/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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i am very big fan fo very much good videos hehe

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Goodnight, sweet prince.
Press F to pay respects.

>Kaczynski died in prison of a reported suicide on June 10, 2023.

>Psychological study

>In his second year at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would debate personal philosophy with a fellow student and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were given to an anonymous individual who would confront and belittle the subject in what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, using the content of the essays as ammunition. Electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly. The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week. Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.

>Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study. During the Second World War, Murray worked with the Office of Strategic Serv
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>I asked if he was afraid of losing his mind, if the circumstances he found himself in now would break his spirit? He answered, 

>No, what worries me is that I might in a sense adapt to this environment and come to be comfortable here and not resent it anymore. And I am afraid that as the years go by that I may forget, I may begin to lose my memories of the mountains and the woods and that's what really worries me, that I might lose those memories, and lose that sense of contact with wild nature in general. But I am not afraid they are going to break my spirit.
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Hey guys, can you please help me expand my word filter? I'm going to need a LOT of suggestions to do this right and I can't do it on my own.


See pic for what I have so far and here's the json if you want to import the current list for yourself:

  "version": "2.1",
  "groups": [
      "name": "Truth filter",
      "urls": [],
      "substitutions": [
          "input": "jews",
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Actually I prefer the moniker "Dog Robber"

No need for thanks but appreciated.
I had someone at Wal-Mart the other day thank me for my service because I wore camouflaged cargo pants.
Replies: >>9178 >>9191
wtf Seabee is based

but how did they see your legs?

get it it?!?! ...camouflaged cargo pants.... LOLMAYO
Replies: >>9192
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I was in a store once wearing my military issue lightweight Seabee jacket and a guy asked if I was in the military and I told him I was but I'm a civilian now. He literally put his arms around me and said thanks for your service. Be careful no one accuses you of stolen valor, LOL
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I get it, heh,heh

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Not enough fuel. They faked it to make the government popular with the citizens again, and the CIA murdered a bunch of people to keep it hushed up.
*Undeniable* proof in here, not debatable or a theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEm4oKdd4gs
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>everything I see on TV is real
>it's EXTRA real if the government says it's real
The whole world literally watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in the 60's as well. Doesn't mean it's real. And if you made literally the biggest achievement in HUMAN HISTORY, why are all of them acting depressed? They look miserable and all act confrontational and angry anytime someone questions the official narrative.
anyone following this new UFO stuff?
The US has apparently retrieved some non-human made craft


Replies: >>9186
The powers that be are releasing this for some kind of profit. They are in full control of this narrative, probably has something to do with project blue beam

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Ash, here's a pic and info of the Mons Veneris that you asked me about.

  And again, thanks for your cool vid and a fun night.
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The mons veneris (the mountain of venus) refers to the Roman Goddess of love, also known as  Aphrodite in Greek mythology. I will make mention of it in the erotic short story of the Ash that I'm working on.

I agree with you that scallops taste better than sex, especially with a little tartar sauce or vaginal secretions brought about by hot sex.

Yeah, when she does that dance it sends me into catatonic ecstasy or something like that.
post more pussy
Replies: >>9136 >>9176
post more, pussy
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This is one of my favorite pictures ever, if there is a reason to post it, then I take this opportunity.
Replies: >>9177
Its a nice looking pussy but all that overgrowth around it is kind of a turn off

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I updated my video website's look to have some soul. You will probably have to hard refresh to see the changes. Doing a hard refresh is different depending on the browser you're using.

Firefox: Ctrl shift and r
Chromium based browsers: Ctrl shift and r
Microsoft Edge: Hold ctrl shift and kill yourself this will hard reset your life. for legal purposes this is just a joke.

What do you think of the changes? There's still a few things I need to fix, but I want to spend my time filming a new video :3
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Yes, its pride month afterall.
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ashley when her dogs are at the vet
Replies: >>9073 >>9093
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That's what she does while we're gone?
girls scare me tbh
Replies: >>9095
Which is why I chose to become a horse lover since they're not degenerate like women are.

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>>9000 GET
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Replies: >>9010 + 1 earlier
Im just letting Derrick get all thees gets so he builds up confidence thinking he will get the prized 1k get, but I will crush his spirit when I get the 1k get
you'll see derrick, you'll all see
Replies: >>9015
>>9000 (OP) 
Thank you for revealing your current location Derrick. I will come for you, and no one will stop me when I kidnap you, because child molestation is encouraged and approved by society in june. Get ready to go with me to the pride parade.
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it all makes sense now
Replies: >>9029
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Nobody can stop Derrick Da Beast!!
Replies: >>9029
holy shit, the lore deepens

except for Derricks mum, where is she in all these gets??? is derrick allowed to just browse the internet uncircumcised- I mean unsupervised? 
Ashley was, and look how she turned out... shaking my head smh smh

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In this thread we say happy birthday to the Fuhrer and talk all things Hitler.
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Replies: >>8692 >>8698 + 1 earlier
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>>7488 (OP) 
>>7488 (OP) 
I enjoy his movies
Replies: >>8760
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.nerdlihc etihw rof erutuf a dna elpoep ruo fo ecnetsixe eht eruces tsum eW
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This is how Hitler celebrates pride month according to Netflix.

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Hey, in the years you've been gone, have you kept up with playing guitar?
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Familiarize yourself with dick and fart jokes? Is that some sort of gay thing?
In my experience she's got the sizes pretty accurate.
Replies: >>3834 >>3838
I-I mean th-that's only because of porn I've seen. Porn with women!
ashley jones.png
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>In my experience
So there's either a gay man or another female here apart from ashley AND they both burn coal. What a day
Replies: >>8851
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what the fuck?
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I knew a Korean (I honestly don't know, all Asians look alike) in high school who made a similar face whenever she smiled. Scary stuff.
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Sorry about the bad news, but my hidden toilet camera captured the moment Ashley found out she was adopted ;_;
Is that Santa clause looking for elves out in the woods? Or is that just some homeless boomer?
Replies: >>8839
Just an old British man walking through the woods looking for a pixies. Great content, I recommend you check it out - https://www.youtube.com/@erwinsaunders
Replies: >>8840
Seems like he hasn’t made a video since last year. I hope he is ok

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