/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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>>18135 (OP) 
Yassssss i looove food i got myself a juicy delicious cake with cream and nutella ooohh soooo gooooood ;) the cream is veryy organic btw ;)
Replies: >>18138 >>18141
OMG is that vanilla? I'm more into chocolate myself. I bet those balls are so filled up with nuts. YAAAY!!!!
Replies: >>18146
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damn negro we didn't even max out the previous thread yet.
Replies: >>18140 >>18141
It only has 10 responses left before it locks. I had to make a new thread before someone brain dead did, and then were forced to look at a shitty thread for 10 months.
Replies: >>18143
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Aww hell pardner, you sound fit to be tied. Now I know yer not no ten-cent man, so kick off yer boots and let's talk grub.

Now we're talkin', I've had a few of those tasty treats down behind the bleachers at the rodeo if you're pickin' up what I'm droppin'
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fair enough, here's some sushi I had recently
Replies: >>18144 >>18149
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Looks a lot like what I had for lunch.
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oooooh have you tried this delicious clam called geoduck its veryyyy juicy and thick soo good! it will make you feel full and satisfied!!
Replies: >>18167
I have a food confession to make...
I have never, ever eaten sushi of any kind whatsoever.
Am i missing out?
>>18143 looks soo good bros
Replies: >>18150
I’ve never had them either but my gym trainer who did, told me it was unappealing. He said it was raw and unpleasant.
Replies: >>18151
yeah Its obviously ok to eat, but i dont really like the idea of eating raw fish.
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Mmmmm, that's some good eatin' there, pard.
These guys are clearly masochists. They don't even enjoy sex without looking miserable.
Replies: >>18174 >>18177
Replies: >>18187
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Replies: >>18187
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Food Confessions: Important

I have an eating disorder and I'm addicted to food. I'm constantly thinking about food and eating. Today I have eaten:
-2 oranges
-1 cup of peanuts mixed with chocolate
-1 1/2 cups cooked lentils <--------- About 6 hours after consumption I gave up
-1 entire large Walmart pizza (regret - diarrhea)

To some of you this may not seem like a lot of food, but I am only 4' 11". It's not so much about what I ate today, as it my near-constant invasive food-related thoughts. I love eating, if my mouth is unfilled I am unsatisfied. I'm convinced the reptilian that is forced to harass my brain waves is making me obsess over food as my carnal desire since I'm a woman and do not crave sex. My solution is to start obsessing over sex - every time I am hungry, I will continue to eat healthy as well as masturbate to rewire my brain to obsess over sex rather than food. Even thinking about food makes me wet (salivate; mouth horny)

Foods I am constantly thinking about:
-Mostly pizza
-Cheese sticks
-Chuck E Cheese stuffed crust pizza (haven't tried, want to)
-Pandy (Panda Express)

I'm beginning to realize my food obsession mainly revolves around cheeses, which means it would be smart for me to cut out cheese, seeing as how cheese is made is pretty unhealthy and the process of making cheese is very cruel to animals.

Ohp, looks like it's time to masturbate.

Plus, it's not only me who I like to feed. Numerous times I have force-fed strange men on the internet and forced them to send me pictures of them eating (I won't name names, but you know who you are, LB.)

Fellow anonymous users, how do I hold myself accountable to not indulge in foods which are degrading my lymphatic system? This concern is not weight related, strictly health related. Can we develop a system of accountability between us fellow food addicts to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Oh yeah, I also am afraid of developing bed sores since I rarely move. I have recently started walking my dogs daily in order to improve my circulation. Please reply if you want to be my food addiction sponsor/buddy.
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To make this issue more relatable for many of you, it's like the feeling you have when you're really horny, looking on xvideos.com for a good video to use. You're searching, searching, the anticipation building for the perfect video. There it is - trannies.

You know it's wrong, you know it isn't good for you, but her nice cock does something to your brain that you can't say no to. You beat off, enjoying every second of that girldick. Oh, oh, oh, what's that? CUM. You've cummed to another man. You faggot.

The shame sets in, the regret of knowing what you have just done and you can't take it back. That's exactly what it's like when I eat an entire large WallyWord pizza. At least I can make myself throw up, but you can't shove your orgasm back up your dick.

I'm sitting here with probably 2lbs of pizza inside of my tiny little body, I feel like a herry addict (heroin addict) because I feel so strung out and happy, but I gots the bubble guts and I'm regretin' and my tums upsettin'. I'm giving myself cancer, guys.
Who wants to eat something that looks like a black dick?
I mean come on!
And when they’re having sex they all look like they’re about to give birth or something with their miserable facial expressions
Dear, anon
You should eat more fruit. Every time you’re hungry between your meals, have an apple or two instead. Remember to exercise regularly. Exercising keeps you fit and healthy and keeps your cardiovascular health in check.
I don’t know if you’re being sincere or malicious but all the same, remember to exercise and have more fresh fruits in your daily diet.
Also try go out more by having extracurricular activities that would pass the time in a more productive way rather than trapping yourself at home which tempts you to masturbate which can also be harmful in excesses.
Take care.
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It is 4 am where I live. I can't sleep. So I went to eat in the kitchen.
I ate a loaf of bread with two slices of cheese and a slice of turkey ham. I accompanied it with a hot cup of lightly sweetened chamomile tea. A few minutes later I felt my stomach getting more acidic so I ate two pears to combat the acidity. I don't know why I ate, I didn't even feel like it. Maybe it's because I know that eating makes me sleepy or also because of anxiety.....
Some other time I will upload a picture of my food. 
Goodnight to everyone.
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I sympathize but cannot empathize for you since I do not have a food addiction. My addiction is helium balloons and hooked rugs but that's another story. Since I don't have your addiction you'll have to take my suggestion with a grain of salt. What you should do is tape attached picture to your fridge and oven. Whenever you get the urge to stuff your mouth look at the picture and think how beautiful your body would be if you forsook all the foods you crave. Look at that pic, look at those beautiful long slender legs, look at that flat sexy tummy and those arms, those sexy arms, imagine wrapping those beauties around someone you love. It's truly a body every girl aspires to and when you realize that you can have a beautiful body and be the envy of all who cast an eye on you and all you have to do to attain this erotic body is to not eat, well then it's a slam dunk.

  Substituting sex for stuffing your face is a failure in the making.  Having sex makes you hungry and when you're hungry you stuff your face and it becomes a vicious cycle and you wind up with two addictions.

  Just stick to looking at the attached pic and I think you'll do fine. If you feel the need to talk regarding your addiction I'll be here to encourage you to your goal.
Replies: >>18195 >>18214
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Good night.
Make sure to add garlic to your dinner. Whether fresh, pickled or powdered. It lowers your blood pressure and helps you sleep. But fresh is usually better.
Take care, anon.
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I think you're probably just kidding around (TYFYS) but there is something kinda sexy about controlling when a woman can or can't eat. They're completely submissive to you, so you help them maintain a tight, slim figure that appeals to you.

Agree or disagree, Seabee? Do you like 'em rail-thin, as god intended? We live in an era of fat, jiggly asses being perceived as attractive, and you strike me as too much of a manly man to find landwhales enticing.

Maybe you could post your ideal body type so that whoever this anon is >>18185 can have a goal. Unless you already did? (if so, based).

Picture not related, just wanted to get your attention.
Replies: >>18221
>always thinking about food
>rarely moving 
You're probably overeating because you're bored. Instead of porn, try occupying your mind with something else like a book, video game, movie or tackle some productive tasks like cleaning or fixing things around the house. Going for walks is a great way to help clear your head while burning off calories too.
Replies: >>18197 >>18214
>I have recently started walking my dogs daily in order to improve my circulation.
Replies: >>18198
walking = fingering
dogs = pussy
Start fasting. Eat only once a day to start, pick maybe once a week and dont eat anything. Eating will make you eat more, masturbating will make you eat more too since youre just feeding another appetite. Ignore your body and it will stop craving so much. Eventually you'll become actually hungry, then eat. Starve the flesh, feed your soul.
Replies: >>18200 >>18214
Starving your body only forces your body to go under alert and start storing fat. I’m not so sure this method is effective for a healthy balanced diet
Replies: >>18202 >>18214
I love how questions like these bring all the "experts" out of the woodwork
Replies: >>18214
Starve until you get hungry I mean.
Replies: >>18203
You should never starve, anon.
You should eat healthy foods high in carb when you feel peckish. Barley, or multi grain breads with feta or sheep cheese, organic peanut butter with no additives, rice cakes, whole grain digestive biscuits and apples are an ideal choice to have as daily snacks. Eat but eat healthily. Never starve
I meant high in fiber not carbs
Nah nigga stay hongry
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No fuck all of those that say otherwise...  Dont listen to these losers who are like No AnOn U nEEd tO stAY Slim beCaUSE Im a HugE HoMo wHO cAn OnLy JeRk OFf 2 sLim YouNg LooKiNg tOmBoYs 

be more like your queen Bonbi! 

>eat da pizza
>clog your arteries
>destroy your organs
>die a young but albeit slow and agonizing death
>get cancer
>get a 2nd chin, maybe even a 3rd
>get diabetes
>get a 2nd cancer even!
>start an OF
>act like The Whale irl
>be forced to clean yourself with a rag on a stick
>listen to My Chemical Romance
>eat, sleep, dont shit, get fatter, repeat
>Rip huge wet farts
>enjoy the 15mins of food and ignore the life long consequences
>develop that weird upper arm fat that only women seem to get

come on fatass, just think of the content! You could document the whole thing to thousands hundreds of people! Who gives a shit if you die a young, slow and painful death? what did that faggot Kurt Cobain once quote? Oh thats right "It's Better to burn out, than to fade away"
so go on, stuff your stuffing hole, fill your food furrow and do not take accountability for liking food and most importantly post your progress pics. 
You can and WILL do it!
hey man, you if you have already eaten, going and having that late night snack, especially something carb heavy like a loaf of bread is probably just going to keep you awake more ok? the chamomile tea is a good start for soothing your anxiety, but dont sweeten it, i have chamomile tea myself to calm down my raging autism and it works ok-ish without any sort of sweeteners, ok? 

Something that also helps is to get away from the computer an hour or so before bed and go dim the lights and read a book. its well established that blue light from computer monitors can keep you awake because it tricks the brain into thinking its daylight. And getting a good nights rest is super important for your mind and body.

Take care of yourself, establish good sleep hygiene like staying from computer screens, winding down, not eating carb heavy foods before bed because that will keep you from getting a good night sleep and that is very important, why? because youre worth it, Even if you think no one cares, someone does and deep down that someone is you ok? Besides, if no one else cared about you then I wouldnt have responded but I did, because i care, ok?
And make sure to get some fresh air and exercise too!
I hope you had a goodnight sleep!
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Dat sum delishus cornstarch
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Where I live lentils are a popular breakfast
They’re cheap, healthy, filling and easy to make.
First you rinse and soak the lentils for a couple hours.
Then fry some grated or diced onions in the pressure cooker.
Add some spices: salt, pepper, turmeric and even some curry powder if you don’t mind it being spicy.
Add your lentils and just enough water to cover the lentils.
Close the pressure cooker shut and let it cook for no more than an hour.
When the lentils are soft and cooked to perfection, add some tomato paste if you like to make it look and taste better.
And that’s it.
It can be eaten with or without bread.
Starving is actually pretty good for you. It's closer to how humans naturally live, which is why OMAD and intermittent fasting is so good for you.
Replies: >>18212
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This message was sponsored by the Ministry of Health of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”
just put the food in the other hole
Replies: >>18214
Great idea Seabee. I only have a black and white printer, so it will make this beautiful girl look a little morbid for some reason.

