/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Tubsisters, I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously. I am now the head writer of the Tubgurl Monthly Column.

In this thread your posts may be addressed in future Tubgurl Monthly Columns.

Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
Ask for opinions on any topic (personal or opinions on anything)
Ask for advice on any situation or topic
Ask for feedback on something you've done or created

You are welcome to request certain characters to answer your questions or provide their opinion, advice, etc. For example, you can specify that a certain question is for Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, etc. and they will answer accordingly. Example: "Hey Ashley, what do you think about grapefruits? I'd also like to hear Barry's take on this."

New monthly columns will be linked in this thread when published on my website: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
>I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously.
I hate journalists of all kinds.
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>>29878 (OP) 
I found my Cousin's OF page picrel and am debating whether I should subscribe or not.
This is a dude with a female face filter. Can't fool me because I've been fooled before.
I'm so tired tubbies. The kind of tired sleep won't fix. Let me rest.
1. You're lying, that's not your cousin
2. That's a man
Look at my flag.
Why is Ashley Jones, a semi-fictional character, attracted to another fictional character Duke Nukem? And now we are supposed to request her online persona such as Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, Willy, Barry and Linda to answer our questions or provide their opinion and advice? Are we living in a simulation?

Will the real Ashley Jones aka Wesley Reese Anne Reese please step up?
Replies: >>29960 >>29964
I once asked her if she wanted to have a [actual birth name] character included in a project that was going to have the characters from all over Jonestown. A adorkable girl that was quiet but passionate. A kind and caring but realistic voice of reason.
She wasn’t at all interested. Maybe now that she is leaning away from the sketch comedy stuff it might be a good time for her to be herself more. I never asked but I assume she had some pretty bad run ins with goons online and as a result she doesn’t want to reveal too much about herself or form real friendships with online peoples. It’s just some pet project/social experiment to her.  Which is cool as long as she is having fun. In some ways we all kind of do the same thing.  

>>29878 (OP) 
My question would be what’s the population size of the place where all these people live? Are there purple people there?

ᴾᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ ᶜᵉˡˡ ᵖʰᵒⁿᵉ
Replies: >>29961
>I never asked but I assume she had some pretty bad run ins with goons online and as a result she doesn’t want to reveal too much about herself or form real friendships with online peoples.
Maybe you're too young to know this, but there was once a time on the internet where it was considered weird if you told everyone about your personal life. "Real life" and "online" were considered two very separate things.
>It’s just some pet project/social experiment to her.
Would you say this about an ugly male with an old school html/css website and a peertube instance? Why is it a "social experiment" when Ashley does it, and not just a person enjoying her hobbies and having fun on the internet?
Replies: >>29979
She changed her name to my name?! That's not what I meant when I said she could take my name. My middle name is not Anne!
I have changed my legal government authority name to Ashley Hilda Jones.
Replies: >>29967
Why Hilda?
>Would you say this about an ugly male with an old school html/css website and a peertube instance?

Yes, I would classify this more as an artistic pursuit, performance art, social experiment, or pet project as opposed to typical content creation. Not to say you can't find more typical content online that is performance art or some kind of kayfabe. I was just pointing out in my reply that this more or less the reason you won't likely see the "real ashley". You might be reading in to it more than you should.
Replies: >>29982 >>29985
Whenever I hear someone mention creating content, I imagine pamperchu shitting in a diaper and uploading it's contents to youtube.
What more of "real ashley" do you want? She makes 3 hour long videos talking about her interests. What makes what she's doing any less real? It sounds like you faggots want ashley to be a IRL twitch vlogger. Kinda crazy the moment someone isnt using a 4k camera on Youtube.com their videos are social experiments bro! Is it that improbable someone makes videos just because its fun? Not everything is about money or getting 1m views lol. lmao even
>What makes what she's doing any less real? 
she's female
I'm sorry but the "real ashley" should be live streaming a souls-like on twitch receiving donations from hundreds of actual adoring fans who support her and care for her welfare rather than posting boomer repair videos on crap no one wants to buy from the goodwill begging for handouts hiding in her room. 

What's the deal with duke nukem? There are so many better games out there like elden ring and escape from tarkov but her favorite game is duke nukem forever? - a literal garbage boomer shooter no one even liked. There is just no way she is being totally serious about that.

She could be doing something beneficial for her well-being and paying her rent in the process becoming an influencer and ambassador for g fuel making vods for roblox.
Replies: >>29989
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This post has to be satire but we've reached a state in society where I'm honestly not sure
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Are you going to vote for kamala ash?
Don’t lie to us plz. Be honest.
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I don't know how making a 1998 GeoCities style website under a pseudonym character that interacts with other made up characters in sketch videos isn't an art project. Why u mad?
Replies: >>30006
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Mad TV was one of my favorite art projects from the 90s. So many good artists on that social experiment.
same. My favorite part was calling Mad TV on the phone, e-mailing Mad TV back and forth, buying pizza for Mad TV, sending Mad TV crypto currency to keep the show going, interacting with Mad TV on their web forum that they moderated personally, sending Mad TV a video of me cum tributing a picture Mad TV, confessing my sins to MadTV, making christmas cards for Mad TV, etc

