/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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When Barry finds himself with no more income source, he has to find a solution – and fast. Luckily, he knows just the guy to help him make some quick cash. Will things go perfectly as planned?

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I genuinely felt bad for Linda at the end of this video.
Barry just yells at her for buying things, probably to fill the empty void in her life. Then he storms out of the room, leaving her to spend the night alone, as usual.
Linda gives out this sad little sigh at around 16:02 of the video that breaks my heart
Then if that wasnt enough, she tries to make herself feel better by watching some TV, only for her to be disappointed to discover the new CRT television she got yelled out for buying, doesnt even work. The way she says "broken?" is the proverbial icing on the cake of sadness.

They say some of the best cinema is the one tugs at your heart strings, and my friends, watching this scene, my heart strings were a tugging, they were truly a tugging :(
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Replies: >>15619
did you edit Linda to look like she is on the horse dildo???
Replies: >>15625
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lmao nope

someone give me better lyrics

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While I am online, I like to take the chance to detox with some good internet radio. 

Do you know any good radio sites? To start the ball rolling, here is a station I enjoy: Speak Free Radio


You can go into e.g. VLC and put the following link there:

Media-->Open Network Stream-->Network:  https://stream.speakfreeradio.com/listen/sfr_stream/radio.aac48

There are some great shows on there. Here is one on right now, archived on LBRY. It is about South Africa and is fascinating:

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Share pls. I have audio of Kittens actually being fucked if anyone is interested.
Replies: >>27799 >>27801
>Share pls
I'm sorry, Ashley's intimate time with me is private. I would never betray her trust and share it online. I value our relationship too highly to open it up to anons on the interwebz.
I was expecting actual kittens being raped. Tubgur.com is gettin soft and so is my penis.
Replies: >>27803
delete this post
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Friends Forever Internet Radio Japan & others pop/indie/subculture
128 kbps mp3 https://s5.radio.co/s6140c7241/listen.m3u
64 kbps aac https://s5.radio.co/s6140c7241/low.m3u

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Pour yourself a cold drink, sit in front of a fan, and relax. It's summertime. Discuss what you're doing this time of year, what you like, what you loathe, etc.
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Have yourself watermelon πŸ‰
Replies: >>26315
thanks glitta
I just boofed an ice cube and it didn't help
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guys Im so nice and cozy sipping on warm chamomile tea and playing Snowrunner
yo what are you niggas doing today?
Replies: >>27768
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Sweating my balls off nigga. playing picrel on yuzu though so that's comfy. being awake during the daytime in summer sucks, it's comfiest in the middle of the night

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Post and sperg about how much you love your crush from a cartoon, book, or videogame
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based beyond belief, peak taste my guy 

despite some rough edges that game was such a blast
Replies: >>21516
>my guy
Replies: >>21551
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Sandy from Spongebob, but not in a furry way
Replies: >>27699
Same but if she had a penis

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Lets play, my fwends. Whoever wins gets a big horse dildo as a prize.
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Replies: >>21757 + 1 earlier
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No retreat, no surrender!
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It’s a stalemate
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Spoiler File
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Since your such a lil bitch who couldnt compete with my intellectual prowess and run the fuck away, I had no other choice butt 2 stimulate the most likely outcome between the 2 of us and you know what came up?
Spoiler: ur gay kys faggot

 Spoiler alert 2:Electric Boogaloo: I won. Just like I always do 
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>>21052 (OP) 
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mkay new game

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This board is very interesting to me.

Filth, degeneracy and completely unfiltered thoughts rallied around a 20-something internet mind-poisoned zillennial.

How did you find this place? What keeps you here? And what do you do in your day to day? Are you all NEETs? Do you have day jobs? Careers? Anything resembling normalcy? How connected or disconnected are you from "society"?

I am deeply curious, and after having to scroll through the entirety of this board to find the most relevant thread to post this due to new thread creation being locked, I am even more keenly aware of the inane nature of this place.

Please reply to this thread with your answers, thank you.
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Shouldn't be a bad thing if he is happy about it, he seems like the kind of guy who is more financially responsible than even a compsci worker
Replies: >>27489
With hermit life style it's unironically much better, I'm not ashamed of it at all, on the contrary I see the IT slaves as poor suffering NPCs. I can work a less stressful job, quit any time, don't have to talk to people or lick manager asses and sweat in a suit all day, not sitting in front of a PC most of the day so I'm healthier and I don't need much money anyway because I stopped mindless consooming, it's very comfy. I recommend it 10/10.
Replies: >>27518
I did something like this too. I am living the same "go to work, get back, eat food, walk around town" lifestyle I've had for the past decade but now I have more hours in the day and more mental energy for my own plans. The job didn't suck that much people-wise, it just had more inherent stress.
Replies: >>27520
>for my own plans
does it involve ordering from fuckingmachines.com?
Replies: >>27546
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Sasha Grey: 18 Year Old Gets Her Pussy Pounded By Machines

