/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
Replies: >>27465
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Video: https://videos.icum.to/w/7a1wxxqKCPCnBrQxTCFBAU

What an amazing day, I finally found some erasers for my collection. And at the Dollar Tree of all places. I have been extremely stoked ever since I got these, I never expected to see these erasers being sold anywhere.
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Replies: >>27465
Your calender is hung way too low.
Replies: >>27465 >>27509
Those are probably filled with lead and other dangerous chemicals. You should eat one and see what it tastes like.
Replies: >>27474
I want to pour monster all over her hairy body and brown nipples and lick it all off
Replies: >>27464 >>27470
Replies: >>27466
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>>27453 (OP) 
>the racial erasers 

heh the lubricant bit was probably the funniest moment, like a happy little accident.

nah it looks about eye level height for her
You have dark hair, most likely from your med genes, so of course they're brown!

You can cope, sneed and dial 8 as much as you want but it will not change the facts. As a famous oven dodger once said, Sneed's doesn't care about your Chuck's.
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Isn't butthole, nipple, and lip skin all the same? So if my lips were brown, my nipples would be brown. Hoping a nipple, butthole, lip skin enthusiast can confirm this for me.
Replies: >>27469 >>27609
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>med genes
hello newfag. boy do I have news for you
Replies: >>27473
I have never heard this before because I am a heterosexual man, but I decided to check in the mirror and it does seem like my lips match my nipples. So this might be true.

But it really doesn't matter, I of course only brought up the brown nipples to annoy you. If I don't insult you then I'm a simp and we can't have that, now can we?
Replies: >>27472
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this is the color of her nipples
Replies: >>27473 >>27563
>I am a heterosexual man, but I decided to check in the mirror and it does seem like my lips match my nipples
Oh shit she's giving guys sissy assignments!
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I am Scandinavian so anyone with dark hair or features is med and therefore non-white.
I am sceptical.
Replies: >>27476
She sucks on lite brite pegs, wouldn't put this past her
oh shit I forgot that she has and rides animal dildos, bitch might be white with pink nipples after all
>implying Scandinavians are white
Not for long. Those immigrants are going to breed your sweet little bussy and you're going to give birth to a beautiful little terrorist
Replies: >>27478
>immediately fantasises about interracial gay sex 
Didn't take long for Mutt's law to take effect
Replies: >>27480 >>27481
It's no fantasy, that's whats happening over there. Better plug up to stay safe, tubsister!
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Cope more, Anders. You're gonna get interracially gay sex raped and you're gonna LIKE IT.
Why does Ashley put "Ashley Jones Videos" before  "ICUM.TO"? It's very disrespectful to me and my cock. It should say 
Ashley Jones Videos
that way it's more respectful and accurate
Replies: >>27491
I never once cum to a Ashley Jones video they are too funny and brilliant comedy, I end up giggling about the funny comedy with my c*ck in my hand if I try
imagine her feminine boy sweat...
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That calendar is meant for her pugs.
Replies: >>27511
dogs can't use calendars, silly muffin!
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Pick your favorite nipple color.
doesn't matter, they should always be in my mouth anyways
Replies: >>27576
Ashley nipple colour
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And I thought erasers were only for people who make mistakes, heh, heh.

You look so happy and stoked re-visiting your childhood with your eraser collection. It shows, you look like you're 14 years old in this video ( uh, that's a compliment by the way ). Apparently the mystique of Benjamin Button is alive and well with you.
Replies: >>27586 >>27609
This makes me want to look around here for some 3d erasers, just to see what sorts they have. 
I dont actually have a need for any rubbers because I probably will never need to use a rubber... but it might be fun to do
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Replies: >>27605
> 27563
Ruby Red . Then Blood Blue. Bunch O Monkey Spankers.
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It's gotta be chocolate for me
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Are you talking about Sqwishland micro rubber pets? You need a shopping buddy with a keen eye. I knew you would want the food erasers and the giraffe eraser. Here are some tips for more erasers: go to Dollar General and check the Party Supplies & Decorations aisle for more 3D erasers. I recently picked up these.
and Check Five Below.
Here are some of the erasers I had in elementary school. I used to buy them at our school store.
Most of these old erasers were made by the company Diener. Search Diener Toys or more specifically Diener erasers. I found this website to be a decent resource.
You like pigs, don't you. Pigs and pugs. I wonder if you like Pegs and Pogs? Is there even such a thing as a Pag? Why, yes, there is. It's an acronym for "Pedophile Aids Goblin".
You know, you could be making our own erasers.
I've been considering using old Creepy Crawler molds and 3D ice cube molds to make my own erasers.
I'm going to be your best olfactory memory to date. I enjoyed your Dollar Tree erasers unboxing video. Too bad you didn't try any of the food erasers. that would have made this video a mukbang. You don't eat during your mukbang and you don't unbox during your unboxing video. Worst YouTuber ever. You're not even on YouTube and I see why.
What massive burrito did you eat? Were you inspired by Ronald "Big Mac" Jones? >>26541 He may not be a household name just yet but his vitiligo is coming along nicely.
The animal erasers remind me of these toys from Taco Bell I had as a kid.
Your Tourette's at 15:33 is cuter than that cat. Cat's are cute, though. I recently had to be hospice care for seven kittens. I haven't had a great Summer. I believe six of them had gotten parvo from fleas and one of them died from an injury. Since it's kitten season, no one wanted to attempt to save them. There are an overabundance of kittens this time of year and the shelters and foster homes are bombarded with calls about sick kittens and they can't take them all and they can't find people willing to adopt the ones they do save. No one was willing to help me with them. From what I've seen on facebook, I'm not even surprised. People will just be indifferent to an animal dying of starvation because they can't get someone to come pick it up. That's what I had to do. I just couldn't get them the medical attention they needed because I lacked the means. So I had to watch them die. Most veterinarians don't even care about animals. They are only interested in gouging pet owners and won't even see an injured animal without payment in advance. I was seeking some kind of consolation online and I learned the sad reality is that large litters are just to ensure survivability. All of them were never meant to survive. They only do through human intervention. Picrel was the last night we had together before they began to fall ill. I'm never going to forgive myself for this just like I'm never going to forgive myself for losing my family photos. It was my negligence that led to this.
Why does Super Lube have a rainbow flag on it? I would like to watch you work on motors. It would be cool to watch you tear down and rebuild a small engine too. You should watch this video. Let me know if you recognize anything.

