/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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We don't have to imagine what Ashley's legs look like, just see those beauties in Derricks Birthday video. But what about her breasts? Post a pic of what you imagine her breasts look like. Keep in mind that the Ash is no stranger to the occasional padding to achieve a dramatic effect. So post what you imagine her breasts to be au naturel. Here's my entry. And Ash, if you like you can select the winner.
>>9396 (OP) 
Did you want to see her breasts when she was still underage?
Replies: >>9401 >>9432 >>9433
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Is there a difference?
>>9396 (OP) 
pretty sure that's a dude
Replies: >>9407
>>9396 (OP) 
tummy is probably accurate but the boobs look too small even for ash
just means it's more accurate
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>>9396 (OP) 
Agreed, about the legs. Nice kneecaps too.
God I wish she would knee me repeatably in the balls AND face.

anyways, I think Seabee you have underestimated her bosom.
though Ashley's are probably a bit smaller, when I masturbate furiously to her I imagine they would look similar this.
Replies: >>9415 >>9417
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Replies: >>9416 >>9444
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Maybe I subconciously underestimated due to willful thinking on my part since I've always been a fan of small breasts and anything that doesn't fit the palm of my hand is just overflow and excess baggage. I still think that the Ash is a sexy A cup though.
Replies: >>9444
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I think maybe they're something like these
Replies: >>9419
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You are my fellow brother in arms, happy to see I'm not alone.
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The time traveler is here, from the times when Ashley finally showed her breasts. You may not gonna like it, but you will have to deal with it.
Replies: >>9883
Spoiler File
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she looks tiny but she has the boobs of a woman twice her size
Replies: >>9444
Pedophilia is a form of faggotry
Replies: >>9428 >>9433
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Perhaps this?  Withoutt the piercing of course
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>Did you want to see her breasts when she was still underage?
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I agree. Not all women become sexually mature at the same age. For some reason, some girls become sexually mature at exactly 18 but others seem to sexually mature at  exactly 17, 16 13, or even 9 years of age. It all depends on what country or state they live in apparently. I think it has something to do with their astrological sign and biological clock or something? Maybe there is something in the water like in Mexico? Hell, there is something in the water in the United States and Canada now too. It can depend on religious factors as well. Some girls who sexually mature at younger ages can be married off before 18. I'm not sure how it works exactly but clearly it's God's will which is why I don't understand why Mormons get so much flak. Who are you to tell God who I can and can't rape. There is a loop hole is some states. If you're sexually mature and she is not but are close enough to the same age as the girl, you can have sex with them but you are required by law to recite Romeo & Juliet first or something? It's all so confusing. In don't really know it works. I didn't think about these things before I became a pedophile. I was more interested in Halo, Mtn Dew and Doritos back then than young women. I do think Uncle Sam should stay out of the bedroom and leave age of consent laws up to the states. I may be mistaken, but I think if I moved to Ashley's state and became a citizen once living there for some time. She could legally show me her nudes from when she was 16 and 17 as long as I didn't distribute them. I think I could have taken her to the bone zone back then when she was 17 too. I'm sure her parents wouldn't mind too much. Her mom would absolutely love me and her dad might not like me at first because I'm a loser in normie eyes but I'm sure he'd hook me up with a decent job, him being Mexican and all. I'd willingly hand him his shotgun for Ashley's hand. He'd really have no choice in the matter unless he wants his daughter to be a single mom and his grandkid raised by black men. 

Protip: If you want to know what Ashley's breasts look like, just ask Zack.
Replies: >>9434 >>9439
>It's all so confusing. In don't really know it works. I didn't think about these things before I became a pedophile.
It's pretty clear to understand if you have common sense. It sounds like you're obfuscating the reality of things to justify your pedophilic tendencies at your convenience.
Replies: >>9435
You may not have realized this because of your Asperger's syndrome, but I was being facetious rather than factious in my mostly disingenuous post concerning ingenuous youth. Since you're most likely an incel, I would like to inform you that a good majority of women are petite. I've never been on a date with a woman that was taller than 5'7" or that could have weighed more than 120 lbs. probably because I'm a 5'8" manlet. I assume you believe I have "pedophilic tendencies" because only a pedophile could find a 4"11" 89 lbs. woman attractive. Is Ashley not tall enough for the ride? If it is so evidently obvious, then perhaps you would care to enlighten us on the reality of things to deliver us from our mass delusion since you seem to have declared yourself the moral authority on the subject. Did you know that Ashley could legally have consensual sex with someone less than ten years older than her at age fifteen in her state? Did you know that Ashley told us all that she was eighteen and in college and her state allows the mistake-of-age defense? Did you know that if I lived in her state when she was fifeteen and we had consensual sex, I would only be charged with a class one misdemeanor? It really comes down to whether or not we would be willing to wait two years for one another and if I would be willing to pay her state the money I owe them since they just declared themselves her pimp. Abstaining from penetrative sex for two years and just dating would prevent me from having to do two years in the state pen but it would only be worth it if she was my pen pal waiting for me on the outside and I got to share her letters and pp with my state pen pals on the inside during /ashleyjail/. My personal opinion on age of consent laws is that they are another senseless stopgap solution to treat one of the many initial symptoms of a decaying society that will inevitably become even more immoral as time marches on to a point when such laws will be considered archaic and deemed obsolete and as unnecessary as they once were before the descent into decadence was even imaginable because of people's innate desire to defer their responsibilities, deflect blame for their inadequacies and dictate other people's lives. The problem is not pedophilia, but the acceptance of adultery. The pedophile hysteria has gotten so out of hand because people like to fool themselves into thinking they hold the moral upper hand. People like you. By the way, which COVID-19 vaccine did you get? Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Janssen/J&J or Novavax?
Replies: >>9439 >>9444 >>9494
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>>9396 (OP) 
These legs can give a run for Ashley's gift cards.
Replies: >>9438
gross af
Replies: >>9440
Huh, I didn't know fast food workers could read.
They look good to me, the woman not so much.
a single tattoo on a girl is fine

