/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hello. Welcome to Ashley Jones' imageboard. Discuss anything here.

Who is Ashley Jones? She is a globally recognized, world renowned, no longer underage, female comedienne, technology enthusiast, free software advocate. She made her debut in 2014 after upsetting 2+ million purple people on WorldStarHipHop.

Watch my videos: https://videos.icum.to
Go to my website: https://icum.to
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I'll start
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I'm ashamed to admit that Ashley would be much hotter if she was an actual tranny. I nutted a lot to this imagining that she was a tranny who got off to being a cute tech-obsessed egirl
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Please tell me this is a joke
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>I nutted a lot to this imagining that she was a tranny who got off to being a cute tech-obsessed egirl
isn't that every fucking tranny ever?
His feet arent big enough to be Ashleys
What you mean? Ash has been on hrt since she was 14.

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Here is the void. The void is lacking any intelligent thought, life, or creativity. It waits now, at the corner of the sidewalk for the bus. Except the bus came and left without it. Now here it stands, alone, on this very board, in this very thread, staring at you and me, but never truly seeing anything.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
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It looks even bigger when he stands next to a little girl
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Um, excuse me tubsisters, does anyone want to tell me why I am appearing on an adult baby diaper lovers chatroom? The thing that upsets me isn't the impersonation. It's whoever did this says that I'm 32.
Replies: >>32956 >>32962
What were you even doing on that website to begin with to discover your diaper doppelganger? You look a bit too young to be a 32 year old. You wouldn't even need adult diapers, you can fit the kid sizes. Did Antiques Guy ever tell you about the vintage diaper market? If you ever come by an old sealed pack of diapers, grab them because people like Pamperchu will pay a pretty penny just to piss in them. Check out the listings on eBay and Etsy.
I think the diaper fetish is pretty banal and harmless for 2025.
Replies: >>32963
Spoiler File
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>10. There is no use of any words or names that describe bodily eliminations, either in user names or in conversation in main chat. No discussion of suppositories or enemas. No descriptions of a diapers content, smell or use is allowed.

They're community seems to be rather tame when compared to this place or maybe they're secretly a bunch of sickos and someone there had finally had enough of them discussing their poop fetish all the time. 

So you're into banal? Is getting caught a part of your plan?

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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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3D animated movies all suck, although I did masturbate to the plump latina in the soul trap predictive programming/karmic absolution film "Luck" (2022).
Replies: >>32863
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I've never seen it. I didn't even know it existed. She looks like Ashley with long hair.
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Whether you're an artist with talent or a mere shartist, you don't have to have talent to post your art in this thread. As long as it's creative, you're welcome to post it here. It can be fan art or general art, as long as you tried.

Requests are also good.
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Totally not after shotas.
Replies: >>32826
Memoirs of a Gaysha
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Emma slut witch
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Pizza slut bitch

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We all knew the day would come, but none of us were ready for it. Seabee is dead. ITT we're at his funeral, tubsisters. Press F to pay respects.
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This guy isn't Seabee. This guy is Seabee >>32468
How many acronyms must you know in the military? I knew a guy who served in the service and he would tell me stories with 20-something different acronyms and I wouldn't know what the hell he was talking about. I sometimes wonder if there are any vets who look like a total badass and have cool looking scars and tattoos on their body but all they ever did was lounge around at base cooking meals or filing papers at their desk.
Replies: >>32628
That’s because the ones who saw actual combat, are either dead, disabled or have gone wacko or don’t talk about the shit they saw. Who you’ve spoken to were pencil pushers who were miles away from combat zones and are basically bullshit artists with tall tales.
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Jim = Seabee

Replies: >>32947

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Tubsisters, I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously. I am now the head writer of the Tubgurl Monthly Column.

In this thread your posts may be addressed in future Tubgurl Monthly Columns.

Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
Ask for opinions on any topic (personal or opinions on anything)
Ask for advice on any situation or topic
Ask for feedback on something you've done or created

You are welcome to request certain characters to answer your questions or provide their opinion, advice, etc. For example, you can specify that a certain question is for Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, etc. and they will answer accordingly. Example: "Hey Ashley, what do you think about grapefruits? I'd also like to hear Barry's take on this."

New monthly columns will be linked in this thread when published on my website: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
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This is oldfag privilege and I support it.
Okay good for you, no one cares.
Replies: >>32933
I honestly can't tell if you're arguing in favor of actual disgusting big nosed money loving kike or јеԝѕ.
Replies: >>32934
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How did he do it? Those who speak the truth do so unadulterated.
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Ashley is out of control with the word filters

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This is a lot like me and Ashley
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This is a lot like Ashley.
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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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Have any of you tried this yet? What's it like? Is it good?
Replies: >>32919
I hate AI
Replies: >>32922 >>32923
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Don't hate rove. Remember what rove gave us.
Me too. Now that retards can "create" anything you realize just how retarded their humor and standards are. e.g. >>32894 >>32910
Replies: >>32925
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Are you calling Tahiti retarded?

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This is the technology discussion thread. Talk about anything tech here. You are also welcome to ask questions or request advice and some of the nerdy niggas on the board will surely arrive to help you. Possible topics: general computing, linux, digital privacy, technology repair, AI, revenge porn, programming, web development, and so on.

If you are one of the several normies on this board who unironically love Facebook and Discord, this thread isn't for you. You have your own thread here >>30052.
122 replies and 46 files omitted. View the full thread
Is this Weird Paul if he dyed his hair and stopped using meth?
Replies: >>32601
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No, that's Ashley. She has hypertrichosis. That's why she hasn't made a new video in so long. She doesn't like shaving but I don't care about her Mexican dog face genetics, I'd still throw her a bone.
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If only you knew how bad things really are.
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it's over
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Why did the US Government Censor a Cyberpunk RPG?

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