/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Here is the void. The void is lacking any intelligent thought, life, or creativity. It waits now, at the corner of the sidewalk for the bus. Except the bus came and left without it. Now here it stands, alone, on this very board, in this very thread, staring at you and me, but never truly seeing anything.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
>>28792 (OP) 
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Good times.
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>>28792 (OP) 
Man, I thought this was a new video
Who the fuck is david? That nigga cute
Replies: >>28827
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whycome she's using a cell phone and not a garfield phone here? privacy my ass
Replies: >>28827
Didn't this guy troon out and kill himself?
Replies: >>28818
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A rare treasure found from the agatha board
Replies: >>28827 >>28838
We're gettin old, brothers...
Replies: >>28819
No that was netburn but hes still alive unfortunately
Been a long time cumming.
More like Ashley's getting old. That wall is getting closer everyday. She only has four years, five months and nineteen days left then it's Tuesday and she's gone with the wind.
Replies: >>28824
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Dang, you are so precise.
Replies: >>28826
Gross she looks like an albino
Replies: >>29109
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Picrel: are they Ashley lookalike?

I think those screenshots were taken when she was 15, way before she found Jesus Garfield.

David is the male version of 15-year-old Ashley. Wait, wouldn't that make Will and the nigga pedophiles?

Ashley should make a new video about her exes.
Replies: >>28828
>same bed
>same yellow bag
Really tough call. I wouldn't expect a retarded newfag whose being spoonfed a bunch of shit thrown at the wall and seeing what sticks from /agatha2/ to know any better.
Replies: >>28829
Man, I need more scientific evidence than just "same bed" & "same yellow bag" or "same zebra striped comforter" to believe.
Replies: >>28830 >>28831
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>same zebra striped comforter
>same Apple iPhone
Replies: >>28834
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But then you faggots believe other shit like these >>28798 are her exes just because someone says so lmao. When newfags are 10 years late you can make up whatever and they will believe it.
Replies: >>28833 >>28835
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They aren't the same, the girl on the left looks nothing like Ashley.
Replies: >>28836 >>28840
shaved legs (and feet (and nipples)) ashley is best ashley and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
They should hire you autists to solve crimes and find missing persons. The amount of effort and time you fags put into  finding every last detail about Ashley, Rose etc is both impressive and pathetic.
Replies: >>28837
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>ashley has long hair
>immediately unrecognizable to her low IQ audience
sums up /ashleyj/ surprisingly well
Those two pictures were posted in this thread I just combined them. I wouldnt have noticed otherwise lol.
>A rare treasure
Replies: >>28839 >>29701
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Are you saying Ashley's not a rare treasure, anon?
>the girl on the left
>same zebra striped comforter
>=Ashley on the right
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More rare ashleys
the vegan diet was a mistake
Replies: >>28843
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My eye! WTF is that?!
Replies: >>28845
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unfortunate side effect of free software and radiation from CRT screens
>My eye!
do you only have one eye by the way?
Replies: >>28848 >>28852
I recently talked to a autistic mentally ill anorexic hoe. Didn't know until she took her hoodie off. Great tits as well.
Replies: >>28852
>Ashley wants the girls to take off their cosplay outfit in porn
Why the fuck is she such a retarded faggot? What's the point of watching cosplay porn if the girl takes off the cosplay?
Replies: >>28851
Its because she thinks cosplay porn is fucking dumb you dullard. and shes not wrong.
Replies: >>28914 >>28915
>do you only have one eye by the way?
Yeah, 'cos I've just gouged out my non-dominant eye after seeing your photos. FUCKING JESUS CHRIST!

Did you pay for her service? 😉
Replies: >>28856
No, Ashley took down her bazaar post. Fun fact Ashley's listing was briefly mentioned on a crypto podcast. I wonder if the faggot that mentioned her is here. If you are here reading this podcast man, you are a fucking tool, no one wants to watch you visit a grocery store in NY while I try to listen your buddy read the news. Never do that again or I'll FUCKING DECAPITATE U.
The XMRbazaar post is still up, not sure what you're talking about. https://xmrbazaar.com/listing/CCT9/ Also what is the podcast?
Replies: >>28860 >>28879
Oh crap it's not just "some podcast", it's freakin' Monero Talk who mentioned me. What the heck. I'm sweating pretty hard right now. That's insane.

Ah, I think it was user error then. My bad nigga.
didn't mention your name though, too bad
Replies: >>28863
Replies: >>28864
you didn't even try
Replies: >>28865 >>28901
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I listened to the podcast for like half an hour, but I didn't pay attention during the first three minutes. 😫

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Replies: >>28901
This is actually pretty badass. I've seen this podcast before. The host guy is usually quite serious so seeing him grinning and laughing like that was hilarious.
lol my bad
I skipped thru different parts but couldnt find it. ty anon!

oh I wonder if he purchased Ashley's service. I bet he did, probably asked Ash to breathe heavily into the phone for a good 3mins or so.

Replies: >>28902
>asked Ash to breathe moan heavily into the phone for a good 360mins or so.
no phone sex
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They're starting to bring out the Halloween theme candy at my grocery store. The sp00ky season is approaching...
Replies: >>28908
i hate spook season    theyre around all year but not in my grocery store i see them in 7 11..
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>Hello, Ashley! Thank you for coming.
>Let me start off by asking: why are your eyes so far apart?
Ouch, brutal...
she literally has a banner of her getting fucked by duke nukem, how could she hate cosplay?
and how the fuck is cosplay retarded? you don't want to fuck fictional characters you find hot?
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Even the king of internet niggas, Elon Musk (Peace be upon Him), thinks cosplay is hot af
Replies: >>28918
Yeah, DUKE NUKEM. Not someone pretending to be Duke Nukem. What makes "cosplay porn" terrible is not only the fact that the woman is pretending to enjoy sex, she's also pretending to like anime/video games. It's multiple levels of fakery only a retard couldn't see past. It's porn for 8 year olds who can't get off unless their favorite cartoon character is in it. Grow up, watch a naked woman masturbate herself with her hand like a real man, or, at least go full blown autistic and just masturbate to the actual character rather than some massively bastardized 3DPD adaptation by a woman with syphilis and thigh tattoos doing insufferably uninterested ahegao faces in a room lit by purple LED strands.
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Ikr? Ashley Jones is a fictional character and there are dozens of other fictional characters she could cosplay and pull off with ease such as picrel. Most of the guys here just want to fuck other guys wearing wigs and pretend they are women. It makes no sense to me.
Replies: >>28919
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Elon Musk is a WEF shill (a Young Global Leader in the WEF). He also thinks picrel is worth impregnating.
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>force things
this is usually what I choose
based and truepilled
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>pretending to enjoy sex
You really are a miserable cunt. I have the perfect cosplay for you.
Replies: >>28922 >>28925
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>I have the perfect cosplay for you.
well she certainly has the body for it
Elon Musk is 53 years old I wouldn't  consider that young he's also literally autustic which explains why he impregnated Grimes.
Replies: >>28925
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your knowledge is as deep as puddle
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Nothing is inaccurate with my statement. Someone's cranky their Pornhub waifu doesn't actually have orgasms from anal. Squirt is just piss

He was appointed that years ago by the WEF and continues to roll out their agenda.
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>Elon Musk is a WEF shill
well duh, do you think the regime/elites would allow someone to become a billionaire and part of America's security state/military if they weren't loyal to one faction of the elites? Without their blessing he would have never been allowed to reach such heights.

Elon Musk is part of the Paypal Mafia which seem to be an emerging counter elite, but that is debatable, but also pays lip service to the globalists (wants immigration and global technocratic solutions through technology) and also the Necons/Zionists (supporting the American military and his recent humiliation ritual trip to Israel with Ben Shapiro).

He does seem to be at war with the woke/leftist/progressives though and this is with the blessing of some part of the elites. Like Trump/Zionists/republicans in general and as well as schemers behind the scenes like Tony Blair that want to return to the "sensible centre" and away from the recent decade of extreme leftism. The elites fear they might lose their power with the inevitable collapse if things continue the way they are now (the competency and cost of living crisis, crime, basic shit not working, half the population feeling alienated by the ruling class and the very high political tensions between the 2 sides) and this is why the elites will ensure Trump wins and the woke will be put away. He will bring unity and stability to the country so that people forget about the evil elites that rule over us and hate us. If Trump doesn't win then that means the elites are literally retarded and The Global American Empire (GAE) might very well collapse during our lifetime.