as long as they are natural i dont care what size they, small, medium or large

actually nevermind, i do care. bigger boobs are probably more susceptible to sagging 

its worrying how much you know about state laws and underage girls. 
Should Ashley's husband be on alert?
Replies: >>9447
I knew a girl in high school who got the triforce tattoo above her crotch region. Now she has a bunch of tattoos on her arms and looks like your typical Twitch streamer.
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just some reference material if you want to compare
You will see her pert and perky titties eventually. Like all females she knows her only true value is sexual. She’s been inching over to erotica more and more since she has come back. The only thing that’s keeping her from making pornography is her low self-esteem. When she is willing to admit her only virtue is her feminine beauty and does onlyfans content like the good little whore she is I will donate to her patron. And I completely believe she will. She likely already has pornographic content recorded that she hasn’t decided to release. She will eventually give up the charade, release actual pornography, I’ll beat off to it, and put money in the cum jar.
Replies: >>9471 >>9473 >>9485
>When she is willing to admit her only virtue is her feminine beauty and does onlyfans content like the good little whore she is I will donate to her patron. 
Not sure I'd call that a virtue but Im sure they'll be plenty of simps jacking off to it and wasting their money. When she starts doing porn I'll leave, I feel like a simp for hanging around for as many years as I have. This place is fucking depressing.
Replies: >>9524
If you were actively lurking while Ashley was gone you should figure out a way to an hero. Take a bus ticket to a national park and travel far into the woods so no one will find your body. That’s what I’m doing so my family doesn’t know. The police report will just say I went missing.
Replies: >>9521
Doubt it. She knows the risk ain't worth it in the long term and that we'd lose all respect for her. I think she really does have the potential to be in the meme zeitgeist and have a career doing skits. It's just a challenge to navigate that kinda thing without social media. But knowing how my life works, she'll probably post her porno tonight... You're welcome in advance.
This post might sound defensive, that tends to be the nature of written text. You cannot decipher the writer's tone, but do know that I'm not angry or have my panties in a twist over this. I figure it would be helpful to explain my point of view, as it could help you understand why I do what I do.

I will confirm once again that I will never do porn; it's not something that interests me to create. While I understand a majority of people may only enjoy my content because of my perceived sexual value, it's not something I personally hold myself to as I just create what I think is fun/funny, I don't think to myself "I hope they think I look sexy, I hope I turn people on, everyone only likes me because of my looks", so I don't let potential sexual value equate to my worth and I don't operate as such.

This theory all stems around my gender being female, thus I instantly have certain typical female traits or habits associated with me due to my gender. I don't hold many of those typical female traits one would find with a woman posting videos on the internet for validation. Typically we see these women desperate for male validation, posting selfies, personally communicating with men to give them the idea they have a chance, too stupid to make money so they get an Onlyfans and are too stupid to operate an Onlyfans, etc. The typical pipeline we see today.

I am here solely for fun and to create what I think are funny videos along with occasionally talk about interesting things happening in my life. None of it is a rally to garner sexual validation, if it was you would likely see me have some form of social media in which I post cute selfies/videos, as that would garner upmost validation in terms of likes, views, and especially comments. This genuinely is not of interest to me, but since I'm female I am assigned to the thought that I must ultimately be seeking sexual validation. I think this idea that "I'm inching closer to being sexual" comes from my skits, in which I'm playing a character who has sexual qualities, e.x. a prostitute (Derrick's Mom) or a maybe-gay-guy getting raped by a ghost. If I was a male, I would definitely act these scenes out just as I would as a female, but I think the idea that "he's doing it for sexual validation" "he's getting ready for an onlyfans" would be out the window due to his gender. It would just be funny. I do such things because it fits the video and character, but as "me" I'm not doing such things. I also am not easily censored on my website, giving me more room to do raunchier things than one could on Youtube.