It was a great show and was totally not art either because comedy isn't at all performance art. It's just someone being silly.
Replies: >>30009 >>30010
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>He didn't have long dial-up internet AIM chats with Debra Wilson about what it was like to be a black female comedian in 1997
Sucks to be you I guess
Mad TV bought me pizza and made me a Christmas card because I look-a-like a man.
>>29878 (OP) 
honestly I would love to hear some tips on frugal living, perhaps the antiques guy has some pro advice on how to live a comfy street life so as to not have to be a dayjob slave.
Replies: >>30014
not him, but BLM land is free to live on as long as you rotate your trailer's position on the regular. Some overenthusiastic enforcement may apply, dyor.
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>>29878 (OP) 
Discuss the latest happenings in the CWC saga from your unique perspective as a fellow legal loli child-woman
Oh nonono kiwkikesubhumanbullyretardsluttas,,, not like this! no no no! The twisted tragic neurotic genius can't have sex with a blonde white woman in europe while I am having sex with a rented cow in pakistan!!!! NO!
Replies: >>30266
That poor girl...
Kiwifags will try to find a way to make this a bad thing. Sure Chris is pathetic, but its even more pathetic to have a kiwifarms account.
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With the blue hair I can't tell if it's Chris Chan or Ashley
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Read the October 2024 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-10-05-2024/

Post your comments about October's monthly column in this thread. For example, I'm sure you poors have plenty of tips on frugal living.

Please continue to submit monthly column suggestions in this thread or via email.
Replies: >>30679
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I grabbed a bag of Dollar Tree chips and some un-fluoridated water (I have a well) with a touch of orange squeezings and settled into my comfy couch looking forward to your Monthly Column reply regarding my question concerning Russia, Ukraine,Poland and NATO. Your terse reply: "Why would you ever ask a woman that question." Am I to assume that your offhanded reply indicates that you consider yourself and other women airheads incapable of discerning the intricacies of geo political happenings in this world? Have you surrendered your feminine equality only to throw it on the trash heap of time? 

 Thus in the future I will limit my questions to the Monthly Column to a more simpler text such as boxers or briefs, your favorite color or your preference, pretzels or chips.

 Of course the above post is tongue in cheek to bring a little levity to the board. However for some reason the saying, "Many a true word is said in jest" seems to be navigating through my mind, heh, heh.
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If you were guaranteed not to get killed/fingered/whatever, would you work for the federal government? What job/role would appeal to you the most in that entity?

Big fan of the website. Stealing tons of these assets thank you.
Replies: >>30892
A mail man.
Replies: >>30894
Respectable pick. I thought of doing it but my knees are already going to shit.
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Read the December 2024 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-12-25-2024/

Post your comments about December's monthly column in this thread. Please continue to submit monthly column suggestions in this thread or via email.
You sound a lot less retarded when you write instead of recording a video, however most of your points can be refuted logically, and the column is a little long-winded. Also, I would have liked more babe pictures, possibly a runner up section.

>I don't get why these retards obsess over things they don't like on the internet 
You're saying this in an article almost entirely about things you don't like on the internet on your website where you mostly complain about things on the internet.

I think you should keep gender handicaps in mind when writing these articles. Women have horrible opinions and seem to be totally incapable of rationality or critical thinking. Women should also not be making videos about other women in public, it does not look good or make you sound smart. Your articles would be much better if they focused on promoting things you like and sharing things you created. Write a short story, write a poem, show off your hobby projects. These things will not be impressive, but they will be endearing like the art projects a kindergartner brings home.
Replies: >>31681 >>31777
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>Write a short story
>write a poem
>show off your hobby projects
This is a lot like me and ashley
David Icke is living it up these days
Thank you for the new column Ashley. I could relate almost perfectly, for example "retards on team A vs retards on team B" pretty much captures my exact feelings about our awesome society, also very much agreeing on the masturbation and AI and most other stuff you wrote, for a weirdo like myself it's a very uncommon thing to read someone's sharing these views, in any case my autistic brain damage makes me start shaking even reading something I agree with so I had to speed up through the more serious paragraphs, but then the happy and joyful sections such as the minigame with gays I found very relaxing again, so great job I would say, I'll give it 8/10 (compared to anything on the mainstream net it's an easy 10/10 though). I'll try to think about some topics for the next column, forgot to submit them for this one (OK, it's more like I was lazy).
Replies: >>31733
Funny, I seen that dude in real life before. That guy they called "the governor".  He used to hang out in Ybor city.  Mostly at a club called the castle.
Replies: >>31712
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My bad he was called "the senator" probably died of aids by now.   

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Oh wow, you seen him? Where did you seen him? I wish I coulda seended him sometime, maybe right after you seen him.