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I wonder what she does for money. What do you anons do to earn money?
Last edited by admin
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>None of us find her desirable.
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installing jschan requires advanced skills like the ability to follow basic directions and knowing how to copy and paste. People who say shit like this expose themselves as people who have only ever used the internet to consoooom
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>Her boyfriend obviously takes care of her
No I dont.
My wife is a very strong, capable and independent Mexican woman, if anyone takes care of anything, it is her taking care of me. Financially, sexually, spiritually and most importantly, whenever I cant get some open source software to run on my Linux Arch IBM Thinkpad..

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mkY sson snt ,e this Website and it looks rellay funny, I dnt know who or what an Ashley Jones is but she looks Like one of those Tik ok stars that work for China. I donr like china because they spye on us through our telephones and coffee makers, fox news told me that. I dont undertand why Joe Byden doesnt stop them isnt he the president I bet he hates american FJB LETS GO BRAN BAN. anywas what is this site, it looks like something that will giv my computer laptop a virus? is it a wafe web site to be. tell me plz.  ok, well, the wife wants me to Watch jeff dunham with her...hes hilarious. ok...maybe ill be back
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You didn't deserve to be born.
Good AFternoon everyone. im back like I said I be. The wife and i got into one of our little "arguments: again and she letgs 3 days ago. im all lone now with me and the family dog Roufus. he afrts almost as much as me . haha. anyways ive been watching ashleys videos, all of them and have become infatulated with her, sorry i cant spell i dropped out of High scjhool, anyways i think shes really cute and noticed she had a telephone hotline. and was wondering. is it a phone like like 1800 JUGS where i can talk to sext ladies who call me sexy. or it just a joke website phoneline. ok just wodnering. my sloppy joes are burning in  the microwave. bye bye for now.
Replies: >>22031
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>>21712 (OP) 

Barry, is this you?
did you take up smoking crystal meth after Linda left you?
>>21712 (OP) 
Hello ashley its me your number 1 olde fan. haha im 65 for anyone wondering haha anyways my wife is no loner with me because she cheated on me and i kicked her out of the old homestad now its just me and the dog he stull farts alot. HAHA but im used to the smell becasue its always around speaking of being always arounf my buddy johhny said he found your video about the cooking in the kitchen to be really humorous and he liked the part when you spit the gym in teh sink at the end haha anyways I just wanted to step in and say hello to ashley becasue I am a huge fan and i mean huge emphansis on huge my penis is biug its huge like 4 inches ereck LOL WOW anyways joe bie den isnt running for presient anyemore so . thats good too. oh did you see minions 3 or minions 4 i saw it by myself i am a not a pedophile but im think people think i was becasue i was there masturbating to the minins HAHA anyways have a good night ashley please keep being funny and maing funney fideos HAHA goodnight sweethart!

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The cum tribby thread has CUM to a CLIMAX, CUMMING to its maximum LOAD of replies
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Ehh, I don't know. The only reason I do them to Ashley is because she initially asked for them herself and is now fine with any new ones.
Sorry anon, but I think I'll have to pass.

I didn't even notice the loop lol, just cut it at random.
As long as you look at it for the cute screenshot of Ashley I'm sure it's not gay or weird.
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Replies: >>27174 >>27175
I bet Ashley could cum massives ropes like this for real if she was a guy. She'd probably have a huge girthy cock aswell. a solid 8"x6" and uncut ofcourse.
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You have to see the original "bonbi tapes" video to understand the context here. Fucking hilarious. Also,
>How the West Was Fun
>Switching Goals
>used tissue
What did Ashley mean by this???
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A guy in a facebook group I'm a part of found a Cracker Jack prize in the VHS tape he recently acquired.

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Hi guys,
Tomorrow's my 18th birthday, and I've been lurking here for a while, so I thought I'd attention whore post about it. I realize picrel is poor quality (DOBs on drivers' licenses are small and my pencils are dull) and doesn't prove anything, but I thought I may as well include it. Anyway, thanks for the laughs and whatnot, this place is pretty cool.
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Nobody here is a female. Not even ashley.
There should be some old folks in a website about vintage electronics repair
You're old enough to be my son. I fucked a lot of gooks in Nam, they consented of course.
>>27074 (OP) 
Have you ever been built for god?
>>27074 (OP) 
Happy birthday anon, its all down hill from here buddy

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