>You're probably overeating because you're bored
Definitely not, every second I have something to do and rarely experience boredom. I just love food items that feature cheese and generally love eating, my vice is cheese food. My entire life is just waiting for my next meal.

>Instead of porn, try occupying your mind with something else like a book
Great suggestion. I have a few Playboys I'll read

>fixing things around the house
Let's start with fixing me

I already do OMAD/enter mitten fasting with a small snack usually an hour after I wake up (orange), I'm not entirely strict, but I've never been someone to eat three meals a day. Also I don't know what any of you people are talking about, I never get hungry after 'baiting. Why are all you queers trying to stop a girl from masturbating? Are you just trying to have me nice and riled up for when one of you rape me?

This is highly overstated, if you're truly starving yourself, you're giving your body nothing to store and will become a cosplay of Skeletor. When the body lacks certain things (mostly carbs/sugar), the body enters ketosis and starts burning what's on the bod. I had a burning on my bod, but it wasn't ketosis. It was gonorrhea.

Yeah, I guess all these guys are experts in masturbating too much. They're all telling me how it's bad for you. I just think they're not doing it right.

I would but I just downed my last corn dog ;_; Sometimes when I'm washing carrots it makes me feel funny touching them.

Some of you are trying to offer general day-to-day advice on how to eat healthy. While appreciated, I have my general day-to-day healthy eating managed. I don't have an issue staying full (lentils are protein dense especially paired with protein powder) and occasional snacks are satisfied by eating an orange. I am already exercising to stop my bed sores from progressing.

My issue is, even when I'm perfectly full, I love eating cooked cheese food products, as is evident in my latest video. I need to make daily updates in this food thread to hold myself accountable as to no longer eating cheese/junk food. I hope other food addicts looking to become healthier will post using the "Food Addicts Anonymous" subject so we can continue our progress together. Shaming each other is the only true way to progress, so I look forward to belittling anyone who fails their food goals. Below are mine.

• Walk dog ☐
• Don't eat cheese ☐
• Don't eat corn dogs or onion rings ☐
• Walk dog again later ☐
• Check bed sores ☐
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Try substituting high fat cheese with other low fat cheese that are still meltable.
I sometimes make grilled cheese sandwiches in a  sandwich toaster with a type of sheep cheese we have and it gives a decent melt and it’s much better than buffalo mozzarella or whatever highly processed ginzo cheese restaurants serve.
Don’t deny yourself from your favorite foods, try to substitute them with healthier versions, like how you make your own carbonated water instead of buying the cans of cancer and diabetes at the store.
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You're right, Anon, I was kidding around with my post. When I read post 18185 Food Addicts Anonymous I kind of got the impression that it was Ashley just being humorous, tongue in cheek and facetious so I replied in kind being humorous, tongue in cheek and facetious.

As far as the body type I like, I like it very slim and slender with looong slender legs, however I draw the line at anorexic and Polish death camp skinny. What do you want to know next, my favorite color? Only kidding, I just couldn't resist reciting that line by Colonel Jessup from the movie "A Few Good Men".
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If you want I could start a Go Fund Me to get you a color printer. Failing that I could send you a box of Crayola Crayons and you can roll your own and color in the black and white printed images. Always glad to oblige.
> I never get hungry after 'baiting
Feeding your appetite in one way will make it stronger in all the other ways. It's a dumb example sure but if you really want to be so strict on yourself that you stop eating cheese then you have no other choice. Cheese is too damn sexy you can't resist unless you build up your will
Replies: >>18226 >>18247
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Replies: >>18227 >>18239
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>Cheese is too damn sexy
You are so right, watching this gif makes me mega wet
Replies: >>18228 >>18247
death to tripfags please kill self ASAP
Replies: >>18229
This is like sissy hypno porn but with cheese and I'm a cheese homo
Replies: >>18230 >>18233
Ha fucking ha, what a triggered newfag. I guarantee you you just discovered imageboards 2016 at the earliest. You tripfags are too desperate to slap you retarded identities to your retarded opinions and shitty humor. This is a food thread, go eat some shit.
Replies: >>18239
U need ur stomach filled up and 3 FOOT LONG CHEESE STICKS in all 3 holes at the same time!! Way up ur pussey and way up Ur ass as far as they will go but even farther. And the thickest stick goes down Ur throat so it makes U gag and convulse as those crispy cheese sticks pound away it feels like from the start ur being choked but its made U cum nonstop. Just one continuous constant orgasm and just before U pass out those crispy cheese sticks squirt their loads of mozz inside U ! As U lay on ur stomach the cheese is coming out of all Ur holes, I'll turn U over and grate cheese all over U
Hey newfag, tripcodes aren't intended for you to treat an image board like another version of twitter or facebook or whatever normie shithole you crawled out of. The purpose of a tripcode is so that a person can maintain a consistent identity when it matters. For example, if you started a thread to organize an activity (like a movie night) you might use a tripcode so that people reading the thread know that information posted (such as times) are actually being posted by the OP and not someone trolling with incorrect times or information. Use a trip when consistency of identity is important. Your faggot Garfield larp isn't important. Before you use a tripcode or the namefield, ask yourself, "does this contribute or enhance the conversation?" 99.9% of the time, won't. I hate spoonfeeding you zoomer social media fuckheads. If you think everyone should have a name, and post their picture, and that their identity is more meaningful than the topic of discussion or the marketplace of ideas, then *places like this aren't for you.*
Replies: >>18239
Jesus christ this is really based
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If you want to shame yourself, print out picrelated and poke some eye holes in it. Next, attach some string on the back side of it so you can put it over your head and wear it like a mask.
Then go for a walk wearing this mask as a way of publicly shaming yourself and as a way of reminding yourself of how you will end up looking (still breedable if we are being honest tbh tbh) if you continue to gorge on pizza, gook express and various cheese products, etc etc.

My Food Goal: Only eat what Im having for tea tonight, nothing else. Especially do not have late night snacks after Im done drinking the copious amounts of alcohol I have just consumed.
bro I'm not even >>18224 I just think you're both giving the fag the attention he wants
Replies: >>18241
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>t-that wasn't even m-me bro
You think this is my first rodeo, kid?
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This was my dinner tonight.
Some rice with vegetables, carrots, potatoes, shellfish ,tomato with lettuce.
I put a little mayo and mustard on top of the rice (because sometimes I like to eat like a disgusting pig) and the lettuce with the tomato I bathed in a little olive oil, lemon and salt.
It was good.
Genma (the panda) approves.
Replies: >>18245
Looks good anon. be honest, does your mom make these?
Replies: >>18248 >>18253
I'm one of the participants in Food Addicts Anonymous. Here is my goal list filled out at the end of the day.

• Walk dog ☑
• Don't eat cheese ☑
• Don't eat corn dogs or onion rings ☑
• Walk dog again later ☑
• Check bed sores ☑

Important revelations
>I'm getting cheesepilled
>Despite pro-cheese users spreading pro-cheese propaganda in this thread (>>18223 >>18226 >>18232), I have remained strong, 1 day cheese-free
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My mom makes me CUM
Replies: >>18252
Spoiler File
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Let's face it.
She likes cheese
She lives with her dogs
She's got a thing for building and fixing stuff.
It's pretty clear what she is.
Now all she needs is the British accent.
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Yes, I don't like to cook. I don't have the patience for it.
Replies: >>18254
same but no woman so I cant eat real food
Replies: >>18255
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One of my favorite pastimes is cooking.
It’s a very enjoyable activity for me.
Replies: >>18257 >>18262
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I'll be right over.
Replies: >>18258
I’ll be honored to have you as my guest, SeaBee.
The cheese and sauce looks overcooked tbh family
Replies: >>18264
Yeah I should've brought it out sooner. I usually cook these in a gas oven and turn on the top flame in the end of the cooking to grill the top. The oven lamp lights the oven poorly and I can't always tell if it's ready or not.
Replies: >>18265
Try pulling it out with an oven mitt every about 4 minutes to inspect cheese melt status
Replies: >>18266
Definitely, yeah. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks
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Made spaghetti pizza for lunch today
Replies: >>18270
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looks rough but I guess it must've been yummy.
Where I live spaghetti sandwiches are a popular fast food. We call it "macaroni sandwich".
Replies: >>18286
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Yeah maybe aesthetically it doesn't look great but it was so tasty. I like to get creative with my homemade pizzas, one of my favorites is bean and egg pizza
Replies: >>18287 >>18291
Looks good
that looks like it shouldnt work but its basically a fancy version of beans on toast
Replies: >>18296
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Good dinner.
Now I’m drinking some black beer.
Fuck my stomach.

Replies: >>18297
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>that looks like it shouldnt work but its basically a fancy version of beans on toast
"It looks like it shouldn't work, but it does" is my philosophy with pizza. I didn't think you guys would be so accepting. Here's another of my creations (I showed my mother and she said to stop texting her pictures of my food). Sure it was ugly but no joke it was delicious.
Replies: >>18300
God bless your mom for making a simple yet filling and undoubtedly delicious meal.

Tell story behind panda?
Replies: >>18301

That’s is blue chesse?
Your female or male?
Replies: >>18302
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Thanks anon.
My mom cooks very well, I like her meals in general.
That panda was a gift from a cousin many years ago. He stole it from another little cousin who was 4 years old or something because he was going to lose it and my cousin didn't want it to get lost around. I think he was right because I still have it and I keep it with affection.
I put it because the panda likes to eat and he is fat just like me.

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female, but why does that matter?

btw, strawberries on pizza are highly underrated believe it or not
You will never be a good cook
Only a female would come up with bullshit like this. Why not post your sweaty ASSHOLE too? Nuerotic CUNT
Replies: >>18307 >>18312
jesus, get it together Barry!

How do you not burn the 'berries? 
>kitchen scourer 
female confirmed
Replies: >>18312
I should try this sometime!
We usually put A LOT of topping on the pizza. Ground meat, grated or sliced sausages, mushrooms, cheese, bell pepper if we have some. It's usually about to burst.
Replies: >>18312
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wow calm down barry

you put them on for about the last 1/3 of the time the pizza is in the oven, that way they don't totally crisp up

you should, it's great. I admit that not all of my pizza experiments have been good. for example here's one we did for xmas this year which wasn't that great. I still ate two slices though lol
Replies: >>18313
For a moment there I thought that’s toothpaste until I realized that’s candy cane.
I’ve never had a confectionery topping pizza.
I’ve lost my sweet tooth ever since my dietary habits have changed. I can’t stand too much sweets.
Replies: >>18546

It is very rare for a man to like to cook. I had a friend who studied gastronomy but he's the only one I've met with that particular taste.

I've never had strawberry pizza. Doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Replies: >>18322
Guess I should start my hormone therapy then.
Replies: >>18512
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I just made and ate a sausage and pepper parm sub, good eatin'

Sweet Italian sausage, bell pepper, onion, pasta sauce and topped with mozzarella cheese.

I could never figure why it's called a sausage and pepper parm when the cheese used is mozzarella. The same with meatball parm and chicken parm etc.
Replies: >>18460
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Ashley, I wish you could try this ramen I found at Dollar Tree but it's not vegan because the package says it's made in Turkey.
Replies: >>18459
>not naming them Sweet and Sour Noodles
Shame on their whorrre famiry
Bon apetite, SeaBee
I think the parm comes from the combination of three cheeses (mozzarella, parmesan, or provolone cheese) in the sandwich or the sold cheese. Perhaps the term has just stuck. Like with Coca-Cola which has neither cocaine nor kola nut extract now!
Replies: >>18497
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Mystery solved, thanks, Anon.

