/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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New Ashley video will be premiering LIVE today around 4:50pm EST, right before Endchan's monthly movie. There will be a live chat. Come join us: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

Update: Stream is over. Watch the new video here: https://videos.icum.to/w/qxiVTowoo1YsZ8Y2KhjLem

Thank you to Endchan and for everyone who came. Now post your drawings, boys.
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asian invasion.jpeg
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As far as I know, Tencent has a minority share in Discord. The Chinese have a minority share in a lot of American companies. I'm not sure if Tencent is a willing puppet of the CCP but I do know the CCP does have some influence over them. It would be expected that their gov't would want to influence users on their network. Our gov't does that too. The majority of Chinese actually support their gov't so it wouldn't be farfetched that they would work with them when asked. There might be consequences if they don't. Last I heard, Tencent is on thin ice with the CCP. Due to recent gov't regulations, they lost a lot of stock value and the company is on life support. I don't know what's the hubbub with TikTok. I don't use it. It seems pointless. I know it's owned by a Chinese company. I know Trump started a pissing contest with them and it's a big deal in Washington right now. Just seems like an old fashioned Yellow Peril to me, which is as American as apple pie. I've been hearing the Chinese were going to take over the world for the past three decades. They can't even take their island back.
Replies: >>3296
>I've been hearing the Chinese were going to take over the world for the past three decades. They can't even take their island back.
underrated opinion. "muh china is coming" and "ccp le evil" is such a boomer take. the same evil that controls china exists here. china is the staging ground for their global plans (social credit etc). if you want to know what's coming to the west, take a look at china.
however, this isn't an endorsement of their aptitude for social domination. take for example the "great firewall" of china. the project wasn't even fully realized until like 2006. to this day it is easily circumvented (well, easily if you know what you're doing). point is, the dinosaurs in charge didn't even say, "hmm, this internet thing could be a problem for keeping the masses under control" until the mid 2000s. morons. here in the west, in modern times, we've taken a different tact: cancel culture. don't like what someone is saying? no laws necessary - just get their hosting providers to shut them down, cut off their access to financial services, etc. which method of censorship is more effective is yet to be seen, but I suspect its the latter, actually.
Replies: >>3298
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This is the global elitist and founder of the World Economic Forum that I would be concerned about. Klaus Schwab declared on Chinese State TV that China is a model for many nations.
Replies: >>3598 >>14151
test your might.jpg
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Yeah, this guy is a real jerk. He wants to merge outworld with ours. He's no match for Rex Kwon Do, though. Just break the wrist, walk away.

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Post the music you're listening to and the music you're makin'
Deaf people are NOT ALLOWED in this thread

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this hit harder than domestic abuse
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Replies: >>14069
She looked better with a bloody nose.

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Replies: >>13964
>>13960 (OP) 
plz delete

not me just looks like me but you can make it work if you want.jpg
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Let's make this clear. This is NOT a gay thread at all. I need videos of men jacking off or cumming to pictures of me, I know at least 2 exist and I can't find them. This is for a future video I'm working on at the moment. If you for some reason don't have those videos saved, you are welcum to cumtribute your own.

Do not post them in this thread. Post them on the old gay tranny board, that way I can get what I want without messing up this board with gay shit. Visit the old board at your own risk, while you wont get any viruses from this board, you might get the HIV virus from the old board.
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JLP is pretty wacky with a lot of his beliefs, like he thinks the soul is in your belly and stuff, not sure if he's claimed anything similar to what I was getting at as it's a lot more mystical or /x/ related then I've heard him get into before. Basically I was commenting on the nature of the unseen astral plane, schizoposting, in other words, I have no comment on the psychological aspect of any of this as I am retarded.
Also that's pretty funny that JLP is into gay stuff, many such cases in the  NIGGER  African American community
Replies: >>13938
Spoiler File
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I have no commentary other than to say that as someone who visits this board a few times a day as part of my "alt chan" rotation, I really appreciate the lengthy effort posts and discussion. Know that your thoughts are read and enjoyed and please feel free to make more well thought out posts like this in the future.

Nasty fucks
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filters are getting really good. the left is ashley with filters off and the right is ashley with filters on.
Replies: >>13747
tbh, it would be funny to see her in one of those prosthetic fat suits
Replies: >>13868
no it wouldn't
Replies: >>13869
yeah it would
Replies: >>13888
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Press S to sniff
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Replies: >>13274 + 11 earlier
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>>13026 (OP) 
Ash did you know I have a natural solution to getting rid of armpit sweat?
Replies: >>13288
yeah its called Bandit's tongue
lucky shit gets to lick both the feets and da pits
I'm sure that's all a bunch of bullshit.
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>Deodorant clogs your armpit holes
Only anti- perspirant only does this, but deodorant for some reason doesn't. I think because it's water based or something? I can't remember why and I'm too lazy to look it up. 

On a side note, my old coworker was one of those holistic healing neo-hippie type of chicks and said she consumed liquid chlorophyll to completely rid of her BO and swore by it. I always wanted to give it a shot, but have been putting it off for far too long.

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Does anyone know what song Ashely used in her video 'Mother Undercover'? I used Shazam but it didn't work. Thanks
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I don't know if this is the somg she's referring to but Ron Sexsmith originally wrote and sang "Straeberry Blonde" back in 1997. The attached video is a more recent one of him singing it
Replies: >>13154
More like the "trollface meme" if you ask me
whats the Tyrone Magnus video?
no BBC jokes please
this is basically just yaht rock final countdown lol
Replies: >>13158
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I don't know,I kinda like some yacht soft rock music like Seals and Croft, Bobby Caldwell, George Benson (really good smooth jazz if you're into smooth jazz)

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Hey Ashley, I bet this comes as a big surprise for you, but we all got together and made you a card. Merry Christmas, we love you!
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Sorry, Anon, I win. She's mine. See you at the All You Can Eat.
Replies: >>4333
Sure, you can come along on our date ...if you can get up. Ashley can only hand feed one one of us. Don't think I won't tip you over on your rascal scooter, Seabee.
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Guys I'm excited for Christmas already.

What should we do for Ashley this year?
Replies: >>13134 >>13137

hire her one of those fancy Asian escorts that I see advertised at the back of my dads nudey magazines 
but prank her and make it a Thai lady boy
I think there was suppose to be a secret santa thingy this year.

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Where were you when the gover-uh-terrorists blew up the World Trade Center?
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>other than ash has anyone actually watched sex pot? any good?
I put it on and my little nephew walked in right when the tits were on and he said, "anon what are you doing? Why are you watching this?". I ignored him and kept beating off hoping he'd go away. I could only last 10 minutes before I realized Ash's movie taste has ascended mine and I wasn't worthy of watching such a hidden gem.
Replies: >>12793
God I wanna sniff between Taz's legs (no homo)
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The fifth annual Frasier Crane Day would be a day they would never forget. The world would be different place now if only the barista at the Starbucks had not made Niles' latte incorrectly so they would have arrived at the Jedi Temple in time to warn the council. "I said double decaf non-fat latte, medium foam, dusted with just the faintest whisper of cinnamon. I very clearly asked for a whisper of cinnamon and he's given me a full-throated shout! There are countries in this world where they would lop off his sprinkling hand!"

Original Bait Post

Check out some of the replies and QT's. 





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lole i have that pictur too it is one of my favorites and also heres another one that is funni
Replies: >>12453
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funny bih i <3
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<3 womena
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Is this the thotty thread?
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Whenever I make edits or reposts on twitter, I always make sure to add a link to Ash's site.

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