>I've been hearing the Chinese were going to take over the world for the past three decades. They can't even take their island back.
underrated opinion. "muh china is coming" and "ccp le evil" is such a boomer take. the same evil that controls china exists here. china is the staging ground for their global plans (social credit etc). if you want to know what's coming to the west, take a look at china.
however, this isn't an endorsement of their aptitude for social domination. take for example the "great firewall" of china. the project wasn't even fully realized until like 2006. to this day it is easily circumvented (well, easily if you know what you're doing). point is, the dinosaurs in charge didn't even say, "hmm, this internet thing could be a problem for keeping the masses under control" until the mid 2000s. morons. here in the west, in modern times, we've taken a different tact: cancel culture. don't like what someone is saying? no laws necessary - just get their hosting providers to shut them down, cut off their access to financial services, etc. which method of censorship is more effective is yet to be seen, but I suspect its the latter, actually.