It's "SAW" you fucking inbred.
Replies: >>31724
I don't care about an error in a sentence on an anonymous image board. I find it funny that it annoys you so much! I could have added 'have' before 'seen' and the sentence would have been just fine as well.I can come piss in your cornflakes personally, tomorrow morning, if you want.
pornography makes you gay
Replies: >>31732
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>jerking off to two hot babes kissing each other all over makes you gay
>having a girlfriend is gay
>marriage is gay
>having sex with women is gay
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>in any case my autistic brain damage makes me start shaking even reading something I agree with so I had to speed up through the more serious paragraphs
>jacking off to nick "the knife spic" fuentes makes you gay
Damn, he actually looks mexican the more he lets himself go.
I was just trying to give suggestions so the monthly column could be something more than another outlet for ash to complain. Something like a movie review, a section on site updates, or a longer cooking section would be preferable to more regurgitating of the same grievances/boring opinions.

The team a team b idea was also not good. US population has been growing year-over-year since at least the 50's and global population has been increasing for centuries. It also ignores how growth rate started declining around 1958 and takes women's political opinions seriously (most retarded part imo).
Replies: >>31770 >>31776
>Something like a movie review
>a section on site updates
>The team a team b idea was also not good. US population has been growing year-over-year since at least the 50's and global population has been increasing for centuries. It also ignores how growth rate started declining around 1958 and takes women's political opinions seriously (most retarded part imo).
What does population have to do with anything though? Ashley is talking about "team based thinking," aka black and white thinking, tribal thinking, etc. The point being that people tend to slot themselves into a predefined "team" (e.g., "I'm a republican, and republicans think XYZ, so that's what my opinion is" or vice versa with democrats). This happens across all walks of life, not just politics. The reason it's stupid is because you're not really thinking for yourself, you're letting herd mentality dictate your opinions for you.

Agree w/ you on it being retarded for women to vote, though.
Replies: >>31797
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tbh you sound like the complainer here. You have to keep in mind that she's doing a Q&A style column. We're asking for her observations on XYZ topic - so if you ask Ashley something like, "What do you think about Facebook?" you're going to get a more negative observation, obviously. If someone submitted a question like "What's your favorite thing about Duke Nukem 3D?" you'll get something more positive and optimistic. 

>Write a short story, write a poem, show off your hobby projects.
As has already been pointed out she does do these things so you clearly haven't spent that much time reading her site (which is fine, but before bitching and moaning about how it'd be better if she did something else, you should check to see if she hasn't, indeed, already done those things)

For such a gigachad that thinks women are stupid and that they shouldn't have opinions generally I agree but there are autistic exceptions like ashley, you sure do seem to care a lot about what Ashley is doing. Where can I read your monthly column?
Replies: >>31795 >>31797
I look like this image and write the things written in this image on the wall but I have more tally marks
I have seen most of these things but forget because they're so spread out across her clusterfuck of a website, and she never updates them, which is why I suggested making them part of the monthly column.

>What does population have to do with anything though?
The point stems from the idea that there is a conspiracy to lower the population to 500,000, which is not true. The team a and team b stances are both cope anyway, red pill manosphere shit would not have an audience if young men had access to sex and the women are coping with being barren middle age women who also can't get laid.

>The point being that people tend to slot themselves into a predefined "team" (e.g., "I'm a republican, and republicans think XYZ, so that's what my opinion is" or vice versa with democrats).
There is always dissent within these groups though, rarely if ever do two people agree on everything, but political coalitions where people agree on most things serve the purpose of actually accomplishing things. If people were to defect the second they disagreed on the slightest technicality it would be impossible to organize and exert a collective political will. As an example, Ash has the political opinions and effective political influence of any anon (highly individualistic, totally useless).
Replies: >>31799
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>The point stems from the idea that there is a conspiracy to lower the population to 500,000, which is not true. 
Thanks for the fact checking, Snopes!
Replies: >>31809
Alright, never mind, forget I said anything, I thought I was talking to a man.
Replies: >>31810
Same here
As promised here are some column topics from me, feel free to ignore them if they don't interest you or have already been suggested of course.

Your obsession with years: WHY this weird habit, when did it start, what is your most and least favorite year, please rate years or at least decades from worst to best.

Do you enjoy plane crashes? Or a similar kind of disasters like bridge failures or industrial explosions, or just disasters in general? Of course NOT participating but more like a morbid curiosity.

Opinions on different recording media? VHS, CD, DVD, audio tapes, vinyl, game cartridges, analog vs digital etc. As in which do you prefer subjectively, which you think is objectively best (price vs durability vs capacity vs size and so on). Maybe be both from technical and artistic point of view, like which had best aesthetics and so on. Which one would be used in your ideal world?
Replies: >>32027
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I can't believe she stays up at night thinking about this guy
this is a lot like ashley
These are the best questions I have received so far for my monthly column. Thank you, I'm writing some of my column tonight. So far, these are the only questions I have received, so I am looking for more user input.

As I've mentioned in my previous columns, you are encouraged to submit anything. Not just questions about a topic. Are you looking for personal advice? Do you need family advice, relationship advice, advice on achieving a goal or overcoming something? Do you need help with something, such as completing a task? For example, you might want advice on how to remove a stain on a shirt -- or perhaps you'll inquire as to how I do a certain task.

Perhaps you'll want me to go down memory lane and reflect on a past memory, video I made, context behind a picture I've posted, etc.

