/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hoping to chat online with other gaymer men.

Discuss games you're playing, games that you want to try, ask for opinions on games, mods, etc.
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Just like me and the FBI at your house.
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Replies: >>32241 >>32243
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Personally, I would fuck the vampire looking daddy since he looks the most feminine and thus it would be the least gay, especially if you made him go doggystyle and pulled on his girly long hair. Hopefully he's shaved/waxed in the bussy and dick region. Of course this is assuming I get to be the top. if I have to be the bottom then I'd pick the Asian daddy because he probably has the smallest dick there (meaning he can't penetrate my anus as deeply and thus it's the least gay). I also might fuck the black daddy just to buck break him and establish dominance over the other men (which would make me the strongest and thus least gay). How about you guys? Which zaddy would you pound out or be pounded by if you could choose or had to choose?
Replies: >>32243
I'd take on the beer belly redhead on the far right. His body shape is the most feminine out of the entire lineup and honestly the most accurate for what you'd find if you banged an average female in the US. He looks like he even has a high pitch voice, like his balls didn't drop much during puberty, so he would sound the cutest (not gay) out of all of them. Plus, since he has high and tight balls, it's easier to imagine it as a vagina as I make love to him in missionary. By "make love" I mean heterosexually fucking his super pastel pink asshole until I jizz, because all redheads have a beautiful white skin color and pastel pink nipples and assholes. You could also penetrate his belly button (it's probably a good 2-3" deep, perfect size for my cock), which would make you not gay at all since you aren't in his asshole or anything. This makes the redhead the best and least gay choice.

I wouldn't make him shave his beard either, because it's a good cumcatcher for any cum that blows out of his mouth as I creampie that Shopvac he calls a mouth. It's purely a matter of time efficiency and less cleanup, and I don't think it makes me gay to make choices that result in time saving and cleanliness.

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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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Replies: >>32176
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>>28431 (OP) 
I only eat canned pineapple and a concoction known as COMBO R.



It's affordable in these hard economic times and delicious.  However, it has put my significant weight on my grandpa twink frame and I have increasing chest pains.
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omg hes sooo hot but im sooo fat :[
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fuuuckkk this looks so good
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Tubbies, it's time to confess your sins. Get it off your chest. You don't have to carry all that weight and responsibility behind you all by yourself. Where did you bury the body?
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I've never been to Hooters.
Replies: >>32120
You're not missing anything. Hooters is for boomers that like bimbos who think they still got it and can hook up with a college girl. There are better places to eat and drink.
Replies: >>32122
Strip clubs are like they too which is why I stop going to them even though I've only been twice. First time was on my 19th birthday which was fun and later in my 20s me and a coworker went to one in a shitty part of town and it was mostly these burnouts blowing their money on beer and women who won't fuck them. Me and my buddy just had a beer while watching this sad sight and left. The place closed down the following year and I don't know what has become of it since.
Replies: >>32142
There's something interesting about a venue where the actual purpose is clearly a sort of male exhibitionism. I imagine that simps for twitch thots are also trying to show off to each other.
I can't talk about this one with bros. I miss my cat so much. I miss her snuggles and her presence. I wish I could've kissed her on the head one last time. Rest easy.

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Discuss anything out of this world - paranormal, spooky, conspiracy, alternative. Do you have any spooky stories?
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Can you please post the thing you didn't want anyone to see?
Replies: >>32199
you'll see...you'll all see.
God I wish cryptids and ghosts were real. I want something to discover and/or fight as I bond with my friends.

Thinking about becoming a HoaxGOD. Make my own yeti.
Anyone interested in GATEchads?

I can post the Salon article with the Israeli art student gfs to 9/11 link if people care
Replies: >>32210

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I'll start
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Replies: >>32039 >>32044
>>31985 (OP) 
Ashley, of course, then I saw she was a woman.
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>>31985 (OP) 
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Replies: >>32128
enjoy your ban
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Post Ashley look alikes
129 replies and 71 files omitted. View the full thread
Wow he transitioned so beautifully
i wish to rape the boy
Replies: >>32170
Thank you I am flattered, finally I get to know what a girl on the Internet feels like! Too bad I am no longer underage and have hair covering most of my body and face ;_;
Replies: >>32172
>Too bad I am no longer underage and have hair covering most of my body and face ;_;
So you still look like ashley
Replies: >>32177
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Welcome to the /ashleyj/ hypotheticals and "Would You Rather" (WYR) game thread.

ITT we'll pose and answer hypothetical questions. You are welcome to pose a scenario and/or answer those posted by other Tubbies.

You know how these go: "If you HAD to choose, would you rather have 1 billion dollars or the ability to become invisible whenever you wanted?"

That's just an example. Scenarios do not have to posed in the "Would You Rather" format. You can simply describe a situation and ask what people would do. Your scenarios can be funny, serious, sexual, disgusting, or whatever you want.

The only "rule" is that, while answering, you must answer the hypothetical as posed. "I'd rather DIE than choose between sucking the dick of either William Shatner or Richard Simmons" is not an acceptable answer; it's just a game and answers like this only serve to spoil the fun. (Besides, in reality, most people would, in fact, rather suck the cock of an effeminate fitness guru than be slowly tortured to death.) You're also encouraged but not required to explain the logic behind your answers in detail.

In the following posts, I'll present a few starter scenarios. Enjoy!
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I hope I get one that likes to rape
Replies: >>23607 >>23608
I got a prostitute. Not that great, because rape is free. You have to pay a prostitute. Gay.
They got arrested for statutory rape which is rape of a child. They won't have any interest in you.
Replies: >>23610
Most statutory rape is of 16-17 year olds who are likely linebackers at their high school.
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Which one, boyos?

For me, it's 12. Not the vagina labeled #12. I mean absolutely none of these pictures, but instead, the vagina of a 12 year old.

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Post your favorite nature being, plants, animals, bugs, dinos, anything. Its pretty dead here.
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Replies: >>31649
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Replies: >>31651
she was so pure...
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Let us know and join in for a friendly discussion.
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Yeah I saw it too and was also disgusted. She's bony as hell so that's her tailbone. It looks permanently irritated from being sat on or something.
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She has cow ass
Replies: >>32117 >>32124
Goddamn, almost everyone in that pic is brown, even the guy on the TV. The West has fallen.
Replies: >>32121
Hmm... almost like they're all a part of the same family.
this is a lot like ashley with her family

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Ashley is aspiring to make an NES game in assembly (probably not soon but eventually):
What are your opinions and ideas? Is there anyone with NES programming experience?
Having spent an hour or two studying NES dev wiki it seems like a challenge, not really because of 6502 assembly but rather because of the PPU, having to manage the timings of vblanks, transferring the data to VRAM in peculiar formats and so on, even reading buttons is quite tricky. Assuming an extremely simple one screen minigame, do you guys think it's doable?
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looks cool but also a little shitty
> Discord
> Github
> requires GCC supporting C++20
> requires boost lib
I think it would be better to just use C as a higher level language, performance won't be so critical for a dead simple game. Also feels like cheating to use anything else than assembly, think it's part of the challenge.
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ashley is cringe but at least she doesn't have digital creator in her bio
Replies: >>32009 >>32013
>in her bio
What bio?
I wonder how many children this broad killed.
The wife in your image 100% has sexual intercourse with strange men who aren't her husband. That being said, I think all of the children are actually his, because they're all incredibly ugly.

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