/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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Post Ashley look alikes
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8 months on from my post and i still feel the same way
Im ok at photo manipulation, I know enough to know what tool would be used here but the execution is still 10/10 and I guess thats what blows my mind

Like there is a second image that was used to "paint on" the mustache/chin facial hair but it so flawlessly lines up with the original photo its insane 

also wtf its really been 2 years since this was posted
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Replies: >>27651
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this really does resemble Ashley its concerning. Whats more concerning however is how did you come across this image anon?

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Rose and Ashley go together like peanut butter and jelly
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>She probably took a lot of nudes in her blue hair phase
You just KNOW she did. Whore. Slut. Stupid slutty whore should love ME and not any other men! SLUTTTTT

god I love her
Replies: >>27602
I take pictures of my asshole every day after I wipe just to make sure I got it all and Im not a whore.
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me trying to have doggystyle sexo with rosemary
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>She taped up her balls

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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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>How to ruin a steak
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Replies: >>27574 >>27575
me eating the barrel of that gun because i'm suicidal

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>Youtube "comedian"
>800,000 subscribers
>Ashley gets like 500 views per video
There's something wrong with this world
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Replies: >>27561
Wait, I thought you were supposed to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap, not the other way around.
Replies: >>19786
Thats a different easter bunny ;)
I’m an American!
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I thought this dude was based... until it sets in.
>>9243 (OP) 
it's not bout the size of audience but its quality, she's basically enjoying the attention of the top 0.01% of the DNA pool

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This board is very interesting to me.

Filth, degeneracy and completely unfiltered thoughts rallied around a 20-something internet mind-poisoned zillennial.

How did you find this place? What keeps you here? And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?

I am deeply curious, and after having to scroll through the entirety of this board to find the most relevant thread to post this due to new thread creation being locked, I am even more keenly aware of the inane nature of this place.

Please reply to this thread with your answers, thank you.
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Shouldn't be a bad thing if he is happy about it, he seems like the kind of guy who is more financially responsible than even a compsci worker
Replies: >>27489
With hermit life style it's unironically much better, I'm not ashamed of it at all, on the contrary I see the IT slaves as poor suffering NPCs. I can work a less stressful job, quit any time, don't have to talk to people or lick manager asses and sweat in a suit all day, not sitting in front of a PC most of the day so I'm healthier and I don't need much money anyway because I stopped mindless consooming, it's very comfy. I recommend it 10/10.
Replies: >>27518
I did something like this too. I am living the same "go to work, get back, eat food, walk around town" lifestyle I've had for the past decade but now I have more hours in the day and more mental energy for my own plans. The job didn't suck that much people-wise, it just had more inherent stress.
Replies: >>27520
>for my own plans
does it involve ordering from fuckingmachines.com?
Replies: >>27546
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Sasha Grey: 18 Year Old Gets Her Pussy Pounded By Machines

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Discussions of movies and TV shows shall be posted here. Anyone hosting streams can share their link here also.
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Her tits used to be so small and perky. I don't get it bros. At what point will she stop? Even if she's raking in 20k a month, what does that possibly buy her? South Park toys to fill the void? A new cat to compensate for her lack of friends? You know she hates doing this and she hates her life. She could have taken a completely different path, saved her dignity, and probably have a decent husband and lots of fans who respect her. Instead she has dwindled into obscurity and even the most dedicated fans have dropped her. Was it worth it? All for your South Park toys and your cat shit litter box you call a house?
Replies: >>27388
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>Even if she's raking in 20k a month, what does that possibly buy her?
more food, thats what! 
need to get them milkers even bigger, thicker mmmmm yes
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hollllyyyyy shittttt. Tbh I think chubby girls are cute, I'm into that shit. But she's well into "gross bbw" territory now. What an absolute shame. Imagine having the world in the palm of your hand and fucking up so badly that by just 22 years old you're an obese, unhygienic cat lady selling pictures of your rapidly sagging tits for $8/month. Absolutely depressing, tubsisters.
Yes, there's a talking cow, even a talking worm.
They'll just get them to sign a "we can use AI to replicate your voice" contract and keep the dead horse walking. Hope the voice actors demand profit sharing. There will be new Simpson episodes until God becomes President.

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1. Go to https://r.sine.com/index
2. F5 until you find something good
3. Post it

Alternative random image sites:
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video games and stuff yeah yeah

DOOM 64 is underrated gem play plz

Also Super Mario Bros. 3 is goot

feel free to GIMP tanooki mario into something super wholesome and not disgusting at all.
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This game will be remembered as one of the great works of our epoch. 
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Shortly after I made this post, I discovered an HD texture mod with add-ons from the game's beta version (gun skins, sound effects, bodies don't disappear, etc.) and now everything looks 10x better.

Replies: >>27421
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There needs to be a derrickdabeast mod for doom. Call it dumb. Derrick is kidnapped and taken to the deep underground military base hidden under the denver international airport to be sacrificed in a blood ritual to molech but what the elite don't know is that the fbi slipped derrick an "assault weapon" to commit a columbine 2.0 and derrick mistakenly believes he's at school and was sent to the principal's office.

Have derrick receive hints from his mom, chester and glitta on his phone and have it resemble the MGS codec. Derrick can goon to tranny porn on gov't computers to receive a temporary buff. You find boxes of farm rich mozzarella sticks to restore health. Have the game reveal that derrick's father is kevin sorbo.
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i can probably make Ashley's own Doom shooter where you slay reptilians and stuff if you give me nice assets
Replies: >>27497
KEK i would play this. Derrick is the main character and instead of DOOM it's called MOOOM!!!

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They're making new distractions every day. Left wing, right wing, sex swing. It's all gay.

Post news stories, happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
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It's crazy how much Google, Bing, DDG etc are dropping the ball compared to Yandex
Replies: >>27412
Have you tried searching for images on any of those shitboxes? Yandex is literally the only SE that can produce something other than stock images of nogs. Qwant is somewhat OK too but imo not as good as Yandex
That's because he's a cunt destroyer.
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Kamala Harris, the 'diversity hire' ... "This woman, this disaster whose only qualification is having a vagina and the right skin colour…
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I wonder what she does for money. What do you anons do to earn money?
Last edited by admin
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>None of us find her desirable.
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installing jschan requires advanced skills like the ability to follow basic directions and knowing how to copy and paste. People who say shit like this expose themselves as people who have only ever used the internet to consoooom
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>Her boyfriend obviously takes care of her
No I dont.
My wife is a very strong, capable and independent Mexican woman, if anyone takes care of anything, it is her taking care of me. Financially, sexually, spiritually and most importantly, whenever I cant get some open source software to run on my Linux Arch IBM Thinkpad..

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