/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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Here's my review of these Little Caesars cheese sticks that I became addicted to and keep making myself sick on. Also talking about being in the 9th grade.

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Get a petcam for your banditos and use the footage to make a video from their pov of you feeding them
Mentally ill girl makes cheesestick from dog's stomach contents.
why does this seem like a very normal thing she would do?

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I'm doing free Cameos to those who are worthy. Sometimes
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Dang bro, you're like a walking AJ Wikipedia.
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>>17277 (OP) 
This Mexican Woman uploads videos of herself farting every single day on Loyal Fans.You should get in touch wit her and do a collab.
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based food take
potato chips are a good example of food that you can buy the cheapest brand and they taste just as good if not better then overpriced ones like Pissngles
picrelated, these niggas taste better then any big named brand chips

>>17277 (OP) 
oh Cameos... it was my birthday about a month ago. I wasnt able to celebrate it because i was in jail. Now that Im out, could you wish me a happy birthday?
Replies: >>28223 >>28226
>pringles bad
>getting raped by a large inmate
You shoulda got the chair
>potato chips are a good example of food that you can buy the cheapest brand and they taste just as good if not better then overpriced ones like Pissngles
That's not true and Pringles aren't potato chips, they are crackers. Pringles are way better than than cheaper imitation Pringles like Super Stack at Dollar Tree.

Besides being mostly nitrogen in the bag and them lying about the amount of chips in the bag, what I hate about potato chip producers now is that they promote their products solely to kpop fans and wetbacks. Not everyone wants to eat fucking hotchips. Chili & lime flavor is tolerable at best. We should continue talking about potato chips in the food thread.

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We need to talk about incest. What happened to me is not okay.

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Until next time bros
Replies: >>20806
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This whole thing was insane,  I always miss everything
see you tomorrow >>20776

No no, you're wrong

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Showing my recently acquired items from thrift stores. Also showcasing my highly recommended items from the Dollar (twenty five) Tree -- of course with a million tangents between talking about each item I show. Then I answer questions people asked me, and also talk about weird things I do.

Watch the video: https://videos.icum.to/w/4ZzwU5K2LBnU3eJ9tFHKJ6

Also I'm working on updating my website.
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You dropped this.
Replies: >>23864
Replies: >>23866
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Replies: >>23869
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Ashley, would you film yourself or your pugs farting with the thermal camera?

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I hate carpet so much it's unreal. It is the most repugnant style of interior flooring possibly imaginable.

Carpet is a cesspool of dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and other assorted filth. Spilled a drink once? Enjoy your mold colony. Fleas and other insects absolutely thrive in carpets. They're essentially impossible to ever get truly clean, and even if you could, it wouldn't matter because they'd be disgusting again in a matter of days.

If you have carpet in your living space, you're a fucking retard. I'm not talking about someone renting a place that happens to have carpet, you gotta live somewhere. I'm talking about the absolute brainlet mongoloid that chooses to put carpeting into their house. "Hey, let's walk around barefoot with the absorbent soles of our feet pressed against some synthetic plastic like nylon or polypropylene that has a bunch of our own skin flakes, dead insects, and dirt mashed into it! That sounds like a great idea, far superior to wood or tile!"

Fuck carpet and fuck you if you like it.
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Mmmm I love a clean shave... smooth like a baby's bottom. 
>thats gay and makes me look like Im 8 years old
Nothing wrong with being gay or 8 years old! Mind sharing a picture of your smooth wonderland?
you have no foreskin
Replies: >>27957 >>27977
You have no gf
Carpets are great for scratching the bottoms of your feet when they're real itchy.
Replies: >>27977
Spoiler File
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I have no foreskin? this picture says otherwise...

and great for scratching your bottom when its real itchy after not wiping properly

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When Barry finds himself with no more income source, he has to find a solution – and fast. Luckily, he knows just the guy to help him make some quick cash. Will things go perfectly as planned?

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I genuinely felt bad for Linda at the end of this video.
Barry just yells at her for buying things, probably to fill the empty void in her life. Then he storms out of the room, leaving her to spend the night alone, as usual.
Linda gives out this sad little sigh at around 16:02 of the video that breaks my heart
Then if that wasnt enough, she tries to make herself feel better by watching some TV, only for her to be disappointed to discover the new CRT television she got yelled out for buying, doesnt even work. The way she says "broken?" is the proverbial icing on the cake of sadness.

