/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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23,000 posts?! OMYGOT
Replies: >>23023
kind of amazing that we're up to that many posts
Replies: >>23023
>>23000 (OP) 
Its also amazing and related that this guy has probably stuck 23,000 vegetables in his ass over the years
I feel violated. :p

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We need to talk about incest. What happened to me is not okay.

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seeing as ashleyjones icum.to is down here is an archive of her peertube videos
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Until next time bros
Replies: >>20806
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This whole thing was insane,  I always miss everything
see you tomorrow >>20776

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Post dreams of odd or unusual qualities - especially lewd ones.
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>>20677 (OP) 
I've never dreamt about Ash except for this one time. She was doing a live stream from a Church basement and was sitting at this long table which had various objects all over it like a hammer, a lighter etc and was asking us how she should hurt herself. We all thought it was it was a joke so we said smash your hand with the hammer which she did while making jokes. She theb held up her broken mangled hand and was how would you like a HJ with this. Most of us were like wtf while others were encouraging her to torture herself with the other objects. We then tried find where she was located to get soneone there to stop her but couldn't find anything. I then woke up. This dream was several months ago and it has stuck with me since.
I sometimes dream that I’m fighting with my mom which almost never happens in real life. It’s very stressful and when I wake up I have an air of hostility towards her. I still dream of my female cousins on my father’s side. Sometimes they’re friendly and warm, other times they’re cold and neglectful. I haven’t seen most of them for a decade now. After dad died I cut ties with most of my paternal relatives. I sometimes dream that dad is alive and has beaten cancer and I take that in stride. I’m convinced that he beat cancer and I see him living with us again which is weird yet joyous. I still dream of women and I’m about to do them but something always comes up that spoils the opportunity. Last wet dream that I dream vividly was about Coby Smulders. I fucked her on my parents’ bed.
>>20677 (OP) 
I had a dream after taking a sleep supplement where I shot myself in the head and felt myself fading out of existence. I then woke up, still in a dream and thought about how strange/concerning it was that I was having suicidal dreams. I was thinking about killing myself alot at this time so it's not all that suprising.

I also recently had a wet dream and then woke up confused by the lack of mess until I pulled back my foreskin. Just another perk of not being mutilated I guess.
I had a dream I started kissing my male friend. I'm a flaming heterosexual with zero tolerance for gays. Why did I dream about smooching my friend who has a penis? Am I gay now? I liked it in the dream but I woke up disgusted. I woke up with morning wood which makes this matter more complicated. I hope the boner was from the usual morning wake up, but it's possible my boner was from the dream and I would know no different.
Had a dream flip flops didnt exist.

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How do we feel about stolen valor? Personally I think it's cringe no matter how you look at it. It's gay to larp as a mindless bootlicker. It's gay to get triggered about someone larping as a mindless bootlicker.
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The "disgruntled trained solder holding a rifle" brought back a great memory. I was a pte. and I would walk in to a command tent rifle in hand to talk with the Lt. Got pulled aside later and was 
 told to leave it unloaded in the rack outside (it makes the officers nervous).

I find stolen valour hilarious. Imagine the mental illness you'd have to pretend you were in the military. Like a woman bragging about having been a stripper.
Replies: >>22691 >>22697
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I'm not familiar with the term pte

If you want to piss off an officer who comes up to you and you're in a combat zone, salute him.

Yea, stolen valor guys can be hilarious with some of the mixed bag of military garb they wear. Maybe we should feel sorry for them, I don't know,
There is nothing unusual about that. Most western militaries do this. You're not supposed to be armed when you enter a command post or any officers quarters unless you're a sentry. Officers can sometimes still carry their sidearms but even they may be confiscated upon entry.
Only in aussieland we stole abo's generation lol. And properly their black wimmen.
Replies: >>22968
Is that why white australians are quickly becoming a minority in Australia?

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Hola. ¿Algún otro hispanoparlante seguidor de Ashley? 
pd: no soy mexicano
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necesito pussey por favor
The United States constitution allows freedom of speech.
Replies: >>22842
freedom of speech in english only.................. barry
Replies: >>22843
That’s not what the constitution says, Linda!
Ching chong. Que Senora.

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This is my first post here, just wondering if yall into any vidya games. I've been thinking of replaying this old gem or maybe escape from butcher bay...