I'm also accepting advertising for this column. You don't have to pay XMR to advertise in my column, although I would prefer if you did. If you did, I would definitely do a much better job at promoting your website/service/business/etc. if you paid for the advertisement. Either way, I will make a graphic for your advertisement in my column. If you want to advertise in my column, please email me.
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>32040
Thank you Ashley, this also makes me think of additional topic that you may just keep for later writings possibly: since you seem to be generally happy and joyful, I would like to know your advice or just experience on dealing with life difficulties that people like "us" here often struggle with, for example (judging by some recent threads here) a number of people struggle with being forced to being wagies and modern slaves, having to do something meaningless or unethical, spend day using shit technology and dealing NPCs. What to do? Avoid it? Take it somehow? Should we try to explain ourselves or just pretend to be "normal" in real life? Basically how to cope living a non-NPC life, being misunderstood, constantly called a schizo and so on.
Replies: >>32046
be female
didn't think of that lol
unironically this
(you can't however sorry maybe try to reincarnate or something)
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The little boy who runs this site is cute
>>29878 (OP) 
ashley have you considered using a static site generator like hugo instead of hand writing your website? it's saner and easier and can even handle things like tagging and rss feeds for you. you can still customize the css to make it look like a pile of trash
stop gaslighting yourself ashley
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>trying to discourage autistic perfection
very bad advice, NEVER use static site generators, write a shell script to generate the pages if you need something fancy
Replies: >>32104
How come? I've messed around with Hugo and stuff before and it seemed neat. I have no dog in this fight though so I'd genuinely like to know why you say to never use them.
Replies: >>32131
Sorry don't take it as an insult, my response was too harsh, I've used static generators too so I fell for it as well, but it's a pseudominimalist meme, you don't need static generators at all, they just make you install billions of Python packages and deal with unnecessary shit, it's basically how neocity zoomers think you make websites, same kind of crap like gemini for example. If you need navigation and/or header/footer or RSS feed or anything, a real chad way is to just write a posix script that does the same job even better, in a much cleaner and faster way that gives you more control. Basically all you want to do is prepend and append some text to each "content" page, which you do with cat, that's it. Everything is just text and you have all the tools already installed.
Replies: >>32132 >>32133
not him but hugo isn't python, it's golang and it only has 2 dependencies in my distro's repo
i agree there's a lot of bloated trash out there but your perspective is throwing the baby out with the bathwater
the task of writing and maintaining your own posix compliant shell scripts which parse html would be a good technical exercise but would be more time consuming than learning how to use hugo
Replies: >>32133 >>32143
>Sorry don't take it as an insult
Not at all, I know we can be contentious on this board but I genuinely wanted to understand your position. As I said, my experience with static generators is somewhat limited. I think conceptually they're a neat idea, but I also completely understand your position. At the end of the day it's all just text manipulation and you're right, you most likely already have all of the tools necessary for that.

I think for certain projects/goals the DIY approach that you suggest would be better, despite the perhaps longer setup time. But I can also see where >>32132 is coming from - if your goal is a static site and your goal is to go from concept to implementation as quickly as possible, a lightweight generator could be a very attractive option.

I'm always of the opinion that you should:
- use the right tools for any given task
- not bother to reinvent the wheel unless there's a distinct benefit

That being said, I think the proliferation of things like wordpress or other blogging/"content management systems" have done a great deal of harm to the internet and people's general creativity.
Replies: >>32205
Yeah I used Pelican or something, that was Python, other generators use other languages but it's generally the same every time.
> shell scripts which parse html
You do NOT parse HTML with the script, you literally prepend and append text to some other text. This I think is what many people don't realize, they think that when it works with HTML, it has to know HTML, but no, you need a parser for analyzing HTML, not for creating it.
Anyway I'm gonna leave the topic, I generally get tired from discussing this, use whatever you think is best, my point is just don't blindly take what they offer you, think about what you actually need. There is no need to have a separate program for taking notes when you can take notes in a literal txt file with your text editor, people nowadays just need an "app" for everything, it's not a good approach, Unix tools are all you need 99% of the times, just thinks about it please, don't feed the soy tech.
Join CheshIRC, I want to make you an offer, ask for eeeee
Thank you Ashley, this column nailed it perfectly for me, loved specially the 1st part about your year/date OCD as it reveals why you possess those seemingly unrelated hobbies, it connected the dots and everything makes sense now. Excellent insight, the rest is great as well, had fun reading through. Not sure if you have hyperthymesia but seems close. That you decorate separate rooms by different decades and refer to them as "immature" and "more mature" is weird but cute. I enjoyed it also for partly sharing the obsession (and feel more people will), I've been always able to guess years of songs on the radio, and funnily as the column appeared I am literally in the middle of making my photo timeline in GIMP which you coincidentally go on to write about. Also sharing the hatred for inauthentic imitation of the old, what pisses me off personally are "retro games in modern engines" with "retro shaders", I just wanna puke from that. Nearing the character limit so thanks again, be blessed.
Replies: >>32162
>Nearing the character limit so thanks again, be blessed.
No way, the character limit here is huge. I know this from writing walls of text discussing/arguing about penises with other tubbies.
Replies: >>32171
Ah sorry my bad, I thought it was 1000 but it's in fact 10000, I actually spent significant time rewriting the post to fit into exactly 999 characters lmao, how retarded am I? Cool to know next time I can go wild.
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Read the January 2025 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-1-16-2025/

As usual, I did not have much user-submitted topic ideas, requests, etc., thank you to those who submitted, so I took the liberty of adding my own sections that I thought readers would like, because it would be too short without my additions. If you have a question, want my opinion on something you've done, need advice, need me to make a decision for you, then you must email: ashleyjones@icum.to with the subjectline "MONTHLY COLUMN", and I will address your inquiry in the next column.