Naaa stay female.
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>I can’t stand too much sweets.
thats because your already sweet enough as is :3

ok so, at what age did everyone grow out of smooth peanut butter and graduate to crunchy like a real man?

>real crunched nuts for extra texture
>gives you a satisfying crunch you won't be able to resist.
>Research indicates that people who prefer crunchy peanut butter over smooth tend to have a cheerier and more optimistic outlook on life because they're not wasting it eating smooth peanut butter.
Replies: >>18552 >>18553
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I buy mine being ground before my eyes. Without any additives. The shopkeeper’s machine is adjusted on smooth but now I’m intrigued to go for crunchy.
>ok so, at what age did everyone grow out of smooth peanut butter and graduate to crunchy like a real man?

Ask Ashley's pugs, i'm sure they have way more experience than everyone here when it comes to peanut butter
Replies: >>18554
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Did someone say Jif?
Replies: >>18557
kate miccuci lookin ahh mf
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Peanut butter so good!
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I am gaining a lot of weight
Replies: >>18604 >>18796
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Guys I need to get a new salt and pepper shaker set since my old ones are currently being used for something else. Any suggestions?
Replies: >>18603
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Thats a silly looking one. heres mine.
Replies: >>18605
I'm jealous of your culinary expertise, anon.
Replies: >>18612
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Hey that looks a lot like my mousepad
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Don't be jealous, anon. I'm sure you can make delicious meals too. 
Good night.
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>gaining weight with that abysmal dinning plate of assorted potato crisps

wheezes and passes gas and wheezes some more
you're small time kiddo. its cute, no really it is
Maybe one day when you weigh more than a 24 year old, 4'11" female, you will be allowed to eat at the grown ups table and fill a plate like a real fat.
Not a bad photoshop anon
Replies: >>18830
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you n' Ashley
bogan hands typed this
Maybe its photoshop, maybe its /ashleyj/
Replies: >>18839
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I had this on National Pizza Day yesterday.
Replies: >>18834 >>18864
Was it good? Looks a little heavy on the dough and crust for my taste tbh
Replies: >>18836
Stroking right now.
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It was delicious, it looks thicc in the picture but it's actually a thin crust. They also have hot chili oil that you can drizzle on it which is also good.
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We may never know
Replies: >>18844
farts dorito cheese dust out of his ass
wow Im so honored. Some faggot with an anime pfp took advantage of my mental and physical illnesses to make a GIMP'd photo outta my fat, hairy, swollen leg and tweeted it to all 6 of their pathetic followers...
wipes himself with rag on a stick
Unlike >>18832 I will no longer kill myself on Valentines Day thanks to this. 
instead my demise will be due to smorgasbord of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, chronic masturbation and some type of cancer.

My last words will be TYFYS Seabee
Replies: >>18897
Nice. You're going to trigger ashley to relapse and eat pizzas. My little sow is gonna get nice and plump.
Replies: >>18906
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And the last words you hear will be tyftmfms (thank you for thanking me for my service)
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I would unironically enjoy this
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I love munchies.
I like to eat a sweet one and then a salty one and so on ad infinitum.
It feels so good on my palate. I could eat this every day if it wasn't bad for my health.
Replies: >>18923 >>18925
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picrel is your shits
Replies: >>19493
How is the panda doing today
Replies: >>19493
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Replies: >>18953 >>18971
Can’t even make proper fried chicken.
Replies: >>18954
ahcainnenbeleef wipipo dawn wash they chiggen. shisnasty
He's using the wrong kind of sponge to clean that chicken. Other than that I don't see anything inherently wrong with what he's doing.
People do the simplest things for views. I am ashamed that I didn't think of this. I could be an internet content god churning out mindless retardation for the masses, all while monetizing it.
Replies: >>18974 >>19123
a significant percentage of the "viral" content you see on the internet is staged
and these dumb articles mostly just mention the big ones
Replies: >>18985 >>18988
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And not to mention the most annoying of all, click bait. It's getting to the point now where you can just about smell if it's click bait.
Yeah man, that's my point! I could be rolling in the dough while raping your eye holes on some dumb easy brain dead shit. Give me your munee
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Eggs and potatoes
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Replies: >>19114 >>19164
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You can upload multiple photos in a single post. Goddamn, you people need to learn how to computer.
Replies: >>19117
what's a cum pooter?
Upload empty plates then upload shit next pls
I hope you enjoyed your gay processed slop garbage
Replies: >>19128
Thats actually what black folks in america do to their chicken
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was it good? Did it had any taste at all?
It looks pretty good tbh
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I-it's real
I'm pretty sure you shat out your entire colon anon
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God damn son you're giving Ashley a run for her money. Well done. You spelled out a single quote mark and a capital L with your shit. Like this: 'L
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Replies: >>19166
Took me a second.
Replies: >>19178
Soneone needs ro give this a cum tribute.
Wow that's fast, I still usually take a few minutes even on setting 4
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>>18135 (OP) 
I haven't been eating anything but celery strings and green tea for the last 3 weeks and this is me now. You fatties really should try this because god knows you need to lose wei
Impressive. How much did you lose? Aren't these diets a bit extreme and harmful?
Replies: >>19237 >>19243
You still look obese. I eat ice cubes and sometimes a sunflower seed then a low-cal laxative. I've been saving so much money on toilet paper, I haven't shat in weeks.

>Aren't these diets a bit extreme and harmful?
Um, I'm pretty sure being a fucking fatty is ugly and harmful to my eyes.
Replies: >>19239
pic or lie
Replies: >>19240
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I'm on a diet so it's a flax seed this week. Is this good enough for you? I have to go before my dinner melts.
Replies: >>19242 >>19299
pic of yourself dum dum not a plate with an ice cube and your xanax pill.
Replies: >>19244
20 lbs in 3 weeks. I black out alot and my heart beat is irregualr but atleast im not a fat ass. I'm gonna treat myself by licking one and a half strawberries. Hopefully i won't gain the weight back.
Replies: >>19244
I would definitely have to make myself throw up if I ate that much food. Sometimes when I want to treat myself I just imagine a strawberry. You should try that first and see if it satisfies you. If you still choose to be a fat ass (gross), remember to walk up and down a flight of stairs 20 times to burn off the calories from the first lick.

I would take another picture for you but my arm is too weak to lift the camera a second time today. I'm trying to not build muscle mass.
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This is /ashleyj/, you must have got lost on the way to /eugeniac/
Replies: >>19246
I'd post my sexy muscular bod, that'd just be cocky of me.
Replies: >>19247 >>19248
Gross, nobody wants to see your lardass. Go smoke some cigarettes and pop a lax. Come back when your BMI is 0.5%.
do it faggot
Replies: >>19249
Some other time ;)
Guys, I just smelled an orange peel. How much weight will I gain?
Replies: >>19298
150 lbs :(
Thats a cool plate. Use it to consume real food pls.
Replies: >>19304
I knew an anorexic girl once all they know is to masturbate, not eat then binge eat, and then take a big shit on you and cry when you leave them.
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Friday night burgers and wedgies
Replies: >>19465 >>19526
those are some tasty looking burgers, did you make the wedges yourself? I usually make sweet potato fries whenever I cook burgers.
Replies: >>19467
>did you make the wedges yourself?

nah I am to lazy to make my own fries/chips, etc so I just get store bought ones from Aldi and chuck em usually in the oven or the air fryer.
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The truth is that the shit comes out more liquid for some reason I don't understand.
It comes out without consistency. At least in my case.


The panda has been doing well lately. Thanks for asking.
I leave him with his lil friend, the doggy choken bako.
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Lately it has been very hot where I live.
So every day I drink homemade fruit juice.
I put in the blender 2, 3 or 4 different sweet fruits (banana, apple, pea and peach) 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar plus about 30 or 40 drops of sweetener, then added about 8 ice cubes and finally fill it with water.
Then I racemixed it all.
Give it a super delicious beige juice.
With that I have juice for the whole day. It is perfect to accompany every meal of the day. I recommend it.
Replies: >>19529 >>19541
Looks pretty good. Why am I getting turned on staring at this picture? 

No sauce to dip fries in? Are you a sociopath? I like the inside of the lettuce on my burger, it adds more crunch.
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Sounds like one hell of a sugar high
Replies: >>19601
You've got good taste.
Replies: >>19601
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This is without a doubt the best steak I’ve had in my life. Although it was thicker than usual it was medium cooked and was very juicy and tender. Remember to show appreciation for your loved ones who cook for you.
Replies: >>19573 >>19574
Medium rare i.e. I'm too lazy to properly cook my meat all the way through. Have fun with your tapeworms.
Replies: >>19581
Wow looks delicious. Crazy to think that your meal used to have emotions and thoughts and stuff.
Replies: >>19581
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Replies: >>19583 >>19584
It’s cooked properly no worries.
Lemme enjoy the beef while you enjoy your bugs, pal.
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American tax dollars well spent on carbs and sugar for this malnourished woman.
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Yes, it is. But it's also very energizing.


I can't stop eating sweet things. I was educated and formed that way.
Ngl looks fucking delicious. Does he actually eat all that food? I see him eat 1 burger, talk about whatever gays talk about for an hour (mostly about getting aids), then he shuts off the camera. Does he actually eat the rest? And he's 100% a top, right? You can't be a bottom if you eat like a bottom feeder.
As someone who has twice been the unsuspecting victim of seeing his brown eye, I dont think he would be a bottom.
His back hole resembles those sand monsters from the movie Dune its that big and scary looking. Seriously, with the amount of food he shoves into his mouth, you would think you would feel bad for his asshole, but no its the opposite. I feel bad for the food that has to come out of that thing
also wtf is the size of those portions, those sauce packets look like small bath tubs
and what are those things on the right? 

you know food is bad for you when you go cross eyed and all you can see from the variety of food is just 2 colours
Replies: >>19620
Spoiler File
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Bonus question. Do you think his asshole is that loose from the massive amounts of food, or from years of homosexual gay faggot sex?

It's sort of like a "what came first, the chicken or the egg" question. Picrel for reference
Replies: >>19622
That anus has seen better days. Look at that ax wound. The anus has turned into a vagina. He’s definitely a professional faggot with a specialty in ass faggotry. Gluttony didn’t turn that a-hole into a manhole. It’s of wear and tear from years of servicing a variety of objects and dicks.
It upsets me a little that his cock is actually pretty big.
Replies: >>19624
Really? It just makes me HORNY
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Replies: >>19643 >>19650
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High speed diarrhea cannon to the face
Can we stop talking about this faggot now? I'm starting to lose my appetite.
Replies: >>19654 >>19664
I love him so much it hurts bros. I wanna protect that smile.
I know this is a crazy idea, but if you don't like it, you can always just leave
I had a thanksgiving meal tonight.
Replies: >>19656 >>19661
Alright, even though it ain't thanksgiving. Care to show and tell?
Replies: >>19658 >>19665
You want to see my cock and balls? Is that what you want?
What'd you have? Yams?
Replies: >>19665
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Shut up nigga
Replies: >>19671 >>19678
I ate it already, no showing only telling.
Don't you start
I bet you could store at least a half roll of quarters in his belly button.

Now, if we're talking about his butthole, I bet you could easily fit $125 worth of quarter rolls in there.
Holy shit hes so cute.
>tfw you will never use his belly as a waterbed
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Dumping my fave Avocados
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Replies: >>19838
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this one is by far the most amazing.

