Oh ok I'm sorry I didn't mean to involve you, he looks like a handsome and nice man. I am again very sorry for your unwanted involvement in the gay conversation, consent is very important and I apolgoize vyer much again *bows* I am sorry *bows and backs away still bowing* please forgive me for my faggotry *bows* I do sincerely apologize *bows very low* I will not involve you next time *gets on floor, bows even more* please if you can fidn it in your heart to forgive I will appreciate that so much *begins licking the floor* I will sell my family and giveyou the proceeds as a form of atonement *drools and licks the floor, inching towards your boots* i am so sorry please I wish to have your forgiveness, I will sell my internal organs and give you the money if you wish, just as long as I have your acceptance and love again *vomits and shakes violently* please I am so very apologetic in this moment