/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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any other spacehey users?
cool privacy respecting myspace clone
Bro these profiles are way too awesome to be real people. I will make a profiles if ash and the other lings do.
Replies: >>5850
same here
uhhh.. nevermind i dont wanna make a profile now.....
I remember hearing about spacehey a year ago or so. I just now realized I could use it to garner female simps.
Replies: >>9820
>I just now realized I could use it to garner female simps.
I want this so badly. For one, it would be hot hot HOT to know Ashley is slamming clams with some other cutie, but also and perhaps more importantly, her overflow of used or unwanted female simps would end up here, on the board. I am NOT above dumpster diving for Ashley's sloppy seconds.
Replies: >>9823
Frfr bruh im finna be slambang up kabong these hot HOT babes https://spacehey.com/theburningdragonscewirishwhip
Replies: >>9824
Theres actually a lot of cute girls on there. I mean I hope theyre girls at least. With these advanced damn filters I might just accidentally beat off to a dude.
Replies: >>9825
lmao what if ash gets catfished by a tranny?
ashley, here's the solution: mandatory vagina checks before chatting with any """girls"""
It's so weird to see scene kids on spaceghey. Initially, I thought these people would've grown out of that phase by now... and then I see they're in their early 20's. I had friends who were the first scene kids and now they have families, married, etc. etc. Yet there's still young adults that are donning MCR layouts, ironing their hair, and essentially rawr XD-ing online but with pronouns this time.The fundamental nature of young adults are still drawn to being scene/emo. It's so surreal to me and brings back memories... damn I'm getting old and I feel like I'm not where I'm supposed to be in life :'D
Replies: >>9846
What's weirder is to see kids who didn't live through the scene era now wishing they were there when scene was big. I saw multiple 13 or 14 year old kids talking about this. What they don't realize is that the world was still sane back then, so these modern kids would have been offended by a scene girl calling herself retarded or making a 9/11 joke. Also what the hell is with kids writing "minor" in their profiles? I assume it's to ward away pedophiles, but if I was a pedo, that would make my job much easier.
Lot of trannies on this site bros
Replies: >>9976
the trannies invade everything because being a tranny is the new edgy phase to go through
Replies: >>9980
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so much goodó newsu foru yu everyone!!

~(≧ω≦)~ Me TAHITI is now on spacehei tū!! I make thisu profire because i want tū be a goodo starkeru foru ashrey and pay heru many money tū sukku me. I arsó make it tū make friends!! BANZAI!!! 

you wirru be mai friendos tū on specehei prease??? ( ͡♥ 3 ͡♥)


prease add  ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
I not have many friends yet and it makes me sad so prease add me prease. I post many vacation pictsures and good j-poppu music. Yu can prease add me now!!

prease add me (•‿•)

Seek out the extraordinary in every adventure.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: 大塚 愛 / 金魚花火
<Rink: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=yUL-KrF05-I 🎵🕺
>Location: Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands 🌏✈️
Replies: >>10159 >>10464
Jesus christ I love this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe.
Lol tahiti. Add your profile into your signature because its gold.
so what do you do after you make your profile?
blog post?
add people to my friends list that never talk to me?
Replies: >>10582 >>10586
Blog post and read other more blog posts
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If you build it they will come.
Replies: >>10615
is that Ashley's husband?!?!?

>uhh, "slightly" masculine
>not a fat

oh nvm
Replies: >>10690
You can't tell in the picture, but I'm guessing CrisXcruX's nuts aren't overflowing with half a gallon of supplement enhanced cum at all times either
ashley abandoned spaceghey :(((((
Replies: >>11042 >>11043
too many catfish
Nah, she is probably balls deep DM'ing the cute emo girls on her friends space.

Tahiti has almost 2x as many friends as Ashley btw, dat Tahiti rizz
ashley pls come back to spaceghey the little boygirls miss u
Replies: >>11633
I think Tahiti, her new bf, got jealous of all the emo poontang she was pulling and has forbidden her from using it

either that or her hair got caught in her fan since she was taking photos of herself in the dark RIP

It's over...
Replies: >>29587 >>29648
Who cares?
Replies: >>29587
I care.
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It's not like she used it. Social media is gay anyway. I still have a facebook but I only use it to browse a few groups and keep in touch with my mom. I think I still have the webpage saved somewhere on my hard drive.
Replies: >>29602
Wayback machine has some snapshots.