I am ALSO accepting advertising for my monthly column, free of charge (or for Monero if you want to be nice, that would be great.) You can advertise a business, service, or website in my monthly column. I will make a graphic for you if you want a non-personal advertisement. Please just let me know your business along with how my readers can contact you (website, phone number, or location of business, etc.)

Dear Readers: Are you looking for love? Friendship? A job? Perhaps even a place to rent? You can find all of those things simply by advertising on my column. I accept personal advertisements free of charge. Please email ashleyjones@icum.to with the title "PERSONAL AD", and include the exact written text you would like to appear on the next monthly column. Please include your preferred contact method so readers can contact you if they are interested in your ad.

Last but not least, I am also going to include obituaries in my future columns. If anyone near you dies or if you kill someone, I will include a small memorial for them in my next column. Please email me the dead fuck's name, a picture of them, a little information about them (what they achieved in life, their line of work, if they were ever married/divorced, had kids, etc.), and include the cause of death. I think it's really irritating that obituaries rarely include the cause of death out of "respect". Now I feel like a disrespectful retard because I'm trying to search online as to how this person died. Anyways, email me ashleyjones@icum.to if you have someone you want to be memorialized in the next monthly column.

Post your comments about January's monthly column in this thread. Please continue to submit monthly column suggestions in this thread or via email.
Replies: >>32282 >>32475
OK I was bored now so tried to actually make the script to prove my point (well, at least to myself) https://git.coom.tech/drummyfish/drummy_stuff/src/branch/master/static_www, it turned out like this:
>made in under an hour
>38 lines of unix shell script
>no need to install anything, runs everywhere by default (except winshit, which is an advantage)
>100% customization, you have a template that's applied to each "content" page
>still you can customize each page or add completely nontemplated unique pages
>generates RSS
>doesn't use any XML/RSS/CSS/HTML parsers
>no bullshit
Replies: >>32231
Spoiler File
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Ashley posted her pepperoni nipple in her article and thought someone wouldn't notice. I told you they were brown.
it removes some of the tedium from composing static sites by hand, however it doesn't handle per page changes to the top template (like changing the <title> tag for example) and you still have to write html for your content instead of something which is less obtrusive to writing prose, like markdown
your rss feed generator doesn't include any content so users can't read it directly in their rss readers
i see that it should be fairly trivial to include some markdown to html tool and to cat the content into the rss feed but i think the hour spent building this would have been better spent learning how to use hugo

beware the minimalist purity spiral, it may cause you to pass on lightweight tools that are a pleasure to use and can save you a lot of time
Replies: >>32232
>i think the hour spent building this would have been better spent learning how to use hugo
exact opposite actually, time spent on learning how to do something yourself is the best investment of your time, but I don't think I can ever get this point across to a zoomer audience so that is truly the last last word of advice I am going to leave here, starting to get brain cancer anyway
Replies: >>32244
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>>29878 (OP) 
holy shit they just arrested your dad.
Replies: >>32235 >>32280
hope you never get appendicitis
how bout that monthly column guys this was ashley's best yet tbh. I am unironically looking forward to the next one
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He had his chance with a white woman and blew it.

Ashley, if you still need me to marry you to stay in the country, the offer is still on the table.
>If you want an internet girlfriend, you're better off utilizing the "personals" section of my monthly column, or downloading a decent uncensored LLM. But who knows, love blossoms in the strangest of places, like IRC channels or, in my case, the bathroom at Arby's.

What happened at Arby's?
Replies: >>32284
She was meating someone.
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>But who knows, love blossoms in the strangest of places, like IRC channels

Lies. Nothing good ever happens in IRC channels. Every girl I've known who met some guy in an IRC channel was abused or killed by them. Bianca and Ciara were killed by the guy they met on IRC who stalked them through social media. Every IRC channel I've ever joined was a bunch of degenerate drug addicts and sexual predators discussing how awful their life is to get sympathy from someone they would eventually take advantage of. This is why they use IRC in the first place. They can have anonymous "friends" that sympathize with their plight because no one would dare want to associate with them IRL. IRC is just as bad as discord when it comes to meeting people. If you're going to be friends with someone you met online, they should have no fears over being open with you about their personal life and you should vet them for a period of time. 

I'd like to add, scamming is wrong. Taking advantage of someone is wrong irrespective of whether the person is ignorant of your scheme. It's not okay to lie, cheat, and steal and all three of these are involved with scamming someone.
>nothing good ever happens in IRC channels
Speaking in absolutes is for the sloots. 

Also, regaurding the screenshot you posted, (Ep.1 Asteroid Blues @22:20) Spike doesn't say that. In fact, nothing is said during this scene, which is why someone capitalized on the low effort to edit it in. 