That's not how it works. I have dark hair and pink nipples.

Not always. I thought you watched porn?

heh, I own those erasers, Seabee.
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>not buying the Tonka dump truck eraser from Dollar Tree
>not buying the pencil pouches from Dollar Tree to put your erasers in
low key those pencil pouches look very slay and the vibes are bussin, but i cant look past that you didnt buy the Tonka truck eraser!
Why does Ashley get so defensive and angry when you mention her brown nipples? What's wrong with having brown nipples? Does Ashley see that as something inherently wrong??
Does that pouch actually say bussin or is this an edit? Please tell me its an edit. Who tf owns a bussin bag?
Replies: >>27737
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There's only one kind of "dump truck" Ashley wants and it belongs to pic related. Also, that's a pencil sharpener, not a pencil eraser you frickin retard. It says so right on teh package yet you call it an eraser not once, but twice. You really are stupid.
>downie with big ass
Is this why they call it dummy thick?
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I'm about to supply my muhfuggin NUT to that retarded bitches ASS gyatdayumloogidatshieetnigga!
no they are real
low key these pouches are pretty slay and only those whose vibes are bussin would buy em

>Also, that's a pencil sharpener, not a pencil eraser you frickin retard


Its a pity it isnt an eraser because just like your parents, I then could erase my mistake hahahaha! oh wait, its a sharpener! I really need that because just like you Im dull..................................... hehehe
>Ashley giving womanly advice to women in one of her videos
If a woman takes womanly advice from Ashley doesn't that basically mean they're a failed woman? I mean it's Ashley we're talking about, fucking ASHLEY.
Replies: >>27820 >>27822
What was the advice she gave?
Replies: >>27831
Yeah any sisterly advice from Ashley should be avoided at all costs. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants however has some hidden wisdom, take it from me, a rreal woman. You want proof? Don't you hate it when the tampon goes too far up your pussy after having drunk sex?
Replies: >>27826
Oh heck yes girl. I hate it when I'm trying to sleep but then I start my period and I'm bleeding out of my pussy and the blood runs down my all-in-one pussy-and-ass crack and then the blood settles onto my asshole and then I fart and it splatters period blood all over the back of my panties!!!
ironic tranny posting is still tranny posting
something basic with nail polish, not really relevant
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whats this thing? some kind of air freshener device? a nightlight? insect catcher?
It's an air freshener CUM nightlight device.
Replies: >>27976
>Tonka dump truck eraser
It's a pencil sharpener

Steve Irwin was killed by a mankiller ray.
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its the signal receiver for her electronic ankle monitor the court ordered her to wear

>It's a pencil sharpener

Replies: >>27987
You should run away from home and come live with me. Tell the police your mom touched you but don't tell them I touch you because that's okay since I'm your mentor and you're cumming of age.
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>And this one's actually cute, so it's a white person.
So she thinks I'm cute.

Bored Owner Tell us about the old desktop on your desktop.
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666 Ashley
669 hehe
Replies: >>28867 >>28892
Next up is 696. ♋
Replies: >>28892
777 Ashley
Replies: >>28892 >>29158
Its 672 rn
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Im shoot retarded, does this mean your not doing comedy and ramble videos? will the videos on toploadedduke be on your main page? whats top loaded mean?
Replies: >>28909 >>28944
*shit refarted
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>does this mean your not doing comedy and ramble videos?
"I want to make more vintage technology videos so I moved my skits and rambling videos to their own playlists at the bottom of this homepage." Ashley would probably make 1 or 2 skits and rambling videos this year. After that, the world will end.

"TopLoaded": picrel
"Duke": Duke Nukem
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777 Ashley
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upload when?
Replies: >>29257
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She ain't even talked to me in three months. She's either seeing someone else or actually doing the things she says. 

Ashley, that's a no call, no show, babe. You're fired.
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>calls ashleys public phone number we all have access to
>thinks shes his gf
Replies: >>29259
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>thinks shes his gf
She started it.
>She ain't even talked to me in three months. She's either seeing someone else or actually doing the things she says. 
Or it could be that you kept making comments about how you're going to date me and/or marry me every time you called me. You wouldn't take no for an answer, so I eventually had to be very poltie yet firm and say that I am definitely not going to date you, which resulted in you begging me for an hour on the phone to please give you a chance, informing me that I'm making a big mistake by not picking you, and that I am "missing out". During this conversation you also revealed to me that you had a dead cat in your microwave.

With the above in mind, I am uninterested in using my Garfield phone as a dating service.
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hardcore burn holy shit
hahaahahaahaha faggot
There you are. So you haven't forgotten about me. Would you rather it be someone who would take no for answer? No wonder you have no luck in relationships. Well, if that's what you want but don't be surprised if you find me at your local thrift store in the near future.

