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Discuss anything out of this world - paranormal, spooky, conspiracy, alternative. Do you have any spooky stories?
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I tried emailing Ashley about this but she never got back to me, so I am posting here for the first time. whaddup niggaz

After reading Ashley's manifesto I started looking into near death experiences. Another youtuber I watch was also frequently mentioning how fascinating he found them so I decided to look into it. As Ashley said in her manifesto, it does make me want to be a be a better person and my fear of death has lessened significantly after hearing the consistencies in reports. Furthermore, were these experiences just illusions in the mind, it would not matter to me, as it would be reality regardless.

One thing I find interesting is the Soul Recycling section in Ashley's manifesto. She does not really go into the concept, and the only inkling of a source for the concept I have encountered about it is picrel. My main question is: 
> If the heavenly realm described in NDEs is real (as in it is experiences and perceived as heavenly)
> AND the heavenly realm is actually a facade created by demonic forces/entities (I guess working for the Demiurge)
> AND the purpose of the demonic forces/entities is to trick you to go into the light so you will be born again on Earth and continue samsara
> HOW will you determine whether or not these forces are demonic
> IF you determine they are demonic, how are you going to avoid going into the light?

I think we need to assume that you are in a complete state of naivety and that all information you are gathering in this realm is working against you. With all of that in mind, idk what other option there would be but to go into the light. I guess complete disobedience may result in a different outcome, but are you willing to risk an eternity of torment?

I believe in God and I am a Catholic, but I am very open minded and believe we really do not understand what is going on here. All I know is that God is Reality, Reality is God, Jesus understood that and tried to convey it. I know this instinctively. 

> also not here to argue about my religion, I just put it here for context.
Everything around us is just an illusion.
Replies: >>29628
> HOW will you determine whether or not these forces are demonic
Because human beings are not worthy of special treatment from angels and the possibility of any supernatural vision being demonic/malevolent is less than 0.  If a being claiming to be Jesus suddenly appeared in your kitchen tommorow and demanded your absolute worship, would you obey it without extreme doubt? What if it was one of your dead relatives? If demons can appear in any form, then they will use that to influence you in this life and after death. Keep in mind that not all "heavenly" NDEs have the same experience of "heaven", and that zero NDEs take place for very long. Some NDEs are in "hell", and some neither. We don't know exactly what death is like in the long term, and we are capable of doubt for very good reason.
Replies: >>29492
The answers to your question conflict with your Catholic beliefs, because any entity you meet you can rationalize as possibly being Jesus. Being with intentions to make you do something will take various different forms to manipulate your emotions. Overwhelming you with intense emotion and gaining their trust is something they do right away because it results in you doing as they say. As he mentions >>29479 they take the form of various religious icons (such as Jesus), or often times loved family members. In theory, these are beings anyone would be honored to meet and anyone would surely be in a state of absolute astonishment. We live in a physical world where we live off of blind faith. To suddenly be forced into an ethereal realm where you're communicating telepathically with Jesus or your beloved dead mom is intense for most people, and they will be in a state of listening/doing anything they say because the experience is too bizarre to not be true.

Why would a being need to alter your emotions to be believed? You'll notice in many NDEs someone will ask in awe, "are you really Jesus?!" "are you really my mom?!" and they will get an answer similar to, "I can take on any shape that makes you comfortable." Other times, if not asked, the being will continue acting as they are perceived.

Any being trying to convince you to reincarnate is not benevolent. Taking on different forms of religious figures and loved ones is deceit, especially since this is done just to gain our trust and to have us complete what's in THEIR best interests. This is where things start getting into the soul recycling matrix, which goes hand-in-hand with this topic.

The long story short is that you really can't tell an evil being from a benevolent one. They have the ability to very convincingly present either side. However, one rule of thumb is that any entity trying to pressure you into making a certain decision is only doing so because it benefits them. That's why they make it out to seem like it's YOUR idea, not theirs.

