/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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ash I don't know your hosting details and needs or whatever but these fine gentlemen are discussing how to get hosting for 10 USD and I think you are 30 a month?


(this is a male only forum so ask your husband to post for you)

also how many sisters do you ahve. female cousins? legal age nieces?
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And you want to argue with me
Replies: >>23404
Youre projecting. Pig poster is annoying, always insulting people, and trying to start fights.
Replies: >>23409
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Decide your own fate you must, my sweet and sexy Monero gal.
Replies: >>23407
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Taz's life is great... until it suddenly isn't. Upon getting the news that he has to go to war, Taz faces the struggles of combining his flamboyant personality with the rough and rugged lifestyle of a war hero. Don't let his boots fool you, he's ready to kick ass, and probably fuck some ass too, as he saves the day.

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Just because some faggot on a message board renders some cringe ai shit doesn't mean the days of art that requires actual effort and skill doesn't exist. Like my penis, it's out there you just have to look in order to find it.
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found this on the old ashleyj endchan board, which is weird because its based from her latest video but that old board has been dead for years. why would they post that there and not here?
Replies: >>23305 >>23310
An even better question: why is Nasim showing her tits in ashleys latest video?
how the fuck is the endchan board even still up? I occasionally check and it's never "claimable" which means that the faggot who owns it STILL logs in regularly to make sure nobody else gets it, which means he STILL has a chip on his shoulder for ash. There's a thread bumped way back off the front page too that has links to all her current shit, if I recall correctly people asked for it to be pinned and this cunt wouldn't even do that.
Replies: >>23329
It is forever.

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Can somebody tell me what the hell Ashley Jones does cause I have ben watching her for a bit and I still don't know
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Nah thats me I believe in rapetillians because smart man said so
So does anyone actually have any concrete evidence of Rapetillians actually existing? What are their orgins? What's their purpose?
Replies: >>23323
Replies: >>23324
Replies: >>23325

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I don't usually make serious videos, so doing this feels weird to me. However, I do think this is an important topic to talk about and I have yet to see someone else mention certain things I bring up in this video. I'm sure some of this is "preaching to the choir", but you may find that there's things you never realized. I cover a few different topics in this video, but it all ties together.

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tfw I actually agree with a barryposter
I made my thoughts on Australian accents well known saying the only accent that's more annoying is Boston or BAH STAN for the layman. I don't know what it is but it drives me up a wall. If you ever wanted to torture me all you'd have to do is lock me in a room with Crocodile Dundee playing on a tv.
Replies: >>23306
Oh sweet, something from my irrelevant country.

There is no is outrage here, its a non story the media spun into story to garner attention (ad bux) and the bird involved was more than willing to do the media rounds and paint herself as a victim. whilst it has drawn headlines, everyones opinion in the real world, including my parents who rarely agree on fucking anything, is that shes being an entitled fuckwit that thinks she can bring her baby to a comedy show that had something like a 15+ years and over rule. How'd the lil shit get in? yeah nah bloody women m8 stuffed if I know ay! Anyways gotta gotta hit the frog and toad so betta leggit outta here before the tav closes for a Pot n Parma or else me misses will be angrier than platypus in a piss puddle. Cheers cob catch ya hooroo

fuck oath Baz, reckon next time ya round get on the blower and we can get on the piss ya bloody ledge!

fair shake of the sauce bottle, ya more miserable than a Bunnings snag without a dead horse ya bloody drongo
yeah nah just tuggin ya chain, me old china plate! Reckon just put some cheese on your jatz and you'll be right as rain
ta ta!
Replies: >>23307 >>23309
>fuck oath Baz, reckon next time ya round get on the blower and we can get on the piss ya bloody ledge!
nigger WHAT
Is it really the talk of the town? I want to hear more from your unique down under perspective at the penal colony. The reptiles pick the dumbest shit for everyone to talk about. I posted the story only because it's relevant to Ashley's video.

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All good things must come to an end
45 replies and 12 files omitted. View the full thread
Fuck off from my face then you piece of shit
You started this and now you’re calling it quits
Fuck off to oblivion and die in obscurity 
You’re a beta cuck with no hint of maturity
Replies: >>20922
Quit being a nigger
And you won't get triggered

Only newfags don't know that Ashley dislikes poetry. Go be gay on handsome men, smooth boy
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Replies: >>20945
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more like this
Replies: >>23280
When he said pain, I felt that.

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Whether you're an artist with talent or a mere shartist, you don't have to have talent to post your art in this thread. As long as it's creative, you're welcome to post it here. It can be fan art or general art, as long as you tried.

Requests are also good.
108 replies and 66 files omitted. View the full thread
This is really cool. You should keep going. It's nowhere near as bad as you think, and I bet if you kept practicing it would look better. Portraits are incredibly difficult (I wouldn't dare to even try).