And I did have my recently deceased cat in a microwave. An old microwave that is no longer in use and is sealed once shut. I did that so I could store the body to prevent flystrike until I was able to properly bury him. I explained exactly why I did that to you over the phone and it's disingenuous of you to mention that to make me look like some crazy person.
X32 22A
Replies: >>29277
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Replies: >>29272
Wait. Just so we can get the timeline of events clear, the corpse of a cat was in your microwave at the same time you spent 1h~ on the phone begging ashley to be your gf? And you told her about this?
Replies: >>29270 >>29273
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now this is an interesting development
Replies: >>29272
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>you to mention that to make me look like some crazy person.
I'm curious if he buried the microwave or just the cat.
Replies: >>29271
Schrödinger's cat experiment gone wrong.
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No, she isn't recalling things correctly and the fact that those are the things she chooses to remember from our conversation really says something about her. She called me after I texted her about losing my job and as I was explaining that, she blurted out something along the lines of her not being interested in me which completely changed the mood. She seemed to be under some impression that I could possibly be endangering her life and that I was buying her all the things I shared with her over the phone when I have only ever bought one thing for her which were some puffy Garfield stickers she said she wanted but refused to accept but it's perfectly okay for her to spend money like that on me. I was only wanting to know why it seemed like she was tossing me to the curb for no apparent reason when we had several conversations over the phone that seemed to go well and she told me a few times that most all the other conversations she had were awful and that she liked talking to me over the phone and that I'm the only one who she ever calls or calls back. She even said she was avoiding some of you but not me and that made me feel somewhat special and then to suddenly feel like that would be out last conversation, so I did get a little emotional not really know what to say and maybe I did say some stupid shit. There was no begging for anything other than a straight answer because she kept telling me bullshit like she had a bf and that she was married when all she ever talks about is being alone. I wasn't expecting anything. It felt like she just wanted to get rid of me which actually hurt. It's the same impression she has given me here for months always posting anonymously about how much she dislikes my posts. That's pretty shit of her to mention my kitten like that as if I would mistreat an animal. I wouldn't make light of Bandit's death. Some people give their pet a proper burial and some people leave their pet on the side of the road.
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damn, this is a story about heartbreak and betrayal. to me it's clear that she wants you to fight for her. tell us, what's the next step of your master plan?
Replies: >>29280
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you know wat 2 du
Is this the storyline of a new Ashley video?
Replies: >>29285
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>but it's perfectly okay for her to spend money like that on me
hahaha holy shit you're the fucking mcdonalds guy aren't you? buddy she isn't being serious in your screencap, did you think she was going to come visit you for real? She just shat all over you in this very thread for being a sperg. Girls that are interested in you aren't "polite but firm" when they reject your romantic advances. I hope you're trolling and this is all a big joke but I don't think so. Sad! Go focus on your real life instead of some internet girl ashley is one of the guys so what you're doing is gay tbh
>Some people give their pet a proper burial and some people leave their pet on the side of the road.
real niggas put dead pets in the microwave
Replies: >>29284
>you kept making comments about how you're going to date me and/or marry me every time you called me
>she blurted out something along the lines of her not being interested in me which completely changed the mood
Yes I'm sure she simply blurted that out of nowhere 🙄
>we had several conversations over the phone that seemed to go well
W.....what's it like for you when things go badly?
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>the fucking mcdonalds guy
Memoirs of an E-girl
Ashley should offer a service where she gimps herself in pictures that we send her which we can frame and set on our desks to pretend she is our gf or bff if you're gay.
Replies: >>29288
That photo looks real to me, I don't think it has been shooped.
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come on, don't leave us hanging, microwave cat guy. tell us more about how she wronged you and how you're planning to kill her now
Replies: >>29294
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Replies: >>29338
He was actually negging himself you stupid whore

I was explaining your situation to an Abkhaz girl with medium titties, tiny nipples and strangely attractive square face (I can post a look alike if people are interested) I've been talking to on the internet and she said that you are not the ass whole. This is 100% Ashley Jonesogatari's fault
Replies: >>29299 >>29307
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This is the most pathetic post on this board. Congratulations!
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Replies: >>29304
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Don't feel bad mcdonalds bro. She quit talking to me too. I was really hammered last time we talked so I really dont remember if maybe I offended her. Don't take it personally I think she just got bored of yapping on the phone. Long time no talk btw. Hope you are doing good.
Ugh, I should have explained more. Or MANsplained more, right feminist? A dude neggs himself to make himself ATTAINABLE. He doesn't want to INTIMIDATE you. Understand? Negging, aka NEgging: Negative Egging. Pegging, PEgging, Positive Egging,. He NEgg himself, so you don't feel like you need to PEgg him. You understand the gendervalence? A man NEggs a woman so she feels the need for some PEgging, AGAIN,.. men and women are different if you haven't noticed
If I were Ashley, I'd be more concerned with Venezuelan rape gangs in my neighborhood than some guy on the internet that said he'd marry me but women are stupid like that.
Replies: >>29309 >>29310
At least those guys are getting more pussy than McDonalds guy does
ashley is a spic so that would be incest
Can I get a QRD on McDonalds guy?
Replies: >>29312
see >>29284
ash bought this guy mcdonalds like a year ago because he would always go on cytube from mcdonalds wifi due to being homeless. he took the double quarter pounder as a proclamation of her love for him
Replies: >>29314
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still a better love story than twilight
"This Crazy Girl Will Not Leave My Room"
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Since Ashley isn't posting new videos anymore.
Replies: >>29448
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I got a good feeling that Ashley will post a video on Sep 11.
Replies: >>29450 >>29812
I'm hoping for a Spooky Searchers video on Halloween. I want to see the goons go gunting with Chester for the ghost of brown-eyed Willy.
Replies: >>29751
hey thats actually really good idea for a video.
In a secret timeline
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sneak peak of Ashley's new cooking video
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Replies: >>29864
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fake as fuck, I would never play gay little kid's games. I only play big kid's games like picrel
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There is a new repair video: https://videos.icum.to/w/bPgKowkDnjk8AaSW6ECUwG
Repairing my AMburger radios.