That's it. I need to expand my nikocado webm collection, pls share if you have

(and yes it's obviously food and cooking related)
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Al dente
Replies: >>19841
Looks yummy. Nice rug (?)
Replies: >>19836 >>19841
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> Nice rug (?)
It’s called “termeh” a type of fancy decorative textile.
Not gonna lie, she has a beautiful voice.
What do you guys eat on an average day? We're seeing your notable meals, but what about day to day? 

Is it microwave meals, frozen pizzas, what do you usually eat? For me, it's the McChicken. But seriously.
Frozen pizza and other cheap frozen bullshit
and plates too, Ive noticed he has nice cockery too.
All we have are just plain white ones.

Is alcohol food?
then thats my answer
A cheeseburger with tears, with a side of extra lying whores
Most of the dishes we eat here are comprised of rice. I'll post my lunch in a couple of hours.
Replies: >>19855
Tahiti, call me (725-CUM-FART) and apply for a temporary namefag pass.
Replies: >>19859
This ain't Tahiti, darling. This is your friend who carries the number of the beast.
Replies: >>19860
Also, there's like 3 namefags (Garfield, SeaBee and Tahiti San) and I'm like the fourth one and all I do with it is write poetry and fiction so I don't know what's with the discrimination.
Replies: >>19864
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This is what namefaggots actually think hahaha holy shit
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This is rice, mung beans and finely chopped herbs
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for me? shieeeeeeeeeeeeet! its gots to be sum dat der watamelon ya dig?

chillin on da front porch? watamelon
rollin up on a nigga? watamelon
workin da corner? watamelon
watamelon, all day, erry day

is it tasty? hell yeah it is mudda fucka
is it good for ya? ya god damn right it is nigga

what is it? its watamelon cuh
Replies: >>19884
This is a coded message. Replace the word watermelon with crack and it suddenly all makes sense
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Time for tea
Replies: >>19906
Those remind me of the cookies you can order from LoveRachelle2. Yummy!
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Now I want to do this
the weak should fear the strong
This makes me food horny :(
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I miss Krispy Kreme glazed donuts so much, we used to have them in every grocery store until one day they suddenly vanished and we were left with the shitty donuts made from the in-store bakery.
Replies: >>20466 >>20491
Those donuts are still meh. You have to go to an actual Krispy Kreme location for the best donuts.
Replies: >>20509
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Replies: >>20471 >>20671
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Mr. Peanut says that good table manners call for a spoon not a fork to be provided with finger foods served from a comon bowl. Use the spoon to take nuts  from the common bowl, not your fingers. Nuts should not be eaten with the fingers, the fingers should be eaten seperately.
Replies: >>20489 >>20542
Watermelon contains citrulline, another precursor to nitric acid. It is a food for a good erection because it dilates and relaxes the blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow into the penis.

Watermelon’s citrulline content makes it similar to other foods for penis health, such as cucumber, bitter melons, and gourds.
Another food that helps for penis growth is coffee. It has less than five calories—at least until you add sugar and cream—so it’s one of the lightest foods that help with erectile dysfunction.
Dark chocolate is a top food for strong erection because it is packed with flavanols, which make it easier for blood to flow through the body. However, because dark chocolate is often high in sugar and fat, eating too much can make you gain weight.

An ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories and nine grams of fat, so it may not be the healthiest choice among important foods to help an erection.

Salmon is one of the best foods to help get erect because it is rich in vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight is responsible for around 80% of vitamin D, so if you’re not able to go outside as much as you’d like, some salmon can help you get what you need. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent endothelial dysfunction, which is when your arteries, blood vessels, and organs aren’t able to properly circulate blood.
Pistachios are packed with arginine, which makes them excellent for those seeking food help for penis growth. The arginine encourages the production of nitric oxide, which, in turn, helps regulate blood flow to the penis and other parts of the body.
Replies: >>20632
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Anybody remember the baby yoda fad that happened around 2020? Normies were losing their shit over it. The PR company behind Mr. Peanut tried to ride that wave and reinvented Mr. Peanut as a baby. They had a Twitter account dedicated to their shitty new baby peanut thing. Anyways, the PR team kept spamming so much dumb shit on their Twitter account, nobody liked it, and somehow they managed to get their Twitter account banned for being spam.

dude, ive had KK jizzed donuts ahole 1 time in my life AND  I STILL REMEMBER THAT TIME they were so good holy shit just cum in my mouth already KK
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I did go to a location one time and ordered a fresh donut, I still think about it to this day.

Gracias Sr Maní
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We’re out of milk.
Replies: >>20575
Here you go >>16069
Replies: >>20582
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Replies: >>20590 >>20607

thats horse cum!
>plastic covered table cloth
>rocking chair 
how's living with grandma?
Replies: >>20608
One grandma’s dead and the other might as well be dead. She’s a cruel hag.
I bought that chair myself. I have a knack for outdated stuff. The tablecloths are expensive so this way they’ll last longer against spillage and dust.
Replies: >>20615
Never understood why anyone would own an expensive item such as a tablecloth if it's just going to be exposed to stains from food and drinks. Same goes for big brand active wear like Under Armour or Lululemon, people will drop a few hundred bucks on their clothes just to sweat their asses off in them when they can simply buy cheap clothes from the thrift store.
Replies: >>20628
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And before A&P went bankrupt in 2015 I could never understand why people would go to the A&P when they could pee at home.
>Never understood why anyone would own an expensive item such as a tablecloth if it's just going to be exposed to stains from food and drinks
You know they can be cleaned easily, right?

>Same goes for big brand active wear like Under Armour or Lululemon
Gotta have that drip yo.
I do agree with buying expensive workout attire being pretty stupid when cheaper clothing works just s good.
The exception is shoes. In my experience a good, reasonably priced pair of shoes last a lot longer than a cheap pair of shoes that get worn out quicker, so its worth paying a little bit extra, not too much though.
Replies: >>20629
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If we all went naked then we wouldn't have to concern ourselves with expensive or inexpensive clothing, we'd all be equal. Well some of us would be more equal than others, heh heh.
whats everyones thoughts on vitamin supplements/tablets?
do you take any?

I take a multivitamin for general HP.
b1 for my liver health,
d3 because i dont get enough sunlight being a NEET and all.
lastly I also take magnesium.
Replies: >>20633 >>20645
They’re alright, ig
I always forget to take my b12
Sopa de macaco, uma delícia
Replies: >>20670
Replies: >>20673
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Yes I'm American, how could you tell?
Monster is bad for you
Replies: >>20717
Food confession: Ive never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. the idea of strawberry jam mixed with peanut butter quite frankly sounds disgusting.
Replies: >>20717
I'm aware
Allergic to peanuts so I eat Sunbutter, Almond Butter, and Walnut Butter.

Also Grape Jelly is best imo.
Bon appetite
boner petitle
Spoiler File
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I'm trying to eat healthier.
congrats man, much beter
Isn't this basically Logan Paul's piss mixed with crushed vitamins and sugar?
Replies: >>20909
If it was piss, I'd just make my own at home like Ashley.
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good old tinned spaghetti with toast
Replies: >>21012
Replies: >>21003
Replies: >>21004
Replies: >>21007 >>21093
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Looks like a typical school lunch.
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Rice and Lentils 
Rinse and soak your rice for 4-8 hours.
Rinse and soak the lentils for about 2-4 hours
Fry some onions in a medium sized saucepan with salt, some powdered turmeric, black pepper, and maybe a little curry powder, add the rinsed lentils, then add enough water to level it one inch above the lentils. Let the lentils boil for about 45 minutes. Don’t let all the water in the lentils vapor and don’t put the lid on. Add your rinsed rice and add a little more salt for the rice and about enough water to cover about one inch over the rice. Stir them so the lentils and rice are equally mixed. Add a little cooking oil so that the rice won’t turn to mush. When the water level has boiled down below the rice, use a spoon to turn to the flattened rise level into a mound. To do so, gently direct the rice from the corners to the sides to the middle. Decrease the stove’s flame to a minimum. You need to put a rice bonnet (pictured) over your lid. If you don’t have a rice bonnet you can use a clean thick cotton cloth instead so that it can absorb the extra water and steam and avoid turning the rice dry or a mush. Cover the bottom of your lid with the cloth and put it on your pot. Don’t let the cloth fall in the rice. It must be firmly attached to the lid so that it can absorb the extra moisture. If you’ve done this right, it’ll cause a thin layer crispy rice crust at the bottom of the pot which is very delicious. Let the rice cook for 30-45 mins on a very low flame. And that’s about it.
Replies: >>21027 >>21028
>Rinse and soak your rice for 4-8 hours.

wtf? bro, why you gotta rinse and soak some rice for 4-8 hours?!?!
All ive ever done is bring the water to boil, then lower the heat, throw in a bit salt and open the store bought packet rice, and check on it every few minutes for about 20 mins. Then drain and rinse the rice with some cold water and then nigga u done

The rice is never hard or mushy and clumpy either. 

4-8 hours for some rice seems wild to me, no offense my dude, what are you using to heat it? a donkey with a candle stick up its ass?!?! again, no offense if you are, i respect all religions/cultures etc etc 
I must admit your way of cooking some rice sounds fascinating and is probs "Slightly" better but not worth the hours and hours of prep time
Replies: >>21030
Don't use this recipe, it's actually how to make a bomb
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I believe I have miswritten. You’re supposed to rinse it a couple times then let it soak for several hours. you’re not supposed to rinse it for several hours. I think the rice you’re talking about is maybe pre-cooked or instant rice or something which is not common here. we buy our rice in large bags and this is the way we cook it. first you rinse it a couple times then you let it soak and the rest I have already talked about. We usually soak the rice the night before we cook it so we decide on lunch the  previous night and if it’s going to be rice, then you must soak the rice the night before and why would I cook with a candle up a donkeys ass when we have oil and gas to cook with up a donkey’s ass. Shit now you’re gonna invade my country because I have oil.
Picrel: 22 lbs bag of rice
Replies: >>21031
Not that anon but I buy regular white rice, not pre-cooked or instant, and only soak it for 20 minutes at most before cooking, I feel like more than that is a means of diminishing returns. Sometimes I don't even soak it.
Replies: >>21032 >>21093
Interesting. I asked and it appears that our  rice needs to be soaked for long, unlike Indian and Pakistani rice so ig that explains why we soak if for too long and we don’t drain the rice to preserve its vitamins.
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rice and gheimeh stew for lunch
Replies: >>21093 >>21103
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I like to soak my balls for 20 minutes just before cooking.
doesnt help with cooking or anything, it just feels good ya know

I like your knife and fork. I dont like the feeling of metal handles on our cutlery and would much prefer a different material for the handle like what you have

heh its funny because later that night I actually was eating balls.
meatballs that is... they were ok
Replies: >>21100
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How do you cook your meatballs, in the pasta sauce or in the oven? I cook mine in the pasta sauce.
Replies: >>21150
Rice blocks
Replies: >>21107
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I like to put honey on my salmon. I'm Bearpilled. Straight Grizzly maxing. I be taking long naps in the winter and shit. I'm straight up Winnie the Pooh in this mf.

