/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss anything anonymously with other anonymous users.

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This is the technology discussion thread. Talk about anything tech here. You are also welcome to ask questions or request advice and some of the nerdy niggas on the board will surely arrive to help you. Possible topics: general computing, linux, digital privacy, technology repair, AI, revenge porn, programming, web development, and so on.

If you are one of the several normies on this board who unironically love Facebook and Discord, this thread isn't for you. You have your own thread here >>30052.
Replies: >>31801
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While the annoying and shitgurl-typical copy pasta of >>23805 is not wrong, an ActivityPub instance which would allow us to have more human-communal-realistic, long-term e-interactions, be more expressive with our already existing tubby-dentities and connect with non-tubbies, would still be tubtastic, IMO. I am hence willing to literally bombard the first tubsister hosting one for us with my _whole_ CP collection. A snac2-based [1] one would be preferred.

1: https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
Replies: >>31743
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Yeah I HATE being anonymous. It's terrible. I would much rather have another account I need to login to with a persistent name (preferably my real name) and post pictures of myself and stuff. I want to build a permanent reputation here on tubgurl so that I can get acknowledged by the other guys who also want to have sex with ashley (I will mog them lol). Besides, that's how the REST of the internet works after all!! Why not here too??
So true! I want to milk the maximum amount of simulated social interaction out of any actual topic of substance we can dicsuss! I hate having an indexable searchable wiki format because then people won't hop on the voice channel with me when they want to talk TO ME about my ham radio antenna design! What if they are a hot teen in my area and I don't know until they are breedable until I hear them squeaking about tape measure yagis for RFID direction finding on the dicsord voice channel? Oh my fucking god am I missing out on cat (PUSSY) because ash is a bitch??
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>make an account associated with all of your racist and edgy posts, anon
>i'll send you CP if you do this, anon
I am a retard, but even I know that craving a genuine connection on this board is for fools. If you have any sense of self-worth you'd realize it's your destiny to die alone with zero cunny. Better off taking research chemicals. LEGENDS NEVER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111
Replies: >>31749
Hey guys, do you plan on using normie social networks for finding a girlfriend? I don't think it is feasible to wait for them in the darknet mire and on omegle alternatives. I've found a handful of girls who made their own websites but it's typically just to host their music, run a business or set up a profile to get them recruited to a sport team during college. Cool stuff, but it isn't exactly a request for boyfriend applications. I could contact them through those channels, but that's either kinda deceptive or inappropriate.

I also don't like these specific girls. If I did I might approach their business end under the guise of helping them get letsencrypt certificates set up right and see if that attracts them to a personal website.

There are some techniques to set up accounts on platforms anonymously. (scrapeChads rise up) It's a bit of hassle, but at least it can help you make initial contact with them and then move to another platform with better privacy. That's the typical dating app advice anyway, "switch to texting ASAP"

But you've kinda got a built in problem that whatever you reveal to her on that platform, you expose to that platform whether she takes the bait or not. I could see some of the tubbers here posting their music on a social app (in addition to a self hosted website) and then going on a date with an e-groupie or two. I mean this kind of also applies to personal websites because everything you put out there is even easier to scrape than on social media.

Whatever you do, you have to consider that a lot of it will be identical to what you would do if you were going to kidnap and rape a woman, e.g. using a fake name, not using pics on socials. Her rapist radar should be doing the gieger counter sound.

Surely there's a based way to find girls on the internet?
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>Oh my fucking god am I missing out on cat (PUSSY) because ash is a bitch??
>I am a retard, but even I know that craving a genuine connection on this board is for fools.
What happened to that horny 16 year old girl that used to post here? She could have been mine but I was letting you guys have a shot at her out of the goodness of my heart.
Replies: >>31752 >>31757
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It sounds like your question essentially boils down to: "How can I meet girls online without giving up all of my info to social media / dating apps / other pozzed garbage?"

This isn't the answer you want to hear I'm sure, but it's more or less accurate: you can't. The good news though is that you, being a smarter-than-average person, would probably not like the kinds of girls you'd find on bumble or whatever anyways. The attractive women on these platforms are there to farm attention, money, and/or onlyfans subscriptions. Very few of them are looking for a genuine connection. Even if you COULD get one of those "good ones," you already know that, by default, she's a normie NPC retard.

Knowing this, you have two options based on your desired outcome:

>I want a girlfriend or wife
If you want a girlfriend or wife, and you want to find her online, your best bet is unironically to just groom a young teen on Discord or Roblox.

>I just want sex
If you aren't interested in a committed romantic relationship and just want sex, save up a few hundred bucks and get a nice looking escort, or visit an asian massage parlor.
Replies: >>31754
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>ash is a bitch??
Yes, she is, deal with it. I spent actual money on her hipster VoIP-thingy only for her to not even pick up once.

>make initial contact with them and then move to another platform with better privacy
KEK, I am actually currently trying this on a Japanese chick that I have been e-stalking for over two years now, picrel. My biggest problem is not having a personality though, so I am unsure that it will work.
Replies: >>31753 >>31758

This pic is clearly made with some shitty ai.
Replies: >>31755 >>31758
>le twitter treats its users bad
>continues to use twitter to farm for BPD pussy
>uses tiktok
>uses google translate
all it takes for FAGMAN to have its grip on you is some pussy. what a terrible way to try attracting a female. your message looks like spam and since shes on tiktok, twitter, and instagram, she already have 500 other messages just like yours with men trying to enter her sideways pussy.
Replies: >>31754
How do you fucking do it then. I cannot take the loneliness anymore. >>31750 basically comes down to the same strategy, no?
Replies: >>31756 >>31784
And youre clearly retarded if you think that image is AI. As someone who has spent countless hours generating the highest quality pictures of 3dpd 18 year old girls to fulfill my vore fetish, youre retarded and shouldnt speak with such confidence about something youre wrong about.
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Girls on social media are constantly getting positive sexual attention from other men. That is the entire point of social media. Without the positive attention, social media would get boring and no women would be on it. You're competing with hundreds of other men for one woman who doesn't care about you and only sees you as a source of validation for her. She wants nothing more from you.

