/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hello. Welcome to Ashley Jones' imageboard. Discuss anything here.

Who is Ashley Jones? She is a globally recognized, world renowned, no longer underage, female comedienne, technology enthusiast, free software advocate. She made her debut in 2014 after upsetting 2+ million purple people on WorldStarHipHop.

Watch my videos: https://videos.icum.to
Go to my website: https://icum.to
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You filled up thread #2 so much, it was totally full, uh-huh. So filled up. Here's thread #3 so you can fill it up to the brim again and again, baby. If you're a cute girl, you're allowed to derail this thread with selfies and/or call Ashley.
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Einstein was also a ki.ke that stole his theories and faked his way through his entire career. Once again, confirming that low IQ subhumans are the majority of people who participate in incest.
Replies: >>31973
You can't deny kikes are smart though, isn't that in fact why people like you hate them?
Replies: >>31974
They aren't particularly intelligent, though. The average IQ in Israel is something like 90. They're successful not because of their smarts but because of a very strong in-group preference, lack of empathy, and a general predisposition for ruthlessness.
Replies: >>31978
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OK I'll give you that average IQ in Israel is kind of low, just found it's 95 (comparable to average IQ in the US), but I also found some paper that says Ashkenazi Jews (European ones) have much higher average IQ (as much as 14). Lack of empathy is indeed required for success but I don't think jpop fans excel at it more than whites, they're simply better at the game and pose a threat to whites, that's why whites hate them IMHO. Of course you're free to think otherwise but I just think kikes are smart even based on my real life observations, I have no issue admitting it.

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It's time you fags learned how to dress.
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spaghetti straps+off the shoulder hoodie+choker
Replies: >>31948
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I also like the long sleeve with low-rse jeans.
Also looks really good on her. 

I could go on for a long time trying to figure out what my favorite clothing style of Ashley is. She has a lot of good fashion, but there is one that sticks out a lot where she looks so funny and cute with a shirt.
screencapped, thanks 'non
Replies: >>31961
You're welcome, I love literal shitposting
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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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Sorry if this was cringe or mean, I got a bit too excited because of the ## Board Owner..
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Looks great anon. I didn't know you could do pizza like this. Do you remember what you did for the sauce? I love thicker sauce on pizza.
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Sandwich angst. What more is there to say?

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I watched them all at once.
A year later and it's still funny that Ashley raped a guy
Replies: >>31875 >>31971
FBI tip submitted.
Replies: >>31901
Pretty sure a tip was submitted in that guy's asshole
I think you’re imagining things while you master bate. I don’t remember that ever happening.

jewish heaven.webm
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Post Ashley clips or OC new or old
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This is the kind of thread that got /qa/ permanently locked because the glowies got scared
Replies: >>10778

this too
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TIP: Watch Ashley's videos at 0.5 speed so the enjoyment lasts longer
Replies: >>11698
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Half speed and muted is my go-to.
Bump. Wish there were more oc vids

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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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gymbros are all faggots, you can't convince me otherwise
Replies: >>31943
Just a group of guys admiring each other's gains. Me and my buddy used to stand side by side in front of the mirror in the change room after a hard workout and stare at our muscles before entering the sauna.
Replies: >>31945
What happened in the sauna?
Replies: >>31947
Things got steamy.
Ashley is augmented too. 


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Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
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Uhh im new here but yeah uhmm who is this "zack18" fellow in your webm and why is he "sucking" on another man's "penis"?
Replies: >>31868
Legend says that Taz is actually zack18.
Watch more gay porn and seethe Rajesh. Mainstream sociologists and anthropologists recognize that pre-British Indian culture is entirely reliant on shame. You are brown like poop.

"Aziz upheld the proprieties, though he did not invest them with any moral halo, and it was here that he chiefly differed from an Englishman. His conventions were social. There is no harm in deceiving society as long as she does not find you out, because it is only when she finds you out that you have harmed her; she is not like a friend or God, who are injured by the mere existence of unfaithfulness."

Your people have been widely documented to have bravery characteristic of rats.
Ellen Page before transition.

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Let's play some tunes.
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AI generated lyrics are shit
Replies: >>31939
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I agree, they're quite nice and not shit, aren't you?
Replies: >>31940
You are filthy nig gercattle.
Replies: >>31944
Ah, shucks, you're making me blush.

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Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
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I can't believe Ashley was the Bay Harbour Butcher.
Replies: >>31500
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was Hot ten years ago Ones
Back to the Future predicted 9/11.


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