If a scammer says "give me your wallet", you're going to say no and know their intentions. If a scammer says, "Ugh I have the worst luck. I forgot my phone at home and I was supposed to meet my mom but I'm running late. Do you mind if I give her a call on your phone super quick?", you're way more likely to hand over your phone which has banking information, pictures of your asshole, your search history, etc.

These entities are scammers for your soul. They can't just appear as themselves and say, "reincarnate on Earth or else". They can't force you to do anything, no matter how scary they appear. That's why it's much better to appear as a loving character, make you go through a "life review", and make you experience in real time your life all over again, from the very start to the very end, focusing on all of the wrongs you've done and how badly you've hurt people. By the end of this, people are very emotional and feel intense guilt. The being then says, "it's ok, you can fix this and make it all better. If you went back to Earth you could do this over again." and then it's your turn to say, "yeah you're right Jesus, I'll go back to earth." That idea was done through total premeditated manipulation.

Are there benevolent beings? Sure. But you can't trust any spirit just because they look a certain way, say nice things, or project a sense of love. It's what they want you to do, and even then you must be careful. Your soul is sovereign and they can't make you do anything you don't want to. If things worked that way, they would simply use force rather than manipulation and have a strange need to have your consent to do these things.
I had a light/tunnel nde before. I do think going into the light is bad. What crazy is the light/tunnel feels really good and you want to keep experiencing the feeling. However something told me in my head, if I consumed to much of the light/tunnel it would be the bad. So had to snap myself out of it. I couldn't trust it. I do sometimes wonder what would of happened. My story wasn't no "Carol Anne Go into the light" demon shit though.

You wanna see demons take DMT. You will see them. And they are not so bad. They are just there.
Replies: >>29509 >>29518
>You wanna see demons take DMT. You will see them. And they are not so bad. They are just there.
Do you think you taking DMT made demons come to you, or do you think they were already there and taking DMT just let you see them? What did they look like? I'm probably never going to do drugs but I'm not closed off to the idea that somehow I'll see a demon in the middle of the night. Sorta like sleep paralysis.
Replies: >>29513 >>29670
Well, the funny part is, I didn't know I was even taking DMT at the time. I thought it was something else. So pretty much I was in my tent alone (was at festival) it was early morning sun was coming up. And all of a sudden some scary face witch type ghostly looking creature appeared in my tent. She wasn't in full color. Ghost like, best way i can describe. Her face was very scary look and made me instantly look away at first. Then i noticed to the left a demon type creature appeared face not as scary. Some people call the things entities. And some people see elves...I never seen those little fuckers though. They made no sound. But it was a little terrifying at first. But I knew I was on shit. So I knew they were not real well thats what i told myself. So I said you know what we are just gonna ride this out together and i am just gonna hang out with them. I dont recall when they left from the tent they were just gone after a while. I have done other stuff and nothing ever made me see anything that remotley looked real like what dmt did.
Replies: >>29514
Woah dude for real? That's fucking crazy you should like totally tell every person in your social circle about this until they give oral to a 9mm
get a gun, put it in your mawf, pull trigger
Replies: >>29517
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*taps the sign*
>I had a light/tunnel nde before.
I'm extremely interested in this topic. Can you tell us more about this experience? How did you almost die? Please share everything you're comfortable sharing.