Approaching women IRL gives you a much higher chance of getting a girlfriend. Even if you landed an internet girlfriend, you're still going to have to wait a year and play the "LDR" game until another more interesting man catches her attention, which will definitely happen if she's on TikTok or Twitter. Girls IRL hardly ever get approached by men because every man out there is like you and wants to play it safe by messaging 15 different girls on TikTok rather than just growing a pair of balls and approaching one IRL. I understand it's much more intimidating to approach women IRL, but you already have her attention compared to a TikTok whoer who doesn't even give your profile a second glance.
I don't know. 

If she was real let her know that my stock portfolio has tripled and that I'm even more good looking and muscular now. I'm ready to bong rip her farts.
This is the way. Zoomer girls these days so rarely get approached by men IRL that you have a much better shot at meeting them in person than online.

>her hipster VoIP-thingy
there are over a billion residential voip users globally so I wouldn't really call it a hipster thingy lol

Not an AI pic, there are others of her and she was definitely real. Sadly she got bored and moved on. She was cute in a sub-80-IQ way.
Thank you for the reply, anon. I needed the reality check. Sorry for the oblivious and cringe posts.

BTW, may I ask you if you approached a woman IRL before, and if so, how the conversation roughly went, how old both of you were, ETC? I have immense trouble even looking at female faces when I am outside, out of fear our eyes lock. I am also never really attracted to any of the ones I do catch a glimpse of and am speculating this to be a symptom of porn addiction. I know that the Ash does not believe in such worries, but do you have differing opinions?
Also, girls IRL are just kind of weird, IMO. They all walk around as if they own the place, straight up stare at you and walk with the back so straight it almost looks like they lean _backwards_. They all seem to be fashionable and apparently happily reveal how much they care about how they are perceived and how much they want to be looked at. They seem to be completely shameless. They seem to be so arrogant and ignorant. It triggers me.
Replies: >>31761
Girls are weird generally. If you find them obnoxious and retarded, great - you're a normal man. Rather than feel intimidated by them, you should flip your mindset. These chicks are, by your own admission, RETARDS. Why would you be intimidated by a retard? Use the anger you have to fuel your confidence.
Replies: >>31782
>Hey guys, do you plan on using normie social networks for finding a girlfriend? I don't think it is feasible to wait for them in the darknet mire and on omegle alternatives. I've found a handful of girls who made their own websites but it's typically just to host their music, run a business or set up a profile to get them recruited to a sport team during college. Cool stuff, but it isn't exactly a request for boyfriend applications. I could contact them through those channels, but that's either kinda deceptive or inappropriate.
I'd say you have to just go outside and meet women in real life if you want to find a woman to have a romantic relationship with. Not dating apps, because those are cancer. Find an organization related to something you are interested in, whether it is volunteering, reading, or making home projects. Communicate your concerns and interests, and make it clear that this is something you care about. You don't want her to post about you on social media. You don't want her to add you to her contact list. You'd prefer to talk or meet in person. If she is really interested and would be open to it, that would obviously be the ideal scenario. Try to minimize information about the two of you, and especially yourself, from being publicly available online. Try to dox her and see how far you can get assuming limited knowledge. Remove search engine results for her name and information. Encourage her to obtain a new phone number or email. 

Of course, at some point relationships involve a necessary surrender of privacy and security and if you want to continue it she may not be open to fully eliminating these aspects of her life. If you are that obsessed about security or privacy, then don't bother. If that is the case and you absolutely need sex, book a trip to Japan and spend a few hundred dollars on going to a soapland or go to some other place with legal prostitution. Prostitution is going to be the best option if you just want access to sex.  

You are not going to find a girlfriend on the darknet. It's not going to happen. Attractive women don't use TOR. The ones that do will not meet up with you in real life. Using TOR does not guarantee privacy, and they will have a personal life and identity outside of it. Most users of TOR likely still use gmail in some form, whether it is for work or school. They have phone numbers. They have contact lists. They have discord accounts. There is no clear separation between the users on the darknet and the users on the clearnet. And even the TOR network is limited in terms of its ability to ensure anonymity and privacy.
Replies: >>31765 >>31766
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Yes, I've approached people of all genders (2) and all ages. To get better at talking to women, you have to get better at talking to people first. If you can't even bear eye contact with someone you're passing by, you're going to have a very hard time mustering up the courage to approach a female for a conversation. This will take work, but that's why I suggest you have a different goal in mind first: converse with anyone. Old fat guy, gilf, little boy, anyone. This will build your familiarity with socializing in a variety of different settings and it will build your ability to hold a conversation better. It's easier to do this when you're talking to someone you don't want to put your dick inside.

If even that is too intimidating for you right now, you can start smaller by simply smiling at people when you pass by them. It will be awkward at first, not everyone will smile back or notice, but it's a small gesture that most people would interpret as kind. It's also an incredibly quick interaction that you're not "tied down" to. If it was awkward, who cares? You've walked past each other and the interaction ceases to impact you.

Whenever I talk to women, it's usually mundane small talk about pets or food, because every bitch has something to say about pets or food. They love to whip out their phone and show pictures of their pets, it's a good way to make them feel at ease and in a positive mood. Women love to be complimented, especially if you do not do it in a way that comes across as flirtatious. Commenting something positive about their clothing is the easiest way to talk to a woman. If you can relay to her, "my friend has a similar style, her room is like one massive closet lol" (its stupid but just lie) or in some way imply that you're surrounded by other females, you seem less like a "creeper dude" and more like a genuine guy who had something genuinely nice to say. The moment a woman knows you're talking to her because you want to make her your girlfriend, she will become annoyed and want to leave. That's why I don't suggest you start approaching women to compliment them, you seem too antsy for a girlfriend and it's clear you have your expectations set too high the moment you interact with a female (e.g. ashleys a bitch for not answering my phone calls, jap girl will surely get on the fediverse to talk to me since I sent her one message). By complimenting a girl in your current state, I'm pretty sure you would come across as your intentions being too obvious for the female you're talking to. No offense but just trying to give helpful goals to set for yourself in the future. I would also set your expectations that at least 80% of your girl interactions will go nowhere. This goes for even if you were a chad, it's impossible to turn every interaction into a winner. We just don't know what the female has going on in her life. Maybe she's a lesbian, maybe she's about to get engaged to her bf, maybe she's a sex-hating starfish. Instead, go into these interactions for experience, not for an outcome. If you happen to get her number or whatever, great, but if you go into the interaction expecting or hoping for her to become your gf, you've already failed. Your body language, tone, and word choice will show a woman exactly what you want from her, so set your expectations that this interaction is just practice or for fun.

