>>9799 (OP)
I'm not actually racist, I genuinely don't dislike or hate certain races. I make off-colored jokes and some brainwashed people would equate jokes to genuine hatred, but any normal person can realize a joke versus a genuine vendetta. Some of my viewers might hold grudges against certain races, and while I don't personally agree with it, I don't delete those posts because this is a place of discussion. It's not constructive to delete posts that are discussing a topic, even if that topic is taboo, and even if people disagree with their statement.
As for trannies. I think people should be able to do what they want, so long as those choices don't harm those around them. It might harm my eyes but who cares what some dude wants to wear? So in that line of thought, I think trannies should be able to dress however they want. I reserve the right to think it's weird, but I won't go out and harass some fruitcake.
I do get bothered with the hyper-politicizing of everything. I don't mind trannies being weirdos and dressing as they want. I do mind that it gets turned political, as everything else does these days. We're past the days of a guy wearing a dress. Transgender means something completely different. Now it's an ideology and not just some lipstick. People take it too seriously, and I think they like being persistent victims. I remember in the 2000's there was some guy that was an OBVIOUS crossdresser that would shop at the store I would go to. Nobody was ever rude to him and obviously he felt comfortable or else he wouldn't dress like that. Generally, I think people aren't violent or verbally harassing transgenders, even back then. It's just the new political drama, as it was with "illegal aliens" aka Mexicans in the 2000's, gays and mass shootings in the 2010's and trannies in the 2020's. Extreme transgenderism is what I'll call it, modern transgenderism. I think it's a division tactic, you have the people constantly at war with each other to occupy their minds instead of realizing the real problem is the so-called elites. Of course it's unfair that a male is participating in female sports. It's on purpose to make you angry and divide the population. It's all a show.
I also dislike the propaganda to turn easily controlled people into being transgender. They prey on people, making all your problems seem to amount to the fact that you're the wrong gender. They completely romanticize the phases of being transgender through social media. The reality is, most of them are depressed and aggressive people who are desperate to fit into some community because they lack friends, hobbies, a sense of belonging, etc. Being transgender is an instant built in community and you are also a victim, which makes being transgender very appealing to those who have no sense of self. Also children are the prime target for this, as well as mentally deranged moms who force their children to become transgender so the mom gets accolades. A lot of the political-transgender garbage is to dumb down the population, control the population's numbers you're not reproducing when you have an estrogen dick and jack off to anime traps 8 days a week, and to likely pay homage to the so-called elite's god, baphoment, who is a hermaphrodite.
So to sum it up: No, I'm not actually racist. I like to make jokes, but I don't hate or dislike any race. I get along with everyone so long as they're my speed. Black, Asian, Blasian, I don't care. Race is a division tactic. I think trannies are weird but they, transgender adults, should have the ability to do what they want within reason, just as I believe anyone should do. Transgender garbage is now hyper political and bizarre, so I have a hard time summarizing my thoughts on transgenders because they've made a mountain out of a molehill. Now 12 year olds are getting their sweet little tits chopped off.