/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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I interviewed Styx for real, but his original answers were totally unamusing to me. So I completely altered my questions afterwards and took his statements completely out of context. This is the result.

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The little dickens.
Damn, high school year book pictures are wild. No wonder they only show the face.
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He looks like he doesn't mind his wife with black guys.
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I think Styx should become his own girlfriend.
Replies: >>30637
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I think he has already tried that.

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My name is coach sanjay and this is my first thread showing appreciate for judeo indian relation.

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>>16903 (OP) 
Get the hell out of here you stupid Indian Hindu . Who eat cow shit and do shit everywhere expect for toilet. Wonder if you ever heard the word toilet.
Replies: >>30565
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>bumping an old shitty bait thread
pour yourself a glass of picrel my man
Replies: >>30585
>>16903 (OP) 
I bet this Indian Hindu loves beef
 Hindus are worst then this . There are discussing inside out
More like Hinjpop fans, amirite?

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Only real females can post in this thread!
321 replies and 117 files omitted. View the full thread
Any other gurls want to trade toe pictures with me?
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my son asked me to post here   hello
Love the glasses!
tits or gtfo
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Get a makeover. You're not as hot as Ashley's mom. She's a Pixar mom.

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any other spacehey users?
cool privacy respecting myspace clone
63 replies and 15 files omitted. View the full thread
I thought that's what we called her videos.
Replies: >>29909

shorts = videos
Here is another "lesbian shorts":
That might have been my fault guys.
i dont have any friends so I used her service to order a lot of dinner with a friend scenarios. Strictly friends, nothing weird or sexual. thats just gross (no offence Ash)
Anyways, I ordered so many of them that Ashley had to tell me we had to stop and she was unable to offer this service anymore. i asked how come? and she replied that due to me buying so many dinners she had gained a lot of weight and then I said yeah Ive noticed...
and bros let me tell you, she went ape shit! swearing, cursing, threats, throwing things at the webcam. at one point she picked up Bandit 3 and I guess in her emotional state she thought she could sic her dog onto me thru the webcam somehow? Bizarre but I guess women are like that am i right fellas? heh
but yeah, sorry for ruining it for everyone and if Ashley is reading this sorry you gained so much weight. just put on your lesbian shorts and hit the treadmill, you'll work the pounds off in no time (maybe).
Replies: >>29971 >>29972
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Ashley does asmr
20 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
your post is missing the Barry flag
No, it stands for Autonomous sensory meridian response. Okay tard.
No, it stands for Anal Sex Mania: Revengeance
Replies: >>29797 >>29799
They will pay for al the butthurt they caused me.

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In this thread we roleplay as the character in our flag.

All out of character discussion must be tagged with /OOC at the end of the post
NO OOC posts allowed in this thread.
Use of creativity via audio, images, drawings, etc. in your post encouraged but not strictly required.
Violence is permitted, but defensive items must be obtained in game.
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Spoiler File
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Wait Mom!
here you go, I made you a special Mothers day card with my ant food.
looks down at the ground and softly mumbles
hope it makes you feel better...
Replies: >>23955
Thank you Derrick! 
kisses Derrick on the mouth
This makes Mommy feel much, much better!
kisses Derrick on the mouth again
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I saw this funny picture of sleepy joe on the internet , thought I share it on here for everyone to get a good laugh! heh,heh

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The Scary Door.gif
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Enter At Your Own Risk!!.gif
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Welcome to /x/ - x-lax. This is not a thread for the faint of shart. We hope you enjoy your descent into the depths of madness. Whatever you do... don't shit your pants.
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Three sons are asking their fathers about death. Here are their conversations:

Boy: What happens when you die?  
Christian Dad: You go to heaven, and meet Jesus and God Almighty. It's a wonderful place where everyone is happy and has everything they need, forever.

Boy: What happens when you die?  
Atheist Dad: Nothing. You simply cease to exist. But don't worry, son. It's not scary or painful. It isn't anything, because it's nothing.

Boy: What happens when you die?  
Based Knower Dad: Son, you're a little young for this -- well, not really, HAH! -- but I'll try and explain things in a way you can understand. When the body you're currently inhabiting dies, your awareness returns to its natural state of totality, where you'll realize there is no individual you, or me, or mom, or the dog. You're simply speaking to yourself right now. It's all just you, an infinite conscious presence that is both everything and nothing all at the same time. All alone. And it never ends.
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> I originally posted this as a new thread and was met with the reply "we have a paranormal thread already. doesn't anyone read the catalog anymore" -- bruh this thread is called parcopresis and if I did not use 4chan I would not have known that /x/ means paranormal

> I tried emailing Ashley about this but she never got back to me, so I am posting here for the first time. whaddup niggaz

After reading Ashley's manifesto I started looking into near death experiences. Another youtuber I watch was also frequently mentioning how fascinating he found them so I decided to look into it. As Ashley said in her manifesto, it does make me want to be a be a better person and my fear of death has lessened significantly after hearing the consistencies in reports. Furthermore, were these experiences just illusions in the mind, it would not matter to me, as it would be reality regardless.

