I'd take on the beer belly redhead on the far right. His body shape is the most feminine out of the entire lineup and honestly the most accurate for what you'd find if you banged an average female in the US. He looks like he even has a high pitch voice, like his balls didn't drop much during puberty, so he would sound the cutest (not gay) out of all of them. Plus, since he has high and tight balls, it's easier to imagine it as a vagina as I make love to him in missionary. By "make love" I mean heterosexually fucking his super pastel pink asshole until I jizz, because all redheads have a beautiful white skin color and pastel pink nipples and assholes. You could also penetrate his belly button (it's probably a good 2-3" deep, perfect size for my cock), which would make you not gay at all since you aren't in his asshole or anything. This makes the redhead the best and least gay choice.
I wouldn't make him shave his beard either, because it's a good cumcatcher for any cum that blows out of his mouth as I creampie that Shopvac he calls a mouth. It's purely a matter of time efficiency and less cleanup, and I don't think it makes me gay to make choices that result in time saving and cleanliness.