/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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no ashley zone.jpg
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We mean it Ash, STAY OUT.
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I can't upload it. Its on CyTube if anyone wants to see. Merry Christmas!
Replies: >>31592
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Got it and put it in the poop card. The poop one is canon FYI guys!!!
Replies: >>31593
Thank you!
I take it that's all the signatures we're gonna get.
Replies: >>31599
Yeah, someone better give ashley the card in a thread that she's allowed to read. Hurry up!!!

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Hello Tubgurl. You are invited to watch movies on the annal Endchan Christmas cytube marathon. Sorry for bad english I am from Hungry. Ashley is so funny and talented and smart. https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Replies: >>31595
>>31594 (OP) 
Very cool!

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hello ashley jones, why are you such a cutie?
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Derrick is great but we all watch for Derrick's mom. You're missing out.
Replies: >>31562
Ashley is a tranny and you all are idiots for still believing her to be a female.
I guess I gotta watch all her mini movies now. What's the appeal about Derrick's mom anyways?
Replies: >>31563
Replies: >>31565
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Fair enough kek

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What happens when you call Ashley. Does she talk dirty? I don't want her to leave dirty messages on my answering machine.
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Ashley will never get fat for you. Find yourself a big black lady instead.
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I enjoy looking at this picture, but then I realized it can also look like I'm staring at the back of his pants, which would mean instead of a boner, it's poop packed in his pants. I'm conflicted between arousal and complete disgust.
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I'm making Christmas calls. Leave your phone number if you want me to call you tonight. Pic unrelated, it's what I'm not getting for Christmas.
Replies: >>31540

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So there are a lot of men in western culture who are having no fun, and through some fault of their own have become neurotic shut-ins when they have the talent to do great things. They are raised to pursue women as the grand prize, and everywhere like a carnival game they see people try and fail to keep the prize.

As a hypothetical, if there were more women per man would that push back the gender war to the least functional fringes of the population? Would young men revert to a healthy mindset when a below-average guy with a decent job can get a below-average girlfriend? Would they just become vindictive cum merchants? Would women adjust their behaviors to the new situation, or would lifestyle inflation fail to ratchet down? Would this soothe gender ideology, or just throw kindling on the fire in the form of female angst?
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Groomed isn't the right word. The word youre looking for is "based".

>Why do 30 year old teachers start relationships with their 10 year old students? How does a 10 year old provide for a woman with a salary?
Your post confuses sexual deviancy with long term romantic relationships. Women who are acquired in their teenage years, given that theyre untainted, have a much higher chance of producing a successful relationship than if you were to get with a 25 year old woman who has had multiple penises inside of her. Its not to say every older male/younger virgin female pairing will be a success, but the chances are much more likely simply based on pair bonding alone.
Replies: >>31501 >>31502
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>a 25 year old woman who has had multiple penises inside of her
just like ashley
>Groomed isn't the right word. The word youre looking for is "based".
And I'm the one being accused of redditspeak.

>Your post confuses sexual deviancy with long term romantic relationships.
I was pointing out the flaws in the argument that women's sexuality boiled down to attraction to a  dominant male. I was not disputing the idea that women would be better served if they were to start a long term relationship before the age of 18, however this idea still doesn't account for the corrupting influence of a post-modern and post-sexual revolution society.
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all u need 4 a gf is sum weed and a macdonalds cheesburger

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Post, discuss hot males, your type
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castration is a slippery slope...
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Tubsissies, I recently discovered an interesting phenomenon. If you search images for "gay twink" you get pretty much what you would expect: modeling-esque images of young, smooth, muscular guys.

But if you search for "gay bear" you get a lot of... shall we say, action shots.

My theory is that twinks are more interested in the aesthetics of being a faggot, while bears are more "goal oriented" insofarasmuch that they're primarily interested in buttfucking.

Another fascinating observation is that you really don't see bears and twinks together that much. In my research, practically never. It's usually either twink-on-twink or bear-on-bear. Also, bears are much more interested in threesomes, foursomes, or other orgyistic dynamics.