Whether Elon Musk is complete controlled opposition by the elites or a potential new faction within the elites is still up for debate, only time will tell.
Lastly, check the image. It gives you a very basic overview of the 3 factions within the regime/elites that control the western world.
Replies: >>28928 >>28960
I honestly never got all the schizo shit when reality is so much simpler.
>Whether Elon Musk is complete controlled opposition by the elites or a potential new faction within the elites is still up for debate
>actively works with the WEF
>wants to collect every human's information at a brain level
>wants to know everywhere you drive
>has the ability to lock you in or out of your car remotely
>knows everything you say/do in your car
>keeps audio recordings of things you say in your car
>shares them around with his Tesla employees
>wants to know every transaction you make, with who, when, for how much
>will shut down your banking account for wrong think
>wants all of your communications to happen on his proprietary app
>advocates for free speech except wait not really you said something I didnt like
>advocated for encryption except oh wait not really we have the keys lol
>hey look at this picture with me and Ghislaine Maxwell
>take your heckin' covid vaccine guys!
There's nothing "opposition" about him. You're a fool if you think the world's richest man is organic and hasn't gotten his hands dirty with elites. He advocates for everything the powers that be want because he's one of their puppets. The left and right political party is a distraction, they do it to entertain and distract you people. He's the "bad boy" archetype wearing a costume of a personality - meanwhile - the real agenda moves forward. It's funny how you think he actually believes in right wing politics when he's advocating for traditionally left-leaning things (carbon tax, climate change, UBI, vaccines, etc. in picrel >>28925).
Replies: >>28929 >>28960
This post if confusing, I don't see how this contradicts anything I wrote or why you think I wouldn't agree with this.

>There's nothing "opposition" about him
He's publicly at war with the left, which, yes, is bread and circuses for the masses and nothing more.
> You're a fool if you think the world's richest man is organic and hasn't gotten his hands dirty with elites.
I literally wrote this in my very first sentence.
> He advocates for everything the powers that be want because he's one of their puppets.
Everything the globalist faction wants and some parts of the neocon/zionist but very little of the third-wordlist faction which he is openly at war with.
>He's the "bad boy" archetype wearing a costume of a personality - meanwhile 
This is debatable as I mentioned in my post. This could very well be the case or it could be that the paypal mafia are a new counter elite.
>the real agenda moves forward.
Yes, Elon Musk could never actually threaten the real power of the regime/elite. If he tried going after something like the deep state/cia/fbi he would get JFK:d. But he's allowed to go after something like the Ukraine war because even though it currently has full regime backing there is a conflict within the elite when it comes to the issue. In case you haven't noticed there's a kind of civil war within the elite, the zionists are at war the third worldists. They don't like how little support Israel gets and the focus on Ukraine is getting away funding from Israel. They hate the support for Palestine growing in the west and have used their power/pressure to discipline the left's radicals. Lots of rich Jewish elites pulled funding from universities that supported the Palestine protests. Also those same elites are now backing Trump btw bc Biden/Harris are not pro-israel enough.  
> It's funny how you think he actually believes in right wing politics when he's advocating for traditionally left-leaning things (carbon tax, climate change, UBI, vaccines,
What kind of retarded statement is this? Elon Musk obviously has different opinions on different things. He supports many "left wing" globalist policies (like I wrote in my original post and you mention here) but he also support "right wing" cultural issues.

The regime consists of different factions that want different things, that's why you see these kind of elite spats. Like take the shit happening in the UK now for example. On one side you have Labour/The Conservative party while on the other you have Farage/Musk/Blair/Trump these 2 sides are both part of the regime/elites but they fundamentally disagree on how to handle the situation. Another good example is ofc Israel/Palestine where the Zionists are able to exert much more influence over the third worldist/leftist faction within the elite. There of course is no genuine "right-wing" faction and there's a reason every single populist party in Europe with any sort of power shill for Israel (backed by the zionists)

But there's of course strong unity when it comes to important stuff like climate change, vaccines, nato, foreign policy and other things.
Replies: >>28931
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The elite make their puppets participate in rituals to make sure there are no fragmentations. When the puppet is living it will do exactly as it's told. There's 0 fear of puppets fragmenting because the moment a puppet really steps out of line they just get killed. Simple as. Elon certainly isn't at war with woke/leftists/progressives because that too is all controlled under the elites. Therefore there is no actual war Elon V. Leftists, and therefore there is no actual fear of him being an elite that is acting out. He pretends to be right wing to appeal to young men because right wing politics is about the only semi masculine thing our society has right now. It's a good way to build a rally of supportive male fans who are blind to his agenda when every other talking head is a limp wristed 80 year old. Turns out both Elon and that limp wristed 80 year old are both doing the same exact elite shit when push comes to shove. Its just a matter of which character you want to root for.

The elites know they'll never lose power. Theyve been running the show for centuries. Cost of living is too high? Work harder, slave. The middle class won't do shit to change anything because theyre too busy living their slave job to think about anything else, and any free time they do have is spent jacking off to porn, playing video games, or watching The Bachelor if you're a female. The economy is all manufactured by the elites. When things get bad enough as they planned, their solution is CBDC and UBI, just like Elon wants.

>What kind of retarded statement is this? Elon Musk obviously has different opinions on different things. He supports many "left wing" globalist policies (like I wrote in my original post and you mention here) but he also support "right wing" cultural issues.
I.e. his actions are that of what the elites want but he pretends to be right wing to play the cool contrarian. Someone who is culturally or socially right wing does not typically like the idea of giving financial handouts or says they want a carbon tax. This is his bit. Hes not acting out, theres no actual threat of him questioning anything real. If he was like that then he's had plenty of chances to talk about these things. Instead he's partying with global child sex traffickers. I dont disagree with some of your post but other parts are contradictory.
Replies: >>28933
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I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't have a pornhub waifu?? You're my waifu. I'm cranky because you act like an old maid about everything. I'm starting to wonder if you do have autism because you seem to take everything I post as literal. I bet you were a preemie? That's why you're so overly sensitive to stress and anxiety.
>The elite make their puppets participate in rituals
I agree with this. Elon visiting Auschwitz and AIPAC backed Zionists congressmen clapping for Netanyahu with intense zeal are examples of it.
>Elon certainly isn't at war with woke/leftists/progressives because that too is all controlled under the elites
This is false. The elites are putting the woke away because it's too divisive and has had detrimental effects to the legitimacy of the elites. They need to get rid of the woke to get the white boys to sign up for their future wars and solve the competency crisis. The woke still has elite backing but that is waning. There are also lots of rogue elements within the woke, especially among the Democrats, you'll see that after Trump wins the election power will discipline these rogue elements and the democrats will become a "normal" party before the 2028 election.

Elon Musk's war with the left is regime approved and serves both as entertainment to the right (so they can feel like they're winning after decades of losing) but also as a way to normalise the moving away from the woke.

>It's a good way to build a rally of supportive male fans who are blind to his agenda
This is true. Elon Musk has some very questionable policies and is at his core a globalists. It's a smart way to get young men to support the regime's plan. Trump is the same thing, neocon politics with a populist coat of paint. But good luck finding an elite that's perfect. If Musk is pure containment we'll at least get some good stuff out of it, which historically has been how containment goes.

>The elites know they'll never lose power. They've been running the show for centuries
This is objectively fucking false and can easily be disproved. The Israel lobby has not existed within America's power structure for centuries, a century at most. Zionists have been a very effective organised minority and seized a lot of power within America. The elites within Russia (The Tsar and friends, commies and Putin and co) has changed hands and in Germany as well (Weimar, Nazi and neoliberal).

>They've been running the show for centuries. Cost of living is too high? Work harder, slave
There's a limit to power, it has never been without limits. As long as power is able to provide the basics and people have it somewhat good then they can get away with most shit but when they fail the most basic tasks, then that's when their power is threatened. We're seeing western governments being more and more tyrannical while the standard of living is falling. This is not sustainable. A government that is both tyrannical and makes the lives of people worse off can not sustain itself for long. The west is also ruled by Foxes so they're never going to dare to go full Lion (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini etc) and use the power of the state to actually kill their opponents, which makes them weak.

>When things get bad enough as they planned, their solution is CBDC and UBI, just like Elon wants.
Yes, that's what the end goal of the globalists. They want full managerial control, a technocratic empire ruled by the managers that know best. They don't want the people to even think about politics, everything will be taken care of by the state that knows best. That's exactly why they have to put away the divisive woke shit and bring the country/people back to the "sensible centre". That's also why the elites will ensure Trump wins. If you want to defeat the elites then you want Harris to win because that will accelerate and bring the collapse closer.

