/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
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based beyond belief, peak taste my guy 

despite some rough edges that game was such a blast
Replies: >>21516
>my guy
Replies: >>21551
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Sandy from Spongebob, but not in a furry way
Replies: >>27699
Same but if she had a penis

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I wonder what she does for money. What do you anons do to earn money?
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>None of us find her desirable.
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installing jschan requires advanced skills like the ability to follow basic directions and knowing how to copy and paste. People who say shit like this expose themselves as people who have only ever used the internet to consoooom
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>Her boyfriend obviously takes care of her
No I dont.
My wife is a very strong, capable and independent Mexican woman, if anyone takes care of anything, it is her taking care of me. Financially, sexually, spiritually and most importantly, whenever I cant get some open source software to run on my Linux Arch IBM Thinkpad..

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mkY sson snt ,e this Website and it looks rellay funny, I dnt know who or what an Ashley Jones is but she looks Like one of those Tik ok stars that work for China. I donr like china because they spye on us through our telephones and coffee makers, fox news told me that. I dont undertand why Joe Byden doesnt stop them isnt he the president I bet he hates american FJB LETS GO BRAN BAN. anywas what is this site, it looks like something that will giv my computer laptop a virus? is it a wafe web site to be. tell me plz.  ok, well, the wife wants me to Watch jeff dunham with her...hes hilarious. ok...maybe ill be back
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You didn't deserve to be born.
Good AFternoon everyone. im back like I said I be. The wife and i got into one of our little "arguments: again and she letgs 3 days ago. im all lone now with me and the family dog Roufus. he afrts almost as much as me . haha. anyways ive been watching ashleys videos, all of them and have become infatulated with her, sorry i cant spell i dropped out of High scjhool, anyways i think shes really cute and noticed she had a telephone hotline. and was wondering. is it a phone like like 1800 JUGS where i can talk to sext ladies who call me sexy. or it just a joke website phoneline. ok just wodnering. my sloppy joes are burning in  the microwave. bye bye for now.
Replies: >>22031
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>>21712 (OP) 

Barry, is this you?
did you take up smoking crystal meth after Linda left you?
>>21712 (OP) 
Hello ashley its me your number 1 olde fan. haha im 65 for anyone wondering haha anyways my wife is no loner with me because she cheated on me and i kicked her out of the old homestad now its just me and the dog he stull farts alot. HAHA but im used to the smell becasue its always around speaking of being always arounf my buddy johhny said he found your video about the cooking in the kitchen to be really humorous and he liked the part when you spit the gym in teh sink at the end haha anyways I just wanted to step in and say hello to ashley becasue I am a huge fan and i mean huge emphansis on huge my penis is biug its huge like 4 inches ereck LOL WOW anyways joe bie den isnt running for presient anyemore so . thats good too. oh did you see minions 3 or minions 4 i saw it by myself i am a not a pedophile but im think people think i was becasue i was there masturbating to the minins HAHA anyways have a good night ashley please keep being funny and maing funney fideos HAHA goodnight sweethart!

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The cum tribby thread has CUM to a CLIMAX, CUMMING to its maximum LOAD of replies
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Ehh, I don't know. The only reason I do them to Ashley is because she initially asked for them herself and is now fine with any new ones.
Sorry anon, but I think I'll have to pass.

I didn't even notice the loop lol, just cut it at random.
As long as you look at it for the cute screenshot of Ashley I'm sure it's not gay or weird.
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Replies: >>27174 >>27175
I bet Ashley could cum massives ropes like this for real if she was a guy. She'd probably have a huge girthy cock aswell. a solid 8"x6" and uncut ofcourse.
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You have to see the original "bonbi tapes" video to understand the context here. Fucking hilarious. Also,
>How the West Was Fun
>Switching Goals
>used tissue
What did Ashley mean by this???
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A guy in a facebook group I'm a part of found a Cracker Jack prize in the VHS tape he recently acquired.