They say some of the best cinema is the one tugs at your heart strings, and my friends, watching this scene, my heart strings were a tugging, they were truly a tugging :(
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Replies: >>15619
did you edit Linda to look like she is on the horse dildo???
Replies: >>15625
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lmao nope

someone give me better lyrics

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While I am online, I like to take the chance to detox with some good internet radio. 

Do you know any good radio sites? To start the ball rolling, here is a station I enjoy: Speak Free Radio


You can go into e.g. VLC and put the following link there:

Media-->Open Network Stream-->Network:  https://stream.speakfreeradio.com/listen/sfr_stream/radio.aac48

There are some great shows on there. Here is one on right now, archived on LBRY. It is about South Africa and is fascinating:

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Share pls. I have audio of Kittens actually being fucked if anyone is interested.
Replies: >>27799 >>27801
>Share pls
I'm sorry, Ashley's intimate time with me is private. I would never betray her trust and share it online. I value our relationship too highly to open it up to anons on the interwebz.
I was expecting actual kittens being raped. Tubgur.com is gettin soft and so is my penis.
Replies: >>27803
delete this post
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Friends Forever Internet Radio Japan & others pop/indie/subculture
128 kbps mp3 https://s5.radio.co/s6140c7241/listen.m3u
64 kbps aac https://s5.radio.co/s6140c7241/low.m3u

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Pour yourself a cold drink, sit in front of a fan, and relax. It's summertime. Discuss what you're doing this time of year, what you like, what you loathe, etc.
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Have yourself watermelon 🍉
Replies: >>26315
thanks glitta
I just boofed an ice cube and it didn't help
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guys Im so nice and cozy sipping on warm chamomile tea and playing Snowrunner
yo what are you niggas doing today?
Replies: >>27768
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Sweating my balls off nigga. playing picrel on yuzu though so that's comfy. being awake during the daytime in summer sucks, it's comfiest in the middle of the night

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Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
political ideology:
favorite slur:
looking for what/who:
where ur from:
any socials u want:
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>it is essential for boards like this
Yes, otherwise you get people coming through who want to "make a name for themselves" (AKA get noticed by ashley). I'm the original author of the post in this banner (although I did not create the banner because my ego isn't that large) and joking aside it's actually what I think about this place.
>I also dislike when for example self doxing is forbidden
AFAIK it's not forbidden, nobody would care anyway unless you were doing it for the express purpose of drawing attention to yourself in a "look at me!!!" obnoxious namefag way. Obviously identifying yourself in this thread makes sense, you answered the OP and people wanted to talk to you about it.

Check out https://tubgurl.com/rules.html

...............actually, based on what I know about you from your statements here and your website, it occurs to me that you might be the first (and perhaps only) person to actually be willing to get namefag status via rule 1A
Replies: >>27692
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Aw nice, I will consider a namefag application. But sometimes I do want to post Anonymously, as you say it's good, for reasons you give and also because an anon post can simply be seen as more honest. What I meant about wizchan was this: they just banned anything that might link the post to you IRL, so for example in game dev thread you couldn't post a link to your code or maybe even a screenshot that would identify the game (and therefore you), that's retarded IMHO, people should be able to share their creations, no? I understand the concern about attention whoring though, I posted my link here only because it was explicitly requested, but please remove it if you feel it's attention whoring, I won't be a butthurt pussy don't worry <3
You and Ashley should do a virtual collaborative podcast video, it would be fun.
Replies: >>27754
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thanks that's nice, tho I'm extremely scared of stuff like talking to people over phone or internetz, very autistic at this lol, I dunno how Ashley can just have this phone up where random people call her, it honestly goes right over my head
Replies: >>27761
I don't think anyone here has had a successful, meaningful conservation with Ash When they've called her. Except for this one anon's dad who she spoke to for a half hour. There's a reason she limits her calls to 10 minutes. Because most of your fags talk AT her not to her about stuff she doesn't care about or you try and get her to be your gf.

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Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
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based beyond belief, peak taste my guy 

despite some rough edges that game was such a blast
Replies: >>21516
>my guy
Replies: >>21551
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Sandy from Spongebob, but not in a furry way
Replies: >>27699
Same but if she had a penis

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