>Someone who is culturally or socially right wing does not typically like the idea of giving financial handouts or says they want a carbon tax
I don't see why you continue to push this point. Elon Musk is not a right winger, he's a globalist. But he is against the left's cultural war and side with the right here. Seeing his own kid turned into a tranny makes me believe this is genuine. At the end of the day I agree that the cultural war is just a distraction by the elites, but it's starting to be too problematic for the elites and that's why they want to end it. Trump and Musk will put the woke away and return the American culture to 90s liberalism when everything was okay, a return to fresh prince. 

Ideology is mostly bullshit, it's just a post hoc justification to whatever power wants to do anyways. 
"Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit, therefore do what I want"
>>28933agree w/ u . FJB

>hebrew homogymnastics
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also Grimes is hot, cope and seethe, Ashley
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>Yeah, DUKE NUKEM. Not someone pretending to be Duke Nukem
You're seriously telling me you wouldn't be turned on or want to fuck someone you like in a Duke Nukem cosplay?
>What makes "cosplay porn" terrible is not only the fact that the woman is pretending to enjoy sex
What the fuck, seriously? Porn isn't 100% real? I can't believe this. What's next? Actors in movies are pretending???
>she's also pretending to like anime/video games
First of all that's not always the case but even if it was, that's their job? Just like in real life, nobody likes being polite and happy working your average wagie job. Also there is porn where the woman genuinely enjoys it, there's a reason something like GWA exists where girls post audio porn without getting paid.
>It's multiple levels of fakery only a retard couldn't see past
Works for me and most men, you're just being a bitter autist.
>It's porn for 8 year olds who can't get off unless their favorite cartoon character is in it. Grow up
>watch a naked woman masturbate herself with her hand
My cosplay porn waifu already does this
>like a real man
Uhmm I'm a real man, Chudette.
>just masturbate to the actual character rather than some massively bastardized 3DPD adaptation
most animated porn is shit and there's very little of the good stuff and I prefer real women :)
>woman with syphilis and thigh tattoos
Woah cool it with the Hoemetic remarks
>doing insufferably uninterested ahegao faces in a room lit by purple LED strands
hopefully you'll find porn that is more to your tastes, sweaty

All in all this does not sound like the post of a happy woman. Lots of pent up sexual frustration due to the lack of cock/lesbian domestic violence and the inability to find porn that adequately satisfies your sexual needs. In my expert opinion the only solution is pic related
Replies: >>28938 >>28939
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>watches porn because seeing women experience sexual pleasure is stimulating
>woman fakes her pleasure
>i-its ok... I still like it... I mean its not like she'd be experiencing pleasure if she were with me either so its realistic enough haha........
Any man who isn't repulsed by a woman forcing herself into male interests for money needs to get roped. They are the weakest beta males that will fuck the ugliest single mom because she put on a XXL Chun Li costume.
>nuh uh!! GWA! shes not getting money!!!
Click on her reddit profile and you will see links to her Onlyfans. Any subreddit that was dedicated to cute girls is now overrun by females subtly trying to promote their Onlyfans. The women who are actually into anime are not the ones you want to see naked. Cosplay porn is Brazzers for zoomers. Its laughably fake, escaping any possible eroticism that only brain deads can manage to squeeze one out to.
>I need to CONSOOM as I coom!!! Wear the cartoon costume or else I cant cum!! REEEEEEE
Truly pathetic, son.
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>My cosplay porn waifu
Post her NOW
>If you want to defeat the elites then you want Harris to win because that will accelerate and bring the collapse closer.
You think Harris is not controlled by the elites? Are you trying to fool me into voting for Harris?

This is the best outcome for the world:
"Enemy of the State - Final Shootout Scene (1080p)"
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>fake cums
>fakes genuine interests
>grow up
Ladies fake orgasms and pretend to be interested in what we like without the cosplay Ashley. I'm with you on it being a childish fantasy, but kink shaming childish fetishes from you is rich.
Replies: >>28946
Nice try.
>kink shaming
stop using their language, even ironically. you're just normalizing retardation.
Replies: >>28949 >>28960
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Any sports fans here? I love watching men's rugby!
I'm an OG kinky kink master they/them stole language/words/spells from me. I'm taking it back. You're arguabally reinforcing it by awknowleding their adoption of phrase. Check it, KPOP FAN KPOP FAN KPOP FAN KPOP FAN if it's anything we've learned from our black brother's it's that you give words power n sheit but not if you don't so don't be a triggered little faggot but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
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Replies: >>28950 >>28951
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kpop fans r ur kink????
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I want everyone to know how much I love Latisha Harambe Antifa Jackson
please bring her back, ashley
Replies: >>28958
kpop fan lover
Replies: >>28959
that's just simply not true
Second and third of elon's tweets sound like they are decontextualized, hiding nuance.

Track-everyone-ism is fucktarded, die boomer die, but AI symbiosis is good- I doubt you care about the details. Neuralink firmware should be open source. The surgical process should involve some audit trail procedures I won't bore you with so people can be sure that they get the right device with the right software.

Ash what is your opinion on contemporary web of trust stuff, like decentralized identifiers and zero knowledge proofs for attesting aspects of your identity? On one hand it seems like very much the successor to stuff that got the feds going after Phil Zimmerman during the crypto wars- stuff where the web of cryptographic identities facilitates the bootstrapping of trust/identity outside of centralized systems. It is fundamentally about making identification procedures more private, but that could make identification more widely accepted and demanded.

It is weird to see the motives contemporaries like ClaimChain or Rebooting the Web of Trust cite are libtard globalist shit like "make sure our libtard NGOs can communicate securely with rapetorture victims, with NO spyware interference from heckin' oppresive regimes!" "make sure our libtard border patrols can cooperate with refugees who might feel awkward about identifying themselves!" It kind of makes me think that they they actually just want to do the project and don't care about the use cases (based) which sort of fits with what I call the hobby theory why the elites do shit. If I had a trillion dollars a lot of the stuff I would do would be basically a hobby for me, but other people would see it through a cynical lens, even if it was something I thought incontrovertible good like turning the sahara green.

"This old guy is dressed up like a mortal combat character, is there no hope left?"
"i am really too old and too bald to give a shit anymore, i've always wanted to give a speech wearing this"

"Oh my god he's making a rocket. A rocket. Wtf, why is he making a rocket?"
"damn rockets sure are cool I always wanted to build one of these, next I'll make a computer for my brain"

An elite doesn't seem like much of an elite if it just balances around stances already held by TPTB. I don't have much hope for the paypal mafia. It isn't clear to me that they even have power, just a bunch of money- which is just an IOU from society and doesn't even really compare to the flow of cash going through gov, cronies, QUANGOs... maybe they're just trying to make based funny tweets so they can run a candidate in the next 4 to 12 years and convert that money into some power.

I wonder if polarization and all that is just a side effect of electoral politics getting mathed out. Like you used to have elections where a guy would sweep through with 90% support and not even just guys you've heard of like Reagan. Now you have elections where the electoral college vs popular vote distinction is actually relevant. Did something happen around the Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Bush days that made the political parties actually compete with each other? Or did they just figure out how to calculate when they were leaving voters on the table and now there aren't any more crazy 70% hauls because the arbitrage, the exploits of the system have been worked out?

Terminal underdog mindset. It is important to identify elements of splintering among the elite even if they are not friendly splinters.

I want to believe that we will have a cathartic collapse into a more meritocratic chaos. The coolest version of collapse would be USSR style where we have attempts to reform the government in a way that liberates the potential of the people but it is too little too late and the people who were willing to get their hands dirty have a head start- black marketers, insiders and entrepreneurs becoming oligarchs.

But because I want to believe it, I need to counterweight that desire with a respect for truth. There are countries that slog along with very few white boys to consult with. They aren't doing well for themselves, but that's kind of what you would expect. Could the elites just let the west slip from 1st world lifestyle to something more akin to that of the 2nd/3rd world? Do they need to solve the competence crisis? How much of a competence crisis is there?

What convinces you that the collapse is not just a cathartic daydream?

I am not convinced that Kamala is any different than Biden- a puppet that can keep us dancing comically on the precipice for as long as it is convenient.

