[Hide] (84KB, 1024x682) Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog found dead in their home, the following details sounds pretty sus. RIP
>The Academy Award-winning actor was found on the floor in the mud room, according to the search warrant. It appeared he fell suddenly, and he and his wife "showed obvious signs of death," the document said.
>Arakawa was found lying on her side on the floor in a bathroom, with a space heater near her body, according to the search warrant.
>Her body showed signs of decomposition, the document said. There was mummification to her hands and feet, the document said.
>On the counter near Arakawa was an opened prescription bottle, with pills scattered, according to the search warrant.
>The Santa Fe City Fire Department found no signs of a possible carbon monoxide leak or poisoning, the document said. If there was carbon monoxide at the scene, it could have vented out of the home through the open front door before responders arrived.
That's two celebrity deaths in a row, I wonder who's next...