/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Discuss the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

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What would you do if you had an infinite amount of money?
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probably force her to eat papa john's pizzas until she is fat af then have her sit on my face and suffocate me to death

just being honest is all
Replies: >>10171
you forgot to talk about her blowing farts into your mouth as your only source as air
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>>10062 (OP) 
>>10062 (OP) 
pretty sure the OP image is fake. If I had infinite money I would make it a reality. everyone has a price
>>10062 (OP) 
What a shame about her natural titties. She could have been on 100% Natural Wonders directed by Harry Palm

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Oh it would be so terrible if you went to make a post on this cool new imageboard.
Please definitely don't do so @ https://omegachan.cc/
Tor: http://omegch4qojmuqfn5rdspxe6kxo6aa3zkal7nfb6hkybadn3yvftow6yd.onion/
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We don't have to imagine what Ashley's legs look like, just see those beauties in Derricks Birthday video. But what about her breasts? Post a pic of what you imagine her breasts look like. Keep in mind that the Ash is no stranger to the occasional padding to achieve a dramatic effect. So post what you imagine her breasts to be au naturel. Here's my entry. And Ash, if you like you can select the winner.
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>Even on the old older ashleyj endchan board, i still made friends and had good times and laughs.
>and since she has come back, I made even more friends and have had even more laughs.
>I like coming here and goofing around with my fellow retards, I like the cytube chat/premiers, I like reading the comments people leave on her videos, etc etc

There are a few genres of gay porn, featuring men. There are AI models to create yuri and yao but even ordinary ai models can make it.

I don't think you will learn how to use a sextant this way, but you might learn some knots creating shibari / kinbaku
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>I appreciate your optimism, I really do
It isn't just something theoretical for me. I feel it. I don't know when the last time was that you wanted to try and chase art, to create, and feel there was an idea you wanted to capture and bring into the world, and feel driven to make. 

I feel it. It is like becoming awake.
Ai art isnt art its more like engineering, 
Like you guiding a machine with prompts to get it churn out a response to your liking. Though its certainly capable of some impress results visually, it ultimately lacks "soul".

There is also the more sinister element of Ai.
People are already gullible from just reading a headline. Now that we have rapidly improving tech to produce realistic deepfakes, the potential to cause more social divide and make people believe anything is only going to get worse.
I understand there is apparently software to detect if something was Ai generated, hopefully that can keep up with the pace that Ai is developing.
Even if it does though, will people believe if something was declared deepfaked anyways? The line between knowing whats real and what isnt is going to get blurrier and blurrier and with todays social and political climate, I think it spells nothing but bad news ahead.
Replies: >>10059
>I understand there is apparently software to detect if something was Ai generated
There is, but it's 100% garbage across the board, and I suspect it will be almost impossible to ever tell whether something is AI generated with complete certainty. This is true for both pictures and text. I've tried them myself, the results are borderline random.
When GPT was first in the headlines a bunch of boomer professors scrambled to find "AI detection" tools and shitloads of college age kids who had legitimately written their papers flocked to the internet saying how they got into trouble, were getting flunked from their classes, etc. (They couldn't ALL have been lying and at a cursory glance I found dozens of reports like this).

>Even if it does though, will people believe if something was declared deepfaked anyways? The line between knowing whats real and what isnt is going to get blurrier and blurrier and with todays social and political climate, I think it spells nothing but bad news ahead.
I hate to say it but I agree
Replies: >>10168
yeah thats what i feared. The ability to easily fake stuff exponentially outpaces the ability to disprove it.
Even if you can prove a AI video.audio deepfake is real or fake, people are already fucking stupid RE: Covid conspiracies but we will very soon have the ability to create super believable bullshit via artificial intelligence???? RIP

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Replies: >>10135
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>>10066 (OP) 
HERRO!!!! ─=≡Σʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Replies: >>10137
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Oh no i forgottó signatsure desu here it isu!!

i was justó so excitedó someone make this threadu abouto me!!!!! (〜^∇^)〜

Seek the unknown, and let it change you.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! 🗿🍹
<Ristening to: SAWA『Mr.Brown』PV FullVer.(2013.08.28Released!!)
<Rink: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=qYWYIKReHH0 🎵🕺
>Location: Martinique 🌏✈️
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I brought the candy!!
Replies: >>10143
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Such a stupid stereotype of Minor Attracted Persons. In reality they look more like picrel.
Replies: >>10147
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Wrong. They look like this.

