/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Post your custom banners and I will upload them (if they are good enough) to this board. They must be this size: 466 width x 190 height
Replies: >>356
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Attempting to revive a classic from the original board
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Not that good but it's something
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Check out that awesome custom spoiler
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Replies: >>51
sorry i should have spoilert this. it is to commemorate the scat wars of summer 2022
Replies: >>53
It's fine, I think more shock value would have come if it was spoilerted honestly. The great scat wars of 2022... When will that war end? Both sides are still fighting. There's a lot of "fuel" for the scat side of the war.
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This is now my favorite banner.
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do animated gifs work for banners?
and is 466x190 the only size res allowed?
Replies: >>261
That looks great, I added it to the board's banners. The red blood was food coloring I dripped onto my face and it ruined the shirt I was wearing, and stained my face for about a day. I also remember eating a Wendys chicken sandwich that night.

Yes, gifs can be uploaded for banners. I'd like to keep the resolution roughly around what I said, but it's fine if it's slightly bigger or smaller. I would like to avoid having huge banners that push the content of the page further down than usual.
Replies: >>264 >>265 >>266
so comfy....gif
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How about an old 8ch banner? This was my favorite back then.
Thanks. Its a really good photo, theres a feel of mischievous about it. and yeah you can see the colouring still in a couple of videos.
I've got another one in progress, it'll be about the same res too.
The real Ashley would never and I repeat NEVER go to Wendys for a chicken sandwich. She frequented McDonalds for Chicken McNuggets or Burger King for Chicken Tenders. Who are you, really? Why do you wish to live vicariously through our beloved Ashley? A pox on both your houses. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch. And if you really are Ashley, on which butt cheek do you have that little half moon scar?

And if by a million to one chance you really are Ashley, damn I truly miss you, girl.
Replies: >>268 >>269 >>283
She never said she went to Wendy's. Maybe she doesn't like Wendy's which is why she remembers it? Why should she tell you about her butt? Maybe she doesn't want to talk about that one time on the playground.
Replies: >>270

Wait a doggone minute. Ciara liked Wendy's chicken sandwiches. She always said they were... deliciously different.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=cphNpqKpKc4 [Embed]
Replies: >>271 >>272
It wasn't from the playground. The scar was from the pinch she got from riding on the metal tractor seat. I was there, she showed it to me. We were plowing the field to plant altoids.
Replies: >>273
I think Ciara said that AFTER she died from an OD
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Ashley isn't the only one coming back soon.
Replies: >>274 >>281
I'm sure being pinched so hard on her butt that it left a scar in no way traumatized her for the rest of her life. She's a perfect little girl in every way and totally doesn't own a horse dildo.

Ashley, you can just sit in my lap and I'll protect you from the tractor seats of life with my hard-ass.
Replies: >>275
Ciara tried so hard to lure Ashley into her social circle. But Ashley, being the intelligent girl that she was and still is, refused to join Ciara's coven.
Replies: >>276
You are correct sir. She is pure and doesn't own a dildo, she even said that she doesn't own any sort of penetration device. She said that she just likes to touch herself where it feels good to be touched.
Replies: >>277
I don't know about any of that but it did bother Ciara that I was loyal to Ashley. She respected me for it though. There was nothing she could do to change my mind either and she trusted me enough to give me Ashley's doxx when she got it from the anon gloating about being her irl bf in chat. We talked a lot on discord and insta. She liked me for my ability to troll her trolls and because I was authentic unlike every other guy she talked to on discord. She had a lot of orbiters betray her trust over the years. I told Ciara a lot of embarrassing things about myself and she never once betrayed my trust to anyone on discord. She was like an estranged little sister. After she died, none of us knew about it for a few months and during that time, someone was still seeing the messages I would send her on insta but they would never respond. I thought that maybe she had gotten bored of me or was upset over something but then I learned of her death. It was really strange. Her death was the only online death of someone to ever affect me. We always had a habit of running into one another in servers outside of sheep village. It bothers me knowing I'll never run into her on discord again. I still haven't seen her videos except for the few that get posted. Ciara would get into big arguments with her father over her behavior and she believed that he hated her. I don't know if this is true, but some anon contacted her family to confirm she had died and was told that her father was grief-stricken over her death. JT, the guy that killed her, is a total douche and she should have never been with him. He's a bullshitter. He's the type of guy that will confidently tell you he can handle a motorcycle then immediately go fullspeed into a parked car when it gets away from him.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WIuTT2O0W1w [Embed]
Replies: >>306
Neither do I. We have so much in common. Sex is gross and is only for normies. I like to have my head scratched. Maybe I can lay my head in her lap and she'll give my a head scratch for being such a good boy.
Replies: >>278
Who are you, Bandit or Meebit?