Next time you're standing in line somewhere, start small talk with the person behind you. Even something retarded like the weather is a good way to get you used to talking to people. If you have a dog, start talking that faggot for walks at the park. Dogs are magnets for conversation. Girls always want to pet your dog, especially if its something cute like a chihuahua or wearing a shirt. You have to do some gay shit to attract women sometimes, because women like cute things.

For porn, I watch it here and there when I need to bust. I don't have any problem with pornography like some other men do. I use it as a tool, not entertainment. Use it wisely when you need to clear the pipes. If I'm carrying around 200 fluid milliliters of nut because I refuse to watch porn for 10 minutes, I'm going to be thinking about pussy instead of whatever it is I actually want to get done. A nut-carrying, horny, girlfriendless guy approaching a woman will be much more awkward than a sexually relaxed male. My two cents.
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I don't want to derail this interesting discussion but this actually triggers my tism so bad.

>Note: even though it originally came from an acronym, Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.

You may now proceed
Replies: >>31790
This is a really great and balanced approach. We need to understand that interest in online privacy is a very male trait. Expecting your average women to naturally have knowledge or interest in these things is like expecting a woman to know how to change the fluid in her car. Most women have a gmail, cellphone, and probably a private Instagram account to share pictures with her family. You can show her normie Netflix documentaries that expose the ill practices of social media and she'll be much more on board with the idea of online privacy. I've actually talked to a few chicks who go on a "social media diet" after watching those documentaries. A lot of them stop using social media all together.
>its stupid but just lie
King shit right there. Absolutely, 100%. This is a great post. For this anon >>31759 I have a couple of pointers also. For me, these are the "top 3" things you need to do/understand to make talking to girls easy.

1. No expectations
Don't ever communicate with a girl if you're HOPING and EXPECTING and DESIRING a particular outcome (e.g., "Things will go well and she'll eventually suck my penis! Please god, I just want to be touched!"). You've already lost if you do this. Just have the experience for itself. It doesn't matter if it goes one way or the other.

2. Amuse yourself, not her
You aren't there to entertain HER, you're there to entertain YOURSELF. Say and do shit that YOU think is funny or interesting. Her job is to come along for the ride - you aren't a clown to amuse her. This is why chads are always making fun of girls. It's not strategic - they literally just don't give a fuck and say whatever they think is the most amusing *for themselves.* Paradoxically, women love this.

3. Just lie
It's perfectly fine to lie. Let's say you want to talk to a girl. You can make her feel MUCH more comfortable if you introduce a time restraint. AKA, say "Hey, I have to leave in just a minute, but I wanted to ask you a question real quick." Maybe you have nothing else going on and theoretically could talk to her for hours. That's creepy as fuck. Most women are going to be on guard for the first few seconds you talk to them. This will immediately diffuse their fears, since even if you're weird, they know you're about to leave. You can also make up fake scenarios or stories or questions or WHATEVER. the point isn't to tell the truth all the time, it's to get a conversation going. It's actually quite fun (see #2) if you look at this as a little game you can play with yourself.
Replies: >>31782
Wow talking to women sounds absolutely degrading. I'll stick to dating sims.
Replies: >>31769
It is degrading, but the payoff is that you get to degrade them back when you nut on their face. idk, personally I agree with you. I'm perfectly happy with my copious amounts of free time, financial savings, and a highly realistic 20lbs of pussy and ass butt+pussy male pleasure toy.
I dispute that the graph should convince me that this is worse in young people today. I suspect you would see similar stats if you did this 20 years ago. I do not dispute that there are more young male virgins, I think their rates of success with approach are lower.

This graph only shows a 10% increase in the number of men who fall into the 56.6% to 62.12% of men who approach very little or not at all. If I presume that there is a slow flux of "nevers" into "not in the past year" (ignoring the "within last _" categories) it seems plausible that we see the 45.45% on the right drain ~15% into the 27.36% on the left as the groups on the right age, and take their rare shots. So the average 21 year old guy (halfway through the age range) in the groups on the right might have plausibly experienced about a quarter of his opportunities/incentives to approach girls, while the groups on the left may have experienced half. (presuming they are halfway through life? I can't make a better argument for this without knowing the average age of men all across the survey.)  If say 7 years from the beginning of sexual interest at ~14 to the age 21 are 25% of the opportunities, then young men are only 10% less approaching than men in general because the sum of the bars on the right is 10% larger than the sum of the left. This is only an increase of 5.52% of all men.

Then take into account the holocaust virus. That 5.52% of total discrepancy isn't inexplicable when in-person contact was literally banned for a while in a lot of places mature lifetime of this group. I could math it out and figure "Oh we would need this many months of forced seclusion to expect this percentage change with a linear model" but suffice it to say that if 1 year is ~13% of your sexually life, then these numbers show young men bouncing back surprisingly well.

The etiology of risk aversion is also suspect. My issue with women is that I am a autistic psychopathic narcissistic subhuman or something like that and do not have a good grasp of what women are in my league or how I would find something more valuable about them than their looks to choose them for. [spoiler]Or maybe that's a cover for some other neurotic issues you don't want to hear about.[/spoiler] I've been approached by women my age or younger like 7 times more often than I have approached them. [/spoiler](which was once, and it went okay before I bitched out) I could describe each encounter in details and we could debate which cases are legit vs women just talk to guys for no reason but I just don't feel like it. [/spoiler] I know I'm a bit of an extreme case, but any one of my mental traits paired with average or slightly below average looks would result in the same stuff. My point is that shyness is not the only issue that leads to under-approaching and adult male emotional/sexual virginity.
Replies: >>31773
It is a lot easier to get laid than people online seem to think. I would have lost my virginity a few times over if I hadn't chosen not to. Even avoiding it as I have, I've gotten as far as laying together with a girl in her hotel room after going to a movie with her. I left, but she wanted me to stay. Relationships are harder. They take investment and constant work.

For schizoid retards like there are all over imageboards, they are probably not equipped for a functional relationship. None of this is particularly productive if you want to have a family and children. But I will say that it seems like it isn't that much of a detriment in getting laid. BPD women will become obsessed because they interpret your aloofness as a challenge. 

