/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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Hello. Welcome to Ashley Jones' imageboard. 

Who is Ashley Jones? She is a globally recognized, world renowned, no longer underage, female comedienne, technology enthusiast, free software advocate. She made her debut in 2014 after upsetting 2+ million purple people on WorldStarHipHop.

Watch my videos: https://videos.icum.to
Go to my website: https://icum.to

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Forgive me tubbies, for I have sinned...

Well, what did you do? Confess.
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Thanks, Anon
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Just like the rash you get after visiting Derricks mother it always shows up...
no matter what thread, page or catalog its always right there. 


Look at the bottom right of your screen, see that picture? yeah thats right, its the Ash being Taz, but she is teasing all of us image board losers everytime we come here by showing off dem feets in a small but constantly viewable low resolution image format.
Tempting all of us to try and get a sniff of the wiff that you will never get to actually sniff if you catch my drift 
as for what her feet could smell like? if you want to know what the smell might be like, well... THOSE THAT REMEMBER... remember the pumpkin seeds? hmm, do they go all the way from the pit to the toes though????
Only her nose knows, you know

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Replies: >>23672 >>23681
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hello dear you have beautiful show bobs please
Replies: >>23673
I can't tell if this is an indian woman with a mustache or an indian man. For once we need the indian to show THEIR bob/vagene/penap.
Say what you want about Ashley but don't call her Dollar Tree socks cheap. They are high quality socks from a company called Odd Sox and for only being a $1.25 compared to how much they cost online, that's a steal. Bitches be fighting over these socks at my store so we have to keep them in the back. https://oddsoxofficial.com/collections/socks

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This is somewhat like me and Ash.
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This was genuinely disturbing
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This is a lot like when Ashley and Duke try to have sex
Not the nameflag btw. just a suitable flag.
Replies: >>23676 >>23680
I was really hoping to see a 3 way and see some real porkin'
Replies: >>23677
Yeah too bad, he could have fucked two pigs that day
>Ashley having sex
Ashley does have an emotional support pig, though.

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Your post is unworthy of going in any other thread. Thus, it is now going into Derrick's tiny little mouth, where he will run his soft tongue over it before chewing it up and swallowing it. Your post will land in his dark, warm little tummy, before being extracted of its nutrients and turned into waste. Derrick will then shit out your post from his brown little butthole. This thread is where it lands.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
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>I didn't think anyone on this board would be familiar with Upper Deck baseball cards
erm tbh Seabz sorry but i just searched trading card game brands and that was the first name I read :S

do you still have those baseball cards? they might be worth something and you could sell em on ebay!
Replies: >>23674
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I still have the baseball cards just don't have the ambition to try and sell them. The old Pokemon cards which I never got into are probably worth a lot more.
The damn OP picture makes me crave pizza every time I see it. Curse you Derrick.
Replies: >>23678
It looks like he's regurgitating the pizza back out. I like to pretend in a baby bird and he's the mama bird and he's feeding me his undigested pizza right into my mouth. lol.
Replies: >>23679
You could get second hand caffeine just by tasting the Monster in his saliva

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I need medical advice and some of you guys probably need advice too.

There are small black spots between some of my teeth. It almost looks like when you have a small piece of pepper stuck between your teeth. I've tried brushing a lot and flossing, nothing is happening. I thought it was something stuck to the teeth, but the more I mess with it I'm starting to think it's on the gums. No matter what I do it won't leave. I'm not going to the dentist because they're going to inject me with fluoride and probably circumcise me while they're at it. What do?
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No one cares. You're a faggot.
Replies: >>23667
Nice cum sock, easy clean up
Replies: >>23667
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um actually 3 tubbies including an actual Doctor replied to my drybrow problem, so unlike your parents, ppl actually do care about me :) 

>easy clean up
you know what socks sucks, is when the cum lands on the inbetween part of the screen and the laptop screen border, because its tighter than a  __ to get in there and clean that cum up
Replies: >>23669
>so unlike your parents, ppl actually do care about me :)
I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't care about you. They aren't proud of faggots. You're so cumbrained, you didn't even cover your screen with plastic.
Replies: >>23671
>I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't care about you. They aren't proud of faggots
You found that out the hard way.