I realize that males are visual creatures, so what looks sexual is sexual. I'm female and I personally process what's sexual in a funny video, what a character does (boob pushing up/ghost rape), to be part of that character and not associated with what I personally do. For example, Derrick farting on the bed disgusts me, whereas a male who is a visual creature could pause the video and "make it work". I'm not saying that's wrong; but I personally operate differently and won't acquiesce to "I can't do XYZ because people will sexualize it". I'm probably too relaxed on the whole situation, which isn't typical, so it seems like I am fishing or desperate, when in reality I just don't really care if people do or don't sexualize me. I just do what I think is funny.

A character on SNL playing Donald Trump does not think and act like Donald Trump in their personal life; it's part of the character. I personally separate the sexual jokes, boob pushing up and ghost rape specifically, to be part of the video's joke. I don't do it to fish out sexually validating comments in regards to how cute/sexy my pert perky tits are or how juicy my latina ass and pink asshole are, as I don't need outside validation. Actually I wasn't online for the past 2-ish weeks because I had some other things I was doing, so I definitely don't live drip-fed by online validation. Though if I was one to thrive off of sexual validation, it would only be right to assume that an OnlyFans would be next.

>but ashley you do post pictures (stock images) / videos where youre cute
That's just what I look like, if you think I'm cute then that's nice. I'm not one of these chicks who shoves my tits out and says "dont sexualize me boiz!!!" I just need to clarify that sexuality can be funny without opening up an Onlyfans account the next day. There were good looking girls on MadTV and sometimes they would wear skimpy outfits, because it made whatever they were doing funnier or it matched the character's personality. I doubt it reflects that they desperately wanted sexual validation from the viewers.

Long story short; jokes and characters are in the funny videos to make a joke. You'll notice my "me" videos don't enforce much sexuality at all, as it's not something I am personally looking to do. The sexual aspects (boob pushing up and ghost rape) are just part of the funny videos. There won't be any porn, no OnlyFans, but I would sometime in my life like to write and direct a B movie. I'd like to do one kid's one where a dog is the main character, and then a R rated bro comedy B movie like Sex Pot.

If this post sounds angry or defensive; that's genuinely not the tone or feeling I have behind this post. Here's an emoticon to prove my emotion. (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
Replies: >>9501 >>9505
Great post.
tl;dr im gooning rn
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We'll raise money for your skin giraffe surgery soon so you don't have to worry about it. The sexy jokes will be just as funny when you're Troonshley.. As for the porn, I think there is a way we can have Ashley porn without you having to "sell out" and be an only fans thot. Everyone wins.
Replies: >>9507
>life as a woman
Is it somehow impossible to make AI porn of men? God dammit, now how will I ejaculate knowing I'll never see William Shatner blowing off some steam with his dog?
Replies: >>9989
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idk if ur joking but Im one of those that stuck around when Ashley was gone.
Im not ashamed or embarrassed about it or whatever.
Even on the old older ashleyj endchan board, i still made friends and had good times and laughs.
and since she has come back, I made even more friends and have had even more laughs.
I like coming here and goofing around with my fellow retards, I like the cytube chat/premiers, I like reading the comments people leave on her videos, etc etc
The whole point of this is too have fun. 
I dont know how long this ride will last, so Im going to maximize my enjoyment whilst I can.
>When she starts doing porn I'll leave
When you leave others will come.
Replies: >>9525
Ashley please filter come>cum to sync the vocabulary thanks
I bet her clit is so meaty
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>>9396 (OP) 

This image was generated using self-hosted AI. The GUI is automatic1111

Replies: >>9888
The right titty is pretty accurate to my breasts.
Replies: >>9889
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Hello, board owner. 

Thank you for saying hello.

Might you try something mildly erotic with AI?

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We love you, Ashley
Replies: >>9908
Is the 3rd one holding a BIG watermelon dildo? What did AIshley mean by this??????
Replies: >>9909

These images were generated using AI and started with an image of the beautiful Ashley sitting on her bed.

Ashley really looks like a lovely anime. I decided to try and see how to generate a real Ashley using AI. A tool available in automatic1111 is "Interrogate CLIP". 

This is a bit like a reverse image search, and it tries to work out what text prompts were used to generate the image. (The image used in this case was from reality, not a text-prompt!) If you want to generate an Ashley, the AI thinks this will do it:

"a girl with long hair is sitting on a bed and looking at the camera with a serious look on her face, Alice Prin, sakimi chan, an impressionist painting, net art"


Replies: >>9913
Here is another text-prompt to generate Ashley:

"1girl, black hair, blurry, blurry background, blurry foreground, bouquet, brown eyes, depth of field, flower, hydrangea, jewelry, lips, long hair, looking at viewer, motion blur, necklace, nose, photo \(medium\), polka dot, solo, upper body"
please do derrick next

anime derrick would be hilarious
Replies: >>9917
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Thanks for this. I was actually going to ask for some. here are a quick few to respond...