"Stop yucking my yums."
"You are downloading pictures of children killed in war."
"Kinkshaming isn't cool"
>mortal combat
stick a toothpick underneath your big toenail and kick a wall as hard as you can
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>An elite doesn't seem like much of an elite if it just balances around stances already held by TPTB.
It's more or less a prerequisite. You'd never be welcome into the inner circle if you weren't on board with the powers that be. The only way for that to happen would be if you're some form of Caesar figure, but that would require you to purge your enemies (most likely with force) and put your friends in those positions. Elon Musk or any of the PayPal mafia are certainly not that.
>It isn't clear to me that they even have power, just a bunch of money
That's the thing, it's not just money. Elon Musk through SpaceX and Peter Thiel through Palantir are deeply embedded within America's military and security state, they perform tasks that are vital to America's power and therefore aren't people you can just off. This gives them leverage and power.
>maybe they're just trying to make based funny tweets so they can run a candidate in the next 4 to 12 years and convert that money into some power.
Trump is clearly a retarded boomer that put a populist coat of paint over necon politics but he's useful vehicle for change, which is undoubtedly what Musk also sees in him and why he decided to get involved. The Paypal mafia are becoming a new part of the elite, this much is clear, but whether they'll just fold into one of the established factions or create their own is too soon to tell. It does seem like Musk wants a more openly "based/right wing" of the globalist wing, similar to how the necons/zionist allow you to hate Muslims when they threaten Israel - see pic related

>I wonder if polarization and all that is just a side effect of electoral politics getting mathed out
Elections are fake and gay, you're really only voting for a different faction of the elites. There's not a single political party in the west that has any form of power that isn't loyal to one of those 3 factions, as I mentioned earlier, there's a reason every single right wing populist party in Europe has loyalty to the Zionists because they're the only ones willing to give patronage to right wing populism because it will strength Israel. In America and Britain you have the 2 party system, which gives you the one uniparty. Democrats/Republicans & Conservatives/Labour most likely communicate behind closed doors about who's turn it is to be in the driver's seat.  

>I want to believe that we will have a cathartic collapse
If they continue with the woke leftist bs that they're currently doing, which in case you haven't noticed does seem like they're trying to put away, then that will inevitably lead to a collapse. It simply isn't sustainable.  
>I am not convinced that Kamala is any different than Biden- a puppet that can keep us dancing comically on the precipice for as long as it is convenient
She's definitely a worse Biden, but that doesn't say much. There are talks that she's a rogue element within the democrats and not doing as she's told, just like Biden was towards the end of his term. If she continues to be in charge she'll just do everything Biden did but much worse, this will accelerate the decline and collapse of America, which is why I kinda want her to win.

If she's actually loyal to the regime then she has embraced the role of the Jobber. She's literally there to lose to Trump, which to me seems super obvious, the final nail in the coffin of the woke. Trump will defeat the woke black woman, put the woke away, bring back 90s liberalism, solve the competency crisis and get white boys to sign up to die in the regime's future wars

Kamala will split America even further and worsen all the current issues, the regime is literally braindead if they let her win. Trump on the other hand will bring unity and heal America, which will secure the elites/regime's position by at least a few decades. Trump will be what Biden was supposed to be, a return to normalcy.
Replies: >>28968 >>28981
I agree with some of your other points so don't take this as a total denial of your statements, but
>which in case you haven't noticed does seem like they're trying to put away
I actually haven't noticed this. Wokeshit is everywhere. It is constantly being shoved down the throat of everyone in the west, and increasingly so in the east. I'd genuinely like to know where you're observing LESS woke-ism. Did you catch this year's Olympics?
Replies: >>28970
>so don't take this as a total denial of your statements
Don't worry about it, you definitely seem based :)
>Did you catch this year's Olympics?
They literally had to apologize after doing it. Do you think they would have done this a few years ago? Never.
>I actually haven't noticed this. Wokeshit is everywhere
So I'm going to keep this brief as it would be annoying to type out and I don't remember everything at the top of my head.

Remember the Palestine shit at the various universities? All those wokesters were purged and Jews took their place, the same Jews that back Trump now btw.

Lots and I mean lots of companies have stopped with Pride month logo and shit.

Starmer in Britain literally purged every single commie in the party and campaigned on being patriotic with almost no minorities in his ads. He literally said his cabinet was the most diverse in history, despite having almost no non-whites, by redefining diversity to mean they weren't privately educated. The party went from being a literal woke commie party to a centrist party, under the guidance of Blair. Now during the riots and shit Starmer went full retard but that's because he has stopped listening to his master Blair. 

Media has been waaaaaaaaaaaaaay kinder on Trump and actually started publishing negative articles about Biden/Harris/Dems.

I believe both Britain and America released patriotic military ads with only white people in them.

I've seen lots of articles the last year about various companies purging their DEI departments.

Elon Musk being allowed to buy Twitter (do you really think that if he didn't have elite backing they would allow him to control such a powerful propaganda tool?) and make it "right-wing"?

Lots of powerful Jews are unhappy with all the leftists being so openly anti-israel so they've started pushing and funding anti leftist shit. Mark Zuckerberg even refused to endorse the dems like he has in the past.

We've already past peak woke and it's starting to be less and less of it everywhere. I think you've just forgotten how bad it was just a few years ago and much less of it there is now. It's obviously not gone but it's on its way out, it just takes time.
Replies: >>28971
Associating the genocide of the Palestinian people with "wokeness" is an extremely obvious Jewish psyop
Replies: >>28972
I agree, it's called counter-jihad. The Jews use right wingers to channel their hatred towards enemies of Israel and Zionists. Now obviously the people that organize these type of pro-Palestinian protests are obviously mostly woke leftists but because we now have a common enemy we shouldn't fight them. If there ever was a time to be neutral it would be when it comes to pro-Palestinian marches. Let the Jews exert their power to go after the leftists.

Now I do agree that the Jews are basically geocoding the Palestinians and we should definitely use that against them, but I personally do not give a fuck. Muslims are our enemies too and they hate us. If Jews and Israel weren't part of the evil elites that control the west then I wouldn't really give a shit about them doing whatever they want there.

If we pull funding and decouple our elites from the Zionists and only then would I stop caring about Israel. But until then, FREE PALESTINE :^)
>She's literally there to lose to Trump
I don't think so. If I am not wrong, the "elites" could make Harris the first Black woman POTUS by invoking the 25th Amendment in Sep this year. After that, optionally, they would try assassinating Trump again to ensure Harris's election win.

Just my two cents.
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Replies: >>28992
What else did I expect watching this?
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GREAT news everyone. There's finally new words for the "n word." And not just one or two, there's TEN of them! This is really awesome, because I've been seriously wanting to expand my vocab on this topic.

Video related, get the new words from this ghetto thug welfare queen.
Replies: >>29083
If someone was racist and wanted to call a black person the "n word" then they would just say it. A black person is more offended by the actual n word than if you just called them lazy. Anyone can be lazy.
Perpetual victimhood is the religion of black people. Even the Christians among them identify with the plight of the Israelites attempting to escape Egyptian captivity. It's always going to be black versus white in America. The best thing a white person can do is carry on.
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ITT post the last thing you ejaculated to
Replies: >>29096
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Petition for Tubgurl: No more coomer porn posts. 6 months ago the board was a lot better since it wasnt spammed with coomers.
Replies: >>29120
It's like no one here has anything interesting to share. It's why I no longer bother with it. Why make an elaborate post about something interesting when it will be ignored for two weeks before finally getting one response or be bombarded with tl;dr replies and griefers. I should just have Ashley make my posts from now on because we know you simps will reply to anything ## Board Owner posts.
Replies: >>29126
We don't allow your kind in here. No tiny little dick retards allowed.
make less retarded posts. I have a fine time here. Also tl;dr
Replies: >>29130
>make less retarded posts
I try to keep my posts at your guys reading level
but clearly I haven't lowered it enough.
Replies: >>29133
The fact that you post that tells me you read my post, retard. you guys aren't very smart, are you?
Replies: >>29134
Replies: >>29135
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Replies: >>29182
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Chris 2
Replies: >>29182
is this supposed to be someone we should know?
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This is weird and somewhat concerning. I will occasionally have sexual dreams, maybe 2-3 times a year, probably because I'm very lonely. Usually it involves a girl I've recently seen in a movie, which is a nice treat. Last night I dreamed that a naked girl was sitting in my lap, nothing overtly sexual. The girl was ginger, but besides that I can't really remember any of her details, EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: her legs were hairy! The reason I'm writing this here is because this happened a day after I watched ashley's Tiktok Tranny movie where we clearly see ashley's legs in several scenes. This is 100% true and it's very unnerving. I did not consent to have my dreams fucked with and if this is the result of some astral projection/lucid dream/whatever bullshit; STOP!
Replies: >>29184 >>29186
I should clarify that I don't actually mind hairy legs. It's the fact that it happened right after watching Tiktok Tranny, which means I was clearly influenced by it one way or another.
Ashley has astrally raped me several times over the years. Anyone else? How do we deal with this?
Replies: >>29194
bros how can I get astrally butt raped by Ashley in my dreams?
Ive done the "wet wipe test" before i go to bed and when the time cums for me to go beddy byes Ive even tried sleeping face down, ass up, butt she never raponds (thats a combination of the word rape and respond)
Im willing to do anything btw
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>tfw you will never deadpan the camera while your two sexy friends play with your big fat tits
why even live
Replies: >>29204
All 3 of those are men I hope
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kpop fan kpop fan kpop fan
Replies: >>29206
Moved these thread to the void. If you ever wonder why I sometimes lock thread creation, this is why.
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>29207 >>29291
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ferdma balls
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Replies: >>29303
thank you for the informative post, it's much easier for me to wait for your updates than to move my cursor slightly downward and click the "logs" link myself
Replies: >>29313
The current event logs is only available for public viewing for a month, my post lasts forever and ever and ever...
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Video: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=w4QONYrjA-Q