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.
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holy shit the plot thiccens
Replies: >>285
standing on an iceberg.jpg
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You did it anon. You found Ashley. She lives right next to the only Burger King in her state. Every morning at 10:30am, she walks meebit outside as the scent of flame-broiled beef and sweaty nigger ass linger in the air and she says to herself, "I sho'nuff can't wait to has it my way and gets my salad tossed at Burger Kang!"

Brought to you by the Chicken Garden Salad (870 Cal), only at Burger King

Our Chicken Garden Salad is a mix of crisp green romaine, green leaf and radicchio lettuce, juicy-ripened tomatoes, buttery garlic croutons, and shredded cheddar cheese.

I dont understand how a drug addict scammer who faked her death and only claim to fame was that she chatted with virgins is similar enough to ashley that theyre discussed together??
Replies: >>307
Clearly you don't understand. I don't believe I suggested that she was similar to Ashley? She was only discussed because she was mentioned by anon and I actually knew her outside of her orbiters and I had that webm where she mentions /ashleyj/. I wasn't an orbiter of hers. I've never orbited any egirls. I don't consider Ashley an egirl. Never gave a shit about Cracky, Boxxy or Rose all those years ago. You can be friends with an egirl and not orbit her. I only follow some egirls now because since Ashley left, the /ashleyj/ diaspora migrated to those communities and some of them are fun to hang out in but I mostly troll them because the lot of them are intolerable. Did I not mention I haven't seen Ciara's videos? I met her on discord many years ago when she was anonymous and didn't even know that she was elizachan. We became friends because Sheep Village is a close-knit community. I had no involvement with her drug use or online activities. She was interesting to talk to and the perfect troll bait. Even with her faults, she was still a person. We used to honor the dead out of respect to their family but nothing is sacred anymore. Many of the things said about her aren't true as I was there for a lot of it. Some of it is. She had the misfortune of having her life on display and others used her errors in judgement as evidence to spread rumors about her and harass her family to no end which is why she didn't receive a proper burial. She was cremated out of fear that creeps from the internet would keep defacing her grave. They still post horrible things about her online and harass her family. Some are now stalking her sister trying to groom her into becoming Ciara 2.0. If you know anything about women, you'd understand that women, especially young girls, are highly impressionable, most of all when they are in love with someone. Ciara had the misfortune of falling for a guy that would take advantage of her sexually at a young age and another would pressure her into trying heroin and finally one would be responsible for her death by giving her pharmaceuticals laced with fentanyl. All the guys that hurt her were young immature guys she met online and pedophiles that tried to groom her, which is funny because the only decent guy she was ever with was a 36 year old who actually loved her and went to her job to ask her out and she said yes. He was a pretty decent guy, I just don't think he could keep up with all the cool guys on the internet who would slide into her dms. If I'm not for Ashley, then why would I still lurk here seven years later? The only loyal anon here are Seabee and me, LB.
Replies: >>310
I never orbit egirls, but I will redefine the girl I obsess over as not an egirl. I only follow some egirls, but I dont orbit them. You can talk with these egirls and not be an orbiter. In fact, the egirls I talk to know Im not like those other guys. They actually get to know me and I get to know them, unlike all those orbiters. I know all her orbiters feel the exact same way I do, but Im the special one. Im so different compared to the other guys. All those other guys just want to get into their pants, fricken pedophiles. Sheep village was so fun. Im not a pedophile even though I obsess over a 15 year old girls videos and chatted with many underage girls. It was just trolling. We need to honor "dead" people, even if they lured underage girls to send them pictures and in turn, sold those pictures to pedophiles. Honor her guys. Shes dead, cmon!!!!! But yeah I never watched ciaras videos... except for the ones I have saved to my computer and shared to /ashleyj/.