In producing them, I learned I could not do justice to my subject. I shall have to level-up skills.
Replies: >>9930
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I wondered if Ashley might be able to carve a niche for herself in AI. Who knows, it might even be possible for Ashley to fund her server by attending an AI conference or two. It would be something for her to decide.

Listed below are some AI generated AI conferences , as well as an AI generated list of ways one might potentially earn some revenue by participating at a conference. 

List 12 ways to earn a living by attending and participating in conferences
Speaker or Presenter: If you have expertise in a particular field, you can offer to speak at conferences and earn money by sharing your knowledge and insights with the audience.

Workshop or Training Facilitator: Many conferences include workshops or training sessions where attendees can learn new skills. You can offer your services as a facilitator and get paid for conducting these sessions.

Panelist or Moderator: Conferences often organize panel discussions on various topics. By participating as a panelist or moderator, you can earn a living by sharing your opinions and facilitating engaging discussions.

Exhibitor or Vendor: If you have a product or service that aligns with the conference theme, you can rent a booth or exhibition space to showcase and sell your offerings to the attendees.

Sponsorship or Partnership: Seek sponsorship opportunities from relevant companies or organizations. You can offer to promote their products or services at the conference in exchange for financial support.

Freelance Writing or Blogging: Attend conferences as a freelance writer or blogger and write articles or blog posts about the event. You can earn money by selling these write-ups to publications or monetizing your own blog.

Event Photography or Videography: If you have photography or videography skills, you can offer your services to conference organizers. Capture high-quality visuals of the event, including speakers, sessions, and networking moments, and earn money by selling the photos or videos.

Social Media Influencer: Build a strong social media presence and establish yourself as an influencer in your field. Attend conferences and share live updates, photos, and videos on your social media platforms. Monetize your influence by partnering with brands or earning from sponsored posts.

Event Planning and Management: Develop expertise in event planning and offer your services to conference organizers. You can help them with logistics, coordination, and overall management of the event, earning a living through your event planning skills.

Book or Product Sales: If you are an author or have created products related to the conference theme, you can set up a booth or sell your items online during the event. Conferences provide a targeted audience that can be interested in purchasing your books or products.

Affiliate Marketing: Identify relevant products or services that can be promoted to conference attendees. Sign up as an affiliate marketer and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique referral link.

Professional Networking and Collaboration: Attend conferences with the intention of networking and building professional relationships. By connecting with like-minded individuals and industry experts, you can explore collaboration opportunities that can lead to new business ventures or paid consulting opportunities.

Conference Name	Location	Focus	Website
NeurIPS	Vancouver, Canada	Machine Learning and Neural Networks	https://nips.cc/
CVPR	San Diego, California	Computer Vision	http://cvpr2024.thecvf.com/
AAAI	Seattle, Washington	Artificial Intelligence	https://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-24/
IJCAI	Montreal, Canada	Artificial Intelligence	https://www.ijcai-24.org/
ICML	New York City, New York	Machine Learning	https://icml.cc/
ACL	Austin, Texas	Natural Language Processing	https://acl2024.org/
AISTATS	San Diego, California	Statistical Machine Learning	https://www.aistats.org/
ICLR	San Francisco, California	Deep Learning	https://iclr.cc/
RoboCup	Miami, Florida	Robotics and AI in Soccer	https://www.robocup.org/
AI in Healthcare Summit	Boston, Massachusetts	AI in Healthcare	https://www.re-work.co/events/ai-in-healthcare-summit-boston-2024
AI World Conference	Orlando, Florida	AI Across Industries	https://aiworld.com/
The AI Summit	San Francisco, California	General AI	https://theaisummit.com/sanfrancisco/
ODSC East	Boston, Massachusetts	AI and Data Science	https://odsc.com/east/
MLconf	Seattle, Washington	Machine Learning	https://mlconf.com/
GPU Technology Conference	San Jose, California	GPU Computing and AI	https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/gtc/
AI Summit	New York City, New York	AI Applications and Innovations	https://aievent.ai/
AIX 2024	Chicago, Illinois	AI Exploration and Innovation	https://www.aix2024.com/

Conference Name	Location	Focus	Website
AI DevWorld	San Jose, California	AI Development and Applications	https://aidevworld.com/
AI NextCon	Seattle, Washington	Future of AI and Emerging Technologies	https://www.nextcon.net/
AI Summit	Las Vegas, Nevada	AI Applications and Innovations	https://theaisummit.com/lasvegas/
AIES	Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania	Ethical AI	https://www.aies-conference.com/
AI in Finance Summit	New York City, New York	AI in Financial Services	https://www.re-work.co/events/ai-in-finance-summit-new-york
Please note that while these conferences have been held previously, it's always a good idea to check their official websites for the most up-to-date information regarding dates, locations, and themes for the year 2024.
Replies: >>9921 >>9942 >>9944
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This is Ashley in a Chinese Anime aesthetic.
Replies: >>9968
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I hope Ashely considers looking at some Chinese and Japanese and Korean anime, (the beautiful ones). 

