/horselovers/ - Horse Lovers

for lovers of horses

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is it gay or bisexual to ride horses with men on the same horse
Replies: >>358
You bet yer keester meester.
>>223 (OP) 
bisexual if you're the one in front controlling the horse
gay if you're the passenger with your hands wrapped around the muscular abdomen of another cowboy

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That's one fine looking horse.

Heh I was trying to add a flag to this board to test something with flags and I accidentally made it the banner instead.
Welp and I guess I accidentally made a thread instead of replying to an old one.
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Replies: >>183
hory sheeeet
captain tubby?

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Yeah and I've been here since she dropped the movie idk what you are talking about
Replies: >>135
So if the accusation doesn't apply to you on an anonymous board than why feel the need to defend yourself? I think the tranny doth protest too much.
Now of course I have no way of truly knowing one anonymous butthurt fag from another but if I had to bet I would say this is a faint to pretend you're not the only person this weirdly neurotic on the board. Don't mind me though. That's just one man's opinion. If I'm wrong you have no reason to be upset...
Replies: >>139
>real imageboard
>ashleys board gets more users and ppd than your entire site
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I figured the resource consumption was due to attempting thumbnail generation. Restarting the server fixed the issue, and had I not been asleep in the middle of the day due to an extensive night of geode training, I would have had the site functioning much quicker rather than a few hours heh :3 Believe it or not, I appreciate the heads up.

I was a little busy the other day so I just got a chance earlier this evening to sit down and do some tinkering. Jschan is all up to date and I limited images to about 16MP (about 4,096x4,096 resolution). I think this is fine but if it ends up being too small people can let me know.

Nevertheless, it's true that I have been behind on updating. Migrating everything from Endchan over to jschan was a huge headache and was fairly involved in both learning and work. Once I managed to migrate successfully, I didn't feel like staring at a screen much longer. Looks like the update with image resolution limits came out right after or around when we migrated here not long ago. I'm tracking the jschan changelog now, so I shouldn't let things get too behind again. And to make this thread slightly more on topic, here's a picture of a horse :3
Replies: >>139
unhinged. psychotic. obsessed.
calm. cool. elegant. a graceful queen.
unfathomably based. power moves. bearer of truth.

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I got pulled over once for going 40 over the speed limit on the highway and the cop didn't even ticket me. I love being white.
Replies: >>91
That's anecdotal. They usually don't give a ticket based on someones skin color.
Replies: >>92
I'm just joking. Honestly, to this day I still don't know how I got out of that $300 ticket. My only guess is that the officer received a serious call and didn't want to waste any time filling out the paperwork and let me go.
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>Im gon cum in yer ass, boi

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I just realized something really weird.

Have you EVER seen a horse with a big floppy cock OUTSIDE the context of looking up horse porn, or just looking up horse dicks for fun?

Think about it. You've never seen a movie or whatever with cowboys riding horses with the horses' big fat cock flopping around while they travel through the plains or whatever. Unicorns never have a big dick waggling around between their legs, because if they did, it would detract from the sense of magic and enchantment of the animal. You cannot tell me that all movies and pictures feature female horses.

Look up regular horse pictures right now. There's no dicks.

So is it like a dog where it retracts? But even if it retracted you'd think you'd still be able to see it. My stupid dog has a big old dick and even when he isn't lipsticking I can completely see it.

WHERE DO HORSE COCKS GO? Is horse cock an elaborate hoax like panda bears or sloths? Why would the reptilians completely fabricate horse cock? Is it to make me feel even more inferior sexually? Because, and this isn't some gay shit, everyone who's ever seen a horse cock thinks about how huge it is and kind of wonders what it feels like, how much it would stretch out a human, etc. I think they're messing with us.

Someone explain this horse cock shit right now because I'm freaking out.
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photoshopped. fake and gay. not real!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>101
goyish horses need their schmeckles snipped.
Replies: >>101
It’s real and it gets clogged up with dirt and smegma (rip) and you have to clean it out from time to time.
>t. family member owned a ranch when I was a kid
Replies: >>102 >>103
How would a horse get rid of their cockdirt and smegma naturally in the wild?
Wait, more importantly, how does a rancher get rid of it? "easy there seabiscuit, I need to scrape out your cock sheath before the big race"
please answer both of these questions immediately
what a pleasantly nice sophisticated horse name you got there pal

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: ^)
Replies: >>51
>>45 (OP) 
Wow. Look at that strong jaw. Those deep, soulful eyes. That gorgeous hair.

The guy next to the horse isn't bad looking either.

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My wonderful suggestion is that there should be a tech board ppl can boast home lab setups linux rices retro tech shit cool open source stuff they have found or are make stuff like that if you have any ideas of what to add to it post in this thread i would be interested in hearing what ppl wanna talk about
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i also asvocate for an ashley jones webring or zine
Replies: >>33
a zine would be cool. lainchan used to make one https://lainzine.org/archive
ash also said she'd take submissions for her site. she said so on her news page last year in october. see https://icum.to/horsecock/ under "OCTOBER 11, 2022: RECENT UPDATES TO MY WEBSITE AND CUM TRIBUTES"
maybe submissions could be packaged into a zine.

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