Replies: >>312
this guy gets it.jpg
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I knew you'd understand. You know me so well. The real reason I'm here is I'm waiting on the album to drop so I can run up on her in her car and put a few slugs in that hot bod of hers then all the niggers on World Star Hip Hop will be all "gone too soon" and she'll be painted in murals next to Biggie, Tupac and George Floyd. Just listen to this hot track. Yo, this shit is straight fire, dawg.
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let me suckle your bunions, my androgynous mestiza
Replies: >>358 >>363 >>365
For only the cost of a counterfeit $20. Ashley will give you a good time. You'll sleep like a baby afterward.
Best banner. Those puppies look entirely too long to be on such a short girl. How can she walk around with those canoes she calls feet? That bitch has clown shoes for feet
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>androgynous mestiza
I need a piece of Ashley's cheese feetza and a side of ranch to dip those toes in. https://youtube.com/watch?v=qXzXKw5fFfg [Embed]
Replies: >>733
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Replies: >>734
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Wendy's is the only good cheap fast food place, if you have to get fast food that's what you should get
This sentence has been stuck in my head for the past week
Absolutely golden
Replies: >>763
Did you actually read the article? The headline is misleading. The trans-girl wasn't responsible for the injuries. He only hurt their pride. The girls were beat by their black bf in the locker room afterward. The trans-girl beat them on the field, fair and square.
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I found this in case it can be used for something.
Replies: >>2556 >>2557 >>2678
https://youtube.com/watch?v=JU1lyPHnn_o [Embed]
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yeah its pretty funny some of the things you can find when you look up the name Ashley Jones
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Holy shit we live in a simulation. I was watching a Christmas romance movie called Christmas Together. I kept debating if the main love interest guy was cute or not, he kind of reminds me of Leon from Resident Evil, which is perfect because people say I look like Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil. Towards the end of the movie I finally decide the main love interest guy is cute. Naturally, I look him up on IMDB.

And he's in fucking "Ashley Jones is Perfectly Normal". He's this guy I circled. What are the odds that some weird shitty Christmas B movie has the exact same guy you posted about a few days ago?
Not to mention, in a movie about ASHLEY JONES.
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>already partaking in the watching of Christmas movies
Isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?
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Wait, who told you that you look like Rebecca Chambers? I thought I was the one who posted that and I don't remember posting about it on the board? Leon likes a hapa btw so your hubba hubba pic is accurate. Rebecca ends up with pic related. I don't give a shit about cosplay but I won't deny that I do find some of the girls in costume hot. You would totally pull off a Rebecca Chambers cosplay but I would totally attempt pull off your costume. What happened to you liking fat hairy old guys? You got me sweating because I'm not sweating in the gym.
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Ashley I find you funny and cute and intelligent but I am in constant fear of seeing gay shit that disgust me to my very core when I watch your videos. Please stop putting gay porno in your videos. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
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resubmitting an older one updated.
and a new one from your Yoga gone wrong video
Replies: >>7617
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Nice. I was about to tell you to add Chester to the van banner until I saw his head poke out lol
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saw this on 8chan and thought it was clever
Happy Pride month. I guess this is the month you celebrate pride? Like white pride or something? I'm not really sure, I just saw all the major corporations using rainbows so I followed suit.

