conditions already, without working disk drives, ETC.

Playing "Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga", "Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars", "Mario Kart Wii", "Wii Sports" and "Wii Sports Resort" on the "Wii" was a big part of my early childhood, until my parents gave the console away for seemingly no reason (TBF, one reason could have been me punching my mother's boobies in front of friends of the family, after she tried to make me stop gayming and have dinner with them), so I might actually try the "OMEGA" trim and some integration of it with my "Thinkpad X230"'s hard drive caddy, if I can get my hands on a "ThinkMods: ExpressCard NVMe Adapter" first.
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