Domain Name Update
I updated my domain name. "icum.to" now redirects to "dukenukemis.cool". My videos website, "videos.icum.to" remains at the same domain for now. I did this because I think Duke Nukem is a better domain than cum. Better yet would be Duke Nukem's cum.

Website Updates
Read the news page for a more in-depth update: https://dukenukemis.cool/news/

Homepage: https://dukenukemis.cool/
The homepage has been slightly altered from the previous one. It looks less insane, but I may add more to it later. I am aware there is a massive graphical bug on the tor browser, with some of the marquee gifs looking massively large. ETA: This will likely take me many months to address due to general laziness and disinterest.

About me: https://dukenukemis.cool/about-me/
I have added some pages, including an "About Me" page. The "About Me" links out to other pages (some old, some new).

Monthly Column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
I'm starting a monthly column that needs user input in order to work. For this, use this thread >>29878.

Technology Repair: https://dukenukemis.cool/vintage-technology-repair/
I have added a number of additional entries to this page.

Custom CSS Cursor: https://dukenukemis.cool/how-to-make-an-animated-cursor-using-only-css-works/
A tutorial on how to have an animated cursor using CSS, as most modern browsers block .gifs as cursors.

I know there are many outdated pages, broken links, broken images, unicode errors, and "icum.to" being the title of many webpages. I might resolve these issues in the future. I might also just make macaroni and cheese and go to bed. TBD. PLEASE DO NOT NOTIFY ME OF ANY ERRORS OR BUGS. I GET ANGRY WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO HELP. PLEASE DON'T HELP. I DISLIKE IT. I AM AWARE OF THE ERRORS, THIS SEEMS LIKE A FINE TIME TO ANNOUNCE MY ANTI-BUG BOUNTY PROGRAM WHERE I WILL PAY YOU TO NOT REPORT BUGS TO ME. BE A GOOD BOY AND DO NOT BUG ME. I'M AWARE OF THEM ALREADY.
What if lightning strikes your home and causes a fire during a storm? Are you going to still stay inside?
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Electronic radio induced cheeseburger craving incoming.
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>I updated my domain name. "icum.to" now redirects to "dukenukemis.cool"
Mamma Mia!
Replies: >>29885 >>29902
>being too stupid to click the advanced button and "proceed"
Typical phone users
Replies: >>29891
Is that why you're a cunt all the time now?
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>Proceed to icum.to (unsafe)
The world is so unsafe, so I guess it's "Back to safety"!
Replies: >>29902
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not happening for me, everything seems fine

phonefags I swear
>I've grown more and more distant from crazy humor and have grown more interested in technology instead.
Sounds to me like Sasha Grey's type of transition from porn star to YouTuber/Twitch streamer.
Sooner or later Ashley will turn into a fucking cunt. I used to be a nice young boy, but now I'm a dickhead to anyone who crosses my path. This is the only way dealing with a world full of retards.
>animal abuse
>eye contact
Yes, these are definitely the hallmark signs of a fucking cunt.
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>Finally get the nerve up to call the cum fart hotline
>Leave Ashley 62 voicemails before one day she actually picks up
>Begin sweating profusely
>Piss and shit yourself
>Ask her to be your girlfriend
>Be too autistic to hear the disappointment in her voice, she was really hoping someone would call to make a comment about a video or ask her for retro tech advice
>She politely rejects you because you're the 900th guy to do this
>Diarrhea your onesie even more and start to cry
>Go to TubGurl.Com to complain to your fellow tubsisters
>Yeah I think Ashley is starting to turn into a fucking CUNT amirite sissies????
Ashley Jones is the story of the death of America, a microcosm of what happened to this nation. 60 years ago the doctors would’ve told Ashley’s parents she’d be a bit simple for the rest of her life, but she’d be self sufficient for the most part. Her father would have a good job in Colorado making enough to support her and his wife, then her family would help her find a good husband to take care of her and she’d be married to a young man with a stable well paying job to support her. Eventually they’d have kids and even though she couldn’t teach them calculus she’d love and care for them in a safe environment and live happily ever after.

But we live in this clown world now and this poor girl must sell herself to peertube to help her parents pay their bills as she’s forced to demean herself, following her dream of being a comedian. Her need for a “mental health support hobby” is her maternal instinct begging for a child and purpose in life. She is a human being and deserves dignity, but her culture has deprived her of that and guided her towards disillusionment and emptiness.

In a better world, a world where wrestlers defended their daughters from debauchery, where christian worship is daily and ubiquitous, where we are autonomous citizen farmers free from globalized influences, a world where we take care of our kin instead of exploiting them, we wouldn’t have let this happen. But we became weak. Our culture cannot be put back, not be made right again. It is dead and we have killed it. Ashley is like a tombstone on that culture’s grave.
Dude, I... kinda agree with you.
This video gives me great hope for America.
"George Carlin - Balance the Budget":
Replies: >>29940
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Unfortunately George Carlin is no longer with us. The man spoke the truth and put it to humor. He attended the same Catholic high school in the Bronx that I did but many years before me. From what I gathered he didn't take any crap and exposed the hypocrisy and was expelled during his sophomore year.
Imagine putting an psudo intellectual twist on everything. You god damned FRUITCAKE
Replies: >>29942
Imagine having no humor
Replies: >>29943 >>29945
NTA but it wasnt funny and I regret reading all of it.
Imagine having no balls
>I've grown more and more distant from crazy humor and have grown more interested in technology instead.
I suggest that you also post your vintage technology videos ( https://videos.icum.to/c/toploadedduke/videos ) on YouTube to reach a wider audience, since they don't usually contain "crazy humor" that may attract censorship.
Replies: >>29947 >>29948
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>suggesting to Ashley Jones, daughter of Luke Smith, to use G**gle
>a woman who doesn't even own a smart phone
>a woman who wont even use microwaves
>a woman who constantly talks about how much she hates G**gle
Lurk moar, newfag.
Replies: >>31037 >>31038
Have you watched any of her videos or read anything on her website?
New Ashton video
Replies: >>30812
Can't watch it.
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Video: https://videos.icum.to/w/k9ViQtFyfyYcvi62WNn38z

