/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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All good things must come to an end
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Replies: >>29121
>man hand
>painted nails
Replies: >>29124
>play Doom
>get man hand
Replies: >>29128
Ashley plays Doom. Are you saying she has man hands?
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It is a man. Ashley is going to have to move these posts to the tranny thread now.

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They're making new distractions every day. Left wing, right wing, sex swing. It's all gay.

Post news stories, happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
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Weekly World News is the only paper that keeps me informed.
Replies: >>29101
nice. i love conspiracy theories, false flags and psyop. moar pls.
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    >A Florida man is facing 20 counts of obscenity for allegedly creating and distributing AI-generated child pornography, highlighting the danger and ubiquity of generative AI being used for nefarious reasons.
    >The investigation kicked off after Indian River County Sheriff's Office received tips that McCorkle was prompting an AI image generator to make child sexual imagery and distributing it via the social media app Kik.
    >McCorkle’s arrest was part of a county operation taking down people possessing child pornography, but the generative AI wrinkle in this particular arrest shows how technology is generating new avenues for crime and child abuse.
    >The increasing tide of generated AI child sexual abuse imagery has prompted federal, state and local lawmakers to push legislation to make this type of porn illegal.
    >Last year, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children received 4,700 reports of generated AI child porn, with some criminals even using generative AI to make deepfakes of real children to extort them.
Replies: >>29123
If no real children is involved, then what is the problem?
Replies: >>29127
They claim that anyone in possession of such imagery will commit a sexual crime against a minor in the future, basically the guns kill people argument or the central plot of Minority Report.

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I sent my dad one of your videos because I thought it was funny and he told me he called you and you two talked about old TVs and making videos for an hour last night. 
Is my dad just trolling me?
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Is that supposed to mean something to me, retard? I know your mom pretty well. She failed as a parent.
Replies: >>29067
Hey are you the guy that always finds a way to talk about people's moms? What's your deal?
Replies: >>29068
The deal is a quarter back refund but your mom thinks I'm talking about football.
The bwc perfection society indulges in the respect for the best perfection bwc the world for the bwc 7 inches closer to god deserve womenal biological sex preganancies the frequency resonance of white skin heals burn victims from rape the bwc perfection

weight lift
Replies: >>29080
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

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Your post is unworthy of going in any other thread. Thus, it is now going into Derrick's tiny little mouth, where he will run his soft tongue over it before chewing it up and swallowing it. Your post will land in his dark, warm little tummy, before being extracted of its nutrients and turned into waste. Derrick will then shit out your post from his brown little butthole. This thread is where it lands.

This thread is for posts unworthy of any other location.
495 replies and 191 files omitted. View the full thread
A new Ashley video soon? Yay!
28750 get
Replies: >>28751 >>28754
hell yeah!
Replies: >>28755

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I show you how to make an old analog phone (and answering machine) work with no landline - just a VoIP.
Written tutorial: https://icum.to/how-to-make-vintage-analog-phone-work-with-voip-on-computer/

 Also, I added a number of things to my website: https://icum.to/horsecock/ 

If you have questions about setting up your analog VoIP phone, ask in this thread and I will answer.
Please also discuss my website changes, I worked two whole days on it.
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>autistic people like ashley
Sorry just to be clear I meant NON-autistic people UNlike ashley
>Just curious -- are you using a physical phone or using a headset?
Headset for now, but I have plans to go through with your physical phone tutorial in the future. I'm excited to choose my own novelty phone.

This might be a dumb question or need more context, but how do I actually make a call without a physical phone using Gajim?
Replies: >>23967
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See Q3 and Q4. You have to add the phone number you want to call as a contact. When adding them as a contact, add the phone number and "@cheogram.com" at the end, such as "+14169938000@cheogram.com". (Make sure to include the country code +1 or whatever their country code is). Now they will appear in your contacts list. Go back to your messages. Press the blue plus icon and select "start chat". Find the contact you added and double click to have them appear in your message list. This won't actually send a message. Then click the icon (picrel) and select start voice chat. I assume this will work with a headset if it's configured with Gajim in the preferences. Try test calling major stores so you won't feel shame trying to call someone important in case it messes up.

