/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Challenge mode: Visit a news website without your browser freezing and CPU starting a house fire.

Post news stories, discuss happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
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Replies: >>29157 >>29159
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>Friday February 13 2015
unfortunately time has not been kind
Replies: >>29159 >>29189
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Does this mean we won't see any more support Ukraine shit?
Replies: >>29254
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I'm still flabbergasted this happened. If this occurred ten years ago, we'd all be laughing uncontrollably from this shit like we did with this. 

Supposedly it wasn't a gas attack, some furry mixed chemicals together he shouldn't have trying to clean his fur suit.
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I don't give a fuck about any of their stupid bullshit, I just want to be able to afford groceries again. I shit you not, this
was the same price as this
back in 2019 but now since Walmart no longer carries it or their great value brand, I'm only left with this as an option
unless I want smoke my own brisket
This used to be about the same price as a pork shoulder, about $12.
Meanwhile Trump will make it his priority to genocide the remaining 5 Palestinians.
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just heard the news. RIP wednesday, you were a good fap
Replies: >>29366
it's Thursday
Replies: >>29367
That joke was made 9 hours ago >>29345. The /ashleyj/ fan base has an IQ of 13 because I see this happen all the time.
Replies: >>29369
It's Friday
My proposal is to give the Palestinians a palestine-shaped state in the parts of western USA where land is cheap. They can go and live there whenever they want.

Then I'll do the same for Israel and an Israel-shaped state, put it right next to them. We'll have the whole situation play out in the middle of Wyoming.
Replies: >>29384
Hasn't the US got enough problems of its own already?
Replies: >>29388
Not nearly enough. Incels haven't gone super saiyan yet.
im still waiting for gamers to rise up
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Look what she was wearing. She asked for it.
Replies: >>29427
kpop fans lowkey need to be melted down and remolded into a better shape
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This is whole thing is very reminiscent of 9/11 and fake terror plots whether you look at it as blowback or western nations complicit in some criminal grand conspiracy.

"Germany said its relationship with Ukraine was not strained by the Nord Stream inquiry."

"According to the plan received by MIVD, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, was in charge of the operation against Nord Stream, which involved a small team of divers traveling on a sailing boat and was supposed to take place mid-June 2022."

In a recent interview with Axel Springer, POLITICO’s parent company, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denied any involvement in the attack.

“I am president and I give orders accordingly,” Zelenskyy said. “Nothing of the sort has been done by Ukraine. I would never act that way.”
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The guy who created annoying orange is now an annoying faggot
Replies: >>29775 >>29776
"WATCH LIVE: Harris and Trump debate — PBS News simulcast of ABC’s 2024 Presidential Debate"
Sep 10, 9 pm EDT:
No thanks
>is now an annoying faggot

watchu mean "now" fam?
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Harris is 5'4’", still taller than Ashley (4'11" never forget).
"NEW: Kamala Harris will have a miniature podium during tonight’s debate on ABC against Donald Trump." 😂🤣
Replies: >>29798 >>29805
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I heard that Southeast Asian women are so short that they go to Africa so they can ride the shoulders of African men just to know what it's like to feel tall.
If voting could change anything, it would be made illegal.
Replies: >>29843
Kamala Harris looks like Vin Diesel wearing a wig.
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I never thought this dork was funny and people would tell me how wrong I was. Feels good to be vindicated.

>Will Ferrell is no longer interested in performing in drag for laughs. 

>“That’s something I wouldn’t choose to do now,” Ferrell said when The Times noted the character “hits a false note now.”

>Ferrell told The Times that he’s certain there’s “a fair amount” of sketches from his “SNL” tenure “where you’d lament the choice.” He later quipped: “I mean, in a way, the cast — you’re kind of given this assignment. So I’m going to blame the writers.”
Replies: >>29811 >>30201
forgot link but ultimately who cares
Replies: >>30201
I watched the debate and Kamala Harris reminded me of this.
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Voting is illegal, it's technical term is called aiding and abetting.
Replies: >>29844
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Allan Lichtman predicts Kamala Harris will win.
Replies: >>29911
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Kamala Harris will win because the US deserves a short fucking stupid nigga brown cunt like her to be POTUS.
And the world deserves to be turned into a nuclear wasteland.
Replies: >>29914
You people are insufferable.
Replies: >>29915 >>29944
You people are just a piece of shit.
Replies: >>29944
I was over at my dads house yesterday helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school), “You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
Replies: >>29939
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you people are sufferable for some reason
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Here we go again.
"Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says":
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I didnt watch the debate, is this a real screen shot?
The latest Trump would be assassin - Ryan Routh also appeared in a Blackrock commercial just like Thomas Crooks.
Replies: >>29977
Man, what are the odds?