What an amazing day, I finally found someone just like me. And on YouTube of all places. I was especially taken aback by her candor, I never expected to find someone else just like me anywhere.
>2,500 comments, all of them positive
>she's a solid 5 and could get dicked down within an hour in any city in the world if she wanted
>hurrr I'm so ronrey
yeah okay bitch
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Get up early, drink coffee, make goals list, chase dreams. Example- Goal #1. Clean room
Replies: >>29320
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Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a Negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
Replies: >>29323 >>29334
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Pretend the repulsive food made by brownoids in third world countries is delicious and culturally relevant. Scrape it into your mouth on camera for the Travel Channel. Get mogged constantly by based Andrew Zimmern. Hate your fans. Hate your job. Get meaningless tattoos. Date a BPD actress. See pictures of her online with another man. Rope yourself.
Replies: >>29335
>Tip you server.
That's rich coming from a Jew. Sorry, Schlomo, but Europeans don't tip.
Wait, so Anthony Bourdaine autoerotic asphyxiated himself when he saw Andrew Zimmern with another man?
What's a Negroni? ...kpop fan macaroni??
Replies: >>29390 >>29393
I wonder how many word filters are on this board. We should play a game where we have to find all the hidden word filters to unlock a bonus video from Ashley.
Replies: >>29391 >>29397
Wesley Reese is a kpop fan.
Guess the words.
Replies: >>29392 >>29393
Ashley Jones is a nagger.
Replies: >>29397
I already know it which is why I replied to >>29370
Replies: >>29397 >>29402
No, it's Kayleigh without the y.
kpop fan Wesley Reese.

Hmm... interesting.
How do you know you're not responding to you?
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Wordfilter, censorship, micromanagement, behavioral control. What's next?

Seabee is the puppet master. >>28595

Ashley, just post more videos on https://videos.icum.to/ and this imageboard will be vibrant again with quality postings. I guarantee it.
Ash just had an epiphany.
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Not ugly porn spam, you just have to kiss him, and he'll become a handsome prince.
To determine if a crocodile was male or female, Steve Irwin would jam his finger up it's butthole so I imagine it works the same way with Raptor Jesus standing in my kitchen.
Replies: >>29493
I can't imagine white hands typing this.
you hawk tuah gyatt be sigma me
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Replies: >>29522
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man, that was fucking jarring. the white one looks like a little boy, but with big tits. as for the other one, well, you all know what I'm thinking
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* I am using xenophobia in an abstract sense that includes things like homophobia, and ignores the "phobia = fear" misnomer issue.

Isn't it weird when you have a resentment for the existence of another person? Not their presence, but that they have an experience that is not yours in a way that you fixate on. For instance, have you ever heard the "guns, beer and titties" type boomer hate on muslims- not for coming to white countries, but for not letting their women wear microbikinis? To be clear, I kikeheart microbikinis and muslimhate boomers and MENA baddies aren't that cute but that is not the point. The point is, dude, they are all the way over there- in africa or the desert or whatever. 

Why does it get to you? Why does your empathy for a strange life take a resentful form?

Here are some times that "it" has gotten to me, and observations about the experience and context.

I experienced this as a libtarded child when exposed to old timey insular christianity, a la the Amish. I didn't say anything, but I felt revolted at how constrained their lives were- not the technological part especially, but the sexual part. I think I was disgusted at the idea of separating male and female kids in school. I wanted to interact with girls, and I guess I felt empathy for the kids who didn't get to at some ages. I was an incel baby myself, I did not get to kiss girls or hold their hands or sneak away into bushes so we could share secrets. This raises the question of a sort of Freudian "projection" or something something Girardian mimesis. Basically, was my resentful empathy somehow stronger in this instance because of my own intimate/sexual/emotional retardation by circumstance? "Oh surely these people must have lives worse than mine, because I can't be more stunted than someone else is..." This doesn't strike me as the whole story, but I know people will raise it as a possibility.

The whole Islamophobic impulse is pretty much the same thing. I do not have a shortage of women in the USA, and if I did the solution would not involve making women in other countries more sexually loose, it would be gender-based immigration quotas so white boys can get laid easy. Why should my empathy extend especially to some dude in Cairo who has never seen a woman "buss down"? I'm kind of joking but these things always sound strange when you say them out loud.

Old people living alone and there not being any kids my age that I could talk to growing up. Imagining how pointless it must be that they grow old and do nothing. What is the point in drifting along for decades- no love, you're stuck in a marriage. Nothing fun, what would the point of them having fun even be if they were stuck in a marriage. Not like having these thoughts meant I endorsed a swinger lifestyle or something, just that marriage seemed like a lifeless constraint. The game is over, you already loved and now you just need to wait for the grave. But surely people must love each other after they get married? What about coziness? People say "grow old together" in a romantic way or "die with my family around my bedside" in a wholesome way, why didn't this click for me when I felt this way? Would this have clicked if I had a real reciprocated crush at the time?

What about homosexuals and trannies? The libtards have a pretty good argument on the purely logical basis when they ask "Why do you care about gay guys being gay, that's less competition for you!" This argument doesn't touch on lesbians for obvious reasons, but we can consider the argument restricted to Sodomy for now. (I have never really felt xenophobic resentment for lesbians, but I've heard of other people feeling it for them and pooners. Please discuss your experience as applicable.) There is the argument that straight homophobic guys are secretly gay guys who just never come out of the closet. (Where does homophobia come from then? Society has to get it from somewhere. Is the closet thing a gay fetish?) Also it is clearly the same experience as the other one's here, but I don't secretly want to become an amish muslim or some unique cultural equivalent.

In these other xenophobia cases the logical implication of the xenophobia isn't something I endorse just by having the xenophobia. Homophobia would seem to imply "Wanting to get pussy is good, I want to get pussy, I can get more pussy if everyone else is a faggot!" Amishmuslimphobia -> I want more women to wear bikinis! Boomer/marriage-phobia -> I want to switch wives with my pals all the heckin' time! But again, none of this is the authentic feeling you get during the xenophobic experience. It isn't even hard to feel xenophobic the other way, hating the pointlessness of the type of guy who wants to flaunt his girlfriend's asscheeks in front of the whole gas station. Why does he need to bring other people into his sex life? He needs my conscious experience as a sex toy? The idea of wifeswapping doesn't feel alive, doesn't fill me with romantic lust.

I will add that I think a lot of faggot posers do get more pussy than I do and I am resentful of them for that, but I think this is unrelated because they aren't really gay. (mostly a joke)

I guess another thing is how silly xenophobic instances sound when you discuss them logically. But I'm not even critiquing xenophobia, I don't see anything wrong with the feeling itself and it is interesting how there is an aspect of close-minded empathy built in to it. Maybe part of xenophobia is that you need to have it activated in some way that forces you to think about another person and how they feel. Like, I didn't think about trannies that much. The only real issue a tranny can cause you that a gay guy can't is they can pretend to be a woman in idk say 5% of cases. I imagine that this makes transphobia more common than homophobia.

Is there a desire to make other people like you? Like you have an ego that isn't body-bound and just floats around saying "oops, wrong way to think and act, change now!" I think I am more easily disgusted at tiny frail "femme" faggots than big strong chad faggots, and the reverse with trannies. This doesn't make a lot of sense. Should I be less disgusted with trannies/fags who only fuck and don't get fucked? This seems like it probably has some interface with Girardian mimesis, the logic outlining how you desire to make people like you, but then once they are like you they become your rival and so you have to fight them. Like a story about a soldier showing off a picture of his wife, and then he gets killed by a guy who wants his wife. Why did you post a picture of "your waifu" on the internet? Where is the Gawr gura deathpit brawl and pub?

Maybe there is some origin in tribal logic. Like, if a tribe gets too big and has to split and then they have to sort into two different camps and start acting like different populations, you might have to move from empathy to enmity very quickly. There are all kinds of ways that doesn't make any sense and a few ways you could try to make it make sense, but I won't try to unless people are interested.

