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So there are a lot of men in western culture who are having no fun, and through some fault of their own have become neurotic shut-ins when they have the talent to do great things. They are raised to pursue women as the grand prize, and everywhere like a carnival game they see people try and fail to keep the prize.

As a hypothetical, if there were more women per man would that push back the gender war to the least functional fringes of the population? Would young men revert to a healthy mindset when a below-average guy with a decent job can get a below-average girlfriend? Would they just become vindictive cum merchants? Would women adjust their behaviors to the new situation, or would lifestyle inflation fail to ratchet down? Would this soothe gender ideology, or just throw kindling on the fire in the form of female angst?
>>31387 (OP) 
I don't value hypotheticals. I'd rather spend my energy on what is.
Replies: >>31390
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>>31387 (OP) 
Your premise is flawed. You assume more women = more availability for the "average joe." As the picture you posted indicates, women would simply share desirable men. The natural state of women is to exist in a harem, loving both the "alpha" male and her fellow sisterwives (women are bisexual by default).

If you want to make sure that there's a female available for every male, the easiest answer would simply be the near-total removal of female rights and the implementation of sex slavery. (Based.)

hypotheticals are fun though
Replies: >>31410 >>31413
>>31387 (OP) 
>Would this soothe gender ideology, or just throw kindling on the fire in the form of female angst?
Everything, every possible condition of society in any direction, will have female angst. They will bitch and moan every step of the way, it is their nature.
Replies: >>31392
Not if you beat it out of them.
Replies: >>31396
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Do you have a small vagina?
Replies: >>31397 >>31412
she has a gock
>>31387 (OP) 
If the numbers were very significant as in let's say 30% of population being male, then perhaps, but until then nothing will change, it's more complicated than just subtracting A from B. Consider for example that multiple women can share one chad and still refuse to mate with the weak, despite being in majority. In nature it often happens than only the leader male can reproduce anyway. The fact that women are in demand is naturally due to women risking pregnancy and then spending years caring about the child, when a man can just run around spraying cum and make thousands of children if he wants, so naturally a man takes anything while a woman has to choose wisely. Of course culture is another force, feminazism is a thing that makes it yet much harder nowadays.
Replies: >>31410
>>31387 (OP) 
All women hate men
Although I agree that ceteris paribus most women would prefer to be owned by a haremchad who has the endorsement of peer preselection, that is not the only thing that they are concerned with in love. Women in general do have desires for emotional intimacy, financial stability and a sizeable fraction even have a strong aversion to sharing.

Yes, the haremchads would have larger (and more submissive/exclusive) harems. There would even be more haremchads where there previously had been none. But the haremchads have limits of money, attraction and even their own libido. I don't know the ratio that would change things and I'm not super interested in calculating it, but I am certain it exists and hazard it is less than 10:1.

I am interested in whether things would repair themselves in such a scenario, or similar. I don't think things could ever "go back to normal" as if the old culture were just sleeping. I am wondering what the culture would be like if the gender culture war was won by one side.

I am wondering if romance could un-die with a few (tens of billions of) miracles.
Replies: >>31413 >>31414
Or you could just tape up your ballsack. No need to buy that underwear.
Are there any notable periods in time where harems were the norm? Shitskins need not apply, we're talking about actual human harems here.
Replies: >>31427
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>I am wondering if romance could un-die with a few (tens of billions of) miracles.
Romance is an exclusively male concept. Women don't have the emotional capacity to feel love, loyalty, or interpersonal connection the way that you do.
How many cocks have you sucked today?
Replies: >>31416
Sadly, none. Still working on my back and neck stretching exercises to be able to reach.
>Romance is an exclusively male concept.
Very true, you only discover this the hard way after a long time, women are only mimicking romance because that is in fact what the guy requires, women only calculate and pretending romantic feelings is part of it. They may themselves think they do have those feelings but they are not what the man feels. A man (even if he's cheating etc.) will die for a woman but woman never will, in fact she will leave her man as soon as she has the first opportunity to get a better partner, again it's an evolutionary thing. Women can feel true love towards their children (stronger than men) but not the partner.
>it's an evolutionary thing
for fucks sake
This is the same type of guy who says the female orgasm isnt real because hes never been able to give a female one.
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Hm. I can sit in my computer chair and hundreds of different women have given me orgasms, while I've given them none.
you will never have sex
No lol you misunderstand what my point is, I'm gladly admitting I'm a virgin loser by my own fault, I'm not sexually frustrated so my goal here is not to bitch about how it's the women's fault that I can't have sex, I'm not angry at women. There are incels who need to bitch and cry on the Internet about how evil women deny them sex to vent frustration, not sure if it's also the case here. Anyway it's not my goal, I'm really trying to give you my best advice, these are facts that I, and many others, have discovered, but it's almost impossible to convince anyone until he find out himself, so I should probably shut up. In any case the advice is this: if you want a woman to show affection for you, give her money and security, not love. You may give her love too but she's after the former, she'll be ignoring your love. When you go broke she'll leave you on that exact day no matter how many roses and love letters you give her. I'm not making this shit up, take it or leave it.
Replies: >>31424 >>31428
>When you go broke she'll leave you on that exact day
then what's the point?
I mean, wasn't that one reason why the majority of viking men were forced to raid abroad? GigaJarls hogging all the hot nordic women.
I could believe a different balance of priorities, but I can't believe in the total absence of female romantic love.

