/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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Post your custom banners and I will upload them (if they are good enough) to this board. They must be this size: 466 width x 190 height
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the anon's chair picture is funny but it might make it hard to read so here's a blacked version
Replies: >>24189
Wow, thank you for immortalizing my post, I meant every word I said.
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VHS tape banner. I can redo the text if anyone has any better suggestions.

I also thought of doing a bigger version, with a stack of 4 or 5 VHS tapes with each label having a name of a video of she made.

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Replies: >>27382
10/10 needs to be a banner or else

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It's time you fags learned how to dress.
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I like to sit in my car and jack off to the kids at my local park, I can say with confidence that this style of footwear is pretty popular with 7-10 year olds
These shoes are every shade of autistic.
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rate my moms outfit
Replies: >>26731
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>ywn be a young hotshot Wall St. banker during the 1980s.

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Only real females can post in this thread!
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No, that’s your face.
Replies: >>27347
You look like you could be my transgender son. Would you like to be pinned down and choke fucked?
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I made this animation. It's under CC0, you can use it.
I know you're supposed to think this girl is beautiful or whatever but all I can see is what a pain in the ass she is. I also suspect that she's a kike. Just doesn't do it for me.
Are you saying you want to stick your penis in my mouth?

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mkY sson snt ,e this Website and it looks rellay funny, I dnt know who or what an Ashley Jones is but she looks Like one of those Tik ok stars that work for China. I donr like china because they spye on us through our telephones and coffee makers, fox news told me that. I dont undertand why Joe Byden doesnt stop them isnt he the president I bet he hates american FJB LETS GO BRAN BAN. anywas what is this site, it looks like something that will giv my computer laptop a virus? is it a wafe web site to be. tell me plz.  ok, well, the wife wants me to Watch jeff dunham with her...hes hilarious. ok...maybe ill be back
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You didn't deserve to be born.
Good AFternoon everyone. im back like I said I be. The wife and i got into one of our little "arguments: again and she letgs 3 days ago. im all lone now with me and the family dog Roufus. he afrts almost as much as me . haha. anyways ive been watching ashleys videos, all of them and have become infatulated with her, sorry i cant spell i dropped out of High scjhool, anyways i think shes really cute and noticed she had a telephone hotline. and was wondering. is it a phone like like 1800 JUGS where i can talk to sext ladies who call me sexy. or it just a joke website phoneline. ok just wodnering. my sloppy joes are burning in  the microwave. bye bye for now.
Replies: >>22031
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>>21712 (OP) 

Barry, is this you?
did you take up smoking crystal meth after Linda left you?
>>21712 (OP) 
Hello ashley its me your number 1 olde fan. haha im 65 for anyone wondering haha anyways my wife is no loner with me because she cheated on me and i kicked her out of the old homestad now its just me and the dog he stull farts alot. HAHA but im used to the smell becasue its always around speaking of being always arounf my buddy johhny said he found your video about the cooking in the kitchen to be really humorous and he liked the part when you spit the gym in teh sink at the end haha anyways I just wanted to step in and say hello to ashley becasue I am a huge fan and i mean huge emphansis on huge my penis is biug its huge like 4 inches ereck LOL WOW anyways joe bie den isnt running for presient anyemore so . thats good too. oh did you see minions 3 or minions 4 i saw it by myself i am a not a pedophile but im think people think i was becasue i was there masturbating to the minins HAHA anyways have a good night ashley please keep being funny and maing funney fideos HAHA goodnight sweethart!

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All good things must come to an end
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It's over
>>20734 (OP) 
For real this time.
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>>20734 (OP) 

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Whether you're an artist with talent or a mere shartist, you don't have to have talent to post your art in this thread. As long as it's creative, you're welcome to post it here. It can be fan art or general art, as long as you tried.

Requests are also good.
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im so lonely
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I think her porn career isn't working out, but it'll do for now. Feeling down bad about this. :p Posts might get deleted
Replies: >>27229 >>27231
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untold millions of human working hours, billions in research and development

all so that we can do this
these always remind me of nikocado avacoado
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Glitch ghost blowjob. These kind of work for non blowjob stuff, thought it was funny anyway.

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The cum tribby thread has CUM to a CLIMAX, CUMMING to its maximum LOAD of replies
159 replies and 73 files omitted. View the full thread
Ehh, I don't know. The only reason I do them to Ashley is because she initially asked for them herself and is now fine with any new ones.
Sorry anon, but I think I'll have to pass.

I didn't even notice the loop lol, just cut it at random.
As long as you look at it for the cute screenshot of Ashley I'm sure it's not gay or weird.
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Replies: >>27174 >>27175
I bet Ashley could cum massives ropes like this for real if she was a guy. She'd probably have a huge girthy cock aswell. a solid 8"x6" and uncut ofcourse.
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You have to see the original "bonbi tapes" video to understand the context here. Fucking hilarious. Also,
>How the West Was Fun
>Switching Goals
>used tissue
What did Ashley mean by this???
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A guy in a facebook group I'm a part of found a Cracker Jack prize in the VHS tape he recently acquired.

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Hi guys,
Tomorrow's my 18th birthday, and I've been lurking here for a while, so I thought I'd attention whore post about it. I realize picrel is poor quality (DOBs on drivers' licenses are small and my pencils are dull) and doesn't prove anything, but I thought I may as well include it. Anyway, thanks for the laughs and whatnot, this place is pretty cool.
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Nobody here is a female. Not even ashley.
There should be some old folks in a website about vintage electronics repair
You're old enough to be my son. I fucked a lot of gooks in Nam, they consented of course.
>>27074 (OP) 
Have you ever been built for god?
>>27074 (OP) 
Happy birthday anon, its all down hill from here buddy

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About the Ashley tracker: https://icum.to/about-the-ashley-tracker/
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>I am out boyos, have a good one
What did she mean by this? No seriously. Did you faggots run her off again?!
Ashley isn't going anywhere you guys are so silly lol lool r-right Ashley?
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Kek you drama queens want to be cucked because for years the story is some iteration of
>she left so she could get pumped and dumped by (insert Sam Hyde, Will, or a tranny here)

The next time I leave I'll make sure to make these dreams become a reality. I have my target picked. Picrel.
Replies: >>27158 >>27165
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I have my shirt ready.
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Is that Mental Outlaw? ...with an iPhone X? I didn't know AIDS ran on Linux? I hope he grants you access, whoer. Let's see you fix AIDS, bitch. Fuck you, I'm racist now

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Paste the contents of your clipboard right now without looking. GO!
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Magic 8 ball should I kill myself?
How to reach penile melagnosis
Is phimosis a mental condition
Sad Anime Music and Beautiful Piano & Instrument - Naruto Shippuden OST 3【BGM】

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