P.S. We need a Willie flag
Replies: >>21178 >>21189
Yeah, we started eating late. The rice had gone cold. :(
Replies: >>21178
in a ceramic crock pot that goes in the oven for like an hour so.
and yep, in the sauce is the way to go

asside from that, how do you cook your Salmon? 
I personally dont eat it, but I unfortunately live with someone who wants me to just throw it into the microwave for like 2mins and it looks pretty yuck compared to what you have. Keep in mind its just frozen, supermarket salmon and not from a market anything.
Those potatoes do be looking good too! I do be be able to make em like dat too boss, i doo good i swears i tells ya is!!!
>Yeah, we started eating late
because u had sexy time with your wife? :3
Replies: >>21192 >>21249
both look good but you need a variety of other things like rice, asparagus/carrots with that
Replies: >>21192
Your "someone" is disgusting. It's best to "fry" your salmon on the stovetop with spices and herbs. A lid on the pan can help make an even cook and rolling the salmon on its sides helps as well.

You can also bake your salmon in the oven in buttermilk. The easiest way to eat salmon in smoked, though.

The potatoes are cut up and spread in a baking pan, with olive oil drizzled on. Pepper, garlic salt, onion salt lightly shaken on top. Bake.

Replies: >>21197
OK Mr. Meat and Potatoes
Very based
>not eating raw canned salmon
this is a lot like me and ashley https://youtu.be/Yn6PYCZyanU?si=3aNb_QIJFTacfpqu
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Apples, eggs, potatoes and chili sauce.
Replies: >>21377 >>21392
looks truly grotesque
Replies: >>21383
Tastes fucking good, man. Eggs and potatoes are what you eat after lifting weights.
Replies: >>21384
Eggs and potatoes are what you eat before sharting yourself
Replies: >>21385
Heh. You need to fix the leakage on that anus.
Were you drunk passed out in public and then captured by a man last night?
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Having some japanese peanuts, the only good thing japs have ever done
Replies: >>21395 >>21396
>peanuts: : |
>Japanese peanuts: = O
Replies: >>21402
What about used panty vending machines
What did he mean by this?
Replies: >>21403
I think he meant peanuts are “meh” but Jap peanuts are bussin.
Bon appetite! :)
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Blueberry jelly
Replies: >>21412
Cleaning product
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UHD0aTFNkA this bitch must be constipated like crazy
Replies: >>21414
I'll give her a suppository. A flesh suppository.
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I actually encountered someone like this once, at Subway. The store had a tip jar in violation of corporate policy (used to work at Subway) and the guy was doing tricks with the sandwich ingredients. He had a routine where he placed the cheese like Salt Bae and then mock-tossed it into the toaster oven. Then he jerked his hand away and said "OUCH" like he got burned from touching the hot oven, but then transitioned it into a 5 second dance routine that was pre-planned (he had never burnt his hand).

This made the whole experience very uncomfortable for me. I don't need this when I'm trying to get fast food (keyword: fast). Neither should moviegoers be delayed in their popcorn transactions by a showboating concession stand employee soliciting tips (again, likely against corporate policy). I don't like messing with people but this didn't sit right with me, I sent an email about this to Subway's corporate office. He did not get fired, but when I was in a week later, the tip jar was gone and the service returned to being dignified.
Ashley pls... when are you going to stop complaining and ask out that cute girl at the sub sandwich place?!?!?
stealing posts from /tv/ huh?
Replies: >>21941 >>21960
Naw dawg that's some good fresh pasta. Kek I thought it was too hilarious to be original to /ashleyj/, I almost thought it was Ashley but she hates Subway.
it's copypasta, don't be a spoil sport
>Then he jerked his hand away and said "OUCH" like he got burned from touching the hot oven, but then transitioned it into a 5 second dance routine that was pre-planned (he had never burnt his hand).
KEK. I know that original post is probably exaggerated but these people exist. I knew this guy who worked at Jack in the Box. He put on this announcer voice like he worked at a radio station as he took my order. At first I thought it was some automated voice that they use at fast food places now, but as I said my order he kept it up and I realized this was a real person. Imagine working your shift for 8 hours a day, each interaction you have you're pretending to be a radio DJ while taking orders for fucking french fries. I called him DJ french fry in my mind, but I always loathed getting him at Jack in the Box. You're obligated to acknowledge his peppiness or to make some clever remark back to him. It's already embarrassing enough ordering fast food, don't make the experience even worse by commentating on what I'm ordering with your annoying radio voice. I just want my goyslop. One day as I was getting my order I asked how he was doing, he kept the radio voice up but said he was sort of depressed. Honestly it was fucking hilarious given the contrast, but he wasn't trying to be funny. Just completely socially inept from how fast food interactions should be.
Replies: >>21975
I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
Replies: >>22106
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forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.

We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
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I got judged but I'm not sure why.
because you look like a boy and he probably was caught off guard when he realized you were in fact female
Replies: >>22046
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Probably either thought you were a teenager, retarded or a retarded teenager. Don't let it get to you.
Is Craigslist Lady hot? Anyways, he probably thought you were a boy since you don't plaster yourself with makeup and wear strictly Lululemon clothing. Also, how can you hate cooking? It's fun looking up recipes for something tasty and going through the process of making it. I want to bake pies, cookies and cakes at some point but I usually have ice cream for dessert so I never bothered trying.
Replies: >>22046
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I could see you starring in a 3 stooges spin off featuring the columbine boys and in today's episode you were late for the big plan . 

I know you're mirroring the men you desire Ash, but please trade in the surplus millitary boots for some sport sneakers so I don't get scared every time you reach in your pants for a scratchn'sniff.
Replies: >>22046
whoa how did you get all my bookmarks dude
Replies: >>22022
What did he post. Why did it get deleted.
Replies: >>22024
It was a spam link to "cp website" is what it siad
Replies: >>22025
I could go for some cheese pizza right about now, I'm huuuungry!
>I dont like talking to people, I get too nervous
>yeah Im retarted 

he's just like me fr fr!

they were probably just surprised you were going to make a pastry snack and not a home made pipe bomb judging by how youre dressed.

Have you made the cinnamon rolls yet? how did they turn out?
Replies: >>22046
You should've showed him your cock
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>>18135 (OP) 
Dinner time.
Replies: >>22044 >>22047
Just had some beef jerky for the first time and I have to rate it as shit tier.

its texture is so tough and leathery and it tastes like day old leftover meat that was found on some random persons plate
Replies: >>22043
I bet you also hate ice cream fron being too cold and creamy.
Replies: >>22044
no i like iced cream, especially chocolate iced cream like >>22038 that looks so good bros

Another thing bout the jerky, i thought it would be crispier so that was disappointing

also i dont like bacon, there i said it.
Replies: >>22054
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>because you look like a boy
>he probably thought you were a boy
I feel like then he would have said "she?", because in context CL said "she makes really good bread", so it would make sense if he thought I was a boy, he'd repeat "she?", since he'd be surprised I was a she and not a he. I have no idea if this makes any sense.

I wouldn't call Craigslist Lady hot, but she isn't ugly. She's just standard middle aged woman, starting to look old. But she isn't fat which sets her ahead of a lot of women her age. She listens to crap like Michael Buble (bubble?) in her car which makes me want to use my bullet necklace on myself.

>you don't plaster yourself with makeup and wear strictly Lululemon clothing.
On the topic of Lululemon, I heard yoga pants give women vaginal infections because the pants are too tight and don't let anything breathe. Just think about that the next time you guys are oogling a WHOER who wears yogie pants, she's giving herself infections. Those pants are extremely uncomfortable, and I feel like for exercise they aren't ideal. They're really tight and constricting on the legs, probably not great for circulation when working out, so why not just wear sweatpants for working out? Easier to move and has the word "sweat" in the name. I think the public gym isn't about working out, I'm pretty sure it's a place people meet and look for casual sex, given the types of clothes and types of women that go there.

>Also, how can you hate cooking? 
Nothing against people who like cooking, but for ME cooking feels cucked. You're starving, you really want to eat, but instead you have to stare at the food you want oh so badly for 20 minutes, just staring at it wanting it so bad, but you're not allowed to have it. It's cucked. Weirdly enough I don't mind cleaning unlike most people who loathe it, but cooking is not for me. But I love eating, eating is one of my favorite things in life.

>I want to bake pies, cookies and cakes at some point 
Cookies and cakes are the easier things to bake, cakes probably being the easiest. If you're really intimidated, you could buy the box cakes at the store for starters. They're pretty decent but I think a lot of them require vegetable oil, and I know a lot of people don't like using vegetable oil. I usually just substitute it with olive oil. Anyways, another easy cake recipe is for mug cakes. When I was a teenager I would make this mug cake recipe all the time. This MILF makes it easy, you just mix a few ingredients together and put it in the cancer giving microwave :3 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=fbCZN3S04nM

In that video she puts ice cream and chocolate syrup on the mug cake, which is what I would do. I'd warm up the bottle of chocolate syrup in the microwave and it'd expand kek. Since you like ice cream and want to make cake, this is probably a good recipe for you. I still sometimes pair ice cream with pie, it's really good if I warm up the pie in the not cancer giving toaster oven first. I found a really good carrot cake recipe a few months ago that I've made 4 times since I found it, it's weirdly good for breakfast for some reason.

I also have a go-to cookie recipe that's easy, the recipe easily tops any store bought cookies I've ever had. Plus you can re-warm up the cookies later and they're amazing. If you like ice cream, just include it with the things you baked. Ice cream pairs well with any baked good.

>I know you're mirroring the men you desire Ash, but please trade in the surplus millitary boots for some sport sneakers so I don't get scared every time you reach in your pants for a scratchn'sniff.
According to this poll which is OC I should keep my boots. Nerds wear nikes. What you should be afraid of is how bad my hand smells after a scratch 'n sniff.

>they were probably just surprised you were going to make a pastry snack and not a home made pipe bomb judging by how youre dressed.

>Have you made the cinnamon rolls yet? how did they turn out?
I made them and they were a bit disappointing. The dough was too hard, plus I'm pretty sure someone with down syndrome wrote the recipe because they said to bake the cinnamon rolls at 150 degrees. I thought there was no way that was right, I tried it anyways and it was definitely not supposed to be 150 degrees. I changed it to the standard 350 degrees and then it was ok. I'm trying a different recipe next time ;_;
Last edited by admin
Why are Asians so obsessed with poop They have literal museums dedicated to toilets as well as restaurants that serve food out of toilets and urinals. Who in their right mind is like. Hey honey, let's go eat some sushi out of a urinal, my treat.  Are the urinals and toilets properly cleaned before they serve food from them? I doubt it.  Do they get offended if you say their food takes like shit, or do they take it as a compliment. One time I saw a man eat a piece of gum that was floating in a urinal and was disgusted. I have a feeling I'd feel the same way if I went to one of those restaurants.
Replies: >>22055
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1) I like the urban warfare outfit. Just have to draw a scar on your face to complete the look. Pro tip, ladder lace your combat boots for an even cooler look but avoid the spit shine on the boots for that grunge look.

2) How can you scream like that without your neighbors thinking you're being murdered?

3) Nice pocket watch, it's a hunter case as opposed to being an open face. I can't tell if it's an antique pocket watch or fairly new from this distance though. Ironically it goes well with your urban outfit albeit being a bit anachronistic.  

4) Don't worry, eat all the cinnamon buns and bread you want, I'd still love you at 150 pounds.

5) I don't make my own bread but I enjoy listening to them.

6) Cashier gave you the look. He was either an autist or an incel or possibly both. These types have a funny way of flirting when suddenly confronted with an object of their perceived affection such as yourself.