Since you guys are all homosexuals that means you're creative. Can you make some homosexual banners while we celebrate pride month?
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originally was going to make this like an old, worn out gay porn magazine i have lying around that I looked up for reference.
but its too vertical and would push the page down, so i circumcised it.

I want to something with Ashton, maybe some sort of cartoon drawing, but I dont have any ideas
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ok, its probs 2 late but I finished my halloween banner.
I like the individual bits of art but Im not satisfied with the animation.

its supposed to be zombie Linda rising from the grave after taking an explosive load to the face at the end of Baz and Linda ep 3
Replies: >>13934
Very cool! I didn't know Barry & Linda was getting an animated series.
Replies: >>13947
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thanks anon!
I used stable diffusion to create the two base images and then took them into GIMP photoshop to edit them.
attached are the two images
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woops posted a wrong pic

heres the 2nd one i meant to post XD
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fyuckj off
Replies: >>15509
if you put a bit more effort into it, that's a pretty good idea for a banner.
Needs the /ashleyj/ text on it though.
Replies: >>15547
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Replies: >>15559
heh hey Marki that turned out great!
Replies: >>15574
Thank you!
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Replies: >>15835
bonbi will be jealous of this one

why no ashleyface on kenny?
Replies: >>15837
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Because Kenny's dead, get with the program, heh, heh.
Replies: >>15838
He looks alive in that picture though (tyfys)
Replies: >>15839
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Some morticians can do a hell of a job.
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Replies: >>16123
does the resolution restrictions still apply? @Board Owner
Replies: >>15884
>@Board Owner
This isn't twitter, son.
Replies: >>15886
You think I don’t know that retard? Can’t you tell I’m trying to ask Ashley a question? I don’t remember asking you a goddamn thing. Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone post malone friend zone sylvester stallone hydrocortisone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass tf up
Replies: >>15887
@retard calm down faggot #kys #newfag #simp
Read the OP.
Replies: >>15888
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I'm assuming he's asking whether or not the resolution "restrictions" still apply because some of the currently live banners don't conform to that standard. The poster doesn't have the mental capacity to infer that the resolution requirement isn't so much a rule as a strong preference; uniformity of size makes the board look nicer. However, Ashley not being a stickler for precision, has made a few exceptions for particularly funny or noteworthy banners (e.g., the Tosh advertisement). Therefore, the best way to proceed with any new banners would simply be to use the requested resolution. Personally, I think the poster just wanted to feel special by getting Ashley to respond to him directly on the board, thus inflating his personal sense of importance.

When called out on the method used to address the board owner (Ashley), which is a method used on Twitter, Discord, and other normie and zoomer-centric platforms, the poster became aggressive and angry, perhaps as the result of sexual frustration due to his attraction for Ashley (and the inevitability of other anons "getting in his way"). He then desperately attempted to be funny, knowing that the object of his unrequited affection enjoys comedy. Unfortunately, he just copy/pasted an overlong mishmash of words from RhymeZone.com, thus failing at being humorous whatsoever.

I hope this recap has helped. Let's see what happens next.
Replies: >>15889
I think it might be a zoomer copypasta
Replies: >>15891 >>15894
Copypasta? I didn't recognize that one, probably because it wasn't really funny (no offence) so it hasn't been posted much like the famous copypastas we all know and love. Now if we were talking about girls or food, I would recognize those things a mile away. If I were to ask you what your favorite food is, I'm sure you could say and I would recognize the dish because it's notable due to its delicious taste. If you were to ask me about my favorite food, well, for me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
you would know, huh?
Replies: >>15895
you tell me
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Replies: >>15952 >>15973
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it's better this way, more readable. Try darkening up the background a little or adding a dropshadow to the text to give it more depth maybe
Replies: >>15982
whoa, metal!
dibs on Y
Replies: >>15980
For once I will take the L.
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took your advice
Replies: >>15989
Looks good!