I talk about my comic book and a few movies I watched.
Replies: >>30873 >>31093
You should do some comic books based on your characters, it would be less time consuming too since you're not dealing with all the video editing, costumes, etc.
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>has weird fetishes
>is in a relationship with a fictional character
>makes cringeworth [s]f[/s]art
>clearly mentally unhinged
>holds schizophrenic beliefs that would've committed them to a loony bin up until 1981
>scares away normies while cheering the freakshows
>forces viewers to hold their views as valid and discuss them
"Why do I have so many weirdos as followers?!"
Pic unrelated
Replies: >>30880
Compelling argument, and I don't disagree with any of it. In fact, I would double down that being in a relationship with a fictional character that you like is better than being in a real relationship with someone you don't like. Also, my "schizophrenic beliefs" aren't schizophrenic at all if you read what's written and my reasoning behind my beliefs. What I think is schizophrenic is being a complacent little slave who never questions anything around them. I'll add to your comparison list:
>has b cups
>can look like a male or female

To clarify one thing, I don't complain about having "weirdos" that watch/read my website(s). I do however get irritated by the hordes of 16-24 year old boys (we can't call the younger generation men. They aren't.), because they are carbon copies of one another who can barely string together a sentence, and when they can, they can't resist saying "bro" every other word they speak. Along with that, what irritates me most about these carbon copies is not only their bisexual nature or inability to have a decent haircut, but their lack of understanding the internet prior to 2015. These people constantly send me emails and call me asking, quite literally, "Do you know what 4chan is? Do you know what Kiwifarms is? Have you heard of Sam Hyde?", as if I'm a fellow porn addicted Discord user who just learned that you can say the forbidden N word on the internet on this super sekret website.
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>has b cups
>can look like a male or female

And may I add, hangs with the pugs and comes up smelling like a rose
>call me asking, quite literally, "Do you know what 4chan is? Do you know what Kiwifarms is? Have you heard of Sam Hyde?", as if I'm a fellow porn addicted Discord user who just learned that you can say the forbidden N word on the internet on this super sekret website.

This is hilarious and I find it hard to believe.
Female critiques of men like this always sound like a scolding mother. Why is a 30 year old dog lady with an imaginary boyfriend so assmad about zoomers? Why are you even talking to zoomers anyway? Why don't you ask to speak to their fathers instead?

Most of what you're saying also applies to zoomer women except they use social media instead of discord and dating apps instead of porn. I won't even bother pointing out how gay and retarded soylennials can be.

>I would double down that being in a relationship with a fictional character that you like is better than being in a real relationship with someone you don't like. 

>their lack of understanding the internet prior to 2015
Maybe you should be asking yourself why your website attracts these people instead of getting  upset at them for being newfags. I also reject the idea that being ignorant of pre-2015 imageboard culture is a character flaw.

I agree that the younger generations are in seriously bad shape, but these flaws are the result of much bigger issues that aren't solved by writing a big long list of problems with zoomer boys. Instead, you could try to be understanding of their situation, forgiving of their ignorance and maybe even supportive.
Replies: >>30924 >>30942
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>>I would double down that being in a relationship with a fictional character that you like is better than being in a real relationship with someone you don't like. 
Hardly. Unlike so many other tubsissies such as yourself I've actually had IRL girlfriends. I can 100% confirm that an anime or video game waifu is absolutely preferable to some insufferable pain-in-the-ass biofoid hellbent on annoying you to death, no matter how good the pussy is.

It's literally never been easier in human history to be a single man. Nowadays you can just chat with your waifu using an LLM, snort an oxytocin nasal spray, and ejaculate deep inside of a hyperrealistic, super-tight, japanese-manufactured pocked pussy while watching virtual reality pornography. Real women have to actually bring some kind of value to the table now to be worth your attention.

>Instead, you could try to be understanding of their situation, forgiving of their ignorance and maybe even supportive.
What possible incentive does ashley have to do that lol
No one has any incentive to understand anyone else thats gay
>Hardly. Unlike so many other tubsissies such as yourself I've actually had IRL girlfriends. I can 100% confirm that an anime or video game waifu is absolutely preferable to some insufferable pain-in-the-ass biofoid hellbent on annoying you to death, no matter how good the pussy is.
Replies: >>30944
ohhhhhhh rainboooooooooow rainbow erotic
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I bet ur a zoomer with broccoli haircut
Replies: >>31000
Yes, women do make me seethe. Problem?
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I'm making "How to" videos. I go into more detail about this in my introduction to the "how to" videos: https://videos.icum.to/w/dRpPF45ee5wovTeUvLoL3E

The how to videos have a new channel:

