/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Hello. Welcome to Ashley Jones' imageboard. Discuss anything here.

Who is Ashley Jones? She is a globally recognized, world renowned, no longer underage, female comedienne, technology enthusiast, free software advocate. She made her debut in 2014 after upsetting 2+ million purple people on WorldStarHipHop.

Watch my videos: https://videos.icum.to
Go to my website: https://icum.to
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Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
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Michael J. Fox and his diet pepsi.
Spoiler File
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rewatching The Sopranos and I forgot that Barry and  Linda made a small cameo
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Replies: >>30670
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u finna be all up inside sum hotboy$ huh

(I had a kpop fan tell me it's not gay to get booty while you on the inside but when you out you best not be caught with no other niggas unless they your homeboys but don't be bringing that shit to your momma's house which pretty much let me know that black guys are gay and fuck one another just as long as nobody knows about it but them. No wonder HIV and other STDs are so prevalent among blacks.)

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This thread is to discuss Ashley's website, https://icum.to/

As you're no doubt aware, you can spend hours reading and exploring her html/css rat's nest. Talk about your findings, discuss Ashley's written content, and share the bizarre easter eggs you've come across (there are several).
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Heh, when I made post >>30574 it was originally going to say "I am a Costco Gold Star Member".
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The director looks like Dietrich Hassler from Face/Off.
>7 inch boner
I need picrel on a shirt like Brodie's shirt from Mallrats.
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this is a lot like me and ashley

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Tubsisters, I have decided to take my job as a journalist seriously. I am now the head writer of the Tubgurl Monthly Column.

In this thread your posts may be addressed in future Tubgurl Monthly Columns.

Questions (Can be about anything at all. Questions do not have to be about me.)
Ask for opinions on any topic (personal or opinions on anything)
Ask for advice on any situation or topic
Ask for feedback on something you've done or created

You are welcome to request certain characters to answer your questions or provide their opinion, advice, etc. For example, you can specify that a certain question is for Chester, Derrick, Antiques Guy, etc. and they will answer accordingly. Example: "Hey Ashley, what do you think about grapefruits? I'd also like to hear Barry's take on this."

New monthly columns will be linked in this thread when published on my website: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthly-column/
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That poor girl...
Kiwifags will try to find a way to make this a bad thing. Sure Chris is pathetic, but its even more pathetic to have a kiwifarms account.
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With the blue hair I can't tell if it's Chris Chan or Ashley
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Read the October 2024 monthly column: https://dukenukemis.cool/monthlycolumn-10-05-2024/

Post your comments about October's monthly column in this thread. For example, I'm sure you poors have plenty of tips on frugal living.

Please continue to submit monthly column suggestions in this thread or via email.

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Let's play some tunes.
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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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oh my god thats such a cute picture ^_^
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Replies: >>30654
I see you wear braces. I wear braces too.
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this is a lot like me and ashley

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Challenge mode: Visit a news website without your browser freezing and CPU starting a house fire.

Post news stories, discuss happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
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Replies: >>30646
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Where is my ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ face midget?
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Which of The Eight Schools of Magic do you belong to and which are your 2 opposition schools?
Ashley clearly belongs to the School of Schizo, that's obvious.


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Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
political ideology:
favorite slur:
looking for what/who:
where ur from:
any socials u want:
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Replies: >>30244
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>>21095 (OP) 
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Hey, I found this hellhole from yours. I hope to never meet paths again.
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Racism is bad. Sexism is bad. Homophobia is bad. I detest all forms of bigotry. I read Karl Popper and John Rawls, and I agree with them.

In all earnestness, if it's over then politeness becomes the only proper modus vivendi,
and the is manifested as the liberal values documented above. There is nothing left apart from stoic, cultured self-aufhebung. Life is a mistake and, as Schopenhauer said, a prison; to properly adjust one's expectations, one must treat it as such.
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I think Russia is delusional just like how trannies think they are women. I wish they would both just do the world a favor and off themselves. Russian soldiers are already doing it, what's keeping trannies?
fed thread
This is a "fed thread". The FBI is currently monitoring this board to make sure all electronic devices owned by "Ashley Jones" are within FCC regulations and oscillate below 9 kHz and do not interfere with other devices nor cause risk or harm to the public. If you have any tips regarding any alleged illegal activity. Please contact Special Agent Mark Michalek of the FBI Denver Field Office at (303) 629-7171 or you can leave an anonymous tip at tips.fbi.gov. Thank you and we love the little police car flag. It's quite the foreshadowing.
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Israel has nuclear weapons. The Samson Option is real.



This is why Jesus told the parable of the tenants who killed the Landlord's son when he came for his harvest, and ended that parable with these words to Israel in Matthew 21:43, “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.” And it's why he said in Matthew 8:11-12, after seeing the faith of a Gentile centurion and the unbelief of Israel, “Many [Gentiles] will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, 12 while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Israel has broken covenant with her God and is living today in disobedience and unbelief in his Son and her Messiah. That is why Paul says in Romans 11:28, “As regards the gospel [the good news of the Messiah] they are enemies of God.”
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Discuss anything out of this world - paranormal, spooky, conspiracy, alternative. Do you have any spooky stories?
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>taking a dump in a public place
Truly the scariest thing in this entire thread
Replies: >>30629 >>30633
I used to be a home shitter for many years until I had to go real badly at work one day and just went in the stalls and I've been comfortable with it since then. I try to avoid places like restaurants, malls, etc. which is why I always take my morning dump at home before going out into the world. 

When I went camping a few weeks back, I woke up around 2AM and went to a public bathroom at the park that was a few steps away from my campsite. I was expecting it to be like any other dirty shithole public bathroom but it was surprisingly kept super clean with zero signs of vandalism (it was in a small white majority town, go figure). Anyways, scariest part was when the lights out because it was motion activated, luckily it happened after I was almost done wiping, but I was expecting someone to enter the bathroom and kill me at any moment. I took out my flashlight and continued my business until suddenly the lights came back on, weird. After stepping out of the stall, I quickly washed my hands since I was expecting the lights to shut off again and hurried back to my campsite. I was going to take a POV pic of me inside the stall while the lights out and post it on here but changed my mind, though it would've been a nice photo to add to this story.
That's the reason I called the old /x/ thread parcopresis. It's the scariest thing I could think of.
>>I used to go urban exploring as well but after having a few encounters, I will no longer set foot in a haunted place after dark.
>Still no story
Urban explorer not so brave since molested by a ghost.
Replies: >>30642
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I've got your ghost evidence right here. Thpppppppppttttttttt!

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