/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Tubbies, it's time to confess your sins. Get it off your chest. You don't have to carry all that weight and responsibility behind you all by yourself. Where did you bury the body?
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Gee, I wonder why?
Replies: >>32887 >>32888
Far left is alright.
Clearwater... like in Florida?

If these are girl analogues from a city that Scientology has literally filled with empty storefronts to make their churches the funnest places in town, they might not be entirely representative.

I hope the real reason is total boomer death.
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mama got arrested
Replies: >>32901
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kek sorry to hear that glitta

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Discuss anything out of this world - paranormal, spooky, conspiracy, alternative. Do you have any spooky stories?
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Replies: >>32686
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Replies: >>32900
My flag is my pants right now

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1. Go to https://r.sine.com/index
2. F5 until you find something good
3. Post it

Alternative random image sites:
71 replies and 84 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>32892 + 4 earlier
Thanks for sharing another rabbit hole but we need to inform this tastyfish man that ashley has a penis
Replies: >>30371
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drummyfish is based and posts on this board.

what do you want to know about XMR? If by nitty gritty level you mean technicals then these are good starting points (a bit outdated now but fundamentals will remain the same):


Breaking Monero video series:

current news and information:
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Replies: >>30378
Yeah I ended up finding what I was looking for, breaking monero is pretty cool but I feel like it's way further in the weeds. also
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>>23891 (OP) 
I think I found that site before you guys did, I miss when it would still work.
He also included some personal photos of himself and his friends in the image pool. I hate jpop fan yorkers so fucking much 9/11 should have been a million times worse.

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Post, discuss hot males, your type
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Replies: >>32890
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Reminds me of Dean Stockwell

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This board is very interesting to me.

Filth, degeneracy and completely unfiltered thoughts rallied around a 20-something internet mind-poisoned zillennial.

How did you find this place? What keeps you here? And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?

I am deeply curious, and after having to scroll through the entirety of this board to find the most relevant thread to post this due to new thread creation being locked, I am even more keenly aware of the inane nature of this place.

Please reply to this thread with your answers, thank you.
35 replies and 14 files omitted. View the full thread
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I just found this place like half an hour ago.
Replies: >>32874 >>32876
welcome, also sorry
you should start gooning to gay porn with us
Replies: >>32877 >>32880
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AIDs virus egregore summonign rituall activated, negero...

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Let's play some tunes.
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I love White people so much.

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You filled up thread #2 so much, it was totally full, uh-huh. So filled up. Here's thread #3 so you can fill it up to the brim again and again, baby. If you're a cute girl, you're allowed to derail this thread with selfies and/or call Ashley.
142 replies and 71 files omitted. View the full thread
>I hate women
they're so disgusting!
Replies: >>32864
They are. I wish I didn't have the insatiable urge to put my dick in them
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Hey, it's Women's History Month, bro! And I'm not going to tolerate any bigoted hate speech towards women, you got me, bro! That's not cool, bro! Now some women may be into that sort of thing! And it's a type of BDSM role-playing called female submissive and it's perfectly normal and safe as long is you use a safe word with a caring and loving partner. But if you think I'm just going to sit here and allow you to marginalize all women without even having their affirmative consent then you have another thing coming, bro! I suggest you go hop on your Halo Infinite and get these sweet new PC skins to honor and celebrate all the amazing accomplishments of women!
not gay but i'd totally give him a good handjob. that dick seems like it would be nice to just lube up and stroke
Replies: >>32875
Same here bro. Except I'd also spit on it and give him the best glucky gluck of his life. I am also not gay.

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It's time you fags learned how to dress.
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Is that Agatha?
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Replies: >>32802 >>32809
wow so many sponsor logos, must be a pro athlete
We had finally gotten a Lidl in 2017 but they closed it in 2023. Lidl has really good pasta sauces.
Ashley is not as important as she thinks she is either. We are all irrelevant in this huge world. That doesn't mean you don't need privacy.

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Anytime I make a new video I will link it in this thread and it can be discussed here. This is better than making a new thread for every new video.
271 replies and 117 files omitted. View the full thread
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I know exactly how you feel. All my friends dislike me due to my knowledge of IDF babies.
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Ashrey, i am ivf babie. Yu nottó wóng. I arways so sickry and weaku. Sankyu foru bringingu attention tū thisu bery bery importantó subject. Ivf babie is bad and shourd be aborto insteadó desu. Even if it mean tahiti-chan no rongeru arive, it betteru disu way.
piccu rerated. Me in kōtōgakkō (haigh schooru).

A vacation is a love letter to the soul.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SAWA - Swimming Dancing
<Rink: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=DiqLWrau8gI 🎵🕺
>Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos 🌏✈️
Replies: >>32788
Finally! Where the hell have you been? I've been sweating like a dog in a Chinese restaurant waiting for your sorry ass to show up.
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You remind me of Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Remember when Ashley made cool videos outside? Get out of the bathroom and go find a brick wall to stand in front of. Also, does this kid have autism or is he just extremely awkward?

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Discuss movies and TV shows. (Preferably of the kino variety.)
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The guy is retarded, yet brilliant. His stuff goes hard, that is for sure. Make sure to check out "Itzhak Frey & Son"[1] and "SHIBUYA"[2].

[1]: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=zPTk4BzdBu8 
[2]: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=UiZenZtDQqk
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Ashley, have you seen this one yet? I hear it's about tax evasion.
RIP Michelle Trachtenberg
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Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog found dead in their home, the following details sounds pretty sus. RIP

>The Academy Award-winning actor was found on the floor in the mud room, according to the search warrant. It appeared he fell suddenly, and he and his wife "showed obvious signs of death," the document said.

>Arakawa was found lying on her side on the floor in a bathroom, with a space heater near her body, according to the search warrant.

>Her body showed signs of decomposition, the document said. There was mummification to her hands and feet, the document said.

>On the counter near Arakawa was an opened prescription bottle, with pills scattered, according to the search warrant.

>The Santa Fe City Fire Department found no signs of a possible carbon monoxide leak or poisoning, the document said. If there was carbon monoxide at the scene, it could have vented out of the home through the open front door before responders arrived.

That's two celebrity deaths in a row, I wonder who's next...
Replies: >>32801
Forgot the link


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