/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Can somebody tell me what the hell Ashley Jones does cause I have ben watching her for a bit and I still don't know
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She makes videos and Loves chan boards too. she is the owner of this one.

She loves chans since childhood. Just like me.
Replies: >>10968
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She brings laughter and joy into our sad, pathetic, lonely lives.
Replies: >>10968
Dont forget she is also a special needs teacher as well.
God bless her sweet heart.
Replies: >>10970
Wrong, she's a special needs student, not a teacher.
Replies: >>10971
Ashley is very special to me :)))))))
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>>10938 (OP) 
She throws car batteries into the sea, its safe, fun and legal
Replies: >>23256
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Kinky Ashley giving jack off instructions.
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Replies: >>23242
This is an example of a man who has so much T that it's starting to convert to E. You can tell by his blossoming breasts and shrinking genitalia that is developing from a penis to clitoris.
Replies: >>23246
I don’t know how many times I have to say this but T doesn’t convert into E not without Aromatase regardless of how much T you have.
Replies: >>23248
You cannot say this with confidence because the science behind T and E is highly skeptical and still in the infant stages of being understood. All we know is that the T cells convert to E cells once a male has too much E.
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>>10938 (OP) 
Breaking News. Duke Nukem is real and he's ready to empty his balls of steel on Ashley's face.
Replies: >>23255
Where else he's gonna put them?
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>>10938 (OP) 
she's got our browser history bros...
>using shitty avast
Theres your problem, boomer.
Replies: >>23290
Ashley found the BBC sissy goonchamber
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what kind of absolute retard relies on software like this

geez thanks alot ashley Taz
now how am I going to break the news to my gay boyfriend...
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Ashley's silence on this matter is deafening. I swear if my computer get a virus because of her incompetence I'll give HER a virus "AIDS most likely" Seriously, how do you fuck up this badly. I am literally shaking. I thought we could trust her.
Replies: >>23290
My response was >>23273, I briefly looked into it and Avast flags a bunch of random websites for seemingly no reason. Something on this website isn't meeting their "safety" criteria. Sometimes it can be something as simple as having an outdated SSL certificate, but mine's fine. I almost wonder if it's a "wrong think" type blacklist, because the other example where someone was asking why their website was black listed was a gun website.

TLDR Stop using Windows and scammy babby anti-virus boomer plugins that track everything you're doing in order to poorly "protect" you. Be a man and start raw dogging the internet. One of the dirtiest things I've ever done was to use Edge browser on a pirated unupdated Windows 7 iso. I felt so vulnerable and naughty. Yes I did. I bet I got so many viruses, but I didn't get tested so I don't know.
That was me but I don't feel like deleting and reposting with the gay namefag field.
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From what I hear, the basic Avast is free then they try to get you to pay for the more inclusive anti virus. I refused to get Covid vaved but I had my windows 7 computer get the Covid vax and have had no problems with a virus. Up until then I was raw dogging it. Please don't cast aspersions on my windows 7 computer.
Replies: >>23301
I purposely gave my computer a virus whwn i was younger because I wanted a new computer but it didn't work and i just ended up with the sane computer with inpossible to remove vurus software. Plan backfired
Replies: >>23301
Seabster, you don't need an anti-virus on Windows. Windows is already a virus by itself. It's sort of like washing poop off your hands with poop soap. I think the Indians do that. They can never tell when they're clean because they're poop colored. In light of this realization, I've remixed the lyrics to "I'm Blue" keeping in line with Indians.

I'm brown, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie
I'm brown, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie
Poo poo pee poo poo pie, poo poo pee poo poo pie

I have a brown hand with a brown poopoo
Brown is the colour of all that I wear
Brown are the streets and all the lakes are too
I have an auntie and she is so brown
Brown are the people here that walk around
Brown like my moped, it's in and outside
Brown are the words I say and what I stink
Brown are the feelings that live inside me

I used to install toolbars for custom cursors because I was a ten year old allowed uncircumcised oops I mean unsupervised, on the computer. I was forced to learn how to unfrick my computer before my parents found out. All I remember is entering safe mode on Windows, running some command in the command line and finding out which executable was running and force uninstalling it. I did that at least 5 times until nobody made toolbars anymore and so the problem solved itself eventually.
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Wen new video?
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Ash, I know Windows spies on me but I promised Bill Gates that I would not forsake him by using an alternate operating system. I want to stay in his good graces. It's part of our plan to reduce the world population and eventually rule the world. Perhaps if you're down I can manage to get you a spot on our cabinet. Would you like to be Secretary of Technology?

So now you're a song writer, such a multi tasker you are.

I'm home doing paper work, I feel like such a NEET, so cool. BTW, did you get my  email from March 29?
Seabster over and out.
The hypocrisy! You believe that the world is ran by reptiles and you believe a lot of false conspiracy theories. What a waste of time. You can’t even prove anything.
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hallo saar
The world is run by reptiles
Replies: >>23318
You cant even prove your real thougbbeit
Replies: >>23317
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You can't even use a toilet.
Metaphorically speaking yes but not literally. This video still doesn’t prove that reptiles run the world.
Replies: >>23319
Hey it's the guy who responds to every post with "you can't prove that" no matter what you say! Hi!
Replies: >>23321
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Reptilians have the ability to lull humans into a false sense of security. Whether you believe that Reptilians run the world or not, whether you believe their origin is based in ufology, or whether you believe reptiles are just icky animals, be aware and stay safe out there. There may be more to it than meets the eye.

Nah thats me I believe in rapetillians because smart man said so
So does anyone actually have any concrete evidence of Rapetillians actually existing? What are their orgins? What's their purpose?
Replies: >>23323
Replies: >>23324
Replies: >>23325
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