/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

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What do you think? Post photos of all the wild animals you have let into your home.
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I was tricked
Replies: >>8418
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the only wild animal I let in my home is me
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Why isnt anybody else posting photos of wild animals in their home
Replies: >>8438
Is that really your house? Can you print out a picture of ashley and set it next to the raccoon food next time?
Donโ€™t let raccoons in your house! They are very nasty and may carry Diseases.
Replies: >>8419
excuse me but im retarded. is this real?
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I let a lot of nasty things that carry diseases into my house.
Replies: >>8421 >>8513
My penis hurts
Because no one else is stupid enough to bring in wild animals into their home.
Replies: >>8445
I'm here because my Dad brought a wild animal home.
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you guys let them in your house??!?
Replies: >>8457 >>8513
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this thing broke into my house and threw itself away
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Alligators make great pets for home defense.
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Here are my raccoon friends outside of my house. I have many more of them inside, though. Sounds like you guys do not support our relationship.
Replies: >>8473
I also have possum friends if that makes any difference
Replies: >>8503
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not 100% sure what this thing is but I want one
They told me to not shit in the urinal at walmart and all I got was fluoride stares. Don't let them stop you. You keep on feeding those creatures mallows in your home. THIS IS AMERICA GODDAMMIT
raccoons are niggers
Possums are cute, except when they get inside your roof at night running around making a commotion and keeping me up at night

ever had a bird fly into your house? really annoying, you have to open all your doors and windows and try to herd them outside but they are retarded and it takes forever.
also its awful if you have a fireplace and the small ones get thru the chicken wire atop the chute part and they get stuck in their and they usually just have to die
One reason why I'm glad I no longer live in a place where the only heat source was a fireplace.
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I just recently acquired a used Kodak digital camera with SD card and battery charger for cheap. I took a pic of my :little buddy the other night. He/she came around about a year ago, peaking through my slider so I started feeding him/her. He/she likes hot dogs, peanuts and granola bars but hey it's a raccoon so I guess it will eat just about anything. When he/she comes around in the evening I'll open the slider while I'm preparing the treats. He/she will stick its head in while I'm preparing the treats but that's as far as it will go which is OK with me. He/ she will eat the peanuts out of my hand. I call it Rocky after the Beatles song Rocky Raccoon.
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Forgot to put my insignia on 8510
Good to know. I was worried you might not let me in. Just because we sometimes carry diseases doesn't mean we always do. Opossums like to come into my home through the old ventilation system. My cats like to use it as well.

No, I wouldn't let Australiens into my home.
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sometimes when i vacation in cambodia i ret animars rike this stay at mai hoteru foru 20,000 Riel (about ยฅ700 oru $5)

The ocean is calling, and I must go.
Who You?: I am Tahiti. I rove vacation! ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿน
<Ristening to: Do As Infinity / ้™ฝใฎใ‚ใŸใ‚‹ๅ‚้“
<Rink: https://yt.funami.tech/watch?v=wpDK-gN_85c ๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ•บ
>Location: Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands ๐ŸŒโœˆ๏ธ
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I'm going to be a dad.
Replies: >>11697 >>12047
Those eggs are from the goddamn grocery store. You're not a dad, you're a liar, just like my dad.
Replies: >>11703
Your dad didn't even return from the grocery store to lie about it.
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carnies are wild animals right?
I'd let this wild animal in my home.
Of course they would have to be in a cage because I'm sure if let out they would pee everywhere and throw their poop at me
But I would occasionally let it out to take it for a walk and teach it tricks and stuff.
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Replies: >>12082
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nice one anon!

they remind me of Boris Johnsons head
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My cat left some presents in my bed for me to find when I woke up this morning.
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I have no pets
Replies: >>12498
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Uma delicia :D
Guess I should walk up to the bird to see what I truly am.
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Replies: >>12516
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Yay, Ashley's a girl
Replies: >>12512 >>12541
Oh no birde ate ashley finger  now she's going to hospital   she loose too much blood now shes on life suplort 
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reminds me of this
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and just like birds, Ash has a lot of bowel movements. 
Sometimes, like the budgie for example, up to 50 bowel movements a day.
Also like birds, she will often poop on objects, particularly to cars that have been parked in the same location for several days or longer. This is because birds/Ashley Jones's tend to see familiar objects as their own and will go out of their way to mark them as such

No message or files.