7) Sorry your cinnamon buns were a disappointment. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.
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>also i dont like bacon, there i said it.
Me either. And not just because I'm a vegetarian now because of ashley. I actually never really cared for it. I mean, it was all right if cooked properly, I'm not saying I never enjoyed bacon. But the obsessive MMmHhhowwwWOWOWIE BACON SO GOOD!!!! meme has always been cringe.
Never met or seen any that do. I’m guessing it’s anecdotal. Some people can be very filthy regardless of their race.
Replies: >>22057
Shit eating Asian detected
Replies: >>22058
I’m not Asian.
Replies: >>22059
Prove it. Post penis.
Replies: >>22066
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Ashley hitched a ride with some babe
Went to the store to get some bread made
The boy asked was she making bread
Her gender ambiguity made him turn his head
She says, "Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side"
Said, "Hey, honey
Take a walk on the wild side
And all her cucks say
"Pee pe pee pe pee pe pe pee poo po poo po poo po poo poo..."

This is how I imagine you and Craigslist Lady

I've never heard of Lululemon. My favorite Digimon is Etemon.

I can assure you I'm not looking for casual sex at hamplanetfitness. It's just old people and black guys. I don't care for yoga pants. I'd rather you be wearing one of my 2x shirts and no pants at all. Btw, I just bought a new 2x shirt. 

Just eat snacks while you cook. I like cooking. It's chemistry you can eat. You can clean up afterwards. I'm the missing piece to your puzzle.

I cream your pie. 

Don't get fat. I don't want your rape to be confused for Sumo wrestling.
Replies: >>22095
Gay homo detected
I masturbated to that video. Not joking and thanks for the nut.
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>I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant
Fully agree. Luckily, human employees are currently being almost fully replaced by machines, where I am at.

>How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
I personally cannot stand hearing or seeing other people eat, so it never even crossed my mind eating inside the restaurant.

I do not have a car yet so if I have that McDonalds urge, I wait until half an hour before the closest restaurant closes and then drive there with my bike. By that time the city has gotten pretty quiet and empty. I can drive all over the street and deeply breath in the cold night air. At the restaurant I can then simply place my order on a machine and wait outside where they have a monitor that shows when your food is ready. When it is, I wrap the paper bag with food in a hoodie I bring along, so it doesn't get cold on the way home, and put it in my bag pack. I drive home as fast as I can with the drink in my left hand. I can still change gears with my right hand, because shifting is done through finger paddles at the right handle. When I arrive in my room I am so hot from that exericse, that I get almost completely naked. Finally I can enjoy my meal infront of my puter, with a movie running or so.
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>I think the public gym isn't about working out, I'm pretty sure it's a place people meet and look for casual sex

Ash, as someone who has just recently joined a gym but has been struggling to find motivation to actually go there because im a dumb, autistic, lazy fuck, Thank You for those internationalist words! TYFYSAJ

however, i do have to take your words with a GIGA grain of the proverbial salt because to speak Anne Frankly, because let us all be real famalam, your a white, skinny ass, lil bitch ass hoe who has never seen the inside a gym so how the fuck you wood u know (no offense)
oh and picrel /ck/ its my first ever protein powdered shake. 
it has 2 ice blocks, a bonanza... oh wait, i mean a banana (its like a bonanza for your throat!), 2 scoops of chocolate flavoured aforementioned protein powder, 2 cups of rolled OATZ and 1 cup of low fat milk.
honestly it surprisingly tastes really good and is quite fulling, 8/10 wood recommend!

STATUS update: I wrote the above several hours ago in Nopepad and need to mention some of the after effects. The protein shake, after about 8 hrs after consuming it, has made me fart a lot. and I mean A LOT, like my room already smells like cum and now ontop of that, there is a substantial off putting. fart odor... also the cum isnt related to the shake butt rather possibly irregular masturbatory habits HUH!?!? but anyways, yo ong is it normal to fart so much after a protein shake fr?

ok... uhh i luv food, hbu guys? heh eheheh
>I think the public gym isn't about working out, I'm pretty sure it's a place people meet and look for casual sex, given the types of clothes and types of women that go there.

Though this statement can be true, I've observed that for the most part, this isn't the case.

People go to the gym for a variety of reasons, often to fufill their needs of comfort, desire to feel special, have variety when it comes to physical activity, a sense of signifigance, or a way to connect with other people who also have a similar mindset when it comes to taking care of their health. Don't get me wrong I'm sure there are orgies happening all around me, but I still haven't been invited.

I got jumped in middle school and I need muscles/strength for boxing/BJJ. I want to put that memory to rest and I can't be at peace until I'm confident in my own abillities to defend myself. Though I love my father, he is a total pussy and never gave me any tools on how to handle myself when push came to shove. 

I had a conversation a personal trainer, he said most of his clients were the skinny kid or obese in highschool and desire to get rid of memories of ridicule. It makes sense. Some of the most jacked guys in gym were at one point on complete opposite side.

Keep going brother. They key is consitency. I'm talking about the farting by the way. But it's normal, my farts are heinous especially when combine whey shakes with my chicken onion brocolli dinner mmMMmmm sniiiiiiiiiifff
>I got jumped in middle school
>I got pumped in middle school
I also farted a lot after 2 scoops of protein powder which is why I limit myself to a single scoop. I normally just mix it with almond milk and pretend it's cum but every now and then I'll add fruit and peanut butter to it.
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>I think the public gym isn't about working out, I'm pretty sure it's a place people meet and look for casual sex
>lil bitch ass hoe who has never seen the inside a gym so how the fuck you wood u know (no offense)

Considering her huge retardedness, i'm pretty sure she mistyped and actually meant to write "pubic gym"

>i love eating

As a kid i used to be a major lightweight, only ate the bare minimum for reasons. 

However, with age one learns to appreciate the finer things in life. Now eating is like a ritual to me. Think about it, it's about providing the fuel for you to operate and keep yourself alive, it's pretty important. 

No coincidence we have sayings like "you are what you eat" (it goes deeper than just the physical side of things) --> (better input, better output. A rule that originates in audio, but is applicable to anything really). 

I want to use this post to remind the anons here to cherish eating and keep healthy eating habits. One of the major aspects in life is enjoying and making the most out of what the cosmos provides, one should do it with as many facets of existence as possible, food included. 


I went back from grocery shopping this evening. There is quite no feeling like witnessing a full fridge. Opening your full fridge is an experience akin to a woman spreading her legs open for you. 

Both fridges and pussies emit light in my experience (remember flashlight from the awards show?), Chernobyl pussies especially have a tendency to do that (i'm just making that up, never sexed a ukranian wooman. never sexed my fridge either, sadly). Light is always involved when something glorious is the focus --> except for the grey/reptilian soul matrix.

Aside from the above, pussies and fridges share some other common traits (hopefully, size and temperature are not among them). For example, both are doors that lead to pleasure, no wonder the connection is so easy to make.

I know a certain someone complains about people constantly mentioning seggs and shiet here. Sorry not sorry, food feels so good it is just natural to connect it to puss puss, if you disagree you gay.

With that said, don't fuck your food unless you're a cannibal
Replies: >>22208
She did say that she tried to go to a gym once, you are a fake fan
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>all the autists who walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes once every two months getting upset over my accurate gym analysis
Have you gaywads never heard of gymthots? Of course people go to the gym to actually work out, such as the men, but there is a certain population of younger women that go to fish for casual sex. And also John Travolta https://instinctmagazine.com/whats-toupee-less-travolta-doing-with-this-guy-at-3-a-m/

>paying for a gym membership
I know what you're really paying for. You just want to use those showers with other ripped sweaty men, homos. Maybe you guys got upset because I said the gym was for casual sex instead of casual gay sex. My error, apologies. But on a real note, try prison workouts. Those homies are more ripped than your pants after I rape you, and they have 0 gym equipment because they might kill a chomo with resistance bands.

As 100% proof the only reason women go to the gym is for casual sex, take a look at this Tiktok tradwife.

She used to be a gymthot and is now a hotwife, I mean tradwife on Tiktok. She's still a gymthot, my only gripe is that this tart STILL wears yoga pants to the gym, which seems disrespectful to your spouse. She says she has amassed 50 pairs of Lululemon leggings that she still owns/wears. Leggings are a sign that a woman wants to be stared at sexually, and a gym is a place where you are guaranteed to have younger fit males staring at you, making it the perfect place to meet your next penis. She herself mentioned that men approach other women and her in the gym all the time. And as I guessed (I was right) that's where she met her husband: the gym. After she was engaged she started her transition from gymthot to trad wife.

However, even though she is trad she still goes to the gym (without her husband) wearing her skinsuits and it rubs me the wrong way. From her perspective, gyms are a breeding ground, why still go there, without your husband, dressed in a skinsuit, where you know men will approach you? I would either work out at home, go to a female-only gym, or not wear the skinsuit to the co-ed gym where men approach you. Or just commit a crime that lands you in prison and figure out how to workout with no supplies with a qt butch prisonfu. I have a feeling in that situation the only muscle you'd work out is your tongue. Alalalalal ;)

What does this have to do with the food thread? Well I will say this tart knows how to cook a good meal, so it isn't all bad. Maybe she can use my thin load as water for her recipes. It's pure water after all.
she's got quite the fivehead on her
I did go to the gym today and it was just me and another woman in the gym for the most part. As I was resting between sets, she did walk by me making eye contact with me on the way to the toilets...
hmmm.... maybe Ashley is onto something.

or maybe she was just taking a mental photo of me so she could mastubate to me give the police an accurate description, just incase.

yeah food is great
Replies: >>22216
I used to go to my small, local no name gym years ago and hardly ever saw any women exept for the one working there and she must have been in her sixties. Everyone else was like retirees who had nothing better to do or because their doctor forced them to. They'd always start talking to me as I was trying to work out. They also never wore deordient and the place smelled like goldbond qnd swampass. Now I just work out at home. Fuck gyms.
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Skip dinner: wake up thinner
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My hunch 
Don't eat lunch
Lose a bunch
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So I's goes to the store to get my Big League Chew and there was Ashley on my Big League Chew. Slammin' Strawberry. I'd like to be slammin' her strawberry, I tell ya dat much.
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Gay gyms for Gay Men: How to Look Gay at the Gym

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>>18135 (OP) 
Any of you fatties try this yet? q8rf82
Replies: >>22276 >>22299
It tastes like a poorly made chicken parmesan and for the price I paid, I could have just gotten Chicken Parmigiana at Olive Garden >>20861
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>Have you gaywads never heard of gymthots? Of course people go to the gym to actually work out, such as the men, but there is a certain population of younger women that go to fish for casual sex.
Horny people looking for a hole to fuck or for their holes to get fucked are everywhere. It's only natural that in a gym (a place where people regularly display their sweaty bodies in extremely revealing skin-tight clothing) you are gonna get a bunch of animals who will look for sex and eventually fuck each other. What's your point?

I guess you're addressing the anon here >>22110 who honestly (no offense ) was a lil' retarded to go "how wood u know if u never went yourself??!?". Retarded argument. Don't have to visit Africa to know it's a shithole. Don't have to suck cock to know that it's gay. Don't have to go to Ashley's house to know it smells like shit, onions and retard juice. Don't have to fuck your mom to know she's an AIDS ridden whore. You get the point. People can talk about shit they never experienced themselves, as long as correct information and common sense are involved.

>You just want to use those showers with other ripped sweaty men, homos. Maybe you guys got upset because I said the gym was for casual sex instead of casual gay sex. My error, apologies. But on a real note, try prison workouts. Those homies are more ripped than your pants after I rape you, and they have 0 gym equipment because they might kill a chomo with resistance bands.
Stop projecting your fantasies onto the anons here.