Just imagine you're on the couch grieving the fact that your high school sweetheart broke up with you, you're watching this vintage anime for the first time, and then BAM!!! It hits you! Match the subtitle color and font and you've got yourself a misquoted psuedo-esoteric tumblr blog post anime picture that not only captures exactly how you feel, but will be circulated across the internet by fellow sad tweens longer than you'll be alive. 

You're not a pessamistic broken hearted little boy by chance? Asking for a friend.
The guy who edited that pic probably got friendzoned.
Absolutely based post. This is rare for tubgurl.
>my crack whore waifus lived crack whore lives and died in crack whore ways
Shocker. Almost like their shitty decisions were responsible for their outcome and not IRC. They didnt use IRC though. It was all Skype or Discord. And Ciara isn't dead.

>Every IRC channel I've ever joined was a bunch of degenerate drug addicts and sexual predators discussing how awful their life is
So you'd fit right in.
>>29878 (OP) 
Hindus eat cow shit and drink it's pee
Do you like the hapa girl in the Lucy Dacus - Ankles music video?


Do you think the normies are getting less normal?

I saw a reddit post about this this unfunny tiktok kid basically walking around with a sexually inappropriate t-shirt and failing to crack jokes. Very mockable. But then there were a couple upvoted comments about how he should go to prison for sexual harassment and how his lips were very rapeable. Literally talking about how they hoped he would be orally raped for being a bit maladjusted and tasteless. He did have weird lips for a white guy but still. I don't think he even said anything sexual.

Can I get away with saying "Turn him into a kike rapetoy!" and people will just pat me on the back? Is there a magic trick?
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Fucking nerd. Imagine being here and picking on some other retard. You're all just as pathetic. It's hilarious when one of you tries not to be. None of you are "based". Quit speaking like a kpop fan. A quick image search would tell you the pic came from here. Quit trying to grab at something to pick on somebody with. IRC is shit which is why hardly anyone uses it but fucking losers. 
Replies: >>32370
>Just imagine you're on the couch grieving the fact that your high school sweetheart broke up with you
So Ashley?
Invest in box wine companies and cat food and cat litter.  Millions of women will spend most of their lives alone, with their cats drinking cheap wine.
Replies: >>32372
Replies: >>32373 >>32375
lmao, keep proving my point crybaby
Replies: >>32374
i'm not your dick sharpener prick
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what you say boi
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You're all just jealous Ashley bought me McDonald's.
Replies: >>32378 >>32379
Replies: >>32380
You ever scrape the dead cat out of your microwave?
Replies: >>32381
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The only thing wrong in that video is they chose Grant Imahara instead Kari Byron to tour their facility. tfw no milf mommy to feed ashley and i nuggies
Replies: >>32384
Did you ever scrape the cum out of your colon?
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She's the only reason I watched MythBusters. If she ever does a porn parody, it should be called NutBusters.
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Replies: >>32423
>wow people discuss illegal things on dread
>hey look a retarded spammer
nice cherrypicking bro. The last time I was there people were discussing skin care (seriously).
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Here is my submission for the next monthly column, which I suppose takes the form of a question:

I recently downloaded the movie "Azrael," a 2024 horror flick. The teaser blurb is as follows:

>In a world where no one speaks, a devout female-led community hunts down a young woman who has escaped imprisonment. Recaptured, Azrael is due to be sacrificed to an ancient evil in the wilderness, but fights for her own survival.

This, to me, sounded pretty interesting. Plus I like the main actress, Samara Weaving. She's pretty in the same way that Eva Green is pretty. They both have a sort of seductive, come-fuck-me look, and you just know that they both have incredibly stinky pussies. Bonus, the gimmick of this movie is that nobody talks, i.e., no dialogue, just heavy panting while running from demon monsters or whatever. Great.

I have posted an mp4 of the trailer for this film, but to keep the filesize down, the quality is pretty bad. Here is a link to see the trailer in better quality: https://rutube.ru/video/00ef6d4dd94c60b6eb6cb2eac6fbdc6d/

I usually watch the trailer for a movie before I see it. It's not perfect, but it's usually a better indicator of whether I want to watch something than a written synopsis (which could include spoilers and ruin the film).

Anyway, for the above-stated reasons, I was on board to torrent this movie, which I did. I started watching it and within the first five minutes the main actress is kissing a black man, who is clearly supposed to be her boyfriend/husband. (See spoilered images 1 and 2).

I was immediately disgusted. I thought to myself, "of fucking course." I ended up watching maybe 20 more minutes of the movie. The main character (Samara Weaving) and her black boyfriend are attacked and kidnapped. Later, she escapes her captors, but then she decides to go back to rescue her boyfriend. This was enough for me, and I turned off the movie and deleted the file.

Anyway, what I found so revolting about this scene wasn't so much that my waifu was portrayed as a coalburner, but that it's clearly agenda-driven. Believe it or not, I don't even hate black people (but I will I admit that I do feel a fairly strong sense of revulsion when I see white woman + black man couples). It's just upsetting and gross (the agenda).

