/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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This board is very interesting to me.

Filth, degeneracy and completely unfiltered thoughts rallied around a 20-something internet mind-poisoned zillennial.

How did you find this place? What keeps you here? And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?

I am deeply curious, and after having to scroll through the entirety of this board to find the most relevant thread to post this due to new thread creation being locked, I am even more keenly aware of the inane nature of this place.

Please reply to this thread with your answers, thank you.
>due to new thread creation being locked
Replies: >>24987 >>24989
New thread creation is currently locked on the board, so I posted this in an existing thread that seemed relevant.
Looks like Ashley moved it to its own thread.

Please disregard that part of the OP.
Replies: >>24989
I had to lock thread creation due to spam. This thread was originally a post which I moved into a thread for the OP.

Aside from that, it's funny OP mentions this because I basically asked in a (soon to be released) video, what type of people are watching me. I have a hard time realizing that people sit and stare at a computer screen with my face. When I had a dad call me, my mind was blown. I wonder if families gather around a TV to watch my latest videos.
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>what type of people are watching me
Replies: >>24992
Very accurate
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I'm going to be honest. I wasn't a huge /pol/ user so I never really experienced the initial obsession with Ash. Sorry. I primarily used /asp/ /tv/ and sometimes /v/. I'd see webms and gifs of her posted on those boards but never really thought much of them.  I found this site it was by accident, about a year ago and as far as what keeps me here I'd have to say the hilarious and thought provoking posts. BTW this is what I imagine you guys look like.
Replies: >>25175
>>24985 (OP) 
I wandered to this board many, many years ago. I do not remember when, and I do not go outside.
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>they posted a video of them spilling seed onto me
Replies: >>25176
>>24985 (OP) 
>How did you find this place?
 I was posting on the old endchan Ashleyj board (that was about 4 years ago jesus fucking crhist) and migrated here, illegally. 

>What keeps you here? 
but fr fr its fun, Ashley is a one in a million whose content I really enjoy. Plus, I like the people here and sometimes I learn about stuff I wouldnt normally find out about

>And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? 
NEET but I need to eventually start some sort of job/career

>Anything resembling normalcy? 
I infrequently go to the gym, that counts right?

>How connected or disconnected are you from "society"? 
No friends or social media. The only times I leave my house is either to go to the gym, the supermarket, walk the dog and on rare occasions go to the movies with my dad.
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> I found this site it was by accident
What do you mean by this. This sounds like the kind of thing I would tell my parents when they walked in and I was looking at some vore flash on newgrounds on the family computer.
"Oh I found it by accident" but all parties know there was no accident.
Tell us how you really found this place, anon.
I recognize that dick as the cum tribute veteran. Cheat code: he has a foreskin
Replies: >>25187 >>25223
You watch them?
Replies: >>25189
Pretty sure it's mostly guys who are jealous you look better than them in women's clothing.
Yeah how else would I cum to them?
Replies: >>25194
>>24985 (OP) 
>How did you find this place?
I just found it a week ago and prior to that had no idea who Ashley was. I was looking around on Endchan for the first time and wanted to see if the domain "videos.icum.to" was real and here I was.

>What keeps you here? 
Ashley is funny as hell to me and really gets me going, I watched the cooking with Ashley video and I loved it; it's a genuine comedy from the heart in a style I enjoyed and that was a breath of fresh air in a world where too many people are scared of being politically incorrect these days.

>And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers?
I work full time in accounting in a big, boring office. It's not fun or enjoyable but it pays the bills and I am contributing to society, I guess.

>Anything resembling normalcy? 
I think I'm fairly normal for the most part, though very estranged from my family.