So yeah, what's up with that?

Note that these searches were performed using the based Yandex search engine, which is good for any kind of erotic content. ANY kind.
Sounds plausible, aesthetics are not always sexuality

However I think that the search engine evidence might be complicated by girls trannyhearting twinks, and thus pushing them to the top because there are way more girls than gays. Bear is a more obscure term, so it can more gay/pornified without apology.
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I know the answer. Gay twinks are much more absorbed in their looks and they love modeling. Soft core gay twink modeling pictures probably outnumber the amount of hardcore nude twink modeling pictures, especially when you take into account that websites are more likely to index the SFW modeling twink pictures over hardcore gay twink photos.

On the other hand, gay bears are not absorbed in their looks and have much less SFW modeling photos available. They're down and dirty for business, and the images reflect that. Im surprised that your search for gay bear shows literally no SFW pictures, as they do exist, but in much smaller numbers. Twinks are easier and prettier to look at, so it's easy to have a nice collection of SFW twink photos. Bears are not nice to look at and are more niche and thus, this results in mostly NSFW bear pictures. Hope my gay expertise could shine a light on this issue.

If youre concerned that youre getting no hardcore twink photos, picrel will help you on your search.

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I need medical advice and some of you guys probably need advice too.

There are small black spots between some of my teeth. It almost looks like when you have a small piece of pepper stuck between your teeth. I've tried brushing a lot and flossing, nothing is happening. I thought it was something stuck to the teeth, but the more I mess with it I'm starting to think it's on the gums. No matter what I do it won't leave. I'm not going to the dentist because they're going to inject me with fluoride and probably circumcise me while they're at it. What do?
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For several weeks now
Replies: >>31131
bit toilet paper is going to assassinate you
No, dude, noooooooooo
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Ashley do you have this?
Replies: >>31485
Looks perfectly normal to me, am I the only one? This sounds like one of the snowflake pseudodiseases they invent so that people who don't get the autism stamp don't feel left out? It's fucking a completely normal hand, I can't believe someone is seeing anything wrong with this. What the fuck.

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my parents are forcing me to get a job, anyone knows any small disability that's good enough to never work again ? the matrix is attacking me i just wanna watch movies :(
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I also did this
Why does Ashley like long ass?
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This is a technology thread for all you nerdy niggas out there. Windows users and phone users are not allowed, you niggas post in the gay thread >>10719
Last edited by admin
495 replies and 195 files omitted. View the full thread
why even use tor? just use chrome no one cares if you watch cat videos plus it works
Replies: >>30754 >>30760
>I'm trying to access a prepaid card page via tor
elaborate, please? If you're trying to do something like buy a prepaid vanilla visa card or something to that effect, you're almost certainly not going to be able to do it over tor, as most financial institutions block the network. You can, however, run tor, and then a VPN or proxy on top of it. Alternatively, buy the prepaid card with crypto from a private seller, or buy one in person with cash.

but I might be misunderstanding what you're trying to do so idk. will help if you respond though.

https://coincards.com/us/ if you just need to buy, this place does a ton of monero business. If you need to access some site related to a prepaid card for some reason you'll need to do something like tor->vpn... and use a vpn that isn't blocked.
You sound like a seething rape victim.
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Can you even imagine buying this absolute slop? I occasionally see people around my town driving teslas, they're always boomers or, on the rare occasion they're younger, they look like the most insufferable reddit caricature faggots you can imagine.
Replies: >>31377
I saw a cyber truck for the first time last week, its ugly, low poly design really sticks out like a sore thumb. As for the self-driving cars, you couldn't convince me to use that feature regardless of how advanced the technology is, vehicles need to be operated by a human.

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does anyone have that photo of ashley in the santa hat
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How nice of you to spoonfeed the retard.
Replies: >>31220
We would of had longer delayment of shitposting.
Replies: >>31223
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Replies: >>31238
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I have the one of her in a Charles Jr hat

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