/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Racism is bad. Sexism is bad. Homophobia is bad. I detest all forms of bigotry. I read Karl Popper and John Rawls, and I agree with them.

In all earnestness, if it's over then politeness becomes the only proper modus vivendi,
and the is manifested as the liberal values documented above. There is nothing left apart from stoic, cultured self-aufhebung. Life is a mistake and, as Schopenhauer said, a prison; to properly adjust one's expectations, one must treat it as such.
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My mistake,I forgot to add three more zeros to the 249,000. You are correct.
Replies: >>30903
No worries I mainly was just trying to show the list of other movies. Wasn't trying for reference about money. I make tons of writing mistakes on this board all the time. I think its kind of wild JAWS is in the list seems to be the only beside hannibal that could actually happen IRL. Also weird that "scary movie" is in the list...
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Replies: >>30932 >>30950
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Just remember, if you do the right thing, they can only kill you and your entire family.

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Fascinating that this exists again. How is everyone? Tell us a bit about what happened to you guys these past years.

I started reading the quran recently, great topic of conversation with taxi drivers. Also, I gained and lost a really great girlfriend, got a pretty cool job and am slowly turning into a workaholic.
Replies: >>13131
>>13122 (OP) 
>Fascinating that this exists again.
Are you saying that you recently rediscovered Ashley or are you referring to the memories of a previous incarnation in the yuga cycle?
Replies: >>13135
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Well, I mostly meant that there's a somewhat active imageboard again. Brings back memories of early twenties obsession, talking to other ashlings and laughing about the more ridiculous ones.

If this happened in an earlier cycle, all memories of it have been erased. So a strictly mundane rediscovery.

How about your memories friend?
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I didn't browse the old board as much back in the day, I'd watch Ashley's YouTube videos and see /pol/ threads about her, I still remember the WorldStarHipHop drama, good times. It's too bad I missed out on the livestreams, they seemed like fun. I might have messaged her on Google+ one time but can't remember if she responded to me.

After Ashley left, I worked a few shit jobs until I found a good one in another city, moved out of my parent's house, planted roots, travelled, mostly relaxing now, maybe a little too much. These past few years flew by pretty quick. Oh well, I'm just glad it's officially Autumn season now.
Replies: >>13144
Sounds like you had a few good or at least mostly good years. Happy to hear that! I definitely get what you mean about years flying by. It's the same for me - actually, I think there was a Rose vYou short about exactly that topic. Probably a universal notion.

If things ever get too relaxing, just remember the chaotic energy and dynamism that I'm sure is still in you somewhere.

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Hello from 🇷🇺
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George Soros must be crying in his beer with all the money he donated to Kamala's campaign.
Apparently there is a blue bracelet that Ashley is supposed to be wearing.
Replies: >>30867
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FAGMAN lovers, unite!

Do you thank Mark Zuckerberg every day that he has listened to your conversation with your neighbor and is now serving you up personalized ads for diabetic socks? Thanks, Mark! Does the thought of privacy scare you? Is installing a new secure app on your touch phone difficult?

You're not alone. Most people on /ashleyj/ relate to exactly how you're feeling. In this thread we discuss our distaste for privacy and how corporate and government big brother spying overreach is actually really wholesome!
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Please help me locate my lot lizard!
Replies: >>30709
Since Ashley never throws out her clothes, I wonder if she still has that bear hoodie.
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I agree with this

Replies: >>30820
I strongly disagree. Censorship is not the answer! We have a first amendment right!
Replies: >>30823
Wrong thread, pal. *checks facebook account*

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                    COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN

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Halloween is in 3 days, how about we do a board activity where we carve pumpkins and upload them for everyone to see, yeah?

In the meantime, let's talk about what plans we have for this spooky season. For me, there's a local movie theater in town playing some classic horror films this week that I want to check out. There's a craft show downtown that has vendors selling cool stuff and lots of cute goth girls walking about. I'm going to get up early and do a hike in the woods, hopefully it's nice and foggy so it's easier for someone to murder me. I might try out No More Room In Hell 2 but I heard it's real buggy so I might just play some classic PS1 horror games. If I don't go out on Halloween, I'm just going to take edibles and play horror games all night. If I do go out, I'm going to the thrift store to figure out a costume to wear and get hammered somewhere and see where the night takes me.
Replies: >>30763
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Happy Halloween
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Ashley is Ed.

shop class.webm
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So what do you boys make of this latest bit of degeneracy that's been making the rounds?

Personally, I wish more people would follow rule #1 IRL.

>Photos and videos out of a Canadian High School are going viral as they show a male teacher wearing what appears to be large, prosthetic breasts in full view of young students.

>Shocking media first began to circulate on Twitter earlier this week, with multiple accounts sharing a mobile phone video and stills of a shop teacher demonstrating how to use a circular saw.

>The teacher is seen wearing an extremely prominent prosthetic bust, one which clearly outlines the nipples through his tight shirt. He is also donning a bright blonde wig and short-shorts.

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Don't quit your day job to become a famous comedian anytime soon bubba
Replies: >>30716
That's not Ashley, retard.
Replies: >>30721
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kek what the shit this thread is so legendary
Obviously not, nobody said it was you dumb fucking kpop fan ape
Replies: >>30723
Anon said comedian. There is only one professed self obsessed comedian here. What's the matter, can't take a joke?

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Replies: >>30244
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>>21095 (OP) 
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Hey, I found this hellhole from yours. I hope to never meet paths again.
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I interviewed Styx for real, but his original answers were totally unamusing to me. So I completely altered my questions afterwards and took his statements completely out of context. This is the result.

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The little dickens.
Damn, high school year book pictures are wild. No wonder they only show the face.
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He looks like he doesn't mind his wife with black guys.
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I think Styx should become his own girlfriend.
Replies: >>30637
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I think he has already tried that.

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My name is coach sanjay and this is my first thread showing appreciate for judeo indian relation.

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>>16903 (OP) 
Get the hell out of here you stupid Indian Hindu . Who eat cow shit and do shit everywhere expect for toilet. Wonder if you ever heard the word toilet.
Replies: >>30565
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>bumping an old shitty bait thread
pour yourself a glass of picrel my man
Replies: >>30585
>>16903 (OP) 
I bet this Indian Hindu loves beef
 Hindus are worst then this . There are discussing inside out
More like Hinjpop fans, amirite?

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1. Go to https://r.sine.com/index
2. F5 until you find something good
3. Post it

Alternative random image sites:
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I went something like digging up on xmr to learn about it on the nitty gritty level. Getting confused and maybe thinking I'd ask biz but then I found a link to this schizo https://www.tastyfish.cz/ and I couldn't help but dig around as that is how god made me and eventually found this site from his page about women and how this is the only good one. 
How did I do?
Replies: >>30368 >>30371
Thanks for sharing another rabbit hole but we need to inform this tastyfish man that ashley has a penis
Replies: >>30371
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drummyfish is based and posts on this board.

what do you want to know about XMR? If by nitty gritty level you mean technicals then these are good starting points (a bit outdated now but fundamentals will remain the same):


Breaking Monero video series:

current news and information:
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Replies: >>30378
Yeah I ended up finding what I was looking for, breaking monero is pretty cool but I feel like it's way further in the weeds. also
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