His wikipedia page makes him sound kind of based for a normie actually. Versus crooks he has a more interesting phenotype, backstory, politics, criminal charges and vigilante precedent but he is really really lacking in execution. He got no shots off.
Replies: >>29978 >>29988
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Supposedly, before any shots were fired, a secret service agent JUST HAPPENED to notice the muzzle of a rifle sticking through the fence in the brush, I'm told. Seems farfetched to me but I can believe it if the agent was a combat vet or sniper or something, which begs the question how did Thomas Crooks get so close with agents this vigilant in the first place or Ryan Routh for that matter? I don't know how they train the observation skill of secret service agents but I know military snipers can locate a single bullet and even a wire clothes hanger in a field from hundreds of yards away.
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Trump said illegal aliens were eating the cats and dogs.
Well, Ive managed to snap an exclusive photo of one of those illegal aliens eating a cat! Im thinking of selling it to TazMz and becoming rich
Replies: >>30071
Well, at least someone is getting some pussy. I'm certain no one here is.
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Any of you tubsisters floridafags? Looks like "Helene" is about to buttfuck you guys with her big wet stormy dong
Replies: >>30199
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First thing this morning I swam to our local Wendy's to make sure everything was all right. It wasn't.
Replies: >>30205 >>30211
Pussy to apologise for something to joke about eons ago like the tropic thunder joke. Least Ben Stiller didn't apologise.
>zooming in on the fry box
NOT THE FRY BOX. To be honest I dont think a hurricane hit that part. A boomer sitting in the Wendys dining area let out a fat fart and it caused all that damage.
Replies: >>30206
>A boomer sitting in the Wendys dining area let out a fat fart and it caused all that damage.
Could be tbh, only boomers can afford to eat at nice restaurants like Wendy's these days
Glad I don't live in Detroit
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Replies: >>30230
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what the shit????
че за хуйня не скрепно(
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Replies: >>30387
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Replies: >>30394 >>30406
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I love how everything is so hypercommercialized that just trying to do an image search (on basically any search engine) for something like "x files I want to believe ufo" is going to yield dozens of results like that one, where it's not a picture of what you wanted, but rather, a picture of a product with the picture printed on it (as a digital mockup, of course). For example, I knew it was absofuckinglutely so beyond over when I started to see people posting pictures of pepe stickers instead of actual pepes. Fuck redbubble (sounds like a hemorrhoid) and fuck normies.
Replies: >>30405 >>30406
I really love how some people try to find anything irrelevant to complain about.
Replies: >>30406
kek I thought the same thing when I saw >>30387. Trying to find images is basically dead, just like search is. You used to be able to search for a fairly niche image and come across exactly what you wanted. Now it's all either mulatto people stock images, images from news websites, or the image you want except on stickers, posters, etc. I use 4chan archives to try and find the images I'm looking for now.

Also whoever buys that soyjack sticker deserves to get beaten.

