/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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This is a lot like me and Ashley
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TRUMP 2024
Sigh... to teach girls how to kill people... aryan... because aryan originally meant you use a bow in combat and guns are like bows...

pussy licking is gross
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hi-res pic
She is so grown up here. The movie knows you will ashamedly swoon over her and the movie pokes fun at you for it
>not reading the original script
>https://www.scripts.com/script/l%C3%A9on:_the_professional_895/4 (ctrl+f "still combing her hair")
>https://www.scripts.com/script/l%C3%A9on:_the_professional_895/13 (from the top)
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this is a lot like me and ashley

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This is a spoonfeeding and containment thread for newfags who most likely post with a name and make a new thread asking
>zomg IS this A JOKE???!!!
>wtf is this even real
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I'm kinda into the downstairs carpet sometimes these days, depends on the person tho a lot of the time it can be a bit nasty
I never paid much attention to Ashley back then, I was more into Boxxy tbh. I then was listening to edgegame thats where I found about tubgurl. I've been here for almost a year.
Replies: >>27766
Good to have you back, tubsister. Since you're a born-again newfag, I'll merge this thread with the newfag thread. 
>what have I missed?
TLDR; I believe in reptilians now.

Kek I accidentally majorly triggered that guy. But I did tell him about Peertube and he posts his videos on his own Peertube now.
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>she looks way better now tho for sure
she is still adorable

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Pour yourself a cold drink, sit in front of a fan, and relax. It's summertime. Discuss what you're doing this time of year, what you like, what you loathe, etc.
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Have yourself watermelon 🍉
Replies: >>26315
thanks glitta
I just boofed an ice cube and it didn't help
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guys Im so nice and cozy sipping on warm chamomile tea and playing Snowrunner
yo what are you niggas doing today?
Replies: >>27768
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Sweating my balls off nigga. playing picrel on yuzu though so that's comfy. being awake during the daytime in summer sucks, it's comfiest in the middle of the night

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Post a pic of yourself with a description and your interests. (copy the template):

Name (ficitonal or not):
political ideology:
favorite slur:
looking for what/who:
where ur from:
any socials u want:
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>it is essential for boards like this
Yes, otherwise you get people coming through who want to "make a name for themselves" (AKA get noticed by ashley). I'm the original author of the post in this banner (although I did not create the banner because my ego isn't that large) and joking aside it's actually what I think about this place.
>I also dislike when for example self doxing is forbidden
AFAIK it's not forbidden, nobody would care anyway unless you were doing it for the express purpose of drawing attention to yourself in a "look at me!!!" obnoxious namefag way. Obviously identifying yourself in this thread makes sense, you answered the OP and people wanted to talk to you about it.

Check out https://tubgurl.com/rules.html

...............actually, based on what I know about you from your statements here and your website, it occurs to me that you might be the first (and perhaps only) person to actually be willing to get namefag status via rule 1A
Replies: >>27692
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Aw nice, I will consider a namefag application. But sometimes I do want to post Anonymously, as you say it's good, for reasons you give and also because an anon post can simply be seen as more honest. What I meant about wizchan was this: they just banned anything that might link the post to you IRL, so for example in game dev thread you couldn't post a link to your code or maybe even a screenshot that would identify the game (and therefore you), that's retarded IMHO, people should be able to share their creations, no? I understand the concern about attention whoring though, I posted my link here only because it was explicitly requested, but please remove it if you feel it's attention whoring, I won't be a butthurt pussy don't worry <3
You and Ashley should do a virtual collaborative podcast video, it would be fun.
Replies: >>27754
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thanks that's nice, tho I'm extremely scared of stuff like talking to people over phone or internetz, very autistic at this lol, I dunno how Ashley can just have this phone up where random people call her, it honestly goes right over my head
Replies: >>27761
I don't think anyone here has had a successful, meaningful conservation with Ash When they've called her. Except for this one anon's dad who she spoke to for a half hour. There's a reason she limits her calls to 10 minutes. Because most of your fags talk AT her not to her about stuff she doesn't care about or you try and get her to be your gf.