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Hi guys,
Tomorrow's my 18th birthday, and I've been lurking here for a while, so I thought I'd attention whore post about it. I realize picrel is poor quality (DOBs on drivers' licenses are small and my pencils are dull) and doesn't prove anything, but I thought I may as well include it. Anyway, thanks for the laughs and whatnot, this place is pretty cool.
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Nobody here is a female. Not even ashley.
There should be some old folks in a website about vintage electronics repair
You're old enough to be my son. I fucked a lot of gooks in Nam, they consented of course.
>>27074 (OP) 
Have you ever been built for god?
>>27074 (OP) 
Happy birthday anon, its all down hill from here buddy

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About the Ashley tracker: https://icum.to/about-the-ashley-tracker/
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>I am out boyos, have a good one
What did she mean by this? No seriously. Did you faggots run her off again?!
Ashley isn't going anywhere you guys are so silly lol lool r-right Ashley?
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Kek you drama queens want to be cucked because for years the story is some iteration of
>she left so she could get pumped and dumped by (insert Sam Hyde, Will, or a tranny here)

The next time I leave I'll make sure to make these dreams become a reality. I have my target picked. Picrel.
Replies: >>27158 >>27165
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I have my shirt ready.
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Is that Mental Outlaw? ...with an iPhone X? I didn't know AIDS ran on Linux? I hope he grants you access, whoer. Let's see you fix AIDS, bitch. Fuck you, I'm racist now

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Paste the contents of your clipboard right now without looking. GO!
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Magic 8 ball should I kill myself?
How to reach penile melagnosis
Is phimosis a mental condition
Sad Anime Music and Beautiful Piano & Instrument - Naruto Shippuden OST 3【BGM】

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Derrick's birthday is a special occasion that only comes once a year - until a life changing event that only happens once in a lifetime also happens on Derrick's birthday. How will two important events play out at once? Will Derrick still feel special?

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6th of June 2025 is going to be amazing, trust me
>I'm just going to say D-Day happened in 6th of the June
>Derricks grandma is still alive...

I get it now, thanks <3

You know too much, stop it before something bad happens.
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Replies: >>24871
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I figured it out. The video is about Derrick's birthday. Derrick's birthday is April 20th which is also Hitler's birthday and the date of Columbine. June 3rd is National Simp Day. June 4th is Killdozer Day and the day of Tienanmen Square. The first case of AIDS was reported by the CDC and the United States went off the gold standard on June 5th. The Robert F. Kennedy assassination was on June 5th but he didn't die until June 6th. Ronald Reagan died on June 5th. Ronald Reagan Day is February 6th. National Ashley Day is February 6th. The special day. Charlie Day. Charlie Day's birthday is February 9th. All the pieces suddenly fit.
Replies: >>24872
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I'm fully amazed by you
there are still some smart ashlings
You have proven me wrong

You are on a good lead but still you have so much to figure out.
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Rose has long legs too.
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I'm genuinely curious, would Ashley lick such a butthole irl? If she would, she is really a keeper!

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Do any of you people like to rummage through garbage at yard sales or thrift stores? I do, but a lot of the stuff is too nice and new for my tastes. Show and tell anything good you find.

I'm considering dumpster diving or driving around on trash day to pick up the good stuff I like.
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That's because those will also mash ear wax in your ears without actually scooping anything out. You need the optimal metal scraper. You put the metal scraper in your ear, pushed against the ear with a firm pressure, and go in a complete circle around your ear and pull out a satisfying plethora of ear wax. I do this a few times until my ear is as clean as Jordan Peterson after a trip to Russia.
your flooding your brain anon
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I have used some cheap capacitors that I bought in China and have had no problems so far. Of course they are small devices that I connect from time to time.
For audio it seems to me that it is mandatory to use original capacitors (and transistors and semiconductors)  bought from an authorized dealer. The difference between audio capacitors and normal capacitors is remarkable.

I recently bought a kit of Chinese fuses for my car I think they work well and I also ordered some nec transistors (they do not look original) but I think they will work to fix a mini amp that I destroyed a little the plate (I removed the aluminum of the pcb plate). I know a technician in my town who has  talent for soldering and has fixed some of my devices with similar problems. Once he fixed me a ps3 fat cecha01 (the best model out there) that I thought was dead (I mistakenly cut a line on the PCB) and the guy fixed it for me. 