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how does ashley even live knowing that she will never be this cool and based?
Replies: >>9914 >>9975
literally who
>>9910 (OP) 
>using phone
instantly uncool and unbased
>>9910 (OP) 

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Replies: >>9878 + 1 earlier
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Im on vacation. So i spend a lot of time under the sun Doing fun stuff.
Sorry ash but thats the eBay it is.
True, but it's not necessarily always that. The so called "powers that be" also need a constant cycle of "distractions" done via news stories, internet celebrity drama, Hollywood celebrity drama, etc. Anything to keep your mind occupied with meaningless and ultimately net-negative distractions. These stories will have no impact on people's futures, it's not like it gives you any useful long term knowledge or impacts you positively. Distractions keep the cattle busy and stops them from naval gazing about more important matters, such as the nature of reality.
Replies: >>9693
alternatively its just the 24hr news cycle thats designed to grab your attention with sensationalist headlines, clickbait, etc etc all designed to grab eyes so they can sell ad space.
>>9575 (OP) 
Body parts belonging to the Titan submersible crew are Presumed to have been found.


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I think Ashley is the embodiment of Plebchan, the mascot for Plebbit.

Let me shill Plebbit a moment. I think Ashley might like it. Plebbit is a Free Software replacement for Reddit. It is a distributed platform aiming to support Free Speech and make Reddit the way it should have been.

Plebbit uses some cool tech:  
IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) https://ipfs.io

ENS (Ethereum Name System)  
The Plebbit protocol is about completed and Plebbit itself already has some clients (one that looks like Reddit, another like 4Chan) and a web interface.

It is still beta and hasn't yet officially launched, but you can try the Subs there. (Make sure the green light is on for the Sub you want to use.)

If anybody has questions, I would be happy to try and answer them, or better still, ask Esteban on Telegram.
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Replies: >>9851
Heh I'll admit I sometimes don't bother talking about technology, FOSS, privacy, etc. because I think most people have "yeah buts" or get weirdly aggressive if you mention how proprietary software, services, etc. are harmful for the consumers. It can be tiresome to talk about when you're just trying to have a conversation, most people don't get it. I'm glad that there's more people here who care about FOSS. Never feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask questions, it's how we learn. I might ask for some help with something I'm trying to do, specifically with trying to make a screensaver. I'm a little retarded but maybe we can learn together, do a project together or something.
Very cool to have different GUIs to pick from, comparing the two, I'm far more drawn to the imageboard style, for some reason conversation seems to flow better on it. But I think having the Reddit layout is beneficial for Plebbit, the IB style might bleed too much into the million dead IBs we have already on the internet.

>"lemmy has instances that block each other, it's even more censorious than reddit, it's not an alternative. also blocking is literally the only way to stop malicious instances. on plebbit each community sets the own challenges to prevent spam, there's no need to block entire instances."
When it comes to federation, this is a "problem" on any service. I actually don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. One is still able to access an instance, it is not completely wiped from the internet. I notice some instances on things like Mastodon or Pleroma are rampant with "nigger nigger nigger xDDD" and discussing 6 year old's vaginas in great detail; so if you're running a mild instance, it doesn't seem too far out of line to block an instance that doesn't align with your audience. As I said, the instance is still able to be found, whereas on a centralized platform, you're completely banished. I don't think it's fair to say that Lemmy censors more than Reddit, it's dependent on who'
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Replies: >>9821
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>>9816 (OP) 
>water weight
wtf is this thread
Replies: >>9826
pure unfiltered autism, just like all the other threads

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raiding ashley jones even though she is a shining glistening gemerald thoughbeit
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How much you Pay for both sites?
Replies: >>9722
>How much you Pay for both sites?
define "Pay"...
Replies: >>9732 >>9733
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give something in exchange for something.
a thing, money or a service, etc.
Server owners are greedy harpies. so you must pay them in some monetary unit, right?
Replies: >>9733
This >>9722 wasn't me, but it's around $50-$60 per month. The price can vary if I need to buy other things for videos, but just the virtual stuff is at around $50+ a month. 

I had to buy a bunch of specific converters for my 7 different monitors I need to use for the live show. All my equipment for the show (camcorder, analog editing devices, VCRs) use RCA cables, and I need converters to convert RCA to VGA to use on my monitors. I have two small TVs I've found, which obviously have RCA input, but it's hard to find those, so I'm just using monitors. This wasn't cheap, and perhaps that's why not so many people do things the way I do them. It's taxing in terms of learning and money. For most it's easier to use a monetarily free service but get F'd in the A by Google or Facebook/Meta. Making my videos and having my website gives me an excuse to utilize the things I'm interested in.
Replies: >>9811
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>ashley has spent $600+ just so we can shitpost
thank u mommy

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