If man evolved romance as a procedure to authentically signal his intent to not abandon a woman, why wouldn't woman evolve romance to signal her intent not to cuckold the male? You can argue it isn't as strong an evolutionary pressure, you can't argue that it doesn't exist.
>Romance is an exclusively male concept.
Meanwhile romance books and movies are solely for females.
He could explain this as: The sensation of romance is produced by men, and assessed by women. Women can obsess over it because they are hardwired to rely on it, they love it passively.

Of course, this fails to account for divine archiveofourown muses. Every rule has it's exceptions.
"Romance" novels are all cuck fantasies
Replies: >>31432
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Have you ever read a female's "romance" novel? They're all basically rape fantasies. The chad billionaire/pirate/misunderstood thug/soldier literally rapes the main character's pussy until she submits to him. And yes, there's usually a "nice guy" that she "knows she should choose instead" that ultimately gets cucked as >>31431 astutely points out.

Women don't want romance, they want a dominant male with good genetics to choke-fuck them into submission. THAT'S "romance" for a woman -- the desirable male was soOooooOo attracted to HER that he just couldn't help slamming out her holes whether she wanted it or not.

Women are absolutely FUCKED in the head and the sooner you learn this, the better off you'll be.
Wow that's HOT! I want to cuck and dominate another man!! Sexually!!!
I only read Warrior's Woman because I thought it was a Lord of the Rings spin-off.
Replies: >>31437
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These are just the female version of Gor.
Replies: >>31437
>Chapter One

>Kystran, 2139 A. C. (After Colonization)

>The demonstration against boskrat killing had been going on for three days, with ecology students marching in front of the Fanya Science Lab, their projector banners flashing on and off in neon colors, protesting the need for the extinction of another species in the name of science. The anticipated riot had come to pass and was now in full swing, joined by bored and frustrated Fanya citizens on the lookout for a little excitement and tension release.

>If it were only the ecology people involved, who had protesting down to an art form, there wouldn’t have been any trouble. But the local Stress Clinic had been closed last week for remodeling and extension, and the unattached citizens of Fanya, those not having filed for double occupancy, were more aggressive than usual.

>“If they don’t get their sex once a day in the clinics, they think their world’s coming to an end,” Fanya’s Chief of Science had complained to Garr Ce Bernn, present Director of Kystran. “These young people don’t remember what it was like before we had Stress Clinics in every city.”'

I admit, I am very curious what "Stress Clinics" involve.


Gor is based ngl. I've only read the first 3-4 of them though, I hear it sucks later when the main character is changed into a native american or something.
Replies: >>31438
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Replies: >>31439
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Japanese healthcare system when???
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>Hey big bro, were you talking to your online girlfriend again? Why don't you talk to one of my friends instead?
because none of them have a PENIS. GOD.
Replies: >>31442
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You're in luck, Derrick!
Replies: >>31445
this never happens
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>pretends to be a lesbian
So also a mtf
I accept that men and women have different forms of love.

I don't expect women to have male-similar minds.
If I thought it was very important to love a creature that loves the way I do, I would prioritize genetically engineering lesbians with truly male-type brains and then give them stockholme syndrome until they became my wholesome 100 yuri wives.

To re-rail this thread: are western men too jaded to accept victory, if it were handed to them? Would they be totally blackpilled by a post like >>31414 or >>31417?
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This. They want the guy no other woman could get or the guy that every woman couldn't keep hoping she'll be the one he stays for. Women are hypergamous. They are always thinking is this the best they can do. A women will find the one and keep him on the back burner for that very reason and be seeing other guys on the side hoping that the one never finds out. They will say this was just a test to make sure the one was the one which just goes to show you that woman have no idea what they want. They will ask themselves why do I feel this way about this one guy and continue to get with other guys before finally attempting to settle for the one but it's usually too late. He settled for someone else. I know women are retarded because I was raised by one who was never happy and destroyed two husbands and a family in the process and is still single to this day and and will be for the rest of her life just like her mother before her. My brother's wife cheated on him with a black guy and died of complications from HIV. Women don't seem to understand that everyone experiences moments of weakness. If a woman sees this as a cue to go find a better man and not to help you through a situation she's not the one.
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"There's nothing like a good old fashioned hypothetical," he said.
Women are retarded. If you want a woman to leave you alone just tell her you love her. It even works on the ones who are crazy obsessed with you. Just tell them you love them and start acting clingy and they will leave you alone almost instantly. I don't know how it works but it seems to signal something in them that makes them lose attraction to you. If Han Solo had told Leia he loved her just before he was frozen in carbonite in The Empire Strikes Back he'd still be frozen in carbonite in Return of the Jedi. I'm not even a nilhilist when it comes to women but this is the reality. Romance is not real. It's only something ugly women think they want until they discover the kpop fan mexican cock carousel. Even after this I still say marriage simply for money is the absolute worst thing someone can do for a relationship. I've never seen a marriage for money ever work out. It's usually the parents who support this who mislead their children into believing this. There has to be mutual attraction that isn't simply skin deep. Money can be made. Looks fade with time.
Replies: >>31458
This is the gayest thread on this board yet. I'm so sorry you all have ended up like this. Please sort yourselves out before you get HIV.
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>tfw happily married to my wife for 15 years
>tfw took her virginity when she was a teenager
>tfw i converted jailbait into wife
Cope and seethe, faggots.
>If Han Solo had told Leia he loved her just before he was frozen in carbonite in The Empire Strikes Back he'd still be frozen in carbonite in Return of the Jedi.
This is why youre single, you fucking dweeb.
Replies: >>31459
>This is why youre single
Says the neurotic faggot.
the only romance novel I've read is "All The Beautiful And Ugly Things" which is about a little girl falling in love with an older man. You can tell it's written by a woman because the little girl constantly talks about little things like hating how a guy eats or how a guy smells or whatever the fuck. She doesn't get raped or cuck anyone, in fact the male cucks her with a teacher. Some women actually just want to get groomed.
Replies: >>31462
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Go back to reddit. Unless she got an xbox as a bribe to stay quite for getting her asshole pounded in by the older guy, she wasnt groomed.
The common thread with these romance novels is that women like dominate men. A weak beta male doesnt make an interesting 300 page story. You need conflict, protection, dominance, and passion. A man who takes what he wants is the highest form of romantic passion. Thats why women secretly love rape, rapists are proven dominant males. We cant fault women for preferring dominant males, because dominate males protect women in a primal setting.