I was going to post this as a thread
Oh shit, I completely forgot about xenophobia based on the amish types being insular. Like, the experience of being transitively connected to so many other people isn't something you typically think about, it's so weird that is part of the the empathic resentment I felt for their lifestyle.
Oh and my xenophobia radar also goes off when I hear about "childless" couples who use terms like crotch-goblin and "breeders".

To be clear my xenophobia collection is missing:
-lesbophobia (distaste for lesbians)
-natalphobia (distaste for people who spend so much of their lives raising kids)

If you can illucidate, please join in!
tldr my guy
Replies: >>29528
the tl;dr is the first paragraph and the two sentences following it. It tells you what to expect in the rest of the post, which can't be summed up in a TL;DR
>I was going to post this as a thread
good thing you didn't
>just that marriage seemed like a lifeless constraint. The game is over, you already loved and now you just need to wait for the grave
The media probably makes marriage seem like a terrible idea as a way to further break the family unit and have more single lonely people The zoomers are particularly fucked with relationships. For centuries the idea of marriage has worked out great, it's only the recent societal tarnishing and government involvement that ruined the idea of marriage. Imagine finding someone you bond with completely, you love endlessly, who you would die for, who you are happy to wake up next to every day, who you share all your ideas with, who you laugh with, and it's guaranteed for the rest of your life. There's no loneliness, no more hiding your emotions to yourself, you have a partner who is there with you through the best and toughest of times. That's hardly a life of constraint in my eyes. It depends what type of person you are. Some men are unpaid prostitutes that get bored being with the same chick more than 3 times. Other people want a deep connection with someone and to build a life with someone they love. At times marriage will require work, but not every marriage is complete hell with two unhappy people chained to each other. There's a lot of successful happy couples out there with a partner they love more than anything. It's mostly older couples now because we normalize divorce the moment there's an issue, but marriage can be a blessing.

>Is there a desire to make other people like you?
Not for me. If I see two dudes butt fucking my body is repulsed. It has nothing to do with my thoughts or opinions, it's a reaction like seeing someone else's chewed food in their mouth. Some things are just disgusting to witness. Trannies on the other hand are mentally ill. I'm not a /pol/tard by any means but it is quite literally a mental illness to go the lengths trannies do for something that is logically not possible. Trannies are uncomfortable to be around because they are wearing their mental illness like a clown outfit and we are expected to accept it and play along with their mental illness. It's like seeing a schizophrenic IRL and they're talking about how Bon Jovi is playing a concert behind us. It would be perfectly acceptable to ignore someone saying bizarre things like this and walk away. I wish this theoretical guy well, but I don't really care about him or have any desire to make him act like me. Some things are just weird and not normal. With a tranny we're dealing with a similar mental illness except you're expected to smile and pretend like everything's normal and play along with the mental illness. They are mentally volatile, one wrong move and you will set them off. They're like a dangerous ticking time bomb you constantly have to lie to just to have a basic 5 second interaction with. It has nothing to do with wishing they conform to my ideals.
Replies: >>29533 >>29539
I always read online people talking about zoomers being the problem... When really we could blame the 70s since new laws made it really easy for women to live without a man. What flipped things? Women started hitting the books in college, building careers, and ditched dependending on a man. Chicks could go to college, have a career, they could be independent. so you could say feminist movement is what killed traditional dating and relationships like the ones in the 50s for the current generation. I think it's more about being raised right and have good morals. And people just don't have them anymore. Historically I bet if i researched way further back, I could find the same issues dating back into the greek times.
I should have specified better that the xenophobia I'm interested in is a subset of the distaste, and I should probably call it something better than xenophobia even though it fits. A lot of things lesbians allegedly do are gross, but just that they are gross and I want to them stop doing that isn't the same as the rare emotion I am describing in my post.

It is when there is a distaste rooted in empathy- a desire for another person to stop living and experiencing things how they do. Gay girls doing a few particularly gay things: gross. The thought of gay girls experiencing some of the gay things they do: also very gross, but I don't think that I automatically resent their experience. I can construct a conscious argument that they should stop because their conscious experience is gross, but it is not a feeling that appears within me automatically. What is interesting is how built-in, how natural the sensation of empathic xenophobic resentment feels when you experience it.

Birth control is probably the most unprecedented thing, but there is an argument that contemporary western culture is also exceptional with respect to abortion. The Christians had a lot of appeal in Rome among women because of their anti-abortion stance, of course the abortions being more forced back then.
Replies: >>29575
Dude, zoomers are a problem. I've worked with zoomers and they are the most incompetent people I've ever dealt with in my entire life. You can't rely on them for anything. I think one of the biggest issues with them is that they all seem to suffer from some form of narcissism. You can't become a better person when you think you're already better than everyone else. It's one of the reasons why I'm no longer employed at Dollar Tree. I was running the entire store myself because all my zoomer coworkers were absolutely clueless and the other manager was a single mom with baby daddy issues who felt the need to bring her bullshit to work and take out her frustration on me because I had no interest in being her surrogate spouse. I have absolutely no interest in a woman who has smoke breaks, is covered in tattoos and tell me things like she ran over her baby daddy with her car which is why she is no longer allowed to drive.
Replies: >>29548
Get your butthole telefragged by standing too close to the teleportation pad thing when captain Kirk has his cock out and die from extreme rectal bleeding.

Heil zoomerGODs, heil ego, heil youth, heil the Norwood reaper, so long live death!
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"What can be, unburdened by what has been"
That's what I mean with the government getting involved with marriage. Marriage was a personal commitment between two people that extended outwards to their families and the community. Now marriage is mostly a government contract that can get waived the moment there's a dispute. You also have to remember that the 1970's are drastically different compared to today. I'm not blaming zoomers, their actions are a result of our society, their parents, and modern technology. Why bother going to get a girlfriend when you can look at any chick you want for free on the internet in 2 seconds? Zoomers and their parents are heavily reliant on the internet, and this makes a socially awkward zoomer who settles for being gay because it's too scary to talk to women. Writing a few words in Discord is much easier than being face to face with a woman and having to display your real time reactions and charisma in front of her.
No normal man should ever mutter the words "a lot of the things lesbians do are gross".
Replies: >>29580 >>29581
What is a normal reaction to women licking the mucus membrane of an unsanitary orifice? Why do you believe this is the case?
Replies: >>29588
I'm in favor of that anon's post, women are truly disgusting.
What is the normal reaction to seeing two cute naked women giving each other sexual pleasure? If your reaction is disgust then have fun at the pride parade, homo.
Replies: >>29589 >>29590
>What is the normal reaction to seeing two cute naked women giving each other sexual pleasure? 

I love that, with the handled organs abstracted from my view and the fluids partitioned from other orifices.

But, "cunnilingus" is such an ugly word because it is such an ugly thing. Hide the flushed faces between legs and dispose of the mouth. Foul the sweet palate and let throat cancer take the kind voice. Destroy beauty, oh but I'm the fag right?
Replies: >>29594
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It is normal. Sadly, most women aren't open to this sort of thing even if you both are into it. They will regard it as cheating on your part and believe you are only with them out of convenience and want someone else when really you just think it would be hot to watch them with another attractive woman. They even have stupid rules like you can only look but can't touch or you're not allowed to kiss. Everyone is fooling themselves if they think that their spouse doesn't have wandering eyes. We're all hypocrites when it comes to this. A woman will give you shit catching you ogling another woman in public but she will fantasize about another man she saw while you're having sex and not tell you. I think what is abnormal is people who make this a lifestyle and seek out a relationship with someone simply as a means to an end to achieve that lifestyle. That seems like a gross perversion to me that only a selfish and morally corrupt person would want to take part in. I think everyone wants to feel special to someone and women are no exception to this. I think being with two women is purely a male power fantasy. Even if a man was fortunate to make the fantasy come true, the woman still holds the power because she can end the sex and the entire relationship at any time. Sure you could rape them, but what's the point of getting married and going through all the trouble of begging your wife for this when you could just be a serial rapist instead? Men have even created their own divine hero "chad" to compensate of their inadequacies when in reality chad has no more power over women than they do. Women merely use chad and see him only as a sex object. If chad had power over women, women would reside within his harem but chad has to find himself a new girl almost every night. Love is about sacrifice. Sometimes you have to give up on your dreams even when you know it's all that you ever wanted.
So many words just to say "Hey guys Im a faggot".
>But, "cunnilingus" is such an ugly word
>implying anything with the word cunni is ugly
Replies: >>29605
You are a straight faggot, and worse, a normie. Exhibit A, you are trying to convince other people to be like you with accusations of "you aren't heckin' normal!"
Replies: >>29607
I wasn't trying to convince anyone, just stating facts. Write more poetry about how girls eating pussy is gross, fag.
Replies: >>29616
orbital sex is discusting
Diseased faggot.
Replies: >>29617
I've had blood work done. I have no health issues. Stay mad and enjoy your brain aneurysm, faggot. 💢 😡
Replies: >>29619
That "diseased faggot" response was for me, and here you are responding like a diseased faggot with emojis.
What is the fixation on eating pussy in this thread?

