/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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FAGMAN lovers, unite!

Do you thank Mark Zuckerberg every day that he has listened to your conversation with your neighbor and is now serving you up personalized ads for diabetic socks? Thanks, Mark! Does the thought of privacy scare you? Is installing a new secure app on your touch phone difficult?

You're not alone. Most people on /ashleyj/ relate to exactly how you're feeling. In this thread we discuss our distaste for privacy and how corporate and government big brother spying overreach is actually really wholesome!
Replies: >>30056
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Wow, finally a thread where I can truly be myself.

Posting a pic from my last vacation. The kids wanted to go to Disneyland but I took them somewhere better ;-) 

We had a great time!!

Talk soon,

Sheldon M. Snyder
3194 Andy Street
Creighton, SD 57729
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>>30052 (OP) 
Hello fellow Facebook users! I lost my cat and I knew this would be the best place on the internet to look. If you see her please let me know. My cat was like a family member to me. If you see them, please let me know.
Replies: >>30057 >>30058
Have you checked your microwave?
Replies: >>30060
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I love going outside!
Just checked my microwave 

1 like ='s 1 prayer
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Me and the hubby are definitely going to this!
Haha, what a fantastic idea for a thread! :-)
I just love surfing the web thru a series of apps, its so fast and convenient on my iPhone X7 Pro Deluxe 9!  
I have my reddit app (upvote thankyou kind stranger!), twitter app, facebook app (love being able to stay in contact with my family and friends!), instagram and tik tok apps for when Im bored at work (dont tell my boss haha!) oh and my pornhub app (sssh dont tell the wife ;p lol! Im just j/king I asked my wife for permission to grab this app! :)
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dear ...can i send you reqst from India.....will u add me????

how r u ..??

send me nakde pic snow bitch lasagna

u like big?

i stalk u 

but i find u in my heart

nmae is rajesh ma'am

i send u sexy pic

PS where India flag?
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. may peace and calmness fill your life. ❤
I don't know who needs to hear this but whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and know that things will get better
You are loved! We're in this together. Hang in there!
I was depressed for a long time, I seemed useless and bad. This music has helped me relieve fatigue and stress. Thanks for sharing it. Whoever is reading this comment, I wish you success, health, love and happiness!
whoever needs to hear this: 

you are loved. be loving, be love. i love you! keep fighting! all will be alright in time. ♥️
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I don't know how to read this hear but

one day it will all be over together

my face when thinking of you hurting
i hav cancer
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Linux is overly complicated. You shouldn't have to learn to fly a plane just to enjoy a simple game. I prefer Windows for it's simplicity and ease of use which was the original intention of all operating system development especially Windows. This is how Windows took over. This is back when you had people who argued UNIX over AmigaDOS. They even taught us UNIX in school like you were going to have to know this to get a job in the future because everything was going to be UNIX. I think this is why Linux hasn't exactly caught on because it's a derivative of UNIX. Ashley is right. Smartphones suck. Android and iOS and even MacOS are derivatives of UNIX as well.
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Hey guys! Today I was coming back from Starbucks to grab a pumpkin spiced latte (I get these every Fall lol) and noticed that my Google Pixel 8 came in the mail! 

I also found my long-lost fidget spinner in one of my jackets, just wanted to include that in the photo haha :)
Replies: >>30549
I love it when someone posts a super shitty tryhard bait and no one catches it.
Replies: >>30543 >>30544
Here in germany "shitty bait" means something else
I spent a lot of money on that bait too.
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What bait? Are talking about post >>30377 ? You posted it in the wrong thread. I posted mine in the technology thread so Ashley would have to moderate and move my post to the void but she put it in this thread. I only did it to see if she was still monitoring the board because this place seemed like a ghost town. You put your post in the thread so she probably didn't even look at it. I don't think most Ashley fans even care about actual posts because every time I've made one it either gets ignored and I may get one reply weeks later or it gets bombarded by griefers. I recently checked out the Ashley thread on agatha2 and judging by the posts in her thread there, I'd say the lot of them post here which is why there are so many asshats. I don't have adequate transportation or much cash to spend on my hobbies at the moment but every time I've ventured out to make a decent post here, no one seems to care. I was going to make a thread for my flipper zero I've been messing around with but I don't really see a point which has concerned me because I have begun to suspect that Ashley may have begun to start feeling the same way and honestly, I hate that because her posts and videos are pretty much the only thing I look forward to seeing at the moment. I called her recently and she actually answered but immediately hung up one me and all I wanted to know is what she had in the works and tell her my crt tv was crushed and still works but for how long?
Replies: >>30550
TLDR nobody cares
Replies: >>30551
>I don't think most Ashley fans even care about actual posts
>TLDR nobody cares
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