Have you considered submitting your story to NDERF? https://www.nderf.org/

>What crazy is the light/tunnel feels really good and you want to keep experiencing the feeling.
If you could go into detail about this I would appreciate it. I once had a very strange experience where I briefly experienced total bliss/euphoria for seemingly no reason at all. Felt totally peaceful and confident, with a buzzing/tingling in my head. I don't do drugs or drink alcohol, so I was stone cold sober. I was also absolutely awake at the time, it was in the middle of the day. I wonder if the sensation is anything like what you described.
>I briefly experienced total bliss/euphoria
>I briefly experienced orgasm
Nah, I'm over it. All I can think about now is a spoon feeding someone their own teeth.
Replies: >>29564
It's NERF or Nothin'!
>I'm extremely interested in this topic.
Why concern yourself with the unknowable? This subject is so fringe, you'll never have the answers until you're there yourself and that's inevitable.
Replies: >>29556 >>29558
Thissssss. Do not concern yourssself... just go back to sssleeeep...
Why are you posting in the /x/ thread if you faggots have no interest in this? This thread is for discussing schizo shit.
Replies: >>29559 >>29567
I' asking a legitimate question.
Replies: >>29560 >>29563
The subject isn't fringe if you know what reading material is available to us. Knowledge is passed down through generations and experiences can transcend physicality. While you and I might not know with absolute certainty, there are people who recall past lives or their experience after death or their reincarnation. If anecdotal isn't enough for you, various different cultures espouse similar views in their written work. I would rather be prepared for what may come after death than go in completely blind. Going in blind is how most people get trapped into the reincarnation cycle.
Replies: >>29561
How do we know such beings aren't benevolent? There is just as much reason to believe they are benevolent as there is that they aren't with the evidence that is presented which is scant and anecdotal at best. I question not how any of this works but how it was discovered that this is how it works and who discovered it? Did they come back from a near-death experience with the player's handbook? How could anyone possibly know about how any of this works without some sort of divine intervention from the entities themselves? Wouldn't it not be in their best interest to reveal their trade secrets? If I have doubts then provide me with answers.
Replies: >>29562 >>29563
I'm not here to convince you of anything. I'm here to discuss with other people who already place some belief and knowledge in this subject. I don't care to argue or try and prove a point.
>inb4 I am trying to discuss this with you
You're not. You already said you don't want to concern yourself with the "unknowable" so I'm unsure why you're trying to string out disingenuous discussion. That's where I'm leaving this.
Replies: >>29563 >>29565
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No you aren't, you've never looked into this topic and you're purposefully wasting time for the people who are actually interested in it. This happens all the time in "alternative" discussions. Some normalfag comes in and asks super basic, surface-level questions in bad faith with the express goal of denying, dismissing, or belittling the response before they even get it. Like you're doing here >>29561

If you actually want to learn about this topic, go read Tricked by the Light, which is considered by most to contain very interesting material on the topic. https://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/index.html

Otherwise go post in the cute gurls thread or fuck back off to facebook or whatever normie-friendly place you find preferable and let the 'schizos' chat with each other in peace.

+1, let's just move on and ignore, hopefully ashley will void the GAY and HOMOSEXUAL posts
Replies: >>29565
This makes me sad, there are people interested in your story. Come back and tell it, please.
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>You already said you don't want to concern yourself with the "unknowable"
No, I actually said this.
>Why concern yourself with the unknowable?
I'm asking a question. You probably want to assume that

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who has even read the books. I probably understand your new age "Gnosticism" better than you. All you of reddit posters have no idea what you're even talking about. You clearly base your entire beliefs off the comments left by others who completely misunderstand Monroe's analogy. You remind me of how Southern Baptists actually believe the Left Behind series to be gospel. Sacred-texts has been on the internet a long time, pleb.
Replies: >>29566 >>29696
Which books have you read? Please tell us so that we can educate ourselves to the level you're at.

Also, as an expert in this topic, I'm curious why you were asking pretty basic questions about it? Were you just testing us, sensei?

Personally, I welcome the opportunity to discuss these topics with someone who knows everything about them. Please, explain where people are getting it wrong in this thread, and then tell us what the truth is.

For example, I'd love to actually understand Monroe's analogy. Can you explain it for someone who isn't as smart as you (preferably in ELI5 format like on reddit), please?