We are discussing a matter of supreme importance: are there sex acts that lesbians do, that are gross.


I am the most heterosexual, and everyone else in this thread is an obsessed faggot, o algo. Female pleasure is god, perfection, beauty and cathartic release beyond mere orgasm. I would crucify myself for a shred of cunt flap from a burn victim cadaver, cunt is more important than life.
Replies: >>29623 >>29680
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>I am the most heterosexual
Men don't hide closets.
Damn derrick I can see your VPL. We should have known the D dawg wears tighty whities.
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Replies: >>29639
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Replies: >>29651
Zoinks! That's the most convincing footage of a ghost caught on camera I've ever seen.
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Some of them are kind of funny, I guess. Please end my suffering.
Replies: >>29700
Remember, when WWIII starts and your western country has no choice but to institute a draft due to a severe lack of young men volunteering just remember that your government wants you; broke, lonely, destitute, angry and weak! This goes doubly true for white men under the age of 30. It is one thing to sacrifice your youth and most of your life to Mr. Shekelberg so 33% or more of your paycheck can go towards sand kpop fans, kpop fans, women, and trannies but it is on an entirely new level to die in a fucking frozen ditch in Eastern Ukraine, a muggy swamp in Taiwan, or under the blazing sun in Iran so that Mr. Shekelberg can make gains on his Halliburton stock.

Do NOT under ANY circumstances help globohomo fight their wars. If you are unable to dodge the draft then the second they give you a rifle _. Your brothers below officer rank are just like you and should be ignored, but officers are a different breed, they were not drafted, they WILLINGLY volunteered for Officer Training School and WILLINGLY kneeled down to suck Mr. Shekelbergs dick, they are no longer human.

Your nation has spent the last century replacing you, killing you, raping your women, eradicating your culture, demonizing your history, and spreading feminism, and other globohomo attributes across the globe. Your nation hates you, do not die in a ditch for a nation that would rather see you and everything you represent obliterated or something like that
Hear! Hear!
>no duke nukem or beavis and butthead
It's like answering machines didn't exist in the 90's
An old rare treasure, if it makes more sense, faggot.
>eradicating your culture
Wh*te people have no culture.
No reason to fight war without ashley gf...
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>baby juice 😍
>2-3 times a week
This lady is truly doing the lord's work. None of what she's saying is true of course, but this woman is a hero.
holy shit she needs to figure out a fucking hack to fix those spitfire bugs that have made their home upon what she calls her eyebrows because if she wants her teeth whitened then i would gladly do it by punching her in the mouth repeatedly so much it would leave a white reside from my knuckle bones and none of us would have to listen to the diarrhea that comes out of her mouth
I'll ask the dentist for that teeth whitening treatment next time. Hopefully it will cost a lot less than the chemical stuff.
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Look at those eye brows...........
Replies: >>29828
You mean to say that I've been masturbating to a man all this while?! 🤯
Replies: >>29830
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Don't sweat it, he won't hold it against you.
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anyone familiar with this cyrax guy? am I weird for having serious gut laughs when he does his freakouts?
Replies: >>29849
I want a video where Ashley scans her bedroom with an ultraviolet light.
I think I know why Ashley doesn't show us the rest of her house.
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I've made a list of ashley's fetishes
yuri (michelle rodríguez)
noncon (rape)
forced ddlg/ddlg in general
kidnapping (trunk rides)
male emasculation/humiliation
NTR (dukenukem) (secret bf)
voyeur, basically masturbating to degrading sex acts on women and encouraging the men
bestiality (horse cocks)
extreme freeuse (homeless men/clowns/teachers using a girl for days on end)
large age gaps (daddy dom/mommy dom/granny dom)
pee play (likes to watch dogs pee in shower)
foot worship (receiver)
sploshing (stepping on food)
farts (receiver) (flavored fat guy farts specifically)
rimming (receiver) (feels good)
incest (fan of brother/sister)
cheese pizza (papa murphy's) (little caesars's ICB)
>gut laughing at some guy jerking off on camera
sounds pretty gay so yes you are weird
Replies: >>29855
Die. Die Normie Die. Die Normie. Die In The Pain Of Painful Butt Hole Rape. Die. Let People Enjoy Things. Don't Yuck My Yums. Die. Die Normie. Die.
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Great news guys! I found my future wife!

Replies: >>29886 >>29888
>get alcoholic jap gf
>supply her with many booze
>make her really comfortable around me
>one day I hide all of her booze
>she gets really pissed off
>looks all over the apartment for her fix
>starts screaming at me and beating me because I wont tell her where I hid them
best way to get a mommy dom jap gf
She's not married because she knows her husband would beat her.
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Confucious say: "Woman who fly plane upside down have crack up."
Replies: >>29901 >>29929
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10 years ago on this very day, September 13, 2014, Ashley posted a video called Shaving my legs then crying. It's a video we're all desperate for her to recreate.
Replies: >>29896 >>29904
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Yea, I remember when the Ash made that vid but you know the old saying, "You can't go home again."
The real joke here is the idea of a female pilot
Replies: >>29929
>watch a video of a 15-year-old girl shaving her legs then crying
>stroking right now
>am I a creep?
>am I a pedo bear?
>so many questions!
Replies: >>29906
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I found a game from 1991 that fits the style of your website and it's a great family game
Replies: >>29910
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Um, maybe this is a dumb question but does she know about shaving CREAM?
Replies: >>29908
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>"I'll kick your ass if you think this website is stupid."
Ashley, your website is stupid and childish! It's actually quite cool. Now kick my ass!
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"Best Scene from the movie Flight":

"Family Guy- Asian Woman PilotDriver":
Replies: >>29933
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Yea, that was a great movie. Any movie that stars Denzel Washington is a great movie.

One thing I always wondered about. How can planes fly upside down? The air foil of the wing is shaped so that a low pressure area is created on the top of he wing and a high pressure area is created on the bottom of the wing. Air flows from a high pressure area to a low pressure area thus giving the plane lift. One would think that if the plane is inverted than the plane would be forced downward but such is not the case. Maybe that's a good question for Ashley's monthly column.
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30000 get
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A challenger appears
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happy 30k GET
Time is passing and we are all aging, becoming slowly and slowly more wrinkly
Replies: >>30005
Still as pretty as the day I first saw you standin' out front the Dollar General with a lit cigrit.
Where are all these new pp coming from? I don't think Ashley is posting them.
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Replies: >>30107
>Whore Biomes
I have no interest in digital legos but I admit this is intriguing. Tell me more.
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ur pov 3 seconds b4 i spit on u
Replies: >>30210 >>30212
How much in change could you fit between her cheeks?
Awww yeah Ashley is giving this board a makeover!
pretty bordt
The board doesn't look like an aboardtion anymore

Replies: >>30225
While it wasn't necessary to use a cryptic message, I'm still happy for you to finally come out as a homosexual. Congratulations and stay proud!
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hello from 2ch!
im russian anon
Z за наших
who is ashley?
where i can read about it?
Replies: >>30229 >>30247
бамп за абу