Older male, younger female pairings offer the best outcome romantically speaking. An older male most likely has his life together compared to a 17 year old boy in high school. An older man can immediately provide for the younger female, and this will impress the younger female because all of her peers cannot provide for her. Finding a young virgin female is the only way to have a true successful long term relationship. The moment a female has other penises to compare you to, it's over. Pair bonding decreases with each male partner. Any non-virgin female should never be an option. Women can experience love but only if the conditions are just right. Restricting your female's internet access will also increase the likelihood of a successful relationship.
Replies: >>31463 >>31494
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>Finding a young virgin female is the only way to have a true successful long term relationship.
This is unironically the absolute truth, which is why the ((( government/society/feminism ))) works so hard to prevent it from being possible
>Restricting your female's internet access will also increase the likelihood of a successful relationship.
Also true, otherwise they do picrel
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I don't have to restrict Ashley's internet access, she does it for me. She's the type of girl that will end a relationship formally rather than cheating on the poor guy she's leaving with me and her granny gym teacher.
Ashley cheated on me with Whoopi Goldberg
I find myself both disgusted and impressed at how nice that can is for being attached to such an old hag
damn 🥵 granny has a nice butt
>the average 28 year old british woman
>Go back to reddit. Unless she got an xbox as a bribe to stay quite for getting her asshole pounded in by the older guy, she wasnt groomed.
The relationship in the book is complicated, but it starts when the girl is about 8 and the guy is around 20, so when I say groomed I'm trying to explain a complex relationship in a way that is recognizable without a long explanation.

Your post is completely retarded and makes too many assumptions about women that are provably false. Why do 30 year old teachers start relationships with their 10 year old students? How does a 10 year old provide for a woman with a salary? Is a 10 year old dominant in comparison to the other available males? Do women write long stories about getting raped by the average indian, or do they get raped by a high status man they are already in love with or attracted too? Why do straight women write male/male gay fan fiction?

Women's sexuality has many intricacies, but the most basic rule is that they desire relationships with men whose social status they believe is equal to or higher than theirs. There are many contradictions to this rule, in fact one could argue that women will actually fuck anything (dogs, horses, gigantic rubber torture devices, children, etc.), if they think it won't harm their social status.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you date a 13 year old, but thinking you can completely control a woman and prevent her from being exposed to subversive ideology is retarded. Unless you lock her in your basement, some love hating faggot is going to call the gestapo on you.
Replies: >>31495
Groomed isn't the right word. The word youre looking for is "based".

>Why do 30 year old teachers start relationships with their 10 year old students? How does a 10 year old provide for a woman with a salary?
Your post confuses sexual deviancy with long term romantic relationships. Women who are acquired in their teenage years, given that theyre untainted, have a much higher chance of producing a successful relationship than if you were to get with a 25 year old woman who has had multiple penises inside of her. Its not to say every older male/younger virgin female pairing will be a success, but the chances are much more likely simply based on pair bonding alone.
Replies: >>31501 >>31502
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>a 25 year old woman who has had multiple penises inside of her
just like ashley
>Groomed isn't the right word. The word youre looking for is "based".
And I'm the one being accused of redditspeak.

>Your post confuses sexual deviancy with long term romantic relationships.
I was pointing out the flaws in the argument that women's sexuality boiled down to attraction to a  dominant male. I was not disputing the idea that women would be better served if they were to start a long term relationship before the age of 18, however this idea still doesn't account for the corrupting influence of a post-modern and post-sexual revolution society.
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all u need 4 a gf is sum weed and a macdonalds cheesburger
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