/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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post your this is a lot like me and ashley's here
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I love smoking DICK!!!!
Get me a mute button for this broad and I'd french kiss her taint for so long she'd need a boat
same, a lot of my family are smokers, in fact i took my first drag when i was like 7 or 8. They taste disgusting I just dont understand how someone can be like wow this tastes even slightly ok. Perhaps its a social pressure thing amongst their friends?
Good thing I have no friends WOOOOOOOO!

Ive only seen this meme part of that
but apparently she ad-libbed that whole thing during a live stream. which is honestly pretty impressive

not sure if serious but going to the gym and lifting/exercising can become a healthy addiction... so Ive heard. the only heavy thing Ive lifted up is my ass off of my DX Racer chair after a long night of Fortnite and triple Big Macs with extra cheese and pickles
Replies: >>12031
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>the only heavy thing Ive lifted up is my ass off of my DX Racer chair after a long night of Fortnite and triple Big Macs with extra cheese and pickles
god that sounds so comfy
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This is a lot like us and Ashley.

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For me, it's the Get. The best post on the board. I even ask for extra (you)'s and the other posters are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time, I asked for meme pictures and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly posters laughed and said, "We're going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the posters greet me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three memes. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local TubGurl.com image board, I go there at least 3 times a week for shitposting and a video with Ashley instead of Rose, 1-2 times for online arguments on the weekend, and maybe once for a quick fap when I'm in a rush but want a great nut that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily jacking off needs.

I even sometimes post on /horselovers/, it's awesome! What a great image board.
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Replies: >>12017 + 3 earlier
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It doesnt cost that much for just a basic message. Youre limited to 250 characters but for like $15 USD you can double that which his what i did so I could fit everything into it

The GET game is ruthless! I went to bed and the board was at about 11973 posts, I figured if I wake up early in a few hours and check I might be able to get it. But alas, I woke up, went to the board list and saw 12000 posts 11 minutes ago! oh well, its no big deal, Im just not a GETTER

Im so glad you like it! I remember a lil while back in cytube you said that he makes Cameo's so I made a mental note of it since I know how much of a fan of his you are. I cant buy American gift cards, so this a way of showing thanks for all the great videos youve entertained us with and community you've built here. Love ya work!... mophead!
I didnt write the song, just gave him some instructions like to say "sorry you didnt get teh get, heres a song for you" then I just listed a bunch of your qualities and interests of yours like being creative, your sense of humour, how much you like horse dildos vintage tech, etc etc
He really did an amazing job of arranging it all into a song that flows well.
oh and fun fact: this was actually the second time I submitted something to him. A while back i 
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>>12000 (OP) 
🎶I knew right from the beginning
That you would end up winning
I knew right from the start
You'd put an arrow through my heart🎶

Say, those aren't Panda Express sauce packets. You do eat at Stinky Chink's. You're going to get me food from there next. I'm gonna rape that buffet like a Mongolian. You'll just have to wait your turn.

I know how you feel. I felt the same way when this egirl I stalk surprised me with McDonald's.

I prefer your hair when it's a mess. I liked how your hair was in the my adventure video. If you get it cut, go with the style you had in the tubgurl video.

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sound quarity*
What are the chords he plays?

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Ashley mentioned
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What language are you typing in again? Also, Mr Bond is Austrian.
"Winning" as in fighting against Ahura Mazda in the name of Mammonic greed? Indeed, Anglos, as a fellow reptile breed, are the second biggest losers of all, following only the jews.
Replies: >>11712
Subject: Ashley "Ahriman" Jones.
Species: Iguana.
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What about Mu Ahmed?
thats Mu Ahmed, emphasis on the MEEEED part.
Replies: >>11728
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beware the eternal anglo

jewish heaven.webm
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Post Ashley clips or OC new or old
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new ashley video

This is the kind of thread that got /qa/ permanently locked because the glowies got scared
Replies: >>10778

this too
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TIP: Watch Ashley's videos at 0.5 speed so the enjoyment lasts longer
Replies: >>11698
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Half speed and muted is my go-to.

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any other spacehey users?
cool privacy respecting myspace clone
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ashley abandoned spaceghey :(((((
Replies: >>11042 >>11043
too many catfish
Nah, she is probably balls deep DM'ing the cute emo girls on her friends space.

Tahiti has almost 2x as many friends as Ashley btw, dat Tahiti rizz
ashley pls come back to spaceghey the little boygirls miss u
Replies: >>11633
I think Tahiti, her new bf, got jealous of all the emo poontang she was pulling and has forbidden her from using it

either that or her hair got caught in her fan since she was taking photos of herself in the dark RIP

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guys I think it's time we revaluated our strategy... maybe it's time we start negging ashely
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>t. seething poornigger goycattle
That's just like, your opinion, man.
Every modern ideaology is gay. There will never be anything new under the sun
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Ashley sent me a pp of her pussy.
Replies: >>11628
Thats from 2014

Hey ash can you sell me your panties after you've been wearing them for 3 days without showering while ovulating?
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>>10751 (OP) 
Only 3 days? The Ash can go longer than that before getting clean panties.
come on you gotta get more stink for your dollar!
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>>10751 (OP) 
OP this will never be you ;_;
Replies: >>10848 >>11501
I love teh sound of her voice
Whores will fuck dogs but not supreme gentlemen
Replies: >>11506
Dog is fo food! NOT SEXU!!!

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Hey, Ash, I hit on an idea to maybe broaden your fan base.
Sometimes I go on youtube and it's algorithm shows a video you made back in 2014-2015. Sometimes the comments aren't disabled and people ask where is she or I miss her or cool vid etc. Some of the comments are recent, like 2 or 3 months ago. I can reply to the comments and say that she's back and give your web site and your icum.to site. Doing that triggers the notification bell on the youtube site for the person who wrote the comment and eventually they'll see the notification and maybe visit your sites. I don't want to do anything without your permission, so what do you think?
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OK, whenever one of your vids pops up while I'm perusing youtube and the comments aren't disabled I'll give it a try.

Sure, you can be my mascot and you're probably a quick learner, ever use a nail gun? You'd look pretty hot wearing shorts, a tool belt and work boots.
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I've only got one truck, a pick up, so no space for vinyl wrap since by State regs I have to have the name of my contracting company on the door panels. Was a good idea though.
mexican laborer.jpg
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Oh man, Ashley already has beautiful milky white skin but Ashley with a tan sounds pretty hot. Too bad I can't have both... or can I? Ashley with bikini tan lines? Best of both worlds.
Replies: >>3101 >>11387
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>Ashley with bikini tan lines?
anon... oh god.
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GYATT damn, the new Ashley DIY video is looking looking good fr fr

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Sandwich angst. What more is there to say?

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This is hilarious, what a great find. Serves them right for eating dead flesh goyslop.
Replies: >>11363
That's terrifying. I knew vegans were dangerous.

Ashley, I know you want snoo-snoo. The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised
Replies: >>11366
That’s why it’s better to be vegetarian than vegan.
Replies: >>11375
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Y'all ever try the carnivore diet?

11111 GET
Replies: >>11120 >>11334
>>11111 (OP) 
Impressive. How does Derrick feel about this? I know it wasn't him because his are always annoying flashy.
Replies: >>11334
>>11111 (OP) 
mmm very nice.
I like to think the 1's are cheese sticks all nicely lined up, cooked golden brown and ready to snack on 

its funny, Derrick cant cook cheese sticks nor could he get the cheese stick GET
poetic really...

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