She might be able to strike some poses in those kinds of style and we could try and use them to make some ai art.

Or Ashley could try!
She said in her 80s camcorder video that she doesn't like AI.
Replies: >>9923
Thanks. Will have to watch that one.
Holy shit the first one is kpop boy band ashley
Replies: >>9932
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Koreans have been active in AI art and there are some tools to help try and capture just that aesthetic.

The people (?) who created these tools are genius.
>leaving the house
While most people seem enamored with AI and its rapidly impressive qualities, I am not interested in utilizing or fueling it for a variety of different aspects. Some of my gripe has to do with personal preferences, some has to do with morals, some has to do with not wanting to fuel technology that can/will be used against us. But it's such a vast topic and is speculative as of right now, so it's a rabbit hole that would take me a while to truly divulge my thoughts.

One thing I will say: I think the use of AI makes human made creativity less impressive; which I don't like. I enjoy seeing art made from a human, it's far more impressive and time and human practice spent on a picture is far more meaningful; it's representative or more than just skill. It represents muse, thoughtfulness, positive intent. These sound like Pinterest-mom words until you really sit and think about someone - even digitally - painting a picture versus typing prompts into a machine. I'll never be as impressed with AI art as I am with human art, and I never can fully appreciate AI art. It just unsettles me. It's not to say AI cannot generate impressive pictures, it can. But I can't appreciate it because it doesn't hold what traditional art holds.

I had this similar thought with AI voice. I laughed my ass off at some guy impersonating Chills "Number fifteeeeen" guy https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dXs9a67S5sk But with AI, anyone can instantly generate Chills' voice saying anything. While it can be funny, it loses charm that comes with someone practicing and actually being able to emulate Chills' voice. It's less impressive and packs less of a punch. Think autotune versus a person singing. Totally different things and you can feel that difference and it's power. One is soulless and anyone can do it, another is impressive and moving. AI sort of diminished human accomplishment. Limits us communicating together because "just ask the AI" "just chat with the AI", limits our creativity "just make it with AI", limits our entertainment "just generate that with AI". Have fun with it if you want; there's no denying it's impressive. I just prefer human creativity, so I won't personally be fueling AI technology.
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Our ancestors were absolutely amazing with the culture and art they produced. It puts to shame anything we do these days.

To try and white pill you on AI art a little, think of it like using tinder. Some people mindlessly keep swiping until they see somebody they want to pursue. That desire to pursue a concept hits you when you are using the AI. A notion comes into your mind as you generate, and then you try and follow it. That is the difficult part, and that is where the skill comes in with AI, and where you see the AI as more like a brush an artist uses.

Another fun thing about AI art is that the anti-Whites who have subverted are Art institutions, particularly Art Schools, absolutely hate it! They can see (and so can the whole public!) that their own creations are (literal) crap, and in comparison with AI produced stuff, nobody wants those freaks at all. We don't need them, and they know it. (Check out Art School exhibitions, if you want a laugh. Nice idea for a video for you, maybe.) We can and should replace those wastes of space with AI until talent grows again. They aren't teaching anything.

Another white-pill is that people actually are starting to create, albeit with AI. Many people would just stare at TV and consume. On top of this, the desire to create has stimulated an interest (I believe) in Art History, genres and artists, as people want to emulate style.

I hope you try something taking on the Art Establishment. It is a tragedy at the moment.
Replies: >>9951 >>9953
By the way, which software did you use to create your image board?
Replies: >>9954
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Replies: >>9964
I've really enjoyed your contributions to the board, anon. AI is extremely interesting technology, there's no doubt about that. And AI art can be very, very impressive too. That being said...

>that is where the skill comes in with AI, and where you see the AI as more like a brush an artist uses.
C'mon. You can't honestly look at the picture of the anime girl you posted and think, "I made that." (assuming you generated it.)

Let's say you wanted to eat a nice dinner.

Scenario 1: You go to the store, buy all the ingredients, come home, and cook them. Maybe you fire up the grill in your back yard, and while that's going you run inside to your kitchen to chop up all the ingredients you want in a salad. You take all the components of your meal and season them to your preference, arrange them on a plate, pour yourself a drink, and sit down to finally eat a well deserved meal.

