/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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ITT we gripe about regrets we have.

>I will never date a 12 year old Ashley
Replies: >>12885 >>30250
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>>12871 (OP) 
i took my friend's little sister out on a date so she knows how a fat guy would eat her when she gets older

>i regret that she's not yet on the menu
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When Ashley's parents kicked her out and she needed somewhere to stay, I let her stay out my place for a bit
I mean, how messy could a 4'11" 90lb girl be right?



...was I wrong!

She only ever ate junk food and would leave all the wrappers and (piss) bottles and shit, everywhere and I mean everywhere...
Oh and that photo of Ashton? 100% real btw. 

All she did all day, every day is eat junk food and and watch James Corbett. Also speaking of food, for some reason she would act really, really weird after eating Jack-in-the-box breakfast burritos 
And dont get me started on the water babies she would leave in the toilet every morning, WHICH SHE WOULD NEVER EVER FUCKING FLUSH!

>I regret letting Ashley stay at my home.
Replies: >>12903
Holy shit, Ashley had diarrhea in your house, anon.
Replies: >>12905
tell me about it... lets just say she emulated her infamous brown wood wall paneling except without the wood paneling...
So I went to one of those speed date thingos...
At one point during the day (they are hosted during the daytime which in all honesty makes it low key kinda depressing) I got matched with the host of the event Ashley Jones.
things were going really well between us. so well in fact I suspected she wanted the D 
however, we were in the midst of a deep discussion regarding the abstract social commentary about the morality of marijuana use and its impact on society in the 2009 avant-garde film "Sex Pot" starring Sam Cassel and directed by Eric ForsBERG.
When I pulled out my brand new Google Pixel 7 Pro to look something up and holy shit bros... did she blow a fucking gasket!
She started ranting and raving about how Google partners with the government to promote agendas and how they favour corporate websites and they destroyed the "fun" of the internet (she air quoted the "fun" btw... SUPER cringe, yikes even). Plus something about SEO?

At one point she was so irate that she accidentally let rip a massive fart. 
This didnt stop her however, in fact it seemed to fuel her anger even more!

If that wasn't already embarrassing enough, she ended her rant by throwing the free soda water we all got (which was yellow and had this strange taste btw) in my face and declaring at the top of her lungs "MAYBE YOU SHOULD STICK THAT GOOGLE PIXEL PHONE UP YOUR ASSHOLE SO IT CAN MAP THE WALLS OF YOUR COLON AND THAT WAY GOOGLE CAN KNOW HOW TO FUCK YOU EVEN BETTER"

Needless to say, this whole thing left me super embarrassed and I had run out and didnt go back.
I never ended up paying my entry fee for the event though, so jokes on her. I got the last laugh.

>I regret going to one of her speed dating events
Replies: >>13173
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Replies: >>13175
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Omegle got shutdown after 14 years...

>I regret never going on it, finding and then cooming to Ashley back in the day
Replies: >>30245
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I regret making this failed thread almost a year ago

I regret still being here a year later

So many regrets
I saw a lot of penises on Omegle.
Replies: >>30246 >>30249
I didn't see enough
Replies: >>30249
after omegle went down, I missed it so much that I created my own offline omegle clone. It looks just like omegle, except that the two webcams are just me. Sometimes I get my cock out and skip myself and act frustrated. My interests are always "lesbians"
>>12871 (OP) 
Still creepy
Replies: >>30251 >>30252
I agree Chester, she's too old.
Its only creepy if he didnt pull out
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>tfw you will never have the ability to stop time like in porn or like Hiro from Heroes
>tfw you will NEVER go to your local high school and stop time when the cheerleading squad is taking a group photo
>tfw you will never rape them all one by one, over the course of days or weeks if necessary
>tfw you will never hide nearby to watch the insanity unfold when you re-start time and they all start screaming because they're naked and your cum is dripping out of their fertile teen vaginas
>tfw you will never get at least a few of them pregnant with a rape child
why even live bros
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