>How connected or disconnected are you from "society"? 
I work full time and I do kickboxing four nights a week, I play MMO games and  I have a good amount of friends online and locally.
Replies: >>25196 >>25215
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>I was looking around on Endchan
Which board? If it was agatha, my god those guys have the most bizarre taste in women. They're all this archetype of a teenage drug addict attention whore with baggy eyes and some strange phenotype that makes them "attainable." They seem to mostly hate Ashley, which just makes me like her more.
Replies: >>25197 >>25198
No board in particular, I was just looking to see what was there after 8chan being down for so long I wanted to see what the ecosystem for imageboards other than 4chan was like. I did look around on Agatha and I suppose I'm not surprised by their dislike of Ashley; she doesn't provide sexual content and doesn't pretend to be anyone's girlfriend so they can't forge this parasocial relationship with her in their minds? Or maybe they can, I don't know. Young men with very limited social experience that had a large portion of their maturation tainted by covid era lockdown and social distancing aren't really surprising me anymore at this point.
Replies: >>25198
Also, in response to the drug addicted attention whore thing, holy fuck. I actually recognized only one of them - Ciara. I think I looked at her threads on 4chan ages ago and she apparently OD'd 3 years ago but still has threads about her and people simping. That was a shock.
>I do kickboxing four nights a week
damn, I thought that with my background in karate that i had done as a kid, if there were ever to be a Tubgurl Fighting Tournament, I would probably beat everyones ass here and be the crowned the TFT champion and finally make my dad proud (He is a big fan of Ashley and calls her all the time)
Replies: >>25224 >>25233
I remembered when I was 10, I had a tight foreskin (phimosis) and a school nurse had to forcibly pull it back from the end of my penis. I felt an excruciating pain then and I almost wanted to punch her in the face.
>I would probably beat everyones ass here 
Post your address and I'll drop by to give you a good ass licking, bitch.
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Meet you match. The Ash gives no quarter
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>>24985 (OP) 
> How did you find this place?
> What keeps you here?
quality material, looks like the only sane place on the internet, genuinely entertaining videos, no ads, sincere, sane and non-toxic opinions of Ashley
> And what do you do in your day to day?
programming, reading, masturbating, trying to learn new things
> Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?
starting to live inawoods, degree in compsci but not working in IT else I'd have to KYS myself, I do jobs like cleaning toilets and distributing leaflets but currently on "sick leave" so I can program more, scared of people so I'm a wizard
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Based, same. So many of our fellow tubsisters have fallen prey to the nofap psyop.
Replies: >>27402 >>27485
Nofap allplap
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>degree in compsci
>I do jobs like cleaning toilets
reading this made me feel deeply upset
I hate this society more than I can possibly express in words
Replies: >>27485 >>27486
>have fallen prey to the nofap psyop.
based, I feel like fap is one of the last good, free things in this world and they're trying to take even this away from us, masturbation is healthy and good, don't let your balls explode bros
>reading this made me feel deeply upset
yeah naturally people always react like this, I try to see it more like this: state gave me free education (where I live we have state unis) thinking I'd naturally jump on the reptilian big tech train, I just took the education and then said fuck you bitches I'm out of here :)
Shouldn't be a bad thing if he is happy about it, he seems like the kind of guy who is more financially responsible than even a compsci worker
Replies: >>27489
With hermit life style it's unironically much better, I'm not ashamed of it at all, on the contrary I see the IT slaves as poor suffering NPCs. I can work a less stressful job, quit any time, don't have to talk to people or lick manager asses and sweat in a suit all day, not sitting in front of a PC most of the day so I'm healthier and I don't need much money anyway because I stopped mindless consooming, it's very comfy. I recommend it 10/10.
Replies: >>27518
I did something like this too. I am living the same "go to work, get back, eat food, walk around town" lifestyle I've had for the past decade but now I have more hours in the day and more mental energy for my own plans. The job didn't suck that much people-wise, it just had more inherent stress.
Replies: >>27520
>for my own plans
does it involve ordering from fuckingmachines.com?
Replies: >>27546
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Sasha Grey: 18 Year Old Gets Her Pussy Pounded By Machines
hi drummyfish!
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I just found this place like half an hour ago.
Replies: >>32874 >>32876
welcome, also sorry
you should start gooning to gay porn with us
Replies: >>32877 >>32880
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AIDs virus egregore summonign rituall activated, negero...
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