Scenario 2: You go to a restaurant and tell the waitress what you want to eat. After a while, she brings it to you.

You would have to be absolutely retarded to think that in Scenario 2 you "made your own dinner". You might have chosen what you wanted and described it to the waitress, but you sure as fuck didn't MAKE it. You certainly aren't the equivalent of a creative chef exercising his skill. You just sat down and described what you wanted to appear in front of you, and after a while it did, which is exactly what you're doing when you're using AI to generate art.

Whether you cook your meal at home or order it at a restaurant doesn't change the fact that the meal might be delicious - the meal is a meal however it was prepared. Same thing with AI art. An impressive piece of art is impressive no matter how it came to be. But in one case you made it yourself, and in the other, you definitely did not.
I get your come from, but in practice I don't know if "all that glitters is gold". While it's impressive technology, that doesn't equate to being a good thing for humans.

For example, you mention using AI as a brush for artists. Except, there is no artist in this scenario, because the AI generates a finished picture, completely eliminating the need for an artist. While one might generate AI pictures for ideas such as original characters, I would guess that the majority of AI users are generating pictures for a final product and keeping it at that at most someone may make minor edits in Photoshop, but not creating anything new

>Another white-pill is that people actually are starting to create
I would say this is the opposite of creation. There isn't much in terms of skill or practice, it's just written prompts that serve up a picture with no artistic skill or experience. If anything, it drives people away from wanting to create. I suspect that soon, people will not use GIMP or Photoshop because you can prompt AI to generate edited photos. So even people's desire to make small basic edits will be eradicated due to the convenience of AI.

I understand that "prompt engineering" is a thing. I get that crafting the perfect prompt to get a great result requires some degree of competence. The barrier of entry for that degree of competence is however much lower than the thousands of hours of practice it would take to create a great piece of art on your own. It's like how we all know some boomer who can barely use a search engine because they can't wrap their mind around what to type into the little box. Ultimately, search engines and prompting AI are not terribly different, and we wouldn't classify prompting a search engine and finding an informative article as being the same as writing that article. You only prompted technology to give you a result, but you didn't create that result personally. Nor does that process compare to the making of art.

I'm open to different points of view on this or being told where I may be missing something.

I do agree with you in that art school is a joke, as is most modern academia. Though I think art school killed itself way before the introduction of AI art. Lots of this retarded expensive art is just a way to launder money, so taking a literal shart on a canvas isn't an artistic statement but just way to move large amounts of money.
This imageboard is using jschan. I'm pretty happy with using it and I'd recommend it for anyone looking to make an imageboard.
Did you consider/try vichan too? What did you think of it?
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I think the skills of the people who created these tools dwarf those of users like me who try and create with them. 

I don't equate what I do with, for example, the skills of a hyper-realist oil-painter.

If you do create some art with AI though, you do feel a connection to it and a have a sense that it is yours. I think if you see some videos of an ai artist's workflow you can gain a sense of why.

Perhaps it is like the difference between hard and soft skills (!) that people discuss in office environments.  Engineers are famous for their hard skills but notorious for their lack of soft skills.

In this analogy, the hard-skills translate to the knowledge and skills of the chef. The soft skills are those of the diner, who uses filters to select a particular restaurant, establish a relationship with the waiting staff, charms the the kitchen into producing something off-the-menu, knows what to request, which season to request it, how to use chopsticks, cultivate the palate. Also, there might be a demand for something sweet, but the diner might know that, of all sweet things, chocolate almond midnight might best fit the bill. Sometimes different dishes are served and the diner might know which would be suitable for the vegan, which would be gluten free, which spicy and match these with the other guests. There is pairing the food with wine, too. 

Apart from all of that, there is the appreciation of the food itself. You go to the restaurant because you love what it serves and you couldn't make it yourself, and you want more!
Is this real???
Using AI to create is still a valid form of creation in my eyes, but it further distances the exchange of human energy within the medium effectively making you a middle man within the creation process and less of the creator. As we further blur the lines between man and machine, pure human intervention will be a fading attribute that will in hindsight define our current place in time. The human spirit is unique and not replicable, though AI will mimick it in whatever form with the passing of time, the truth shall remain.

On a sidenote, I really resonate with Ash's sentiment of not using AI because it will be used against humans. 