t. NPC who has such a low IQ you never even noticed because you save these images and think "yeah that looks good".
Replies: >>30409
Okay then let me explain. The reason why I used the I want to believe image was because I want to believe or some people want to believe that p diddy is gay and had gay sex. Since the image of p diddy having gay sex looks ai and fake I thought that it would be funny to also use a fake and funny image as a reply. Hopefully you understand the joke.
Internet Archive was hacked and everything was deleted including Wayback Machine history
Replies: >>30415 >>30416
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The ol' I was only pretending to be retarded
Nobody is criticizing the x-files image you dingus. People are simply talking about how when you search for an image, oftentimes you don't find the image itself, but rather an image of a product. I don't know why you chose to take it personally, however I do know that you're acting like a total cunt. Maybe more biological females really are browsing /ashleyj/ these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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>everything was deleted including Wayback Machine history
>trusting quarterpounder to have an accurate opinion
yeah no that's not what happened, I also suffered through most of the video you posted and he has no idea what he's saying (he even admits this in the video). I actually don't even particularly dislike the guy but this isn't his area of expertise and your statement is factually retarded
Replies: >>30418
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Don't listen to them, tubsissy. That's one of the best versions of that image I've ever seen. Here's the version of it that I had before you posted the better one.
Replies: >>30426
Like I'm going to believe some random guy on the internet. I'll wait for the snopes fact check thank you very much and then we'll see.
Replies: >>30419
If you're so confident then surely you'll have no problem pledging to post a high def photograph of your anus if you're proven wrong. Do we have a deal?
Replies: >>30427
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I didn’t need you to post an image better than mine. But thanks!
Replies: >>30428
But my anus is bleeding.
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Have you ever noticed that the Deep Ones in Cthulhu mythos are depicted as frogs and are similar in appearance to grey aliens? Lovecraft also states that these beings abduct women to breed with them producing hybrids. Similar to what the Nephilim are said to have done in Genesis in the Bible. The serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden is often depicted as a snake in Christian mythology but the Israelites would have recognized this serpent to be Mushhushshu (pronounced “moosh-hoosh-shoo”), a bronze winged serpent revered by the peoples of Mesopotamia. Bronze is known as a "red metal" and the Akkadian name for this deity literally translates to "reddish snake". The Hebrew word "nachash" which is the word used to describes the serpent in the Garden of Eden in the original text means serpent when used as a noun but bronze when used as an adjective. The small serpentine red dragon in Disney's Mulan is named Mushu (Moo-shoo). The serpent in the Garden of Eden tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil disobeying her husband Adam and God. Mushu teaches Mulan the ways of men which is disobedient. Also, have you ever noticed how frogs and snakes devour their prey? Amphibians and reptiles swallow their prey whole which I feel is a metaphor for how these entities who share a resemblance with these creatures seem to consume us entirely. In Lovecraft's short story "The Moon-Bog" whenever an inter dimensional entity was around, the frogs in the swamp would begin croaking loudly.
Replies: >>30429 >>30430
This post reminds me of the time when I rode the city bus during high school and one day this man noticed I was wearing a camouflaged jacket and decided to give me a history lesson on WW2 out of nowhere for the remainder of the bus ride.
Replies: >>30435 >>30452
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Replies: >>30431
How would they get the.062 miles with land masses as expansive as Ecuador and Mesopotamia? Would a simple 8000 miles not be sufficient?
Old people love doing this shit. I see it happen all the time to other people. I was at the doctors a few months ago and as I was talking to the receptionist, a boomer lady sitting in the waiting area kept interjecting between the receptionist and I.
>ask receptionist what the date is
>look over and fake laugh to acknowledge boomer
>receptionist asks my address
>continue this with every question asked
My theory is these boomers are usually assholes to all their friends and family, so they're starved for socialization and all of us waiting in line, taking a bus, or in a doctors office are their victims.
Replies: >>30437
My boomer neighbor stole something of mine out of my yard and now he claims it is his and it has always been his. I noticed it missing weeks back and thought someone had come into my home trying to steal again. I was invited into his home recently and noticed he had my stuff in his storage room. This is not the first time this has happened either. He has stolen an extension cable, tools, my lawnmower and one of my cast iron skillets. Each time he claims they are his. What gets me is this guy kept telling his daughter that I was a bad person and kept stealing his tools and always says shit like "he hates a thief". His son and later on his niece burglarized my home. His son went to prison for five years for burglarizing my home and he held a grudge about that for years but his son is a piece of shit who literally molested his sister. This guy lives on my property and used to yell at me for being in his yard (my driveway) and the last time it happened he fell down the steps and broke his neck. If I had complete ownership of the property, I would evict everyone but my family keeps letting trashy people move here and they always end up burglarizing and vandalizing my home. I'm supposed to own this shit since my grandfather died but my uncle is the executor and he has things hidden so I have no idea what the fuck is even going on now. My grandparents told me in 2016 that they were leaving me the property and some money and everyone in my family their friends and my neighbors have been trying to get me to abandon my home like it's some grand conspiracy of them all working together. Either that or the devil. All I know is that I'm sure I would have been evicted by now by my uncle if there was anything he could legally do because he has already tried to trick me by boarding up my home and saying the city condemned it, told me I wasn't allowed back over here because there was a trespassing notice against me and even sent some goon over here to scare me out of my home. I also caught my uncle sitting in the parking lot of my job and as soon as he realized I saw him he immediately drove away which was weird. Boomers are assholes.
sounds like you need to hire a jpop fanish attorney
Replies: >>30440
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Of course I can't say for sure, I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV but it sounds like your boomer neighbor may be suffering from dementia, either way, good luck with everything that's going down.
I want Mordecai but they never pick up the phone. I do suffer from what I suspect is impostor syndrome or whatever and sometimes I think what if my grandparents lied to me and didn't leave me anything at all and I go through all this trouble just to come out looking like I'm the greedy family member. Sometimes I just want to walk away from all of it but then I start thinking that's probably what they want me to do and now I just want to know the truth. Finding out I was lied to would be a knife in the heart. I recently also found out that anything that was left to my father who died before my grandfather is supposed to be left to me as well.
Tldr faggot
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And then what happened, Cletus?
Replies: >>30444
I shaved Ashley's legs.
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I don't think you understand what I'm trying to tell you. I don't think any of you understand. How is it that she knows so much about reptilians and their inner workings? I'll tell you how. She's using this board to harvest our loosh. Ashley isn't even human, man.
Replies: >>30462 >>30488
Boomers don’t take responsibility for their actions. You should call the police when ever he breaks into your home because the more he does it the more trouble he’ll have to face. You should have security cameras in your home since he keeps burglarizing you that way you have evidence.
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This but unironically
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The Argentinian Based Libertarian Zionist Pseudo Jew just stole all the gold they owe international financiers (more Jews)
Replies: >>30467
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That old saying "Don't listen to what people say; watch what they do." This is why even though I don't support Kamala, I still don't trust Trump who has said many times that he is not Christian and we often see him in the presence of Jews doing as they do. It's all political theater as they say. I believe Trump was supposed to lose last election so  these two idiots could be in the White house to deceive everyone into supporting Trump even more. Regardless of who wins, we're still on the path to economic ruin and war. They will merely frame it differently to the public depending on who is in the White House.