Anyway, I'm gonna go and get in some zzzs talk to you in the morning.
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Replies: >>22856
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Since it's been established that OP fucked up big time because we already have a video game thread, should we just make this a dancing thread instead?
Replies: >>22825 >>22839
I like how you can tell she's trying to go along with it, pops her tongue out for a second, then sucks it back in because she realizes she might bite it.
Looks like he's humping Mr. Potato Head
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I remember seeing Ashley threads on /r9k/ when I was in high school (terrible mistake) and thinking her videos were funny, particularly on the dill weed channel. I followed the small group of dedicated schizo insane people that made the board for her on 8chan for a bit b/c I thought it was funny but started college and got an autistic girlfriend so I stopped really paying attention.
Today I found Ashley's main website, and by extension this imageboard. Not only is this (icum.to) one of the most unhinged pieces of web design I have EVER seen, she's transformed into a freetard and has an entire fucking MANIFESTO. 
I thought my ex-girlfriend was autistic but Ashley really just sets the example, huh. I am losing it. I have been laughing for the last two hours. Incredible. Just amazing.
Thank you, Ashley. This made my week.
>>22806 (OP) 
I should be saying congratulations on getting laid, but really I need to congratulate you for not turning into a tranny kek. How did you find her website?
Replies: >>22808
Found an old screenshot of my YouTube page in my pictures folder and saw the dill weed account. Googled b/c I thought "I wonder if she's still MIA" and saw someone on reddit posting a link that I straight up thought was a schizo tribute site by one of her more unhinged followers but then I realized it was all new content and actually her, kek.
>I need to congratulate you for not turning into a tranny
Is that the fate that befell most of the robots on that board? Last I was there it was just mad incel central "why can't I get a gf women suck" type shit. Easy to fall into that mindset as an impressionable high schooler with a tenuous grasp on your self worth but luckily I got outta there real quick.
>>22806 (OP) 
Hans, that you?
Replies: >>22812
Hans was a newfag
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>>22806 (OP) 
Wait...people found her videos funny? I thought it was just adult men pretending to find her funny because they wanted to rape her.

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Post your favorite quotes from either the JonesTown characters or Ashley.
I will start with mine:
"I guess i'm gonna have to be a Drag Queen so i can DRAG some kids to my bed aha!"
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you know when your poop alarm goes off in your head telling you that you need to poop? well mine often sounds like Tim Tom saying "I gotta take a spooky dookie"
Everytime I drive past a Dollar Tree store I sing to myself "Dollar Tree Hauuuul~".
>homosexual twink-looking fruitcake faggots
Replies: >>22652
Do whatever you want with my videos, just don't make them boring - Ashley Freddy Jones.
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Hey guys, let's have a Cytube get together this Tuesday night. I have a new video I put a lot of effort into, it's pretty funny (to me at least), so I think it'd be fun to watch it all together before I put it on my site. Before my new video we'll watch some random Youtube videos together for about 2 hours.

Post links to videos you'd like to watch together. Try to keep them shorter-ish (roughly 15 minutes and under if possible), just so we have a nice variety. I'll pick which ones are of interest.

TIME MY NEW VIDEO WILL SHOW ON CYTUBE: 6pm Pacific | 7pm Mountain | 8pm Central | 9pm Eastern | I'm not a clock so if you're from some third world country like Britain or Hogwarts, figure it out :3

The above time is when my new video will play. Arrive 2 hours early if you want to watch the Youtube videos and chat with me and other anons. Cytube link: https://cytu.be/r/ashleyjones
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Replies: >>22361
Replies: >>22379
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Special message from Ashley Jones.
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Replies: >>21656 + 4 earlier
>>21540 (OP) 
The Old Timing Forgettable President and the Laughing Yak Vice, sure, I'll vote them to destroy Amerikka.
I think it's better if people on this board don't discuss politics. You people are fucking retards.
Replies: >>21695
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Yup, I get tired of people impulsively spewing their shitty political takes, even when something is a joke or non political. I wish you could have a conversation here without it turning into a FOX news forum. Massively annoying for the people who don't care about politics.
I was over at my dads house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

President Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Scranton Joe’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
The world ended that year in a alternate timeline.

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