>Though I think art school killed itself way before the introduction of AI art. Lots of this retarded expensive art is just a way to launder money, so taking a literal shart on a canvas isn't an artistic statement but just way to move large amounts of money.
Yo nigga you needa warn me befo you make me cum like dat sheeeit gah damn. Based af.
Replies: >>9969
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And this is Ashley in a Chinese meme aesthetic.
Replies: >>9970 >>9971
>I really resonate with Ash's sentiment of not using AI because it will be used against humans
Me too, but here's the thing, it's easier to prompt an AI than to actually create some form of art. The majority of people will always do what requires the least amount of effort, and there will always be code monkeys to program AI. AI will inevitably be developed, used, and will harm humanity. It will replace most of the workforce, it will tear away more of the human spirit from art, and the generations after us will be closer to total spiritual death than ours. I don't believe you can save society from this, you can only minimize how much it corrupts you. That being said, I don't think AI will be as bad for society as say cell phones and cars have been, and there's no reason to blame people for using this technology, they're really victims if you think about it. Technology works kind of like a virus but real.
Replies: >>9972 >>9977
Uh actually that's Ashrey
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Replies: >>9974
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Don't be too blackpilled about AI. I think it will help us retrieve and preserve the incredible culture of our past, the skills and even wisdom.

Think about what sailors our people used to be. Anybody who lived near the shore would have often gone sailing for fish or trade. That knowledge, understanding of the local seas and rocks and winds, is lost to most people nowadays.

With AI reconstruction of old sailing boats and computer simulations, people will be able to become familiar with things like knots, rigging, parts of a ship, sea terminology.

Photogrammetry is helping us capture 3D images of things like old ships.

We can learn how to use a sexton online these days with computers. AI will help us with other things like that.

The line between AI art and AI engineering is not clear cut. When Ferrari design their engines, part of it is like musical tuning so the engine note sounds sweet to our ears. It is an aesthetic.

So, Ashley, please join us at our AI dinner.
Replies: >>9978
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>and there's no reason to blame people for using this technology, they're really victims if you think about it.
Boy you know I used to share this same opinion. I would think things like
>Oh, they just don't know any better
>they're just brainwashed, it's not even their fault, poor things
I would imagine that all people needed was a Morpheus to come along and wake them up from the matrix.
I don't actually think that's true anymore though. There have been enough "Morpheuses" over the years to wake people up, like Snowden and so many others. There have been enough news stories of big tech abusing people. Just last month there was a story making the rounds about a guy getting locked out of his "smart home" for making "racist" comments (he actually didn't). This story got enough mainstream coverage that an old boomer friend I have even mentioned it to me.
I mean for gods sake the people smart enough to figure out how to use crypto still use centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, even though they've seen people get screwed over and over and over.
Plus I've seen too much and had too many experiences with people in my personal life. They KNOW the tech is bad. They just DON'T care. It's too convenient and easy to use a cell phone with all the normie apps on it. It's easier to use a microsoft or apple laptop, because that's what everyone else does.
I've had multiple conversations with people about these things. Many normies hate Windows 11 if you ask them what they think. Many normies know that Facebook and social media is bad for them and society. "But that's what my family and friends use and I need to use it to stay in touch with them". There are so many alternatives that are privacy-respecting and open source. "yeah but nobody uses them" well no shit you fucking retard why do you think that is? because nobody has enough self respect or even enough respect for those they supposedly care about to be the change they want to see in the world.
All the bad things about tech, how amazon mistreats its workers, how windows spies on you constantly, how facebook/meta is just a data collection agency, how Google search results suck now and how Youtube censors creators ---- they actually know about all this stuff. THEY LITERALLY DON'T CARE. That's the blackpill. You can talk to them until you're blue in the face about how bad these things are. They just don't care. I don't discuss technology with people IRL anymore because it sickens me too much.
Replies: >>9986
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>I think it will help us retrieve and preserve the incredible culture of our past, the skills and even wisdom.
I think you're over-romanticizing AI and vastly overestimating the degree to which people give two shits about any of the things you mentioned.
>With AI reconstruction of old sailing boats and computer simulations, people will be able to become familiar with things like knots, rigging, parts of a ship, sea terminology.
Or you could just go outside?
>We can learn how to use a sexton online these days with computers. AI will help us with other things like that.
You know how else you can learn to use a sextant? Outside. With a sextant.

None of this is to say that I don't agree with you. Sure, you CAN use the technology for these purposes. That would be lovely. But people absolutely and overwhelmingly will not. They will use AI for three things:
1. To ask it questions like it was a search engine, and the corporations will happily provide their version of reality to anyone who wants it
2. To generate pornography or sexual roleplay
3. To participate in their own destruction willingly and happily
Replies: >>9984
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I agree that most people aren't likely to use AI to produce sextants and learn to circumnavigate the world that way.

I think this article is somewhat dubious  but it is a sign of hope:

Soon there will be some Free Software ('open source') AI search engine projects. Offhand, I don't know of any, but https://yacy.net is strong, even without AI. Just one person in a short while can make a big influence to the power of that YaCy network, so with AI, we should be laughing.

Porn is used by anti-Whites to lead to degeneracy and demotivation and apathy. Anti-Whites encourage ordinary girls to go onto sites like 'onlyfans' and debase themselves, making them less likely to form a family and have a nuclear family with lots of kids. OF girls are already complaining about how men are turning to AI instead of paying them. I hope they see the light and change their ways.