"When satan fails to tempt, he seeks aid from human devils."
- Masnevi Book V. by Rumi (1207-1273)

"In this way of life there are hundreds of devils in the form of men. So that you cannot trust all men, shaped as men."
- Rumi

Many Gentiles refer to jpop fans as "demons." 

Here we have excerpts of a jpop fanish scholar admitting proudly that according to the talmud, jpop fans themselves can be demons, and demons are literally, physically, an intimate part of the jpop fanish community. 

Please note: I am not saying this, jpop fans are. 

To be honest, I don't wish to believe it. And I don't want to dwell on it because the implications are too startling. 

I will summarize some of the key points from the clipped admissions: 

1. Jews and only jpop fans can be physical, embodied demons. 

2. Embodied jpop fanish demons are real, physical beings with observable behaviors that inhabit our planet and look like humans. 

3. Jewish demons physically move and interact in our world and cause events to occur. 

4. Jewish demons have ordinary names.

6. These jpop fanish demons are part of the rabbinic jpop fanish community. They are active  informants, teachers,  participants, etc.

6. Jewish demons can speak audibly to jpop fans and give jpop fans advice.

7. Rabbis take what demons say and integrate it into law. 

8. Jewish demons can coordinate between multiple jpop fans simultaneously. 

9. No other race or religion except for jpop fans has this intimate identity with demons, and only jpop fans can manifest as demons. Jews did not "borrow" this conception of demons from someone else. Jews are the only demonists in this sense. 

10. Jews can work with demons to deceive world leaders. One way they do this is by performing actions that seem "supernatural" to compel leaders to follow their instructions. (This was done to an unnamed Roman emperor to end his hostility to jpop fans.) 

11. Jewish demons can be physically stopped, injured, or eliminated (one of the jpop fanish demons in the Talmud was smashed underneath a barrel). 

12. Demons may seem scary to Gentiles, but for jpop fans they are allies, and sometimes they manifest, in embodied form, as jpop fans themselves.

Replies: >>30469
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This has nothing to do with jpop fans. You are just mixing up information up to confuse people. This is why no one takes you seriously and no one should. This is a prime example mind control, not letting people think for them selves, trying to force people to agree with you on everything even if it’s not true.
Replies: >>30472 >>30545
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>Please note: I am not saying this, jpop fans are.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it?

>This has nothing to do with jpop fans.
Then feel free to play devil's advocate but it will be difficult to prove otherwise with the devil contradicting what you say through his own actions and words.

>You are just mixing up information up to confuse people.
>13 Users
Yeah, because misinforming the 13 users of this board would surely swing an election. 

