/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Post your favorite nature being, plants, animals, bugs, dinos, anything. Its pretty dead here.
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I would like to be on an paradise island living an eternal summer for decades, with unlimited resources and unlimited weed with dozens of beautiful women (only 18-25 years old) and a group of good friends.
Just perfect.

Replies: >>19854
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Here’s a photo from the time I had gone to the sea
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Date palms
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My grandma’s countryside house.
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Replies: >>19857 >>19879
That's a breath taking island. I bet it's loaded with tons of young beautiful women.
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1. The desert
2. Zoo
3. An old town
4. Inside a university building
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grasslands and wheat fields
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this is like when youre playing an rts (member rts games?) and you accidentally place a building in the middle of nowhere
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I used to live near a bike track in the bush.
one of my favourite things to do was going mountain bike riding through it. And going real deep into it (hehe) and pulling out over and just listening to the sound of silence.

No cars, no people, maybe the odd bird or if its windy enough, the trees but otherwise complete silence.
I saw lots of some animals too, an echidna, roos, one time i reckon i saw some type of fox, but it run off before i got a good perv at it.
it also had a creek that i would visit and chill at
One time, i was going down a slope that was also a slight corner and there was like this crack on the track, hey that rhymes, and anyways i didnt notice it and as i rode over it, my front wheel got caught in it and jammed the front wheel and i literally went head over the handle bars and somehow got a nasty cut on my inner thigh. it could have hit an artery and i could have dieded ok im being dramatic but i did get that cut.

Anyways, it was therapeutic in a way. 
I dont live near there now so its not really something i can do now, ok im lying i could load the bike in the back of the ute and drive there but im fat and lazy ok? stfu
Replies: >>19926
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Cool birds
Have you ever confronted a kangaroo before or heard anyone doing so?
Replies: >>19929 >>19950
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any other night walk enjoyers?
Roos are insanely fucking strong, so from what I understand it's not a good idea to "confront" them. However there is this video that floats around online of some guy who's dog was attacked (it's super gross, you can see a flap of the dog's skin flopping around, but I don't think it was life threatening  as long as he got to the vet soon enough). Anyway the kangaroo is coming at the guy and you see him have this moment of realization, so he puts his fists up like he's boxing with a person. He punches the kangaroo in the face, which the kangaroo clearly wasn't expecting, and then the guy walks off. Not sure what the situation was but it's a pretty crazy video. I didn't download it because I don't like to see animals hurt (the dog in this case, not the kangaroo). But I bet the dog thought his owner was a super chad after that day. Anyway it's a common video, someone here probably has it
Replies: >>19933 >>19950
Yeah, I’ve seen that. That’s why I asked. So even kangaroos are better to be evaded in Australia. Phew! Is there anything cute and cuddly native to Australia or is everything inherently dangerous there? Heh.
Replies: >>19940 >>19950
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These guys wouldn't hurt a fly.
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> Is there anything cute and cuddly native to Australia

me :3

this is the video

here is a recent one that made the news

Ive never had a negative encounter, but once when I was a kid, my dad, my uncle and i came close to running one over. 
my cousin has hit one before and it messed up the car pretty good.

the males can be potentially be aggressive, but the chances of that happening are very low. 
Like most animals they are more scared of you, than you are of them.
Anytime ive ever encountered one in the wild they've always hopped away almost as soon as they spotted me.

Now emus on the other hand, holy shit, dont be caught dead with a snag in your hand at a sausage sizzle because those fuckers will straight up attack you and steal your food.
Replies: >>19956
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.Now emus on the other hand..........

That was pretty emusing, mate.
Replies: >>19979
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Seabee for the last hour Ive been trying to think of a funny australian animal related pun to work into a post about how your post made me laugh.

