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I've received multiple complaints about the board degrading in quality. The complaints all said for the past 3-4 months the board has suddenly changed and is gay. I completely agree. The complaints are about the following:

1. Posts being responded to with overt negativity, shutting down conversation. E.g. "I'm better than you, nobody cares about you, you're wrong and I'm better than you, etc."
It's fine to have a disagreement, but continually shutting down every post with machismo and statements about how you're better than everyone to the point where it's complained about by multiple people is too much, so those posts will be deleted. Discussion is fine, banter is fine, but constant meaningless ego stroking on an anonymous image board is retarded.

2. Porn/Simping
I've recently cleaned up the meaningless porn spam, generally don't post porn unless it's funny. Don't go overboard with this. This is a discussion board, not a porn board. Almost every other website has porn on it, go to those websites if you want it. Porn and simping have really ramped up here for some reason, and it's a very very small pool of people who care about it, everyone else thinks its SIMPly gay.

3. Excessive random links
If you're new here, understand that you must discuss something. Posting a bunch of links with little to no context isn't really how things are done. Post context/discussion with your link to allow for further discussion. The music thread is an exception.

I don't really like moderating but multiple people (including me) think the board is gay now and haven't really used it for a few months. The board has slowed down (even more) due to those above reasons. Therefore the above will be deleted to get the board back to how it used to be pre-aggressive simp era.

Reminder, this board can and should be used for all kinds of discussions, not just discussions about me. There are general threads for just about any topic you could want to discuss, so use them. Ultimately I would like to see this board become a fun place for people to have interesting, long-form discussions about the things things they find interesting, such as technology, entertainment, music, making confessions, discussing their dreams, and so on.
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