You seem to really know your stuff so I'm looking forward to your reply.
Replies: >>29696
Well my issue with drug induced hallucinations is that no matter how true they may be, it's a highly personalized experience that lacks any ability for someone else to confirm that what they experienced was true.
Replies: >>29568
I can't verify any of the wet dreams people post here but they're interesting to talk about.
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I have a sister named Brittney and her apartment is haunted. It was built in the 1920s which means that her place has had 100 years for someone to die and turn into a ghost. A lot of spooky things have happened to her there like moving objects and strange noises. When she tells me about her haunted apartment I want to scream picrel to the ghost.
Replies: >>29582
Where's the proof of reincarnation? I've seen proof of demons/entities, and I know they shouldn't be trusted, so why trust they can do anything to me at all? Wouldn't believing they'll reincarnate me open me up to that in some way? For example, a group of reptillians jump me after I die, and I 100% believe they're evil, but since I also believe they'll reincarnate me I decide to go along with them to experience all the nice things in life again, but then let's say the reptillians use the will I give to them to eternally torture me in some way that doesn't involve reincarnation, like forcing me to watch my grandma get raped or something. Where's the proof that this isn't some elaborate trick?
Replies: >>29679
Ghosts are such a cool idea to me. I don't want to hog the thread but I love the idea of adventure sticking around even inside of cities and whatnot. The same sort of desire you find in urbex, like I want obscure and abandoned places to form a new regenerating frontier. I wish there was a greater innate human taboo against disturbing haunted/abandoned/foreign land. Danger, treasure, women and secrets... but I'll settle for whatever I can get.

I'm not really sure I believe in them, I've heard stories secondhand but never seen anything of the type myself. The weird stuff I've directly experienced hasn't ever been location-tied or otherwise playing the role of a physical thing.
Replies: >>29608
I remember my first wet dream. I was in the fifth grade and remember waking up and being like, what is this? I never mentioned it anyone. Unfortunately i do not recall what I dreamt about that caused me to have one.
Ive been to a few abandoned places as a teen but never saw anything spooky other than a strung out squatter in one of the rooms.
We don't see phones or computer in our dreams, so we're in a simulation.
Replies: >>29630 >>29643
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I want to say you're on to something but I recently had a dream about using the classroom computer that we took our accelerated reading tests on back in 5th grade and I used it to look up Ashley on the internet but the internet wasn't working and then I realized that Ashley hadn't been born yet. I clearly remember clicking on the internet icon on the desktop and it loading a blank template stating that there was no internet connection and then I realized Ashley wasn't even born yet and I was overcome with this sense of dread. I walked out of the classroom and there was no one else in the pod. All the other classrooms had their lights off and were empty and I looked down the dark empty hallway and had this sense of foreboding like something was after me in the school like the Minotaur of the Labyrinth but all I could think of was finding a way to get in touch with Ashley even though she didn't exist and I realized that I was hopeless and that I would have to wait and live my life over again from that point.
What about TVs? Two nights ago I had a dream a black newscaster was showing her tits live. I hate to admit it but I chubbed up for that black chocolate fantasy, cranked one out to her.
It's more like youre moving into another dimension with them in it. In my experience the place I've entered was always pretty similar, like a interdimensional airport. There you will encounter beings with a confusing form, like your senses are not created to fully recognize it. They notice your presence, and in my case "look who is here again" is a sentence I remember hearing from one of them. While they are not totally hostile towards you, i dont think they have good intentions with you either.
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>Where's the proof of reincarnation?
I was just reminded of this reading your post the other night. There are children who have memories of past lives and there is a famous case of an adult woman who claims she was an ancient Egyptian. These are probably the most famous and well documented cases; Carl Edon, James Leininger and Dorothy Eady. What makes their stories so remarkable is that these people didn't exactly have access to information that they could have used to fabricate their stories. I, myself, have had some strange reoccurring dreams in my life. I have this reoccurring dream where I am line infantry killed in a battle during the American revolution and another reoccurring dream where I am trapped inside a sinking warship during WWII. I have pretty bad ballistophobia and thalassophobia.
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>5 days
>no response
Replies: >>29714
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I didn't know you cared. I've been busy with wizard shit.
Replies: >>29716 >>29718
That's female hand writing. Show tits NOW.
>GPS Altitude: 56.2 m Above Sea Level
>GPS Latitude: 33 deg 31' 9.60" N
>GPS Longitude: 81 deg 54' 1.21" W
oh hey it's you again. can I come play magic the trannying with you guys next time?
Replies: >>29721 >>29733
Im 12 and what is this?
942 Orange St, North Augusta, SC 29841
Replies: >>29734 >>29737
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on my way
this is me btw
If the zoo bans me for hollerin' at animals I will face God and walk backwards into Hell
enjoy your daily pizza delivery
Replies: >>29741
Thank you, mommy.
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You ever run into anything deep innawoods? The only time this ever happened to me, I found out later that what I possibly ran into was a mountain lion.
Replies: >>29771 >>29816
One time me and some buddies went into the woods at night stoned and drunk and I walked directly into a spider's web and was covered in dozens of baby spiders. That same night, we stumbled upon a small bin sitting on a tree stump and dared eachother to remove the lid to see what was inside but we were pussies and left it alone. To this day I still wonder what was inside it.
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This happened a few years ago. It was early morning about to leave for work but first I had to put some stuff in my mailbox to be picked up. I opened the front door and noticed that it had snowed overnight, not much, about an inch. Walking to my mailbox I noticed footprints in the snow coming out of the woods, my house borders the woods. The footprints crossed the front of my property and and made a left to the side of my house. 

