/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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It's time you fags learned how to dress.
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Is that Agatha?
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Replies: >>32802 >>32809
wow so many sponsor logos, must be a pro athlete
We had finally gotten a Lidl in 2017 but they closed it in 2023. Lidl has really good pasta sauces.
Ashley is not as important as she thinks she is either. We are all irrelevant in this huge world. That doesn't mean you don't need privacy.

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Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
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I know exactly how you feel. All my friends dislike me due to my knowledge of IDF babies.
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Ashrey, i am ivf babie. Yu nottó wóng. I arways so sickry and weaku. Sankyu foru bringingu attention tū thisu bery bery importantó subject. Ivf babie is bad and shourd be aborto insteadó desu. Even if it mean tahiti-chan no rongeru arive, it betteru disu way.
piccu rerated. Me in kōtōgakkō (haigh schooru).

A vacation is a love letter to the soul.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SAWA - Swimming Dancing
<Rink: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=DiqLWrau8gI 🎵🕺
>Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos 🌏✈️
Replies: >>32788
Finally! Where the hell have you been? I've been sweating like a dog in a Chinese restaurant waiting for your sorry ass to show up.
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You remind me of Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Remember when Ashley made cool videos outside? Get out of the bathroom and go find a brick wall to stand in front of. Also, does this kid have autism or is he just extremely awkward?

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Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
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The guy is retarded, yet brilliant. His stuff goes hard, that is for sure. Make sure to check out "Itzhak Frey & Son"[1] and "SHIBUYA"[2].

[1]: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=zPTk4BzdBu8 
[2]: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=UiZenZtDQqk
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Ashley, have you seen this one yet? I hear it's about tax evasion.
RIP Michelle Trachtenberg
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Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog found dead in their home, the following details sounds pretty sus. RIP

>The Academy Award-winning actor was found on the floor in the mud room, according to the search warrant. It appeared he fell suddenly, and he and his wife "showed obvious signs of death," the document said.

>Arakawa was found lying on her side on the floor in a bathroom, with a space heater near her body, according to the search warrant.

>Her body showed signs of decomposition, the document said. There was mummification to her hands and feet, the document said.

>On the counter near Arakawa was an opened prescription bottle, with pills scattered, according to the search warrant.

>The Santa Fe City Fire Department found no signs of a possible carbon monoxide leak or poisoning, the document said. If there was carbon monoxide at the scene, it could have vented out of the home through the open front door before responders arrived.

That's two celebrity deaths in a row, I wonder who's next...
Replies: >>32801
Forgot the link


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Welcome to the /ashleyj/ hypotheticals and "Would You Rather" (WYR) game thread.

ITT we'll pose and answer hypothetical questions. You are welcome to pose a scenario and/or answer those posted by other Tubbies.

You know how these go: "If you HAD to choose, would you rather have 1 billion dollars or the ability to become invisible whenever you wanted?"

That's just an example. Scenarios do not have to posed in the "Would You Rather" format. You can simply describe a situation and ask what people would do. Your scenarios can be funny, serious, sexual, disgusting, or whatever you want.

The only "rule" is that, while answering, you must answer the hypothetical as posed. "I'd rather DIE than choose between sucking the dick of either William Shatner or Richard Simmons" is not an acceptable answer; it's just a game and answers like this only serve to spoil the fun. (Besides, in reality, most people would, in fact, rather suck the cock of an effeminate fitness guru than be slowly tortured to death.) You're also encouraged but not required to explain the logic behind your answers in detail.

In the following posts, I'll present a few starter scenarios. Enjoy!
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Which one, boyos?

For me, it's 12. Not the vagina labeled #12. I mean absolutely none of these pictures, but instead, the vagina of a 12 year old.
Replies: >>32699
You don't really think about that when you actually like someone. They all end up busted and discolored.
Replies: >>32700
brother you definitely think about it but you just don't say anything because you love them too much to tell them that their puss is wrecked
Replies: >>32701
I knew I'd get some action from one of you retards if I posted something like this. Why is the board so fucking dead all the time? All you retards get boyfriends?

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Post your favorite nature being, plants, animals, bugs, dinos, anything. Its pretty dead here.
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Replies: >>31651
she was so pure...
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ITT we gripe about regrets we have.

>I will never date a 12 year old Ashley
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Replies: >>30250 + 1 earlier
after omegle went down, I missed it so much that I created my own offline omegle clone. It looks just like omegle, except that the two webcams are just me. Sometimes I get my cock out and skip myself and act frustrated. My interests are always "lesbians"
>>12871 (OP) 
Still creepy
Replies: >>30251 >>30252
I agree Chester, she's too old.
Its only creepy if he didnt pull out
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>tfw you will never have the ability to stop time like in porn or like Hiro from Heroes
>tfw you will NEVER go to your local high school and stop time when the cheerleading squad is taking a group photo
>tfw you will never rape them all one by one, over the course of days or weeks if necessary
>tfw you will never hide nearby to watch the insanity unfold when you re-start time and they all start screaming because they're naked and your cum is dripping out of their fertile teen vaginas
>tfw you will never get at least a few of them pregnant with a rape child
why even live bros

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Post Ashley look alikes
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Replies: >>32613 + 2 earlier
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Ai no Kusabi is a lot like Ashley Jones and Kevin Sorbo.
Replies: >>32592
Anigay is for faggots.
Replies: >>32593
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If you watch it you will like it.
Replies: >>32595
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Why would I watch some whiny fagfest when I could watch hot space lesbians lez out? Ashley lezzes out with an alien at 09:08.
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>>28633 (OP) 
i think ringo sheena lowkey look like ash

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Picrel is my suggestion if she ever did a clothing try on video
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There's absolutely nothing juicy about that
Replies: >>32493
I remember when this blowhard faggot tried fighting in the UFC and got his ass kicked so badly he quit and returned to wrestling.
Replies: >>32511
Ugh! Tell me about it, sweety.
That's because in the WWE, the other guy is an actor and just plays along with everything but in UFC, the other guy is a roided out meth addict having a fit of road rage.
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A thread dedicated to those who enjoy any literary works ranging from various genres and categories can be posted and discussed here.
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Read the novel Deliverance by James Dickey and watch the movie starring Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, and Ned Beatty. My entire opinion of this movie was based simply around the memes of the infamous rape scene which really isn't as bad as it's often portrayed. The sheriff in the movie is actually played by the author James Dickey and he does an excellent job considering this was his first and only acting role.
Replies: >>32419
I didn't know it was a novel. I swear 90% of films are adaptations of books. I read Starship Troopers recently and it was boring as shit compared to the film. The whole story takes place during bootcamp and there's only 2 chapters with action which happens at the beginning and the end of the book. I definitely got filtered with this one.
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Hey guys, I am the ##Board Owner. AMA (ask me anything) ITT (in this thread).
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>>32445 (OP) 
dark shadow trukes (truth nukes)
good thread
I am the ##Bored Owner.
>>32445 (OP) 
How do I pregnuncee?

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