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                    COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN

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Halloween is in 3 days, how about we do a board activity where we carve pumpkins and upload them for everyone to see, yeah?

In the meantime, let's talk about what plans we have for this spooky season. For me, there's a local movie theater in town playing some classic horror films this week that I want to check out. There's a craft show downtown that has vendors selling cool stuff and lots of cute goth girls walking about. I'm going to get up early and do a hike in the woods, hopefully it's nice and foggy so it's easier for someone to murder me. I might try out No More Room In Hell 2 but I heard it's real buggy so I might just play some classic PS1 horror games. If I don't go out on Halloween, I'm just going to take edibles and play horror games all night. If I do go out, I'm going to the thrift store to figure out a costume to wear and get hammered somewhere and see where the night takes me.
Replies: >>30763
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Happy Halloween
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Ashley is Ed.

shop class.webm
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So what do you boys make of this latest bit of degeneracy that's been making the rounds?

Personally, I wish more people would follow rule #1 IRL.

>Photos and videos out of a Canadian High School are going viral as they show a male teacher wearing what appears to be large, prosthetic breasts in full view of young students.

>Shocking media first began to circulate on Twitter earlier this week, with multiple accounts sharing a mobile phone video and stills of a shop teacher demonstrating how to use a circular saw.

>The teacher is seen wearing an extremely prominent prosthetic bust, one which clearly outlines the nipples through his tight shirt. He is also donning a bright blonde wig and short-shorts.

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Don't quit your day job to become a famous comedian anytime soon bubba
Replies: >>30716
That's not Ashley, retard.
Replies: >>30721
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kek what the shit this thread is so legendary
Obviously not, nobody said it was you dumb fucking kpop fan ape
Replies: >>30723
Anon said comedian. There is only one professed self obsessed comedian here. What's the matter, can't take a joke?

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Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
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any socials u want:
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Replies: >>30244
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>>21095 (OP) 
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Hey, I found this hellhole from yours. I hope to never meet paths again.
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I interviewed Styx for real, but his original answers were totally unamusing to me. So I completely altered my questions afterwards and took his statements completely out of context. This is the result.

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The little dickens.
Damn, high school year book pictures are wild. No wonder they only show the face.
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He looks like he doesn't mind his wife with black guys.
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I think Styx should become his own girlfriend.
Replies: >>30637
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I think he has already tried that.

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My name is coach sanjay and this is my first thread showing appreciate for judeo indian relation.

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>>16903 (OP) 
Get the hell out of here you stupid Indian Hindu . Who eat cow shit and do shit everywhere expect for toilet. Wonder if you ever heard the word toilet.
Replies: >>30565
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>bumping an old shitty bait thread
pour yourself a glass of picrel my man
Replies: >>30585
>>16903 (OP) 
I bet this Indian Hindu loves beef
 Hindus are worst then this . There are discussing inside out
More like Hinjpop fans, amirite?

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1. Go to https://r.sine.com/index
2. F5 until you find something good
3. Post it

Alternative random image sites:
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I went something like digging up on xmr to learn about it on the nitty gritty level. Getting confused and maybe thinking I'd ask biz but then I found a link to this schizo https://www.tastyfish.cz/ and I couldn't help but dig around as that is how god made me and eventually found this site from his page about women and how this is the only good one. 
How did I do?
Replies: >>30368 >>30371
Thanks for sharing another rabbit hole but we need to inform this tastyfish man that ashley has a penis
Replies: >>30371
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drummyfish is based and posts on this board.

what do you want to know about XMR? If by nitty gritty level you mean technicals then these are good starting points (a bit outdated now but fundamentals will remain the same):


Breaking Monero video series:

current news and information:
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Replies: >>30378
Yeah I ended up finding what I was looking for, breaking monero is pretty cool but I feel like it's way further in the weeds. also
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Only real females can post in this thread!
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Any other gurls want to trade toe pictures with me?
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my son asked me to post here   hello
Love the glasses!
tits or gtfo
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Get a makeover. You're not as hot as Ashley's mom. She's a Pixar mom.

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ITT we gripe about regrets we have.

>I will never date a 12 year old Ashley
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Replies: >>30250 + 1 earlier
I didn't see enough
Replies: >>30249
after omegle went down, I missed it so much that I created my own offline omegle clone. It looks just like omegle, except that the two webcams are just me. Sometimes I get my cock out and skip myself and act frustrated. My interests are always "lesbians"
>>12871 (OP) 
Still creepy
Replies: >>30251 >>30252
I agree Chester, she's too old.
Its only creepy if he didnt pull out

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Third in a series of EROTIC TALES starring  the alluring and captivating world renowned comedienne, Ashley Jones.