I put the stuff in the mailbox and out of curiosity I decided to follow the footprints. I followed them to the side of my house and after about 20 feet the footprints just ended. The snow wasn't disturbed where the footprints ended. It was like the owner of the footprints ascended. 

I never found out what happened and frankly I don't think I want to know.
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Seabee, it was probably just Satan out for a moonlit stroll. Nothing to worry about.


>It appears on Thursday last night, there was a very heavy snowfall in the neighbourhood of Exeter and the South of Devon. On the following morning the inhabitants of the above towns were surprised at discovering the footmarks of some strange and mysterious animal endowed with the power of ubiquity, as the footprints were to be seen in all kinds of unaccountable places – on the tops of houses and narrow walls, in gardens and court-yards, enclosed by high walls and pailings, as well in open fields.

>The superstitious go so far as to believe that they are the marks of Satan himself; and that great excitement has been produced among all classes may be judged from the fact that the subject has been descanted on from the pulpit.

>The impressions of the foot closely resembled that of a donkey's shoe, and measured from an inch and a half to (in some instances) two and a half inches across. Here and there it appeared as if cloven, but in the generality of the steps the shoe was continuous, and, from the snow in the centre remaining entire, merely showing the outer crest of the foot, it must have been concave.
Replies: >>29826
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Why are ghosts often seen wearing clothing?
Oh hey that was me, sorry.
I work for the local Antenna repairs store in your area and we had reports of bad television reception in your neck of the woods and since it was still early morning, I didnt want to wake you.
so I took the liberty of climbing up onto your roof. 
sorry if you thought it was bigfoot or something (heh I do have big feetI heh heh heh...)

I also definitely did not stare into your bedroom window and watch you sleep either.

slightly related but not, you know that old saying "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it" ?

well Ive often wondered if a tree falls in the woods and no one else is around to hear it... do all the other trees laugh at it?
Replies: >>29827
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>nothing to worry about

Easy for you to say, heh
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And all this time I thought I had cable TV. That explains why I could never get re runs of Gilligan's Island.

It doesn't matter  if you stare into my bedroom, I don't sleep on my bed, I sleep under it.