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>I still have a facebook but I only use it to browse a few groups and keep in touch with my mom. 
How about you pick up the phone and call her like a good son instead of sending her a text message like a bratty teenage girl? She gave birth to you for Christ's sake. I also guarantee those groups you're in are worthless normiefests. Get rid of your Facebook account and thank me later.
Replies: >>29629 >>29638
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Well, because paying for phone service just to call one person is stupid when phone calls over facebook are free. No, the worthless normiefests groups I'm in are far more engaging and more interesting than any of the shit you faggots post here. If Ashley wasn't here, this board would be abandoned entirely. I'll get rid of my facebook when I feel like it, not when some invalid on an anonymous image board tells me to.
>worthless normiefest
Yeah, okay, faggot. There are lots of guys in the groups I'm in just like this guy. They are actually nice and helpful and not like you faggots who think you know everything yet post nothing to prove it. I was going to share the groups I'm in way back when we first started talking about crt tvs but changed my mind because I know you faggots would just show up and cause trouble for me.
Replies: >>29633
>No, the worthless normiefests groups I'm in are far more engaging and more interesting than any of the shit you faggots post here.
Please, go post on them instead.
>I was going to share the groups I'm in way back when we first started talking about crt tvs but changed my mind because I know you faggots would just show up and cause trouble for me.
"Cause trouble for me" holy shit. When someone tells you to get rid of your Facebook account, they're actually trying to help you, you fucking RETARD.
Replies: >>29636
>Please, go post on them instead.
Beggars can't be choosers.
>trying to help you
No, you're not. You want to feel superior to someone by claiming you hold a moral high ground to compensate for feeling inadequate in your own life. I can already tell that you think you know better than everyone since you posted your smug Klingon. I don't even know who that obvious kike is but I bet you he thinks the sun revolves around him based on the quality of that photo and his slovenly appearance. Probably regarded for his opinion or else he wouldn't be having his picture taken in the first place since he's not attractive. Obviously has something to prove because he was bullied in school based on his obesity and condescending expression. Probably lives on the west coast based on the stupid dreadlocks. Probably wears glasses based on his age but most likely has poor eyesight since he's a kike. Probably an atheist since he's a kike. Probably married since he's a kike but is a closeted homosexual which you would be able to tell by his soft voice and feminine mannerisms. Is that a violin in the background? Probably a wannabe musician. Wears black because he believes it's slimming and makes him look cool. Is probably some sort of radical based on his style. Probably wears sandals to compliment his messiah complex. Probably mentions the holocaust whenever he can. Probably has a dead relative that's a holocaust survivor. Probably likes abstract art that's just as warped as he is.
It's weird when I see stuff like this, that just highlights the difference between real life and stuff I might read on the internet.

In this case, all my family and old people use facebook because they're all on there, they message everyone there. The idea that old people have preference for landline or something is hilarious.

It's also funny how a tendency just gets exaggerated beyond practicality. Yes, Facebook is taking your data. There is not actually a lot of harm from using facebook messenger for your family though. I don't mean scroll endlessly and give it an up-to-date definition of yourself, just use the botnet stuff when it is convenient due to network effects.

Pretty sure there are also data poisoning projects if you care enough, which is probably 1000x as powerful versus simply denying them another sample.
Replies: >>29641 >>29644
It's common practice to unknowingly agree to give away your data to these big companies, however it's not obvious what these companies do with your data, so to say it's harmless is pretty short sighted. 

In the future, it may be possible to use a social media blockchain platform and opt into selling your user data for profit, but I doubt the powers that be are willing to give up such a profitable spying system anytime soon.
>The idea that old people have preference for landline or something is hilarious.
Almost all of the old people and a few of the Gen X'ers in my family prefer talking on the phone. My grandfather complains that out of 10 grandkids, only 2 of us call him on the phone. What meaningful conversation do you guys get out of texts? "Sup mom" "🤣👍"
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KEK I deleted the Spacehey profile since I haven't used it since I made it (over a year ago). Anyways, I sometimes search my website "icum.to" on various search engines and sort by "past month" to see if my website is linked anywhere interesting.

Well, in one of the latest search results my website was mentioned in a Spacehey blog. I only saw a little of a cached version, luckily I was able to find a full cached version and archived it on archive.org

Here is a post someone wrote about me on their Spacehey blog that has since been removed, likely due to the scary brown paint on my skin.