Think of a bird buzzing around just out of reach of most men. Not too close, not too far. If the person tries to grab the bird or hold it, she flies away. And then that bird sees a turtle, and finds that it seemingly can't coax them out of their shell. They may even land, to get the attention of the turtle. The turtle can never catch the bird. It doesn't move, like those big obnoxious humans. Instead, it is totally stable. She can't peck at it's flesh. There is no way to harm it or annoy it. So it makes the bird feel good and is like the ultimate conquest to see the turtle poke its head out at her. After that, she will fly away. The turtle will return to doing whatever a turtle does. If the turtle doesn't poke its head out it hurts her in a way that the human never could. Even if she does not let herself be caught by the him, she feels that the human wants to catch her. If the turtle ignores her, it is like she doesn't exist at all. It confirms all her worst fears about herself, and strikes deeply at the inner psychological core of her personality. She'll probably break down and then try to forget she'd ever seen the turtle. There is no possibility of a permanent relationship between these two, but there is a pretty interesting interplay here that I've seen play out in real life.
Replies: >>31774
Spoilers are done with | pipes, see https://tubgurl.com/faq.html#post-styling

You aren't an extreme case. You aren't an "autistic psychopathic narcissistic subhuman". What you are is a guy with, probably, above average intelligence and empathy.

Intelligence and empathy are not without their drawbacks. For example, you're smart enough to question and deeply consider the information presented in the graph. That's great. However, that statistic of 45% of zoomer males never approaching females (or whatever it is, I am too lazy to scroll up) is making the rounds on social media and 4chan and such because it resonates with people. The exact numbers don't matter - they know it's true based on their experiences. They're not smart enough to question the numbers, and instead simply compare it to their lived experience and thus agree with it. Talk to any attractive 18-22 year old girl and ask her how often she's approached. If she's honest, it won't be that much. Girls complain about this subject constantly. It is true. Your intelligence causes you to hyperfixate on the numbers and such, causing you to miss the thing that's obvious to a retard: young men aren't approaching young women as much as they did in the past. Having been alive 20 years ago, I can 100% for sure tell you that dudes were constantly approaching girls. Nightclubs and bars were still a thing. You'd go out with the intention of meeting girls, and girls would do the same thing.

Intelligent people also tend to be more depressed and self critical. It's because you're smart enough to realize how awful the world is and how much of a fuckup you are. Dumb people - most people - just pigheadedly barrel through life, not smart enough to realize that they're too dumb or inexperienced or weak or whatever to attempt starting a business or hitting on the hot girl or whatever. And you know what? It works out for them. Obviously it does. How many times have you met a total retard that's rich? How often do druggie losers with tattoos and an IQ of 83 have a hot girlfriend? All the fucking time.

Empathy also plays a part. If you have no empathy, it's easy to approach women and charm their panties off. If you have empathy, you start running a scenario in your head that asks, basically, "how would I feel if that was me?" and then you talk yourself out of it. Basically, you're smart enough to know that you're a piece of shit and empathetic enough to not want to subject an attractive female to that. Dumb, sociopathic guys DON'T have those traits, and thus they get the girl. You, the empathetic nerd, will never have what you don't even try to get.

Once you start looking at other humans as an opportunity to test yourself, to make a game with yourself, to see how far you can push things and what you can get away with, these things start to be fun. Stop resisting the advice of "stop caring," because once you stop caring you can start having fun - and girls just wanna have fun, ya dig?
>If the turtle ignores her, it is like she doesn't exist at all. It confirms all her worst fears about herself, and strikes deeply at the inner psychological core of her personality.
That sounds amazing men should do this more often
Replies: >>31775
Agreed, but there's a balance that you have to find. If you literally ignore them constantly, you'll never actually get the girlfriend/wife/laid/whatever. It's not that you ignore them, but you make it very, very clear that they're in a "take it or leave it" position for you. If you're the one dude not slobbering all over her, well, you must be interesting and have something going for you. That's why the nice guy who is constantly texting her and giving her flowers and buying her things gets no pussy, but the guy who doesn't reply to her for a few days and gives her a bag of skittles for her birthday gets the soul sucked out of his cock whenever he wants.
Replies: >>31781
With BPD girls, its not that they think simps have nothing going for them. This is a very male way of understanding it. But the redpill and manosphere type dudes don't accurately portray the psychology of women. Girls like this have a two track mind. They'll often go between periods of using others to regulate their emotional disturbances, to periods where they collapse and engage in extremely impulsive (often sexually driven) behavior as a means of self-trashing when they can no longer rely on that relationship or interaction with men to help regulate their emotional disturbances. When this happens, they'll fuck even the most disgusting men as a way of harming themselves and trying to get attention. It's them saying, "Look at me! I exist!" My pet theory is that this explains a good deal of marital infidelity or cheating. 

The example I gave of them being hurt by the turtle ignoring them is a good example of a scenario which would prompt this kind of collapse. But another, which is far more common, is within a committed relationship. They have two great anxieties, which are fear of being rejected and fear of being engulfed within a relationship. Someone who treats her well and emotionally cares for her makes her feel like she is being owned and minimized, but also makes her feel like she is being left behind when he has any kind of boundaries or life outside of her. BPD women are like a pinball bouncing between feeling that that the person no longer loves or recognizes her (this turns into accusations of cheating and paranoia), and feeling the person is erasing her existence within the relationship by showing her love and affection (this turns into her accusing him of trying to control her). That's why these women are so fucking crazy and sexually promiscuous. 

To relate this back to technology, these women who are given so much attention on social media are usually mentally ill. Everyone wants to talk about porn, but social media addiction is far more socially accepted despite being worse (in my opinion). I've personally noticed that women who are terminally online using twitter, instagram, or snapchat, are an easy lay and seem to have terrible relationships. It doesn't matter how attractive they are. Especially if they know them in real life, where the interaction is more visceral, they are not above fucking some crazy schizo. But again, those aren't the women that you want to be with if you want a normal relationship or family. Normal women want someone who is caring and affectionate, but who also has boundaries.
Replies: >>31783
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Sorry for trying to shit up the board with chidols earlier. >>31761, >>31767 and especially >>31764 are actually incredible helpful and I have been too retarded to come up with appropriate responses since they were posted. I will try again later. Happy New Year.
Don't date (or even spend an extended period of time in the presence of) BPD chicks, problem solved. It's not that difficult to tell when a girl is nutty. These days they're basically proud of it and wear all of their "diagnoses" like a badge, so it's easy enough to avoid.