All trees have a camaraderie. When a fellow tree falls they do not laugh, they feel sorrow. Now bushes on the other hand are a different matter, they do laugh when a tree falls since they share no allegiance with trees.
Replies: >>29832
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Replies: >>29835
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Heh, heh, like your hat
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Heaven's Gate website is still running if anyone is interested in joining.

Replies: >>29872
More like Heaven's Grift
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You think Ashley would join a cult if they believed what she believed?
Replies: >>29890
Probably yes, but most people would. It's irresistible without a certain level of soul crushing cynicism.
Replies: >>29894
Ashley is a victim of narcissistic abuse. She is her own cult and she's not taking any more members.
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So I had a dream about Ashley. It was one of those dreams where you wake up from where you fell asleep at but you're not awake, you're still dreaming. I was awoken from my sleep on the couch and I looked around the room for a moment and I couldn't hear anything at all which was odd because I knew I had went to sleep with a box fan on. So I began to lift myself off the couch and I noticed a faint light on the other side of the room hidden behind some furniture and I looked over to find Ashley bundled under a blanket sitting in a chair scrolling through a smartphone. I asked her what she was doing here and she just came out and told me that she was moving to the city to live out her dream because no one there would judge her and she told me she has a crush on her new neighbor who is trans and she was schlicking to her pics. I said I thought they were gay?, and she replied, It's only gay for men. Then she said she's here because her friends gave her some poor advice. So I try to get closer to her because she's right there and as I turn to go around the furniture between us, she's suddenly asleep in the chair but then she's sleeping in a bed and I have a flashlight shining on her face and this part seems a little weird but I realize the bed is my great grandmother's bed and I'm in their old bedroom so I climb in the bed with Ashley as I can still see her from the moonlight shining from the window and the radio begins playing which is something my great grandmother always did was sleep with an am radio playing as ambience and it's the guy from Coast to Coast AM and he's taking calls and some guy calls in saying that he invited Ashley onto his show to talk about Abraxas and she stole all his listeners on his show because she recruited them into her cult and that she knows what Manson knew! So I get scared and look over and see that the bedroom door is still open and want to get up and close it but I get this feeling that there is something in the room with me watching me but there is also something hiding in the darkness beyond the door that is slowly coming to get me if I don't get up and close the door so I quickly jump out of the bed and run across the room towards the door and shut it revealing a lot of old clothing hanging on the back of the door and the thing that was hiding in the room watching me is hiding in the clothes on the back of the door peering out from them at me and I freak out and that's when I wake up. What's even spookier is irl, the tv in this bedroom had a habit of turning on by itself but nothing would be playing on the screen and all you could hear was the sound of the channel it was left on and even when you muted the tv it would still sound like people whispering in the room when it occurred. I was told at the time that the tv was malfunctioning but one time the radio turned on and I remember my great grandmother having to turn the radio knob on and back off to get it to turn off as if someone had turned it on from the inside. It was years later that I realized it was the ghost of my great grandfather. The tv was taken by my dad after my great grandmother died and it never turned on by itself at his house. Anyway I had just woke up and was typing this all out and just happened to search abraxas on youtube and I shit you not these two videos were at the top of the results.
Also I intended to make this post in the confessions thread but I remembered my last posts in the /x/ thread were about cults and Gnosticism which is also weird.
Replies: >>30161
I always found dream stories with lots of details, especially dialogue, to be made up bullshit since people generally can't remember their dreams after awakening except for a few key moments that happened like falling from a building, a car accident, fighting someone, etc.
I can remember some of my dreams in pretty good detail if they're really funny, but most of them are boring.
I always found nde stories with lots of details, especially dialogue, to be made up bullshit since people generally can't remember their nde after reviving except for a few key moments that happened like going to heaven, seeing Jesus, meeting family, etc.