FYI you might want to adjust your privacy settings before adding contacts. Click on your icon, then select the wrench icon that says "Account settings", then select the privacy section. By default it does things such as share if you received/read a message among more, which is unnecessary.
Replies: >>28446
Sorry, I am clueless about JMP and Jabber, but after playing around with the Cheogram bot, it seems that the JID associated with Ashley's phone number is different from the one that she uses for Jabber chat. Has she made the latter one public, and can we call her via Jingle?
Replies: >>28446
>it seems that the JID associated with Ashley's phone number is different from the one that she uses for Jabber chat.
I don't know what you mean. I have one XMPP address that I use with JMP chat, which is required in order to use JMP chat, and I only have one phone number. If you add a contact using "@cheogram" (see >>23967), you can call as a contact. However, a call using my XMPP address will definitely not get answered because I never have a headset attached to my computer (nor configured with Gajim) and I rarely ever have Gajim open, so I wouldn't see it anyway. Calling my Garfield phone is how to talk to me in real time. I check my emails regularly also.

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Post Ashley look alikes
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Replies: >>28375 >>28376
Wow that looks EXACTLY like Ashley!
>blonde giantess ashley
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at first when I saw that i was like nah, not really. but then I saw this posted somewhere else and thought that in this one she looks like a much older Ashley. 
Especially the mannerisms

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Discussions of movies and TV shows shall be posted here. Anyone hosting streams can share their link here also.
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No I'm pretty sure it's scientifically proven without a shadow of a doubt that Ashley Jones is indeed not perfectly normal.
>we watched it before one of her video premiers over on cytube
Ah, I see. Makes sense that someone would have brought it up in the last few years.
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It was such a goof film, the sequel sucked balls
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Kalifornia (1993), it stars Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis(nice tits).
Replies: >>28400
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Yea, Juliette Lewis was always a cutie. I liked her in From Dusk 'Till Dawn. That dance that Salma Hayek did in From Dusk 'Till Dawn was kinda earth shaking.
Replies: >>28402
Salma Hayek. Yes. Juliette Lewis. No.

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Discuss food, post your meals, recipes, coupons, etc.
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dipping your tendies in soft drink as opposed to a dipping sauce, tubbies... is it bad? 

Cola is a drink which isnt food but rather is a beverage but is still fit for human consumption anyways, so if it adds flavour like a dipping sauce would, then how is that a bad thing?
Replies: >>28396
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Anyone else go to dine-in restaurants and eat alone?
Replies: >>28394
I did that once at a diner on the outskirts of town. It was mostly empty so I ordered a slice of pie and coffee and sat alone while pretending I was in a movie.
Replies: >>28401
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I bet those kids dunked their tendies in her sauce if you get what implying.
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Was that you? Because I really thought it was a movie. I was the guy that asked for your autograph.

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Here's my cathode ray tube catheter gay dude. Filmed on an equipment older than almost everyone here. Nostalgia and vintage tech discussion can take place in this thread, too.

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kek the second image got me
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Look what I found in an old desk I inherited from my great-grandfather. They were stuffed behind one of the drawers in an old envelope. The instruction manual to my great-grandmother's old RCA swivel tv and two local channel line-up reference cards. Sorry Ashley, it doesn't contain the remote control hand unit. I used to watch Hee Haw, Grand Ole Opry and Larry King Live on CNN with her in the evenings and I would watch Lamb Chop's Play-Along and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in the mornings. The last time I viewed this tv was around 2006 when I connected my Xbox to it to play Fable. I have no idea what ever happened to it but I know my family discarded it when my great-grandmother died. It still worked perfectly fine and the remote control wasn't worn out at all. I still have dreams about being at her house and sitting in the den watching this tv.
Replies: >>28247
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Does it feel cool living in a family with shorter generation times?

I wish I had kids as a teen and somehow got well set enough to encourage my sons/grandsons/etc to impregnate girls in highschool so I could have a chance at being a great (6x) granddad on my deathbed in 21XX.
Replies: >>28248 >>28299
generation times (or longer lived elders)
Not really but it's not cool being alone either.

Found the tv

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Here's my review of these Little Caesars cheese sticks that I became addicted to and keep making myself sick on. Also talking about being in the 9th grade.

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Get a petcam for your banditos and use the footage to make a video from their pov of you feeding them
Mentally ill girl makes cheesestick from dog's stomach contents.
why does this seem like a very normal thing she would do?

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