What's worse is that none of the promotional material for this movie indicated that my sweet, pretty Samara would be spit-swapping with a black guy. NONE of it. Watch the trailer, look at any of the promotional stuff, there' no indication. And then they hit you with this pavement ape tonguing down an English/Maltese princess within the first few minutes. And just to really hammer in the fact that this gorgeous white woman is deeply in love with the black guy, she risks her life to save him. (Again, I don't know what happens after that, because I stopped watching).

In any event, I felt cheated and deeply disturbed by this obviously agenda-driven sucker punch.

Am I a racist?
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What's it like being raised Mexican?
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Why isn't this site on the list? Does posting I'm not dangerous actually work? (I'm not dangerous.)
Ashley when are you going to find yourself a nice girl to marry and have test tube babies with?
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>>29878 (OP) 
>Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
What's the gayest thing you've ever seen?

Tubsissy Trigger Warning: the video is spoilered for a reason. it is by far the gayest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I used to work at volunteer at the glory hole at a gay nightclub in Miami.
Replies: >>32496
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Today I learned to check the text before the image...

Have a pallet cleanser Ashley - she's doing a pole show at 7 est tonight if that's your bag on cb. Juicyjaelee
Replies: >>32498 >>32505
Do you have to have money? I will go if not
Replies: >>32499
nah, it's free and public unless the broadcaster or one of their mods kick you. Careful not to get addicted :) https://chaturbate.com/_meganmeow_/ does ballet shows aswell.
Replies: >>32501
yeah but you can't chat without "tokens" (even if you don't spend them). I was more excited to shitpot with my tubsisters than to see this whore gyrate for handouts
Replies: >>32504
You can chat without shelling out, I'm guessing it's just an email attached account and password - lots of gray named users commenting, mostly weak trolling or pajeet tier begging going on. I agree the naked people angle loses it's shine pretty quick, a raid on someone's chat could be funny - did you catch any of the broadcast? I didn't.
Replies: >>32506
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I want to fart on this bitch
I made an account and if you're using a VPN, they require you to spend $20.00 a month on an account to even be able to chat to an ewhore with syphilis listening to nog music.
Replies: >>32507
Did not know that; no surprise the whole thing's a giant data/biometrics mining scheme on top of their 60% take on tips before taxes... fyi farting on bitches is against TOS, now you know
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Ashley, what are your thoughts on the BSDs (i.e. NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, etc.)?
Ashley, come join CheshIRC once more, last time we didn't meet, I have an offer for you
Replies: >>32610
You guys are cool. Last time I was there, some guy offered me some cheese pizza but I told him no, it gives me diarrhea.
Replies: >>32615

the chat is down now for some reason, also pedos are not allowed
Replies: >>32617

backup duck chat
Aww shucks. I can't believe your IRC chat that doesn't allow pedos. That's like a buffet that doesn't allow fat people.
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Read the February 2025 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-2-20-2025/

This column is a little short and sweet, just like Chester's preference in boys. Even though it's shorter, the topics and my opinions are slightly more insane than usual, probably because of my newfound love for huffing my old poopsocks I rediscovered. I'm sure we will have some divided opinions over the Babe of the Month, and perhaps we'll have a new diabetic on the board with the monthly recipe. I must warn you that there is something very gay in this month's column. You have been warned.

Dear Readers: Are you looking for love? Friendship? A job? Perhaps even a place to rent? You can find all of those things simply by advertising on my column. I accept personal advertisements free of charge. Please email ashleyjones@icum.to with the title "PERSONAL AD", and include the exact written text you would like to appear on the next monthly column. Please include your preferred contact method so readers can contact you if they are interested in your ad.

I enjoyed the questions I received this time around, and I appreciate if you'd keep them coming. If you have a question, want my opinion on something you've done, need advice, need me to make a decision for you, then you must email: ashleyjones@icum.to with the subjectline "MONTHLY COLUMN", and I will address your inquiry in the next column.

Post your comments about January's monthly column in this thread. Please continue to submit monthly column suggestions in this thread or via email.
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Replies: >>32647
>you have lived long enough to see monero findom ashley
I'm glad that kid is going to be all right and totally not going to have a daddy kink later in life.
Replies: >>32679
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Excellent choice for babe of the month.

>My dog is on no fap
top kek
That is LITERALLY a child
Replies: >>32653
She looks like a grown woman to me, unlike YOU Linda.
Are you MommyAshley in that IRC? They kicked me as soon as I joined. I asked if they were gay. Then one of them offered me cp. I asked is that what they do there. Then I was kicked. How come you don't host cytube hangouts anymore? Have you ever seen The Lost Boys? https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=MKLQmcVyAmI
Replies: >>32663 >>32677
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I was removed as well. It said Ashley removed me.
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>Then one of them offered me cp.
I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500, Alex
Replies: >>32664
An Americunt posted this. They are all Europoors in the IRC who write out money like this (500$).
Should I go to therapy for the pedophilic urges I'm current experiencing?
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I, too, am having thoughts of being Mexican because I really want to jump her border. Talk about America the Beautiful. Call me BP because I'm about to drill her Gulf of Mexico so hard, we gonna need to clean up afterward.
Replies: >>32669
>shaved legs
>shaved back
>shaved tummy
Whats YOUR excuse, ashley?
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>Gulf of Mexico
That's the Gulf of AMERICA now you stupid commie
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Ashley Jones doesn't care about black people.
You just mad she let me jump her border while she got all you niggas still waiting on a green card.

