/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Happy Juneteenth and Pride Month. Netflix hired me to write a pilot for a reboot of a beloved TV show from the 2000's.

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I thought the namefag poetry writer and the redditer with social media where 2 different anons?
Replies: >>25613
What an asshole.
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Don't worry anon, I gotchu.
Replies: >>25613
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Replies: >>25613
multiple people have done poetry so it might be a different person you're thinking of, no clue if the reddit gangbang guy ever did poetry, I just know he was extremely pissy about not being able to namefag and argued against anonymous posting lol

holy shit

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Post music. Bonus points for PMVs (ノ•‿•)ノ♬
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Looks a lot like Stretch Armstrong
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You may be part wolf but you're still just a cute cuddly little puppy.
That explains why you're a bitch sometimes.
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Why does anon always mistake me for you? The name of the guy from Fantastic Four is Mister Fantastic. I actually thought you used one of those little bedside pet stairs to get to get to things on the counter.

On all levels except physical?
Replies: >>25508
Who is "anon"? Is it an individual person?

Hey Ashley, what happened to your left eye?

I'm kind of a newb to image boards.
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I think that cat was one of my boys.
Replies: >>25439 >>25440
That pic gets funnier each time you post it, Seaman.
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Ashley once she hits 30 and the mexican genes fully take over.
Replies: >>25442
This guy is super ugly but I bet he gives a muy caliente blowjob

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image board autist dating app just droopped 
yall niggas need bitches go pull some
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Your voice probably isn't that bad, but I agree with the other anon that it does sound a bit put on, like one of the girls on youtube that do the phony anime girl voices. Then again we only heard a few second of your voice so maybe we're all blowing this out of proportion.

I have a solution. Read the following aloud with your natural voice (no purposeful cutsey uwu stuff), which is taken from the Home Depot website on how to change a car battery:

`Follow these steps for jump starting a car battery: 

- Position the car with the good battery next to the car with the dead battery. They should be close enough for the jumper cables to reach, but the vehicles should not touch each other.
- Attach the clamp of one end of the positive cable – the red cable – to the positive terminal of the dead battery.
- Connect the clamp of the other end of the positive cable to the positive terminal of the good battery.
- Next, clamp one end of the negative cable – the black cable – to the negative terminal of the good battery. Attach the other end of the negative cable to the engine block of the car with the dead battery.
- Start the car with the good battery that provides the electricity.
- Turn the ignition key (or press the ignition button) of the car with the dead battery. If it starts, left the car run for about 20 minutes to allow for a recharge.
- Disconnect the jumper cables in reverse order.`
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Replies: >>24949 >>24950
I meant charge a car battery, not change
Replies: >>24952 >>24953
Kek you're all right for a tub GURL. Your voice is fine, obviously you do sound young, but that wouldn't prevent a guy from liking you. The guy that stopped talking to you was probably afraid because you're 17 and/or just not that into you. If he "happens" to drop you a line after you turn 18, tell him to kick rocks because he wasn't man enough to violate social constructs and laws for 6 months to be with you.
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>adorable voice
>he's still not interested
What kind of crazy are you?

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Liking bare skinlet pussy is on the same tier as women who like men that are circumcised. If you like pussies without hair, you should kill yourself because you probably rape children.
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not me, stolen valor
Replies: >>24844
Can you ban the samefag? >>24816
Replies: >>24844
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imagine trying to steal Seabee's valor AND doing it during pride month! 
smh some people amirite...
TYFYS Seabee and happy pride month :)
Replies: >>24850
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ITT share cool wallpapers with your fellow ashlings.

I'll start the thread off with some really cool Ashley wallpapers that some anon made a while back.