Replies: >>12580 >>12604
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midnight here wtf
Replies: >>12615
Do it  PUSSY 
Replies: >>12581 >>12586
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what's up tubbies just woke up what's going on here
Replies: >>12583
i am 12 and what is this?
i was on my orange mountain bike listening to Metallica's black album
Sup tubsters. I'm finishing writing a video right now and might film some of it tonight. I have a few videos recorded but I've been wanting to put out a "produced" video since my latest ones are not sketches. Problem: My hair has grown out so my characters all look like it's the 70's, and I don't think playing a character in a 70's show is a good idea recently.
>I don't think playing a character in a 70's show is a good idea recently.
What prominent starlets from the early to mid 2000s would you rape, ash?
Replies: >>12588
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>Do it  PUSSY 
Not the G.O.I. again pls
Replies: >>12587 >>12609
I can't tell if the person in this picture is a man or a woman, though I do agree with the general sentiment of their tattoo
Replies: >>12589
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Chaz Bono.
Replies: >>12590
iit's a dude i kno
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where is my cat...
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keke it do be like that tho fr fr no cap  OUR LIVES HAVE BEEN RAPED AWAY FROM US BY THE GREAT SATAN 
Replies: >>12610
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what a looser lole
immagine stanning...
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A challenger appears
Replies: >>12631
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Well you could always film a bio-pic of a fictional love child between a young Paul McCartney who raped Joanna Jet
You could play all three roles!
Replies: >>12628
wait no, i meant Joan Jet!!!! Joan Jet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not Joanna Jet FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
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Replies: >>12638
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Imagine the size of his litter box
Replies: >>12738
He does his needs outside, don't even try to "civilize" him, yes it's a warning
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Replies: >>12824
me on the right
admiring the size
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One of them died, here's their last photo together :(
How do it die tho? ;_;
Replies: >>12837 >>12847
She had too many onions...
This makes me feel very sad.
is this your first time raising an animal?
sucks to hear one died, but i guess its probably a common occurrence.

its a pity you didnt post the conception part, it would pretty cool to see their lives documented here 

Keep us updated!
Replies: >>12847
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No idea.
I'm not raising them, their parents take care of them. I did toss them pieces of bread but they wouldn't eat it. 
Here's an updated photo.
Replies: >>12849 >>12856
Is that inside your house or a garage?
F to pay respects
Replies: >>12858
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I feel like eating watermelon again and giving them the seeds.
It's outside, I'll continue posting its growth until it flies away or gets eaten by something.
Replies: >>12860
what sort of bird is it?

and do you think it will go well with some nice roasted vegetables?
A pigeon, if it doesn't learn to fly by next month I'm dropping it off at a Chinese restaurant.
Replies: >>12927 >>12961
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Ok here's what you do to kickstart the little fella into flying around.

First, get some bird seed and give it to him. Make sure he's had as much as he wants.

Next, go get your car washed. Now, park it in the driveway, not in the garage.

Since he's a pigeon, he'll have the uncontrollable urge to start flying and shit all over your freshly washed car.

t. bird whisperer
Chinese dont eat birds you fool.
the only flying animal they eat are bats, with a particular fervor for bat soup...
Replies: >>12966 >>13111
They eat dog meat.
Replies: >>12978
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Replies: >>13108 >>13115
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Birds are a rare in China because we basically have no trees for them to live in since we keep cutting them down to make way for buildings that collapse
What, did another die? Are you sure you're not the one killing them?
Replies: >>13127
I've been feeding it homemade, ethically sourced, GMO-free, vegan jizz. I don't know what else could've killed it. Probably too much sun light.
Replies: >>13128
Have you ever seen the mommy bird? It doesn't really make sense that they're just dropping dead dude
Replies: >>13141
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Quick little update...
Replies: >>13145
yo the new happy meal looks yummy
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Guys, I caught a reptilian.
Return my son at once goy-I mean-boy.
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That's not a reptilian, this is a reptilian.
Hope you give it a happy home, looks like you and Lizzy have bonded.
Replies: >>14522
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What a cute little feller!
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I wonder what device could the wooman possibly have used to take the pictures, cOulD iT poSsiBly b3 a cโ‚ฌllPh0ne?!

I personally use my Nintendo DSi camera to spot reptilians. The government knows i know, that's why the police always comes arresting me whenever i'm in the middle of my reptilian spotting routine in the park. I have augmented vision.

What devices do you guys use to spot them ayys?


Seabee being based as per usual, blessings brother
Replies: >>14527
it needs a name!
brb growing scales
Let my son go. Or elsssssssssssss
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And blessings to you also, bro.
that is a lot like you and me, ashley
So this is the guy who runs the show huh?
You gotta admint he looks way more swagged out than the avrage ashcel
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Are bears really as bad as everyone makes them out to be?
Replies: >>18061 >>18063
Black bears aren't
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