I cant think of any, so here enjoy a cold one on me instead.
Have a good one, hooroo
Replies: >>19992 >>20084
How fitting that the Australian can't think and instead goes for a beer. Name 1 (ONE) intelligent Australian.
Replies: >>19993
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Steve Irwin
Replies: >>19995 >>20020
I'm pretty sure he faked being Australian. Try again.
Replies: >>19996
Im pretty sure the 20K GET is coming up
Replies: >>19999
Replies: >>20026
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Who was the better father?
Replies: >>20024
I don't know. The one who's in absolute control and knows what he's doing since this isn't his first time or...Alleged pedo probably high off his mind holding a baby a couple of stories over a guard rail. I really can't tell.
Replies: >>20027 >>20036
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Replies: >>20028
>Alleged pedo
These allegations fall apart the second you look into them. It was all money hungry people who couldn't keep their story straight.
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MJ was innocent retard
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I enjoy my time that i spend walking through the forest in summer and autumn, its a good thing that i live quite close to the forest, so i take a bottle of water and walk aimlessly there. In winter i am too lazy, and there are far fewer ways to walk, except to walk along the roads cleared by snowmobiles and skiers.
Replies: >>20079
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Some of wildlife and not very alive i met.
Replies: >>20079
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>i take a bottle of water and walk aimlessly there.
what if you got lost and are there any wolves or bears in those forests?
Replies: >>20081
you kill them
Replies: >>20089
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Foster's, it's not just for breakfast anymore. Cheers, mate.
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Nooo not the bears, they form a valuable part of the local ecosystems that help keep local forests and wildlife systems healthy.
Bears are considered ecosystem engineers, that means they have the ability to modify their environment. Through their foraging habits, bears spread plant and berry seeds in their droppings and spread marine-derived nitrogen into the forest surrounding salmon streams which helps in fertilizing forests
Bears also help control herbivore populations, which prevents overgrazing and allows vegetation to thrive. If bears were to disappear from their ecosystem, no other species would be able to fill their ecological niche.
Some bears, like the black bear, are what is called an apex predator, or rather, a predator that sits at the top of the food chain. Unlike those asshole wolves, this doesn't mean that bears are looking for some delicious human meat for dinner. You are more likely to be killed by bee stings or lightning than by a bear.

Give a care, about a bear!

Fun Bear Factoid #17: Bears have the largest relative brain size of any carnivore!
Replies: >>20453 >>20464
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>Bears also help control herbivore populations
>this doesn't mean that bears are looking for some delicious human meat for dinner
Replies: >>20464
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Bears are also advocates of the 2nd amendment, the right of bears to bare arms shall not be infringed.

Just because bears hibernate doesn't mean they obfuscate.

So when you see a bear, don't despair, no need to beware, bears have no delusions to the two legged humans.
Replies: >>20493
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heh, that was BEARy clever of you Seabee!
Replies: >>20537 >>20538
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>heh, that was BEARy clever.....

I know, I can barely contain myself, my respect for bears is almost unbearable to the point that my favorite fruit is bluebearies which I eat with my bare hands
Replies: >>20538

Im sorry but these bear puns are really paw...
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Met an owl at work.
>pocket protector 
lol what a nerd
Replies: >>21257
carrying pens is pretty chad what pens are those
Replies: >>21237 >>21257
Did it buy anything?
Replies: >>21257
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I love owls
Replies: >>21257
Replies: >>21257
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I met a bitch at work today
Replies: >>21257
Of course I’m a nerd I still use image boards

I carry a Ridge burnt titanium bolt action pen and a GraphGear 500 Mechanical Drafting Pencil in 0.5 mm. I need a good red pen as well and maybe a highlighter.

She was there to raise awareness for injured birds of prey and customers could pay $10 to hold her. The money went towards feeding her and other birds that are recovering from injuries.

They’re surprisingly sweet. They love to be pet.


That’s hot
Replies: >>21258
Correction, I have the mechanical pencil in 0.7 mm because I tend to push down too hard and break anything smaller.

At least that used to be the case, maybe I’ll switch to 0,5 someday.
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its that time of the year

late autumn

When theres still enough red and yellow leaves left on the branches of trees, but the grounds are covered with fallen leaves too.

Seeing them hanging overhead on tree branches as Im in my car, driving down some road or hearing them crunch beneath my shoes as I walk down a footpath.
Its the best time of my favourite season of the year.

You guys got a favourite time or season of the year?
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It's Spring right now you dumb nigger.
My favorite time of the year has got to be summer. All the kids out of school playing in the water... MMMMMM AHA ;)
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This is a public service announcement. If you ever see one of these sitting in an Ash tree, it's called an Ashtree Jones Borer. It's an invasive species from Mexico so you must tell it to leave or else it might bore you. To do this, you simply make finger guns and roll your wrists twice pointing to the direction you want them to get and politely say "leave". Do not allow the Ashtree Jones Borer to stay in the Ash tree. 

Warning: The Ashtree Jones Borer is known to stage falls and flash their genitals at unsuspecting prey. Do not attempt to rape.
It's strange seeing Ashley in a bright outdoor environment.
This is ashley 15 years after our marriage
Replies: >>28620
That girl is clearly sweet sixteen so you must be a pedophile if you married her when she was one year old.
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hehe boner
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Replies: >>31473
Thats a lot like me when I walk without pants on
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Replies: >>31649
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Replies: >>31651
she was so pure...
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