/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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I taped me showing my room in great detail. I also taped my day and something actually interesting happened somehow. I'm very easily amused, though.

Camcorder video: https://videos.icum.to/w/k6sA9Z4ChCZohcw1uUcDpo

Also I finished the lyrics to Turkey Song. The turkey is a Swiss army knife because I thought they looked like turkiez.
Turkey song: https://videos.icum.to/w/87BzLiNGN2p8uHsj1WjHn4
>check out if anyone is watching it in cytube
>they are
>first thing i see is a photo of a naked old man

Ashley Jones... I just... you leave me speechless.. honestly your amazing
you absolutely baited to those photos
Loving it so far
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>>15385 (OP) 
my mom called the cops one time when someone filled up our trash can

ashley made it fun

ergo, I wish ashley was my mom
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Great video, Ashley. Have you considered becoming a firefighter?
Replies: >>15400
>>15385 (OP) 
It was very funny of Seabee to dump his nudes in your rubbish bin. classic Seabee, what a prankster! 
But seriously, you got a lot of cool stuff that you showed but Im disappointed you didnt show your undies draw, I guess its because you only have 2 pairs that you rotate every 6 days?

we've seen her poo.
now we've seen her pee.

Whats next on everyones AshleyJ bucket list?
Replies: >>15407 >>15517
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Those weren't my nudes, that was my son.
Replies: >>15409
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Replies: >>15416
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These are Seabee's nudes
Replies: >>15416 >>15420
cool album cover

damn Seabee looks that?
in Taz's voice
Thankyou for your service!!!
Replies: >>15421
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>you will never kick back, chillaxing on a futon with Bandit and Ashley, watching old VHS movies and knocking back a few CO2 soda waters that make Ashley burp and she keeps getting embarrassed and trying to apologize for it

why even continue to live?
Replies: >>15425 >>15431
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I thought these videos were suppose to be comfy?
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Luv you, Taz
What I'm focused on is the fact that she cant get her hand into the jacket pocket
Young lesbian kidnaps child (you) and is forcing child (you) to watch The Hobbit (1977) on VHS together (platonically). What is your next move, anons?
I wake up and realize I should probably stop eating those burritos
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realize that all my dreams have come true and I've finally reincarnated into a loli body
distract her by saying that Ive never seen a VHS player before and asking her how do they work?
This will get the young lesbian to start a very thorough explanation about how VHS players work long enough so that I can drag my bum across the floor and escape.
I drag my bum across the floor to blend in because her dog keeps doing it when we are trying to watch The Hobbit (1977) on VHS.
On the way out I make sure to steal one of the young lesbian's vintage cassette recorders to resell on Ebay.
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same vibes
Replies: >>15432
nah this video has more like this kinda vibe
anyone else planning on recreating her room in Minecraft?


just me?
Replies: >>15475
no need to recreate it for me, I'm in it right now. she lets me sleep on the floor. smellz like seedz in here.
Replies: >>15478
does she vacuum her carpet often? it looks pretty thick and could hold lots of dirt and "stuff" if not look after
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Which room is better?
Her old bedroom is more spacious and comfier due to the wood panelling. Attic bedrooms can be nice too, the placement of posters, flags, etc. on the low ceiling can look cool plus you get a nicer view out your window since you're up higher.
Replies: >>15482
Yeah the size and wood paneling are better in the first, but her new room has way cooler stuff in it.
I think the new one is better
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Both rooms are comfy and cozy (and she's comfy and cozy) but I like the old room if only for the nostalgia it evokes.
The right would be comfier if it had wood paneling. The left only wins because the wood paneling, but the right has a lot more character and fun stuff to look at, except that old thing on the couch.
>we've seen her poo.
>now we've seen her pee.

>Whats next on everyones AshleyJ bucket list?

2 words:

I'd rather see her in my bedroom.
Replies: >>15545
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I hate to disillusion you, brau, but.........