Also I keep forgetting to change the Halloween theme to the original board theme. At this rate I should just change it to the Christmas theme, which is my favorite theme. Also I thought I got 'roids the other day but it turned out to just be the spicy burrito I ate. I think the blood gif at the top of the board reminded me of the 'roids. In any event, I'm going to be writing my monthly column in these coming days, so you tubbies best submit your topic ideas, questions, suggestions to me or else... you'll see... you'll all see.
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Very informative! Also, keep the Halloween theme for the rest of November
I too bleed from my anus the other day. The blood was very bright red and had me worried as this was the first time any bodily fluid other than stool had leaked from my anus as far as I can remember. After some research I discovered that bright red blood comes from the lower intestine and is likely from hemmorhoids, but darker blood os from higher in the intestine and could be colon cancer. What color was your anal blood Ashley? Are you sure you dont have colon cancer? Would you like a colonoscopy? Maybe upload a video of it so we can confirm you're A ok?
>retarded zoomer meme
The irony.
>barely string together a sentence
I've began writing since I was 4, I wrote what I called "Minecraft fanfiction", but it was really just sci-fi set in the Minecraft universe. Now I write articles about technology.
>their lack of understanding the internet prior to 2015
I know more about it than you do, dyke.
>bisexual haircut
Mine's a classic Hitler youth and I'm 100% heterosexual
>These people constantly send me emails and call me asking, quite literally, "Do you know what 4chan is? Do you know what Kiwifarms is? Have you heard of Sam Hyde?"
I never did that although I like sammy and pol humor threads
Replies: >>31004
I need a video on how to put contacts in my phone. I can't remember phone numbers or how to pay my phone bill. I may have chronic kidney disease and need a video on how to deal with gout. Either that or death from kidney failure.
Replies: >>31005 >>31008
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Nothing was said about a "bisexual haircut". As usual, zoomers lack reading comprehension. Also the hitler youth haircut is ugly as sin. This is what it looks like on you.
>typing /pol/ as pol
>hurr durr I know more about internet culture than you
Things like this is why your generation is universally hated.
Replies: >>31006 >>31035
>bisexual nature or inability to have a decent haircut
Hitler youth is based and mine doesn't look like that
>>typing /pol/ as pol
literally nothing wrong with this. kys femcel.
Replies: >>31008 >>31010
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Took off the insignia for this one eh, old man?

>bisexual nature 
>inability to have a decent haircut
You're incapable of understanding a sentence that presents more than a single idea. The key word you're missing is the word "OR"

>literally nothing wrong with this. kys femcel.
Having been on 4chan since about 2007 there absolutely is something wrong with it. Nobody would have talked like this pre-2016. That's the whole joke in picrel. Now YOU are the joke.

Go back to gooning on discord with your tranny buddies and leave my waifu ashley alone fucking retard newfaggot zoomer
Replies: >>31009
You're a braindead retard and the image you attached has nothing to do with this context you fucking gorilla braindead kpop fan
>You're incapable of understanding a sentence that presents more than a single idea. 
You're retarded. I know that they were two distinct points but decided to respond in just one point for briefness. I'm convinced that you're either an indian or a femcel. Only explanations to such a low IQ ashley fan.
>>double greentexting
Nigga, what the fuck? For your sake I hope this is a joke.
Replies: >>31012 >>31032
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>UH UH UH I was just PRETENDING to be retarded to make my point more UH UH .... BRIEF! Yeah, uh, my time is very important to me!
Replies: >>31012
Zoom-kpop fanlicious-speak
Greentexting if for quoting. If I'm quoting a greentext than I have to "doublegreentext". And again, nothing wrong with calling /pol/ pol.
Never pretended to be retarded. What I meant was simply implicit.
Replies: >>31017
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ashley has a big tongue
Replies: >>31016
Why are you even on this board genius?
Replies: >>31018
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>when bitches see his tongue
my nigga look like an orca whale
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>newfag writes 4chan lingo incorrectly yet proudly
That image is the perfect representation of this.

Backpedaling. You said "bisexual haircut" and her post called zoomers bisexual and that they don't have decent haircuts. Nothing about a "bisexual haircut". I'll write it in a way you can understand. Take the L, bro.

It's painfully obvious you've never heard the phrase lurk moar. I could write to you as someone who was there in the golden days of 4chan how you were supposed to write certain words, what phrases were encouraged, and what outed you as a newfag instantly. But younger people like you never experienced an internet where you had to lurk before throwing yourself into an established culture. You just plug your ears and yell NU-UH when people try to correct you while you insist your correct. For someone so well versed in internet culture you sure do make lots of newfag zoomer mistakes. 4chan is a former shell of itself because of people like you forcibly ruining every board. It was always for edgy anime obsessed virgins. To you its hitler youth haircuts. That's why you turn your nose to a classic word like "nigga". What a shame.
Replies: >>31019
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Cause I like Ashley and I was bored. So I read about how ashley hated guys my age and wanted to express that I'm different. At least on the parts I covered on the original post, that is.
What a retard idiot post. Nigga is a classic word? No, the one with the hard R is. I think 4chan is about hitler youth haircuts...? Jesus f**ing Christ, what are you on about!? Everything you know about "old 4cham culture DUDE!" is fucking common knowledge. Everyone knows what "lurk moar" means, what a fucking moron you're. You like old 4chan dead memes so much? Maybe you should "an hero".
Replies: >>31020
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How old were you when this meme came out in 2011? P.S. people like you had to make faggot sites like knowyourmeme because you were out of the loop

How about this one? How old were you when ytmnd was the fresh hotness? Have you ever heard of it? https://niggastolemybike.ytmnd.com/

