Hey guys, I am the ##Board Owner. AMA (ask me anything) ITT (in this thread).
>>32445 (OP) How many meals do you have in a day?
>>32446 4
When was the last time you peed yourself?
>>32445 (OP) r u pregornant?
>>32445 (OP) Are you pregnant? Seabee is the father or other glownig? Did you enjoy making the baby or did you feel nothing or little? What do you want it to be? boy or girl? Grow your children with dogs and cats. they will be happier.
I am the ##Board Owner too
>>32445 (OP) >>32453 dark shadow trukes (truth nukes)
good thread
>>32450 Soon.
>>32453 I am the ##Bored Owner.
>>32445 (OP) How do I pregnuncee?