>To relate this back to technology, these women who are given so much attention on social media are usually mentally ill.
I don't necessarily agree with this. Social media, thanks almost entirely to the prevalence of mobile technology, is the de facto standard of living nowadays. In the same way that at a certain point in our near history it was normal for everyone to have, say, a driver's license or a library card or a home landline telephone, social media has reached a similar level of ubiquity. Something like 85% of 18-29s have and use at least one social media account. So, the women getting attention on social media aren't necessarily mentally ill, they're just doing exactly what nearly all of their friends and family are doing - using social media.

>Everyone wants to talk about porn, but social media addiction is far more socially accepted despite being worse (in my opinion).
Great observation and I agree. The handful of nofap/NNN obsessed guys that can't help but go into an 8 hour goon session after seeing so much as a png of a nipple are a tiny, tiny minority compared to the amount of people obsessed with their next facebook/twitter/instagram dopamine hit because someone "liked" their vacation photos.

>Normal women want someone who is caring and affectionate, but who also has boundaries.
Totally true.
Replies: >>31786 >>31796
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download grindr
Replies: >>31785
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>Don't date (or even spend an extended period of time in the presence of) BPD chicks, problem solved. It's not that difficult to tell when a girl is nutty. These days they're basically proud of it and wear all of their "diagnoses" like a badge, so it's easy enough to avoid.
I agree. But I was just giving an example of how sex itself is not something that necessarily needs to be pedestalized, and that even a schizo on an imageboard can easily fuck someone. 

>I don't necessarily agree with this. Social media, thanks almost entirely to the prevalence of mobile technology, is the de facto standard of living nowadays. In the same way that at a certain point in our near history it was normal for everyone to have, say, a driver's license or a library card or a home landline telephone, social media has reached a similar level of ubiquity. Something like 85% of 18-29s have and use at least one social media account. So, the women getting attention on social media aren't necessarily mentally ill, they're just doing exactly what nearly all of their friends and family are doing - using social media.
While most people do use social media of some kind, there is a huge difference between using social media casually and relying on it for personal validation and as the primary component of your interaction with people. For instance, how egirls use social media is very different from how normal women do. I think that most normal women think of their real life as more important and those social media connections they do have revolve around people they know in real life.
Replies: >>31796
what r u sum kinda reTord? You may now upvote me kind sir BAZINGA
>I think that most normal women think of their real life as more important and those social media connections they do have revolve around people they know in real life.

I don't know if I'm about to describe a thing that exists or an impression that I've had without empirical validation. I think that some girls use the internet as an audience. It's the same motivation as a girl or guy who goes to hollywood. Do you remember when you wanted to be famous? It's such almost an alien concept with how fresh it seems to me now, but I admit I recall feeling it and I do crave recognition.

Some evidence. I wouldn't follow the content of a girl who shows off her boyfriend, and egirls know this. Girls who show off their boyfriends (like in a casual way, photos and stuff) are looking for validation of their life and relationship, probably mostly from women? Like maybe some eccentric gay guys but I doubt.

Sigh... now I need to find a new rare mental illness (<1% of gen pop) to fetishize...
I'm thinking DID so she can cover for me if I commit crimes and if I get caught out just say her alter testified and the real her doesn't have any memories relevant to the alibi/testimony, yeah that'll work
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>>31748 (OP) 
While looking for Christmas gifts I stumbled upon this and thought some of you may be interested. It’s only $1,229.00 which is a pretty good deal all things considered, only downside is you need a government tracking device to operate it.
Can put an AI in it that loves me?
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BEEP BOOP hey anon, can you please drive me to a thrift store? BEEEP I want to find more tapes for my answering machine.
Replies: >>31824 >>31838
Where can I buy this one? I'm going to make it dress up like a girl
>The solution proposed by the research team uses Wi-Fi signals, which can be tuned to detect everything from heartbeats to movements through walls. This is achieved through the use of artificial intelligence, which interprets Wi-Fi signals to track human movement.Training AI models for this purpose has been challenging due to the need for large labeled data sets.To address this problem, the team developed “MaskFi”, an AI-based system that uses unsupervised learning.This approach allows you to train models with smaller data sets and refine them over iterations until you reach a high level of accuracy.

>Not only could it improve the user experience in the metaverse, but it could also have applications in areas such as health and safety. For example, it could be used to monitor people’s well-being in real time or to detect intruders in protected environments.

Replies: >>31833
this is why I don't use wifi in my house. ethernet only. ashley is the only other person I've met that does this. not so schizo now huh fuckers (except everyone reading this will continue to use wifi)
Replies: >>31839
FYI I spent an hour GIMPing this image. No AI, just pure photo manipulation talent. I feel like the use of AI has taken away my accolades at such a great GIMP job. Please recognize my great use of color correction, temperature adjustment, cutting and cloning the eyebrows higher up, the warp tool's "move", "shrink" and "grow" settings, as I used those tools to change the shape of this trannys face, nose, lips, and eyes >>31801 into this attainable 5/10 female >>31811. Thank you.
Replies: >>31844
>this is why I don't use wifi in my house. ethernet only. ashley is the only other person I've met that does this. not so schizo now huh fuckers (except everyone reading this will continue to use wifi)
There are a lot of good applications for WiFi on a home network. The problem, as far as privacy and security are concerned, is poor implementation.
Replies: >>31861
It looks great. I would much rather see more GIMPed images that were made with effort and creativity than some AI slop.
>There are a lot of good applications for WiFi on a home network.
Such as? All I can think of are IoT devices which are all terrible and impractical.
Replies: >>31863
Um excuse me? It's really convenient that I can remotely warm up my toilet seat while I'm brewing a stinky surprise as I goon in my room. What do you even do when you use the bathroom without an Alexa reading you a wikipedia article about Toyota's 2003 airbag recall?
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Hello Ashley you call technical support last night late asking for help with your laptop but we end up having sexy talk for 2 hours and it was great fun. The after you told me about your website and I really like what I see. I have dream that you and I hit marriage and we have lots of children you work cleaning house. Anytpways this is us when we have go wedding next week. I love you wife.  Also how is your laptop doing I hope it is well you’re welcome.
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>tell people not to use telegram for years
>it's good bro just get it
>bro it has like encryption and stuff
>telegram CEO gets arrested
>telegram removes section from their privacy policy about, y'know, providing privacy to users
>point this out
>still get called schizo
>people are still using telegram right now
>I could send them this article and they'd still continue to use it
you get what you deserve
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>(Bloomberg) -- The sister of Sam Altman accused the OpenAI chief executive officer of sexually abusing her for almost a decade, in a lawsuit filed in federal court. 