I eagerly await your goalpost shifting and/or weak arguments instead of just admitting that you're wrong, because you weren't there, and you don't know SHIT about FUCK.
Replies: >>31021
You make fun of a site and then use a screenshot of it. Haha. Fuck off, retard. You literally just proved you're gathering information from the site you just described a a site for newfags. Yes, eveyone knows YTMND existed, specially nigga stole my bike, that's the most famous one. You're not fucking impressing anyone with this. What's next? The super obscure Lolwut pear that only oldfags know? Perfection girl? Over 9000? 'What is love' YTMNDs? 'Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Potatoes" YTMNDs? BOXXY? Seriously, just shut up and quit being such a queer.
Replies: >>31023 >>31024
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here we go again
shifting goalposts. How old are you, faggot? This whole discussion is about your age and how your feelings got hurt by your e-crush, so why don't you tell us how old you are? I mean, you're an expert internet historian after all, so it shouldn't matter if you tell us your age.
Replies: >>31032
>people didnt say nigga back then!! >:(
>multiple memes from the time that people frequently posted and referenced
>um everyone knows those memes
It's not a meme contest you faggot. You keep making retarded zoomer statements that keep being disproven.
Replies: >>31032
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>caring this much about what some chick on the internet thinks about your age bracket
peak zoomer behavior
Replies: >>31032
Spoiler File
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And how about you mind your own fucking bussiness retard?
Fine, the word nigga was used, but my point was that writing things like >>31010 is something zoomers do, zoomspeak is just whitefied nigspeak
Yes, caring about things and attempting to discuss anything is really stupid. I suppose inteligent people like you just jerk off all day and laugh at memes
Another thing to notice is that although I dislike the steryotipical white-guilt ridden zoomer, gen X millenials, and boomers are also retarded. Boomers lived 60 years and never once through about their lives. Their economy was just so great that they just... lived. Boomers are retarded and their parenting is what caused problems in the gen Z generation. Boomers and millenials are the most brainwashed because they were raised by schools and TV, they grew up with no alternative media.
The hitler haircut is aristocratic. Kim Jong Un is ugly so it looks very ugly on him. If he had noble orthodontic features, a well placed ear, didn't have a fat head, wasn't asian, wasn't brown, then the haircut would look nice.
Luke Smith uses YouTube, dumbass
Replies: >>31041
'The internet is very serious bussiness'
Do you think that 00s anons would want you to be obsessed with the 00s for no reason?
8====D~ O^:@
Replies: >>31040
This says a lot about the state of our youth today.
Not anymore ;_;
Replies: >>31042 >>31045
I miss that bald son of a bitch like you wouldn't believe
Replies: >>31045
"Every day I don't do a video, I am communicating something to you" - Luke Smith 2022
Replies: >>31046
he's calling you gay
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What are our thoughts on the how to video series, tubsissies?
Replies: >>31053 >>31057
I only watched like 2 but it's a great idea
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I admire her perspicacity and her ability and willingness to try new things, just to keep it interesting and to keep the juices flowing as in the "how to" videos. I'm just a little stymied on the how to address an envelope, like who here doesn't know how to perform that task. I guess it was just her way of instilling a bit of subtle humor, You never know what off beat inventiveness the Ash will come up with next. Never a dull moment.
Replies: >>31058
whipped out the old thesaurus tonight eh pal
>I'm just a little stymied on the how to address an envelope, like who here doesn't know how to perform that task.
anyone under the age of 20
Replies: >>31059 >>31069
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>whipped out the old thesaurus

Not really, I've always had an engaging vocabulary thanks to my English literature teacher in high school.
Replies: >>31060
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Ok sure but what do you think about jay leno becoming a pirate?
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I think those injuries occurred when he was working on one of his old steam engine cars and the engine caught fire and severely burned him. Definitely not a "pirate" by choice but by happenstance.
illuminati gave him a little extra for his ritual beating
Conspiracy. The black eye club.
That's a common word in Brazil. Didn't know americans didn't use it
Replies: >>31071
Another common word in brazil is "brazilian big dicked male to female tranny"
Replies: >>31076
That's not a word. That's my full real name
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I think you might enjoy Fishtank, Ashley.
Ashley actually watches every clip of fishtank
Replies: >>31098
Ashley works for fishtanks
Replies: >>31101
>watching some solid 5/10 struggle to climb out of a bunk bed and put on Target brand pajama pants
You zoomies are actually into this shit?
Replies: >>31107
She has a plastic fish tank filled with fake fish that never swim away.
They need to stop having nonwhites on this show howevertheleast they shouldn't do anything bad to white people because I love them so uuuuuuh they should stop doing the show I guess? Hmmm I should simp for a basic "alt" white girl on twitch rn ooh a cuban I trannyheart cubans
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Boomers and millennials love boring brain-raping reality TV too, just look up Big Brother TV
Replies: >>31108 >>31112
Everyone already knows Sam Hyde ripped off Big Brother.
Replies: >>31110
He also ripped off Marky's panties
Replies: >>31111
Replies: >>31115
Normalfags have never had good taste
Replies: >>31115
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For almost 3 hours I slowly put together this Christmas tree as I talk about random technology things I'm interested in, along with many other non-technology topics. For me, putting something like this together is fun. For kids in China, they do this as a sweatshop slave.

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I like your hair.
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pure autism right here but that's why we love you
Replies: >>31344
I will say Its been a short while since I posted here.I love when you post new videos. This one was quite long, but of course I watched it a couple times. Your solder skills are looking good. And you know tons of things! Don's sell your retarded self short.  Are you facing a tough winter?  How are you holding up? The weather has been really nice down here. Anyways keep the videos coming its always nice hearing some jokes, and seeing your pretty face.
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I will happily accept your heartfelt apologies in this thread or via email if you're too ashamed to publicly admit you were wrong.

