[Hide] (3.3KB, 55x55) >>32712
Ashrey, i am ivf babie. Yu nottó wóng. I arways so sickry and weaku. Sankyu foru bringingu attention tū thisu bery bery importantó subject. Ivf babie is bad and shourd be aborto insteadó desu. Even if it mean tahiti-chan no rongeru arive, it betteru disu way.
piccu rerated. Me in kōtōgakkō (haigh schooru).
A vacation is a love letter to the soul.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SAWA - Swimming Dancing
<Rink: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=DiqLWrau8gI 🎵🕺
>Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos 🌏✈️