абу богословил этот пост
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Бля, давай без этого. Либо либо сиди и луркай больше и смотри видосы Эшли. Либо пиздуй обратно на свой мэйлач помойный. Тут такие высеры никто не поймет кроме меня, так что не позорься.
Replies: >>30231 >>30232
все я живу тута теперь
(ты же сам с двача тупич)
как спойлеры делать????
Replies: >>30237
поясни за приколы местные
Replies: >>30237
Replies: >>30234
С хуя ты взял что я с двача? Эта вся движуха с Эшли началась задолго до того когда ты узнал о паблике двач ВКонтакте. Я не пытаюсь выебнуться своей олдфажностью, но тут просто нет смысла вести себя так. Это не просто очередная рандомная мелко-борда, а что то вроде сборище людей которые симпуют по Эшли или просто любят её видосы с 2014 года.
На дваче году этак в 2015 тоже были треды посвященные ей, можешь загуглить, на архиваче можно найти. 
Не надейся что тебе кто то будет всё разжёвывать, просто сиди и читай что люди пишут. Да тут одни американцы, но если тебе реально интересно всё остальное - то смотри сайты в закреплённом посте. Читай там всё что Эшли настрочила и смотри её новые видео.
Replies: >>30238 >>30239
небойся набега небудет двач уже не тот.
мимо олд с пинача
Replies: >>30239
я о дваче узнал как и об этом сайте через 
откуда? дай ссылку
Replies: >>30240 >>30241
Верхний тред на борде, тот что закреплён, вот его чекай в первую очередь. А срать тухлыми  мемами с мэйлача нет смысла, тут одни пендосы, не поймут.
vodka and poverty, yay!
Theres a russian thread on here >>22887 and a chinese thread >>8890. Luckily no indian threads yet.
Replies: >>30254
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Should we create an Indian thread?
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BBL Ashley?!?!?!?
Spoiler File
(268.4KB, 617x457)
The image is a close-up photograph of a person lying on the floor. The individual has blonde hair and is wearing a black lace mask that covers their face. The mask has a detailed lace pattern and appears to be made of a soft, possibly silk-like material. The person's eyes are visible through the mask, and they are looking downwards. The background is blurred, but it suggests an indoor setting with a wooden floor. The lighting in the image is soft, casting a gentle glow on the person's face. There are no discernible texts or logos in the image. The style of the photograph is candid and appears to be taken in a casual or intimate setting.
Replies: >>30316 >>30317
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>a person
>the individual
I hate globohomo """AI""" goyslop so god damn much
Replies: >>30322
Now I have to strip every image I download because I don't want to reupload some AI alt-text gay image and participate in this faggotry.
I now hate the word "person" with my soul, I stopped using it completely, and I also went from using "gender neutral they" to using "he" as a default pronoun, just because the politically correct motherfuckers overdid it so much lol. Really I would normally have no issue with it but they just went too far with that shit.
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>mfw trying to read the catalog
Hey Ashley, I made post >>30340 because I knew it would annoy you just to see if you're online. What are you working on? It's been real quiet. Feels like you're gone again. My power is still out. I'm at our favorite place. McDonald's.
Replies: >>30348
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Hey it's McDonalds-kun. Did the KFC you work at survive the storm?
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The worst part about all you cattle getting the vax is that it messed up a lot of my most used search terms
They're fumigating my building so I have to larp as a homeless person for the next 4 hours until it's OK to re-enter. I'm currently hanging out at McDonalds enjoying my happy meal. I might browse around the thrift store next before going to the market for lunch.
Replies: >>30375
How many homeless larpers that hang out at McDonalds are there on this board?
Replies: >>30376
It's probably Zack stealing my ideas again. He wants to be me and sometimes I think he wants to be in me.
RIP Florida Tubby
Replies: >>30380 >>30381
Native Florida people never leave
Replies: >>30381
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What happens to the people in county jail in an evacuation situation like this? Do they just bus them out?
Replies: >>30382 >>30385
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they each get one of these
Replies: >>30392
Shieeet jails are the most overbuilt safest places to be and they have huge generators.
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kek fucking normies man
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Y'all, I don't know where this photo came from, and honestly it doesn't matter.

It is seared into my mind forever.
Replies: >>30389
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Y'all, I don't know where this photo came from, and honestly it doesn't matter.

It is seared into my mind forever.
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Long fruit loops? Based prisoners
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Y'all, I don't know where this tattoo came from, and honestly it doesn't matter.

It is seared into my behind forever.
got a puppydog raining and its a little cold

im in a boat

Replies: >>30402
Presumably this AI girl lost her house, all of her possessions, and has little to no help because the government prefers to spend tax payer money funding wars. I just dont get why someone would generate a picture of a little girl with clothes on.
Replies: >>30403
Because she hasn't lost her clothes yet. All she would have left is her virginity then.
That's why you need to get them while they are young. They will love you forever and be loyal only to you and do what ever you tell them to. I used to make mine bark for a piece of cheese.
>>28792 (OP) 
Been sick with food poisoning since yesterday, pretty sure it was the sausage and egg McMuffin I had for breakfast. Currently sipping on ginger ale and eating a bowl of Campbell's soup that looks EXACTLY like the diarrhea I've been having all day.
Replies: >>30410 >>30434
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You would be better off eating Greek yogurt and unpasteurized sauerkraut. There isn't much gingerol in ginger ale these days. You'd be better off making ginger tea from ginger. Ginger ale and soup are just going to make you have diarrhea again. The Greek yogurt and sauerkraut will have you feeling better almost immediately.
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This is what pisses me off. All the hard earned tax payer money our government sends to countries all over the world and while the southeast U.S. is facing the severe destructive conditions of people dying, people losing their homes, towns totally devastated by 2 hurricanes ravaging the southeast and I haven't heard of one of these countries contacting the U.S. and asking if they could help in any way. I was watching TV during the hurricanes and a commercial came on asking the people of the U.S. to send money to this organization so food can can be donated to the old people of Israel . The Jews have a word for this, it's called chutzpah. 

Rant over, drops mike, walks away in total disgust.
Replies: >>30424 >>30459
I tried to get a patent for my spring loaded Jew trap but the govt put me on a watchlist instead. It's basically a M67 grenade but the pin is a penny.
Replies: >>30425
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Yeah, I hear ya. I sometimes wonder how many government watch lists I'm on. Don't give up on your patent, maybe disguise it as something altruistic.
>pretty sure it was the sausage and egg McMuffin I had for breakfast
Pretty sure some McDonald's kpop fan didn't wash their hands after wiping their ass before making your food without gloves. How does it feel to be blacked?
The US will recover very soon from the hurricanes, we don’t need money from other countries we have plenty of money. The US has it very easy. It could be much more worse if we were still a developing nation.
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Replies: >>30471 >>30479
FActs. FActs. >>30459 your coping your coping hard. >>30463 FActs. Rape him with FActs. He's coping. Rape him. Societal Collapse Imminent. No Mony Left It All Ran OUt. DeathTAxes.
Replies: >>30479
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She literally went into The Void
Replies: >>30481
I don’t understand why some Americans complain so much. We have it pretty easy here in the US, some Americans complain so much because they want everything handed to them without putting any effort.
Replies: >>30486 >>30497
That's pretty wild. I had a dream back in 2015 of Ashley sitting on her bed in her room at her old house and I was viewing her through a portal that was similar in appearance and color when it turned purple in the video. In my dream, Ashley was using her computer and as I got closer she reached out and grabbed me. I actually had the dream after falling asleep while sitting up at my laptop with my browser left on /ashley/. I vividly remember this dream because it's the first dream I ever had about Ashley.
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Of course the U.S. will recover, not very soon, but soon because the damage is catastrophic but when the chips are down Americans pull together. I was merely pointing out the ungratefulness of the countries we give hard earned taxpayer money to.
Replies: >>30506
It's not unreasonable to think that tax payer money should be invested back into the US rather than foreign interests.
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good goy
Americans can also be very ungrateful. What difference does it make? I really don’t care if other countries are ungrateful, I’m not offended by it. If you want to help the hurricane victims you can always donate no one is stoping you.
Replies: >>30508 >>30510
The fact that you're not even aware there is a difference shows your ignorance and invalidates your opinion on the matter. Are you the anon that always makes the dumb contrarian posts trying to start arguments? Why hasn't Ashley banned you yet?
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I have donated to the hurricane relief fund through the Red Cross. You're a very  antagonistic individual  and I can only echo the sentiments of poster 30508 who so eloquently put it.
Replies: >>30513 >>30516
Good man, red cross really does help people.
I’m not trying to be antagonistic, I was just saying that some Americans complain too much and are too pessimistic. Sure I understand that taxes can be a problem especially in some places. There are some issues Americans can and should complain about but sometimes they go overboard and exaggerate as if the US was still a developing nation.
Replies: >>30517
I hope President Trump sends you back from where you came.
Replies: >>30518
California? I can live in whichever state I want.
Replies: >>30519
I'm not allowed to enter some states which is a real shame since they have the best amusement parks.
Replies: >>30520
Forget about all those amusement parks and state borders. Come explore the only territory that truly matters right here between my legs!
Replies: >>30521
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Replies: >>30522
You really just said "no thank you"?

Well, that's just your loss! I’m a sizzling MILF on a quest for a real man to step into the role of father figure for my little superstar. 

My son Derrick and I might just be the best deal you never knew you needed!  Derrick might even share his snacks... maybe.
Replies: >>30523
ayo bitch im yo man but i aint doin no niggas time babysittin sum mark ass trick 4 a peace of dat apple bottom
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This book about Ashley was banned from public schools.
What are Ashley's proportions? 
Has Ashley been raped by a Venetian rape gang?!?!?!?!?!?!
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"The Moment Ashley Jones Found Jesus"
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326 replies | 139 files
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