Ashley mentioned moustaches are coming back, do Americans have Mo'vember? its when men grow moustaches during the month of november to raise awareness of prostate cancer. They even put funny little moustaches on the front of our public buses.
I cheated a little bit because i had a not only a moustache but also soul patch (that sounds gay) and a chin goatee
Replies: >>15563 >>15564
Why do normies have to name everything in such a gay faggot way
>They even put funny little moustaches on the front of our public buses.
>(that sounds gay)
>a chin goatee
I bet that helps sop up the cum from your boyfriends after they cum on your gay face you gaylord
Sorry I went too hard. I would like to go hard on you because Im a secret homosexual and I project my insecurities onto other people. I would love to cum on your soul patch anon.
wowie awesome another gay guy let's buttfuck before ashley wakes up
>Im a secret homosexual
really? i would never have guessed going by how much you thunk about things being gay
Replies: >>15568
oh god, i meant to type think but Im retarded and gay and i cant remember my pissword to delete my post and now everyone can see how gay and stupid i am

my pits are raining with sweat rn Im that embarrassed 

umm anyways, Ashley has lots of nice stuff in her room but the nicest thing in the room is her!
I'd let you suck my cock but if you can grow facial hair you're too old for the sexy pills. Are you fat? How do you look in make up?
I'm willing to bet at least half of Ashley's audience are unironic homosexuals (including me). It seems highly probable.
Replies: >>15579
I wonder why. Is it her boyish appearance or is it because the younger generation generally has more gays and bisexuals?
Replies: >>15597
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I was curious if that Michael Jackson trading card she has on the wall was worth much (it depends on the grading i think, one was ungraded and was only $2.20 while one that was graded PSA 8 and is listed at $32.45.)

The cards have little facts and information on the back of them. I came across this one and thought it was pretty funny
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you can never have too much stuff
Replies: >>15621 >>15643
I for one think it's really cool and progressive that Ashley has so many gay fans. I'm one of them.
its cus ashley's gay
Replies: >>15599
pretty hot that she likes girls tbh
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Replies: >>15648
No that is too much stuff.
I never clean my room but having that much stuff in it would take forever to clean/dust. Having to picking up each piece and wipe the dust off it, putting it all back in the exact right spot, etc
I think Ashley has a good idea, hanging stuff on her walls so they probably dont require as much cleaning, minus wiping off the piss from her fire hose of a peehole
Replies: >>15660
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Im gonna win.
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>I think Ashley has a good idea
Ashley who? I think u mean the Hobbit
Replies: >>15816
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I like this bit where she discretely rubs her itchy bum on the carpet because she didnt wipe properly after taking a massive shit right before filming this section of the video
That's one qt burglar. I hope she takes my ring.
Replies: >>15819
Your O-ring?
Replies: >>15821
DILDO FAGGINS! Do not take me for some purveyor of cheap thrills! I am not trying to gape you. I'm trying to rape her.
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A few months back, I managed to gain entry into her web server, and acquired footage from one of camcorders that was still connected to a laptop that was connected to the server.

I hate to break it to everyone, but the room she features in her room tour video isnt actually her real room at all.
This is her real room
>>15385 (OP) 
ash is grunge lole 
Replies: >>16350
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Replies: >>16351
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not at 23:30 pm
soz lel
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Astrologer qt
Bro stop spamming irrelevant images. At least say something relevant to the thread youre posting in.
Lay ashley down
Spread her legs
Suddenly Im hit with the smell of...
Replies: >>17038 >>17065
peanut butter...
Replies: >>17042
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Forgot the link
Derricks mom is looking rough these days
Replies: >>17052
I like my peanut butter crunchy ;)
Replies: >>17053
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I like my peanut butter smooooooooth ;)
Replies: >>17068
if only Keyboard Cathy could have been the much needed proper mother figure for Derrick... all those tragedies could have been avoided :(

this would make an excellent banner if cropped a lil bit
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Replies: >>17068
I read this post in Chester's voice, complete with the little "aha!" at the end

does it count as victory even if its forced and she doesnt consent?
Replies: >>17069
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We're only talking smell, so no force involved, no harm no foul
Replies: >>17088
Its only smells
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Ashley and this guy have similar looking rooms.
Replies: >>17163 >>17191
Yeah, but Ashley still has a bigger cock
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he is going to fuck that thing isnt he?...
>Ashley and this guy have similar looking rooms.
He even has a picture of a Hamburger like pic related...

too many coincidences?
Replies: >>17196
He has
>garfield comic on wall
>stop light like ashleys stop sign
>hamburger on wall like ashleys hamurger helper boxes
and most important
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