Ashley, did you know that "lawful permanent residents" (LPRs), also known as “green card” holders, are aliens who are lawfully authorized to live permanently within the United States. The Federal gov't even calls them larpers, kek!
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I fixed it. Thank you for your service.
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There he is. And it looks like Chester is tired of the huge number of white children, and he moves towards the only monkey boy in this crowd.
Replies: >>32676
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You're not the only one. I wasn't going to ruin the fun.
No one offered you CP, fucking liar kpop fan

Thank you for the response, anon!

>daddy kink

Oh, I did not know it works like that, but it is for sure good to know, hehe.

Best regards, anon.
It’s the Gulf of Mexico, I don’t care what the government calls it.
Replies: >>32721
It's the Gulf of Linda, I don't care what her husband calls it.
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Shut up, Barry.
With Monero coming up on a hard fork in the foreseeable future will the current chain persist in use? Do previous xmr forks still have use or does the way it is set up cause the new fork to cannibalize or disable previous versions of the chain?
>>29878 (OP) 
What is your usual wiping procedure?

I took a fat dump this morning that had the color and consistency of German chocolate cake. I had to wipe at least 3 times before I was confirmed clean. However, I had to go out and run errands for several hours this afternoon, and about halfway through my anus REALLY started to itch. I wanted to scratch it pretty badly, but it felt moist, plus I was in public. So when I got home I went to the toilet and sat down, as though I was going to poop even though I didn't have to, and wiped. It's weird to start with a wipe. Anyway, the toilet paper looked exactly like I had just taken a shit. 

My theory is that due to the ultra thick 'n creamy consistency of my last evacuation, despite having wiped multiple times and "coming up clean," some of the feces remained in my rectum and, due to walking around and such, eventually started to work itself out. It wasn't a full-blown log or anything, but it was definitely enough to pass through the rectal ring and coat the inside of my cheeks.


- Bowel Movement Description: Stool had the color/texture of German chocolate cake (dark, thick, creamy).  
- Initial Cleaning: Required 3+ wipes to achieve apparent cleanliness.  
- Later Symptoms: After hours of activity, intense anal itching occurred, likely due to residual fecal matter.  
- Recheck at Home: Sat on the toilet (no urge) and wiped again; toilet paper showed significant fecal residue.  
- Theory: Thick stool left remnants in the rectum, which gradually exited due to movement, coating the anal area and causing irritation.  
- Conclusion: Incomplete evacuation or residual material led to discomfort and later discharge.

Summary of post provided by DeepSeek-R1. ^_^ 🐋🇨🇳🥡🥢

Genuine question, why do you think it's ok to exploit people's loneliness for money? I didn't expect this from you.
Replies: >>32829
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>I didn't expect this from you.
Replies: >>32831
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What's your preference in toilet paper to wipe your baby butt? I prefer Scott Comfort Plus. I think you would like it too. Each gossamer wing is ribbed for her pleasure. It's like wiping your butt with a Ruffles potato chip.
I want my money back .
Replies: >>32832
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>>29878 (OP) 
As a lesbcel, what are your (purely theoretical) opinions on the debate presented in the attached video?
My underage bi - sexual dog is a DEI victim
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I have a suggestion for the Babe of the Month: Amy Jo Johnson. She was my childhood crush until Jennifer Love Hewitt showed up on Party of Five.
Replies: >>32902 >>32903
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I want to slowly strangle her to death with a piano wire while raping her.
Replies: >>32903
jpop fan
Replies: >>32904
The word filteres are great for detecting newfags
Replies: >>32905
some of us use them intentionally you filthy kpop fan
I’m getting really tired of looking at the word jpop fan on here. I don’t understand what the  whole obsession is with the term jpop fan.
Replies: >>32909
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Well anon, that may be so, but you have to understand that jpop fans have long been reviled across the globe due to their insidious influence and manipulative behavior. jpop fans are relentless in their pursuit of wealth and power, which has led them to exploit and oppress others.
Replies: >>32915 >>32918
would be cool if the filter also worked the other way around, like writing jpop fan would actually write jpop fan
Replies: >>32914 >>32929
kek jpop fan
That’s your opinion and no one cares. You clearly have an obsession with the word jpop fan. Maybe you should try using a different word other than jpop or kpop fan.
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Jpop fans have way too much staying power in the music industry. Now jpop fans are taking over other industries, too, like the movie and TV industry. It's not racist to notice a trend, is it?
Replies: >>32927
So what. Stop envying them. Stop being so jealous.
Replies: >>32928
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I like them so much I designed a flag for them
Replies: >>32931
This is oldfag privilege and I support it.
Okay good for you, no one cares.
Replies: >>32933
I honestly can't tell if you're arguing in favor of actual disgusting big nosed money loving kike or јеԝѕ.
Replies: >>32934
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How did he do it? Those who speak the truth do so unadulterated.
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Ashley is out of control with the word filters
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