Disclaimer: EROTIC TALES is a seperate entity and is not associated with JONES TOWN PRODUCTIONS or its affiliates.

                     --------- A FRUITFUL EXPERIENCE -----------

I arrived home, my partner and I have been working on finishing a basement. Customer wants a man cave. He said that it will be a good place to escape from his wife. He has some cool pin ball machines and neon bar memorabilia. As I was pulling into my driveway I glanced at the house next door to see if she was home but I couldn't tell for sure. Maybe she was at a garage sale or second hand store.

I put the coffee on and jumped in the shower. After the shower I was about to pour myself a cup of fresh made coffee when I heard a gentle unobtrusive knock on the door. I could tell by the polite knock that it was her. I opened the door and it was. Why does my heart BPM go from 45 to 90 whenever I first see her?  She stood there with a CO2 tank in one hand and a regulator and a clear plastic bag of fruit in the other hand. She said "HI" and I invited her in.

She said that she couldn't attach her tank to the regulator. I took a look and saw the problem. She needed a threaded reducer fitting. We went into the garage and rooted through my hardware drawer and found exactly what she needed. I sealed the threads with some teflon tape, installed the fitting and it was good to go. She thanked me and we went back into the house.

I asked her that as long as she was here would she like to stay for dinner. She said, "Seabee, you know I'm a vegan." I replied in the affirmative and told her that I downloaded a vegan recipe that I thought she might like and on the way home from work I stopped at the market and picked up the necessary ingredients. She seemed impressed with my thoughtfulness and asked about the recipe. I told her that it was vegan lasagna. She licked her sweet lips and asked if I would be eating the same. I told her that I had made a big pot of chilli. It would have been vegan except for the chop meat that I added.

I gave the Ash the downloaded recipe and got the ingredients from the fridge. She spread the ingredients on the kitchen counter and set the oven to pre heat it and I took some chill out of the big pot to heat up a little later. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat in the dining room to keep her company while she was prepping her lasagna in the kitchen.
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>To keep me out of trouble with the assistant principal, she had me sit by her in class and she was genuinely disappointed with me not doing my assignments but still passed me
> She caught me looking up porn on a laptop and didn't make a fuss about it
>I once walked in on her changing in her classroom after school

Passing you whilst you never did your assignments barbecues you were watching pornographic material and you walked in on her changing?!?!? 
i have bad news for you anon. You have autism and could have fucked your 8th grade English teacher and could have lived the dream!... Either that or she recognized your brilliant mind and wanted you to go onto bigger and brighter things like shitposting on img boards

You went to a Catholic high school and never got molested?!?! Youre unironically lucky, me? not so much...
Replies: >>9785 >>9827
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I had gym class once a week and after gym class you had to take a shower. After the shower you couldn't just remove a towel from the shelf, no. The two gym teachers handed out the towels so they could watch our young nubile bodies.
She knew I was smarter than everyone else she taught and she probably liked that I was a bad boy. I have mentioned here before that I was T.J. Detweiler in middle school. When she had caught me looking up porn in class, we had borrowed those laptops from the school library to do a project and I had found a way to circumvent the internet filter, Bess. Here's an article on Bess if you don't know what it is. https://ncac.org/resource/internet-filters#BESS
bumping for more seabee stories

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any other spacehey users?
cool privacy respecting myspace clone
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I thought that's what we called her videos.
Replies: >>29909

shorts = videos
Here is another "lesbian shorts":
That might have been my fault guys.
i dont have any friends so I used her service to order a lot of dinner with a friend scenarios. Strictly friends, nothing weird or sexual. thats just gross (no offence Ash)
Anyways, I ordered so many of them that Ashley had to tell me we had to stop and she was unable to offer this service anymore. i asked how come? and she replied that due to me buying so many dinners she had gained a lot of weight and then I said yeah Ive noticed...
and bros let me tell you, she went ape shit! swearing, cursing, threats, throwing things at the webcam. at one point she picked up Bandit 3 and I guess in her emotional state she thought she could sic her dog onto me thru the webcam somehow? Bizarre but I guess women are like that am i right fellas? heh
but yeah, sorry for ruining it for everyone and if Ashley is reading this sorry you gained so much weight. just put on your lesbian shorts and hit the treadmill, you'll work the pounds off in no time (maybe).
Replies: >>29971 >>29972
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