Maybe Ashley will post some new wallpaper worthy PPs

You can attach up to 5 images to your post but one at a time is OK too, kinda looks cleaner that way imo
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Dumping some wallpapers
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You dump the wallpapers, I'll dump the LOADS
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Thad I thought you'd prefer this wallpaper
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It's awesome, I may use it when I get rid of this 1280 x 1024 monitor
>I love the monitor tho

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Post dreams of odd or unusual qualities - especially lewd ones.
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I had this dream where I walked into this girl's bedroom and she was holding a giant marshmallow. She dared me to eat the marshmallow and said that if I didn't eat the whole thing that I was a sissy. I ate the whole thing. When I woke up I couldn't find my pillow and I had this horrific stomach ache.
Replies: >>24723
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I skimmed your post quickly without really reading it and only picked up
>I had this dream
>I was a sissy
>I ate the whole thing
Replies: >>24724
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Be careful, my boys failed to see the humor in your post and you don't want to get on their bad side. Matter of fact, they don't have a good side..
>I was awakened by a huge force and pressure on my body like if THOR himself put his balls on my body just to die

>I don't know how to work with this board format thingy like even replying or so, but I try my best to share my point with you.
you did fine

as for your dream well Im retarded but my interpretation is that its something to do with you not being religious but the rest of your family is.
the pressure you felt on your chest was maybe about pressure into following your families religious values
but youre conflicted because you dont want to be a slave to it, hence the "16years of being a slave" but you also dont want to live a sinner (16 years of being a sinner) for not believing in your families religion.

anyways thats just my take on it

shalom! or whatever muslims say
Replies: >>24781
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Thank you so much for taking your time reading my bazinga
I really am amazed by your point of view, like how I didn't think of that
because now I'm really thinking of it and I haven't made my mind yet, so I'm still in between ... and maybe this is why I'm having troubles in the past 3 years ...

And now if you ask me, I would rather be a 

Jewish people say Shalom! I think it's Hi but with a bit taste of money
Muslims say Salam, you see it's same 

I made this picture, it's my favorite Persian snack with another snack, and I'm going to use the picture for the rest of my life.

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This is somewhat like me and Ash.
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I'm not a fat, but this reminded me and Ashley
Replies: >>24358

That is a Fat retard with tons of money.
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More like fat retards with tons of funny
Replies: >>24364
Damn this has got to be the funniest thing I've seen on the internet. Thank you so much for sharing this screenshot. He's dressed like a guy from old times and is wondering why he can't get any action from women? Hilarious! Do you have anymore funny images like this? Please share more!!! I'm going to show this to my coworker, he's going to love this.
Replies: >>24366
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There is this neat website called facebook. It's like twitter but better but not as good as tumblr. It's where 4chan, reddit, and discord get all their cool 9gag memes from.

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"Look honey, _______________" (you fill in the blank)
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>>23337 (OP) 
I'll fill in HER blank. Heh heh. Actualy, no. I won't. I personally find blonde women disgusting. To me they are the Walmart or McDonalds of women. There's a lot of then, they're mostly popular with non whites,  and are usually lower class. No offense to those who are into them. I'm just saying.
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>>23337 (OP) 
Look mommy, dis you choke a bitch out
Replies: >>23697
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This post deserves praise. Best response so far.
Replies: >>23700 >>24255
Spoiler File
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Just noticed this new ashley jones subreddit was created.
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>The point of Monero is that it's literally untraceable.
Yes, it is untraceable in its current form, that's why more crypto exchanges are requesting KYC from their clients. And now even Kraken is delisting Monero in some countries. Smh.


I know there are other ways of acquiring Monero as detailed in this reply:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

William Shakespeare

Great men never make bad use of their superiority; they see it, and feel it, and are not less modest. The more they have, the more they know their own deficiencies. 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
LocalMonero will be winding down!
Replies: >>23750
Never used it, but wouldn't this create a closed off pool that would make potentially tracking individuals via webtraffic at the very least easier granted that's even feasible. I do be retarded so if anyone with actual knowledge could answer me, that'd be great
Replies: >>23752
>via webtraffic
not really if you have a basic understanding of opsec and tor, localmonero had an onion and js-free version of the site.

sellers accepting cash-in-mail probably had the biggest risk as they had to expose a legitimate mailing address.

it sucks to see localmonero go but there are lots of other trading options as they mentioned in their post. monero is shockingly resilient, its price has remained relatively stable after being delisted from binance and now this. maybe it's because a lot (most?) of monero onboarding these days is from btc->xmr atomic swaps.

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