>Ann Altman, 30, alleged that Sam Altman abused and manipulated her while they were growing up in Missouri in the late 1990s to early 2000s. According to the lawsuit filed Monday, the alleged abuse began when she was 3 years old and the last instance allegedly occurred when he was an adult but she was still a minor. Ann Altman has previously claimed on social media that Sam Altman abused her. 

Quick, someone ask ChatGPT how to get away with diddling your little sister

Replies: >>32069
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Replies: >>32068
Spoiler File
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Wait... are you telling me that there might be antennas in these, too?
Gay guys can molest their sisters and it's wholesome chungus, get with the times incel chud
When I began using the Internet and electronic mail early 2001, one of the first things I learnt was that people who contacted me anonymously or pseudonymously were people with bad intentions. This observation has held true for well over two decades without a single exception. Examples of bad intentions are wanting to commit fraud with tests, to insult, or to get money through confidence violation. I learnt that good, honest people always communicate openly under their proper identity, and I learnt to never respond to anonymous or apparently pseudonymous messages. I value it that the reader knows how deeply I despise the faceless cowards from which such messages originate.

I also observed that security measures, such as antivirus programs, firewalls, and the use of password protection, tended to have a crippling effect, slowing down one's electronic computer and oneself, and restricting one's freedom to act. I understood that security is not the solution; that the real solution is to track down and neutralize the individuals that necessitate security in the first place: the virus makers, the crackers, the scammers. Once those are removed and their multiplication stopped, no security measures are needed any more because there is safety then. The felt need for security is a symptom of a sick society, and the solution is to heal society, not to surround oneself with protection. But the issue of security and its undesirability is already addressed in other places, so I will focus the present article on Internet privacy, which is a related though different topic.
Internet privacy

It is often recommended to children never to use their real names online. And with all the scum around, I will not blame children for following that advice in general. However, when it comes to taking high-range I.Q. tests such as I deal with, false names can not be tolerated, and if one is so young that one still needs the protection of a false name, my view is that one is also too young to take high-range tests. For anyone who is not a child, I find the use of false identities unacceptable.

Still, ever more adults go under false identities now, and employ ways of secrecy such as virtual private networks, proxy servers, the Tor browser, anonymized smart telephones, encryption of data and messages, or crypto-coins. These people have something to hide, like intentions to do bad things. And since they encounter the problem that web locations and services ban them for using the named methods of obfuscation, they are actively promoting the use of those privacy devices among normal people, whom they call "normies" and ridicule for saying they have "nothing to hide". For if the use of virtual private networks, excessively "private" browsers and so forth becomes mainstream, it will no longer be considered suspect, one will no longer be blocked for it, and those who use false identities and other ways of hiding will have more freedom to operate. That is, those with bad intentions will have more freedom to operate.

Broadly speaking, two sets of reasons are put forward to incite the public to "take Internet privacy more serious", in other words hide one's identity when going online: (1) Large corporations track you across web sites, store all of your information, and use it to show you personalized advertisements, and (2) Government agencies collect all of everyone's data and keep it forever more, and the day may come that online-expressed opinions that violate official narratives will get you in trouble with the law, make you lose your job, have your bank account closed, and other serious matters.

Regarding (1), personalized advertisements may be annoying but are otherwise benign. The worst thing that can happen is that someone watches over your shoulder while you are online and wonders why you are getting all these advertisements for women's underwear or whatever. But then, what may also occur one day is that, based on your stored information, corporations decide to curtail or end their service to you, censor you, or turn you in to the authorities. And (2) the danger of government agencies coming after you for dissenting seemed like something from dystopian dictatorships until a few years ago, but unfortunately we have seen it too often in civilized countries since 2020, so that this possibility should now be taken seriously. It goes without saying that people involved in crime or terrorism may also be caught by tracking their online activities, and no one in his right mind could object to that (fanatic defenders of privacy do, though, which is a reason to distrust them).

The important question is how to deal with the genuine risk that a bona fide person runs from corporations and authorities, as stated in the previous paragraphs. Are all these voluntary self-restrictive privacy and security measures the way to go? Or should we instead focus on repairing the unsafe situation and restore safety, rendering said measures superfluous? Obviously, the latter is the only option for any self-respecting individual; the former amounts to surrendering to tyranny while at the same time helping criminals and terrorists operate in anonymity by mainstreaming their methods of obscurity. Instead of surrounding ourselves with debilitating protective measures to avoid getting caught for doing nothing wrong, we must stop the advance of techno-feudalism and reclaim the occupied institutions that have subverted our democracies. This can not be done in anonymity and secrecy, but only out in the open under one's real name. And yes, that does bring with it the risk of becoming a target of government and corporate tyranny; but whatever you have said anonymously or pseudonymously, you have not said at all, so it is necessary to be brave. Utterances are only meaningful if they have real people behind them who stand for their convictions regardless of the consequences. In fact, it has been my conviction for decades that anonymity on the Internet should be made impossible to facilitate detection and removal of criminals and terrorists.

By way of analogy, perhaps it helps to consider that by buying and using recreational drugs, you are helping (funding, sponsoring) the producers and sellers of those drugs, and that makes you as despicable as they are. Similarly, as a good person, by using online privacy techniques on which criminals and terrorists rely, you are helping those criminals and terrorists carry out their deeds anonymously, because you are making those techniques respectable and less suspect. That is why people who have something to hide are so actively promoting those techniques, and ridiculing you for saying "I have nothing to hide".

The only serious danger related to the privacy hype is the possible political persecution of dissenters based on stored personal data, collected by governments or corporations who may pass it on to governments. This problem should be tackled in the political and societal planes by rebuilding the institutions and societal segments that have become excessively biased. Locking oneself up in a self-chosen prison of privacy and security is not the solution, and has the additional disadvantage of benefiting those who utilize privacy and security to hide their malicious activities.