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"Look honey, _______________" (you fill in the blank)
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Replies: >>23340
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>no fun allowed

>>23337 (OP) 
"Look honey, it's a picture of mommy. N-no, darling, that isn't a horse... it's mommy. Stop neighing you little shit."
>>23337 (OP) 
I'll fill in HER blank. Heh heh. Actualy, no. I won't. I personally find blonde women disgusting. To me they are the Walmart or McDonalds of women. There's a lot of then, they're mostly popular with non whites,  and are usually lower class. No offense to those who are into them. I'm just saying.
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>>23337 (OP) 
Look mommy, dis you choke a bitch out

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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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>can't help but mention your dead flesh fetish
Ironically, neither Jesus nor Hitler would have eaten bacon
Replies: >>23642
>dead flesh fetish
Newfag, you say that as if I even give a fuck about your pussy ass opinion. It is well known I eat from McDonald's and Domino's almost daily. In fact, Ashley has bought me food from there. Hitler was prescribed a vegetarian diet by his doctor when he began having health problems at age 49. Hitler ate Bavarian sausage which is made of veal and bacon. Jesus ate fish. I'm eating skirt steak and pork belly right now. I'm told meat tastes unappealing unless it's flavored with spices and drenched in sauces. I've done nothing to mine and it tastes amazing. Why do you have such a hard on for me? You must really want to taste my meat.
Replies: >>23643 >>23655
Oh c'mon, you weren't even around when I first made videos.

>Why do you have such a hard on for me?
I'm not the other anon(s) but it's because you nameflag. This is why I was forced to disable the name field, because namefags can't help themselves and it causes unnecessary drama. Resorting to using a flag as an avatar is annoying because this is supposed to be an anonymous imageboard. This is the only rule here, it's not hard to follow.

Replies: >>23657
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Discussions of movies and TV shows shall be posted here. Anyone hosting streams can share their link here also.
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Such a healthy looking vault overseers. :p It's basically just racial stereotype shitposters who look so smug so they can control the white man. :p
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>I wish there were more of them

 Here you go, heh,heh.
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is that a Cavalier?
fun fact, if that dog, assuming its female, was humped n bumped by Bandit, it would create a pugalier, which is my family's dog.

does this make me related to Ashley in some way?

Guys which of her dogs do you think humps her legs the most? Its got be the younger one right? The older wouldnt do it as much, but it would have more XP though so its humping technique is probably superior
I wonder if thats the real reason Ashley has hairy legs, the prickly, thick leg hair probably doesnt feel good to grind up and down on compared to a nice smooth, cleanly shaven leg so it acts a sort of deterrent.
Replies: >>23632
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>is that a Cavalier
>it would create a pugalier

No, I think it would be more like a Fusilier

>does this make me related to Ashley in some way?

Now that's a thought worth entertaining.
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Post, discuss hot males, your type
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ladies, can you even imagine getting finger popped by this stud? 💦💦
Replies: >>23580 >>23639
Ashley has said that just by looking guys like him she would squirt. So yeah, he doesn’t even need to touch her. That’s how good he is. I bet some jealous fem boy with “max looks” would get mad.
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Post music. Bonus points for PMVs (ノ•‿•)ノ♬
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I loved alf! I still have a couple Alf toys I had gotten as a kid, how idk because it wasn't airing anywhere regularly at the time. At some point did catch some reruns and fell in love with it and asked for a dvd box set for xmas like late 00's? So many good laughs they will never make charming tv like back then ever again. I like the one when he makes the music video. Loved my song I shared up there a month ago even more for having the alf bit in it haha (>>22410)
Replies: >>23596
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I'm just glad Alf never got the chance to eat Lucky.

Replies: >>23597
I'm so jealous that this is how people actually talked like this. I've seen it in my family vhs tapes, there really was a comic strip kind of banter. Now not so much.
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welp Im never watching an episode of Alf the same ever again, ty for that anon.

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