I think participation in our own destruction is part of the norm these days. We have lost control of our culture and media. I think Hollyweird isn't there to make movies, it is there to prevent other people making movies. AI is smashing that lock on what stories we can tell. We will soon be able to make great movies that represent our own values, instead of the anti-White brainwashing.

Replies: >>9985 >>9987
It's hard for me to get behind something leading to a social credit score. Personally I think programming with only a few keywords brings us away from knowing how the software or the hardware work. Then again ignorance is bliss in a totalitarian utopia.
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> they actually know about all this stuff. THEY LITERALLY DON'T CARE. That's the blackpill. You can talk to them until you're blue in the face about how bad these things are. They just don't care. 

It is maddening, isn't it? I know people who know full well the arguments against stuff like this, and they just dismiss it. 

It is not that it hasn't been explained. 
It is not that they haven't understood.
It is that they haven't been persuaded.

The stuff like having google devices eavesdropping in their own home is fine with them. "Hey, Google, what time is it?" It is just so convenient. It is just so useful. 

They are able to deny to themselves the peril and the potential harm that may come because "everything works". There is no cost for them to pay, it seems to them, ever, not even in the future. 

I think they are living on credit, in the sense that their belief/trust is in the system, and that they will never have to "repay" this trust. When the corporations turn on them (Nigel Farage had his bank account banned, for example), it will be too late.

It is a bit like Noah and his ark.
Replies: >>9988
I appreciate your optimism, I really do. The article you shared is certainly white pilling to some degree:
>The memo opens by acknowledging their competitor was never OpenAI and was always going to be Open Source.
>Further, they admit that they are not positioned in any way to compete against open source, acknowledging that they have already lost the struggle for AI dominance.

This isn't really the thread to discuss it, but you've mentioned the anti-white stuff a number of times... while I certainly don't disagree that there's an "anti white" sentiment in the current zeitgeist, it's all just divide and conquer tactics. It's not really about race. They just want us fighting each other instead of them. If you want to get into this as a topic though, feel free to make a thread, I'll toss my two cents into the ring. btw ashley is a beaner fyi
Replies: >>9993
idgaf if AI made this I want to suck those anime titties rn fr fr
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>Even on the old older ashleyj endchan board, i still made friends and had good times and laughs.
>and since she has come back, I made even more friends and have had even more laughs.
>I like coming here and goofing around with my fellow retards, I like the cytube chat/premiers, I like reading the comments people leave on her videos, etc etc

There are a few genres of gay porn, featuring men. There are AI models to create yuri and yao but even ordinary ai models can make it.

I don't think you will learn how to use a sextant this way, but you might learn some knots creating shibari / kinbaku
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>I appreciate your optimism, I really do
It isn't just something theoretical for me. I feel it. I don't know when the last time was that you wanted to try and chase art, to create, and feel there was an idea you wanted to capture and bring into the world, and feel driven to make. 

I feel it. It is like becoming awake.
Ai art isnt art its more like engineering, 
Like you guiding a machine with prompts to get it churn out a response to your liking. Though its certainly capable of some impress results visually, it ultimately lacks "soul".

There is also the more sinister element of Ai.
People are already gullible from just reading a headline. Now that we have rapidly improving tech to produce realistic deepfakes, the potential to cause more social divide and make people believe anything is only going to get worse.
I understand there is apparently software to detect if something was Ai generated, hopefully that can keep up with the pace that Ai is developing.
Even if it does though, will people believe if something was declared deepfaked anyways? The line between knowing whats real and what isnt is going to get blurrier and blurrier and with todays social and political climate, I think it spells nothing but bad news ahead.
Replies: >>10059
>I understand there is apparently software to detect if something was Ai generated
There is, but it's 100% garbage across the board, and I suspect it will be almost impossible to ever tell whether something is AI generated with complete certainty. This is true for both pictures and text. I've tried them myself, the results are borderline random.
When GPT was first in the headlines a bunch of boomer professors scrambled to find "AI detection" tools and shitloads of college age kids who had legitimately written their papers flocked to the internet saying how they got into trouble, were getting flunked from their classes, etc. (They couldn't ALL have been lying and at a cursory glance I found dozens of reports like this).

>Even if it does though, will people believe if something was declared deepfaked anyways? The line between knowing whats real and what isnt is going to get blurrier and blurrier and with todays social and political climate, I think it spells nothing but bad news ahead.
I hate to say it but I agree
Replies: >>10168
yeah thats what i feared. The ability to easily fake stuff exponentially outpaces the ability to disprove it.
Even if you can prove a AI video.audio deepfake is real or fake, people are already fucking stupid RE: Covid conspiracies but we will very soon have the ability to create super believable bullshit via artificial intelligence???? RIP
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