/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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This is the technology discussion thread. Talk about anything tech here. You are also welcome to ask questions or request advice and some of the nerdy niggas on the board will surely arrive to help you. Possible topics: general computing, linux, digital privacy, technology repair, AI, revenge porn, programming, web development, and so on.

If you are one of the several normies on this board who unironically love Facebook and Discord, this thread isn't for you. You have your own thread here >>30052.
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One of the best posts I've read here, I'd love to contact you but HOW do I do it without namefagging?
Replies: >>32113
Sorry, didn't mean to make you want to contact me.
Replies: >>32125 >>32129
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Ah okay, I won't bother you then, thank you anyway :]
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>In fact, it has been my conviction for decades that anonymity on the Internet should be made impossible to facilitate detection and removal of criminals and terrorists.

People who believe as you do are why we can't have nice things. I was enjoying your post until I read this part. Prohibition always makes the criminal underground come back stronger and violent as ever.

>This problem should be tackled in the political and societal planes by rebuilding the institutions and societal segments that have become excessively biased.

How, though? Hasn't every political group who has ever come to power attempted this in some way or another? There is no perfect system. That is why the United States Constitution states, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union" rather than just stating a perfect union; something that isn't humanly possible to achieve. Every time it has been tried by others, it ultimately ends in human disaster.

You seem to have a grasp on the spirit of the time but ultimately you aren't providing anything sufficient other than a well-worded account based on your anecdotal experience. No different than the disgruntled employee who complains about their job to another employee by stating what's wrong with the system and what they would do different if they were in charge without unders
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Let us know and join in for a friendly discussion.
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Yeah I saw it too and was also disgusted. She's bony as hell so that's her tailbone. It looks permanently irritated from being sat on or something.
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She has cow ass
Replies: >>32117 >>32124
Goddamn, almost everyone in that pic is brown, even the guy on the TV. The West has fallen.
Replies: >>32121
Hmm... almost like they're all a part of the same family.
this is a lot like ashley with her family

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Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
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The link is private. Was this supposed to be his Dear Elon video?
What makes you think males are inherently individualistic? It's a modernist invention
Fake and gay
Replies: >>32076 >>32078
How is that image fake and gay? It's just gay.
Replies: >>32077
I probably shouldn't have said individualist, maybe instead used "individual" to mean "just is an individual". Individualism where you're obsessed with differentiation or authenticity or human heckin rights obviously isn't a good generalization of males.

I could have also made my point more clearly by separating the words with commas instead of a slash. Then it would read as shame->collectivism, shame->feminine and guilt->masculine, guilt->individual which is a lot easier to defend than a pool of three concepts.
Replies: >>32080

I know someone uses that word quite frequency lol

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Ashley is aspiring to make an NES game in assembly (probably not soon but eventually):
What are your opinions and ideas? Is there anyone with NES programming experience?
Having spent an hour or two studying NES dev wiki it seems like a challenge, not really because of 6502 assembly but rather because of the PPU, having to manage the timings of vblanks, transferring the data to VRAM in peculiar formats and so on, even reading buttons is quite tricky. Assuming an extremely simple one screen minigame, do you guys think it's doable?
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looks cool but also a little shitty
> Discord
> Github
> requires GCC supporting C++20
> requires boost lib
I think it would be better to just use C as a higher level language, performance won't be so critical for a dead simple game. Also feels like cheating to use anything else than assembly, think it's part of the challenge.
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ashley is cringe but at least she doesn't have digital creator in her bio
Replies: >>32009 >>32013
>in her bio
What bio?
I wonder how many children this broad killed.
The wife in your image 100% has sexual intercourse with strange men who aren't her husband. That being said, I think all of the children are actually his, because they're all incredibly ugly.

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It's time you fags learned how to dress.
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screencapped, thanks 'non
Replies: >>31961
You're welcome, I love literal shitposting
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Replies: >>31996
the snuggle is real
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Is that Agatha?

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Sandwich angst. What more is there to say?

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I watched them all at once.
A year later and it's still funny that Ashley raped a guy
Replies: >>31875 >>31971
FBI tip submitted.
Replies: >>31901
Pretty sure a tip was submitted in that guy's asshole
I think you’re imagining things while you master bate. I don’t remember that ever happening.

jewish heaven.webm
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Post Ashley clips or OC new or old
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This is the kind of thread that got /qa/ permanently locked because the glowies got scared
Replies: >>10778

this too
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TIP: Watch Ashley's videos at 0.5 speed so the enjoyment lasts longer
Replies: >>11698
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Half speed and muted is my go-to.
Bump. Wish there were more oc vids

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>Pic related is Mackenzie Phillips (left), daughter of John Phillips (right) from the band The Mamas & The Papas. She had a consensual incestuous relationship with her father in her adulthood. Her Papa was gonna make her a mama.
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Haruka Minatsuki is pretty cute. My favorite codes are EKDV-571 and MSVD-385. I almost never fap to her though.

Check out MIFD-062 if you like Hikaru Minatsuki. Mayu Okamoto has only two titles, but she is definitely up your alley.
The tattoos in the third image remind me of Yuuki Hiiragi. She's okay. I don't like duck though. 

All of them have. You'll be hard-pressed to find this unless you look through actresses with only a few titles. I can think of a few examples. It depends on what your type is, as for which kinds of girls to fap to. I haven't tracked whether they have done anilingus, but as I said, you can probably find that if you look through actresses that are newer or haven't done that many titles.That might be something you have just get over, honestly. I know a lot that haven't done black JAV.

Spoiler that shit, eww.
welp, looks like my night is going to be spent fapping. brb gotta get some gatorade. gotta keep my electrolytes up.
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dude what the fuck. I've jacked to Ichika a bunch of times but I didn't know she actually fucked kpop fans. I'm heartbroken. guess I owe >>31693 an apology. fuck you Tahiti I didn't need to know this. ;____;
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>2009 or 2010 or something
>posting on /v/ in the middle of the night
>just bullshitting in some thread, not really talking about games
>JAV comes up as a topic, people start posting their waifus
>this dude named "Oakland" sometimes posts too
>he's super into japanese milfs, borderline gilfs
>he knows EVERYTHING there is to know about JAV, not just about old hags
>could ask him questions about whatever it was you wanted to see and he'd instantly be able to tell you what to download
>nicest coomer you ever met
>would always post and have fun in "Oakland threads" until the tranny janny mods inevitably deleted it 
>had a few good wanks to his suggestions
damn tubsissy you made me nostalgic
Replies: >>31701
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Picrel is a lot like me and the anons in this thread

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We couldn't decide which version you'd like best, so were posting both!
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My bad, must have got some shit in my eye.
Replies: >>31616
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Replies: >>31631
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I was considering spraying my fucking brains out all over my bedroom ceiling since rose didn't post a christmas video this year, but this video is a more than acceptable consolation prize. Congratulations, you saved my life. Nice cock btw.
Mountain Jews? Fuck, we better shoot them down.

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Whether you're an artist with talent or a mere shartist, you don't have to have talent to post your art in this thread. As long as it's creative, you're welcome to post it here. It can be fan art or general art, as long as you tried.

Requests are also good.
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wrong thread dumbass
>these always remind me of nikocado avacoado

He's not fat enough anymore. Since he already one step ahead. Ashley better keep it slim.

Sauce. lol.
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She's ready for you.
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People are so roney.

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