Maybe you're just upset cause all the sweaty hot men/wemeen storm the balls-sweat odor ridden gyms, while you can't even get a single one of them to get in your balls-sweat odor ridden house? oWnEd wiTh faGs and l0gic, btFo sm4ll trannY andrOginOus dwArf loOking a$$ 

>take a look at this Tiktok tradwife.
Some things never change. She just went from displaying her ass at the gym to displaying her honkers on a chinese datagathering app, BIG BASED TRAD WIN!! :DDD 

>I would either work out at home, go to a female-only gym, or not wear the skinsuit to the co-ed gym where men approach you.
Finally speaking some sense. 

Plus, can we talk about how gay-looking gym attire is?

I guess gymfags can justify the skin-tight aspect by pointing out that clothes that are glued to your skin promote sweating, which in turn promotes weight loss or something i think? (obviously meant to show off and accentuate specific body traits)

And what's with gym clothing and those flashy ass neon colors that make me feel like i'm losing 3 dioptres every time i so much dare lay my gaze on them? (obviusly meant to garner attention, reflects the ego driven nature of gymculture/gymfags) 

>Maybe she can use my thin load as water for her recipes. It's pure water after all.
I bet that fanfic writing fag on here has a recipe involving loads, even thick ones. Inspired by his reddit post, his wife bakes it for him every day! It's called "bukkCake".   *queue laughtrack*

more like JIZZA amirite???
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These gummies I bought at Dollar Tree are shaped like dicks
Replies: >>22551
society at it agian destroying the atomic family this is unforgibable i will kill the next jap that crosses my path that is my job sleeeeper celllll
Replies: >>22590
Update I made them and I almost masturbated the pancakes were that good. Made from scratch. Gonna make 8 more tonight. #crabs
Replies: >>22591 >>22593
Oops #carbs #cum
Replies: >>22592
FUCK. #carbs #yum
>Made from scratch

Replies: >>22594
Sorry can't post pictures at the moment as the pancakes are inside of me. You have two options. Either I can:
A. Take pictures when they come outside of me
B. Take pictures the next time I make pancakes
Replies: >>22596
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Eating this bottle of wine at 3 am
Don't be jelly pls
Replies: >>22597 >>22603
I'll take option A thanks

and post a timestamp faggot
Replies: >>22616 >>22685
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>eating this bottle 
erm, someone tell anon you dont eat the glass bottle of wine! 

your supposed to consume the wine by inserting a funnel into the anus and pouring the wine into the ass funnel

also a '97 Merlot from the Columbia Valley?
*adjusts monocle*
mmm yes a fine year
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Sorry I didn't have a camera around for when I pooped but it looked a little something like this.
Replies: >>22685 >>22699
NOPE, I dont accept that
It was clearly stated that I had two options to choose from:
A. Take pictures when they come outside of me
B. Take pictures the next time I make pancakes

I chose A >>22596

now no more stalling, get to the stall, start poopin and shootin that photo!
Replies: >>22689 >>22702
Pictures are nice but I think a video would be better. Specifically from inside the toilet bowl.
The cashier probably thinks your a queer for buying them.
Replies: >>22702
Unfortunately for you, since I am not a phone user I don't carry a camera with me 24/7. I don't let Google hear my plops as they drops. This means my pancake waste is gone and undocumented (like me) and there's nothing I can do to bring my pancake waste back. However, I did eat more pancakes a few hours ago.

For buying what? I didn't buy the pancakes nor the poop.
Replies: >>22704 >>22723
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Time to invest in a toilet cam.
Replies: >>22705 >>22711
>implying I haven't already bought toilet cams
The only problem is I end up installing them at places that aren't my house.
Replies: >>22721
My uncle has one of those at his place.
Replies: >>22723
I'm so fat I can't save files larger than 4gb
Replies: >>22723
ahh man, that sucks. if only you had other recording devices that you could have used! ahh shit, what a shame!

What did you have on them btw? your pancakes i mean, not your shit. for me its syrup and vanilla ice cream, othertimes its thickened cream and strawberry jam
sometimes.... i just like to lather it in layers of margarine and it all just melts and asdjshjfskfhsdfsd sooooo good.

Hope he installed it correctly.
I heard (and this might be wrong) but if you dont install it properly, somehow the water that sprays your poop chute can have particulars of old poop/piss because something about it drawing water from the wrong spot or something.

and speaking of shit, tonight I had 2 double cheeseburgers and this time got a LARGE fries from mcdonalds. i rate it 6/10

kek good one nerd!
Making American cheese to debunk a conspiracy

Recently got an air fryer and holy shit they are so good.
really handy and convenient plus they cook alot of food better than an oven because they come out crispier.
You dont have to use oil or when you do its a lot less than an oven or whatever so they are probably a bit healthier too and they dont make shit soggy like microwaves do.
Thoughts on air fryers?

I'm to buy one, thanks for reminding me. 
I will also buy a coffee bean grinder. I want to try if it grinds wheat or chickpea.
Replies: >>23153 >>23160
I haven't used a microwave in years due to the fact that it's unhealthy to radiate your food and then ingest it. Instead I have a small toaster oven that has an air fry mode. It isn't a dedicated air fryer, so perhaps the mechanics inside are different. However, it does crisp food a million times better than a microwave can, and it also consumes less power than a stove oven. I frequently make frozen hash browns using the air fry mode and they are the best crispiest hash browns I've ever had. For things like french fries I still toss them in a bit of olive oil (which is healthier than using vegetable oil) and then put them in air fry mode, they come out great that way.

Reheating any type of food in a toaster oven (and air fryer) always comes out better than the microwave. It takes a bit longer but well worth it.
Replies: >>23160 >>23168
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I have a coffee bean grinder, coffee never tasted better. If you want to grind other stuff then buy 2, one for coffee and one for other stuff so you don't contaminate the coffee flavor.
Years ago I read someone else's opinion on the internet that pointed out air fryers are just glorified tiny ovens and that it's a scam in terms of cost versus value they provide. I'm not sure on the price of new ones nowadays, but they sure do make things crispier I tell ya h'what
Replies: >>23160
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I have a Flavorwave turbo oven which works great since you can see your food being cooked and has lots of room to cook multiple thing at once.
Replies: >>23158 >>23160
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That picture fired off a neuron I had from probably 11 years ago. I saw this stupid infomercial https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bi3NgOipvCk for a pressure cooker and this guy's personality and appearance was insufferable. Too over-the-top excited for something as boring as a pressure cooker.

Anyways, a phrase he said still sticks with me. At 15:08 he's about to give people stew made with the pressure cooker. One of his victims is an old lady. He gives the lady a bowl of stew and at 15:09 she tries it. The guy says, "The real key is the flavor" (as she's ingesting).

He then says as he points at her, "If you can't get a yum yum face like that, then everything I told you wasn't worth it."

I can't be the only one to think that was weird, because the old lady just repeats the words, "yum yum face".
Replies: >>23160
yeah you should, there pretty portable to so that helps if you live in a caravan down by the river like me

>small toaster oven that has an air fry mode
that sounds really handy. I dont own a toaster oven but they are bit more versatile than an air fryer?
I hope your olive oil is like us Tubbies, extra virgin

>it's a scam in terms of cost versus value they provide
no way! just compare the size of modern ovens to an air fryer. it would take a lot more power and time to heat up an oven compared to an air fryer. sounds like they were just being racist towards air fryers smh smh

never heard of a Flavorwave turbo oven so i looked it up and the first result is Mr T endorsing them!

>this guy's personality and appearance was insufferable.
should have hired Mr T
Replies: >>23164 >>23165
>cooking a steak in a Flavorwave
Nigger please. I normally use it to cook chicken whenever I'm meal prepping for work or reheating pizza. Other than that, I mainly cook my meals on cast iron skillets.
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>no way! just compare the size of modern ovens to an air fryer. it would take a lot more power and time to heat up an oven compared to an air fryer. sounds like they were just being racist towards air fryers smh smh
The use case for both air fryers and ovens could be detirmened based on a specrtal use case of how often you use it, how much it cost, and the amount of food you'd be preparing on a weekly basis. I can cook at least one whole jew in my oven but, I can't imagine the hassle of cooking one piece by piece oy vey!
Replies: >>23167
The air fryer is to reheat smaller meals later, whereas an oven is to heat one big meal at once. However you're not going to use a big oven to reheat smaller portions for later, which is why an air fryer or toaster oven is better to use when you reheat.
Replies: >>23173
A decent air fryer is one of the best kitchen utilities you can get, imo. Reheated food is way better, and you can make a lot of sides like >>23152 hash browns, french fries, onion rings, etc.
I have no friends so air frying dinosaur shaped nuggets while I cry myself to sleep is the perfect amount of tears to use as lube as I jack it to women worshipping bbc
Replies: >>23176
lil sus frfr
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Anyone else here eat Crumpets?

bros they be so good and simple. Just unwrap em and chuck em in a toaster and then add whatever table spread on em after they pop up.
However (You) HAVE to put margarine/butter first off to get em all lubed up. Kinda like foreplay ok?
Then add whatever table spread but the most common is honey, but Ive heard of other crumpet enjoyers putting nutella or peanut butter on them too.

Im a simple man and just lather them bitches up in margarine and get em all nice and warm, wet and juicy.
I like to go down on them in a certain way though,
I start off by eating the top part. Its got all the wet juicy goodness that Im after, ya know?
Then all thats left is the crispy edges and the base of the crumpet which tbh, the base is kinda boring tbh, but whatever anyways there great, try em!
Replies: >>24084 >>24104
Replies: >>24087
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Replies: >>24091 >>24110
English Muffins are pretty much the American equivalent of the British Crumpets and taste almost the same when toasted and spread with butter and or jam or peanut butter (my fave) Only the discerning palate will be able to tell the difference. Bon appetit!
Replies: >>24131
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Ashley said that the male lips 👄 are her favorite body part of a man. Just imagine what she might be into?
Replies: >>24111
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She just wants me for my money and my body.
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HARD disagree.
On there own they dont taste like much at all, just how bread doesnt like taste much by itself.
However there is a massive difference between the two that comes in their consistency when you bite into em (? or how the feel in your food hole).
Crumpets are almost like a pancake in how they are lighter and fluffier, where as the muffin has more of traditional dough/bread feel to it.
When you bite into each you will definitely know the difference between the two.

btw, I highly recommend get some margin/butter, a SMALL bit of vegemite, throw some cheese ontop and stick it under the grill until the cheese melts and the edges of the muffin brown. 
makes for a great lunchtime meal
Replies: >>24147
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I just finished making a tray of baked ziti. The last thing I want to do is cook after coming home from a day of contracting so I bite the bullet and make a tray good for 6 servings so when I get home, just heat and eat.

Boil ziti for 10 minutes, drain and mix in a lot of ricotta cheese with the ziti
spread half in a pan pour in some pasta sauce 
spread some ground beef
add some mozzarella
add another layer same as the first
bake for 25 minutes in a 350 degree oven
add a slice of Italian bread, close your eyes and you're eating in Italy

If you're a really cute green eyed vegan then the ground beef is optional. Bon Appetit
Replies: >>24156
Only a bogan would take a bite outta vegemite. Promite is for brekky. Bloody oath.
Thats my favorite meal. I used to make baked ziti all the time. I like having a salad on the side with cold ranch and buttery croutons.
Replies: >>24158
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Replies: >>24160
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>multiracial thumbs up
Don't worry, I used the magic of AI to make a new version with the correct skin tones
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Here's a couple more if you need options
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real tired of yall shrimps
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I made panko-crusted salmon for dinner. Normally I make up a honey mustard glaze but I was lazy and used whole grain mustard instead.
How was it? Looks tasty. Very nice presentation too. I'm a big believer in presentation, it matters, even if you're cooking and eating alone. You enjoy your meal more if you present it nicely vs. throwing your slop onto a plate and shoveling it in.

