/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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Nasty fucks
>>13501 (OP) 
Why is it nasty?
Oh, you nasty boys
Desperate cuck here looking for someone to tell me how they’d cuck me with my gf
Replies: >>13516
>>13501 (OP) 
Y'know, in hindsight, I think you might be right
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That's not true! I am not looking for someone to tell me how they'd cuck me with my gf. I already have Zack for that. If I was desperate, I would have been your dad.
Feed the ego, starve the soul.
Replies: >>13523
Isn't it starve the ego, feed the soul or are you trying to suggest something else?
Replies: >>13537
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>>13501 (OP) 
It works in reverse too. That's what's happening here.
Replies: >>13547
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No, it's feed a cold, starve a fever
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This reminded me of my mother's funeral.
What's happening here?
Replies: >>13550
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>>13501 (OP) 
She's feeding her ego, therefore starving her soul.
Replies: >>13553
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But I feed her Chicken Soup for the Soul? I even get her the one with hairball care because she likes hair down there.
Replies: >>13554
She doesn't eat soul food. She's vegan.
Replies: >>13559
She still eats kielbasa and mine is so good, it will steal her soul.
Replies: >>13563
You have a horseshoe penis? Damn anon you need to go see a doctor
Replies: >>13572
ashley was mentioned in a thread on /wsg/ so I assume some zoomer from there made this dumb thread
Replies: >>13584
Keep my big cloppy horseshoe penis out your mouth. That's between me and my horse doctor.
What's dumb about this thread? The fact that OP can post here and still have taste?
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boogie2988's room and ashleys room look remarkably similar
Replies: >>13728 >>13742
secret roommate?!??!
filters are getting really good. the left is ashley with filters off and the right is ashley with filters on.
Replies: >>13747
tbh, it would be funny to see her in one of those prosthetic fat suits
Replies: >>13868
no it wouldn't
Replies: >>13869
yeah it would
Replies: >>13888
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