/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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Ashley, we love you. We know you're trying to recover from your eating disorder surprisingly not anorexia but whatever its called when you are addicted to food so instead of buying you more Panda Express we're doing something different.

Each day up until Valentine's Day and beyond we will post spoilered images for you to "unwrap". We'll post any images we think you like, fan art, edits, gay porn, whatever we think will make you smile.
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Kevin luuvvs Taz
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Replies: >>19532
Ashley loves tribbing
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Replies: >>19698

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Here's my cathode ray tube catheter gay dude. Filmed on an equipment older than almost everyone here. Nostalgia and vintage tech discussion can take place in this thread, too.

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Just rip it off.
See, thats exactly why I dont clip my nails.
The OLDEST websites EVER

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Was in a thrift store earlier today and came across a couple of items that made me think of Ashley.

I really like going thrift store shopping. 
its kind of like going on a treasure hunt but instead navigating your way thru a jungle or an island with trees, sand and hot babes to find a treasure, its a musty old building full of clothes, dvds, plates and old ladies

Even if you dont find anything, its fun to explore. Plus, sometimes the old ladies that work there can be really attractive in a wholesome kinda way
Replies: >>19468
kek the second image got me

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I wonder what she does for money. What do you anons do to earn money?
Last edited by admin
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Thanks for that. I'm in a predicament where I'm still living in my parents' house but they are paying for my university. I've never had a job and my parents don't want me to have one because they want me to focus on uni and then get a job once I get a degree. Sure, this sounds great, but I pay a monthly fee to the gym jew and gasoline jews for my vehicle to get there so I need some sort of income. If I quit going to the gym, I'll be able to have ZERO monthly expenses but I'm not sure that quitting the gym is a good idea as I believe it has given me a little bit of motivation and purpose. I stopped buying materialistic/pointless things a long time ago so it's not like I'm blowing my money on stupid stuff. I'm not expecting much from me posting this block of text but at least it allows for me to put thoughts into words and to get it off my chest.
Replies: >>19401
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You know we all love you and would not want anything to happen to you. Sometimes jumping a dead battery can be dangerous if not done properly. So for your well being I've attached a chart showing the proper procedure.

Toting a car battery around to give people a jump start is hard work, those car batteries weigh in around 20 pounds. May I suggest you bolt the battery to your skateboard and attach a rope to pull it around.

There's a hoard of gypsies running the same scam and they don't like competion so be careful out there, gypsies are very unforgiving

Does your Craigs list "mom" drive you to the parking lots and is she proud of her "daughter's" scam. I guess so, she likes to get paid too.
Replies: >>19116
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On top of this, if you have the money, consider buying a battery powered jumper. or a few.
Replies: >>19134
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You have to admire her initiative and ingenuity.
Happy black history month!

gay liota
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>gay liota
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>a refreshing club soda
Replies: >>17032
this thread was shit a year ago and it's even worse now that you bumped it
Replies: >>17039
butt mad posta
I would creampie that in a secon

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Spill the beans. Again.
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Its more accurate to say what she did to me
Replies: >>18672
 NEW THREAD >>18666 
Please give details in new bread
My friend wants me to go to his super bowl party, but i fucking don't want to go. What do?
Replies: >>18990
I think you’ll regret not to go. I think it’ll be a fun experience for you. Hey maybe there’ll be chicks there.

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ITT share cool wallpapers with your fellow ashlings.

I'll start the thread off with some really cool Ashley wallpapers that some anon made a while back.

Maybe Ashley will post some new wallpaper worthy PPs

You can attach up to 5 images to your post but one at a time is OK too, kinda looks cleaner that way imo
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Someone's been a busy little bee, board looks really, really good, Ashley.
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Dumping some wallpapers
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You dump the wallpapers, I'll dump the LOADS
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Thad I thought you'd prefer this wallpaper
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Mama Ashley, BELLGAB! has been attacked by an evil Jew that was raised Catholic and married and robbed three Jews, so she became a Jew. Her father also watched green lights in WWII which defeated the Nazi's in Japan. Please come and help us before this Jew lays eggs. 1-8-24 @ 9:30 P.M. C.S.T. Richard Groypers Channel on YouTube.

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Anyone here ever use an older niche imageboard? If so where and when? I was active on unichan between 2010-2017 or so. Sometimes I wish it never died.
Replies: >>18564
I got banned from wizardchan for posting a picture of a naked woman.
Replies: >>18571
>>18555 (OP) 
I lurk on kohlchan.net for many years now.
It is the spiritual successor of krautchan.de, basically the German 4chan of its time.
Replies: >>18571 >>18632
I was disappointed with how many normies are on Lainchan. But it's still better than most chans because it has an active userbase.

Kek. If it weren't for Hot wheels getting kicked out of Wizardchan, we would've never had 8chan and no original 8chan /ashleyj/.
Niche boards like this are the best, you can actually have a discussion. Tubgurl is actually starting to get a lot faster I've noticed, which is nice, because it reminds me of old school /b/ in a lot of ways. When did /b/ on 4chan just turn into another porn board anyway?

But the key to getting the most out of niche boards is to just keep several of them up in tabs. If you're reading and posting on 3-5 it doesn't feel "slow" and imho can easily replace the 4chan experience. I only use 4chan now to lurk every now and then because fuck that captcha and all the boards are infested with ubernormies now. /g/ is a shadow of its former self, it's sad. I guess >>18565 is sorta the best /g/ alternative. Some normies yes but definitely not as much phoneposting going on there.

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I sent my dad one of your videos because I thought it was funny and he told me he called you and you two talked about old TVs and making videos for an hour last night. 
Is my dad just trolling me?
Replies: >>17973
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Son, please put the gun down.
And yes we did talk.
Ashley’s gonna be your new mama from now on.
You have to call her Ma.
And also you have to leave the house because she’s moving in with us and I can’t have you around the house. I’ve already rented U-Haul truck to pick up ur shit.
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Yes - your dad is basically Hank Hill literally said "I tell you hwat" He initially asked me hwhat his son was watching, was there any porn-ography in my videos? I said no. Well, then I realized I do put porn in my videos so technically yes, your son does watch tranny porn. He didn't care, he was really relaxed. At first I thought I was the one getting trolled because he literally sounds like Hank Hill. I did my Bobby Hill impression and also sang him an a cappella version of Turkey Song. 

I'm pretty sure that's the first time a concerned parent has called me, he was great.
Replies: >>18173
>>17953 (OP) 
I had phone sex with ur dad
Let, I can see that. I've talked to him a few times on the phone before and something about phones makes him sound +25% more southern than he does IRL. The best way to describe him without posting a picture would be to imagine an "Everybody Loves Raymond"-era Ray Romano but with a diet of fast food and domestic beers.
He mentioned that you sang the song for him and that "she seems like a nice young lady."
Replies: >>18457
>The best way to describe him without posting a picture
Wanna try and get a creepshot of your dad for us? (•‿•)

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What do you think? Post photos of all the wild animals you have let into your home.
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that is a lot like you and me, ashley
So this is the guy who runs the show huh?
You gotta admint he looks way more swagged out than the avrage ashcel
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Are bears really as bad as everyone makes them out to be?
Replies: >>18061 >>18063
Black bears aren't

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