Elon is fucking retarded, can't imagine how Trump puts up with him, and his retarded jump stance lmao, cringe.
He came out about all this on Christmas too. Maybe some kind of anger provoking ritual for saturnalia?
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The thought of having to live amongst Indians is just too much, even for npcs.
Replies: >>31664
I never doubted you. I only called you crazy in my head once or twice.
>>3165 Great video ASH! 
I think Elon is just playing games and people are eating it up.  I don't think this melt down is real. 
 Billionaires can't be trusted.
They enjoy shitting on the street.
Ash stills thinks she is a 14 year old boy living in the early 2010's. Stolen valor for all the boys who actually looked like that and got molested because of it. Ash denied the wall, but the wall hit her all the same. kill jeets.
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>mfw watching this video
Replies: >>31813
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The real reason Ash is so happy about the incoming wave of poos is because it's going to take a lot of the heat off of mexicans
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>mfw watch this video
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With the influx of sexually frustrated young Indian men, how long before the first mass shitter?
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He doesn't seem very smart.
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Hiiiii. Hi Gilbert!!
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"You see immigrants, I see astronauts."
Replies: >>31840
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This is a lot like Ashley and the first annual tubgurl meetup in 2025
This is all very disturbing. I wonder what Uncle Sam thinks of all this?
Replies: >>31826 >>32073
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He's thinking about sucking more tranny cock
Replies: >>32073
Cultures of shame (feminine/collectivist) are inherently inferior to cultures of guilt (masculine/individualist)
Replies: >>31842 >>32073
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What a profound statement. You're quite the intellectual!
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you should be his friend
hehe these are sooo funny! post more!
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Did you do this with AI? Dayum. How far technology has come...
Uhh im new here but yeah uhmm who is this "zack18" fellow in your webm and why is he "sucking" on another man's "penis"?
Replies: >>31868
Legend says that Taz is actually zack18.
Watch more gay porn and seethe Rajesh. Mainstream sociologists and anthropologists recognize that pre-British Indian culture is entirely reliant on shame. You are brown like poop.

"Aziz upheld the proprieties, though he did not invest them with any moral halo, and it was here that he chiefly differed from an Englishman. His conventions were social. There is no harm in deceiving society as long as she does not find you out, because it is only when she finds you out that you have harmed her; she is not like a friend or God, who are injured by the mere existence of unfaithfulness."

Your people have been widely documented to have bravery characteristic of rats.
Ellen Page before transition.
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Tubsissies, which is it: he doesn't actually run 12 (or whatever) companies, or he doesn't actually play Diablo IV all day? Because it can't be both.
>implying CEOs actually work
LMAO at people actually believing this cult of personality theatre, it's like north koreans believing fairytales about their supreme god leader, Musk is just sitting on his ass fucking women all day, paying slaves to do everything for him, including some peasant who grinds his Diablo account so that he can look like he's smart or cool or something to the zombie gaymer generation, all is a calculated PR stunt, at this level of wealth you simply point at things and buy them, including image, respect and public perception, you cannot view him as a normal human who's casually sharing his life with the public, that's beyond child naivity. He isn't working or playing Diablo, he's probably having loli sex all day and getting high on highest quality drugs, he can afford the most expensive pleasures, games are for the poor.
Replies: >>32052 >>32053
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>LMAO at people actually believing this cult of personality theatre
Replies: >>32053
Well said. Check out this site: https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/

While I disagree with some of the conclusions the author comes to (he is also a vaxxcuck idiot), getting a visual impression of what 187bn looks like is pretty wild. Musk is worth 400+, so more than twice what the model shows.

How many times have you masturbated to the thought of sucking Elon's cock? Or is he just topping you in your fantasies?
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He also fakes being a top path of exile 2 player

This is the last straw. I am going to rape Elon Musk.
The link is private. Was this supposed to be his Dear Elon video?
What makes you think males are inherently individualistic? It's a modernist invention
Fake and gay
Replies: >>32076 >>32078
How is that image fake and gay? It's just gay.
Replies: >>32077
I probably shouldn't have said individualist, maybe instead used "individual" to mean "just is an individual". Individualism where you're obsessed with differentiation or authenticity or human heckin rights obviously isn't a good generalization of males.

I could have also made my point more clearly by separating the words with commas instead of a slash. Then it would read as shame->collectivism, shame->feminine and guilt->masculine, guilt->individual which is a lot easier to defend than a pool of three concepts.
Replies: >>32080

I know someone uses that word quite frequency lol
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I found my old soldering iron.
Replies: >>32480
Why is the end so brown?
Replies: >>32482
That's called thinfilm. It's iron oxide that eventually forms on metal when constantly heated to a tolerable high temperature. The abrasions on the tip are free solder that solidified. The high temperature is also why the tip is bent but the tip can be replaced.
Replies: >>32483
looks like poo stains to me
Replies: >>32509
It's blood from when I stabbed a guy in the he face with a soldering iron.
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Video: https://videos.icum.to/w/6W8vdUARknvGSb78Mozm9U

I made my first Peertube video response. Sometimes you try to make new friends, but those friends dislike you due to your knowledge of IVF babies. It's a problem that happens far too often. I can't tell you how many friends I've lost over IVF babies. I also talk about Saturn and Timecube.
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As always, you seem to be extremely short sighted 🙄. Just try to imagine the kinds of possibilities once this and similar tech is more mature, for a moment..
Replies: >>32769 >>32773
>Sir, we've invented... aryan ching chongs.
nigga nose in picture
>As always, you seem to be extremely short sighted 
more like wide sighted
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I know exactly how you feel. All my friends dislike me due to my knowledge of IDF babies.
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Ashrey, i am ivf babie. Yu nottó wóng. I arways so sickry and weaku. Sankyu foru bringingu attention tū thisu bery bery importantó subject. Ivf babie is bad and shourd be aborto insteadó desu. Even if it mean tahiti-chan no rongeru arive, it betteru disu way.
piccu rerated. Me in kōtōgakkō (haigh schooru).

A vacation is a love letter to the soul.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SAWA - Swimming Dancing
<Rink: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=DiqLWrau8gI 🎵🕺
>Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos 🌏✈️
Replies: >>32788
Finally! Where the hell have you been? I've been sweating like a dog in a Chinese restaurant waiting for your sorry ass to show up.
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You remind me of Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Remember when Ashley made cool videos outside? Get out of the bathroom and go find a brick wall to stand in front of. Also, does this kid have autism or is he just extremely awkward?
[New Reply]
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