I have dreams I still remember from childhood and can recall them in great detail. I'm not going to defend the veracity of my dream. I still remember every dream I've shared here.
Replies: >>30173
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Replies: >>30171
I just shit myself looking at that. I suicide squidward'd my pants
this but unironically
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Replies: >>30309
Nearly every word in that link makes me recoil.
Haunted workplace anon here. Just had a small roll of toilet paper roll over next to my feet from the stall next door (or at the far end) as if someone kicked it over to me, except there's nobody else here but me. I'd be shitting bricks right now if this had happen in the basement but I'm upstairs where others are working so it's not so bad. Still quite Sp00py though.
Replies: >>30494
Well, it definitely wasn’t an Indian who rolled that toilet paper over to you.
Aliens Interrupted MID-ABDUCTION By The Name Of JESUS?
Replies: >>30507
Wasn't there a movie called Alien, Interrupted starring Ashley?
Replies: >>30532
I think you mean Anal Interrupted
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This was deleted from the video when Zak and Tim Tom were in the closet on their paranormal hunt. It was considered too scary.
Replies: >>30605 >>30606
Is that Deadpool & Wolverine?
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I drove on a supposedly haunted road outside of town at midnight and didn't see any ghosts but it was foggy outside and I saw some green lit farm houses so it was a nice spooky late night drive. I've also been watching this dude's YouTube channel who explores abandoned buildings alone, the comment section has various timestamps pointing out shadowy figures, moving objects and sometimes voices being picked up on his camera. Creepy stuff.

Replies: >>30625
When you finally understand that these things are real phenomena, you tend to avoid them as best you can. I never watch videos like this at night because they somehow always end up in my dreams and I wake up at night feeling like there is something in the room with me. I do believe it is quite possible for these things to haunt you through the screen so I only watch them in the morning once everyone is awake so I can have a full day of distractions to take my mind off it. Horror doesn't bother me but actual recordings do. It's said that you shouldn't look at the possessed directly and I believe this applies to all spirits. I used to go urban exploring as well but after having a few encounters, I will no longer set foot in a haunted place after dark.
Replies: >>30627 >>30641
I like looking up creepy stuff late at night, especially this time of year. But I hear ya, it does get to your head and hearing something as simple as the house settling can cause paranoia. I was listening to some scary stories at work and it made going into the basement alone much creepier, especially after hearing stories from other co-workers about strange noises and things moving. I used to take a dump in the bathroom down there because it was more private and I never experienced anything unusual, but if I get creeped out over a few scary stories, going down there has me on the edge, 

>I used to go urban exploring as well but after having a few encounters, I will no longer set foot in a haunted place after dark.
Please do tell!
Replies: >>30628
>taking a dump in a public place
Truly the scariest thing in this entire thread
Replies: >>30629 >>30633
I used to be a home shitter for many years until I had to go real badly at work one day and just went in the stalls and I've been comfortable with it since then. I try to avoid places like restaurants, malls, etc. which is why I always take my morning dump at home before going out into the world. 

When I went camping a few weeks back, I woke up around 2AM and went to a public bathroom at the park that was a few steps away from my campsite. I was expecting it to be like any other dirty shithole public bathroom but it was surprisingly kept super clean with zero signs of vandalism (it was in a small white majority town, go figure). Anyways, scariest part was when the lights out because it was motion activated, luckily it happened after I was almost done wiping, but I was expecting someone to enter the bathroom and kill me at any moment. I took out my flashlight and continued my business until suddenly the lights came back on, weird. After stepping out of the stall, I quickly washed my hands since I was expecting the lights to shut off again and hurried back to my campsite. I was going to take a POV pic of me inside the stall while the lights out and post it on here but changed my mind, though it would've been a nice photo to add to this story.
That's the reason I called the old /x/ thread parcopresis. It's the scariest thing I could think of.
>>I used to go urban exploring as well but after having a few encounters, I will no longer set foot in a haunted place after dark.
>Still no story
Urban explorer not so brave since molested by a ghost.
Replies: >>30642
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I've got your ghost evidence right here. Thpppppppppttttttttt!
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