Data collection for commercial purposes is more an annoyance than a threat, and there may not even be an ethical basis to deny companies the right to do this, while on the other hand companies can not ethically deny customers the right to defend themselves against it. The best solution (to commercial data collection) is to avoid companies that invade one's privacy, and actively seek and support alternatives, which may be difficult in fields where there is effectively a monopoly or oligopoly. By way of compromise, one may implement some privacy or security measures where no good alternative is found, but one should realize that this is not the final solution.

Oh no tubbers I've been owned? I should jsut trust the science and the coprorations?
>Oh no tubbers I've been owned? I should jsut trust the science and the coprorations?
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One of the best posts I've read here, I'd love to contact you but HOW do I do it without namefagging?
Replies: >>32113
Sorry, didn't mean to make you want to contact me.
Replies: >>32125 >>32129
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Ah okay, I won't bother you then, thank you anyway :]
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>In fact, it has been my conviction for decades that anonymity on the Internet should be made impossible to facilitate detection and removal of criminals and terrorists.

People who believe as you do are why we can't have nice things. I was enjoying your post until I read this part. Prohibition always makes the criminal underground come back stronger and violent as ever.

>This problem should be tackled in the political and societal planes by rebuilding the institutions and societal segments that have become excessively biased.

How, though? Hasn't every political group who has ever come to power attempted this in some way or another? There is no perfect system. That is why the United States Constitution states, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union" rather than just stating a perfect union; something that isn't humanly possible to achieve. Every time it has been tried by others, it ultimately ends in human disaster.

You seem to have a grasp on the spirit of the time but ultimately you aren't providing anything sufficient other than a well-worded account based on your anecdotal experience. No different than the disgruntled employee who complains about their job to another employee by stating what's wrong with the system and what they would do different if they were in charge without understanding why the system works that way to begin with. Human beings are always going to need to have a choice whether it be the illusion of choice or not. No free man should want to live under the tyranny of monotony.
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anyone here using niri? scrollable-tiling avoids messy, constant window resizing and encourages a less mentally taxing 1d layout, imo, see vidrel. 🔥🔥
Replies: >>32294 >>32295
Please go be brown elsewhere
Replies: >>32297
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Sorry, I use XFCE with I3

(Debian user btw)
Replies: >>32298
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>(Debian user btw)
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This is neat but I don't think I'd use it. Workspace switching with a convenient keybinding (like super+n and super+p) seems much snappier and more organized than an endless horizontal workspace. The phone-like "swiping" animation is also vomit-inducing (for me). Just my opinion, happy for you if you like it. Also this is the cute gurls thread, not the technology thread.

Ubuntu might be debian-based but they're quite different distros. Your joke is cringe and suggests you haven't used either
>Your joke is cringe and suggests you haven't used either
Why would I use trash?
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Luke Smith and /g/ ruined an entire generation of men.
Replies: >>32315 >>32320
Windows user I take it? What are you even doing here?
Replies: >>32315
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>Why would I use trash?
Great question, why do you? I have no doubt you're a Microsoft user and a smartphone owner. If you've done anything with technology beyond checking your "socials" and watching porn, you're likely to encounter Debian and/or Ubuntu based systems. Combined they're responsible for over half of the market share for all servers. You are retarded.
Replies: >>32315
picrel was meant from my pov or whatever.. okay?? i certainly know more than you 🙄
Replies: >>32312 >>32316
also that girl mad ugly you fag 😆😆
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as in, i was telling it to you (i am the wolf). kinda funny that you would think you were the wolf anyway, jej. this elitism as well.. yikes. you should know better
man im really angry rn
cant have nice things on tubgurl
I'm on Arch btw
Replies: >>32320
>i certainly know more than you 🙄
>unironically uses emojis
Sure thing, buddy.
Replies: >>32317 >>32318
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god i hope you are that east european sperg 😭

you are cool man, but kinda remind me of that cat-v sissy.. recently seemed like you wanted to avoid writing "posix" when you called your static site generator "unix shell compliant" or whatever, geg. are you into plan9 by any chance? they dont seem to like posix much either (pretty cringe imo).
also if you are that guy, i wanna try to get to north america with you. the route i have in mind is quite dangerous alone and we could open a hardware repair shop or whatever in montana or so. could be chill, let me know
Replies: >>32322
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Hence why I said >>32305

In any case, I don't necessarily have a problem with Arch/Artix. The AUR seems convenient and pacman is intuitive to me. It's just not that useful in the grand scheme of things. It's a hobby distro which can be very efficient on older, less powerful hardware. I tend to leave it at that.

The entire environment around it seems confused to me. I don't understand why people these days, whether they are memeing or not, continue to believe that anyone who uses Arch is/should be an "advanced user". Arch-based distributions like Manjaro/Garuda/Endeavour have far more hand holding than base Debian. Any retard can use a graphical installer and then install an AUR helper. This is all way easier to install and use than Debian. Then you go onto any forum related to Arch and the assholes there pretend as if it is ridiculous that people don't know x, y, and z about their own operating system. They will eventually have to adjust to the fact that Arch is no longer an operating system for "advanced users".
Replies: >>32324
>we could open a hardware repair shop or whatever in montana
NTA but do consumers even bother to have hardware of any kind repaired anymore? Don't they just buy new long before their macbook or cell phone is obsolete or broken?
Replies: >>32349
base Arch is easy
Replies: >>32325
Yes. It always has been if you were capable of copy+pasting from the wiki.
So my technologically impaired old retard parents got scammed by some pajeets. My mom googled a "X company phone number" and selected the first result that popped up and proceeded to business with them. Alls I have is their phone number. Is there anyway to seek revenge?

Also, Ashley please tell your husband to use a better indian voice changer next time. I now know this is how you survive without a 9 to 5 wagecuck job. this plausible accusation is a joke sirs
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I don't think there's anything you can do easily that is super cool. Try to revert any payment, report them to the FTC, blah blah blah. Not an expert, I just doubt you can track them down from a number they were probably counting on getting burnt anyway.

