/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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After a rough start, Ashton is really starting to fill out and become the big guy they always wanted thanks to the 21,000 T shots he has gotten over the years.
Replies: >>21005
>>21001 (OP) 

Replies: >>21010
In true tranny fashion, 21,000 shots plus 1 shot for the skull :3
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Gets made in the 21000-21009 count because its still fresh enough. It still counts to me dammit. I know what Ashton will look like next year

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Just came across a Mandela Effect nobody else has noticed.

Bomb-omb or Bob-omb?

I've always known it to be bomb-omb, bob-omb makes no sense. If you write out Bomb-omb it's bomb twice, which makes more sense than Bob-omb. What do you remember? Also, post more Mandela Effects.
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Replies: >>20625 + 2 earlier
>Quija boards are now spelled Ouiga
I looked it up and didn't find what you're talking about.
Replies: >>6158
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reminds me of when me and my brother played Ace Combat 4 right after 9/11 happened and we tried recreating it by flying jets into buildings.
Replies: >>6175
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>>3347 (OP) 

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What are you stupid bitches doing, and how many of you are fucking Jewish? Shut the fuck up, I don't want to hear anything you've got to say.

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Replies: >>19887 + 5 earlier
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Replies: >>19934
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>>19547 (OP) 
imagine being the dog, imagine being owned by one of these rotting mindless walking corpses

as human beings we are lucky to have freedom of choice and independent thought, but man, just look at how some people decide to exert it

>picrel is mfw
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so no one will reply to her posts? :(((((((((
If you write stories here and Ashley hasn't abducted you and broken your legs I got bad news for you.
Replies: >>19935
Please help me. I've been abducted by this small woman who forces me to write for her every day. She keeps me locked in this tiny room. I just picked the room's lock and got out. Send help. I hope the glowie reads this.

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why dont you host your own cytu.be instance instead of using the public one? you would have more control and could have it set up as one page and not have limitations on what your allowed to stream and chat would be on your server not someone elses and could be wiped if necessary just wondering?
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Replies: >>19784
>Sure hosting your own would allow you to embed what you want
Hosting her own wouldn't change what can or can't be embedded, that's up to the provider of wherever you're getting the video.
>have more control over chat logs
Not really for the reasons she outlined. Yes she could technically have more control over the logs server side, but there are practically no benefits from this. If someone wanted a full record of the chat, they just load the cytube channel and leave it on all day. 
She kinda went over these points already
Hey pal, don't be mean to the film buff. He's more intelligent and sophisticated than the rest of us uncultured swine who just watch TV
No, but I’ve seen the Seventh Seal by him.
I really should watch more of his works.
>>19745 (OP) 
No limitations on what your allowed to stream, huh? Sounds great. We could watch bestiality porn together.
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One of my favorite movie scenes is perhaps from The Testament of Dr. Mabuse where in the early years of talkie pictures actors still kept their exaggerated expressions which were a method used in the silent era but was still resilient in the talkie era.

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Ashley, we love you. We know you're trying to recover from your eating disorder surprisingly not anorexia but whatever its called when you are addicted to food so instead of buying you more Panda Express we're doing something different.

Each day up until Valentine's Day and beyond we will post spoilered images for you to "unwrap". We'll post any images we think you like, fan art, edits, gay porn, whatever we think will make you smile.
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Kevin luuvvs Taz
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Replies: >>19532
Ashley loves tribbing
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Replies: >>19698

gay liota
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>gay liota
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>a refreshing club soda
Replies: >>17032
this thread was shit a year ago and it's even worse now that you bumped it
Replies: >>17039
butt mad posta
I would creampie that in a secon

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Spill the beans. Again.
495 replies and 170 files omitted. View the full thread
Its more accurate to say what she did to me
Replies: >>18672
 NEW THREAD >>18666 
Please give details in new bread
My friend wants me to go to his super bowl party, but i fucking don't want to go. What do?
Replies: >>18990
I think you’ll regret not to go. I think it’ll be a fun experience for you. Hey maybe there’ll be chicks there.

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Mama Ashley, BELLGAB! has been attacked by an evil Jew that was raised Catholic and married and robbed three Jews, so she became a Jew. Her father also watched green lights in WWII which defeated the Nazi's in Japan. Please come and help us before this Jew lays eggs. 1-8-24 @ 9:30 P.M. C.S.T. Richard Groypers Channel on YouTube.

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Anyone here ever use an older niche imageboard? If so where and when? I was active on unichan between 2010-2017 or so. Sometimes I wish it never died.
Replies: >>18564
I got banned from wizardchan for posting a picture of a naked woman.
Replies: >>18571
>>18555 (OP) 
I lurk on kohlchan.net for many years now.
It is the spiritual successor of krautchan.de, basically the German 4chan of its time.
Replies: >>18571 >>18632
I was disappointed with how many normies are on Lainchan. But it's still better than most chans because it has an active userbase.

Kek. If it weren't for Hot wheels getting kicked out of Wizardchan, we would've never had 8chan and no original 8chan /ashleyj/.
Niche boards like this are the best, you can actually have a discussion. Tubgurl is actually starting to get a lot faster I've noticed, which is nice, because it reminds me of old school /b/ in a lot of ways. When did /b/ on 4chan just turn into another porn board anyway?

But the key to getting the most out of niche boards is to just keep several of them up in tabs. If you're reading and posting on 3-5 it doesn't feel "slow" and imho can easily replace the 4chan experience. I only use 4chan now to lurk every now and then because fuck that captcha and all the boards are infested with ubernormies now. /g/ is a shadow of its former self, it's sad. I guess >>18565 is sorta the best /g/ alternative. Some normies yes but definitely not as much phoneposting going on there.

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What do you think? Post photos of all the wild animals you have let into your home.
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that is a lot like you and me, ashley
So this is the guy who runs the show huh?
You gotta admint he looks way more swagged out than the avrage ashcel
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Are bears really as bad as everyone makes them out to be?
Replies: >>18061 >>18063
Black bears aren't

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