If you want constructive criticism: I never thought I would say this, but I think her eyes are too far apart.
Replies: >>23250
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Coming from someone who can't even draw a straight line, don't denigrate yourself. Your sketches show a lot of talent and skill. Those 2 sketches look pretty damn good.
Replies: >>23250
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Looks better than anything I can do. Picrel. The face shape looks too solid. Faces are softer and aren't firmly outlined like hair strands or eye shapes are. I'd soften out the face shape and rely more on shading for that area. The eye iris looks too solid as one color which gives it an unnatural look. Try to make the middle of the iris whiter, slowly darkening on the outside. Aside from those small things it looks good.
Replies: >>23250
Thanks and yeah your right, even for the Ash, those eyes are too far apart
>Portraits are incredibly difficult (I wouldn't dare to even try).
you should, its pretty fun, just keep in mind thats the whole point. Well for me it is, just have fun drawing and try not to get frustrated if it isnt looking like how you want it to.
idk some gay shit about its the journey and not the destination...

Thank You For Your Support Seabee
>Coming from someone who can't even draw a straight line
damn your THAT gay you cant even draw straight!
heh heh heh 

Thanks for the constructive feedback, I will keep that in mind. especially the eye stuff, that seems like a pretty simple thing to do to improve the eyes
Replies: >>23254
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>you're that gay you can't even draw straight


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Do any of you people like to rummage through garbage at yard sales or thrift stores? I do, but a lot of the stuff is too nice and new for my tastes. Show and tell anything good you find.

I'm considering dumpster diving or driving around on trash day to pick up the good stuff I like.
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Mouser is great. I got burned too many times ordering from other places. Once I ordered one of those Chinese bulk capacitor sets just to have a collection to get started, but every capacitor's ESR was measuring too high. I measured probably 80 and only 3 were good, but still on the higher end. I heard people say the cheap Chinese kits are bad, but I saw some people use them with success, so I wasn't sure what to believe until I got one myself. I'm sticking with Mouser, you don't have to worry about knock offs and the prices are really reasonable. Since I'm in the US shipping was fairly cheap as long as I loaded up on items to make the order worthwhile. I also go with Nichicon capacitors as well as Panasonic.

Have you worked with replacing transistors or fuses? I was considering trying yet another cheap Chinese kit for fuses and transistors, maybe they're better to get in a kit than capacitors. Again, I've seen people use them with success, but I'll probably have bad luck.
Replies: >>23221
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Got some ear cleaners similar to these these like 12 years ago and they've been sitting in the shelf ever since. They're garbage. I just use peroxide maybe every 3 or 4 months and my ears are squeaky clean.
Replies: >>23214 >>23217
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That's because those will also mash ear wax in your ears without actually scooping anything out. You need the optimal metal scraper. You put the metal scraper in your ear, pushed against the ear with a firm pressure, and go in a complete circle around your ear and pull out a satisfying plethora of ear wax. I do this a few times until my ear is as clean as Jordan Peterson after a trip to Russia.
your flooding your brain anon
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I have used some cheap capacitors that I bought in China and have had no problems so far. Of course they are small devices that I connect from time to time.
For audio it seems to me that it is mandatory to use original capacitors (and transistors and semiconductors)  bought from an authorized dealer. The difference between audio capacitors and normal capacitors is remarkable.

I recently bought a kit of Chinese fuses for my car I think they work well and I also ordered some nec transistors (they do not look original) but I think they will work to fix a mini amp that I destroyed a little the plate (I removed the aluminum of the pcb plate). I know a technician in my town who has  talent for soldering and has fixed some of my devices with similar problems. Once he fixed me a ps3 fat cecha01 (the best model out there) that I thought was dead (I mistakenly cut a line on the PCB) and the guy fixed it for me. 

I got into soldering more than anything for audio. It is not difficult to substantially improve a sound system and so far the results have been satisfactory.

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20,000 posts. What a ride!

Come celebrate 20,000 shit posts on Tubgurl with Derrick
...you dont want Derrick to celebrate this alone right?

so come on in and party, pants ARE optional.
3 cheers to the host, Ashley Jones!
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Replies: >>20145 + 3 earlier
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>>20010 (OP)  - OP
>>20000 - reply to OP

How does this happen
Replies: >>20147
see >>20012
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You're goddamn right.
>reverse image search
>0 results

wouldnt it be funny if this was Ashley posting her vagina and no one noticed after all this time?
Replies: >>23128
I don't think that specific image is it (not hairy enough) but I'd be willing to bet that she's done this and nobody noticed.

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They're making new distractions every day. Left wing, right wing, sex swing. It's all gay.

Post news stories, happenings, current events, and whatever else the reptiles are getting up to.
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That's right, it's also an effective aphrodisiac when mixed with enough water (like a gallon). If you can get a girl to drink a gallon of water AND take an aspirin, let me tell you... there will be waterworks (and not just piss)
>and not just piss
oh christ now you've done it. See you guys in a few days when this blows over.
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Replies: >>23099
Chris-chan lookin ass bloodsuckin mothafucka
Replies: >>23102
Before I read the title of the article I thought, "Oh god what did Chris Chan get himself into this time"

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Can we get a fan art thread going? Artwork, filtered pics, banner ideas, AI-generated stuff, etc

Anything Ash related old or new
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Barry looks like Tom Sizemore
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Replies: >>20716
yes i know it says lap dance and not lap ride. I am retarded and did not slept or paid attention. Ignore it. Right now. You did not saw the typo.
heh, this is great. I like the splash of color added to it.
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