>This is why no one takes you seriously and no one should.
Who is you and how would you know me on an anonymous image board?

>This is a prime example mind control, not letting people think for them selves, trying to force people to agree with you on everything even if it’s not true.
Please explain how I am forcing people to not think for themselves? You are the expert on that, I presume. I merely present information. You make accusations that aren't relevant to the topic at hand. That's called pilpul. Are you a Jew yourself? Leave it to a kike to accuse another of sophistry.
>how would you know me on an anonymous image board?
It's the guy who always mistakes tubgurl.com for blogger.com. I always skip your essay posts or shit on you without reading any of it because you're easy to trigger kek.

>Yeah, because misinforming the 13 users of this board would surely swing an election
Elections are fake and gay just like you.
Replies: >>30474 >>30498
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>It's the guy who always mistakes tubgurl.com for blogger.com. I always skip your essay posts or shit on you without reading any of it because you're easy to trigger kek.
The only person who could even know something like that would be the administrator monitoring post ids but you believe what you want to. I don't care if you read my posts and I don't think anyone else would care either so there is no point in mentioning that unless you are merely trying to harass people here. I was under the impression that users harassing others here was recently made against the rules.

Muhammad not only had sex with a 9 year old girl but he also gave a boy a blow job.
Replies: >>30475
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You don't need special powers to determine your unique brand of retardation.
You just proved my point. Jpop fans aren’t the ones saying this. Also I’m not Jewish, you are very wrong and ignorant.
Replies: >>30480 >>30545
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Jews might worship the Satan but imagine how evil are those who defend them who Satan himself worships.
John 8:44-45

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
Replies: >>30482
I’m Christian. In case you were wondering.
Replies: >>30487
In other news, all of you are gay lol pwned
Spoken like a true Christian. When you appear before the judgment seat of Christ, it will not suffice to say that you were induced by others to do thus or that virtue was not convenient at the time.
Replies: >>30545
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The resemblance is uncanny. It's as if she has been toying with us the entire time. I just realized she has already shown us her true form on her on her webcam. It's very reminiscent of how the elites tell you what they are going to do beforehand and hide everything in plain sight using symbolism. I'm shook.
Replies: >>30491 >>30601
This image is pretty creepy, Ashley's pasty white skin makes her look like a ghost. I sure hope she doesn't haunt my dreams tonight when I'm sleeping naked tehehe ^___^
Replies: >>30561
I think Ashley might actually be a woman guys frfr
Replies: >>30495 >>30496
Maybe it’s like a surprise in a cereal box who knows what you will get
No fucking way dude
Hi, I'm actually that guy so you're talking to the wrong guy goofiepants
My mom says Jews have bad jeans but I never see them wearing any.
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Why are Jews so racist?
Why is Sam Hyde saying this?
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This really got out of hand here.

J-pop has nothing to do with this.

But the jpop fans are evil
Elections are fake and gay.

Thanks for the input on Argentina gold being stolen.
Replies: >>30546


Jhews turn into Jpop



Then we are on the same page here.

That guy is right lol

I thought he literally meant Jpop because I’m a newfag and retarded
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I'm proud to say I'm a jpop fan.
Replies: >>30563
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I think I know why Ashley is so interested in repairing electronics. She's trying to repair her space ship.
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I'm proud to say I'm a jpop fan fan.
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Zamn... looks like Liam really did go One Direction... down
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This is why I refuse to work home delivery.
>BWC Officer 1
>Officer Peter Liu
I've heard Asian men have tiny pricks but this guy is clearly overcompensating for it.
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“I don’t believe people should to be able to own guns.”
- Barack Obama

"We cannot let a minority of people—and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people—hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people."
- Hillary Clinton

Replies: >>30596
But she only had a knife?
>posting gore videos on Sister Ashley's board
Replies: >>30597 >>30599
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bruh he really tried to use the pistol against a brute you need the needler fr fr
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Only reason I posted >>30592 here is because every time a thread for this is posted on 4chan, it's instantly removed for some odd reason?
Replies: >>30619
She accidentally sent me this when I asked for a pic
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This is why I don't date harambabes. I think it took multiple shots to take her down because she was protected by her saggy jigaboobs.
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How does he keep getting away with it?
oh yeah oh yeah
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Replies: >>30646
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Where is my ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ face midget?
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Which of The Eight Schools of Magic do you belong to and which are your 2 opposition schools?
Ashley clearly belongs to the School of Schizo, that's obvious.

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