/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hello. Welcome to Ashley Jones' imageboard. Discuss anything here.

Who is Ashley Jones? She is a globally recognized, world renowned, no longer underage, female comedienne, technology enthusiast, free software advocate. She made her debut in 2014 after upsetting 2+ million purple people on WorldStarHipHop.

Watch my videos: https://videos.icum.to
Go to my website: https://icum.to
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Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
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bigger screen = better

give em' hell brother .
Lulzy brit animation Monkey Dust . Chester would love that one.
She’s a 10/10
Replies: >>32228
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>brown eyes

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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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Replies: >>32176
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>>28431 (OP) 
I only eat canned pineapple and a concoction known as COMBO R.



It's affordable in these hard economic times and delicious.  However, it has put my significant weight on my grandpa twink frame and I have increasing chest pains.
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omg hes sooo hot but im sooo fat :[
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fuuuckkk this looks so good
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Let's play some tunes.
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Replies: >>32221 + 7 earlier
Women LOVE cum. It's crazy how much they absolutely love and crave nut all the time.
RIP George Floyd

Replies: >>32226
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>>25511 (OP) 
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Miss Kitty, please!

Oops, I didn't mean to call you, baby
She said, "I know it's you you sneaky little fuck."
But I still call you, baby
I just thought I'd press my luck

Since I couldn't get you on the phone
I thought I'd write you this little song
So you might hear on your radio at home
And check to see if you have a dial tone

Baby, you've had me shook
Since you've had your kitty off the hook!
He had massive lips 👄

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Here is the void. The void is lacking any intelligent thought, life, or creativity. It waits now, at the corner of the sidewalk for the bus. Except the bus came and left without it. Now here it stands, alone, on this very board, in this very thread, staring at you and me, but never truly seeing anything.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
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If there ain't a dick between the clique that's slippin'
>One time I stayed the night at my friend's house. I must have been around 14-15 maybe. His dad & mom were drinking the whole time I was there. It must have been the weekend. Anyways, we stayed up late, and they got hammered. We ended up sleeping in the living room. Early in the morning, a loud knock was at the door. My friend's dad, "Rich," aka "Big Dick from Down South," as he called himself. He worked for Tire Kingdom. In a drunk rage he went to the door and it was rainbow vacuum salesmen.I and my friend are awake now but still lying down. Anyways, he invited them in, and they proceeded to talk and then give a demo of the vacuum. Knowing Rich, he probably just wanted a free carpet cleaning. Rich was already drinking a beer while they were cleaning the carpet. At some point, Rich got irritated in his drunk state and grabbed the vacuum hose, removed the attachment, and told them, "I'll show you what I think of your fawkin vacuum. Pulled out his dick, stuck it in the hose, and started fucking it. All of this was going on in the living room early as hell in the morning. That lasted a minute or so, and the salesmen freaked out, left the house in a hurry, and left the vacuum!
how do I do text spoiler?
[spoiler]test post please ignore[/spoiler]
{test post please ignore}
Replies: >>32204
maybe I figured it out
two pipes?
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I would like to know more as well and I can't exactly ask her about it since she never replies to my emails or phone calls.

I tried it once just to see what all the hubbub was about but I couldn't even get my head to fit in the vacuum cleaner hose and it was a shop vac. My dick isn't that big that I know of. It's average.

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You filled up thread #2 so much, it was totally full, uh-huh. So filled up. Here's thread #3 so you can fill it up to the brim again and again, baby. If you're a cute girl, you're allowed to derail this thread with selfies and/or call Ashley.
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Is that a tattoo of Gandalf's staff?
Replies: >>32014 >>32222
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>Gandalf's staff
this is my nickname for my penis
Replies: >>32025
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More like gandhi’s staff
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Idk? I think tattoos are fucking stupid especially on women. They always post shit like this on social media.

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Tubsisters, I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously. I am now the head writer of the Tubgurl Monthly Column.

In this thread your posts may be addressed in future Tubgurl Monthly Columns.

Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
Ask for opinions on any topic (personal or opinions on anything)
Ask for advice on any situation or topic
Ask for feedback on something you've done or created

You are welcome to request certain characters to answer your questions or provide their opinion, advice, etc. For example, you can specify that a certain question is for Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, etc. and they will answer accordingly. Example: "Hey Ashley, what do you think about grapefruits? I'd also like to hear Barry's take on this."

