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Stretch your assholes, you're probably about to witness one of the biggest walls of text this most blessed/cursed board has ever experienced.
>How many satirical recreations of the molestation do you see online?
None, that i'm aware of.
That said, i think replicating OR reformulating are possible ways the brain might react to trauma, it's a subconscious attempt at rationalizing something that has clearly been too painful to directly deal with in a logical way.
Traumatic events can cause one to "get stuck" at the very moment the emotional scar was inflicted, causing it to become the center of one's mental focus (subconsciously most the time i believe, more on that later).
In some cases the shock is unbearable to the point that the brain just can't compute it. Consequently, some people's minds seem to enter a fallimentary loop of trying to face/accept/somatize the issue. As the psychological knot remains untangled, stress builds up, eventually leading to what i think is the most common consequence: disassociation, aka casting the problem aside. (extreme cases could induce post traumatic amnesia, that's what your therapist might have been hinting at. Will expand on my personal beliefs on therapy later, maybe)
Now here's where shit gets real. Casting the problem aside esentially means you are refusing to solve the matter in a practical/active/logical way, thus letting a deep unresolved psychological issue leave the left emisphere of your brain (the active/male aspect - deals with thinking, logic, rationality...), leaving it at the mercy of the right empishphere (the passive/female aspect - deals with creativity, intuition, sense of self, psychic/occult power, stores past memories...). Incidentally, the right emisphere is also the seat of the subconscious, that which evades the conscious. Despite this being the passive area of the mind that is open to suggestion, it also holds power beyond imagination. Hidden forces that "cannot be seen by the bare eye" are the most egregious ones (think of Time, Gravity, the Ayys... the SUBconscious... you get the idea). Many ancient pagan religions believed that willing upon, accessing and programming this section of our brain is the key to manifest our will into reality, magick essentially.
So, how does one access the right side of the brain? If you've seen Ashley's video on comedy, she sort of briefly touched upon this already. Remember how she talked about the state of boredom/sleepiness being one in which we're more susceptible to suggestion? This relates to brain activity. Let's talk brainwaves. (lil bit of a tangent, but it's interesting and topic related, also serves to give more context)
Brainwaves are repetitive patterns of neural activity in the central nervous system. Just like musical notes, brainwaves can be measured by the parameter of "frequency" (measured in hertz, which is equal to the number of cycles per second).
Brainwave frequency (BWf, for conveniency's sake) increases with alert/active/analytical/anxious mind states. Conversly, it decreases as we relax.
BWf dictates how intensly a specific brain emisphere is active over the other.
As BWf increases, left emisphere activity prevails over the right one.
As BWf decreases, right emisphere activity prevails over the left one.
Dividing BWf into specific bandwidths, there are four main types of brainwaves:
- Beta (*bayduuh in jesse lee peterson voice*): Beta waves operate at 14 cycles per second and up, this is the conscious state. Reasoning, logic and thinking are prevalent.
- Alpha: Alpha waves operate at lower frequency, 7-14 cycles per second. The alpha state is reached in meditation and sleep (a lighter alpha state can occour at times when we are relaxed/sleepy/bored, this is what Ash was referring to in her previously mentioned video). At this stage one is open to suggestion, the conscious logical mind is subdued. Hypnosis takes place on this level. When in the alpha state, we can program our own, as well as the minds of others.
- Theta: Theta waves operate at 4-7 cycles per second. The theta state is reched in deep meditation/self induced hypnosis. While psychic experiences can occour in the alpha state , it is said at this stage one is able to experience things such as astral travel, psychic communications, enlightment and other spiritual experiences. (this is probably the state Ambatukam reaches when he nuts. I am possibly shitting you not, i think i remember reading about an experiment done on BWf variations during masturbation. It was found that at the moment of climax the BWf decreased significantly, inducing a very brief trance-like state)
- Delta: Delta waves operate at 0-4 cycles per second. Coma, complete lack of consciousness. (US Highschool Student)
Back on my point now, bear with me.
Given what we discussed above, one can easily understand just how much potential influence the subconscious has over individuals.
The subconscious is essentially fertile ground for pretty much everything that's thrown its way. If a bad seed (unresolved trauma, psychological issues and so on...) is allowed to seep in deeply, it will eventually germinate and start wreaking havoc. If that seed were to be something as fucked up as rape is, i honestly wouldn't be surprised to see absurd reactions/coping mechanisms as a consequence. Does a satirical recreation of the molestation sound like an absolutely far fetched reaction to rape? Of course, but still, it's a possibility. The ways of the mind know no bounds, god knows i've seen weirder shit on the iNtErWeBz
I mean think of ChrisChan, a story as fascinating as horrifing. The perfect example of what deep seated psychological issues could lead to when left untreated and no active/logical action or responsability is taken whatsoever. Among many other complications, his core issue was women (sounds familiar on this board huh). Countless letdowns piled up, stress levels escalated, disassociation skyrocketed (through projecting himself into his absurdly idealized "sonichu" world, always blaming his shortcomings on autism/external factors, indulging in delusion). Insanity eventually started creeping up on an already unstable psyche. Subsequently, he tried reaching his goal (a "boyfriend free" femoid) by becoming the goal himself (his transformation into Christine). As this solution clearly wasn't a viable and satisfactory one, stress buildup worsened. Completely seeped into his subconscious, the bad seed (indredibly so, of the pumpkin variety) had ripened, and Chris' mind started rotting. What followed was one last extreme attempt at dominating his core issue (females), by violating the very first female principle that we experience in life, the woman who concieves and gives birth to us.
The dude ended up raping his senile mom because of a complex towards women
Does the "pocket full of love" explanation proposed by your therapist sound any more absurd than the above does? Up for debate
That said, your therapist was full of shit, as most therapists are. She was probably trying to gaslight you into thinking you had an issue, so she could milk some shekels outta your teen tits.
Therapy in itself is a crock of shit, never have i seen someone get out of therapy better off than they were before. Therapists always seem to do everything but give you the means to deal with problems yourself [give'em your shekelsssss 4 life oyyyyyy]. Moreover, they will most likely suggest seeing a psychiatrist as well, who is gonna hook you on some drugs that will essentially nuke your mental autonomy [give'em AND the pharma industry your shekels goyyyyyyy]. That said, psychology [as in the science that deals with mental processes and behavior] i revere, therapists/psychiatrists i abhor.
HOWEVER, just for fun here's a short (litterally two point) list of possible absurd yet logical ways to rationalize the "pocket full of love", were it actually a consequence of abuse. (feel free to add any points)
1) It was an attempt to avoid facing the trauma by projecting yourself onto the rapist, creating a fictitious scenario where you are not the victim. Furthermore potentially indicating a latent inclination to commit the very same crime in later stages of your development. (ever heard of rape victims eventually becoming rapists themselves later on? why deal with the problem, when you can become the problem? some people are just built like that, they find it easier to extend their suffering to others instead of confronting it)
2) It served the purpose of recreating the event in a point in time where the abuse had not happened yet. The video would then be a "safe space", sort of like a checkpoint where you still had your innocence intact, that you can come back to any time you want, simply by pressing "play"
But hey, that's just a theory, a rape theory
pardon any typos -> lenghty post, plus english is not my main language (plus Ashley has typos on her website herself, what a tard)
Dearly, SVNTV