She says I blocked her (I've never used a "block" feature in my life because that is female behavior), I think she just tried to add me at the wrong time since I deleted the account. Also, I'm unsure how I managed to give her multiple viruses or how a VPN would prevent someone from getting a virus, but there you go.
>she seems to have many incel fan boys who love to spend their entire pathetic life gooning to her. if you click on her website they are completely misogynistic and make some interesting comments on her videos. 
KEK all right, which one of you tubsisters wrote this really?
Replies: >>29652
>I did find something about her on reddit, under the subreddit called /rFansofRose https://www.reddit.com/r/FansofRose/comments/yxxozp/23yearold_ashley_jones_httpsicumto_is_back_after/?rdt=58613
What a bitch. I think she posted the blog in February 2024.
Don't click on the link below, it'll give you viruses:
Replies: >>29653
>exposing weirdos
That's what social media is really for.
That blog was posted in late August
There's a substitute teacher in my family. A few years ago I flipped through some of the literature and criteria that all the teachers are forced to read. It was basically a how to guide on how to be offended and what's considered wrong think from the WEF. Please forgive the teen e-sluts as they do not know what they do.
Replies: >>29656 >>29658
substitute teachers are the best when you're too tired to learn anything and just want to watch movies. I had a shop teacher in high school who was away for a couple of weeks due to surgery and our substitute teacher couldn't run any of the machines so we just watched a bunch of movies every morning. Some days I would sleep throughout the film and wake up feeling pins and needles in my legs and my face in a pool of drool.
Replies: >>29658
Looking back I had multiple teachers who weren't suitable for that job. Any of you guys ever had teachers who screamed at the students until their face turned red? I had that multiple times, it must be semi-common. I also had boomers teaching computer classes and everyone in the class obviously knew their way around a computer 10x faster than Skeletor did.

Substitute teachers are just overpaid projection operators. I can't believe I wasted 18 years of my life in shitty public education being forced to watch The Patriot, Forrest Gump, Moneyball, Myth Busters, and The Minions (not kidding. was in high school).
Replies: >>29659
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You got to watch movies in high school and you're complaining. Be happy you didn't have to go to Catholic high school. I never saw a movie in school and if I did something in class that the priest didn't like I had to stick out my arm and make a fist and he took his yard stick and would rap me on the knuckles a few times. Yea, it hurt but my attitude was never let them see you sweat and what really would piss him off is when I would give him that look as if to say is that the best you got. And talk about wasted education, it was mandatory to take 2 years of Latin, now that's a waste. I shouldn't complain though, I guess it was better than reform school but not by much.
Replies: >>29660 >>29664
I was forced by law to get "educated" and my education consisted of teachers with short tempers that screamed at students as they put on preschooler movies for high schoolers. I'm fully justified to criticize the public education system. It was a waste of 18 years mandated by the state. Sorry I'm not an NPC that thinks education means watching The Minions or Forrest Gump.
>You got to watch movies in high school and you're complaining.
Yes, because it was a total waste of my time. School when I attended in the 90s and 00s was beyond worthless; everything of value I know now (beyond perhaps basic mathematics and how to read and write) I've learned on my own. I can't even fathom how worthless school is now. The educational system is daycare at best and prison for kids at worst. If I had children I would never, ever send them to school, public or private.
Replies: >>29673
I like how this person has the X's in their profile name similar to Derricks gamertag. Also, they didn't include the IA2S+ as part of the LGBTQ acronym, how intolerant.
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Replies: >>29672
Ashley is not a weirdo, she is a virgin saint!
The user XxALANAxX's profile is still active:

Showing the "Exposing weirdos" blog entry:
This is what cosplay looked like before Patreon and Onlyfans was invented.
Completely agree. No wonder I'm dogshit at math. I had women teaching me.
Replies: >>29674
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Oh why did you remove the dinner listing, mommy Ashley? So sad...
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Nobody bought it (at least there were no reviews), so all we really know is that Ashley is still broke and has been eating her dinners alone.

You could have prevented this...
Damn, I was saving that one for my birthday. Now I have to eat in my room alone. I might actually kill myself now.
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If you look closely at the screen, you can see Ashley standing and not wearing a Bermuda shorts.
Replies: >>29858
We call those "lesbian shorts"
Replies: >>29874 >>29909
I thought that's what we called her videos.
Replies: >>29909

shorts = videos
Here is another "lesbian shorts":
That might have been my fault guys.
i dont have any friends so I used her service to order a lot of dinner with a friend scenarios. Strictly friends, nothing weird or sexual. thats just gross (no offence Ash)
Anyways, I ordered so many of them that Ashley had to tell me we had to stop and she was unable to offer this service anymore. i asked how come? and she replied that due to me buying so many dinners she had gained a lot of weight and then I said yeah Ive noticed...
and bros let me tell you, she went ape shit! swearing, cursing, threats, throwing things at the webcam. at one point she picked up Bandit 3 and I guess in her emotional state she thought she could sic her dog onto me thru the webcam somehow? Bizarre but I guess women are like that am i right fellas? heh
but yeah, sorry for ruining it for everyone and if Ashley is reading this sorry you gained so much weight. just put on your lesbian shorts and hit the treadmill, you'll work the pounds off in no time (maybe).
Replies: >>29971 >>29972
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