New monthly columns will be linked in this thread when published on my website: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
83 replies and 27 files omitted. View the full thread
>Nearing the character limit so thanks again, be blessed.
No way, the character limit here is huge. I know this from writing walls of text discussing/arguing about penises with other tubbies.
Replies: >>32171
Ah sorry my bad, I thought it was 1000 but it's in fact 10000, I actually spent significant time rewriting the post to fit into exactly 999 characters lmao, how retarded am I? Cool to know next time I can go wild.
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Read the January 2025 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-1-16-2025/

As usual, I did not have much user-submitted topic ideas, requests, etc., thank you to those who submitted, so I took the liberty of adding my own sections that I thought readers would like, because it would be too short without my additions. If you have a question, want my opinion on something you've done, need advice, need me to make a decision for you, then you must email: ashleyjones@icum.to with the subjectline "MONTHLY COLUMN", and I will address your inquiry in the next column.

I am ALSO accepting advertising for my monthly column, free of charge (or for Monero if you want to be nice, that would be great.) You can advertise a business, service, or website in my monthly column. I will make a graphic for you if you want a non-personal advertisement. Please just let me know your business along with how my readers can contact you (website, phone number, or location of business, etc.)

Dear Readers: Are you looking for love? Friendship? A job? Perhaps even a place to rent? You can find all of those things simply by advertising on my column. I accept personal advertisements free of charge. Please email ashleyjones@icum.to with the title "PERSONAL AD", and include the exact writ
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OK I was bored now so tried to actually make the script to prove my point (well, at least to myself) https://git.coom.tech/drummyfish/drummy_stuff/src/branch/master/static_www, it turned out like this:
>made in under an hour
>38 lines of unix shell script
>no need to install anything, runs everywhere by default (except winshit, which is an advantage)
>100% customization, you have a template that's applied to each "content" page
>still you can customize each page or add completely nontemplated unique pages
>generates RSS
>doesn't use any XML/RSS/CSS/HTML parsers
>no bullshit
Spoiler File
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Ashley posted her pepperoni nipple in her article and thought someone wouldn't notice. I told you they were brown.

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Lets play, my fwends. Whoever wins gets a big horse dildo as a prize.
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enjoy your chesterburger, Michael is now preparing for a moonwalk castle to the safety of Neverland Ranch, after that get ready to get checkmated by a dildo Duke
It now feels more like D&D than chess lol
Replies: >>32214
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Ashley to A4
Replies: >>32215
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bishop takes g4 pug
Replies: >>32217
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After years of being malnourished due to her vegan diet, Ashley finally snaps and gorges on the Chesterburger at C6. Her tummy now full, but her new craving for human flesh has her blood-thirsty eyes set upon the King of Pop. Check.
Replies: >>32219
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lol, this is going to be an amazing gif in the end
> Ashley's body was so deprived of calories she got real fat from the snack, but may be able to lose the weight if she keeps moving around the board.
nigga to d7

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Tubbies, it's time to confess your sins. Get it off your chest. You don't have to carry all that weight and responsibility behind you all by yourself. Where did you bury the body?
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I've never been to Hooters.
Replies: >>32120
You're not missing anything. Hooters is for boomers that like bimbos who think they still got it and can hook up with a college girl. There are better places to eat and drink.
Replies: >>32122
Strip clubs are like they too which is why I stop going to them even though I've only been twice. First time was on my 19th birthday which was fun and later in my 20s me and a coworker went to one in a shitty part of town and it was mostly these burnouts blowing their money on beer and women who won't fuck them. Me and my buddy just had a beer while watching this sad sight and left. The place closed down the following year and I don't know what has become of it since.
Replies: >>32142
There's something interesting about a venue where the actual purpose is clearly a sort of male exhibitionism. I imagine that simps for twitch thots are also trying to show off to each other.
I can't talk about this one with bros. I miss my cat so much. I miss her snuggles and her presence. I wish I could've kissed her on the head one last time. Rest easy.

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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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Ashley is augmented too. 

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Replies: >>32212
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Replies: >>32212
This was more enjoyable muted.

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