Thanks for that. I'm in a predicament where I'm still living in my parents' house but they are paying for my university. I've never had a job and my parents don't want me to have one because they want me to focus on uni and then get a job once I get a degree. Sure, this sounds great, but I pay a monthly fee to the gym jew and gasoline jews for my vehicle to get there so I need some sort of income. If I quit going to the gym, I'll be able to have ZERO monthly expenses but I'm not sure that quitting the gym is a good idea as I believe it has given me a little bit of motivation and purpose. I stopped buying materialistic/pointless things a long time ago so it's not like I'm blowing my money on stupid stuff. I'm not expecting much from me posting this block of text but at least it allows for me to put thoughts into words and to get it off my chest.