I got into soldering more than anything for audio. It is not difficult to substantially improve a sound system and so far the results have been satisfactory.
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Went to a vintage and collectibles market on the weekend.
this place was huge, ok? I went all by myself and it still took 2 and a half hours to get through every stall. 

They had shit stacked from floor to ceiling there was just sooo much stuff squeezed into every little space possible. 
Every now and again you could heard someone knocking into something. Thank god Im just dumb and not full downie because if I had that extra chromosome and extra ass, I would have been knocking things over left, right and centre they were that tight
It was so tight to navigate some stalls I had to walk around them with my shoulders and arms squeezing together so I wouldnt accidentally bump into something and knock it over. 

Anyways, there was a pretty good range of stuff. Heaps of toys, car related items, signs, records/CDs, beer/soda bottles, tools, clothing, videogames, cameras, misc memorbilla (or however you say it) and everything in between. 
There were even some war items like old shells and helmets.
sadly no small CRT that I would like to have. In fact there was only one TV in the entire place and it looked like something from the 1950s.
Price wise, most things seemed a bit more expensive than what you would find online, but the advantage at the market is you could see with your own human eyeballs what sort of condition they were in and you dont have to pay shipping.

This place also does a live auction as well, but it was on earlier in the day before I arrived so unfortunately I missed it. Ive never been to an auction for items that were not slaves so it would have been interesting to see what special items they have up for auction.

ok onto the puctures...
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Replies: >>26255
>not "accidentally" knocking into shelves and having them land on you and pretending the shelf broke your leg and threaten to sue but you'll settle out of court right here, right now, for a 1993 M&M dispenser and a 1973 Ronald Mcdonald toy
I like hearing about your personal experience going to one of these places. I get the same pleasure reading your post like I get pleasure reading an erotica, except I don't feel ashamed once I finish reading it.

Kinda insane they had the 1993 M&M candy dispensers I have. $28 is an absolute scam for them, though. In fact, everything is priced way too high at the place you went to. Nearly $200 for an M&M phone? Yeah, no. That's going up my training pocket for free. $75 for an M&M clock? You can buy a blowjob for less than the price of that clock. Unless it's going to let me cum in its mouth, I'm not interested.

Maybe that's why that tranny was wandering around there. He probably realized the place was a hotbed of disposable income and figured it was a good place to sell gaggers in the changing room.

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Hey guys, let's have a Cytube get together this Tuesday night. I have a new video I put a lot of effort into, it's pretty funny (to me at least), so I think it'd be fun to watch it all together before I put it on my site. Before my new video we'll watch some random Youtube videos together for about 2 hours.

Post links to videos you'd like to watch together. Try to keep them shorter-ish (roughly 15 minutes and under if possible), just so we have a nice variety. I'll pick which ones are of interest.

TIME MY NEW VIDEO WILL SHOW ON CYTUBE: 6pm Pacific | 7pm Mountain | 8pm Central | 9pm Eastern | I'm not a clock so if you're from some third world country like Britain or Hogwarts, figure it out :3

The above time is when my new video will play. Arrive 2 hours early if you want to watch the Youtube videos and chat with me and other anons. Cytube link: https://cytu.be/r/ashleyjones
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what a cast of characters, what a talent. not blowin' smoke but SNL needs you
Replies: >>25475
Lorne Michaels would not let her on, he's a kike. Tina Fey would go out of her way to destroy her publicly like what Tim Heidecker and Brett Gelman did to Sam Hyde at Adult Swim. SNL would much rather have someone like Caroline Konstnar since she's Jewish.
Replies: >>25480
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That's true but SNL does need her if it wants to return to the glory days with the likes of Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. Bill Murray, Jane Curtain. Right now it's all down hill for SNL.
are videos from Dailymotion no longer working on Cytube for anyone else?
they used to work and their FAQ still lists DM as a supported site
>its a clue that someone in the video will be eating shit

hey I wasnt that far off  >>>>24823

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