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This thread is to discuss Ashley's website, https://icum.to/

As you're no doubt aware, you can spend hours reading and exploring her html/css rat's nest. Talk about your findings, discuss Ashley's written content, and share the bizarre easter eggs you've come across (there are several).
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>you already fucked up
or no, I see they made head optional in HTML5 sowwy, maybe I'm the retard
Replies: >>27714
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It is exceedingly rare for a tubsister to admit when xir was wrong. We're evolving.
>safe spaces
Remember to post your videos after your Queendom retreat.
if you dont know, then kill yourself, however if you managed to survive the fall and browsed her website long enough before the agonizing pain kicks in... then you might have discovered a secret easter egg.
If can answer the question/s??? correctly and follow the instructions... you can win a prize
W3schools owes this woman an apology

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Let's play some tunes.
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Yay, it works! Thanks mommy. I can be your man with dick cheese.
What does Ashley think about Crystal Castles?
Replies: >>27716
I think they're gay. I mean let's be real how hard is it to press play?
Replies: >>27717 >>27722
They aren't much better than Glass Houses.
Replies: >>27722

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ITT post funny pictures, webms, stories, or anything funny.
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>comic sans on his book cover
Ashley could learn a thing or two from him about design
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One of the reasons to not get a cell phone
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Spoiler File
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Your post is unworthy of going in any other thread. Thus, it is now going into Derrick's tiny little mouth, where he will run his soft tongue over it before chewing it up and swallowing it. Your post will land in his dark, warm little tummy, before being extracted of its nutrients and turned into waste. Derrick will then shit out your post from his brown little butthole. This thread is where it lands.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
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Believe it or not the FDA allows a very small amount of insects, insect fragments,rodent hair and rodent dung in our food, measurd in PPM.
Replies: >>27800
Insects are incredible little bastards. I have often found boxes of sealed pancake mix in my cabinet where the bugs have chewed through the box and the plastic bag to get to the mix. I grew up picking blackberries with my great-grandmother, there are fruit fly larvae nestled deeply within the berries. To get them out you have to soak the berries in a solution of water and vinegar unless you don't mind eating fruit fly larvae. I mean you wouldn't be able to tell any are in there while you're eating them anyways and it's not like it's going to kill you or anything. That being said I do not advocate for eating the bugs. We used to have a cricket farm nearby and that place smelled how I would imagine Hell smelling. Like rotting corpses and shit.
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That's true. I recently opened a Campbell's tomato soup that had what looked like a fucking grasshopper's leg in it. Fortunately, contaminates like that usually rise to the top of the container. Many years ago, my uncle opened a soda to find a roach floating in it. We joked about it because they were doing a promotion then where you looked under the cap to see if you had won. I once had a can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli erupt into flames. My brother and I were cooking on the stove and a large bubble formed in the pasta sauce. When it popped, like fucking magic, a fireball shot out of our pasta and caught our ceiling on fire. My dad came running into the kitchen and had to beat the ceiling with a broom to put out the fire. We told him what had happened and he was in disbelief. I did find this online but we were not cooking in a can. We were using one of those Corningware cornflower ceramic pots.
Replies: >>27810
Thanks for the magazine article, I really enjoyed reading it.
When I was a kid I had the opportunity to join the scouts but opted to join the Civil Air Patrol. I regretted it. First 2 months was like a boot camp. A few years later I went from the frying pan into the fire and enlisted in the Seabees.

Two kids alone in the kitchen cooking is a dangerous thing, heh, heh. Glad the house didn't burn down.
Replies: >>27814
I knew it was you even before I got to the Seabees part.

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A thread dedicated to those who enjoy any literary works ranging from various genres and categories can be posted and discussed here.
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it was a joke sweaty
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i am 1 @ D
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too many books for me tbf
go outside
touch grass negro
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This book is literally me.
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Flatland has a quite unique take on women: they are mere line seqments (whereas men are more complex shapes), very dumb and required by law to constantly wiggle their butts and make noise because their needle like shape is quite dangerous and makes them hard to see. But it's just an overall awesome book, can be freely downloaded at Gutenberg.

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Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
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based beyond belief, peak taste my guy 

despite some rough edges that game was such a blast
Replies: >>21516
>my guy
Replies: >>21551
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Sandy from Spongebob, but not in a furry way
Replies: >>27699
Same but if she had a penis

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