One thing I find interesting is the Soul Recycling section in Ashley's manifesto. She does not really go into the concept, and the only inkling of a source for the concept I have encountered about it is picrel. My main question is: 
> If the heavenly realm described in NDEs is real (as in it is experiences and perceived as heavenly)
> AND the heavenly realm is actually a facade created by demonic forces/entities (I guess working for the Demiurge)
> AND the purpose of the demonic forces/entities is to trick you to go into the light so you will be born again on Earth and continue samsara
> HOW will you determine whether or not these forces are demonic
> IF you determine they are demonic, how are you going to avoid going into the light?

I think we need to assume that you are in a complete state of naivety and that all information you are gathering in this realm is working against you. With all of that in mind, idk what other option there would be but to go into the light. I guess complete disobedience may result in a different outcome, but are you willing to risk an eternity of torment?

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Replies: >>29463
I was just editing old terrible threads to have better OPs and this was one I was working on as you bumped it. I agree, this thread is terrible and hard to find if you want to discuss anything /x/ related. I've wanted to fix this thread for a long time (so good timing) but since it's near a bump limit, I'm not moving these posts to the new thread. Instead, I'll post your post in the new thread.
Replies: >>29466 >>29470
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I started this thread for Halloween. Why wait two years to fix it then? Were you scared shitless because of parcopresis?

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I've received multiple complaints about the board degrading in quality. The complaints all said for the past 3-4 months the board has suddenly changed and is gay. I completely agree. The complaints are about the following:

1. Posts being responded to with overt negativity, shutting down conversation. E.g. "I'm better than you, nobody cares about you, you're wrong and I'm better than you, etc."
It's fine to have a disagreement, but continually shutting down every post with machismo and statements about how you're better than everyone to the point where it's complained about by multiple people is too much, so those posts will be deleted. Discussion is fine, banter is fine, but constant meaningless ego stroking on an anonymous image board is retarded.

2. Porn/Simping
I've recently cleaned up the meaningless porn spam, generally don't post porn unless it's funny. Don't go overboard with this. This is a discussion board, not a porn board. Almost every other website has porn on it, go to those websites if you want it. Porn and simping have really ramped up here for some reason, and it's a very very small pool of people who care about it, everyone else thinks its SIMPly gay.

3. Excessive random links
If you're new here, understand that you must discuss something. Posting a bunch of links with little to no context isn't really how things are done. Post context/discussion with your link to all
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Rose and Ashley go together like peanut butter and jelly
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Replies: >>29444 + 8 earlier
I noticed this about my friend every year since 2015, he quickly adopts the verbiage yet he claims to be not political. I've noticed these people will often say they aren't political yet they do political things like post on social media that they voted and judging by their other posts you just know who they voted for. He will say he hates Christians and I will remind him that I and your entire family are Christian and he will say I think all religion is stupid but on social media you will see his posts wishing Jews and Muslims happy holidays but never wishing anyone a merry Christmas even though he loves Christmas. Dude hates Chick-fil-a but still eats there but won't set a foot into Hobby Lobby and scolded me when I almost had a job there several years ago which he is the reason why I didn't get that job. We were evicted because he abandoned our living situation and blamed me for not getting a job lol.
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Rose's and Ashley's fanart have something in common.
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>>26356 (OP) 
"Peanut butter jelly time"
Locking this thread, all simp discussion goes in this thread >>22067. Keep that thread on topic.
Last edited by admin

rey mysterio yearbook photo.jpg
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booyaka 619.mp3
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On this day, the Day of the Dead, we pay tribute to all those who have died for his daughter's hand and honor the man, the myth and son of the Legend, Rey Mysterio! May Mary once again feel this scorpio's sting.

Press F to pay respects.
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>Over a three-day period from June 22 to June 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), murdered his wife Nancy and their seven-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself at their residence in Fayetteville, Georgia, United States. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first, having died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22. Nancy was found wrapped in a towel with blood under her head, although Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard reported no other signs of a struggle.

>The couple's son, Daniel Christopher Benoit, who also died of asphyxia, was killed as he was lying sedated in his bed on the morning of June 23. Then, on the evening of June 24, Benoit killed himself in his weight room, when he used his lat pulldown machine to hang himself. He placed Bibles near the bodies of his wife and son.Since Benoit's suicide, numerous explanations for his actions have been proposed, including severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), steroid and alcohol abuse leading to a failing marriage and other personal problems
Replies: >>29387
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YO the /pw/ thread still up awww hellll yeahhhhhj
It's still real to me damnit!
There should be a Chris Benoit simulator. It would be a survival horror game where you have to escape Chris Benoit while he's roid raging. One player gets to be Chris Benoit and the other players get to be his wife, daughter and the police. Basically, Resident Evil 2.

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