/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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I interviewed Styx for real, but his original answers were totally unamusing to me. So I completely altered my questions afterwards and took his statements completely out of context. This is the result.

It's interesting after all these years you finally got to speak to the guy who posted your videos as an early teen on /pol/ thus creating a world-wide fanbase of well-adjusted individuals. It's sort of like meeting your childhood rapist for the first time as an adult.
>>13163 (OP) 
whose the vampire though?
the girl that still looks 14 after a decade, or the long haired, fang toothed sucker thats never seen sunlight?
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oh my god the vampire stole her tits
Looks shopped.
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>replacing your bed with a futon
Replies: >>13186
>>13163 (OP) 
For an interview you said didnt go that well, you managed to salvage it and put out an entertaining video with some great roasts.
Kudos Ash!

Note to self: If Ashley ever asks me for an interview, resist the temptation.
Sometimes if you look hard enough on xrays you can see the persons shit
Replies: >>13188
oh shit really?
I've been jacking off exclusively to mammograms this whole time.
well next time Im there,I will make sure to swing by the colonoscopy section at the local hospital
Thanks for the tip!
Replies: >>13189
Imagine giving colonoscopys for a living. What a shitty job.
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>>13163 (OP) 
Just going to post this here and say congrats on your 1 year anniversary of returning to make videos.
You've put a ton of effort into this and you've provided countless hours of entertainment and laughter for your fans all across the world from China to Uruguay.

So yeah, thank you so much Ashley Jones!
You da best!
Replies: >>13193 >>13197
are you from Uruguay?
Replies: >>13194
nah I just know someone who watches her that is
It has already been one year? Ash has been around longer now than the first time she was here.
>>13163 (OP) 
That edgelotd faggot mocks God, he deserves to be killed
>>13163 (OP) 
great interview, Sarah Jessica Parker aged like fine wine
Replies: >>13200
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kek based santa claus
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Kind of disappointed she didnt work in a "hey, why such a long face, pal?" joke but tbh you need to have a pretty high comedic IQ to come up with something that original
Replies: >>13236
this is a lot like me and Ashley
Replies: >>13251
Which one is me and which one is Ashley?
Replies: >>13259
who am I?
Replies: >>13263
You're clearly a lot cooler than you used to be.
Replies: >>13265
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You sure like talking to yourself
Replies: >>13266
That's because I'm worth talking to.
Replies: >>13270
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I guess you're your own best company also
Replies: >>13276 >>13277
That's correct, I'm CEO.
Replies: >>13290 >>13291
But I am looking to merger with another company ;)
Rise and grind bb
Replies: >>13291 >>13583
Replies: >>13583
You're gay too but for far less money. It may be back to work for me, but it's back to Grindr for you.

Ha! My family used to own your little bitch nigger mom. We did own slaves but I'm referring to the dog. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE REKT, etc. and whatever other pea-brained crap you Pavlovian responders answer to.
Better love story then twinklight.
Seabee's GIMP skills have improved a lot since back then
Replies: >>26004
I wanna lick her hairy armpits and suck her hairy pink nipples so badly.
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blocking me means you want to see me in person...styx
Replies: >>30610
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Why'd you delete the video Tarl Warwick? What are you hiding? I know what you are.
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Ashley, tell us what happened between you and Styx.
Replies: >>30608 >>30610
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>I know what you are.
Femanon detected. Post tits plz

Your screencap is retarded, the whole story is and has been out now for a while. Basically Styx tossed her phone to her (tossed to, not threw at), it hit her in the face, so she saw this as her opportunity to go after him. I'm no fan of  Styx but it's pretty obvious that he's an alcoholic surrounding himself with drama-seeking women
>internet tough guy
Don't forget to drink enough soylent before you go over (assuming you have the wrist strength to get the cap off)
Ouroboros symbol on a hat style I see rednecks wear thats pretty funny.
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What did he mean by this?
Replies: >>30623 >>30626
he must need a handgun permit I would assume.
Replies: >>30624
Why would a vampire need a handgun?
Got in trouble for tossing a cell phone at his gf's face, she threw a bitchfit and called the cops. Now he's on the hook for domestic violence. Being charged with domestic violence usually means you need to take some sort of anger management class and you're no longer allowed to own guns. He needs to get rid of his guns (presumably to the gun store owner), and this needs to be notarized to be in the clear legally. TLDR woman overreacted.
Replies: >>30630
Spoiler File
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This. Anyone even somewhat familiar with Styx knows that he's too much of a pussy to actually beat a woman. Ironically, if he wasn't, he probably wouldn't be facing legal trouble right now from some opportunistic whore. (Women love psychopathic criminals.)

Unspoiler image at your own risk. You have been warned.
The little dickens.
Damn, high school year book pictures are wild. No wonder they only show the face.
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He looks like he doesn't mind his wife with black guys.
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I think Styx should become his own girlfriend.
Replies: >>30637
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I think he has already tried that.
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