The carrots look fire af too ngl
Replies: >>24651
that looks so fucking good and as the other anon said, nice presentation. 
Do you get the salmon from a market?
Dumb question but do you just cook one side of the salmon and it cooks all the way thru? or can you flip it even with the panko crust?

I do have to deduct points from you because in the first photo, you metal sink plug isnt in the hole correctly its setting off my autism.

Also, is it weird to find that knife sexually attractive cuz damn that is one sexy looking knife.
It must be stainless steel because it steels my heart!
sorry my pickup lines arent very sharp
Replies: >>24651
That's def a subscription meal plan
Replies: >>24646 >>24651
Nobody buys that dumb shit. The only people who have eaten those are the Youtubers advertising them because they need the paycheck.
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Thanks. I'm also a firm believer in presentation. I like to have different colours of food on my plate to make it look more appealing. The carrots do look like they've been in a fire.

I did get it from my local market, I find their food tastes better and I'm supporting local businesses. As for cooking for the salmon, I cook it on the skillet skin down for 3-4 minutes to get it nice and crispy, then put the skillet in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes (depending on its thickness) at 425°F. 

Wrong! But I have tried those Hello Fresh meals when I looked after a relatives cat for a week while they were away on a trip. They do taste good and they make it very simple on how to prep and cook everything by providing placards with instructions and the exact amount of ingredients used with each meal. Here's one of the meals that came in the package.
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Replies: >>24926 >>24929
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Mine looks like this constantly
Replies: >>24927
I dont know what my sink looks like because my mommy does all my dishes
how did they get the straw to balance like that?!?!
Replies: >>24941
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They snapped the pic
Really quick
Just before the straw fell
So nobody could tell

Cool, I use the same sponge.
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>why yes Im fat, lazy, stupid and single. How could you tell?
Replies: >>25254 >>25255
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Ashley mentioned "Wendy's is numa 1 fast food resaurant!"
Its not in my country but its one of 2 fast food franchises I wish we had. 
the other is Whataburger, the patty melt looks soo good.
is it as good as it looks?
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I wouldn't eat that even if I lived alone.
We're finally getting a Jack in the box where I live so I can't wait to see what's in those burritos. Maybe I can synthesize it and inject it directly into Ashley like heroin to make her addicted to me instead of just being a dick to me.
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This was a tasty sandwich.
Replies: >>25342
What's that sauce on the bread? Can't tell if it's some sort of butter but whatever it is, it looks good on that toasted bread.
Replies: >>25348 >>25353
Grainy mustard mixed with mayo.
Cum mixed with cum
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If I was a billionaire this is how I would have every meal served to me
Replies: >>25668
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Mmm. He just recently started masturbating with those hands.
Replies: >>25669
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If by "masturbating" you mean putting on awesome puppet shows, then yes.
Replies: >>25671
Spoiler File
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Thank god hands don't have eyes or mine would look like this all the time
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Normally I eat one of these but I was starving. I still need to learn how to make my own sushi at some point but it's too much of a hassle just for a few bites.
Replies: >>25964
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I ordered the onion rings to go with my homemade burger because I don't have a deep fryer. Normally I bake my own french fries in the oven but lately I found onion rings to be the better choice. I also forgot the add a few onion rings onto my burger for extra deliciousness.
Replies: >>25964 >>25967
Im sorry, Im confused you made those????
Replies: >>25969 >>25971
I see you put mustard on almost evry meal u mcpost. Do you have a infinity for stinky female feet? Just wondering if there's a correlation there
Replies: >>25971
actually i guess it doesnt matter. What does matter is I WOULD STAB SOMEONE (in a videogame) for a meal like that right now they look soo good
Replies: >>25987
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I use it mostly on burgers, it tastes better than ketchup. Honey mustard is also great on sandwiches. As for women's feet, I never understood the appeal. I think they're the ugliest part of the body and the only people who seem to really enjoy them are Asians since many of them do pedicures. 
I ordered the sushi and made the burger but not the onion rings.
Replies: >>25986
I'm not Asian and I enjoy female feet. I don't find them sexually appealing on their own, but I find footjobs are pretty sweet. You should ask your landlord for a footjob with full grain mustard and post it on here with a garnish sticking out the tip o' yo deek for max presentation. I wonder how many dick pix Gordan Ramsey recieves that are cuisine related. He probably never sees them since he's so far removed from directly maintaining his social media presence.
You can't just go get food?
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Replies: >>26221 >>26222
I've always wanted to try a full english breakfast. I would have to starve myself the day before since it's a fuck ton of food for me. The sausages and egg alone would do me over.
Replies: >>26234
yo whats up with the bloody cocks
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You're a woman, right? I can devour an entire English breakfast like it's nothing. It's overrated. Just add baked beans to a southern style breakfast. We use grits instead of baked beans but baked beans aren't unheard of and used to be more popular many years ago. British baked beans suck by the way. They have absolutely no flavor. They are just canned pork and beans without the pork so it's just beans in tomato sauce. Black pudding and white pudding both suck and they are foods I would only eat if I absolutely had to. Southern style breakfasts have bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, hash browns and even tomatoes but we only salt our tomato slices while the English grill theirs. We even have mushrooms but we usually sauté them and mix them in with hash browns. They use HP sauce which is just a sweeter and less tangy A1 sauce on English breakfasts and we use ketchup and Heinz 57 sauce on ours. Ketchup on eggs is amazing and Heinz 57 sauce on hash browns is amazing. Pretty much the breakfast you can have at any Waffle House. We drink milk, orange juice, coffee or iced tea and they drink English tea or coffee with breakfast. I'm not a fan of English tea. To me, tea time just seems like something you are expected to do if you're English but I also don't have morning coffee either like most boomers do in America. English food mostly sucks because they eat like they are still at war with Germany. That being said, fish and chips is one of my favorite foods and the only place you can get something even close to it where I live is Captain D's.
Replies: >>26236 >>26244
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>We use grits instead of baked beans
When I was stateside in the Seabees stationed in the armpit of the South, Gulfport Mississippi and didn't have the duty I would go off base and would sometimes go to a diner. No matter what you ordered to eat you were always served a side order of grits. I grew to like grits and if you went to a diner and just ordered grits, you'd also get a side order of grits, heh, heh.
Replies: >>26249 >>26264
>Ketchup on eggs is amazing 
If you're 5 years old or a permanent member of the lower class, sure.
Replies: >>26265
>When I was stateside in the Seabees stationed in the armpit of the South, Gulfport Mississippi 
Just come clean and tell us you're a COD streamer.
Replies: >>26251
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"The lady doth protest too much methinks"
                                Hamlet, William Shakespeare
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Grits is way better than oatmeal in my opinion. Grits feels like an entrée and oatmeal feels like a dessert. Most people who dislike grits have only ever had plain grits with nothing added to it. I've actually spoken to people who aren't from here who thought grits were bland and didn't know you were supposed to put butter in it. It doesn't help that most restaurants don't salt their grits anymore so you have to do it at the table. I add Kerrygold Irish butter and sea salt to my grits. Cheese grits are my favorite but you can't beat grits with red-eye gravy or shrimp and grits either. Grits and eggs is good too. If you don't know what that is. It's not grits with a side of eggs but it's when you mix your scrambled eggs with your grits and some people add bacon or sausage to it. Also, it's myth that northerners don't eat grits. If you're an Italian-American, chances are you've had polenta which is the same thing. I have a bag of Quaker and Jim Dandy in the pantry, but I usually get Whitelily and Dixielily and anytime I see some brand of grits in a rustic burlap sack, I usually buy them just for the novelty.
Replies: >>26305
There is nothing wrong with either of those things but I wouldn't expect an elitist prick who attempts to gaslight someone into disagreeing with them over something as insignificant as how they like their eggs to understand that.
both are shit. Eat up dubs
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I saw the hole in that piece of meat and thought this video was going to be about something else than cooking
Replies: >>26638
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>How to ruin a steak
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Replies: >>27574 >>27575
me eating the barrel of that gun because i'm suicidal
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made some french bread today
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My tortilla pizza recipe. For when you are too lazy to work with dough but still want pizza.

What you need:
Any pizza topping: In general, you can add any of your favourite toppings here.
Cheese (whatever you want). If you do not want any toppings, you can make your own "quattro formaggi at home".
Seasoning: pizza seasoning, oregano, salt, pepper, and if you like, aromatic herbs.

The sauce: 
Here you can just use ketchup or tomato paste on the tortilla, but there are a few combinations for trying.
Ketchup + mayonnaise + spices (for pizza, oregano, dill, a little salt and pepper) = russian dressing sause.
Mayonnaise (you can also use tartar sauce) + sour cream + spices (similar) = white sauce.

There are three basic methods: microwave, pan and oven.
The fastest is the microwave. If you're lazy, you can try it, but the pizza itself will get a bit soft, so bear that in mind.
The longest is the oven. Because you have to preheat the oven before you use it (and some people don't know how to use it at all). The dough is crispier.
A frying pan is best. The dough is crispier than in the microwave, but it takes less time than in the oven.

Cooking methods:
Grate the cheese first. 
Take a tortilla and spread it with ketchup or sauce. Put some cheese on top. 
Then the filling.
Then put more cheese on top of the filling.
Top with a little spice.

Choose one of the three heating methods and wait for the cheese to melt.
Take the pizza out of the oven.

When it has cooled down a bit, you can slice and eat.
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- 1 package of frozen spinach
- milk
- 5 cloves garlic
- salt
- 3 spoons of soft flour
- 1/4-1/3 butter

1. Make a butter+flour mix in the pan
2. When it gets pink/brown, add slightly melted spinach, cover with milk
3. Add salt and garlic
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Hey, where's the cream filling? I ordered extra mayo on my ashley burger.
Replies: >>28116
That's literally what it's like to be chad.
Okay now that's epic
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I love doughnuts.
Replies: >>28136
pp crumbs… i hadn’t known guys nipples be perkin
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>>18135 (OP) 
HELP! I'm taking my co worker "female" out for dinner tonight and when I asked here where she wants to go she said Taco Johns. That's all fine and good but she's mentioned that it also gives her the shits. Now do I stop her from going here or change her mind. QUICK. I only have 6 hours!
Replies: >>28144
Dude, you're going to score. Why are you trying to stop it? Are you gay? She just told you she's a scat queen and she's dtf. Looks like you'll be having a taco with mole for dinner.
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Dang, I was really looking forward to having a cheesy burger pizza from papa john's but I don't have enough to pay the delivery driver a tip. Looks like it's bologna tacos again for dinner.
you should get a chair and a rope
>That's not true and Pringles aren't potato chips, they are crackers

incorrect, they still have just enough potato in them to be labeld as "Crisps" 
Also they are found in the chips aisle, not the biscuit aisle
Replies: >>28234
>they still have just enough potato in them
And Subway's bread is actually a confectionary.
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dipping your tendies in soft drink as opposed to a dipping sauce, tubbies... is it bad? 

Cola is a drink which isnt food but rather is a beverage but is still fit for human consumption anyways, so if it adds flavour like a dipping sauce would, then how is that a bad thing?
Replies: >>28396
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Anyone else go to dine-in restaurants and eat alone?
Replies: >>28394
I did that once at a diner on the outskirts of town. It was mostly empty so I ordered a slice of pie and coffee and sat alone while pretending I was in a movie.
Replies: >>28401
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I bet those kids dunked their tendies in her sauce if you get what implying.
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Was that you? Because I really thought it was a movie. I was the guy that asked for your autograph.

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