However, I am working on a super secret surprise project that will pay back every second subcontinental scam callers have taken from us seven trillion fold.
Generalize your anger against all pajeets. All of them are the same, and I don't think America has a cyber extradition treaty with them. Target rich pajeets and steal all of their money. Fight fire with fire.
Why are you mad at the pajeets? Your mom is the dumb retard here. She took all the actions to harm herself. It's like leaving your debit card on a checkout counter and being mad that someone takes it. Stop being a dumb retard. Pajeets will be pajeets. Teach her to do better. No amount of revenge will fix your mom's retardation.
Replies: >>32345
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>Is there anyway to seek revenge?
No. Your mom's money is gone forever. The police/government will take your statement but nothing will ever come from it. Scams, particularly against stupid boomers, are incredibly common. I hate to say it, but >>32344 is actually 100% correct. You either have to educate your mom on common scams and pretty much watch her like a hawk, or take steps to remove her ability to have access to phone/internet. Old boomer women are the most gullible demographic by a huge margin. If she has access to money, make no mistake about it, your inheritance is at risk.

Replies: >>32362
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How did they do it, bros?
Replies: >>32361
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(You) are probably right. Maybe a more general repair shop for (E-)bikes, cameras, ETC, could work, or, hear me out, additionally offering hardware/firmware Mods. I have experience with coreboot as well as writing my own (shitty) boot firmware and there seems to be somewhat of a market for these preconfigured "freedom-respecting computers". Even already refurbished ThinkPads can be easily found on Alibaba, but ordering from China like that might be harder in the US now, no? Alternatively, we could go all in on this hipster "doomsday computer" trend and 3D print our own cases or do some wood carving, LEL.

Anyway, just noticed picrel. Take care of yourself and do not stress, bro, love you (<3). I also love (You)(>>32322), of course, but the red background in picrel was quite worrying, so I had to add that ITP, sorry. This mission, at least, will take much more time to plan, HEH.
You accused me of being Drummyfish the other day and now you're accusing another anon (who probably also isn't him) of being Drummyfish. There are plenty of mentally unstable autistic bisexuals on this board aside from Drummyfish. I say this as someone who likes Drummyfish but lives in reality.
thank you <3
indeed wasn't me but now MAYBE it's me, it will remain a mystery because we can't namefag, but thank you all anyway, everyone here is very sweet (-: now let's not break the flow of the conversation further
Is that what happened in Tienanmen Square?
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I'm scamming Ashley right now by pretending to be one of those tech faggots she likes talking to.
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What is picrel? Did Ashley post that? Seems like some pussy ass faggot shit a non-binary person would post.
>autistic bisexuals
Yeah but only ashley is fuckable. The rest of you look like picrel.
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I'm going to buy this. Fuck you, Ashley.
Replies: >>32387
yo who tf is cummyfish
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Gummi Ship?
enjoy your AIDS
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Ashley should take a break from repairing VCRs and start fixing air fryers.
I Bought and Installed a Payphone (Not me, it's the name of the video.)
Anyone have an RTX 4000 series GPU? I'm thinking of upgrading from a 2080 to a 4070 OC. I originally wanted a 4080 but scalpers took them all. The 4070 Ti is unavailable also.
Replies: >>32425
is it for gayming or something else? if it's vram your'e after the 3090 is still the best price vs performance
Replies: >>32426
Mostly for gayming. I have an R7 5700x3d and 32gb RAM, since there's a shortage of GPUs, I'm worried the 4070 won't last long on the shelves. My work covers up to $1500 in electronics so I can wait it out a while longer and hope to see a 4080 restocked or be stuck with my 2080 until the AM6 chipsets release and do a fresh build then.
Replies: >>32427 >>32429
grow up. the only reason to buy a gpu these days is local inference or getting rce turboaids by leasing your hardware through one of the many marketplaces.
you can play any games worth playing with what you already have. if your work gives you 1500 and you'll loose it if you don't spend it just buy a 3090 or 4090
Replies: >>32429
In that case it sort of depends on what you want to play. If you're not into the latest AAA slop, then >>32427 is right, more or less. (Although I think video games are fine as a hobby, as long as you don't let some MMORPG or gatcha game take over your life and wallet.) You don't need 4000 series if you're going to use it to play RPG Maker games.

That being said, yeah, if you somehow lose out on the $1500 if you don't spend it, buy the best shit you can get. If you truly didn't need/want it, couldn't you just sell it?
Replies: >>32430
I decided to wait until either a 4080 or 4090 is restocked. The 2080 is still a great card that runs everything I enjoy playing, I want to upgrade for STALKER 2 but it's still being patched so I probably won't be playing it until this Winter or next Spring. You're right, I may as well use that money towards something amazing. I won't lose the $1500 unless I get fired, I can hang on to it as long as I want.
Replies: >>32431
>I want to upgrade for STALKER 2
Ok that's actually a pretty badass reason to want the upgrade. I sunk many hours into the original but I haven't tried the second yet. If any tubsissies want to post about it in the vidya thread I'd read it.
Replies: >>32525
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Firing the Lorentz Plasma Cannon
Thought this was fun, Don't neglect blacking your tapes X)
Another option is the Radeon RX 9070xt. I prefer Nvidia even though they are a bunch of jpop fans, they have better technology/hardware than AMD. However, the RX 9070xt is cheaper than the 4070 Ti and is almost as powerful as the 4080. I haven't owned an AMD card since the HD 5870 which lasted me for about 6 years before upgrading to the GTX 1080 which I later replaced with the 2080 when I got a good deal.
Replies: >>32527
>Jpop fans
Ashley you should use 'juicy smoochies' as a word filter for j e w s
Replies: >>32529
kek I support this initiative

I thought at first you wrote "juicy smoothies" which I kind of like better actually
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Your move, Drummyfish.
This pic has technology written all over it.
Replies: >>32535
Is that Jonah Hill if he was white? AI is amazing.
It's a picture of an average Arch user. (Notice the big fat cock?)
Replies: >>32538
No, but I noticed he has no body hair. So he either shaves or has very low t. Judging by his jowls, I'd be more concerned with his diabetes than his dick.
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sorry can't compete with that
Replies: >>32599
Is this Weird Paul if he dyed his hair and stopped using meth?
Replies: >>32601
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No, that's Ashley. She has hypertrichosis. That's why she hasn't made a new video in so long. She doesn't like shaving but I don't care about her Mexican dog face genetics, I'd still throw her a bone.
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If only you knew how bad things really are.
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it's over
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Why did the US Government Censor a Cyberpunk RPG?
[New Reply]
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