/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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This is the thread to post your stories, poems, erotica, etc. about Ashley or her pugs.
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>comes to anonymous imageboard
>identifies himself to everyone 
>gets mad when called a retarded faggot
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I wake up to the sound of grunting coming from another room. I wasn't too concerned, more irritated that someone from another room was being too noisy and woke me up. I tossed and turned for a minute, debating on whether I should get up and start my day or just continue my beauty sleep. It seemed as though my decision would be made for me. As I laid in my bed I felt slight vibrations coming from another room. I knew this sound all too well. It was my husband's mechanical keyboard being jammed at by his meaty fingers. I became even more irritated by the persistent clicky clacky sound, and it seemed as though it wouldn't stop anytime soon.

I stretch, allowing my muscles to enjoy every moment of this stretchy sensation, as it's probably the last time I'll feel pleasure for the rest of my waking day. As I sit up in my bed a few thoughts and feelings are flying by in my mind. But my thoughts are once again interrupted by a sound in another room. I decide it's time to get up and start my day.

Stretching as I slowly walk, I drag my feet against my rug (which is sometimes used as a magic carpet in my country). My adventure stops only a few seconds later when my feet meet the kitchen, a destination I'm all too familiar with. If I leave this section of my house for more than 20 seconds it is legal for my husband and male neighbors to stone me to death. I decide, well, it was decided for me when my dad married me off to his co-workers son, that I need to make breakfast for my husb
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Replies: >>22104 >>22105
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damn girl you ice cold
Funny story but that image is totally unrealistic. Not only is her face and hands completely exposed but she also has access to a laptop. 
6/10 absolutely haram.
of course she loves the fanfics if she said that it fucking sucks she would be stoned to death 
do you guys think this fag is still lurking here? im sure he his, hes obsessed enough to write about Ashley Jones gangbang bbc rape. Hey abdullah you are a sand nigger :3

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post them
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Replies: >>22065 + 9 earlier
udderly disgusting
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Which one of these sweaty bitches would you fuck and why?
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>>13781 (OP) 
Please rate my GF. We've been together for 5 years now.

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mkY sson snt ,e this Website and it looks rellay funny, I dnt know who or what an Ashley Jones is but she looks Like one of those Tik ok stars that work for China. I donr like china because they spye on us through our telephones and coffee makers, fox news told me that. I dont undertand why Joe Byden doesnt stop them isnt he the president I bet he hates american FJB LETS GO BRAN BAN. anywas what is this site, it looks like something that will giv my computer laptop a virus? is it a wafe web site to be. tell me plz.  ok, well, the wife wants me to Watch jeff dunham with her...hes hilarious. ok...maybe ill be back
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Replies: >>21733 >>22031
>>21712 (OP) 
This is a website for horny homos, honey. We cum here for gay cybersex and to share our cyber AIDS! UWU. You and your computer can catch cyber AIDS from a computer virus. First your computer gets the aids then it gets inside your body from touching your mouse and keyboard. That means you have cyber AIDS now sweetie! Yaay!
You didn't deserve to be born.
Good AFternoon everyone. im back like I said I be. The wife and i got into one of our little "arguments: again and she letgs 3 days ago. im all lone now with me and the family dog Roufus. he afrts almost as much as me . haha. anyways ive been watching ashleys videos, all of them and have become infatulated with her, sorry i cant spell i dropped out of High scjhool, anyways i think shes really cute and noticed she had a telephone hotline. and was wondering. is it a phone like like 1800 JUGS where i can talk to sext ladies who call me sexy. or it just a joke website phoneline. ok just wodnering. my sloppy joes are burning in  the microwave. bye bye for now.
Replies: >>22031
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>>21712 (OP) 

Barry, is this you?
did you take up smoking crystal meth after Linda left you?

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Picrel is my suggestion if she ever did a clothing try on video
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Replies: >>21920
As much as I love pussy I agree. I prefer cuter modest girls rather than girls who let it all hang out. Seeing a girl whos still cute in loose baggy clothes is a turn on.
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go ching-chong deep fry a dog you fucking chink motherfucking maggot

heres an outfit (You) will never be able to wear................................ its called FREEDOM!!! 

in b4 you lose social credit score for reading this message you slanty eyed bastard
Replies: >>21937
Shame on your famirri
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Lets play, my fwends. Whoever wins gets a big horse dildo as a prize.
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Replies: >>21757 + 1 earlier
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Good luck not really
Replies: >>21128 >>21287
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No retreat, no surrender!
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It’s a stalemate
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Since your such a lil bitch who couldnt compete with my intellectual prowess and run the fuck away, I had no other choice butt 2 stimulate the most likely outcome between the 2 of us and you know what came up?
Spoiler: ur gay kys faggot

 Spoiler alert 2:Electric Boogaloo: I won. Just like I always do 
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>>21052 (OP) 

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My name is coach sanjay and this is my first thread showing appreciate for judeo indian relation.

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Replies: >>21543 + 1 earlier
Helo yuo hav varus in yor computeh
this is bait
Replies: >>21671
Great post! We need more redditors like you to clean this place up!
>>16903 (OP) 
There is obvious potential to capitalize on the Indian replyguy and Israeli thot boosted memetic synergy.

Howeveraleast, cute Jewesses are Aryan property for some reason
You are bait

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Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
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Replies: >>20653
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>>20467 (OP) 
Heather Mason is peak white women. It doesn't get better than her.
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Aya Brea from Parasite Eve. She's a strong, beautiful, independent woman who is a NYPD police officer that possesses superhuman powers due to her advanced mitochondria. She avoids interracial relationships by shutting down any advances made by those of a lesser quality race throughout the game and saves herself for a handsome white man in the second game (which is a shitty Resident Evil 3 knock-off) whom she marries in the third game (which is also a pile of shit).
Replies: >>21504
based beyond belief, peak taste my guy 

despite some rough edges that game was such a blast
Replies: >>21516
>my guy
Replies: >>21551
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Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
political ideology:
favorite slur:
looking for what/who:
where ur from:
any socials u want:
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whoa is that a real photo???
Replies: >>21162
>Socials: security
Si, signor. You don’t believe?
Replies: >>21176
dumb autistic no FUN allowed retard trigger warning alert dot cum....

I dont believe it because you should have blurred the moustache more compared to the rest of the photo, other than that fun idea for a thread


Senior Ashlingo kinda cute...
Replies: >>21179
¡Ay ay ay! The camera was focused on my fabulous mustache, signor. That's why the rest of my face is blurry.

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>>12022 (OP) 
-500 與墨西哥女性互動的社交積分


ps OP 台灣第一
yooooo chinese
Ching Chong
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>>12022 (OP) 

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I'm doing free Cameos to those who are worthy. Sometimes
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Spoiler File
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Not without dislocating your jaw.

Speaking of horse dildos, imagine going antiquing with this chick. Double the holes double the profit as Barry would say.
Replies: >>21070
I'm literally still asleep and will not wake up until Ashley wakes me.

It's like a really fucked up version of Sleeping Beauty
I'm gonna be honest. I saw the socks, I saw the tutu and as well as the general color scheme and thought it was a a cute estrogen infused femboy with a 3 inch pee pee locked in a pink chastity cage. Then i saw the gaping, gooey maw she probably calls a vagina and almost threw up. Why do I always get my hopes up.
Replies: >>21075
I'm sorry to disappoint anon. Maybe it's less revolting if you try to think of it as Barry's post-op neovagina and all the geodes it could hold.

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