I'll take S... i like her lip in it, plus S is for sucky suck time
Whats S from, I know all the where all the others are from but I cant place where S is from
Replies: >>15991
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Mordecai, hard to tell though tbf
Replies: >>15993
I see it now, heh S for shiekels
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I've been informed by Ms. Jones herself that she doesn't care about the1992 American Christmas comedy film Home Alone 2. Frankly I think this is a criminal offense but I am a forgiving man so I decided to make a more generic Christmas banner. Perhaps Ms. Jones will find this banner more suitable for her image board.
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Your quote in the other banner is from Home Alone 1 though
Replies: >>16128 >>16131
why does santa look cute? am i gay now?
Replies: >>16129
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Replies: >>16133
You were always gay, sweetie.
looks great!
and if I were a short but long legged girl that was a janny on her own img board, I wood add this to the banner collection

saw that and immediately thought of Ashton
nobody cares about the sequel you twat
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Nice banner, I was tempted to add Mordecai burning in the fireplace. Also, to clarify, I have only seen the First Home Alone but never the second, so I can't give my official opinion on the second. The first is okay, but it would have been better if they made another version called Home Alone with Michael Jackson.

I was looking up an image to go with my post and apparently In Living Color already made a bit called Home Alone with Michael Jackson. I would've given anything to be a writer for a show like that back in the day. I just watched the skit, amazing stuff. https://inv.zzls.xyz/watch?v=TLWC-kvrgXs
Replies: >>16143 >>16144
Thanks for improving on my work, maybe I’ll do another version with more detail when I get a chance, sort of whipped that one up very quickly. I also had one big stocking for you and two matching small stockings for both bandits. I chills have darkened the brick to match the fireplace and added and actual flame.

Hope everyone knows I’m teasing and being sarcastic about the Home Alone bit.
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>Homo Loan
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I can change some stuff but its a supposed to be like those dumb pic related maymays
Replies: >>16817
This is kino just like tahiti and his halfu daughter
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Replies: >>16841
dat aspect ratio
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Some things never change.
Replies: >>17459 >>17476
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Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Ashley stop touching yourself!
Replies: >>17464
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>Some things never change.
Like the size of her tits
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Theyre perfect tho?
Replies: >>17987

theyre perfect tho
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They're perfect because they're the same size as when she was 15
Replies: >>18081 >>18164
Spoiler File
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click this to instantly receive a free cock rating
plus its very accurate, I just checked my penis and is indeed quite small
Replies: >>18164
is that tiny guy next to ashley ringo starr?
Replies: >>18080
Spoiler File
(225.9KB, 1200x501)
This should clear things up
I really like this. Always wanted to do something with it. (The scene), what software do you use? I like the faint glow on the edges

I always wanted to do something with this too ah-heh! >>17987
Replies: >>18164
Good job. Seeing that movie at the IMAX theater was kino. I still prefer the first movie though.
Replies: >>18164
Cheers my niggers, love u all

Thanks for delving into the details buddy. I used Photoshop, i have no clue what the fuck i'm doing 99% of the time though. Never bothered to learn how to properly use it, i just clicked shit that felt right. (Not humble bragging, just pointing out i'm retarded.)

What did you want to do with the scene?

And what did you want to do with this?? >>17987
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Replies: >>24189
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the anon's chair picture is funny but it might make it hard to read so here's a blacked version
Replies: >>24189
Wow, thank you for immortalizing my post, I meant every word I said.
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VHS tape banner. I can redo the text if anyone has any better suggestions.

I also thought of doing a bigger version, with a stack of 4 or 5 VHS tapes with each label having a name of a video of she made.

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Replies: >>27382
10/10 needs to be a banner or else
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one with the 3d ashley
Replies: >>28347
kek holy shit please share more of this ashley, not the horse cock
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okay I made a new one
Beautiful shart (she-art)
not only did you capture her hairstyle and the gap between her eyes, you even got her (slightly) lazy eye!
That's the cool one.
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